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Mr Chris B Mortimer requested to merge workrave1.10.45 into master

New version of workrave. I hoped that the new version would fix the installation failure the first time Workrave is installed onto a newly installed PC, it didn't help. Adding logging to the install line. To preserve the initial log I added a timestamp to the file name. A variable was created in wpkg-manual.cmd:

::create a current time vaariable, used for log files set DATETIME=%DATE:/=-%_%TIME::=-% set DATETIME=%DATETIME: =%

...and used in the Workrave logfile name. Adding this new variable caused the nosetest tests to fail as DATETIME wasn't one of the allowed variables so /tests/config.yml needed amending to add the new variable.

Looking at the log file of the initial failed install showed:

Internal error: Failed to expand shell folder constant "userstartup"

A problem with the SYSTEM user 'User Shell Folders'?? I see nothing wrong with them and the second install of Workrave succeeded - odd.

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