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Commits on Source (4)
  • Dr Rich Wareham's avatar
    feat: add the bones of an OpenAPI client generation mechanism · 929894f5
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    Add the start of a re-usable OpenAPI client generation mechanism. Add
    two files: one which represents the repository-local customisation and
    one which is the re-usable template. Add the start of some documentation
    for the template with an eye to moving it to the guidebook.
    The general idea is that getting OpenAPI clients *should* be as simple
    as including an `openapi.yaml` file in the root of the repository. (Note
    the name of the file was chosen because GitLab will automatically render
    files so-named with swagger UI.)
    For our specific use case we want to generate the schema dynamically and
    so allow for this by means of customising an "openapi:schema" job whose
    role is to ensure the schema is available to downstream jobs as a CI job
    artefact. The default behaviour is simply to copy the schema from the
    repository but we override it to use the DRF spectactular Django
    management command. We use the `--fail-if-warn` flag to allow this job
    to additionally act as a "test" test that schema generation succeeds
    without warning.
    Add in the plumbing to run the [openapi-generator CLI][1] but only use
    it for the moment as an additional "test" job which validates the spec.
    [1]: https://openapi-generator.tech/
    The template has been written with an eye to adding to the common
    pipeline and so that there can be zero configuration required to make
    use of it. As such the template follows the rules of the common pipeline
    in being "safe" to include with no side-effects unless it's triggered
    and all CI variables and artefacts are appropriately namespaced.
    Closes #24
  • Dr Rich Wareham's avatar
    Merge branch 'issue-24-schema-generation' into 'main' · 509f04ef
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    feat: add the bones of an OpenAPI client generation mechanism
    Closes #24
    See merge request !56
  • activate-account-bot's avatar
    chore(release): 0.8.0 · d1d55d0a
    activate-account-bot authored
  • E. Evstafiev's avatar
    Merge branch 'release-it--main' into 'main' · bae3eabf
    E. Evstafiev authored
    chore(release): 0.8.0
    See merge request !57
- local: "/.gitlab/webapp.gitlab-ci.yml"
# OpenAPI client generation templates. Destined for the common ci-templates repo.
- local: "/.gitlab/openapi-generator.gitlab-ci.yml"
# Local customisations for OpenAPI generation.
- local: "/.gitlab/openapi-generator-local.gitlab-ci.yml"
# *REPOSITORY LOCAL* specialisation of the OpenAPI generator templates.
# We need to explicitly enable the OpenAPI generation since we don't have an openapi.yaml file in
# the root of our repository which would otherwise signal that.
# We do not ship the OpenAPI schema in the repository and so the openapi:schema job needs to be
# extended to create the schema.
- docker:dind
name: docker:latest
- cp secrets.env.in secrets.env
- docker compose run --rm manage spectacular --fail-on-warn --file "$OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_ARTIFACT_PATH"
# Reusable template for generating API clients from an OpenAPI schema.
# See the openapi-generator.md file in this directory for detailed usage information.
# This template is intended to be included in the common pipeline and so follows the common pipeline
# rules:
# - No jobs are added unless triggered explicitly or via the presence of a special file.
# - All jobs can be disabled if incorrectly triggered.
# - All "public" CI variables are namespaced to avoid collisions.
# - All build artefacts are added to a configurable directory to allow customisation if that
# directory conflicts with one in the repository.
# This template requires the Auto DevOps stages.
# Location of the OpenAPI schema file within the repository.
# Location of various job artefacts. These will always be relative to $CI_PROJECT_DIR.
# Specify Docker images used by jobs.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_OPENAPI_GENERATOR_IMAGE: openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v7.10.0
# Ensure that the schema is present as the $OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_ARTIFACT_PATH artefact. The
# default behaviour is to copy the file specified by $OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_PATH but the job can
# be extended for more complex behaviour or dynamically generated schema.
stage: build
needs: []
