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+# Known issues
+## Manual Deletion Required for Static IP Address
+`prevent_deletion` attribute is enabled for the `google_compute_address.static_ip` resource.
+This attribute is used to prevent accidental deletion of important resources.
+It is generally not expected for static IP addresses to be deleted or recreated frequently,
+as these are often referenced in other external configurations such as firewall rules and DNS
+with `prevent_deletion` applied, Terraform will display error trying to destroy the resource:
+│ Error: Instance cannot be destroyed
+│   on .terraform/modules/webapp/static_egress_ip.tf line 40:
+│   40: resource "google_compute_address" "static_ip" {
+│ Resource module.webapp.google_compute_address.static_ip[0] has lifecycle.prevent_destroy set, but the plan calls for this resource to be destroyed. To avoid
+│ this error and continue with the plan, either disable lifecycle.prevent_destroy or reduce the scope of the plan using the -target flag.
+However, sometimes it needs to be deleted. If a resource is created with `prevent_deletion`,
+Terraform will block any attempt to delete this resource through Terraform commands.
+In some situations, it is necessary to delete static IP Address entries. In order to do this with
+`prevent_deletion` enabled, you must first manually delete the resource via the console or `gcloud`
+cli tool before running `terraform apply`.
+A full example of this is shown below.
+## Manually deleting a static IP address with `prevent_deletion` attribute
+1. Confirm the name of the Cloud Router using the `gcloud` command:
+gcloud compute routers list --project $PROJECT_ID
+NAME              REGION        NETWORK
+webapp-ip-router  europe-west2  default
+2. Delete the Cloud Router:
+gcloud compute routers delete [CLOUD_ROUTER]  --project $PROJECT_ID --region $REGION
+3. Delete the IP address:
+gcloud compute addresses delete webapp-static-ip --region $REGION --project $PROJECT_ID
+4. Verify that the IP address is deleted:
+gcloud compute addresses list --project $PROJECT_ID
+That's it. Now Terraform commands will work without errors.