# CI configuration which tests ucamlookup against supported Django and Python # versions. # # GitLab CI does nto support Matrix builds in the traditional sense. Instead we # build up a matrix of test jobs using inheritance via "extends". # # See also: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/19199 include: # Bring in the AutoDevOps template from GitLab. # It can be viewed at: # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml # Support uploading to PyPI - project: 'uis/devops/continuous-delivery/ci-templates' ref: v1.5.0 file: '/pypi-release.yml' variables: # We use matrix testing (below) rather than the Auto-DevOps "test" job. TEST_DISABLED: "true" # Test code coverage coverage: extends: .test variables: TOX_ENVLIST: coverage PYTHON_VERSION: "3.9" # Look for the summary line output from coverage's text report. The # parentheses are used to indicate which portion of the report contains the # coverage percentage. coverage: '/^TOTAL\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)%$/' # Check for PEP8 violations flake8: extends: .test variables: TOX_ENVLIST: flake8 PYTHON_VERSION: "3.9" # Run test suite against supported Python/Django combinations. python36-django22: extends: .py36 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django22" python37-django22: extends: .py37 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django22" python38-django22: extends: .py38 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django22" python39-django22: extends: .py39 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django22" python37-django32: extends: .py37 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django32" python38-django32: extends: .py38 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django32" python39-django32: extends: .py39 variables: TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: "django32" # Template jobs which run tests in various Python versions. .py36: extends: .test variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6" TOX_PY_FRAGMENT: "py36" .py37: extends: .test variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.7" TOX_PY_FRAGMENT: "py37" .py38: extends: .test variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.8" TOX_PY_FRAGMENT: "py38" .py39: extends: .test variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.9" TOX_PY_FRAGMENT: "py39" # Base test template job. .test: stage: test image: python:${PYTHON_VERSION} script: - pip install tox - tox -e ${TOX_ENVLIST} variables: PYTHON_VERSION: replace-with-python-version TOX_PY_FRAGMENT: replace-with-pyXY TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT: replace-with-djangoXY TOX_ENVLIST: "$TOX_PY_FRAGMENT-$TOX_DJANGO_FRAGMENT"