Raven/OAuth2 client credentials problem: "Group accounts are not permitted as owners on projects"
I'm trying to follow the instructions at https://docs.raven.cam.ac.uk/en/latest/creating-oauth2-client-credentials/. I have access to what I believe is an ordinary Google account registered to "infra-systems@uis.cam.ac.uk". I've created a project and tried to add "103105@groups.lookup.cam.ac.uk" as a member of that group with the role "Owner" from the "Project" group, as recommended under "Create a Google project". This gives me the error:
IAM policy update failed
The update cannot be completed. Group accounts are not permitted as owners on projects.
Request ID: 7504954934617235983
Adding myself as an individual, which is suggested as an alternative, seems to work correctly.
I would suggest that the documentation be updated to not suggest making groups owners of projects.