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  • Robert Franklin's avatar
    version 1.3.0 - separate roles and include · f3445730
    Robert Franklin authored
    these used to be in one directory called 'templates' (as they used to
    be grouped in a separate repository together) but now are referenced
    separately, alongside the inventory
    in addition, both the roles and include areas are added to the Jinja2
    environment at the toplevel, meaning they no longer need a preceding
    'roles/' or 'include/' directory prefix, when used in files
    the old '-t' option has been split into '-r' (roles) and '-n' (include)
    directory options
    removed the -a ('add templates') command line option as that serves no
    purpose now either can be changed separately (it was used to add more
    roles, but they can just be overridden; there is no way to add extra
    includes, but that shouldn't be necessary)