# locals.tf contain definitions for local variables which are of general utility # within the configuration. # These locals are provided by the DevOps Cloud Team. locals { # Bucket and path for GCP-admin provided configuration. config_bucket = "ucam-faas-config-09574972" config_path = "config_v1.json" } # These locals come from the manual bootstrapping steps. locals { # Base URLs of GitLab instance holding deployment and webapp projects. gitlab_base_url = "https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/" # Name of Secret Manager secret which contains the GitLab access token for # this deployment. gitlab_access_token_secret_name = "gitlab-access-token" # Project which contains the GitLab access token secret. gitlab_access_token_secret_project = local.product_meta_project notification_channels = [local.gcp_config.notification_channels.email.wilson_team] # Name of secret in meta project containing workspace-specific secrets. See # the README for the format of this secret. If blank, no workspace-specific # secrets are used. workspace_extra_secrets_secret_name = "" } # This data source retrieves the webapp project from GitLab based on the project id # specified when running copier. This is used in the following locals section. data "gitlab_project" "faas" { id = "8520" } # These locals define common configuration parameters for the deployment. locals { # Default region for resources. region = "europe-west2" # Container images used in this deployment. Generally these # should be tagged explicitly with the Git commit SHA for the exact version to # deploy. They are specified per-workspace with generic "latest from master" # fallbacks if not otherwise specified. container_images = lookup({ development = { function_base = join("/", [ local.gcp_config.artifact_registry_docker_repository, data.gitlab_project.faas.path, "example", "main" ]) function_tag = "latest" } }, terraform.workspace, {}) } # These locals are derived from resources, data sources or other locals. locals { # Project id of product-specific meta project. product_meta_project = local.gcp_config.product_meta_project # Project id for workspace-specific project. project = local.workspace_config.project_id }