From e7b59058b20db56ab7f648c572b3d55cd886cfd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dean Rasheed <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 17:49:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Synchronise Lookup institutions.

This causes Lookup institutions and their members to be synchronised
with groups in Google, in a similar way to Lookup groups. The unique
identifier of the group in Google is it's email address:

email = {instID.lower()}@{insts_domain}

where {insts_domain} is a configurable secondary domain (noting that
the local part of the email address is required to be lowercase,
whereas all instIDs from Lookup are uppercase).
 configuration-example.yaml |  18 +++
 gsuitesync/   |   4 +
 gsuitesync/         |  63 +++++++++
 gsuitesync/         | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 267 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configuration-example.yaml b/configuration-example.yaml
index 31ce46c..0481973 100644
--- a/configuration-example.yaml
+++ b/configuration-example.yaml
@@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ ldap:
   # LDAP search base for groups. Group filters are always relative to this.
   group_search_base: 'ou=groups,o=example-corps,dc=example,dc=com'
+  # LDAP search base for institutions. Institution filters are always relative to this.
+  inst_search_base: 'ou=insts,o=example-corps,dc=example,dc=com'
   # Filter to use to determine the "eligible" list of users. If a non-admin user
   # is found on Google who isn't in this list, their account will be suspended.
   eligible_user_filter: '(uid=*)'
@@ -158,6 +161,10 @@ ldap:
   # found on Google that isn't in this list, it will be deleted.
   eligible_group_filter: '(groupID=*)'
+  # Filter to use to determine the "eligible" list of institutions. If an
+  # institution is found on Google that isn't in this list, it will be deleted.
+  eligible_inst_filter: '(instID=*)'
   # Filter to use to determine the "managed" list of users. If a user appears in
   # this list who isn't in Google their account is created. If the user metadata
   # for a user in this list changes, the change is propagated to Google. If
@@ -171,6 +178,13 @@ ldap:
   # Default: null.
   managed_group_filter: null
+  # Filter to use to determine the "managed" list of institutions. If an
+  # institution appears in this list that isn't in Google it is created. If the
+  # institution metadata or list of members for an institution in this list
+  # changes, the change is propagated to Google. If null, the value of
+  # "eligible_inst_filter" is used. Default: null.
+  managed_inst_filter: null
 # Details about the Google Domain we're managing.
   # Name of the domain.
@@ -185,3 +199,7 @@ google_domain:
   # Secondary domain or domain alias for groups. If null, the value of "name"
   # is used. Default: null
   groups_domain: null
+  # Secondary domain or domain alias for institutions. If null, the value of
+  # "name" is used. Default: null
+  insts_domain: null
diff --git a/gsuitesync/ b/gsuitesync/
index 9e7e1eb..21d0923 100644
--- a/gsuitesync/
+++ b/gsuitesync/
@@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ class Configuration(ConfigurationDataclassMixin):
     # Secondary domain or domain alias for groups. If None, the value of "name" is used.
     # Default: None
     groups_domain: typing.Union[str, None] = None
+    # Secondary domain or domain alias for institutions. If None, the value of "name" is used.
+    # Default: None
+    insts_domain: typing.Union[str, None] = None
diff --git a/gsuitesync/ b/gsuitesync/
index fa39881..62d8447 100644
--- a/gsuitesync/
+++ b/gsuitesync/
@@ -28,14 +28,20 @@ class Configuration(ConfigurationDataclassMixin):
     group_search_base: str
+    inst_search_base: str
     eligible_user_filter: str
     eligible_group_filter: str
+    eligible_inst_filter: str
     managed_user_filter: typing.Union[str, None] = None
     managed_group_filter: typing.Union[str, None] = None
+    managed_inst_filter: typing.Union[str, None] = None
     def get_eligible_uids(self):
         Return a set containing all uids who are eligible to have a Google account.
@@ -62,6 +68,19 @@ class Configuration(ConfigurationDataclassMixin):
+    def get_eligible_instIDs(self):
+        """
+        Return a set containing all instIDs that are eligible for Google.
+        """
+        return {
+            e['attributes']['instID'][0]
+            for e in self._search(
+                search_base=self.inst_search_base, search_filter=self.eligible_inst_filter,
+                attributes=['instID']
+            )
+        }
     def get_managed_user_entries(self):
         Return a list containing all managed user entries as UserEntry instances.
