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Xml auto tests

Dr Adam Thorn requested to merge xml_auto_tests into master

Perform some automated testing - the tests are described at


At present all tests pass (yay!), but I appreciate that the output one sees on failure (see wiki page for examples) can take some getting used to and I'm happy to provide further help/documentation where needed.

This MR will automatically run the test suite on every push, and failures will only be reported. We could consider enforcing the requirement that all tests must pass before a merge request is accepted but let's go one step at a time!

You can see an example of the output at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ch/co/ucam_wpkg/pipelines/27508 - it first installs a bunch of required packages, then you'll see at the end

 Ran 327 tests in 0.117s

i.e. 327 tests ran, and they all succeeded (because no failures were noted)

This MR touches

  • tests/* - the actual test code
  • xsd/* - XML Schema definitions as copied from wpkg.orf
  • .gitignore - because we don't want to include binary-compiled *.pyc files in the repository
  • .gitlab-ci.yml - the yml file used by gitlab to define how tests should be run

i.e. none of the XML in the packages dir is actually affected

Merge request reports
