Update text
I wondered if it would be possible, on the page https://iar.admin.cam.ac.uk/, to change the following text. The rationale is that I am shortly going to ask departments (as part of a wider set of data protection compliance ‘housekeeping’ tasks) to review and edit their entries, while the current text still sounds a bit like this was a one-off exercise from 2018.
Old text:
You must record details of certain information assets (databases, lists or other collections of data) held by your institution — you were originally asked to do this by 30 April 2018 but please continue to add and edit entries as necessary.
This will help the University meet its duties under the General Data Protection Regulation which became law on 25 May 2018.
Use the information asset register (IAR) to add, edit and view the details of these information assets. You cannot upload the data itself.
New text (third para. is the same):
You must record details of certain information assets (databases, lists or other collections of data) held by your institution. These details should be checked and updated as necessary and at least annually. You can download a report of all of your institution’s assets to help check them.
This will help the University meet its duties under the General Data Protection Regulation and related legislation.
Use the information asset register (IAR) to add, edit and view the details of these information assets. You cannot upload the data itself.