@@ -104,6 +123,50 @@ class Configuration(ConfigurationDataclassMixin):
+    def get_managed_inst_entries(self):
+        """
+        Return a list containing all managed institution entries as GroupEntry instances.
+        Note that we return GroupEntry instances here since Lookup institutions become groups in
+        Google, and this simplifies the sync code by allowing us to handle institutions in the same
+        way as groups. The GroupEntry's groupID and groupName fields will be the institution's
+        instID and ou (name) respectively. Since Lookup institutions don't have descriptions, we
+        set the description field to the institution's name as well (in Google, the description
+        allows longer strings, and so will not truncate the name).
+        """
+        # This requires 2 LDAP queries. First find the managed institutions.
+        search_filter = (
+            self.managed_inst_filter
+            if self.managed_inst_filter is not None
+            else self.eligible_inst_filter
+        )
+        managed_insts = [
+            GroupEntry(
+                groupID=_extract(e, 'instID'), groupName=_extract(e, 'ou'),
+                description=_extract(e, 'ou'), uids=set(),
+            )
+            for e in self._search(
+                search_base=self.inst_search_base, search_filter=search_filter,
+                attributes=['instID', 'ou']
+            )
+        ]
+        managed_insts_by_instID = {g.groupID: g for g in managed_insts}
+        # Then get each eligible user's list of institutions and use that data to populate each
+        # institution's uid list.
+        eligible_users = self._search(
+            search_base=self.user_search_base, search_filter=self.eligible_user_filter,
+            attributes=['uid', 'instID']
+        )
+        for e in eligible_users:
+            uid = e['attributes']['uid'][0]
+            for instID in e['attributes']['instID']:
+                if instID in managed_insts_by_instID:
+                    managed_insts_by_instID[instID].uids.add(uid)
+        return managed_insts
     def _search(self, *, search_base, search_filter, attributes):
         ldap_server = ldap3.Server(
         with ldap3.Connection(ldap_server, auto_bind=True) as conn:
diff --git a/gsuitesync/ b/gsuitesync/
index 66c5f2e..a7c5f61 100644
--- a/gsuitesync/
+++ b/gsuitesync/
@@ -110,37 +110,60 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
-    # Functions to translate the unique identifiers of users and groups in Lookup (uids and
-    # groupIDs) to and from the unique identifiers used in Google (email addresses).
-    #
-    # For users:   {uid}     <-> {uid}@{domain}
-    # For groups:  {groupID} <-> {groupID}@{groups_domain}
-    #
-    # Additionally, valid uids (CRSids) match the regex [a-z][a-z0-9]{3,7}, and valid groupIDs
-    # match the regex [0-9]{6,8}.
-    user_email_regex = re.compile('^[a-z][a-z0-9]{3,7}@.*$')
-    group_email_regex = re.compile('^[0-9]{6,8}@.*$')
+    # Secondary domain for Google groups that come from Lookup groups
     groups_domain = (
         if gapi_domain_config.groups_domain is not None
+    # Secondary domain for Google groups that come from Lookup institutions
+    insts_domain = (
+        gapi_domain_config.insts_domain
+        if gapi_domain_config.insts_domain is not None
+        else
+    )
+    # Functions to translate the unique identifiers of users, groups and institutions in Lookup
+    # (uids, groupIDs and instIDs) to and from the unique identifiers used in Google (email
+    # addresses).
+    #
+    # For users:   {uid}     <-> {uid}@{domain}
+    # For groups:  {groupID} <-> {groupID}@{groups_domain}
+    # For insts:   {instID}  <-> {instID.lower()}@{insts_domain}  (local part must be lowercase)
+    #
+    # Additionally, valid uids (CRSids) match the regex [a-z][a-z0-9]{3,7}, valid groupIDs match
+    # the regex [0-9]{6,8} and valid instIDs match the regex [A-Z][A-Z0-9]+.
+    #
+    # Since Lookup institutions become groups in Google, we use common code to sync all Google
+    # groups, regardless of whether they were groups or institutions in Lookup. In all the code
+    # that follows, we use "gid" to refer to the unique identifier of the group or institution in
+    # Lookup (i.e., gid may be either a Lookup groupID or instID).
