diff --git a/gradint-build/src/synth.py b/gradint-build/src/synth.py index 5b6212a6f12f634c4989fb70e28684f24f9f3afd..4d2aec03e976c037bc0bfafbda77a77acc1e3858 100644 --- a/gradint-build/src/synth.py +++ b/gradint-build/src/synth.py @@ -473,7 +473,8 @@ class ESpeakSynth(Synth): if type(t)==type([]): indexList.append(len(retList)) retList.append(None) # result not filled in yet - write_to_espeak.append(fix_commas(pinyin_uColon_to_V(t[0])).replace(split_token," ")) # NB fix_compatibility has already been done (as has preprocess_chinese_numbers), by simpleZhTransliterator above + write_to_espeak.append(fix_commas(pinyin_uColon_to_V(t[0].replace("-","/"))).replace(split_token," ")) # NB fix_compatibility has already been done (as has preprocess_chinese_numbers), by simpleZhTransliterator above + # (replacing - with / because espeak zh voice treats / as a silent word separator but - is ignored; - is used as a word separator in MeiLing etc. so if you want to write the hanzi for wei2ren2 but you want it to be wei4+ren2, you can hack in this way. TODO document?) else: retList.append(t) else: retList.append(None) if keepIndexList: self.lastIndexList = indexList