diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 78e22c7695568c52e43d317ff4522069b1e2d8e4..8b8e58ae8b96a91377bbc110b8f9003089495bfd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,74 +1,100 @@
 # GCP Cloud Run manager terraform module
-This module manages a Cloud Run-hosted container. It takes care of making
-sure the container is connected to a Cloud SQL instance and sets
-environment variables on the application.
+This module manages a Cloud Run-hosted container. It takes care of making sure the container is
+connected to a Cloud SQL instance and sets environment variables on the application.
-Specify the project to deploy into on the command line. So, for
-example, to deploy to the project ``my-project``:
+Specify the project to deploy into on the command line. So, for example, to deploy to the project
 $ terraform init
 $ terraform apply -var project=my-project
-In this example, terraform is configured to use default application credentials.
-For Google APIs and these credentials should correspond to a user with owner or
-editor access to the target project. You can use the ``gcloud`` command line
-tool to set your personal credentials as application default credentials. See
-the ``gcloud auth application-default`` command output for more information.
+In this example, terraform is configured to use default application credentials. For Google APIs and
+these credentials should correspond to a user with owner or editor access to the target project. You
+can use the `gcloud` command line tool to set your personal credentials as application default
+credentials. See the `gcloud auth application-default` command output for more information.
 ## Versioning
-The `master` branch contains the tip of development and corresponds to the `v4`
-branch. The `v1`, `v2` and `v3` branches will maintain source compatibility with
-the initial release.
+The `master` branch contains the tip of development and corresponds to the `v8` branch. The `v1`,
+`v2`, `v3` etc. branches will maintain source compatibility with the initial release.
 ## Ingress style
-There are two supported ingress styles depending on `var.ingress_style` variable.
-`var.ingress_style` can be: 
-- `domain-mapping` (default): passing DNS domains as `var.dns_names` or `var.dns_name`,
-which takes precedence over `var.dns_names`, will create domain mappings to the Cloud
-Run service. Before setting this, you *must* have verified ownership of the provided
-domains with Google. [Instructions on how to do
-can be found in the DevOps division guidebook.
+There are two supported ingress styles depending on `var.ingress_style` variable.
-- `load-balancer`: a load balancer will be configured instead of a domain mapping. The
-DNS domains in `var.dns_names` or `var.dns_name`, which takes precedence over `var.dns_names`,
-will get Google-managed or custom TLS certificates depending on `var.use_ssl_certificates`
-and `var.ssl_certificates`. An IPv6 address can also be allocated to the load balancer if
-`var.enable_ipv6` is `true`.
+`var.ingress_style` can be:
+- `domain-mapping` (default): passing DNS domains as `var.dns_names` or `var.dns_name`, which takes
+  precedence over `var.dns_names`, will create domain mappings to the Cloud Run service. Before
+  setting this, you _must_ have verified ownership of the provided domains with Google. [Instructions
+  on how to do
+  this](https://guidebook.devops.uis.cam.ac.uk/en/latest/notes/google-domain-verification/) can be
+  found in the DevOps division guidebook.
+- `load-balancer`: a load balancer will be configured instead of a domain mapping. The DNS domains
+  in `var.dns_names` or `var.dns_name`, which takes precedence over `var.dns_names`, will get
+  Google-managed or custom TLS certificates depending on `var.use_ssl_certificates` and
+  `var.ssl_certificates`. An IPv6 address can also be allocated to the load balancer if
+  `var.enable_ipv6` is `true`.
+## Pre-deploy Cloud Run job
+The `v8` release introduced an `enable_pre_deploy_job` variable. When set to `true` a [Cloud
+Run job](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/create-jobs) is created to execute a configurable command
+_before_ the main Cloud Run service is deployed. The initial use case for this is to run database
+migrations, however in the future we're sure there'll be more.
+The pre-deploy job uses the image specified in `var.pre_deploy_job_image_name` if set, otherwise it
+falls back to the same `var.image_name` that the main service uses. The command and arguments that
+the job executes are configurable via the `pre_deploy_job_command` and `pre_deploy_job_args`
+A `null_resource` is also configured to execute the pre-deploy job whenever it detects that the
+value of `var.image_name` has changed (or at every `apply` if `var.force_pre_deploy_job` is set to
+`true`). This uses the `gcloud run jobs execute` command and is run in the context of the
+`terraform-deploy` service account via an access token. Using `null_resource` is never ideal.
+However, in this situation it provides a very handy way to trigger this simple job so it has been
+To ensure that the pre-deploy job always runs _before_ a new revision of the Cloud Run webapp
+service is deployed, the resources in question are explicitly configured with `depends_on`
+relationships, as follows.
+1. The `google_cloud_run_v2_job.pre_deploy` Cloud Run job has no `depends_on` relationships defined
+   and is therefore deployed first.
+2. The `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger` resource depends on
+   `google_cloud_run_v2_job.pre_deploy` and therefore won't be deployed until the Cloud Run job is
+   deployed successfully.