+    user_email_regex = re.compile('^[a-z][a-z0-9]{3,7}@.*$')
+    groupID_regex = re.compile('^[0-9]{6,8}$')
+    instID_regex = re.compile('^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+$')
     def uid_to_email(uid):
         return f'{uid}@{}'
     def email_to_uid(email):
         return email.split('@')[0] if user_email_regex.match(email) else None
-    def groupID_to_email(groupID):
-        return f'{groupID}@{groups_domain}'
+    def gid_to_email(gid):
+        return (
+            f'{gid}@{groups_domain}' if groupID_regex.match(gid) else
+            f'{gid.lower()}@{insts_domain}' if instID_regex.match(gid) else None
+        )
-    def email_to_groupID(email):
-        return email.split('@')[0] if group_email_regex.match(email) else None
+    def email_to_gid(email):
+        gid = email.split('@')[0]
+        return (
+            gid if groupID_regex.match(gid) else
+            gid.upper() if instID_regex.match(gid.upper()) else None
+        )
     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Load current user and group data from Lookup.
+    # Load current user, group and institution data from Lookup.
     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # Get a set containing all CRSids. These are all the people who are eligible to be in our
@@ -157,6 +180,18 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     eligible_groupIDs = ldap_config.get_eligible_groupIDs()'Total LDAP group entries: %s', len(eligible_groupIDs))
+    # Get a set containing all instIDs. These are all the institutions that are eligible to be in
+    # our GSuite instance. If an institution is in GSuite and is *not* present in this list then
+    # the corresponding group is deleted.
+'Reading eligible institution entries from LDAP')
+    eligible_instIDs = ldap_config.get_eligible_instIDs()
+'Total LDAP institution entries: %s', len(eligible_instIDs))
+    # Add these sets together to form the set of all gids (the IDs of all eligible groups and
+    # institutions).
+    eligible_gids = eligible_groupIDs | eligible_instIDs
+'Total combined LDAP group and institution entries: %s', len(eligible_gids))
     # Get a list of managed users. These are all the people who match the "managed_user_filter" in
     # the LDAP settings.'Reading managed user entries from LDAP')
@@ -186,14 +221,41 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):'Total managed group entries: %s', len(managed_group_groupIDs))'Total managed group members: %s', sum([len(g.uids) for g in managed_group_entries]))
+    # Get a list of managed institutions. These are all the institutions that match the
+    # "managed_inst_filter" in the LDAP settings.
+'Reading managed institution entries from LDAP')
+    managed_inst_entries = ldap_config.get_managed_inst_entries()
+    # Form a mapping from instID to managed institution.
+    managed_inst_entries_by_instID = {i.groupID: i for i in managed_inst_entries}
+    # Form a set of all *managed institution* instIDs
+    managed_inst_instIDs = set(managed_inst_entries_by_instID.keys())
+'Total managed institution entries: %s', len(managed_inst_instIDs))
+        'Total managed institution members: %s', sum([len(i.uids) for i in managed_inst_entries])
+    )
+    # Add the collections of managed institutions to the collections of managed groups.
+    managed_group_entries += managed_inst_entries
+    managed_group_entries_by_gid = {
+        **managed_group_entries_by_groupID, **managed_inst_entries_by_instID
+    }
+    managed_group_gids = managed_group_groupIDs | eligible_instIDs
+        'Total combined managed group and institution entries: %s', len(managed_group_gids)
+    )
+        'Total combined managed group and institution members: %s',
+        sum([len(g.uids) for g in managed_group_entries])
+    )
     # Sanity check: the managed groups should be a subset of the eligible ones.
-    if len(managed_group_groupIDs - eligible_groupIDs) != 0:
-        raise RuntimeError(
-            'Sanity check failed: some managed groupIDs were not in the eligible set'
-        )
+    if len(managed_group_gids - eligible_gids) != 0:
+        raise RuntimeError('Sanity check failed: some managed gids were not in the eligible set')
     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Load current user and group data from Google.
+    # Load current user, group and institution data from Google.
     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # Build the directory service using Google API discovery.
