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  • Dr Rich Wareham's avatar
    some finessing of the script · a5132db9
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    This commit finesses the packaging and UX of the script a little.
    Add a README which indicates the purpose of the script, how to
    install it and a usage example.
    Add a basic packaging so that the script may be installed via pip.
    Add .editorconfig files so that people which appropriately configured
    editors get the cerrect indentation/line length settings.
    Add .gitignore to avoid accidentally committing files we don't want.
    Modify the script itself:
    1. Logging is now to standard error by default. Redirection and/or
       ``tee`` can be used to log to a file.
    2. Logging verbosity can be reduced via a ``--quiet`` flag.
    3. Be explicit in what Opencast server and credentials we use rather
       than loading them from the environment. With multiple Opencast
       instances running it would be all to easy to accidentally schedule
       events in the wrong one.
    4. Use urljoin() to form the API URL rather than string concatenation.
       This behaves correctly in the case where the API URL is specified
       with a trailing slash.
    5. Default to standard input for CSV if no path is specified rather than
       having a "magic" filename.
    6. Global constants converted to use SHOUTING_CASE which is the
       convention we adopt in our projects.
    7. Use slightly more descriptive variable names and increase logging in
       places to show troublesome data in the log.
    8. Requests returns a "response" and not a "request" so re-name the
       variable appropriately.
    9. Rather than load passwords from the environment which is leaky since
       all program run see that variable, load passwords from a file. This
       is also a bit more compatible with, e.g., Docker secrets.
    some finessing of the script
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    This commit finesses the packaging and UX of the script a little.
    Add a README which indicates the purpose of the script, how to
    install it and a usage example.
    Add a basic packaging so that the script may be installed via pip.
    Add .editorconfig files so that people which appropriately configured
    editors get the cerrect indentation/line length settings.
    Add .gitignore to avoid accidentally committing files we don't want.
    Modify the script itself:
    1. Logging is now to standard error by default. Redirection and/or
       ``tee`` can be used to log to a file.
    2. Logging verbosity can be reduced via a ``--quiet`` flag.
    3. Be explicit in what Opencast server and credentials we use rather
       than loading them from the environment. With multiple Opencast
       instances running it would be all to easy to accidentally schedule
       events in the wrong one.
    4. Use urljoin() to form the API URL rather than string concatenation.
       This behaves correctly in the case where the API URL is specified
       with a trailing slash.
    5. Default to standard input for CSV if no path is specified rather than
       having a "magic" filename.
    6. Global constants converted to use SHOUTING_CASE which is the
       convention we adopt in our projects.
    7. Use slightly more descriptive variable names and increase logging in
       places to show troublesome data in the log.
    8. Requests returns a "response" and not a "request" so re-name the
       variable appropriately.
    9. Rather than load passwords from the environment which is leaky since
       all program run see that variable, load passwords from a file. This
       is also a bit more compatible with, e.g., Docker secrets.