#!/usr/bin/env python
# (compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3)

"Annotator Generator v3.161 (c) 2012-21 Silas S. Brown"

# See http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/adjuster/annogen.html

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at

#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# If you want to compare this code to old versions, the old
# versions are being kept in the E-GuideDog SVN repository on
# http://svn.code.sf.net/p/e-guidedog/code/ssb22/adjuster
# and on GitHub at https://github.com/ssb22/adjuster
# and on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ssb22/adjuster
# and on BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/ssb22/adjuster
# and at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/adjuster
# and in China: https://gitee.com/ssb22/adjuster
# although some early ones are missing.

from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
import sys,os,os.path,tempfile,time,re,subprocess,unicodedata
try: from subprocess import getoutput
except: from commands import getoutput
if not "mac" in sys.platform and not "darwin" in sys.platform and ("win" in sys.platform or "mingw32" in sys.platform): exe=".exe" # Windows, Cygwin, etc
else: exe=""

#  =========== INPUT OPTIONS ==============

                  help="Filename of a text file (or a compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file or URL) to read the input examples from. If this is not specified, standard input is used.")

                  help="Character encoding of the input file (default %default)")

                  help="The string that starts a piece of text with annotation markup in the input examples; default %default")

                  help="The string that occurs in the middle of a piece of markup in the input examples, with the word on its left and the added markup on its right (or the other way around if mreverse is set); default %default")

                  help="The string that ends a piece of annotation markup in the input examples; default %default")

                  help="Specifies that the annotation markup is reversed, so the text BEFORE mmid is the annotation and the text AFTER it is the base text")
def cancelOpt(opt,act="store_false",dst=None):
  if not dst: dst=opt.replace("-","_")
  parser.add_option("--no-"+opt,action=act,dest=dst,help="Cancels any earlier --"+opt+" option in Makefile variables etc")

                  help="Reference separator code used in the example input.  If you want to keep example source references for each rule, you can label the input with 'references' (chapter and section numbers or whatever), and use this option to specify what keyword or other markup the input will use between each 'reference'.  The name of the next reference will be whatever text immediately follows this string.  Note that the reference separator, and the reference name that follows it, should not be part of the text itself and should therefore not be part of any annotation markup.  If this option is not set then references will not be tracked.")

parser.add_option("--ref-name-end",default=" ",
                  help="Sets what the input uses to END a reference name.  The default is a single space, so that the first space after the reference-sep string will end the reference name.")

                  help="Name of a reference to be considered \"high priority\" for Yarowsky-like seed collocations (if these are in use).  Normally the Yarowsky-like logic tries to identify a \"default\" annotation based on what is most common in the examples, with the exceptions indicated by collocations.  If however a word is found in a high priority reference then the first annotation found in that reference will be considered the ideal \"default\" even if it's in a minority in the examples; everything else will be considered as an exception.")

parser.add_option("-s", "--spaces",
                  help="Set this if you are working with a language that uses whitespace in its non-markedup version (not fully tested).  The default is to assume that there will not be any whitespace in the language, which is correct for Chinese and Japanese.")

parser.add_option("-c", "--capitalisation",
                  help="Don't try to normalise capitalisation in the input.  Normally, to simplify the rules, the analyser will try to remove start-of-sentence capitals in annotations, so that the only remaining words with capital letters are the ones that are ALWAYS capitalised such as names.  (That's not perfect: some words might always be capitalised just because they never occur mid-sentence in the examples.)  If this option is used, the analyser will instead try to \"learn\" how to predict the capitalisation of ALL words (including start of sentence words) from their contexts.") # TODO: make the C program put the sentence capitals back

parser.add_option("-w", "--annot-whitespace",
                  help="Don't try to normalise the use of whitespace and hyphenation in the example annotations.  Normally the analyser will try to do this, to reduce the risk of missing possible rules due to minor typographical variations.") # TODO: can this be extended to the point where the words 'try to' can be deleted ?  see comments
                  help="Comma-separated list of words (without annotation markup) for which whitespace and hyphenation should always be kept even without the --annot-whitespace option.  Use when you know the variation is legitimate. This option expects words to be encoded using the system locale (UTF-8 if it cannot be detected).")

                  help="Filename of an optional text file (or compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file) to write a copy of the normalised input for diagnostic purposes.  If this is set to the same as --infile then it will be assumed the input file has already been normalised (use with care).")
                  help="Exit after normalising the input")

                  help="Filename of an optional Python module defining a dictionary called 'table' mapping integers to integers for arbitrary single-character normalisation on the Unicode BMP.  This is meant for reducing the size of generated Android apps, and is applied in post-processing (does not affect rules generation itself).  For example this can be used to merge the recognition of Full, Simplified and Variant forms of the same Chinese character in cases where this can be done without ambiguity, if it is acceptable for the generated annotator to recognise mixed-script words should they occur.")

                  help="Filename of an optional text file (or compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file or URL) to read auxiliary \"gloss\" information.  Each line of this should be of the form: word (tab) annotation (tab) gloss.  Extra tabs in the gloss will be converted to newlines (useful if you want to quote multiple dictionaries).  When the compiled annotator generates ruby markup, it will add the gloss string as a popup title whenever that word is used with that annotation (before any reannotator option is applied).  The annotation field may be left blank to indicate that the gloss will appear for all other annotations of that word.  The entries in glossfile do NOT affect the annotation process itself, so it's not necessary to completely debug glossfile's word segmentation etc.")
parser.add_option("-C", "--gloss-closure",
                  help="If any Chinese, Japanese or Korean word is missing from glossfile, search its closure of variant characters also. This option requires the cjklib package.") # TODO: option to put variant closures into the annotator itself? (generate new rules if not already exist + closure the 'near' tests) but that could unnecessarily increase the annotator size (with --data-driven the increase could be significant unless we implement shared-substringVariants optimisations, and even then it's unclear how this would interact with the space-saving of common-prefix multibyte sequences), + it might not be correct in all cases, e.g. U+91CC in jianti SHOULDN'T be translated to U+88E1/U+88CF in fanti if it's part of a name, although recognising a 'messed-up' name with that substitution might be acceptable. Anyway, using these closures to fill in a missing gloss should be tolerable.
                  help="Name of an optional file to which to write information about words recognised by the annotator that are missing in glossfile (along with frequency counts and references, if available)") # (default sorted alphabetically, but you can pipe through sort -rn to get most freq 1st)
                  help="Comma-separated list of references to hide from the glossmiss file (does not affect the glossmiss-omit option)")
                  help="If supplied, any references not matching this regular expression will be hidden from the glossmiss file (does not affect the glossmiss-omit option)")
                  help="Omit rules containing any word not mentioned in glossfile.  Might be useful if you want to train on a text that uses proprietary terms and don't want to accidentally 'leak' those terms (assuming they're not accidentally included in glossfile also).  Words may also be listed in glossfile with an empty gloss field to indicate that no gloss is available but rules using this word needn't be omitted.")

                  help="File (or compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file or URL) containing words (one per line, without markup) to omit from the annotator.  Use this to make an annotator smaller if for example if you're working from a rules file that contains long lists of place names you don't need this particular annotator to recognise but you still want to keep them as rules for other annotators, but be careful because any word on such a list gets omitted even if it also has other meanings (some place names are also normal words).")

                  help="Filename of an optional text file (or compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file or URL) to read extra, manually-written rules.  Each line of this should be a marked-up phrase (in the input format) which is to be unconditionally added as a rule.  Use this sparingly, because these rules are not taken into account when generating the others and they will be applied regardless of context (although a manual rule might fail to activate if the annotator is part-way through processing a different rule); try checking messages from --diagnose-manual.") # (or if there's a longer automatic match)

#  =========== OUTPUT OPTIONS ==============

parser.add_option("--rulesFile",help="Filename of an optional auxiliary binary file to hold the accumulated rules. Adding .gz, .bz2 or .xz for compression is acceptable. If this is set then the rules will be written to it (in binary format) as well as to the output. Additionally, if the file already exists then rules will be read from it and incrementally updated. This might be useful if you have made some small additions to the examples and would like these to be incorporated without a complete re-run. It might not work as well as a re-run but it should be faster. If using a rulesFile then you must keep the same input (you may make small additions etc, but it won't work properly if you delete many examples or change the format between runs) and you must keep the same ybytes-related options if any.") # You may however change whether or not a --single-words / --max-words option applies to the new examples (but hopefully shouldn't have to)

                  help="Don't process new input, just use the rules that were previously stored in rulesFile. This can be used to increase speed if the only changes made are to the output options. You should still specify the input formatting options (which should not change), and any glossfile or manualrules options (which may change). For the glossmiss and summary options to work correctly, unchanged input should be provided.")

