diff --git a/load_balancer.tf b/load_balancer.tf
index 8092e96639f8e12e17b32937ab3b00a7f44960ce..5faa9663441c69a17884897fea0ed568867e6d57 100644
--- a/load_balancer.tf
+++ b/load_balancer.tf
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # load_balancer.tf configures Cloud Load Balancer resources for the Cloud Run
-# service if var.ingress_style == "load-balancer".
+# service if var.use_load_balancer == true.
 # A network endpoint group for the "webapp" application.
 resource "google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group" "webapp" {
-  count = var.ingress_style == "load-balancer" ? 1 : 0
+  count = var.use_load_balancer ? 1 : 0
   name                  = var.name
   network_endpoint_type = "SERVERLESS"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ resource "google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group" "webapp" {
 resource "google_compute_ssl_policy" "default" {
-  count = var.ingress_style == "load-balancer" && var.ssl_policy == null ? 1 : 0
+  count = var.use_load_balancer && var.ssl_policy == null ? 1 : 0
   name            = "${var.name}-modern"
   profile         = "MODERN"
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ resource "google_compute_ssl_policy" "default" {
 # [1] https://registry.terraform.io/modules/GoogleCloudPlatform/lb-http/google/latest/submodules/serverless_negs
 module "webapp_http_load_balancer" {
-  count = var.ingress_style == "load-balancer" ? 1 : 0
+  count = var.use_load_balancer ? 1 : 0
   # The double slash is important(!)
   source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/lb-http/google//modules/serverless_negs"
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module "webapp_http_load_balancer" {
   # Use custom TLS certs if var.use_ssl_certificates is true, otherwise, use the Google-managed certs.
   use_ssl_certificates            = var.use_ssl_certificates
   ssl_certificates                = var.ssl_certificates
-  managed_ssl_certificate_domains = local.dns_names
+  managed_ssl_certificate_domains = var.dns_names
   ssl_policy                      = var.ssl_policy == null ? google_compute_ssl_policy.default[0].id : var.ssl_policy
   # Whether to create an IPv6 address to the load balancer.
diff --git a/locals.tf b/locals.tf
index 3ca469d0bfc3da460523931c1dc3195a17b9a106..5aec9f1d8d76268d1274be17c45807dd209c25cc 100644
--- a/locals.tf
+++ b/locals.tf
@@ -4,48 +4,15 @@ locals {
   # Project containing existing Cloud SQL instance.
   sql_instance_project = coalesce(var.sql_instance_project, var.project)
-  # Should a DNS domain mapping be created?
-  domain_mapping_present = anytrue([for dm in google_cloud_run_domain_mapping.webapp : true])
-  # DNS names for web app
-  dns_names = var.dns_name != "" ? [var.dns_name] : var.dns_names
-  # DNS records for webapp. Merge records from any domain mappings or load balancers.
-  dns_records = flatten(concat(
-    [
-      for domain_mapping in google_cloud_run_domain_mapping.webapp : [
-        {
-          type   = domain_mapping.status[0].resource_records[0].type
-          rrdata = domain_mapping.status[0].resource_records[0].rrdata
-        }
-      ]
-    ],
-    [
-      for load_balancer in module.webapp_http_load_balancer : [
-        {
-          type   = "A"
-          rrdata = load_balancer.external_ip
-        },
-        {
-          type   = "AAAA"
-          rrdata = load_balancer.external_ipv6_address
-        }
-      ]
-    ]
-  ))
   pre_deploy_job_image_name = var.pre_deploy_job_image_name == null ? var.image_name : var.pre_deploy_job_image_name
   pre_deploy_job_environment_variables = var.pre_deploy_job_environment_variables == null ? var.environment_variables : var.pre_deploy_job_environment_variables
-  # Certain ingress styles imply that we disallow external access to the base Cloud Run service.
-  webapp_allowed_ingress = lookup({
-    load-balancer = "internal-and-cloud-load-balancing"
-  }, var.ingress_style, var.allowed_ingress)
+  webapp_allowed_ingress = var.use_load_balancer ? "internal-and-cloud-load-balancing" : var.allowed_ingress
   # Whether we should monitor the custom domain - only possible if there are a dns names
   # set and unauthenticated invocation is enabled.
-  can_monitor_custom_dns = length(local.dns_names) > 0 && var.allow_unauthenticated_invocations
+  can_monitor_custom_dns = length(var.dns_names) > 0 && var.allow_unauthenticated_invocations
   # Holds which VPC connector can be used for the auth proxy Cloud Function egress settings
   auth_proxy_egress_connector = var.enable_static_egress_ip ? google_vpc_access_connector.static-ip-connector[0].id : var.auth_proxy_egress_connector
@@ -61,7 +28,7 @@ locals {
     local.can_monitor_custom_dns ? {
-      for dns_name in local.dns_names :
+      for dns_name in var.dns_names :
       (dns_name) => {
         host                    = dns_name
         enable_auth_proxy       = local.webapp_allowed_ingress == "internal",
diff --git a/main.tf b/main.tf
index 59b03c5b85cb33b3de3820ad0e5c23f296dade54..f54296f277dd410c1a6a8a2f70a11986f37a232b 100644
--- a/main.tf
+++ b/main.tf
@@ -220,27 +220,6 @@ resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_member" "webapp_all_users_invoker" {
   member   = "allUsers"
-# Domain mapping for default web-application. Only present if the domain is
-# verified. We use the custom DNS name of the webapp if provided but otherwise
-# the webapp is hosted at [SERVICE NAME].[PROJECT DNS ZONE]. We can't create
-# the domain mapping if the domain is *not* verified because Google won't let
-# us.
