diff --git a/ucamlookup/forms.py b/ucamlookup/forms.py
index 05ce4c33e9e82a3edc4fa87511d9c6a797076c57..51892800d6c6b0103da2cc274b1561a369447f60 100644
--- a/ucamlookup/forms.py
+++ b/ucamlookup/forms.py
@@ -35,55 +35,3 @@ class UserCreationForm(forms.ModelForm):  # noqa: F811
         if commit:
         return user
-class UserListField(forms.Field):
-    """
-    A custom `forms.Field` that validates either is single crsid or a list of crsids and replaces
-    them with a list of `User` objects. If a `User` doesn't exist, it is created.
-    """
-    def clean(self, crsids):
-        users = ()
-        if crsids is None:
-            return users
-        if isinstance(crsids, str):
-            crsids = [crsids]
-        crsid_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-z0-9]{3,7}$')
-        for crsid in crsids:
-            if crsid_re.match(crsid):
-                users += (get_or_create_user_by_crsid(crsid),)
-            else:
-                raise ValidationError("The list of users contains an invalid user")
-        return users
-def convert_query_dict(query_dict):
-    """
-    This function takes a QueryDict converts it to a normal dict, where single parameters are
-    converted to strings and parameter arrays remain as lists. For example a QueryDict representing
-    `?a=1&a=2&b=3` will be converted to `{a: ['1', '2'], b: '3'}`.
-    This works around a problem with django forms where the `clean()` method of a `form.Field`
-    expects to receive a list of data but only receives the first element of that list
-    (See: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/25347).
-    It is used is conjunction with `UserListField` as follows:
-    ```python
-    class MyForm(forms.Form):
-        a_field = UserListField()
-    def a_handler(request):
-        form = MyForm(convert_query_dict(request.POST))
-    ```
-    """
-    assert isinstance(query_dict, QueryDict)
-    return {
-        item[0]: item[1][0] if len(item[1]) == 1 else item[1]
-        for item in dict(query_dict).items()
-    }