@@ -214,14 +276,28 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         retries=sync_config.http_retries, retry_delay=sync_config.http_retry_delay,
-    # Retrieve information on all groups
+    # Function to fetch Google group information from the specified domain
+    def fetch_groups(domain):
+        fields = ['id', 'email', 'name', 'description']
+        return gapiutil.list_all(
+            directory_service.groups().list, items_key='groups', domain=domain,
+            fields='nextPageToken,groups(' + ','.join(fields) + ')',
+            retries=sync_config.http_retries, retry_delay=sync_config.http_retry_delay,
+        )
+    # Retrieve information on all Google groups that come from Lookup groups'Getting information on Google domain groups')
-    fields = ['id', 'email', 'name', 'description']
-    all_google_groups = gapiutil.list_all(
-        directory_service.groups().list, items_key='groups', domain=groups_domain,
-        fields='nextPageToken,groups(' + ','.join(fields) + ')',
-        retries=sync_config.http_retries, retry_delay=sync_config.http_retry_delay,
-    )
+    all_google_groups = [
+        g for g in fetch_groups(groups_domain)
+        if groupID_regex.match(g['email'].split('@')[0])
+    ]
+    # Append information on all Google groups that come from Lookup institutions
+'Getting information on Google domain institutions')
+    all_google_groups.extend([
+        g for g in fetch_groups(insts_domain)
+        if instID_regex.match(g['email'].split('@')[0].upper())
+    ])
     # Strip any "to be ignored" users out of the results.
     if sync_config.ignore_google_org_unit_path_regex is not None:
@@ -250,30 +326,31 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     all_google_users = [u for u in all_google_users if email_to_uid(u['primaryEmail'])]
     # Strip out any groups whose email addresses don't match the pattern for groups created from
-    # Lookup groupIDs, and which therefore should not be managed (deleted) by this script.
-    all_google_groups = [g for g in all_google_groups if email_to_groupID(g['email'])]
+    # Lookup groupIDs or instIDs, and which therefore should not be managed (deleted) by this
+    # script.
+    all_google_groups = [g for g in all_google_groups if email_to_gid(g['email'])]
     # Sanity check. There should be no admins in the returned results.
     if any(u.get('isAdmin', False) for u in all_google_users):
         raise RuntimeError('Sanity check failed: admin users in user list')
-    # Form mappings from uid/groupID to Google user/group.
+    # Form mappings from uid/gid to Google user/group.
     all_google_users_by_uid = {email_to_uid(u['primaryEmail']): u for u in all_google_users}
-    all_google_groups_by_groupID = {email_to_groupID(g['email']): g for g in all_google_groups}
+    all_google_groups_by_gid = {email_to_gid(g['email']): g for g in all_google_groups}
-    # Form sets of all Google-side uids and groupIDs. The all_google_uids set is all users
-    # including the suspended ones and the suspended_google_uids set is only the suspended users.
-    # Non suspended users are therefore all_google_uids - suspended_google_uids. Groups do not have
-    # any concept of being suspended.
+    # Form sets of all Google-side uids and gids. The all_google_uids set is all users including
+    # the suspended ones and the suspended_google_uids set is only the suspended users. Non
+    # suspended users are therefore all_google_uids - suspended_google_uids. The all_google_gids
+    # set includes both groupIDs and instIDs. Groups in Google do not have any concept of being
+    # suspended.
     all_google_uids = set(all_google_users_by_uid.keys())
-    all_google_groupIDs = set(all_google_groups_by_groupID.keys())
+    all_google_gids = set(all_google_groups_by_gid.keys())
     suspended_google_uids = {uid for uid, u in all_google_users_by_uid.items() if u['suspended']}
-    # Sanity check. We should not have lost anything. (I.e. the uids and groupIDs should be
-    # unique.)
+    # Sanity check. We should not have lost anything. (I.e. the uids and gids should be unique.)
     if len(all_google_uids) != len(all_google_users):
         raise RuntimeError('Sanity check failed: user list changed length')
-    if len(all_google_groupIDs) != len(all_google_groups):
+    if len(all_google_gids) != len(all_google_groups):
         raise RuntimeError('Sanity check failed: group list changed length')
     # Retrieve all Google group settings.
@@ -285,17 +362,17 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         retries=sync_config.http_retries, retry_delay=sync_config.http_retry_delay,
-    # Form a mapping from groupID to Google group settings.
-    all_google_group_settings_by_groupID = {
-        email_to_groupID(g['email']): g for g in all_google_group_settings
+    # Form a mapping from gid to Google group settings.
