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-# GCP Cloud Run manager terraform module
-This module manages a Cloud Run-hosted container. It takes care of making sure
-the container is connected to a Cloud SQL instance and sets environment
-variables on the application.
-Specify the project to deploy into on the command line. So, for example, to
-deploy to the project `my-project`:
-terraform init
-terraform apply -var project=my-project
-In this example, terraform is configured to use default application credentials.
-For Google APIs and these credentials should correspond to a user with owner or
-editor access to the target project. You can use the `gcloud` command line tool
-to set your personal credentials as application default credentials. See the
-`gcloud auth application-default` command output for more information.
-## Versioning
-The `master` branch contains the tip of development and corresponds to the `v8`
-branch. The `v1`, `v2`, `v3` etc. branches will maintain source compatibility
-with the initial release.
-## Ingress style
-There are two supported ingress styles depending on `var.ingress_style`
-`var.ingress_style` can be:
-- `domain-mapping` (default): passing DNS domains as `var.dns_names` or
-  `var.dns_name`, which takes precedence over `var.dns_names`, will create
-  domain mappings to the Cloud Run service. Before setting this, you _must_ have
-  verified ownership of the provided domains with Google. [Instructions on how
-  to do
-  this](https://guidebook.devops.uis.cam.ac.uk/en/latest/notes/google-domain-verification/)
-  can be found in the DevOps division guidebook.
-- `load-balancer`: a load balancer will be configured instead of a domain
-  mapping. The DNS domains in `var.dns_names` or `var.dns_name`, which takes
-  precedence over `var.dns_names`, will get Google-managed or custom TLS
-  certificates depending on `var.use_ssl_certificates` and
-  `var.ssl_certificates`. An IPv6 address can also be allocated to the load
-  balancer if `var.enable_ipv6` is `true`.
-## Pre-deploy Cloud Run job
-The `v8` release introduced an `enable_pre_deploy_job` variable. When set to
-`true` a [Cloud Run job](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/create-jobs) is
-created to execute a configurable command _before_ the main Cloud Run service is
-deployed. The initial use case for this is to run database migrations, however
-in the future we're sure there'll be more.
-The pre-deploy job uses the image specified in `var.pre_deploy_job_image_name`
-if set, otherwise it falls back to the same `var.image_name` that the main
-service uses. The command and arguments that the job executes are configurable
-via the `pre_deploy_job_command` and `pre_deploy_job_args` variables.
-A `null_resource` is also configured to execute the pre-deploy job whenever it
-detects that the value of `var.image_name` has changed (or at every `apply` if
-`var.force_pre_deploy_job` is set to `true`). This uses the `gcloud run jobs
-execute` command and is run in the context of the `terraform-deploy` service
-account via an access token. Using `null_resource` is never ideal. However, in
-this situation it provides a very handy way to trigger this simple job so it has
-been accepted.
-To ensure that the pre-deploy job always runs _before_ a new revision of the
-Cloud Run webapp service is deployed, the resources in question are explicitly
-configured with `depends_on` relationships, as follows.
-1. The `google_cloud_run_v2_job.pre_deploy` Cloud Run job has no `depends_on`
-   relationships defined and is therefore deployed first.
-1. The `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger` resource depends on
-   `google_cloud_run_v2_job.pre_deploy` and therefore won't be deployed until
-   the Cloud Run job is deployed successfully.
-1. Finally, the `google_cloud_run_service.webapp` Cloud Run service depends on
-   `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger`, meaning it is only deployed once the
-   `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger` has executed successfully.
-## Monitoring and Alerting
-If the variable [alerting_email_address](variables.tf) is set, the module adds
-basic uptime _alerting_ via email for failing http polling.
-If the variable [disable_monitoring](variables.tf) is true, the module will
-disable _monitoring_. This is different from disabling alerting; if no alerting
-email addresses are provided, the uptime checks will still be configured, there
-just won't be any alerts sent if they fail. Disabling monitoring will also
-disable alerting as without any monitoring there is nothing to alert(!)
-See [variables.tf](variables.tf) for how to configure alerting and monitoring.
-Note that the project containing resources to be monitored must be in a
-Stackdriver monitoring workspace and this must be configured manually. At the
-time of writing there is no terraform support for this. This module will error
-when applying if this is not so.
-Stackdriver distinguishes between workspaces and projects within those
-workspaces. Each workspace must have a host project and that project _must_ be
-the default project of the `google.stackdriver` provider used by this module.
-The `google.stackdriver` must be configured with credentials allowing monitoring
-resources to be created in the _host_ project.
-If the workspace host project differs from the project which contains the
-resources to be monitored, you can use a provider alias:
-provider "google" {
-  project = "my-project"
-  # ... some credentials for the *project* admin ...
-provider "google" {
-  project = "stackdriver-host-project"
-  alias   = "host"
-  # ... some credentials for the *product* admin ...
-module "cloud_run_service" {
-  # ... other parameters ...
-  providers = {
-    google.stackdriver = google.host
-  }
-### Monitoring instances which require service account authentication
-If `allow_unauthenticated_invocations` is not true, a Cloud Function will be
-created which authenticates via a service account, allowing the StackDriver
-monitoring to call the Cloud Function, with the Cloud Function authentication
-and proxying the request to the Cloud Run instance.
-Because this requires a Cloud Function to be created, the
-`cloudfunctions.googleapis.com` service should be enabled on the project that
-houses the Cloud Run instance.