parser.add_option("--c-filename",default="",help="Where to write the C, C#, Python, Javascript, Go or Dart program. Defaults to standard output, or annotator.c in the system temporary directory if standard output seems to be the terminal (the program might be large, especially if Yarowsky-like indicators are not used, so it's best not to use a server home directory where you might have limited quota). If MPI is in use then the default will always be standard output.") # because the main program might not be running on the launch node

parser.add_option("--c-compiler",default="cc -o annotator"+exe,help="The C compiler to run if generating C and standard output is not connected to a pipe. The default is to use the \"cc\" command which usually redirects to your \"normal\" compiler. You can add options (remembering to enclose this whole parameter in quotes if it contains spaces), but if the C program is large then adding optimisation options may make the compile take a LONG time. If standard output is connected to a pipe, then this option is ignored because the C code will simply be written to the pipe. You can also set this option to an empty string to skip compilation. Default: %default")
# If compiling an experimental annotator quickly (and don't want to use --data-driven for some reason), then you might try tcc as it compiles fast. If tcc is not available on your system then clang might compile faster than gcc.
# (BUT tcc can have problems on Raspberry Pi see http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=30036&p=263213; can be best to cross-compile, e.g. from a Mac use https://github.com/UnhandledException/ARMx/wiki/Sourcery-G---Lite-for-ARM-GNU-Linux-(2009q3-67)-for-Mac-OS-X and arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc)
# In large rulesets with --max-or-length=0 and --nested-switch, gcc takes time and gcc -Os can take a LOT longer, and CINT, Ch and picoc run out of memory.  Without these options the overhead of gcc's -Os isn't so bad (and does save some room).
# clang with --max-or-length=100 and --nested-switch=0 is not slowed much by -Os (slowed considerably by -O3). -Os and -Oz gave same size in my tests.
# on 64-bit distros -m32 won't always work and won't necessarily give a smaller program

parser.add_option("--max-or-length",default=100,help="The maximum number of items allowed in an OR-expression in non table-driven code (used when ybytes is in effect). When an OR-expression becomes larger than this limit, it will be made into a function. 0 means unlimited, which works for tcc and gcc; many other compilers have limits. Default: %default")

                  help="Allow C/C#/Java/Go if() blocks (but not switch() constructs) to be nested to unlimited depth.  This probably increases the workload of the compiler's optimiser when reducing size, but may help when optimising for speed.")
                  help="Allow C/C#/Java/Go switch() constructs to be nested to about this depth.  Default 0 tries to avoid nesting, as it slows down most C compilers for small savings in executable size.  Setting 1 nests 1 level deeper which can occasionally help get around memory problems with Java compilers.  -1 means nest to unlimited depth, which is not recommended.  Setting this to anything other than 0 implies --nested-if also.") # tcc is still fast (although that doesn't generate the smallest executables anyway)

                  help="Character encoding to use in the generated parser and rules summary (default %default, must be ASCII-compatible i.e. not utf-16)")

parser.add_option("-S", "--summary-only",
                  help="Don't generate a parser, just write the rules summary to standard output")

                  help="Don't add a large rules-summary comment at the end of the parser code")

parser.add_option("-O", "--summary-omit",
                  help="Filename of a text file (or a compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file or URL) specifying what should be omitted from the rules summary.  Each line should be a word or phrase, a tab, and its annotation (without the mstart/mmid/mend markup).  If any rule in the summary exactly matches any of the lines in this text file, then that rule will be omitted from the summary (but still included in the parser).  Use for example to take out of the summary any entries that correspond to things you already have in your dictionary, so you can see what's new.")

                  help="The maximum number of example references to record in each summary line, if references are being recorded (0 means unlimited).  Default is %default.")

                  help="Don't write references in the rules summary (or the glossmiss file).  Use this if you need to specify reference-sep and ref-name-end for the ref-pri option but you don't actually want references in the summary (which speeds up summary generation slightly).  This option is automatically turned on if --no-input is specified.") # the speed difference is not so great as of v0.593, but needed anyway if --no-input is set

                  help="Have the annotator reset its state on every newline byte. By default newlines do not affect state such as whether a space is required before the next word, so that if the annotator is used with Web Adjuster's htmlText option (which defaults to using newline separators) the spacing should be handled sensibly when there is HTML markup in mid-sentence.")

                  help="Compress annotation strings in the C code.  This compression is designed for fast on-the-fly decoding, so it saves only a limited amount of space (typically 10-20%) but might help if RAM is short; see also --data-driven.")

                  help="Generate a program that works by interpreting embedded data tables for comparisons, instead of writing these as code.  This can take some load off the compiler (so try it if you get errors like clang's \"section too large\"), as well as compiling faster and reducing the resulting binary's RAM size (by 35-40% is typical), at the expense of a small reduction in execution speed.  Javascript, Python and Dart output is always data-driven anyway.") # If the resulting binary is compressed (e.g. in an APK), its compressed size will likely not change much (same information content), so I'm specifically saying "RAM size" i.e. when decompressed
                  help="Skip opcode compaction when using data-driven (slightly speeds up compilation, at the expense of larger code size)") # TODO: consider removing this option now it's no longer very slow anyway

                  help="Enable --data-driven and compress the embedded data table using zlib (or pyzopfli if available), and include code to call zlib to decompress it on load.  Useful if the runtime machine has the zlib library and you need to save disk space but not RAM (the decompressed table is stored separately in RAM, unlike --compress which, although giving less compression, at least works 'in place').  Once --zlib is in use, specifying --compress too will typically give an additional disk space saving of less than 1% (and a runtime RAM saving that's greater but more than offset by zlib's extraction RAM).  If generating a Javascript annotator with zlib, the decompression code is inlined so there's no runtime zlib dependency, but startup can be ~50% slower so this option is not recommended in situations where the annotator is frequently reloaded from source (unless you're running on Node.js in which case loading is faster due to the use of Node's \"Buffer\" class).") # compact_opcodes typically still helps no matter what the other options are

                  help="Instead of generating C code that reads and writes standard input/output, generate a C library suitable for loading into Python via ctypes.  This can be used for example to preload a filter into Web Adjuster to cut process-startup delays.")

                  help="Include C code to read the clipboard on Windows or Windows Mobile and to write an annotated HTML file and launch a browser, instead of using the default cross-platform command-line C wrapper.  See the start of the generated C file for instructions on how to compile for Windows or Windows Mobile.")

                  help="Instead of generating C code, generate C# (not quite as efficient as the C code but close; might be useful for adding an annotator to a C# project; see comments at the start for usage)")

                  help="Instead of generating C code, generate Java, and place the *.java files in the directory specified by this option.  See --android for example use.  The last part of the directory should be made up of the package name; a double slash (//) should separate the rest of the path from the package name, e.g. --java=/path/to/wherever//org/example/package and the main class will be called Annotator.")
                  help="URL for an Android app to browse.  If this is set, code is generated for an Android app which starts a browser with that URL as the start page, and annotates the text on every page it loads.  Use file:///android_asset/index.html for local HTML files in the assets directory; a clipboard viewer is placed in clipboard.html, and the app will also be able to handle shared text.  If certain environment variables are set, this option can also compile and sign the app using Android SDK command-line tools (SDK 24 or higher is required on the build machine, but the resulting app will be compatible with all versions of Android back to 1.x); if the necessary environment variables are not set, this option will just write the files and print a message on stderr explaining what needs to be set for automated command-line building.")
# SDK 24 was released mid-2016.  If your main OS cannot be upgraded, you should be able to install a newer SDK on a virtual machine, e.g. on a 2011 Mac stuck on MacOS 10.7, I used VirtualBox 4.3.4, Vagrant 1.9.5, Debian 8 Jessie and SSH with X11 forwarding to install Android Studio 3.5 from 2019, although for apksigner to work I also had to add 'deb http://archive.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports main' to /etc/apt/sources.list and do 'sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update' and 'sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless ca-certificates-java' and 'sudo apt-get --purge remove openjdk-7-jre-headless'
                  help="File to use as a template for Android start HTML.  This option implies --android=file:///android_asset/index.html and generates that index.html from the file specified (or from a built-in default if the special filename 'blank' is used).  The template file may include URL_BOX_GOES_HERE to show a URL entry box and related items (offline-clipboard link etc) in the page, in which case you can optionally define a Javascript function 'annotUrlTrans' to pre-convert some URLs from shortcuts etc and 'desktopURL' if you have a page about how to get a desktop version (e.g. via browser extension); also enables better zoom controls on Android 4+, a mode selector if you use --annotation-names, a selection scope control on recent-enough WebKit, and a visible version stamp (which, if the device is in 'developer mode', you may double-tap on to show missing glosses). If you do include URL_BOX_GOES_HERE you'll have an annotating Web browser app that allows the user to navigate to arbitrary URLs: as of 2020, this is acceptable on Google Play and Huawei AppGallery, but NOT Amazon AppStore as they don't want 'competition' to their Silk browser.") # but some devices allow APKs to be 'side-loaded'.  annotUrlTrans returns undefined = uses original
                  help="In the Android app, make popup definitions link to Pleco or Hanping if installed")