+    all_google_group_settings_by_gid = {
+        email_to_gid(g['email']): g for g in all_google_group_settings
     # Santiy check. We should have settings for each managed group.
-    if len(all_google_group_settings_by_groupID) != len(all_google_groups):
+    if len(all_google_group_settings_by_gid) != len(all_google_groups):
         raise RuntimeError('Sanity check failed: group settings list does not match group list')
     # Retrieve all Google group memberships. This is a mapping from internal Google group ids to
-    # lists of member resources.
+    # lists of member resources, corresponding to both Lookup groups and institutions.
     fields = ['id', 'email']
     all_google_members = gapiutil.list_all_in_list(
         directory_service, directory_service.members().list,
@@ -311,7 +388,7 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     # Log some stats.'Total Google users: %s', len(all_google_uids))
-'Total Google groups: %s', len(all_google_groupIDs))
+'Total Google groups: %s', len(all_google_gids))
         'Suspended Google users: %s', sum(1 if u['suspended'] else 0 for u in all_google_users))
@@ -377,12 +454,18 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     # if it needs updating/creating. If so, record a patch/insert for the group.
     google_group_updates = {}
     google_group_creations = {}
-    for groupID, managed_group_entry in managed_group_entries_by_groupID.items():
+    for gid, managed_group_entry in managed_group_entries_by_gid.items():
         # Form expected group resource fields. The 2 Google APIs we use here to update groups in
         # Google each have different maximum lengths for group names and descriptions, and
         # empirically the APIs don't function properly if either limit is exceeded, so we use the
         # minimum of the 2 documented maximum field lengths (73 characters for names and 300
         # characters for descriptions).
+        #
+        # Note that the source of each of these groups may be either a Lookup group or a Lookup
+        # institution, which are handled the same here. Technically Lookup institutions do not have
+        # descriptions, but the code in sets the description from the name for Lookup
+        # institutions, which is useful since some institution names do not fit in the Google name
+        # field.
         expected_google_group = {
             'name': _trim_text(
                 managed_group_entry.groupName, maxlen=73, suffix=sync_config.group_name_suffix
@@ -391,7 +474,7 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         # Find existing Google group (if any).
-        existing_google_group = all_google_groups_by_groupID.get(groupID)
+        existing_google_group = all_google_groups_by_gid.get(gid)
         if existing_google_group is not None:
             # See if we need to change the existing group
@@ -405,11 +488,11 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
             # Only record non-empty patches.
             if len(patch) > 0:
-                google_group_updates[groupID] = patch
+                google_group_updates[gid] = patch
             # No existing Google group, so create one.
-            google_group_creations[groupID] = {
-                'email': groupID_to_email(groupID),
+            google_group_creations[gid] = {
+                'email': gid_to_email(gid),
@@ -417,17 +500,17 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     uids_to_update = set(google_user_updates.keys())'Number of existing users to update: %s', len(uids_to_update))
-    # Form a set of all the groupIDs which need patching.
-    groupIDs_to_update = set(google_group_updates.keys())
-'Number of existing groups to update: %s', len(groupIDs_to_update))
+    # Form a set of all the gids which need patching.
+    gids_to_update = set(google_group_updates.keys())
+'Number of existing groups to update: %s', len(gids_to_update))
     # Form a set of all the uids which need adding.
     uids_to_add = set(google_user_creations.keys())'Number of users to add: %s', len(uids_to_add))
-    # Form a set of all the groupIDs which need adding.
-    groupIDs_to_add = set(google_group_creations.keys())
-'Number of groups to add: %s', len(groupIDs_to_add))
+    # Form a set of all the gids which need adding.
+    gids_to_add = set(google_group_creations.keys())
+'Number of groups to add: %s', len(gids_to_add))
     # Form a set of all uids which need reactivating. We reactive users who are in the managed user
     # list *and* the suspended user list.
@@ -439,17 +522,17 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     uids_to_suspend = (all_google_uids - suspended_google_uids) - eligible_uids'Number of users to suspend: %s', len(uids_to_suspend))
-    # Form a set of all groupIDs which need deleting.
-    groupIDs_to_delete = all_google_groupIDs - eligible_groupIDs
-'Number of groups to delete: %s', len(groupIDs_to_delete))
+    # Form a set of all gids which need deleting.
+    gids_to_delete = all_google_gids - eligible_gids
+'Number of groups to delete: %s', len(gids_to_delete))
     # For each managed group, determine which members to insert or delete. These are lists of
-    # (groupID, uid) tuples.