-## Static Egress IP
-A static egress IP can be allocated for the cloud run instance, using the
-variable `enable_static_egress_ip`. This will configure the necessary resources
-to route outbound traffic from the cloud run through a static ip.
-The static ip is configured with `prevent_destroy = true`, meaning that it
-cannot be destroyed without removing it from terraform state using `terraform
-state rm` and then manually destroying the resource within the GCP console. This
-is to prevent accidental destruction of an IP which is likely to be whitelisted
-within firewall configuration that lives outside of our deployments.
-## Secrets as Volumes and Env Vars
-Secret Manager secrets can be as environment variables or volume mounts (files)
-in the running container.
-The service account that Cloud Run runs as needs access to the secrets for this
-feature to work. Thus, this module gives `secretAccessor` role to that service
-account for the secrets passed on `secrets_volume` and `secrets_envars`.
-Any number of items in the list is supported and not defining these variables
-when calling this module is acceptable. The path of the mounted file will be
-based on `path/name`.
-For the example configuration below the files will be `/secrets-1/foobarfile1`
-and `/secrets-2/foobarfile2`. A common `path` for multiple secrets is not
-supported, they must be unique.
-> Note: `name` should only have alphanumeric characters, hyphens and
-> underscores.
-Setting `version = ""` is equivalent to `version = "latest"` but the variable is
-not optional.
-module "webapp" {
-  source = "git::https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/infra/terraform/gcp-cloud-run-app.git?ref=v3"
-  secrets_volume = [
-    {
-      name    = "foobarfile1"
-      path    = "/secret-1"
-      id      = google_secret_manager_secret.secret-a.secret_id
-      version = "latest"
-    },
-    {
-      name    = "foobarfile2"
-      path    = "/secret-2"
-      id      = google_secret_manager_secret.secret-b.secret_id
-      version = "2"
-    }
-  ]
-  secrets_envars = [
-      {
-          name    = "FOOBAR1"
-          id      = google_secret_manager_secret.secret-c.secret_id
-          version = "latest"
-      },
-      {
-          name    = "FOOBAR2"
-          id      = google_secret_manager_secret.secret-d.secret_id
-          version = ""
-      }
-  ]
-## Passing Image Names to the Module
-Originally, the module did not deploy images except on the very first use (using
-Currently, the module deploys the image from the mandatory variable
+<!-- BEGIN_TF_DOCS -->
+# GCP Cloud Run Terraform Module
+This module manages the deployment of containerised applications on Cloud Run.
+It includes the following functionality:
+- Creation of the main Cloud Run service.
+- Creation of a dedicated service account with required IAM bindings.
+- Deployment of an optional load balancer configuration.
+- Deployment of an optional "pre-deployment" Cloud Run job to handle tasks such
+  as database migrations.
+- Deployment of an optional static egress IP address for the Cloud Run service.
+- Configuration of simple uptime checks and SSL certificate expiry alerts.
+- Convenience variables to configure certain aspects of the Cloud Run service
+  which would otherwise be complex, such as mounting Cloud SQL instances.
+## Cloud Run v2 API
+Following release `9.0.0`, this module has been refactored to use the Cloud Run
+`v2` API resources exclusively (i.e. `google_cloud_run_v2_service`). This means
+that many input variables are now different and updating from a previous version
+will require some changes to your module definition.
+## Examples
+See the [docs/examples.md](docs/examples.md) page for a full list of detailed
+usage examples.
+## Pre-deploy Cloud Run Job
+The `8.0.0` release introduced the `enable_pre_deploy_job` variable which, when
+set to `true`, creates a Cloud Run job to execute a configurable command before
+new Cloud Run service revisions are deployed. This is a useful way to run
+database migrations and other commands which are tightly coupled to the release
+cadence of the main Cloud Run service.
+The pre-deploy job is configured via the `pre_deploy_job_*` variables which can
+be found in `variables.tf`.
+For more information on how the pre-deploy Cloud Run job works see the
+[pre-deploy-job.md](../docs/pre-deploy-job.md) page.