                  help="Android bookmarks: comma-separated list of package names that share our bookmarks. If this is not specified, the browser will not be given a bookmarks function. If it is set to the same value as the package specified in --java, bookmarks are kept in just this Android app. If it is set to a comma-separated list of packages that have also been generated by annogen (presumably with different annotation types), and if each one has the same android:sharedUserId attribute in AndroidManifest.xml's 'manifest' tag (you'll need to add this manually), and if the same certificate is used to sign all of them, then bookmarks can be shared across the set of browser apps.  But beware the following two issues: (1) adding an android:sharedUserId attribute to an app that has already been released without one causes some devices to refuse the update with a 'cannot install' message (details via adb logcat; affected users would need to uninstall and reinstall instead of update, and some of them may not notice the instruction to do so); (2) this has not been tested with Google's new \"App Bundle\" arrangement, and may be broken if the Bundle results in APKs being signed by a different key.  In June 2019 Play Console started issuing warnings if you release an APK instead of a Bundle, even though the \"size savings\" they mention are under 1% for annogen-generated apps.") # (the only resource that might vary by device is the launcher icon)
                  help="When generating an Android browser, make it also respond to requests to open EPUB files. This results in an app that requests the 'read external storage' permission on Android versions below 6, so if you have already released a version without EPUB support then devices running Android 5.x or below will not auto-update past this change until the user notices the update notification and approves the extra permission.") # see comments around READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE below
                  help="When generating an Android browser, include code to provide a Print option (usually print to PDF) and a simple highlight-selection option. The Print option will require Android 4.4, but the app should still run without it on earlier versions of Android.")
parser.add_option("--android-audio",help="When generating an Android browser, include an option to convert the selection to audio using this URL as a prefix, e.g. https://example.org/speak.cgi?text= (use for languages not likely to be supported by the device itself). Optionally follow the URL with a space (quote carefully) and a maximum number of words to read in each user request. Setting a limit is recommended, or somebody somewhere will likely try 'Select All' on a whole book or something and create load problems. You should set a limit server-side too of course.") # do need https if we're Android 5+ and will be viewing HTTPS pages, or Chrome will block (OK if using EPUB-etc or http-only pages)
                  help="Whitespace-separated list of URL prefixes to offer to be a browser for, when a matching URL is opened by another Android application. If any path (but not scheme or domain) contains .* then it is treated as a pattern instead of a prefix, but Android cannot filter on query strings (i.e. text after question-mark).")
parser.add_option("--extra-js",help="Extra Javascript to inject into sites to fix things in the Android browser app. The snippet will be run before each scan for new text to annotate. You may also specify a file to read: --extra-js=@file.js (do not use // comments, only /* ... */ because newlines will be replaced)")
parser.add_option("--existing-ruby-js-fixes",help="Extra Javascript to run in the Android browser app whenever existing RUBY elements are encountered; the DOM node above these elements will be in the variable n, which your code can manipulate to fix known problems with sites' existing ruby (such as common two-syllable words being split when they shouldn't be). Use with caution. You may also specify a file to read: --existing-ruby-js-fixes=@file.js")
parser.add_option("--delete-existing-ruby",action="store_true",default=False,help="Set the Android app or browser extension to completely remove existing ruby elements. Use this when you expect to replace a site's own annotation with a completely different type of annotation. If you also supply --existing-ruby-js-fixes and/or --existing-ruby-shortcut-yarowsky, then --delete-existing-ruby specifies that only the first --sharp-multi option should have existing ruby preserved.")
parser.add_option("--existing-ruby-shortcut-yarowsky",action="store_true",default=False,help="Set the Android browser app to 'shortcut' Yarowsky-like collocation decisions when adding glosses to existing ruby over 2 or more characters, so that words normally requiring context to be found are more likely to be found without context (this may be needed because adding glosses to existing ruby is done without regard to context)") # (an alternative approach would be to collapse the existing ruby markup to provide the context, but that could require modifying the inner functions to 'see' context outside the part they're annotating)
parser.add_option("--extra-css",help="Extra CSS to inject into sites to fix things in the Android browser app. You may also specify a file to read --extra-css=@file.css")
parser.add_option("--app-name",default="Annotating browser",
                  help="User-visible name of the Android app")

                  help="Assume the code has already been generated by a previous run, and just run the compiler")

                  help="Instead of generating C code, generate JavaScript.  This might be useful if you want to run an annotator on a device that has a JS interpreter but doesn't let you run native code.  The JS will be table-driven to make it load faster (and --no-summary will also be set).  See comments at the start for usage.") # but it's better to use the C version if you're in an environment where 'standard input' makes sense

                  help="When generating a Javascript annotator, use a 6-bit format for many addresses to reduce escape codes in the data string by making more of it ASCII. Not relevant if using zlib.") # May result in marginally slower JS, but it should be smaller and parse more quickly on initial load, which is normally the dominant factor if you have to reload it on every page.

                  help="When generating a Javascript annotator, use octal instead of hexadecimal codes in the data string when doing so would save space. This does not comply with ECMAScript 5 and may give errors in its strict mode. Not relevant if using zlib.")

                  help="When generating a Javascript annotator, do not make it backward-compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and below. This may save a few bytes. Not relevant if using zlib.")

                  help="When generating a Javascript annotator, assume the script can use UTF-8 encoding directly and not via escape sequences. In some browsers this might work only on UTF-8 websites, and/or if your annotation can be expressed without the use of Unicode combining characters.")

parser.add_option("--browser-extension", help="Name of a Chrome or Firefox browser extension to generate.  The extension will be placed in a directory of the same name (without spaces), which may optionally already exist and contain icons like 32.png and 48.png to be used.")
# To test the resulting extension locally:
# Firefox: about:debugging - 'this firefox' - load temporary add-on - manifest.json
# Chrome: chrome://extensions - Developer mode - Load unpacked - select the directory
# Chrome bug: browser_style true gives unreadable text in Chromium 89 with enable-force-dark set to "Enabled with selective inversion of everything" (and possibly other settings)

                  help="Instead of generating C code, generate Dart.  This might be useful if you want to run an annotator in a Flutter application.")

                  help="When generating Dart code, put annotator data into a separate file and open it using this pathname. Not compatible with Dart's \"Web app\" option, but might save space in a Flutter app (especially along with --zlib)")

                  help="Instead of generating C code, generate a Python module.  Similar to the Javascript option, this is for when you can't run native code, and it is table-driven for fast loading.")

                  help="[DEPRECATED] Package name for a Go library to generate instead of C code.  See comments in the generated file for how to run this on old AppEngine with Go 1.11 or below.  Deprecated because newer AppEngine runtimes work differently (and the \"flexible\" environment can run C code); this option will probably be removed if they shut down the old free-tier runtimes.")

                  help="Shell command through which to pipe each word of the original text to obtain new annotation for that word.  This might be useful as a quick way of generating a new annotator (e.g. for a different topolect) while keeping the information about word separation and/or glosses from the previous annotator, but it is limited to commands that don't need to look beyond the boundaries of each word.  If the command is prefixed by a # character, it will be given the word's existing annotation instead of its original text, and if prefixed by ## it will be given text#annotation.  The command should treat each line of its input independently, and both its input and its output should be in the encoding specified by --outcode.") # TODO: reannotatorCode instead? (see other 'reannotatorCode' TODOs)
# (Could just get the reannotator to post-process the 1st annotator's output, but that might be slower than generating an altered annotator with it)

                  help="When using --reannotator, make sure to capitalise any word it returns that began with a capital on input")

                  help="Assume annotation (or reannotator output) contains multiple alternatives separated by # (e.g. pinyin#Yale) and include code to select one by number at runtime (starting from 0). This is to save on total space when shipping multiple annotators that share the same word grouping and gloss data, differing only in the transcription of each word.")
parser.add_option("--annotation-names",help="Comma-separated list of annotation types supplied to sharp-multi (e.g. Pinyin,Yale), if you want the Android app etc to be able to name them.  You can also set just one annotation names here if you are not using sharp-multi.")

