<package id="thunderbird" name="Mozilla Thunderbird" revision="%version%.1" reboot="false" priority="0">
<!-- NB: we've had problems with major version bumps which sometimes change the format of options
we add in chemistry-prefs.js. Thus, we tie that to a version, and please test carefully when
upgrading -->
<variable name="version" value="68.7.0" />
<variable name="prefsversion" value="68" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Mozilla Thunderbird.*" value="%version%" />
<install cmd='"%software%\thunderbird\Thunderbird Setup %version%.exe" -ms' />
<install cmd='cmd /c copy "%software%\thunderbird\chemistry-prefs.js-%prefsversion%" "%programfileswpkg%\mozilla thunderbird\defaults\pref\chemistry-prefs.js" '/>
<install cmd='cmd /c copy "%software%\thunderbird\" "%programfileswpkg%\mozilla thunderbird\isp\" '/>
<install cmd='%software%\wpkg\tools\copydir.cmd "%software%\thunderbird\dictionaries" "%programfileswpkg%\mozilla thunderbird\dictionaries"' />
<install cmd='reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird /t reg_dword /v DisableAppUpdate /d 1 /f'/>
<!-- although an in-place upgrade works, Thunderbird then insists on a reboot
the next time one tries to start Thunderbird -->
<upgrade cmd='taskkill /F /IM thunderbird.exe'>

Dr Adam Thorn
<upgrade include='install' />
<remove cmd='taskkill /F /IM thunderbird.exe'>
<exit code="0" />
<exit code="128" />
<!-- helper.exe spawns children, and "start /wait" doesn't help -->
<remove cmd='cmd /c %software%\wpkg\tools\waitforprocess.cmd Au_.exe' />
<remove cmd='"%programfileswpkg%\Mozilla Thunderbird\uninstall\helper.exe" /S' />
<remove cmd='cmd /c %software%\wpkg\tools\waitforprocess.cmd Au_.exe' />
<remove cmd='reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird /v DisableAppUpdate /f'/>