+## Requirements
+| Name | Version |
+| <a name="requirement_terraform"></a> [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | ~> 1.3 |
+| <a name="requirement_google"></a> [google](#requirement\_google) | >= 4.0 |
+| <a name="requirement_null"></a> [null](#requirement\_null) | ~> 3.0 |
+## Inputs
+| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
+| <a name="input_alerting_notification_channels"></a> [alerting\_notification\_channels](#input\_alerting\_notification\_channels) | A list of notification channel IDs to send uptime alerts to. The format for<br>the channel IDs should be<br>"projects/[PROJECT\_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL\_ID]". | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
+| <a name="input_alerting_success_threshold_percent"></a> [alerting\_success\_threshold\_percent](#input\_alerting\_success\_threshold\_percent) | If the percentage of successful uptime checks within the given uptime period<br>falls below this, an alert will be triggered. Set to 100 to trigger an alert<br>if any uptime check fails, set to a lower number to tolerate failures without<br>alerting.<br><br>Experience has taught us that uptime checks can fail semi-regularly due to<br>transient problems outside our control, therefore we allow some leeway before<br>triggering an alert. | `number` | `75` | no |
+| <a name="input_alerting_uptime_period"></a> [alerting\_uptime\_period](#input\_alerting\_uptime\_period) | Frequency of uptime checks | `string` | `"300s"` | no |
+| <a name="input_alerting_uptime_timeout"></a> [alerting\_uptime\_timeout](#input\_alerting\_uptime\_timeout) | Timeout for http polling. | `string` | `"30s"` | no |
+| <a name="input_allow_unauthenticated_invocations"></a> [allow\_unauthenticated\_invocations](#input\_allow\_unauthenticated\_invocations) | If true, the webapp will allow unauthenticated invocations. If false, the<br>webapp requires authentication as a Google user with the Cloud Run invoker<br>permission on the deployment. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| <a name="input_containers"></a> [containers](#input\_containers) | Configure one or more container instances for the service. See<br>https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_run_v2_service#nested_containers<br>for information on the available arguments. | <pre>map(object({<br>    name    = optional(string)<br>    image   = string<br>    command = optional(list(string))<br>    args    = optional(list(string))<br>    env = optional(list(object({<br>      name  = string<br>      value = optional(string)<br>      value_source = optional(object({<br>        secret_key_ref = optional(object({<br>          secret  = string<br>          version = optional(string, "latest")<br>        }))<br>      }))<br>    })), [])<br>    resources = optional(object({<br>      limits            = optional(map(string))<br>      cpu_idle          = optional(bool)<br>      startup_cpu_boost = optional(bool)<br>    }))<br>    ports = optional(list(object({<br>      name           = optional(string)<br>      container_port = optional(number)<br>    })), [])<br>    volume_mounts = optional(list(object({<br>      name       = string<br>      mount_path = string<br>    })), [])<br>    working_dir = optional(string)<br>    liveness_probe = optional(object({<br>      initial_delay_seconds = optional(number)<br>      timeout_seconds       = optional(number)<br>      period_seconds        = optional(number)<br>      failure_threshold     = optional(number)<br>      http_get = optional(object({<br>        path = optional(string)<br>        port = optional(number)<br>        http_headers = optional(list(object({<br>          name  = string<br>          value = optional(string)<br>        })), [])<br>      }))<br>      grpc = optional(object({<br>        port    = optional(number)<br>        service = optional(string)<br>      }))<br>    }))<br>    startup_probe = optional(object({<br>      initial_delay_seconds = optional(number)<br>      timeout_seconds       = optional(number)<br>      period_seconds        = optional(number)<br>      failure_threshold     = optional(number)<br>      http_get = optional(object({<br>        path = optional(string)<br>        port = optional(number)<br>        http_headers = optional(list(object({<br>          name  = string<br>          value = optional(string)<br>        })), [])<br>      }))<br>      tcp_socket = optional(object({<br>        port = number<br>      }))<br>      grpc = optional(object({<br>        port    = optional(number)<br>        service = optional(string)<br>      }))<br>    }))<br>  }))</pre> | n/a | yes |
+| <a name="input_create_ipv6_address"></a> [create\_ipv6\_address](#input\_create\_ipv6\_address) | Allocate an IPv6 address to the load balancer if var.enable\_ipv6 is true. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_description"></a> [description](#input\_description) | A description for the Cloud Run service. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_dns_names"></a> [dns\_names](#input\_dns\_names) | DNS names to configure for the web application. Note that DNS records are<br>\_NOT\_ created, they are used in the load balancer module to ensure the SSL<br>certificate is generated with the required SANs. The map's keys are arbitrary<br>and are only required to avoid errors when the DNS name is a value which<br>Terraform does not know until after the apply operation.<br><br>For example:<br><br>{ my\_awesome\_dns\_name = "awesome.example.com" } | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_enable_alerting"></a> [enable\_alerting](#input\_enable\_alerting) | Enable alerting policies. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| <a name="input_enable_ipv6"></a> [enable\_ipv6](#input\_enable\_ipv6) | Whether to enable IPv6 address on the CDN load-balancer. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_enable_load_balancer"></a> [enable\_load\_balancer](#input\_enable\_load\_balancer) | Whether to configure a load balancer or use the default run.app generated<br>hostname. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_enable_monitoring"></a> [enable\_monitoring](#input\_enable\_monitoring) | Optional. If true, create uptime and SSL expiry checks.<br><br>Note that this is different from not specifying an alerting email address. If<br>no alerting email address is specified the uptime checks are still created,<br>they just don't alert if they fail. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_enable_pre_deploy_job"></a> [enable\_pre\_deploy\_job](#input\_enable\_pre\_deploy\_job) | Configure a Cloud Run Job to be executed *before* the main Cloud Run service<br>is deployed. This is useful for running database migrations for example. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_enable_static_egress_ip"></a> [enable\_static\_egress\_ip](#input\_enable\_static\_egress\_ip) | Whether to assign a static ip for egress from this cloud run instance. If<br>enabled, the "vpcaccess.googleapis.com" API must also be enabled on the<br>project. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_encryption_key"></a> [encryption\_key](#input\_encryption\_key) | The ID of a customer managed encryption key (CMEK) to use to encrypt this<br>container image. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_execution_environment"></a> [execution\_environment](#input\_execution\_environment) | The sandbox environment to host this revision. Possible values are<br>EXECUTION\_ENVIRONMENT\_GEN1, and EXECUTION\_ENVIRONMENT\_GEN2. | `string` | `"EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_GEN1"` | no |
+| <a name="input_grant_sql_client_role_to_webapp_sa"></a> [grant\_sql\_client\_role\_to\_webapp\_sa](#input\_grant\_sql\_client\_role\_to\_webapp\_sa) | When set to true the roles/cloudsql.client role will be granted to the webapp<br>service account at the project level to allow it to connect to Cloud SQL. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_ingress"></a> [ingress](#input\_ingress) | The ingress setting for the Cloud Run service. Possible values are<br>INGRESS\_TRAFFIC\_ALL, INGRESS\_TRAFFIC\_INTERNAL\_ONLY, and<br>INGRESS\_TRAFFIC\_INTERNAL\_LOAD\_BALANCER.<br><br>If var.use\_load\_balancer == true, the provided var.ingress will be ignored and<br>the ingress will be set automatically to<br>"INGRESS\_TRAFFIC\_INTERNAL\_LOAD\_BALANCER". | `string` | `"INGRESS_TRAFFIC_ALL"` | no |
+| <a name="input_launch_stage"></a> [launch\_stage](#input\_launch\_stage) | The launch stage for the Cloud Run service. Possible values are UNIMPLEMENTED,<br>PRELAUNCH, EARLY\_ACCESS, ALPHA, BETA, GA, and DEPRECATED. | `string` | `"GA"` | no |
+| <a name="input_max_instance_request_concurrency"></a> [max\_instance\_request\_concurrency](#input\_max\_instance\_request\_concurrency) | Sets the maximum number of requests that each serving instance can receive. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_min_ports_per_vm"></a> [min\_ports\_per\_vm](#input\_min\_ports\_per\_vm) | When using Cloud NAT to provide an egress route, Cloud NAT's minimum ports per<br>VM can be configured to determine how many concurrent connections can be<br>established to the same destination IP address and port. | `number` | `64` | no |
+| <a name="input_monitoring_path"></a> [monitoring\_path](#input\_monitoring\_path) | Path component of url to be monitored. | `string` | `"/"` | no |
+| <a name="input_monitoring_scoping_project"></a> [monitoring\_scoping\_project](#input\_monitoring\_scoping\_project) | The ID of a Cloud Monitoring scoping project to create monitoring resources<br>in. If omitted, var.project will be used instead. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_mount_cloudsql_instance"></a> [mount\_cloudsql\_instance](#input\_mount\_cloudsql\_instance) | Mount a single CloudSQL instance in each container for the service. This value<br>should be the Cloud SQL instance connection name, for example<br>"example-devel-e662dd2b:europe-west2:sql-6e1dd60b". This is a convenience<br>variable to simplify mounting a single Cloud SQL instance. If you require more<br>control you can define one or more Cloud SQL mounts directly using<br>var.containers and var.volumes instead. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_name"></a> [name](#input\_name) | Prefix used to form resource names. | `string` | `"webapp"` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_annotations"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_annotations](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_annotations) | Map of key/value pairs containing annotations to assign to the pre-deploy Cloud<br>Run job. | `map(string)` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_container"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_container](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_container) | Configure the container instance for the pre-deploy job. See<br>https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_run_v2_job#nested_containers<br>for more information on these options. | <pre>object({<br>    name    = optional(string)<br>    image   = optional(string)<br>    command = optional(list(string))<br>    args    = optional(list(string))<br>    env = optional(list(object({<br>      name  = string<br>      value = optional(string)<br>      value_source = optional(object({<br>        secret_key_ref = optional(object({<br>          secret  = string<br>          version = optional(string, "latest")<br>        }))<br>      }))<br>    })), [])<br>    resources = optional(object({<br>      limits = optional(map(string))<br>    }))<br>    ports = optional(list(object({<br>      name           = optional(string)<br>      container_port = optional(number)<br>    })), [])<br>    volume_mounts = optional(list(object({<br>      name       = string<br>      mount_path = string<br>    })), [])<br>    working_dir = optional(string)<br>  })</pre> | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_encryption_key"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_encryption\_key](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_encryption\_key) | The ID of a customer managed encryption key (CMEK) to use to encrypt this<br>container image. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_execution_environment"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_execution\_environment](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_execution\_environment) | The execution environment to host this task. Possible values are<br>EXECUTION\_ENVIRONMENT\_GEN1, and EXECUTION\_ENVIRONMENT\_GEN2 | `string` | `"EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_GEN2"` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_force"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_force](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_force) | When true, and only when used in addition to var.pre\_deploy\_job\_trigger, the<br>pre-deploy Cloud Run job is executed at every terraform apply, regardless of<br># the status of var.pre\_deploy\_job\_container.image. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_labels"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_labels](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_labels) | Map of key/value pairs containing labels to assign to the pre-deploy Cloud Run<br>job. | `map(string)` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_launch_stage"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_launch\_stage](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_launch\_stage) | The launch stage for the pre-deploy Cloud Run job. Possible values are UNIMPLEMENTED,<br>PRELAUNCH, EARLY\_ACCESS, ALPHA, BETA, GA, and DEPRECATED. | `string` | `"GA"` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_max_retries"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_max\_retries](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_max\_retries) | Configure the maximum number of retries for the pre-deploy job. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_mount_cloudsql_instance"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_mount\_cloudsql\_instance](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_mount\_cloudsql\_instance) | Mount a CloudSQL instance in the pre-deploy job container. This is a<br>convenience variable to simplify mounting a Cloud SQL instance. However, if<br>you require more control over this you should define it directly in<br>var.pre\_deploy\_job\_container instead. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_parallelism"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_parallelism](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_parallelism) | Specifies the maximum desired number of tasks the execution should run at<br>given time. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_task_count"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_task\_count](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_task\_count) | Specifies the desired number of tasks the execution should run. | `number` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_timeout"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_timeout](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_timeout) | Configure a timeout, in seconds, for the pre-deploy job. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_trigger"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_trigger](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_trigger) | When true, the pre-deploy Cloud Run job is executed via a<br>null\_resource-triggered gcloud command whenever Terraform detects that<br>var.pre\_deploy\_job\_container.image has changed. | `bool` | `true` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_volumes"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_volumes](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_volumes) | Configure one or more volumes for the pre-deploy job. See<br>https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_run_v2_job#nested_volumes<br>for more information on these options. | <pre>list(object({<br>    name = string<br>    secret = optional(object({<br>      secret       = string<br>      default_mode = optional(number)<br>      items = optional(list(object({<br>        path    = string<br>        version = optional(string)<br>        mode    = optional(number)<br>      })), [])<br>    }))<br>    cloud_sql_instance = optional(object({<br>      instances = optional(list(string))<br>    }))<br>  }))</pre> | `[]` | no |
+| <a name="input_pre_deploy_job_vpc_access"></a> [pre\_deploy\_job\_vpc\_access](#input\_pre\_deploy\_job\_vpc\_access) | Configure VPC access for the pre-deploy job. See<br>https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_run_v2_job#nested_vpc_access<br>for more information on these options. | <pre>object({<br>    connector = optional(string)<br>    egress    = optional(string)<br>    network_interfaces = optional(object({<br>      network    = optional(string)<br>      subnetwork = optional(string)<br>      tags       = optional(string)<br>    }))<br>  })</pre> | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_project"></a> [project](#input\_project) | Project containing the webapp. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| <a name="input_region"></a> [region](#input\_region) | Location used to create Cloud Run service and other resources. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| <a name="input_revision"></a> [revision](#input\_revision) | The unique name for the revision. If this field is omitted, it will be<br>automatically generated based on the Service name. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_scaling"></a> [scaling](#input\_scaling) | The minimum number of auto-scaled instances defaults to 0, thus, the container<br>will stop if it doesn't receive requests for a period of time and the<br>following request will make the container start from cold. This should be<br>carefully considered for containers that take a significant amount of time<br>starting from cold.<br><br>For a container with N-workers, the maximum number of auto-scaled instances<br>should be less than 1/N of the maximum connection count for the Cloud SQL<br>instance. | <pre>object({<br>    min_instance_count = optional(number)<br>    max_instance_count = optional(number)<br>  })</pre> | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_service_account_display_name"></a> [service\_account\_display\_name](#input\_service\_account\_display\_name) | If non-empty, override the default display name of the webapp service account. | `string` | `""` | no |
+| <a name="input_service_account_id"></a> [service\_account\_id](#input\_service\_account\_id) | A service account is always created for the web application. If non-empty this<br>variable overrides the default service account id. The default id is formed<br>from the "name" variable value with "-run" appended. | `string` | `""` | no |
+| <a name="input_service_annotations"></a> [service\_annotations](#input\_service\_annotations) | Map containing additional annotations to be added to the Cloud Run service<br>itself. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_service_labels"></a> [service\_labels](#input\_service\_labels) | A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the Cloud Run service. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_session_affinity"></a> [session\_affinity](#input\_session\_affinity) | Enables session affinity. For more information, go to<br>https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/configuring/session-affinity. | `bool` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_sql_instance_project"></a> [sql\_instance\_project](#input\_sql\_instance\_project) | Project containing SQL instance. Defaults to var.project. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_ssl_certificates"></a> [ssl\_certificates](#input\_ssl\_certificates) | A list of self-links to any custom TLS certificates to add to the load<br>balancer. Requires that var.use\_load\_balancer be "true". The self-link is<br>available as the "self\_link" attribute of "google\_compute\_ssl\_certificate"<br>resources. | `list(any)` | `[]` | no |
