# Tox runner configuration # # The following optional environment variables can change behaviour. See the # comments where they are used for more information. # # - TOXINI_ARTEFACT_DIR # - TOXINI_FLAKE8_VERSION # - TOXINI_WORK_DIR # [tox] # Envs which should be run by default. envlist=flake8,py3 # Allow overriding toxworkdir via environment variable toxworkdir={env:TOXINI_WORK_DIR:{toxinidir}/.tox} # Avoid .egg-info directories skipsdist=True # The "_vars" section is ignored by tox but we place some useful shared # variables in it to avoid needless repetition. [_vars] # Where to write build artefacts. We default to the "build" directory in the # tox.ini file's directory. Override with the TOXINI_ARTEFACT_DIR environment # variable. build_root={env:TOXINI_ARTEFACT_DIR:{toxinidir}/build} [testenv] # Additional dependencies deps= . coverage pytest pytest-cov # Which environment variables should be passed into the environment. passenv= # Allow people to override the coverage report location should they so wish. COVERAGE_FILE # Location of the coverage.xml file COVERAGE_XML_FILE # How to run the test suite. Note that arguments passed to tox are passed on to # the test command. commands= pytest --doctest-modules --cov={toxinidir} --junitxml={[_vars]build_root}/{envname}/junit.xml coverage html --directory {[_vars]build_root}/{envname}/htmlcov/ coverage xml -o {env:COVERAGE_XML_FILE:{[_vars]build_root}/{envname}/coverage.xml} # Allow sitepackages setting to be overridden via TOX_SITEPACKAGES environment # variable. The tox container uses this to avoid re-installing the same packages # over and over again. sitepackages={env:TOXINI_SITEPACKAGES:False} [testenv:py3] basepython=python3 # Check for PEP8 violations [testenv:flake8] basepython=python3 deps= # We specify a specific version of flake8 to avoid introducing "false" # regressions when new checks are introduced. The version of flake8 used may # be overridden via the TOXINI_FLAKE8_VERSION environment variable. flake8=={env:TOXINI_FLAKE8_VERSION:3.6.0} commands= flake8 --version flake8 .