#  =========== ANALYSIS OPTIONS ==============

parser.add_option("-o", "--allow-overlaps",
                  help="Normally, the analyser avoids generating rules that could overlap with each other in a way that would leave the program not knowing which one to apply.  If a short rule would cause overlaps, the analyser will prefer to generate a longer rule that uses more context, and if even the entire phrase cannot be made into a rule without causing overlaps then the analyser will give up on trying to cover that phrase.  This option allows the analyser to generate rules that could overlap, as long as none of the overlaps would cause actual problems in the example phrases. Thus more of the examples can be covered, at the expense of a higher risk of ambiguity problems when applying the rules to other texts.  See also the -y option.")

parser.add_option("-P", "--primitive",
                  help="Don't bother with any overlap or conflict checks at all, just make a rule for each word. The resulting parser is not likely to be useful, but the summary might be.")

                  help="Look for candidate Yarowsky seed-collocations within this number of bytes of the end of a word.  If this is set then overlaps and rule conflicts will be allowed when seed collocations can be used to distinguish between them, and the analysis is likely to be faster.  Markup examples that are completely separate (e.g. sentences from different sources) must have at least this number of (non-whitespace) bytes between them.")
                  help="Extend the Yarowsky seed-collocation search to check over larger ranges up to this maximum.  If this is set then several ranges will be checked in an attempt to determine the best one for each word, but see also ymax-threshold.")
                  help="Limits the length of word that receives the narrower-range Yarowsky search when ybytes-max is in use. For words longer than this, the search will go directly to ybytes-max. This is for languages where the likelihood of a word's annotation being influenced by its immediate neighbours more than its distant collocations increases for shorter words, and less is to be gained by comparing different ranges when processing longer words. Setting this to 0 means no limit, i.e. the full range will be explored on ALL Yarowsky checks.") # TODO: see TODO below re temporary recommendation of --ymax-threshold=0
                  help="The increment value for the loop between ybytes and ybytes-max")
                  help="Warn when absolutely no distinguishing Yarowsky seed collocations can be found for a word in the examples")
                  help="Accept Yarowsky seed collocations even from input characters that never occur in annotated words (this might include punctuation and example-separation markup)")
                  help="Report the details of seed-collocation false positives if there are a large number of matches and at most this number of false positives (default %default). Occasionally these might be due to typos in the corpus, so it might be worth a check.")
                  help="When --capitalisation is not in effect. report words that are usually capitalised but that have at most this number of lower-case exceptions (default %default) for investigation of possible typos in the corpus")

                  help="Do not consider any rule longer than 1 word, although it can still have Yarowsky seed collocations if -y is set. This speeds up the search, but at the expense of thoroughness. You might want to use this in conjuction with -y to make a parser quickly. It is like -P (primitive) but without removing the conflict checks.")
                  help="Limits the number of words in a rule; rules longer than this are not considered.  0 means no limit.  --single-words is equivalent to --max-words=1.  If you need to limit the search time, and are using -y, it should suffice to use --single-words for a quick annotator or --max-words=5 for a more thorough one.")  # (There was a bug in annogen versions before 0.58 that caused --max-words to additionally limit how far away from the start of its phrase a rule-example must be placed; this has now been fixed.  There was also a bug that resulted in too many extra rules being tested over already-catered-for phrases; as this has now been fixed, the additional benefit of a --max-words limit is now reduced, but you might want to put one in anyway.  That second bug also had the effect of the coverage % being far too low in the progress stats.)

# TODO: optionally (especially if NOT using Yarowsky) do an additional pass (after discovering all other rules) and turn whole phrases that are not completely covered by other rules into whole-phrase rules, if it doesn't conflict 1 phrase w. anothr of equal priority; shld be ok if no overlap, overlaps wld *sometimes* be ok suggest a len threshold

parser.add_option("--checkpoint",help="Periodically save checkpoint files in the specified directory.  These files can save time when starting again after a reboot (and it's easier than setting up Condor etc).  As well as a protection against random reboots, this can be used for scheduled reboots: if file called ExitASAP appears in the checkpoint directory, annogen will checkpoint, remove the ExitASAP file, and exit.  After a run has completed, the checkpoint directory should be removed, unless you want to re-do the last part of the run for some reason.")
# (Condor can checkpoint an application on Win/Mac/Linux but is awkward to set up.  Various Linux and BSD application checkpoint approaches also exist, and virtual machines can have their state saved.  On the other hand the physical machine might have a 'hibernate' option which is easier.)
parser.add_option("--checkpoint-period",default=1000,help="Approximate number of seconds between checkpoints (default %default).  Setting this to 0 disables periodic checkpoints but still allows use of checkpoint directory for concurrency or ExitASAP processing.")

parser.add_option("-d","--diagnose",help="Output some diagnostics for the specified word. Use this option to help answer \"why doesn't it have a rule for...?\" issues. This option expects the word without markup and uses the system locale (UTF-8 if it cannot be detected).")
parser.add_option("--diagnose-limit",default=10,help="Maximum number of phrases to print diagnostics for (0 means unlimited); can be useful when trying to diagnose a common word in rulesFile without re-evaluating all phrases that contain it. Default: %default")
                  help="Check and diagnose potential failures of --manualrules")
                  help="Ignore all phrases that do not contain the word specified by the --diagnose option, for getting a faster (but possibly less accurate) diagnostic.  The generated annotator is not likely to be useful when this option is present.  You may get quick diagnostics WITHOUT these disadvantages by loading a --rulesFile instead.")

parser.add_option("--priority-list",help="Instead of generating an annotator, use the input examples to generate a list of (non-annotated) words with priority numbers, a higher number meaning the word should have greater preferential treatment in ambiguities, and write it to this file (or compressed .gz, .bz2 or .xz file).  If the file provided already exists, it will be updated, thus you can amend an existing usage-frequency list or similar (although the final numbers are priorities and might no longer match usage-frequency exactly).  The purpose of this option is to help if you have an existing word-priority-based text segmenter and wish to update its data from the examples; this approach might not be as good as the Yarowsky-like one (especially when the same word has multiple readings to choose from), but when there are integration issues with existing code you might at least be able to improve its word-priority data.")

                  help="Estimate time to completion.  The code to do this is unreliable and is prone to underestimate.  If you turn it on, its estimate is displayed at the end of the status line as days, hours or minutes.") # Unreliable because the estimate assumes 'phrases per minute' will remain constant on average, whereas actually it will decrease because the more complex phrases are processed last

                  help="Use only one CPU core even when others are available. If this option is not set, multiple cores are used if a 'futures' package is installed or if run under MPI or SCOOP; this currently requires --checkpoint + shared filespace, and is currently used only for large collocation checks in limited circumstances. Single-core saves on CPU power consumption, but if the computer is set to switch itself off at the end of the run then TOTAL energy used is generally less if you allow it to run multicore and reach that switchoff sooner.") # limited circumstances: namely, words that occur in length-1 phrases. TODO: Linux cpusets can reduce the number of CPUs actually available, so we might start too many processes unless run with -0 (especially in a virtual environment).
# Consider a Mac Mini that idles at 15W and maxes-out at 85W when running 2-core 4-thread i5.  The 70W difference is probably 35W for the CPU at 50% power-supply efficiency, give or take some extras.  Running 1-core should very roughly halve that 70W (below half if non-use of SMT saves a bit of power, but above if there's constant overheads and/or TurboBoost adding up to 25% to the clock when running single-core), so maybe about 50W.  One corpus ran multicore for about 40mins of its total runtime, and changing it to single-core added about 30mins to that total runtime.  So if the machine is set to halt at the end of the run, the single-core option saves 35W x 40mins at the expense of 50W x 30mins.  That's a negative saving.  On the other hand if the computer is NOT to be powered off at the end of the run then single-core does save power.

parser.add_option("-p","--status-prefix",help="Label to add at the start of the status line, for use if you batch-run annogen in multiple configurations and want to know which one is currently running")

main = (__name__ == "__main__" and not os.environ.get("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK","0").replace("0",""))
term = os.environ.get("TERM","")
is_xterm = "xterm" in term
ansi_escapes = is_xterm or term in ["screen","linux"]
def isatty(f): return hasattr(f,"isatty") and f.isatty()
if ansi_escapes and isatty(sys.stderr): clear_eol,reverse_on,reverse_off,bold_on,bold_off="\x1b[K\r","\x1b[7m","\x1b[0m","\x1b[1m","\x1b[0m"
else: clear_eol,reverse_on,reverse_off,bold_on,bold_off="  \r"," **","** ","",""
if main: sys.stderr.write(bold_on+__doc__+bold_off+"\n") # not sys.stdout: may or may not be showing --help (and anyway might want to process the help text for website etc)
# else (if not main), STILL parse options (if we're being imported for parallel processing)
options, args = parser.parse_args()

if type("")==type(u""): sys.setcheckinterval=lambda x:x # don't bother doing this on Python 3 (TODO: setswitchinterval?)
sys.setcheckinterval(32767) # won't be using threads or signals, so don't have to check for them very often
import gc ; gc.disable() # should be OK if we don't create cycles (TODO: run gc.collect() manually after init, just in case?)