+| <a name="input_ssl_policy"></a> [ssl\_policy](#input\_ssl\_policy) | By default, the google\_compute\_ssl\_policy.default SSL policy is applied to the<br>load balancer in load\_balancer.tf. This sets the SSL profile to MODERN and<br>restricts TLS to >= 1.2. If a different SSL policy is required, it should be<br>created outside of this module and its ID passed through using this variable. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_static_egress_ip_cidr_range"></a> [static\_egress\_ip\_cidr\_range](#input\_static\_egress\_ip\_cidr\_range) | The cidr range used to create a subnet that this cloud run will use if assigned<br>a static ip | `string` | `""` | no |
+| <a name="input_static_egress_ip_subnetwork_id"></a> [static\_egress\_ip\_subnetwork\_id](#input\_static\_egress\_ip\_subnetwork\_id) | When using an existing VPC Access Connector with the static egress IP<br>configuration an existing subnetwork must be provided. | `string` | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_template_annotations"></a> [template\_annotations](#input\_template\_annotations) | Map containing additional annotations to be added to the Cloud Run service<br>template. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_template_labels"></a> [template\_labels](#input\_template\_labels) | A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the Cloud Run service revision. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_timeout_seconds"></a> [timeout\_seconds](#input\_timeout\_seconds) | The maximum duration, in seconds, the instance is allowed for responding to a<br>request. Maximum is 900s. | `string` | `"300s"` | no |
+| <a name="input_traffic"></a> [traffic](#input\_traffic) | Configure traffic allocation between one or more service revisions. | <pre>list(object({<br>    type     = optional(string)<br>    revision = optional(string)<br>    percent  = optional(number)<br>    tag      = optional(string)<br>  }))</pre> | `[]` | no |
+| <a name="input_use_ssl_certificates"></a> [use\_ssl\_certificates](#input\_use\_ssl\_certificates) | Whether to use the custom TLS certs in var.ssl\_certificates for the load<br>balancer or the Google-managed certs for the specified var.dns\_names. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| <a name="input_volumes"></a> [volumes](#input\_volumes) | Configure one or more volumes for the service. See<br>https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_run_v2_service#nested_volumes<br>for more information on these options. | <pre>list(object({<br>    name = string<br>    secret = optional(object({<br>      secret       = string<br>      default_mode = optional(number)<br>      items = optional(list(object({<br>        path    = string<br>        version = optional(string)<br>        mode    = optional(number)<br>      })), [])<br>    }))<br>    cloud_sql_instance = optional(object({<br>      instances = optional(list(string))<br>    }))<br>  }))</pre> | `[]` | no |
+| <a name="input_vpc_access"></a> [vpc\_access](#input\_vpc\_access) | Configure VPC access for the Cloud Run service. For more information on these<br>options see<br>https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_run_v2_service#nested_vpc_access | <pre>object({<br>    connector = optional(string)<br>    egress    = optional(string)<br>    network_interfaces = optional(object({<br>      network    = optional(string)<br>      subnetwork = optional(string)<br>      tags       = optional(string)<br>    }))<br>  })</pre> | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_vpc_access_connector_max_throughput"></a> [vpc\_access\_connector\_max\_throughput](#input\_vpc\_access\_connector\_max\_throughput) | Optional. The maximum throughput of the connector in megabytes per second.<br>Defaults to 300. | `number` | `300` | no |
+## Outputs
+| Name | Description |
+| <a name="output_load_balancer"></a> [load\_balancer](#output\_load\_balancer) | Load balancer for the webapp |
+| <a name="output_network_endpoint_group"></a> [network\_endpoint\_group](#output\_network\_endpoint\_group) | Network endpoint group for the load balancer. |
+| <a name="output_service"></a> [service](#output\_service) | Webapp Cloud Run service resource |
+| <a name="output_service_account"></a> [service\_account](#output\_service\_account) | Service account which service runs as |
+| <a name="output_ssl_policy"></a> [ssl\_policy](#output\_ssl\_policy) | The ssl\_policy object, if one is being created. |
+| <a name="output_static_egress_ip"></a> [static\_egress\_ip](#output\_static\_egress\_ip) | The static egress IP assigned to this cloud run instance. Only populated<br>if the variable `enable_static_egress_ip` is true. |
+<!-- END_TF_DOCS -->
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--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -11,3 +11,9 @@ services:
       - .:/workdir:rw
       - ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:/root/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:ro
+  terraform-docs:
+    image: quay.io/terraform-docs/terraform-docs:0.17.0
+    entrypoint: ["."]
+    working_dir: /workdir
+    volumes:
+      - .:/workdir:rw
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+# Example Usage
+This page contains some examples of the different ways this module can be
+## Basic
+A basic Cloud Run service with a single container definition.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
+## Load balancer
+A basic Cloud Run service configured to use a load balancer for ingress.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
+  enable_load_balancer = true
+  dns_names = {
+    webapp = "webapp.test.example.com"
+  }
+resource "google_dns_record_set" "load_balancer_webapp" {
+  name         = "webapp.test.example.com."
+  type         = "A"
+  ttl          = 300
+  managed_zone = "example-zone"
+  project      = "example-project-id-1234"
+  rrdatas = [
+    module.webapp.load_balancer.external_ip
+  ]
+## Secret environment variables and volumes
+A Cloud Run service configured to load environment variables and mount volumes
+via Google Secret Manager secret objects.
+Note that you need to grant the created service account identity the
+ability to access the secret objects _outside_ of this module call.
+resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "main" {
+  secret_id = "my-secret"
+  project   = "example-project-id-1234"
+  replication {
+    auto {}
+  }
+resource "google_secret_manager_secret_version" "main" {
+  secret      = google_secret_manager_secret.main.id
+  secret_data = "my-secret-data"
+resource "google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member" "main" {
+  project   = "example-project-id-1234"
+  secret_id = google_secret_manager_secret.main.id
+  role      = "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor"
+  member    = "serviceAccount:${module.webapp.service_account.email}"
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+      env = [
+        {
+          name = "SECRET",
+          value_source = {
+            secret_key_ref = {
+              secret  = google_secret_manager_secret.main.id
+              version = "latest"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+      volume_mounts = [
+        {
+          name       = "secret-volume",
+          mount_path = "/secrets"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+  volumes = [
+    {
+      name = "secret-volume",
+      secret = {
+        secret = google_secret_manager_secret.main.id
+        items = [
+          {
+            version = "latest",
+            path    = "my-secret"
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    }
+  ]
+## Mounting CloudSQL instances
+A Cloud Run service which mounts an existing CloudSQL instance using the
+`mount_cloudsql_instance` helper variable.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
+  mount_cloudsql_instance = module.sql.instance_connection_name
+module "sql" {
+  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/sql-db/google//modules/postgresql"
+  version = "~> 17.0"
+  database_version            = "POSTGRES_15"
+  name                        = "test-sql-1234"
+  project_id                  = "example-project-id-1234"
+  tier                        = "db-f1-micro"
+  availability_type           = "ZONAL"
+  region                      = "europe-west2"
+  zone                        = "europe-west2-a"
+  deletion_protection         = false
+  deletion_protection_enabled = false
+## Pre-deploy job
+A Cloud Run service with a corresponding "pre-deploy" Cloud Run job. See the
+[Pre-deploy Cloud Run Job](../README.md#pre-deploy-cloud-run-job) section in the
+README.md for more information.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "registry.gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/infra/dockerimages/django:5.0-py3.12"
+    }
+  }
+  mount_cloudsql_instance = module.sql.instance_connection_name
+  enable_pre_deploy_job = true
+  pre_deploy_job_container = {
+    image   = "registry.gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/infra/dockerimages/django:5.0-py3.12"
+    command = ["python3"]
+    args    = ["/usr/src/app/manage.py", "migrate"]
+  }
+  pre_deploy_job_mount_cloudsql_instance = module.sql.instance_connection_name
+module "sql" {
+  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/sql-db/google//modules/postgresql"
+  version = "~> 17.0"
+  database_version            = "POSTGRES_15"
+  name                        = "test-sql-1234"
+  project_id                  = "example-project-id-1234"
+  tier                        = "db-f1-micro"
+  availability_type           = "ZONAL"
+  region                      = "europe-west2"
+  zone                        = "europe-west2-a"
+  deletion_protection         = false
+  deletion_protection_enabled = false
+## Multi-container deployment
+A Cloud Run service which defines multiple containers (sidecars). For more
+information see the [Cloud Run
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-test-b99f7ad6"
+  containers = {
+    webapp1 = {
+      name  = "webapp-1"
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+      ports = [
+        {
+          container_port = 8080
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+    webapp2 = {
+      name  = "webapp-2"
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
+## Canary release traffic distribution
+A Cloud Run service which allocates incoming traffic equally between two
+This example uses the `revision` variable to deploy named revisions of the Cloud
+Run service. This allows you to target these named revisions specifically to
+split traffic between one or more revisions via the `traffic` variable.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  revision = "v1-1-0"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
+  traffic = [
+    {
+      revision = "v1-0-0"
+      percent  = 50
+    },
+    {
+      revision = "v1-1-0"
+      percent  = 50
+    }
+  ]
+## Static egress IP configuration
+A Cloud Run service configured with a static IP address for egress. See the
+[Static Outbound IP
+Address](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/configuring/static-outbound-ip) page
+in the Cloud Run documentation for details of this implementation.
+The address is available in the `static_egress_ip` output of this module.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  enable_static_egress_ip = true
+  region                  = "europe-west2"
+  project                 = "example-test-b99f7ad6"
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
+## Uptime and SSL Monitoring
+A basic Cloud Run service with default monitoring enabled.
+module "webapp" {
+  source  = "gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/gcp-cloud-run-app/devops"
+  version = "~> 9.0"
+  region  = "europe-west2"
+  project = "example-project-id-1234"
+  enable_monitoring = true
+  containers = {
+    webapp = {
+      image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/cloudrun/container/hello"
+    }
+  }
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+# Pre-deploy Cloud Run job
+The `8.0.0` release introduced the `enable_pre_deploy_job` variable which, when
+set to `true`, creates a Cloud Run job to execute a configurable command before
+new Cloud Run service revisions are deployed. This is a useful way to run
+database migrations and other commands which are tightly coupled to the release
+cadence of the main Cloud Run service.
+The pre-deploy job is configured via the `pre_deploy_job_*` variables which can
+be found in `variables.tf`.
+## Triggering the Cloud Run job
+The Cloud Run job is executed by a `null_resource` resource which simply runs
+the `gcloud run jobs execute` command. The `null_resource` is triggered each
+time the `var.pre_deploy_job_container.image` value changes by default, although
+you can force it to run via the `pre_deploy_job_force` variable.
+## Order of operations
+To ensure that the pre-deploy job runs before a new revision of the Cloud Run
+service is deployed, the resources in question are explicitly configured with
+`depends_on` relationships as follows.
+- The `google_cloud_run_v2_job.pre_deploy` Cloud Run job has no `depends_on`
+  relationships defined and is therefore deployed first.
+- The `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger` resource depends on
+  `google_cloud_run_v2_job.pre_deploy` and therefore won't be deployed until the
+  Cloud Run job is deployed successfully.
+- Finally, the `google_cloud_run_service.webapp` Cloud Run service depends on
+  `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger`, meaning it is only deployed once the
+  `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger` has executed successfully.
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+# GCP Cloud Run Terraform Module
+This module manages the deployment of containerised applications on Cloud Run.
+It includes the following functionality:
+- Creation of the main Cloud Run service.
+- Creation of a dedicated service account with required IAM bindings.
+- Deployment of an optional load balancer configuration.
+- Deployment of an optional "pre-deployment" Cloud Run job to handle tasks such
+  as database migrations.
+- Deployment of an optional static egress IP address for the Cloud Run service.
+- Configuration of simple uptime checks and SSL certificate expiry alerts.
