diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 349533ef8765eabea40e7c78b1efad8b0acc14c7..fea217916b2731da84357c62f2e2e99c8d3ab20d 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -34,23 +34,55 @@ create-or-update-multidev:
     echo "** Checking Multidev $MULTIDEV_NAME. If doesn't exist - creating and locking  **"
     MULTIDEV_INITIALIZED=$(terminus env:info $PATHEON_SITE.$MULTIDEV_NAME --field=initialized || true)
     if [ -n "$MULTIDEV_INITIALIZED" ]; then
-      echo "** Environment exists. Rebuilding the code **"
-      terminus env:code-rebuild $PATHEON_SITE.$MULTIDEV_NAME
+      echo "** Environment $MULTIDEV_NAME exists.**"
+      INSTALL_SITE=false
-      echo "** Environment doesn't exist. Creating, patching and locking it **"
+      echo "** Environment doesn't exist. Creating and locking it **"
       terminus multidev:create $PATHEON_SITE.dev $MULTIDEV_NAME
-      git clone $GIT_URL -b $MULTIDEV_NAME ./site_repo
-      cd ./site_repo
-      jq ".require.\"uis-drupal-team/drupal-10-cambridge-profile\" = \"dev-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME\"" upstream-configuration/composer.json > upstream-configuration/composer_modified.json \
-        && mv upstream-configuration/composer_modified.json upstream-configuration/composer.json
-      echo "** The following upstream-configuration/composer.json changes will be comitted to $MULTIDEV_NAME branch **"
-      cat upstream-configuration/composer.json
-      git config user.email "not-real-address@gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk"
-      git config user.name "CI Job"
-      git add upstream-configuration/composer.json
-      git commit -m "Update upstream-configuration/composer.json with profile branch $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
-      git push
+      INSTALL_SITE=true
+    fi
+    echo "** Updating Multidev $MULTIDEV_NAME's upstream with actual commit hash **"
+    git clone $GIT_URL -b $MULTIDEV_NAME ./site_repo
+    cd ./site_repo
+    jq ".require.\"uis-drupal-team/drupal-10-cambridge-profile\" = \"dev-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME#$CI_COMMIT_SHA\"" upstream-configuration/composer.json > upstream-configuration/composer_modified.json \
+      && mv upstream-configuration/composer_modified.json upstream-configuration/composer.json
+    echo "** The following upstream-configuration/composer.json changes will be comitted to $MULTIDEV_NAME branch **"
+    cat upstream-configuration/composer.json
+    git config user.email "not-real-address@gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk"
+    git config user.name "CI Job"
+    git add upstream-configuration/composer.json
+    git commit -m "Update upstream-configuration/composer.json with profile branch $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
+    git push
+    sleep 5
+    echo "** Waiting for 'Sync Code' workflow to be done **"
+    TIMEOUT=300
+    START_TIME=$(date +%s)
+    while true; do
+      STATUS=$(terminus workflow:list $PATHEON_SITE --format=json | jq -r "to_entries | map(select(.value.workflow | test(\"^Sync code on\")) | select(.value.env == \"$MULTIDEV_NAME\")).[0].value.status")
+      if [[ "$STATUS" == "succeeded" ]]; then
+        echo "** 'Sync Code' workflow completed successfully **"
+        break
+      fi
+      # Check if the timeout has been reached
+      CURRENT_TIME=$(date +%s)
+      if [[ $ELAPSED_TIME -ge $TIMEOUT ]]; then
+        echo "** Timeout reached. 'Sync Code' workflow did not complete successfully within 5 minutes **"
+        break
+      fi
+      sleep 10
+    done
+    echo "** Updatig upstream **"
+    terminus upstream:updates:status -- $PATHEON_SITE.$MULTIDEV_NAME
+    terminus upstream:updates:apply --updatedb --accept-upstream -- $PATHEON_SITE.$MULTIDEV_NAME
+    if [[ "$INSTALL_SITE" == true ]]; then
+      echo "** This is a first run of CI job for $MULTIDEV_NAME. Running 'drush site-install' **"
+      terminus drush $PATHEON_SITE.$MULTIDEV_NAME -- site-install cambridge_d10 --site-name=cwp -y
     echo "** Receiving information about the environment **"
@@ -79,14 +111,13 @@ clean-up-multidevs:
     echo "** Getting information about multidev environments **"
-    MULTIDEVS=$(terminus multidev:list $PATHEON_SITE --format=json | jq '.[].id' | grep 'ci-mr-.d*')
+    MULTIDEVS=$(terminus multidev:list $PATHEON_SITE --format=json | jq -r '.[].id' | grep 'ci-mr-.d*' || true)
     if [ -n "$MULTIDEVS" ]; then
       echo "** Check multidevs for opened MRs **"
       for multidev in `echo $MULTIDEVS`; do
         echo "** Working with $multidev ENV **"
-        CLEAN_NAME=$(echo $multidev | tr -d '"')
-        if ! echo "$NAMES_FROM_MRS" | grep -q -w $CLEAN_NAME; then
+        if ! echo "$NAMES_FROM_MRS" | grep -q -w $multidev; then
           echo "** Deleting environment $multidev **"
           yes | terminus env:delete $PATHEON_SITE.$CLEAN_NAME || true
diff --git a/cambridge_d10.info.yml b/cambridge_d10.info.yml
index 25b89d433329715696575c1700bd68814a7dc369..6a0215d1aaaa957cdb3b8035ce9ac52864d3bb9e 100755
--- a/cambridge_d10.info.yml
+++ b/cambridge_d10.info.yml
@@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ install:
   - drupal:menu_item_fields_ui
   - drupal:media_migration
   - drupal:media_migration_tools
-  - drupal:memcache
-  - drupal:memcache_admin
   - drupal:menu_force
   - drupal:menu_link_content
   - drupal:menu_ui
@@ -185,7 +183,6 @@ install:
   - drupal:webform_migrate
   - drupal:webform_node
   - drupal:webform_ui
-  - drupal:storybook
 # Required modules
 # Note that any dependencies of the modules listed here will be installed automatically.
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index 470ea3a0467513509783205b0cbb7ac8944991ca..9ca61271cddf78063b1ab4ba8b2950b3deda34b5 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
         "drupal/libraries": "^4.0",
         "drupal/linked_field": "^1.5",
         "drupal/media_migration": "^1.0@alpha",
-        "drupal/memcache": "^2.5",
         "drupal/menu_firstchild": "^2.1",
         "drupal/menu_force": "^2.0",
         "drupal/menu_position": "^1.1",