Migrate all ACLs from old SMS -> new
Created by: msb
Depends from #5 (closed)
Move all old SMS to the new model done in #5 (closed). The old SMS uses ACLs with mixed crsid, group_id, and inst_id. We need to move all of this to the new model. We also want to the new model the current visibility list:
# -- Visibility - who is allowed to see the video.
# -- world - media item is world visible unless restricted by acl
# -- cam - media item is cam visible unless restricted by acl
# -- world-overrule - media item is world visible regardless of acl
# -- cam-overrule - media item is cam visible regardless of acl
# -- acl-overrule - media item is restricted by its acl field regardless of acl****
moved from: https://github.com/uisautomation/sms-webapp/issues/42