def warn(msg):
  if main: sys.stderr.write("Warning: "+msg+"\n")
  # else it should have already been written
if "PyPy" in sys.version: warn("with annogen, PyPy is likely to run 60% slower than python") # (not to mention concurrent.futures being less likely to be available)

if checkpoint_period: checkpoint_period=int(checkpoint_period)
if primitive and ybytes: warn("primitive will override ybytes")
if ybytes: ybytes=int(ybytes)
if ybytes_max: ybytes_max=int(ybytes_max)
else: ybytes_max = ybytes
if yarowsky_debug: yarowsky_debug=int(yarowsky_debug)
else: yarowsky_debug = 0
if normalise_debug: normalise_debug=int(normalise_debug)
else: normalise_debug = 0
ybytes_step = int(ybytes_step)
maxrefs = int(maxrefs)
ymax_threshold = int(ymax_threshold)
if not golang: golang = ""
if nested_switch: nested_if = True
def errExit(msg):
  assert main # bad news if this happens in non-main module
    if not outfile==getBuf(sys.stdout):
      outfile.close() ; rm_f(c_filename)
  except: pass # works only if got past outfile opening
  sys.stderr.write(msg+"\n") ; sys.exit(1)
if args: errExit("Unknown argument "+repr(args[0]))
if ref_pri and not (reference_sep and ref_name_end): errExit("ref-pri option requires reference-sep and ref-name-end to be set")
if browser_extension:
  javascript = True
  if sharp_multi and not annotation_names: errExit("--sharp-multi requires --annotation-names to be set if --browser-extension")
  if zlib: errExit("--zlib not currently supported with --browser-extension") # would need to ensure it's decompressed after being read in from annotate-dat.txt
if android_template:
  android = "file:///android_asset/index.html"
if android and not java: errExit('You must set --java=/path/to/src//name/of/package when using --android')
if bookmarks and not android: errExit("--bookmarks requires --android, e.g. --android=file:///android_asset/index.html")
if android_print and not bookmarks: errExit("The current implementation of --android-print requires --bookmarks to be set as well")
if android_audio:
  if not android_print: errExit("The current implementation of --android-audio requires --android-print to be set as well") # for the highlighting (and TODO: I'm not sure about the HTML5-Audio support of Android 2.x devices etc, so should we check a minimum Android version before making the audio option available? as highlight option can be done pre-4.4 just no way to save the result)
  if "'" in android_audio or '"' in android_audio or '\\' in android_audio: errExit("The current implementation of --android-audio requires the URL not to contain any quotes or backslashes, please percent-encode them")
  if ' ' in android_audio:
    android_audio,android_audio_maxWords = android_audio.split()
    android_audio_maxWords = int(android_audio_maxWords)
  else: android_audio_maxWords=None
if (extra_js or extra_css or existing_ruby_js_fixes) and not android: errExit("--extra-js, --extra-css and --existing-ruby-js-fixes requires --android") # browser-extension: existing_ruby_js_fixes would require aType to be known by content.js (cn do via handleMessage) + oldTxt no longer sufficient for restoring page for reannotate.  TODO: even with delete_existing_ruby, oldTxt is not sufficient to restore page for annotation off (it currently needs reload after turn off if it had existing ruby, and we don't do that automatically, nor should we as they might have unsaved changes), due to nfOld/nfNew further up the DOM, and it's no good replacing it with a list of DOM objects to replaceChild on, because anything more than text does not persist in the DOM after content.js runs, nor does it persist in the content.js variable space.
if delete_existing_ruby and not (android or javascript): errExit("--delete-existing-ruby requires --android or --javascript") # (or --browser-extension, which implies --javascript)
if not extra_css: extra_css = ""
if not extra_js: extra_js = ""
if not existing_ruby_js_fixes: existing_ruby_js_fixes = ""
if extra_css.startswith("@"): extra_css = open(extra_css[1:],"rb").read()
if extra_js.startswith("@"):
  extra_js = extra_js[1:]
  if not os.system("which node 2>/dev/null >/dev/null"):
    # we can check the syntax
    import pipes
    if os.system("node -c "+pipes.quote(extra_js)): errExit("Syntax check failed for extra-js file "+extra_js)
  extra_js = open(extra_js,"rb").read()
if type("")==type(u""): # Python 3
  def B(s):
    try: return s.encode('latin1')
    except: return s
  def S(b):
    try: return b.decode('latin1')
    except: return b
  def getBuf(f):
    try: return f.buffer
    except: return f
else: # Python 2: pass through as quickly as possible
  def B(s): return s # (and as this particular script shouldn't need to run on a Python 2 below 2.7, we also use b"" inline for literals)
  def S(s): return s
  def getBuf(f): return f
if extra_js.rstrip() and not B(extra_js.rstrip()[-1:]) in b';}': errExit("--extra-js must end with a semicolon or a closing brace")
if existing_ruby_js_fixes.startswith("@"): existing_ruby_js_fixes = open(existing_ruby_js_fixes[1:],"rb").read()
jPackage = None
if nested_switch: nested_switch=int(nested_switch) # TODO: if java, override it?  or just rely on the help text for --nested-switch (TODO cross-reference it from --java?)
if java:
  if not '//' in java: errExit("--java must include a // to separate the first part of the path from the package name")
  if '.' in jRest: errExit("--java must be ...src//org/example/package not ...src//org.example.package") # (TODO: fix it automatically in both jRest and java? only on the right-hand side of the //)
  jPackage = jRest.replace('/','.')
  if 'NewFunc' in jPackage: errExit("Currently unable to include the string 'NewFunc' in your package due to an implementation detail in annogen's search/replace operations")
if not c_filename and isatty(sys.stdout): # assumed false when run under MPI
  c_filename = tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep+"annotator.c"
def shell_escape(arg):
  if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_=/.%+,:@-]*$",arg): return arg
  return "'"+arg.replace("'",r"'\''")+"'"
if sharp_multi:
  if c_sharp or python or golang: errExit("sharp-multi not yet implemented in C#, Python or Go")
  elif windows_clipboard: errExit("sharp-multi not yet implemented for windows-clipboard") # would need a way to select the annotator, probably necessitating a GUI on Windows
if java or javascript or python or c_sharp or golang or dart:
    def cOnly(param,lang="C"): errExit(param+" not yet implemented in any language other than "+lang+", so cannot be used with --java, --javascript, --python, --c-sharp, --golang or --dart")
    if windows_clipboard: cOnly("--windows-clipboard")
    if library: cOnly("--library")
    if not outcode=="utf-8": cOnly("Non utf-8 outcode")
    if compress: cOnly("--compress")
    if sum(1 for x in [java,javascript,python,c_sharp,golang,dart] if x) > 1:
      errExit("Outputting more than one programming language on the same run is not yet implemented")
    if java:
      if android and not "/src//" in java: errExit("When using --android, the last thing before the // in --java must be 'src' e.g. --java=/workspace/MyProject/src//org/example/package")
      if main and not compile_only: # (delete previous files, only if we're not an MPI-etc subprocess)
       os.system("mkdir -p "+shell_escape(java))
       for f in os.listdir(java):
        if f.endswith(".java") and f.startswith("z"): os.remove(java+os.sep+f)
      c_filename = java+os.sep+"Annotator.java"
      if main and android:
        os.system("rm -rf "+shell_escape(jSrc+"/../bin")) # needed to get rid of old *.class files that might be no longer used
        for d in ["assets","bin","gen","res/layout","res/menu","res/values","res/xml"]: os.system("mkdir -p "+shell_escape(jSrc+"/../"+d))
    elif c_filename.endswith(".c"):
      if javascript: c_filename = c_filename[:-2]+".js"
      elif dart: c_filename = c_filename[:-2]+".dart"
      elif c_sharp: c_filename = c_filename[:-2]+".cs"
      elif golang: c_filename = c_filename[:-2]+".go"
      else: c_filename = c_filename[:-2]+".py"
elif windows_clipboard:
  if library: errExit("Support for having both --windows-clipboard and --library at the same time is not yet implemented") # ditto
  if c_compiler=="cc -o annotator": c_compiler="i386-mingw32-gcc -o annoclip.exe"
  if not outcode=="utf-8": errExit("outcode must be utf-8 when using --windows-clipboard")
elif library:
  if c_compiler=="cc -o annotator": c_compiler="gcc -shared -fPIC -Wl,-soname,annotator.so.1 -o libannotator.so.1 -lc"
if js_6bit:
  if not javascript: errExit("--js-6bit requires --javascript") # or just set js_6bit=False in these circumstances?
  import urllib
if dart:
  js_utf8 = not dart_datafile
  if dart_datafile and any(x in dart_datafile for x in "'\\$"): errExit("Current implementation cannot cope with ' or \\ or $ in dart_datafile")
elif dart_datafile: errExit("--dart-datafile requires --dart")
if zlib:
  if javascript: warn("--zlib with --javascript has been known to cause string corruption on some browsers and is deprecated")
  js_6bit = js_utf8 = False
  del zlib
    from zopfli import zlib # pip install zopfli
    zlib._orig_compress = zlib.compress
    zlib.compress = lambda s,level: zlib._orig_compress(s) # delete level
    zlib_name = "zopfli"
    import zlib
    zlib_name = "zlib"
  data_driven = True
  if windows_clipboard: warn("--zlib with --windows-clipboard is inadvisable because ZLib is not typically present on Windows platforms. If you really want it, you'll need to figure out the compiler options and library setup for it.")
  if dart and not dart_datafile: warn("--zlib without --dart-datafile might not be as efficient as you'd hope (and --zlib prevents the resulting Dart code from being compiled to a \"Web app\" anyway)") # as it requires dart:io
if data_driven:
  if c_sharp or golang: errExit("--data-driven and --zlib are not yet implemented in C# or Go")
  elif java and not android: errExit("In Java, --data-driven and --zlib currently require --android as we need to know where to store the data file") # TODO: option to specify path in 'pure' Java? (in which case also update the 'compress' errExit above so it doesn't check for android before suggesting zlib)
elif javascript or python or dart: data_driven = True
compact_opcodes = data_driven and not fast_assemble
if java or javascript or python or c_sharp or golang or dart: c_compiler = None
try: xrange # Python 2
except: xrange,unichr,unicode = range,chr,str # Python 3
if post_normalise:
  if not (java and data_driven): errExit('--post-normalise currently requires --java and data-driven')
  if type("")==type(u""): # Python 3 (this requires 3.5+, TODO: support 3.3/3.4 ?)
    import importlib.util as iu
    s = iu.spec_from_file_location("post.normalise", post_normalise)
    post_normalise = iu.module_from_spec(s) ; s.loader.exec_module(post_normalise)
  else: # Python 2
    import imp
    post_normalise = imp.load_source('post.normalise', post_normalise)
  post_normalise = post_normalise.table
  for k,v in list(post_normalise.items()):
    if not (k<=0xFFFF and v<=0xFFFF and len(unichr(k).encode('utf-8'))==len(unichr(v).encode('utf-8'))): del post_normalise[k] # BMP only for now, and only mappings that don't change UTF-8 length so inBytes / origInBytes are sync'd
  if type(u"")==type(""): post_normalise_translate = lambda x:x.translate(post_normalise) # Python 3 can use the dictionary as-is
  else: post_normalise_translate = lambda u: u''.join(unichr(post_normalise.get(ord(i),ord(i))) for i in u) # as Python 2 .translate can take only len=256 (at least as documented; some versions can do more but not all tested), so we'd better write it out ourselves
  import locale
  terminal_charset = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
except: terminal_charset = None
if not terminal_charset: terminal_charset = "utf-8"
if android_urls:
  if not android: errExit("--android-urls requires --android (you need to set a default URL for direct launch)")
  try: import urlparse
    try: import urllib.parse as urlparse
    except: errExit("--android-urls requires urlparse module") # unless we re-implement
  if "?" in android_urls: errExit("You cannot include a ? in any of your --android-urls (Android does not count query-string as part of the path)")
else: android_urls = "" # so it can still be .split()
if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky:
  if not (android and ybytes and glossfile): errExit("--existing-ruby-shortcut-yarowsky makes sense only when generating an Android app with both ybytes and glossfile set")
  if not data_driven: errExit("Current implementation of --existing-ruby-shortcut-yarowsky requires --data-driven") # (it doesn't have to, but doing so without would require it to be put into the non-datadriven n() test, and as we're probably turning on zlib for Android apps anyway, we might as well implement only for data-driven)
def T(s):
  if type(s)==type(u""): return s # Python 3
  return s.decode(terminal_charset)
if keep_whitespace: keep_whitespace = set(T(keep_whitespace).split(','))
if glossmiss_hide: glossmiss_hide = set(T(glossmiss_hide).split(','))
if status_prefix: status_prefix += ": "
else: status_prefix = ""
if diagnose: diagnose=T(diagnose)
diagnose_limit = int(diagnose_limit)
max_words = int(max_words)
if single_words: max_words = 1
read_input = not no_input
if not reference_sep: norefs=True
if not read_input:
  def f():
    if diagnose_manual: return "--diagnose-manual is set"
    if normalise_only: return "--normalise-only is set"
    if not norefs:
      if not no_summary: return "summary is required (and without norefs)"
      if glossmiss: return "--glossmiss is set (and without norefs)"
  if msg:
    warn("Reading input despite --no-input because "+msg)
    read_input = True

