From 75a24902cc204ad75562af244ec274b0e4b2d718 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Silas S. Brown" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 07:04:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Gradint update

 gradint-build/Makefile | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gradint-build/Makefile b/gradint-build/Makefile
index 6835580..3aa867a 100644
--- a/gradint-build/Makefile
+++ b/gradint-build/Makefile
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ gradint.exe: $(Common_Files)
 	mv windows0/gradint/samples/utils "windows0/gradint/samples/advanced utilities"
 	for N in hanzi-prompts/*.txt; do python -c "open('windows0/gradint/samples/prompts/$$(echo $$N|sed -e s,.*/,,)','w').write('\\xef\\xbb\\xbf'+open('$$N').read())"; done # overwriting the pinyin ones (as will bundle espeak so can translit.)
 	zip -0 windows0/gradint/ # (important to have no compression)
-	for N in windows0/gradint/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/*.bat windows0/*/*.bat windows0/7zip.conf; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n $$N; done
+	for N in windows0/gradint/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/*.bat windows0/*/*.bat windows0/7zip.conf; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n "$$N"; done
 	# add a utf-8 BOM to start of vocab.txt, to ensure Notepad saves it in utf-8
 	cd windows0/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("vocab.txt").read())' && mv v2 vocab.txt && cd ../..
 	cd windows0/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("advanced.txt").read())' && mv v2 advanced.txt && cd ../..
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ recorder.exe: $(Common_Files)
 	# (replace the .exe with a .bat in case they try to open it again from desktop and get confused by unzip's "overwrite" prompt)
 	# (NB must say 'start' below for the above del to work)
 	echo 'firstLanguage="$(RecorderL1)";secondLanguage="$(RecorderL2)"' > windows0/recorder/settings.txt
-	for N in windows0/recorder/*.bat windows0/recorder/*.txt; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n $$N; done
+	for N in windows0/recorder/*.bat windows0/recorder/*.txt; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n "$$N"; done
 	cd windows0; zip -9r recorder/ ; cd ..
 	echo '$$AUTORUN$$>start /min recorder\runme.bat' | zip -z windows0/
 	cat yali-voice/unzipsfx.exe windows0/ > recorder.exe
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ $(Common_Files)
 	for Dir in PocketPC0/gradint/partials/*/*; do if cd $$Dir; then if wc -c *.raw | grep -v total$$ | sed -e 's/^ *//' > audiodata.dat ; then cat *.raw >> audiodata.dat ; rm *.raw; else rm -f audiodata.dat; fi; cd ../../../../..; else true; fi; done
 	chmod +w PocketPC0/gradint/ # saves problems with pocketpc-cab
 	rm -rf PocketPC0/gradint/samples/utils # no point having those on Windows Mobile
-	for N in PocketPC0/gradint/*.txt; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n $$N; done
+	for N in PocketPC0/gradint/*.txt; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n "$$N"; done
 	cd PocketPC0/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("vocab.txt").read())' && mv v2 vocab.txt && cd ../..
 	cd PocketPC0/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("advanced.txt").read())' && mv v2 advanced.txt && cd ../..
 	# PocketPC/espeak-data contains the altered phon* files in case the eSpeak version is slightly different, but we should be able to re-use the dictionaries etc
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ gradint-noGUI.exe: $(Common_Files)
 	cp -r $(Common_Files) windows0/gradint/
 	mv windows0/gradint/samples/utils "windows0/gradint/samples/advanced utilities"
 	zip -0 windows0/gradint/ # (important to have no compression)
-	for N in windows0/gradint/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/*.bat windows0/*/*.bat windows0/7zip.conf; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n $$N; done
+	for N in windows0/gradint/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/gradint/*/*.txt windows0/*.bat windows0/*/*.bat windows0/7zip.conf; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n "$$N"; done
 	# add a utf-8 BOM to start of vocab.txt, to ensure Notepad saves it in utf-8
 	cd windows0/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("vocab.txt").read())' && mv v2 vocab.txt && cd ../..
 	cd windows0/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("advanced.txt").read())' && mv v2 advanced.txt && cd ../..
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ gradint-noGUI.exe: $(Common_Files)
 	rm -rf windows0 ; cp -r windowsGUI windows0
 	cd windows0 && $(SevenZip) x gradint.bgz && rm gradint.bgz && cd ..
-	for N in windows0/7zip.conf; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n $$N; done
+	for N in windows0/7zip.conf; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n "$$N"; done
 	zip -0 windows0/gradint/ # (important to have no compression)
 	cd windows0 ; $(SevenZip) a data.7z setup.bat gradint ; cd ..
 	cat windows/7zS.sfx windows0/7zip.conf windows0/data.7z > GUI.exe
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ CD: $(Mac_Files)
 	echo '#!/bin/bash'>CD/gradint/; echo python>>CD/gradint/ # don't rename because it's used by Mac version also
 	mv CD/gradint/
 	zip -0 CD/gradint/ # (important to have no compression)
-	for N in CD/gradint/*.txt CD/gradint/*/*.txt CD/gradint/*/*/*.txt CD/setup.bat CD/gradint/*.bat CD/gradint/*/*.bat; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n $$N; done
+	for N in CD/gradint/*.txt CD/gradint/*/*.txt CD/gradint/*/*/*.txt CD/setup.bat CD/gradint/*.bat CD/gradint/*/*.bat; do python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('\r','').replace('\n','\r\n'))" < "$$N" > n && mv n "$$N"; done
 	cd CD/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("vocab.txt").read())' && mv v2 vocab.txt && cd ../..
 	cd CD/gradint && python -c 'open("v2","w").write("\xef\xbb\xbf"+open("advanced.txt").read())' && mv v2 advanced.txt && cd ../..
 	echo "<html><body><h1>Gradint Live CD" > CD/Read_Me.html