+3. Finally, the `google_cloud_run_service.webapp` Cloud Run service depends on
+   `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger`, meaning it is only deployed once the
+   `null_resource.pre_deploy_job_trigger` has executed successfully.
 ## Monitoring and Alerting
-If the variable [alerting_email_address](variables.tf) is set, the module adds
-basic uptime *alerting* via email for failing http polling.
+If the variable [alerting_email_address](variables.tf) is set, the module adds basic uptime
+_alerting_ via email for failing http polling.
-If the variable [disable_monitoring](variables.tf) is true, the module will
-disable *monitoring*. This is different from disabling alerting; if no
-alerting email addresses are provided, the uptime checks will still be
-configured, there just won't be any alerts sent if they fail. Disabling
-monitoring will also disable alerting as without any monitoring there is nothing
-to alert(!)
+If the variable [disable_monitoring](variables.tf) is true, the module will disable _monitoring_.
+This is different from disabling alerting; if no alerting email addresses are provided, the uptime
+checks will still be configured, there just won't be any alerts sent if they fail. Disabling
+monitoring will also disable alerting as without any monitoring there is nothing to alert(!)
 See [variables.tf](variables.tf) for how to configure alerting and monitoring.
-Note that the project containing resources to be monitored must be in a
-Stackdriver monitoring workspace and this must be configured manually. At the
-time of writing there is no terraform support for this. This module will error
-when applying if this is not so.
+Note that the project containing resources to be monitored must be in a Stackdriver monitoring
+workspace and this must be configured manually. At the time of writing there is no terraform support
+for this. This module will error when applying if this is not so.
-Stackdriver distinguishes between workspaces and projects within those
-workspaces. Each workspace must have a host project and that project *must* be
-the default project of the `google.stackdriver` provider used by this module.
-The `google.stackdriver` must be configured with credentials allowing monitoring
-resources to be created in the *host* project.
+Stackdriver distinguishes between workspaces and projects within those workspaces. Each workspace
+must have a host project and that project _must_ be the default project of the `google.stackdriver`
+provider used by this module. The `google.stackdriver` must be configured with credentials allowing
+monitoring resources to be created in the _host_ project.
-If the workspace host project differs from the project which contains the
-resources to be monitored, you can use a provider alias:
+If the workspace host project differs from the project which contains the resources to be monitored,
+you can use a provider alias:
 provider "google" {
@@ -96,12 +122,11 @@ module "cloud_run_service" {
 ### Monitoring instances which require service account authentication
 If `allow_unauthenticated_invocations` is not true, a Cloud Function will be created which
-authenticates via a service account, allowing the StackDriver monitoring to call the Cloud
-Function, with the Cloud Function authentication and proxying the request to the Cloud Run
+authenticates via a service account, allowing the StackDriver monitoring to call the Cloud Function,
+with the Cloud Function authentication and proxying the request to the Cloud Run instance.
-Because this requires a Cloud Function to be created, the `cloudfunctions.googleapis.com`
-service should be enabled on the project that houses the Cloud Run instance.
+Because this requires a Cloud Function to be created, the `cloudfunctions.googleapis.com` service
+should be enabled on the project that houses the Cloud Run instance.
 ## Static Egress IP
@@ -112,26 +137,25 @@ from the cloud run through a static ip.
 The static ip is configured with `prevent_destroy = true`, meaning that it cannot be destroyed
-without removing it from terraform state using `terraform state rm` and then manually destroying
-the resource within the GCP console. This is to prevent accidental destruction of an IP which
-is likely to be whitelisted within firewall configuration that lives outside of our deployments.
+without removing it from terraform state using `terraform state rm` and then manually destroying the
+resource within the GCP console. This is to prevent accidental destruction of an IP which is likely
+to be whitelisted within firewall configuration that lives outside of our deployments.
 ## Secrets as Volumes and Env Vars
-Secret Manager secrets can be as environment variables or volume mounts (files) in the 
-running container.
+Secret Manager secrets can be as environment variables or volume mounts (files) in the running
 The service account that Cloud Run runs as needs access to the secrets for this feature to work.
 Thus, this module gives `secretAccessor` role to that service account for the secrets passed on
 `secrets_volume` and `secrets_envars`.
-Any number of items in the list is supported and not defining these variables
-when calling this module is acceptable. The path of the mounted file will be
-based on `path/name`.
+Any number of items in the list is supported and not defining these variables when calling this
+module is acceptable. The path of the mounted file will be based on `path/name`.
-For the example configuration below the files will be `/secrets-1/foobarfile1`
-and `/secrets-2/foobarfile2`. A common `path` for multiple secrets is not supported, they must
-be unique.
+For the example configuration below the files will be `/secrets-1/foobarfile1` and
+`/secrets-2/foobarfile2`. A common `path` for multiple secrets is not supported, they must be
 > Note: `name` should only have alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.