def nearCall(negate,conds,subFuncs,subFuncL):
  # returns what to put in the if() for ybytes near() lists
  if not max_or_length or len(conds) <= max_or_length:
    if java: f=b"a.n"
    else: f=b"near"
    ret = b" || ".join(f+b"(\""+B(outLang_escape(c))+b"\")" for c in conds)
    if negate:
      if b" || " in ret: ret = b" ! ("+ret+b")"
      else: ret = b"!"+ret
    return ret
  if java: fStart,fEnd = B("package "+jPackage+";\npublic class NewFunc { public static boolean f("+jPackage+".Annotator a) {"),b"} }" # put functions in separate classes to try to save the constants table of the main class
  elif golang: fStart,fEnd = b"func NewFunc() bool {",b"}"
  else: fStart,fEnd = outLang_bool+b" NewFunc() {",b"}"
  if negate: rTrue,rFalse = outLang_false,outLang_true
  else: rTrue,rFalse = outLang_true,outLang_false
  return subFuncCall(fStart+b"\n".join(outLang_shortIf(nearCall(False,conds[i:j],subFuncs,subFuncL),b"return "+rTrue+b";") for i,j in zip(range(0,len(conds),max_or_length),range(max_or_length,len(conds),max_or_length)+[len(conds)]))+b"\nreturn "+rFalse+b";"+fEnd,subFuncs,subFuncL)

def outLang_shortIf(cond,statement):
  if golang: return b"if "+cond+b" {\n  "+statement+b"\n}"
  else: return b"if("+cond+b") "+statement

def subFuncCall(newFunc,subFuncs,subFuncL):
  if newFunc in subFuncs:
    # we generated an identical one before
    if java: subFuncName=b"z%X" % len(subFuncs) # (try to save as many bytes as possible because it won't be compiled out and we also have to watch the compiler's footprint; start with z so MainActivity.java etc appear before rather than among this lot in IDE listings)
    else: subFuncName=b"match%d" % len(subFuncs)
    if java or c_sharp or golang: static=b""
    else: static=b"static "
  if java: return B(jPackage)+b"."+subFuncName+b".f(a)"
  return subFuncName+b"()" # the call (without a semicolon)