+    # (gid, uid) tuples.
     members_to_insert = []
     members_to_delete = []
-    for groupID, managed_group_entry in managed_group_entries_by_groupID.items():
+    for gid, managed_group_entry in managed_group_entries_by_gid.items():
         # Find the existing Google group members.
-        existing_google_group = all_google_groups_by_groupID.get(groupID)
+        existing_google_group = all_google_groups_by_gid.get(gid)
         if existing_google_group:
             existing_members = all_google_members[existing_google_group['id']]
             existing_member_uids = set([email_to_uid(m['email']) for m in existing_members])
@@ -461,7 +544,7 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         insert_uids = (
             (managed_group_entry.uids - existing_member_uids).intersection(managed_user_uids)
-        members_to_insert.extend([(groupID, uid) for uid in insert_uids])
+        members_to_insert.extend([(gid, uid) for uid in insert_uids])
         # Members to delete. This is restricted to the eligible user set, so that we don't bother
         # to delete a member resource when the user is suspended (and so we won't need to re-add
@@ -469,7 +552,7 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         delete_uids = (
             (existing_member_uids - managed_group_entry.uids).intersection(eligible_uids)
-        members_to_delete.extend([(groupID, uid) for uid in delete_uids])
+        members_to_delete.extend([(gid, uid) for uid in delete_uids])'Number of group members to insert: %s', len(members_to_insert))'Number of group members to delete: %s', len(members_to_delete))
@@ -487,9 +570,9 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):'Configuration will modify %.2f%% of users', user_change_percentage)
     group_change_percentage = 100. * (
-        len(groupIDs_to_add | groupIDs_to_update | groupIDs_to_delete)
+        len(gids_to_add | gids_to_update | gids_to_delete)
-        max(1, len(all_google_groupIDs))
+        max(1, len(all_google_gids))
     )'Configuration will modify %.2f%% of groups', group_change_percentage)
@@ -533,22 +616,22 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         uids_to_add = capped_uids_to_add'Capped number of new users to %s', len(uids_to_add))
     if (limits_config.max_new_groups is not None and
-            len(groupIDs_to_add) > limits_config.max_new_groups):
+            len(gids_to_add) > limits_config.max_new_groups):
         # Ensure that we do not attempt to insert a group member for any of the groups not added
         # as a result of this cap, since these groups won't exist in Google
-        capped_groupIDs_to_add = _limit(groupIDs_to_add, limits_config.max_new_groups)
-        groupIDs_not_added = groupIDs_to_add - capped_groupIDs_to_add
-        members_to_insert = [(g, u) for g, u in members_to_insert if g not in groupIDs_not_added]
-        groupIDs_to_add = capped_groupIDs_to_add
-'Capped number of new groups to %s', len(groupIDs_to_add))
+        capped_gids_to_add = _limit(gids_to_add, limits_config.max_new_groups)
+        gids_not_added = gids_to_add - capped_gids_to_add
+        members_to_insert = [(g, u) for g, u in members_to_insert if g not in gids_not_added]
+        gids_to_add = capped_gids_to_add
+'Capped number of new groups to %s', len(gids_to_add))
     if (limits_config.max_suspended_users is not None and
             len(uids_to_suspend) > limits_config.max_suspended_users):
         uids_to_suspend = _limit(uids_to_suspend, limits_config.max_suspended_users)'Capped number of users to suspend to %s', len(uids_to_suspend))
     if (limits_config.max_deleted_groups is not None and
-            len(groupIDs_to_delete) > limits_config.max_deleted_groups):
-        groupIDs_to_delete = _limit(groupIDs_to_delete, limits_config.max_deleted_groups)
-'Capped number of groups to delete to %s', len(groupIDs_to_delete))
+            len(gids_to_delete) > limits_config.max_deleted_groups):
+        gids_to_delete = _limit(gids_to_delete, limits_config.max_deleted_groups)
+'Capped number of groups to delete to %s', len(gids_to_delete))
     if (limits_config.max_reactivated_users is not None and
             len(uids_to_reactivate) > limits_config.max_reactivated_users):
         uids_to_reactivate = _limit(uids_to_reactivate, limits_config.max_reactivated_users)
@@ -558,9 +641,9 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
         uids_to_update = _limit(uids_to_update, limits_config.max_updated_users)'Capped number of users to update to %s', len(uids_to_update))
