index 0aabf1a0a30c266e91e86fbbc11202b4676b73d9..c560e5afa31820c7c25c3c7a705ecc32266e59c5 100644
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
 The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
 and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
+## [4.1.3] - 2022-01-24
+### Added
+ - Add a monitoring dashboard, defined in ./dashboard.json, for the Cloud Run service.
+   The dashboard contains charts for Request count and latency, CPU and memory utilisation,
+   and container instance count and billable time.
 ## [4.1.2] - 2022-01-10
 ### Fixed
  - Correct logic used to decide if custom domains can be monitored.
diff --git a/dashboard.json b/dashboard.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a470ecad228ad9e14590ebcdb172ad05a611b8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard.json
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+  "displayName": "Cloud Run service: ${service_name}",
+  "mosaicLayout": {
+    "columns": 12,
+    "tiles": [
+      {
+        "width": 6,
+        "height": 4,
+        "widget": {
+          "title": "Request Counts",
+          "xyChart": {
+            "dataSets": [
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/request_count\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" metric.label.\"response_code\"!=\"404\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_RATE",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_SUM",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "metric.label.\"response_code_class\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "timeshiftDuration": "0s",
+            "yAxis": {
+              "label": "y1Axis",
+              "scale": "LINEAR"
+            },
+            "chartOptions": {
+              "mode": "COLOR"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "xPos": 6,
+        "width": 6,
+        "height": 4,
+        "widget": {
+          "title": "Request Latencies",
+          "xyChart": {
+            "dataSets": [
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/request_latencies\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_DELTA",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_99",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.\"service_name\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              },
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/request_latencies\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_DELTA",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_95",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.\"service_name\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              },
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/request_latencies\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_DELTA",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_50",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.\"service_name\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "timeshiftDuration": "0s",
+            "yAxis": {
+              "label": "y1Axis",
+              "scale": "LINEAR"
+            },
+            "chartOptions": {
+              "mode": "COLOR"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "yPos": 4,
+        "width": 6,
+        "height": 3,
+        "widget": {
+          "title": "Container CPU Utilisation",
+          "xyChart": {
+            "dataSets": [
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/cpu/utilizations\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_SUM",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_99"
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              },
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/cpu/utilizations\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_SUM",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_95"
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              },
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/cpu/utilizations\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_SUM",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_50"
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "timeshiftDuration": "0s",
+            "yAxis": {
+              "label": "y1Axis",
+              "scale": "LINEAR"
+            },
+            "chartOptions": {
+              "mode": "COLOR"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "xPos": 6,
+        "yPos": 4,
+        "width": 6,
+        "height": 3,
+        "widget": {
+          "title": "Container Memory Utiliation",
+          "xyChart": {
+            "dataSets": [
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/memory/utilizations\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_SUM",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_99",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.\"service_name\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              },
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/memory/utilizations\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_SUM",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_95",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.\"service_name\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              },
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/memory/utilizations\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.label.\"service_name\"=\"${service_name}\" resource.label.\"location\"=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_SUM",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_PERCENTILE_50",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.\"service_name\""
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "timeshiftDuration": "0s",
+            "yAxis": {
+              "label": "y1Axis",
+              "scale": "LINEAR"
+            },
+            "chartOptions": {
+              "mode": "COLOR"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "yPos": 7,
+        "width": 6,
+        "height": 3,
+        "widget": {
+          "title": "Instance Count",
+          "xyChart": {
+            "dataSets": [
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/instance_count\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.labels.service_name=\"${service_name}\" resource.labels.location=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_MAX",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_SUM",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.service_name",
+                        "metric.label.state"
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  },
+                  "unitOverride": "count"
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "xAxis": {
+              "scale": "LINEAR"
+            },
+            "chartOptions": {
+              "mode": "COLOR"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "xPos": 6,
+        "yPos": 7,
+        "width": 6,
+        "height": 3,
+        "widget": {
+          "title": "Billable instance time",
+          "xyChart": {
+            "dataSets": [
+              {
+                "timeSeriesQuery": {
+                  "timeSeriesFilter": {
+                    "filter": "metric.type=\"run.googleapis.com/container/billable_instance_time\" resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" resource.labels.service_name=\"${service_name}\" resource.labels.location=\"${region}\"",
+                    "aggregation": {
+                      "alignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                      "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_RATE",
+                      "crossSeriesReducer": "REDUCE_SUM",
+                      "groupByFields": [
+                        "resource.label.service_name"
+                      ]
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                "plotType": "LINE",
+                "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s",
+                "targetAxis": "Y1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "xAxis": {
+              "scale": "LINEAR"
+            },
+            "chartOptions": {
+              "mode": "COLOR"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git a/dashboard.tf b/dashboard.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b639e7c637da63493c73454e6218775040cccde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Create a monitoring dashboard for the provisioned Cloud Run service.
+# The dashboard, defined in ./dashboard.json, contains:
+# - Request counts broken down by response code class (ignoring 404s).
+# - Request latencies for 50th, 95th and 99th percentile.
+# - Container CPU and memory utilisations for 50th, 95th and 99th percentile.
+# - Container instance count and billable instance time.
+data "template_file" "dashboard_json" {
+  count = var.create_monitoring_dashboard ? 1 : 0
+  template = file("${path.module}/dashboard.json")
+  vars = {
+    service_name = var.name
+    region       = var.cloud_run_region
+  }
+resource "google_monitoring_dashboard" "dashboard" {
+  for_each       = toset([for template in data.template_file.dashboard_json : template.rendered])
+  dashboard_json = each.key
diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf
index 428f3dcd1a226ac210fd224d9e125547da43d2cd..bf744526dee7beec4b2ffae567d7fdc600f765a8 100644
--- a/variables.tf
+++ b/variables.tf
@@ -260,6 +260,15 @@ variable "disable_monitoring" {
+variable "create_monitoring_dashboard" {
+  type        = bool
+  default     = false
+  description = <<-EOL
+    Optional. Determines whether to create the monitoring dashboard defined in ./dashboard.json
+    for the provisioned Cloud Run service. Defaults to false.
 variable "enable_static_egress_ip" {
   default     = false
   type        = bool