-resource "google_cloud_run_domain_mapping" "webapp" {
-  for_each = toset(var.ingress_style == "domain-mapping" ? local.dns_names : [])
-  location = var.cloud_run_region
-  name     = each.key
-  metadata {
-    # For managed Cloud Run, the namespace *must* be the project name.
-    namespace = var.project
-  }
-  spec {
-    route_name = google_cloud_run_service.webapp.name
-  }
 module "uptime_monitoring" {
   for_each = local.monitor_hosts
diff --git a/outputs.tf b/outputs.tf
index 30279816fc485375e946fe2f62ac3599cb7aee5e..2b5771001e565a7873704f40938f8526dd95bc92 100644
--- a/outputs.tf
+++ b/outputs.tf
@@ -15,38 +15,6 @@ output "load_balancer" {
   value       = module.webapp_http_load_balancer
-output "domain_mapping_present" {
-  description = "Flag indicating if a domain mapping is present for the webapp"
-  value       = local.domain_mapping_present
-output "domain_mapping_resource_record" {
-  value       = try(local.dns_records[0], {})
-  description = <<EOI
-    Deprecated. Use dns_resource_records output instead.
-    Resource record for DNS hostnames. If a domain mapping or load balancing is configured
-    the following keys will be set: type and rrdata. If no mapping is configured, the
-    map will be empty.
-  EOI
-output "dns_resource_records" {
-  value       = local.dns_records
-  description = <<EOI
-    List of DNS records for web application. Each element is an object with "type" and "rrdata"
-    keys.
-  EOI
-output "domain_mapping_dns_name" {
-  description = <<EOI
-DNS name (minus trailing dot) of webapp. Will be blank if no DNS name
-  value       = var.dns_name
 output "static_egress_ip" {
   description = <<EOI
 The static egress IP assigned to this cloud run instance. Only populated
diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf
index a6a4cdca5f2890c69bbcdd984e616b2a497cc008..43b5645c3267e1f853a1960c0cf3f52b597240ab 100644
--- a/variables.tf
+++ b/variables.tf
@@ -164,48 +164,19 @@ EOI
   default     = true
-variable "ingress_style" {
-  type        = string
-  default     = "domain-mapping"
-  description = "Whether to configure a load balancer or create a domain mapping"
-  validation {
-    condition     = contains(["domain-mapping", "load-balancer"], var.ingress_style)
-    error_message = "Ingress style must be one of 'domain-mapping' or 'load-balancer'."
-  }
-variable "dns_name" {
-  default     = ""
-  type        = string
-  description = <<EOI
-    Deprecated: use the dns_names variable instead.
-    If non-empty, var.dns_names will be ignored.
-    If non-empty, a domain mapping will be created for the webapp from this host
-    to point to the webapp or a load balancer will be created for this host depending
-    on the value of the ingress_style variable.
-    The domain must first have been verified by Google and the account being used by
-    the google provider must have been added as an owner.
-    If and only if a domain mapping has been created, the
-    "domain_mapping_present" output will be true.
-    If a domain mapping or load balancer has been created, the "dns_resource_records"
-    output contains the appropriate DNS records.
-  EOI
+variable "use_load_balancer" {
+  type        = bool
+  default     = true
+  description = "Whether to configure a load balancer or use the default run.app generated hostname."
 variable "dns_names" {
   type        = list(any)
   default     = []
   description = <<EOI
-    List of DNS names for web application. Note that no records are created,
-    the records to be created can be found in the dns_resource_records output.
-    Ignored if var.dns_name is non-empty.
-  EOI
+List of DNS names for the web application. Note that DNS records are _NOT_ created. The DNS entries in this list are
+used in the load balancer module to ensure the SSL certificate is generate with the required SANs.
 variable "use_ssl_certificates" {
@@ -224,7 +195,7 @@ variable "ssl_certificates" {
   description = <<EOI
     A list of self-links to any custom TLS certificates to add to the load balancer.
-    Requires that var.ingress_style be "load-balancer". The self-link is available as
+    Requires that var.use_load_balancer be "true". The self-link is available as
     the "self_link" attribute of "google_compute_ssl_certificate" resources.
@@ -330,16 +301,12 @@ variable "allowed_ingress" {
   default     = "all"
   type        = string
   description = <<EOL
-    Specify the allowed ingress to the service. Should be one of:
-    "all", "internal" or "internal-and-cloud-load-balancing".
-    If var.ingress_style == "load-balancer", the provided var.allowed_ingress will be ignored
-    and the allowed ingress will be set automatically to "internal-and-cloud-load-balancing".
+Specify the allowed ingress to the service. Should be one of:
+"all", "internal" or "internal-and-cloud-load-balancing".
-    Setting this to a value other than "all" implies that the service will be
-    moved to the "beta" launch stage. See
-    https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/troubleshooting#launch-stage-validation.
-  EOL
+If var.use_load_balancer == true, the provided var.allowed_ingress will be ignored
+and the allowed ingress will be set automatically to "internal-and-cloud-load-balancing".
 variable "service_annotations" {