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  • Dr Rich Wareham's avatar
    feat: add new trigger-renovatebot job · 3d3f30ee
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    Add a new CI job to the common pipeline which triggers a run of
    renovatebot for the CI pipeline's project if the
    Since no jobs are added *unless* that variable is set, this ensures that
    renovatebot runs are always explicitly triggered.
    The auto-devops/trigger-renovatebot.yml template also includes a
    template CI job which can be used to construct trigger jobs with more
    elaborate rulesets.
  • Dr Rich Wareham's avatar
    Merge branch 'add-renovatebot-trigger' into 'master' · fadf166e
    Dr Rich Wareham authored
    feat: add new trigger-renovatebot job
    See merge request !107
......@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [6.2.0] - 2024-11-21
### Added
- Added a new job "trigger-renovatebot" to the common pipeline. When the
`TRIGGER_RENOVATEBOT_ENABLED` variable is set, a run of renovatebot will be
triggered for the pipeline's project.
## [6.1.1] - 2024-11-14
### Fixed
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ include:
- local: "/auto-devops/python-publish.yml"
- local: "/auto-devops/python-check-tags-match-version.yml"
- local: "/auto-devops/mkdocs-docs.gitlab-ci.yml"
- local: "/auto-devops/trigger-renovatebot.gitlab-ci.yml"
# Fail-safe workflow rules. These can be overridden by CI configuration which includes us.
- template: Workflows/Branch-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml
# Triggers a renovatebot run against the CI pipeline's project if $TRIGGER_RENOVATEBOT_ENABLED is set.
# A template job called ".trigger-renovatebot" is provided which jobs may extend if they want to have more fine-grained
# control over when renovatebot runs are triggered.
# The "trigger-renovatebot" job provided in this template extends ".trigger-renovatebot" and runs only if
# $TRIGGER_RENOVATEBOT_ENABLED is set. By default the job is configured with no dependencies and so will run
# immediately.
# Due to renovatebot trigger API restrictions, this job can *only* trigger renovatebot runs for its own project. Use a
# multi-project pipeline if you want to trigger runs of renovatebot for other projects.
aud: renovatebot-trigger.devops.uis.cam.ac.uk
RENOVATE_TRIGGER_ENDPOINT: https://europe-west2-gitlab-bots-prod-364942b0.cloudfunctions.net/renovatebot-trigger-8d99
name: alpine/httpie
entrypoint: [""]
- |-
http --ignore-stdin --check-status -v POST "$RENOVATE_TRIGGER_ENDPOINT" \
"Authorization:Bearer $RENOVATE_TRIGGER_TOKEN" "projects[0]=$CI_PROJECT_PATH"
extends: .trigger-renovatebot
# There's not really a "right" stage for triggering renovatebot but the "needs: []" will always cause the job to run
# immediately irrespective of the stage and so we might as well put it in the initial "build" stage.
stage: build
needs: []
# Stand alone version of auto-devops/trigger-renovatebot.gitlab-ci.yml
- local: '/auto-devops-stages.yml'
- local: '/auto-devops/trigger-renovatebot.gitlab-ci.yml'