# Ensure that the directory which is to contain the schema exists.
# The default behaviour is to copy the schema file to the artifact directory.
# When extending this job, rules which *disable* jobs should be included *above* these rules.
# Rules which *enable* the job should be included *below* them.
# Never run any OpenAPI generate jobs if OPENAPI_GENERATOR_DISABLED is set.
when: never
# If no API specification is provided, never run.
when: never
# If an OpenAPI spec is present in the repository, use it.
# Finally, allow OpenAPI generation to be explicitly enabled if desired.
# Extract the version from the OpenAPI schema. This is required by some generator jobs as some
# generator templates do not respect the version set in the schema. The version is written to
# $OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_VERSION_ARTIFACT. Note that even generators which support reading the
# version from the schema should respect the artefact generated by this job since it provides a
# customisation point to override the package version if needed.
stage: build
needs: ["openapi:schema"]
entrypoint: [""]
- !reference ["openapi:schema", rules]
# Template CI job for running openapi-generator.
entrypoint: [""]
# Customise how openapi-generator-cli is run.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_CMD: "/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh"
- !reference ["openapi:schema", rules]
# Validate the OpenAPI schema.
extends: ".openapi:generator-cli"
stage: test
needs: ["openapi:schema"]
- |-
<!-- This file is being drafted here ahead of being merged into the guidebook. -->
# OpenAPI client generation
This document describes the use of the OpenAPI generator template. The OpenAPI generator template is
intended to be included in the "common" pipeline and so will not add any jobs to the pipeline unless
specifically triggered.
## Basic use
Add a file named `openapi.yaml` to the root of your repository with the OpenAPI schema in it. This
will trigger a run of the OpenAPI client generator. No additional CI configuration is needed.
If you schema is stored in a different file, the `OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_PATH` CI variable may be
set to override the schema location. The variable should be set to a path relative to the repository
root which points to the schema file.
## Generating the schema in CI
If you generate your OpenAPI schema dynamically, you need to explicitly enable OpenAPI client
generation by setting the `OPENAPI_GENERATOR_ENABLED` variable. Additionally you'll need to override
the `openapi:schema` job to generate your schema and write it to the path stored in the
For example:
# .gitlab-ci.yml
# We need to explicitly enable the OpenAPI generation since we don't have an openapi.yaml file in
# the root of our repository which would otherwise signal that.
# We do not ship the OpenAPI schema in the repository and so the openapi:schema job needs to be
# overridden to use our schema generation command.
- my-schema-generator --output=$OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_ARTIFACT_PATH
Not that the existing `openapi:schema` job's `before_script` ensures that the directory containing
that path exists and so you do not need a `mkdir` or equivalent.
## CI variables
The following variables can be set to change the behaviour of the CI template.
|`OPENAPI_GENERATOR_ENABLED`|*unset*|Set to non-empty value to *enable* OpenAPI client generation if not otherwise automatically triggered.|
|`OPENAPI_GENERATOR_DISABLED`|*unset*|Set to non-empty value to *disable* OpenAPI client generation if automatically triggered when it shouldn't be.|
|`OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_PATH`|`openapi.yaml`|Location of static OpenAPI schema file within the repository.|
|`OPENAPI_GENERATOR_ARTIFACT_DIR`|`openapi`|Directory in which generated artifacts are placed.|
# Changelog
## [0.8.0](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/iam/activate-account/api/compare/0.7.0...0.8.0) (2024-11-28)
### Features
* add the bones of an OpenAPI client generation mechanism ([929894f](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/iam/activate-account/api/commit/929894f5209d90ce0439e80f321f980091f449a8)), closes [#24](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/iam/activate-account/api/issues/24)
## [0.7.0](https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/uis/devops/iam/activate-account/api/compare/0.6.0...0.7.0) (2024-11-27)
### Features
name = "activate_account"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.8.0"
description = ""
authors = [ ]
readme = "README.md"