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  • Dave Hart's avatar
    Post-review refactor Lookup API code. (#35) · 4af9bd71
    Dave Hart authored
    The review discovered that the sync tool, when run on production, would never
    succeed because the membership list of some groups/institutions was so large
    that the API response exceeded the size limit imposed by API Gateway (due to
    Lookup API returning detailed lists of members). This commit refactors the code
    to fetch group/institution membership for each user and use that to populate
    the membership set for each group/institution.
    Use Python 3.9 in Dockerfile as new Python features are now used.
    Update version of Flake8 so the checks are compatible with the newer version
    of Python.
    Remove redundant function `_extract_uid()`.
    Modify Flake8 configuration to exclude the standard set of folders used across