def stringSwitch(byteSeq_to_action_dict,subFuncL,funcName=b"topLevelMatch",subFuncs={},java_localvar_counter=None,nestingsLeft=None): # ("topLevelMatch" is also mentioned in the C code)
    # make a function to switch on a large number of variable-length string cases without repeated lookahead for each case
    # (may still backtrack if no words or no suffices match)
    # byteSeq_to_action_dict is really a byte sequence to [(action, OR-list of Yarowsky-like indicators which are still in Unicode)], the latter will be c_escape()d
    # can also be byte seq to [(action,(OR-list,nbytes))] but only if OR-list is not empty, so value[1] will always be false if OR-list is empty
    # so byteSeq_to_action_dict[k][0][0] is 1st action,
    #    byteSeq_to_action_dict[k][0][1] is conditions,
    #    byteSeq_to_action_dict[k][1][0] is 2nd action, &c
    if nestingsLeft==None: nestingsLeft=nested_switch
    canNestNow = not nestingsLeft==0 # (-1 = unlimited)
    if java: adot = b"a."
    else: adot = b""
    if java or c_sharp or golang: NEXTBYTE = adot+b'nB()'
    else: NEXTBYTE = b'NEXTBYTE'
    allBytes = set(b[:1] for b in iterkeys(byteSeq_to_action_dict) if b)
    ret = []
    if not java_localvar_counter: # Java and C# don't allow shadowing of local variable names, so we'll need to uniquify them
    olvc = b"%X" % java_localvar_counter[0] # old localvar counter
    if funcName:
        if java: ret.append(b"package "+B(jPackage)+b";\npublic class "+funcName+b" { public static void f("+B(jPackage)+b".Annotator a) {")
          if funcName==b"topLevelMatch" and not c_sharp: stat=b"static " # because we won't call subFuncCall on our result
          else: stat=b""
          if golang: ret.append(b"func %s() {" % funcName)
          else: ret.append(stat+b"void %s() {" % funcName)
        savePos = len(ret)
        if java or c_sharp: ret.append(b"{ int oldPos="+adot+b"inPtr;")
        elif golang: ret.append(b"{ oldPos := inPtr;")
        else: ret.append(b"{ POSTYPE oldPos=THEPOS;")
    elif b"" in byteSeq_to_action_dict and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict) > 1:
        # no funcName, but might still want to come back here as there's a possible action at this level
        savePos = len(ret)
        if java or c_sharp:
          ret.append(b"{ int oP"+olvc+b"="+adot+b"inPtr;")
          java_localvar_counter[0] += 1
        elif golang: ret.append(b"{ oldPos := inPtr;")
        else: ret.append(b"{ POSTYPE oldPos=THEPOS;")
    else: savePos = None
    def restorePos():
      if not savePos==None:
        if len(b' '.join(ret).split(NEXTBYTE))==2 and not called_subswitch:
            # only 1 NEXTBYTE after the savePos - just
            # do a PREVBYTE instead
            # (note however that splitting on NEXTBYTE
            # does not necessarily give a reliable value
            # for max amount of lookahead required if
            # there's more than 1.  We use max rule len
            # as an upper bound for that instead.)
            del ret[savePos]
            if java: ret.append(b"a.inPtr--;")
            elif c_sharp or golang: ret.append(b"inPtr--;")
            else: ret.append(b"PREVBYTE;")
        elif java or c_sharp:
          if funcName: ret.append(adot+b"inPtr=oldPos; }")
          else: ret.append(adot+b"inPtr=oP"+olvc+b"; }")
        elif golang: ret.append(b"inPtr=oldPos; }")
        else: ret.append(b"SETPOS(oldPos); }") # restore
    called_subswitch = False
    if b"" in byteSeq_to_action_dict and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict) > 1 and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""])==1 and not byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][1] and all((len(a)==1 and a[0][0].startswith(byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][0]) and not a[0][1]) for a in itervalues(byteSeq_to_action_dict)):
        # there's an action in common for this and all subsequent matches, and no Yarowsky-like indicators, so we can do the common action up-front
        l = len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][0])
        byteSeq_to_action_dict = dict((x,[(y[l:],z)]) for x,[(y,z)] in iteritems(byteSeq_to_action_dict))
        # and, since we'll be returning no matter what,
        # we can put the inner switch in a new function
        # (even if not re-used, this helps compiler speed)
        # + DON'T save/restore pos around it (it itself
        # will do any necessary save/restore pos)
        del byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""]
        if java and (canNestNow or len(byteSeq_to_action_dict)==1): # hang on - better nest (might be using --nested-switch to get around a Java compiler-memory problem; the len condition allows us to always nest a single 'if' rather than creating a new function+class for it)
          ret += [b"  "+x for x in stringSwitch(byteSeq_to_action_dict,subFuncL,None,subFuncs,java_localvar_counter,nestingsLeft)]
        else: # ok, new function
          newFunc = b"\n".join(stringSwitch(byteSeq_to_action_dict,subFuncL,b"NewFunc",subFuncs))
          ret.append(subFuncCall(newFunc,subFuncs,subFuncL)+b"; return;")
          del ret[savePos] # will be set to None below
        byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""] = [(b"",[])] # for the end of this func
        savePos = None # as setting funcName on stringSwitch implies it'll give us a savePos, and if we didn't set funcName then we called restorePos already above
    elif allBytes:
      # deal with all actions except "" first
      use_if = (len(allBytes)==1)
      if not use_if:
        if nestingsLeft > 0: nestingsLeft -= 1
        ret.append(b"switch("+NEXTBYTE+b") {")
      for case in sorted(allBytes):
        if not c_sharp and 32<=ord(case)<127 and case!=b"'": cstr=b"'%c'" % case
          if java: cstr = b"(byte)"+cstr
        if use_if: ret.append(b"if("+NEXTBYTE+b"=="+cstr+b") {")
        else: ret.append(b"case %s:" % cstr)
        subDict = dict([(k[1:],v) for k,v in iteritems(byteSeq_to_action_dict) if k and k[:1]==case])
        inner = stringSwitch(subDict,subFuncL,None,subFuncs,java_localvar_counter,nestingsLeft)
        if canNestNow or not (inner[0].startswith(b"switch") or (inner[0].startswith(b"if(") and not nested_if)): ret += [b"  "+x for x in inner]
          # Put the inner switch into a different function
          # which returns 1 if we should return.
          # (TODO: this won't catch cases where there's a savePos before the inner switch; will still nest in that case.  But it shouldn't lead to big nesting in practice.)
          if nested_switch: inner = stringSwitch(subDict,subFuncL,None,subFuncs,None,None) # re-do it with full nesting counter
          if java: myFunc,funcEnd = [B("package "+jPackage+";\npublic class NewFunc { public static boolean f("+jPackage+".Annotator a) {")], b"}}"
          elif golang: myFunc,funcEnd=[b"func NewFunc() bool {"],b"}"
          else: myFunc,funcEnd=[outLang_bool+b" NewFunc() {"],b"}"
          for x in inner:
            if x.endswith(b"return;"): x=x[:-len(b"return;")]+b"return "+outLang_true+b";"
            myFunc.append(b"  "+x)
          ret += (b"  "+outLang_shortIf(subFuncCall(b"\n".join(myFunc)+b"\n  return "+outLang_false+b";\n"+funcEnd,subFuncs,subFuncL),b"return;")).split(b'\n') # if golang, MUST have the \n before the 1st return there (optional for other languages); also must split outLang_shortIf o/p into \n for the above 'for x in inner' rewrite to work
          called_subswitch=True # as it'll include more NEXTBYTE calls which are invisible to the code below
        if not (use_if or inner[-1].endswith(b"return;")): ret.append(b"  break;")
      ret.append(b"}") # end of switch or if
    if funcName:
      if java: ret.append(b"} }")
      else: ret.append(b"}")
    elif b"" in byteSeq_to_action_dict:
        # if the C code gets to this point, no return; happened - no suffices
        # so execute one of the "" actions and return
        # (which one, if any, depends on the Yarowsky-like indicators; there should be at most one "default" action without indicators)
        default_action = b""
        for action,conds in byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""]:
            if conds:
                assert action, "conds without action in "+repr(byteSeq_to_action_dict[""])
                if type(conds)==tuple:
                    negate,conds,nbytes = conds
                    if java: ret.append(b"a.sn(%d);" % nbytes)
                    elif c_sharp or golang: ret.append(b"nearbytes=%d;" % nbytes)
                    else: ret.append(b"setnear(%d);" % nbytes)
                else: negate = False
                ret.append(b"if ("+nearCall(negate,conds,subFuncs,subFuncL)+b") {")
                ret.append((action+b" return;").strip())
            else: # no conds
                if default_action:
                  sys.stderr.write("WARNING! More than one default action in "+repr(byteSeq_to_action_dict[""])+" - earlier one discarded!\n")
                  if rulesFile: sys.stderr.write("(This might indicate invalid markup in the corpus, but it might just be due to a small change or capitalisation update during an incremental run, which can be ignored.)\n") # TODO: don't write this warning at all if accum.amend_rules was set at the end of analyse() ?
                  else: sys.stderr.write("(This might indicate invalid markup in the corpus)\n")
                default_action = action
        if default_action or not byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""]: ret.append((default_action+b" return;").strip()) # (return only if there was a default action, OR if an empty "" was in the dict with NO conditional actions (e.g. from the common-case optimisation above).  Otherwise, if there were conditional actions but no default, we didn't "match" anything if none of the conditions were satisfied.)
    return ret # caller does '\n'.join

if compress:
  squashStrings = set() ; squashReplacements = []
  def squashFinish():
    assert main, "squashFinish sets globals"
    global squashStrings # so can set it to "done" at end
    tokens = set()
    for s in squashStrings: tokens.update(list(S(s)))
    totSaved = 0
    tokens = [chr(t) for t in range(1,256) if not chr(t) in tokens] ; orig_tokens = set(tokens)
    pairs = [chr(0)] * 512
    while tokens and squashStrings:
      t = tokens.pop()
      counts = {}
      for s in squashStrings:
        # To make decompression as fast and compact as possible, each 1-byte token represents 2 bytes exactly.  In practice allowing it to represent variable lengths of whole bytes up to 4 is not likely to improve the compression by more than 3.2% (that's 3.2% of the 10-20% it achieves, so it's around 0.5%), and not very much better for length 9, so we might as well stick with this simpler scheme unless we do real LZMA or whatever.
          for i in range(0,len(s)-1):
            k = s[i:i+2]
            if S(k[:1]) in orig_tokens or S(k[1:]) in orig_tokens: continue # to keep the decoder simple, don't set things up so it needs to recurse (being able to recurse within the 2-byte expansion is very unlikely to save anything in practice anyway - it didn't on my annotators - so not worth implementing the decoder for)
            counts[k] = counts.get(k,0) + 1
      bSaved, k = max((v,k) for k,v in counts.items())
      pairs[ord(t)] = k[:1]
      pairs[ord(t)+256] = k[1:]
      squashReplacements.append((k,B(t))) # this assumes we won't be doing things like 'if ALL instances of a byte end up in our tokens, add the byte's original value as an extra token'
      for s in squashStrings:
        s2 = s.replace(k,B(t))
        if not s2==s:
          squashStrings.remove(s) ; squashStrings.add(s2)
      totSaved += bSaved
      sys.stderr.write("Compress: %d/%d tokens, %d bytes saved%s" % (len(orig_tokens)-len(tokens),len(orig_tokens),totSaved,clear_eol)) ; sys.stderr.flush()
    squashStrings = "done"
    while len(pairs) > 256 and pairs[-1]==chr(0): pairs = pairs[:-1]
    if totSaved < len(pairs)+50: sys.stderr.write("Warning: --compress on this data made it bigger!  Consider dropping --compress\n") # 50 as rough guess for OutWriteDecompress binary (probably about 12 instructions at 4+ bytes each)
    return c_escapeRawBytes(b"".join(B(p) for p in pairs))

static unsigned char pairs[]="%%PAIRS%%";
static void OutWriteDecompress(const char *s) {
while(*s) {
  int i=(unsigned char)*s;
  if (pairs[i]) { OutWriteByte(pairs[i]); OutWriteByte(pairs[i|0x100]); } else OutWriteByte(*s);
  if sharp_multi: decompress_func += br"""
static int ns; static void OutWriteNSB(int b) {
  if(b=='#') ns++; else if(ns==numSharps) OutWriteByte(b);
static void OutWriteDecompressP(const char *s) {
ns=0; while(*s && ns<=numSharps) {
  int i=(unsigned char)*s;
  if (pairs[i]) { OutWriteNSB(pairs[i]); OutWriteNSB(pairs[i|0x100]); } else OutWriteNSB(*s);
  def squash(byteStr):
    if squashStrings == "done":
      for k,v in squashReplacements:
        byteStr = byteStr.replace(k,v)
    else: squashStrings.add(byteStr) # for the dry run
    return byteStr
elif sharp_multi: decompress_func = br"""
static void OutWriteStrP(const char *annot) {
    int ns = numSharps;
    while(ns--) {
        annot = strchr(annot,'#');
        if (!annot) return; else annot++;
    char* m = strchr(annot,'#');
    if(m) OutWriteStrN(annot,m-annot); else OutWriteStr(annot);
else: decompress_func = b""

