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Sync CAMSIS data from Albatross to SMI

Richard Clark requested to merge issue-136-syncing-from-Albatross-to-SMI into master

How to test:


  1. Create a docker network: docker network create -d bridge poolbridge
  2. Ensure you are forwarding ports: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


  1. Pull the latest SMI branch
  2. Update docker-compose for SMI:
+  default:
+    external: true
+    name: poolbridge

Also change references of port 8000 to 8001

Also change the service name to smi since development_app is invalid as a hostname

  1. Edit the GUNICORN_OPTIONS in the Dockerfile to increase the number of threads and optionally other options


  1. Pull the latest albatross branch
  2. Update docker for Albatross
+  default:
+    external: true
+    name: poolbridge

Pool applicant document management

  1. Pull the branch for this MR
  2. Follow the launch instructions for the pool-applicant-document-management tool but change the port to 8002 and add the --network=poolbridge option


  1. Ensure there are valid records in Albatross with camsis data
  2. Ensure there are corresponding, valid records in SMI
  3. Update your jobspec.yml file as per the albatross section in jobspec.example.yml
  4. Create a valid Albatross token at localhost:8000 and paste it in ugraddrivesync/albatross.py

Trigger the update

  1. Run curl -X POST http://localhost:8002/albatross/sync


  • The log reports successful updates

  • The SMI records have been updated

  • The SMI Albatross update_id has been updated

Unfinished parts

  • Add request concurrency

  • Consider log verbosity and message text

  • Consider schema of settings data

  • Improve token handling (requires albatross service account jwt tokens)

  • Improve exception handling

Closes uis/devops/digital-admissions/synchronisation-service#136

Edited by Richard Clark

Merge request reports