<installcmd='%WPKGSOFTWARE%\googledrive_stream\%version%\googledrivefilestream.exe --silent --gsuite_shortcuts=false'/><!-- install log in C:\Windows\TEMP\GoogleDFSSetup_* -->
<installcmd='%WPKGSOFTWARE%\googledrive_stream\%version%\googledrivefilestream.exe --silent --gsuite_shortcuts=false'/><!-- install log in C:\Windows\TEMP\GoogleDFSSetup_* -->
<installcmd='reg add HKLM\software\ucam_wpkg.cam.ac.uk\googledrive_stream /t reg_sz /v version /d %version% /f'/>
<!-- a reboot is always needed after an uninstall so we can't remove and then install hence why the lines are commented out. Not the nicest of packages to test with -->
<!-- a reboot is always needed after an uninstall so we can't remove and then install hence why the lines are commented out. Not the nicest of packages to test with -->
<!-- <upgrade include='remove' /> -->
<!-- <upgrade include='remove' /> -->
<!-- <upgrade include='install' /> -->
<!-- <upgrade include='install' /> -->
<upgradecmd='reg add HKLM\software\ucam_wpkg.cam.ac.uk\googledrive_stream /t reg_sz /v version /d %version% /f'/>