+- Convenience variables to configure certain aspects of the Cloud Run service
+  which would otherwise be complex, such as mounting Cloud SQL instances.
+## Cloud Run v2 API
+Following release `9.0.0`, this module has been refactored to use the Cloud Run
+`v2` API resources exclusively (i.e. `google_cloud_run_v2_service`). This means
+that many input variables are now different and updating from a previous version
+will require some changes to your module definition.
+## Examples
+See the [docs/examples.md](docs/examples.md) page for a full list of detailed
+usage examples.
+## Pre-deploy Cloud Run Job
+The `8.0.0` release introduced the `enable_pre_deploy_job` variable which, when
+set to `true`, creates a Cloud Run job to execute a configurable command before
+new Cloud Run service revisions are deployed. This is a useful way to run
+database migrations and other commands which are tightly coupled to the release
+cadence of the main Cloud Run service.
+The pre-deploy job is configured via the `pre_deploy_job_*` variables which can
+be found in `variables.tf`.
+For more information on how the pre-deploy Cloud Run job works see the
+[pre-deploy-job.md](../docs/pre-deploy-job.md) page.
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+# Testing
+This project makes use of Terraform's built-in `test` command to run integration
+tests. The tests are configured in the `tests` directory and deploy resources to
+our dedicated Infra Testing GCP project.
+## Running tests locally
+To run tests locally you can use the `run_tests.sh` helper script. By default
+the script will execute _all_ tests, however, it is often useful to target a
+specific test file using the `-t` option. For example, to run the
+`cloud_run_service.tftest.hcl` test you would use the following command.
+# You must have authenticated and set the application-default credentials.
+gcloud auth application-default login
+./run_tests.sh -t tests/cloud_run_service.tftest.hcl
+Note that the `test` service defined in `docker-compose.yml` sets the
+`GOOGLE_IMPERSONATE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT` variable. You must have permission to
+impersonate this service account to be able to run these tests.
+## GitLab CI/CD test jobs
+The `tests` job in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file is configured to run all of the
+test files in the `tests` directory. The tests are run in parallel using a
+`matrix` job. Variables are used to allow us to specify version constraints to
+test against multiple supported major versions of the Google Terraform provider.
+The `tests` job is configured to require a manual trigger. This is due to the
+number of resources that the jobs will deploy and the length of time the jobs
+take to complete. With this in mind, you should generally only need to run the
+tests job at the point you open a merge request, ensuring the job is passing
+before requesting a review.
+## Resource teardown and cleanup
+If a test job fails Terraform attempts to teardown any resources it has already
+created. This seems to work well the majority of the time. However, to protect
+against resources not being destroyed, and potentially costing £££, there are
+two `cleanup` jobs configured in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, `pre-cleanup` and
+`post-cleanup`. These jobs both run the `tests/cleanup.sh` script which is
+configured to check for any resources that _could_ have been created and delete
+any that it finds. We run the `pre-cleanup` job to ensure that there is a clean
+environment prior to the current test run, avoiding any subnet clashes etc.
+It's also fine to run the `tests/cleanup.sh` script from your local machine to
+perform an ad-hoc cleanup. First authenticate your `gcloud` session and then
+simply run the script, for example:
+gcloud auth login
+## Troubleshooting
+### Google's eventually consistent APIs
+Many of Google's APIs are eventually consistent. This often causes issues as IAM
+bindings and API enablement can be delayed causing our Terraform to fail.
+Unfortunately, this is simply unavoidable and the only workaround is to rerun
+the failed job.
+#### Error 403: Permission 'iam.serviceaccounts.actAs' denied on service account
+The following error is an example of the eventual consistency issue. If you're
+unlucky enough to see this failure you should simply retry the job as often it
+just works the second time.
+tests/cloud_run_service.tftest.hcl... in progress
+  run "setup"... pass
+  run "test_service_with_default_variable_values"... fail
+│ Error: Error creating Service: googleapi: Error 403: Permission
+│ 'iam.serviceaccounts.actAs' denied on service account
+│ test-fab59940-run@infra-testing-int-e2395220.iam.gserviceaccount.com
+│ (or it may not exist).
+│   with google_cloud_run_v2_service.webapp,
+│   on main.tf line 23, in resource "google_cloud_run_v2_service" "webapp":
+│   23: resource "google_cloud_run_v2_service" "webapp" {
+### Invalid IPCidrRange: conflicts with existing subnetwork
+This error usually means a previous test run failed to tear down its resources
+correctly so the subnet range is already in use. You should investigate the
+previous test runs and destroy all orphaned resources before rerunning the
+failed job.
+tests/monitoring.tftest.hcl... in progress
+  run "setup"... pass
+  run "test_monitoring_with_alert_policies_created_in_default_project"... pass
+  run "test_monitoring_with_alert_policies_created_in_scoping_project"... pass
+  run "test_monitoring_with_auth_proxy"... pass
+  run "test_monitoring_with_auth_proxy_and_vpc_access_connector"... fail
+│ Error: Error waiting to create Subnetwork: Error waiting for Creating
+│ Subnetwork: Invalid IPCidrRange: conflicts with existing
+│ subnetwork 'test-209abb96-vpc-connector' in region 'europe-west2'.
+│   with google_compute_subnetwork.vpc_connector[0],
+│   on static_egress_ip.tf line 6, in resource "google_compute_subnetwork"
+│ "vpc_connector":
+│    6: resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "vpc_connector" {