     if (limits_config.max_updated_groups is not None and
-            len(groupIDs_to_update) > limits_config.max_updated_groups):
-        groupIDs_to_update = _limit(groupIDs_to_update, limits_config.max_updated_groups)
-'Capped number of groups to update to %s', len(groupIDs_to_update))
+            len(gids_to_update) > limits_config.max_updated_groups):
+        gids_to_update = _limit(gids_to_update, limits_config.max_updated_groups)
+'Capped number of groups to update to %s', len(gids_to_update))
     if (limits_config.max_inserted_members is not None and
             len(members_to_insert) > limits_config.max_inserted_members):
         members_to_insert = members_to_insert[0:limits_config.max_inserted_members]
@@ -612,55 +695,55 @@ def sync(configuration, *, read_only=True):
     # service to perform the actions required to update groups
     def group_api_requests():
         # Update existing groups
-        group_updates = {groupID: google_group_updates[groupID] for groupID in groupIDs_to_update}
-        for groupID, update in group_updates.items():
-            google_id = all_google_groups_by_groupID[groupID]['id']
-  'Update group "%s": "%r"', groupID, update)
+        group_updates = {gid: google_group_updates[gid] for gid in gids_to_update}
+        for gid, update in group_updates.items():
+            google_id = all_google_groups_by_gid[gid]['id']
+  'Update group "%s": "%r"', gid, update)
             yield directory_service.groups().patch(groupKey=google_id, body=update)
         # Delete cancelled groups
-        for groupID in groupIDs_to_delete:
-            google_id = all_google_groups_by_groupID[groupID]['id']
-  'Deleting group: "%s"', groupID)
+        for gid in gids_to_delete:
+            google_id = all_google_groups_by_gid[gid]['id']
+  'Deleting group: "%s"', gid)
             yield directory_service.groups().delete(groupKey=google_id)
         # Create new groups
-        for groupID in groupIDs_to_add:
-            new_group = google_group_creations[groupID]
-  'Adding group "%s": %s', groupID, new_group)
+        for gid in gids_to_add:
+            new_group = google_group_creations[gid]
+  'Adding group "%s": %s', gid, new_group)
             yield directory_service.groups().insert(body=new_group)
     # A generator which will generate patch() calls to the groupssettings service to set or
     # update the required group settings.
     def group_settings_api_requests():
         # Apply all settings to new groups.
-        for groupID in groupIDs_to_add:
-            email = groupID_to_email(groupID)
+        for gid in gids_to_add:
+            email = gid_to_email(gid)
             settings = sync_config.group_settings
-  'Updating settings for new group "%s": %s', groupID, settings)
+  'Updating settings for new group "%s": %s', gid, settings)
             yield groupssettings_service.groups().patch(groupUniqueId=email, body=settings)
         # Apply any settings that differ to pre-existing groups.
-        for groupID, settings in all_google_group_settings_by_groupID.items():
+        for gid, settings in all_google_group_settings_by_gid.items():
             patch = {k: v for k, v in sync_config.group_settings.items() if settings.get(k) != v}
             if patch:
-                email = groupID_to_email(groupID)
-      'Updating settings for existing group "%s": %s', groupID, patch)
+                email = gid_to_email(gid)
+      'Updating settings for existing group "%s": %s', gid, patch)
                 yield groupssettings_service.groups().patch(groupUniqueId=email, body=patch)
     # A generator which will generate insert() and delete() calls to the directory service to
     # perform the actions required to update group members
     def member_api_requests():
         # Insert new members
-        for groupID, uid in members_to_insert:
-            group_key = groupID_to_email(groupID)
+        for gid, uid in members_to_insert:
+            group_key = gid_to_email(gid)
             user_key = uid_to_email(uid)
   'Adding user "%s" to group "%s"', user_key, group_key)
             yield directory_service.members().insert(groupKey=group_key, body={'email': user_key})
         # Delete removed members
-        for groupID, uid in members_to_delete:
-            group_key = groupID_to_email(groupID)
+        for gid, uid in members_to_delete:
+            group_key = gid_to_email(gid)
             user_key = uid_to_email(uid)
   'Removing user "%s" from group "%s"', user_key, group_key)
             yield directory_service.members().delete(groupKey=group_key, memberKey=user_key)