if c_filename and os.sep in c_filename: cfn = c_filename[c_filename.rindex(os.sep)+1:]
else: cfn = c_filename
if library:
  c_preamble = br"""
     This library is NOT thread safe.  But you can use it
     with single-threaded or multiprocess code like Web Adjuster
     (not in WSGI mode).
     To wrap this library in Python (2 or 3), you can do:

from ctypes import CDLL,c_char_p,c_int
alib = CDLL("./libannotator.so.1")
_annotate,_afree = alib.annotate,alib.afree
_annotate.restype = c_char_p
_annotate.argtypes = [c_char_p"""
  if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",c_int"
  c_preamble += b",c_int]"
  if outcode=="utf-8":
    c_preamble += br"""
_annotateRL = alib.annotateRawLatinize
_annotateRL.restype = c_char_p
_annotateRL.argtypes = [c_char_p"""
    if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",c_int"
    c_preamble += b"]\ndef annotR(txt"
    if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",aType=0"
    c_preamble += br"""):
    if type(txt)==type(u''): txt = txt.encode('utf-8')
    r = _annotateRL(txt"""
    if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",aType"
    c_preamble += br""")
    _afree() ; return r"""
  c_preamble += b"\ndef annotate(txt"
  if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",aType=0"
  c_preamble += br""",aMode=1):
    "aMode: 0 = raw, 1 = ruby (default), 2 = braces"
    if type(txt)==type(u''): txt = txt.encode('"""+outcode+r"""')
    r = _annotate(txt"""
  if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",aType"
  c_preamble += br""",aMode)
    _afree() ; return r
# then for Web Adjuster you can do, for example,
# adjuster.annotFunc1 = lambda t:annotate(t"""
  if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b",1"
  c_preamble += b",1)\n"
  if outcode=="utf-8":
    if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b"# adjuster.annotFunc1R = lambda t:annotR(t,1)"
    else: c_preamble += b"# adjuster.annotFunc1R = annotR"
    c_preamble += br"""
# adjuster.options.htmlFilter = "*annotFunc1#*annotFunc1R"
# adjuster.options.htmlFilterName = "ruby#annot-only"
  else: c_preamble += br"""
# adjuster.options.htmlFilter = "*annotFunc1"
  if not outcode=="utf-8": c_preamble += br"""
# but BEWARE Web Adjuster assumes UTF-8; you'd better write a wrapper to re-code it
""" # (TODO: automate this?)
  c_preamble += br"""
    Compile with:
    gcc -shared -fPIC -Wl,-soname,annotator.so.1 -o libannotator.so.1 annotator.c -lc

  if cfn: c_preamble=c_preamble.replace(b"annotator.c",B(cfn))
  c_preamble += br"""
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
  c_defs = br"""static const unsigned char *readPtr, *writePtr, *startPtr;
static char *outBytes;
static size_t outWriteLen,outWritePtr;
#define NEXTBYTE (*readPtr++)
#define NEXT_COPY_BYTE (*writePtr++)
#define COPY_BYTE_SKIP writePtr++
#define COPY_BYTE_SKIPN(n) writePtr += (n)
#define POSTYPE const unsigned char*
#define THEPOS readPtr
#define SETPOS(p) (readPtr=(p))
#define PREVBYTE readPtr--
#define FINISHED (!(*readPtr))

static void OutWriteStrN(const char *s,size_t l) {
  size_t newLen = outWriteLen;
  while (outWritePtr+l > newLen) newLen *= 2;
  if (newLen > outWriteLen) {
    char *ob2 = realloc(outBytes,newLen);
    if (!ob2) return; /* This check is meaningless if the kernel overcommits, but I don't know if that's true on (all versions of) Android. */
    outBytes = ob2; outWriteLen = newLen;
  memcpy(outBytes+outWritePtr, s, l);
  outWritePtr += l;
static void OutWriteStr(const char *s) {
static void OutWriteByte(char c) {
  if (outWritePtr >= outWriteLen) {
    size_t newLen = outWriteLen * 2;
    char *ob2 = realloc(outBytes,newLen);
    if (!ob2) return; /* This check is meaningless if the kernel overcommits, but I don't know if that's true on (all versions of) Android. */
    outBytes = ob2; outWriteLen = newLen;
  outBytes[outWritePtr++] = c;
int near(char* string) {
    const unsigned char *startFrom = readPtr-nearbytes,
                     *end = readPtr+nearbytes;
    if (startFrom < startPtr) startFrom = startPtr;
    size_t l=strlen(string); end -= l;
    while (*startFrom && startFrom <= end) {
      if(!strncmp(startFrom,string,l)) return 1;
    return 0;
void matchAll();"""
  c_defs += br"""
void afree() { if(outBytes) free(outBytes); outBytes=NULL; }
char *annotate(const char *input"""
  if sharp_multi: c_defs += b", int annotNo"
  c_defs += br""",int aMode) {
  outWriteLen = strlen(startPtr)*5+1; /* initial guess (must include the +1 to ensure it's non-0 for OutWrite...'s *= code) */
  afree(); outBytes = malloc(outWriteLen);"""
  if sharp_multi: c_defs += b" numSharps=annotNo;"
  c_defs += br""" annotation_mode = aMode;
  if(outBytes) { outWritePtr = 0; matchAll(); }
  if(outBytes) OutWriteByte(0);
  return outBytes;
  if outcode=="utf-8": # (TODO: document this feature?  non-utf8 versions ??)
    c_defs += br"""
static void latinizeMatch(); static int latCap,latSpace;
char *annotateRawLatinize(const char *input"""
    if sharp_multi: c_defs += b", int annotNo"
    c_defs += br""") {
    // "Bonus" library function, works only if annotation is Latin-like,
    // tries to improve the capitalisation when in 'raw' mode
    // (TODO: make this available in other annogen output formats?  work into ruby mode??)
    char *tmp=annotate(input"""
    if sharp_multi: c_defs += b",annotNo"
    c_defs += br""",annotations_only);
    if(tmp) { tmp=strdup(tmp); if(tmp) {
      afree(); outBytes=malloc(outWriteLen);
      if(outBytes) {
        outWritePtr = 0; latCap=1; latSpace=0;
        while(!FINISHED) {
          POSTYPE oldPos=THEPOS;
          if (oldPos==THEPOS) { OutWriteByte(NEXTBYTE); COPY_BYTE_SKIP; }
      if(outBytes) OutWriteByte(0);
    } } return(outBytes);
static inline void doLatSpace() {
  if(latSpace) {
    OutWriteByte(' ');
    latSpace = 0;
static void latinizeMatch() {
  int nb = NEXTBYTE;
  if (latCap || latSpace) {
    if (nb >= '0' && nb <= '9') latSpace = 0; /* 1:1 */
    else if(nb >= 'A' && nb <= 'Z') {
      latCap = 0; doLatSpace();
    } else if(nb >= 'a' && nb <= 'z') {
      if(latCap) {
        latCap = 0;
        OutWriteByte(nb-('a'-'A')); return;
    } else switch(nb) {
      case 0xC3:
        { int nb2 = NEXTBYTE;
          switch(nb2) {
          case 0x80: case 0x81: case 0x88: case 0x89:
          case 0x8c: case 0x8d: case 0x92: case 0x93:
          case 0x99: case 0x9a:
            latCap=0; break;
          case 0xa0: case 0xa1: case 0xa8: case 0xa9:
          case 0xac: case 0xad: case 0xb2: case 0xb3:
          case 0xb9: case 0xba:
            if (latCap) {
              OutWriteByte(nb2-0x20); latCap=0; return;
          } break; }
      case 0xC4:
        { int nb2 = NEXTBYTE;
          switch(nb2) {
          case 0x80: case 0x92: case 0x9a: case 0xaa:
            latCap=0; break;
          case 0x81: case 0x93: case 0x9b: case 0xab:
            if (latCap) {
              OutWriteByte(nb2-1); latCap=0; return;
          } break; }
      case 0xC5:
        { int nb2 = NEXTBYTE;
          switch(nb2) {
          case 0x8c: case 0xaa:
            latCap=0; break;
          case 0x8d: case 0xab:
            if (latCap) {
              OutWriteByte(nb2-1); latCap=0; return;
          } break; }
      case 0xC7:
        { int nb2 = NEXTBYTE;
          switch(nb2) {
          case 0x8d: case 0x8f: case 0x91: case 0x93:
          case 0x95: case 0x97: case 0x99: case 0x9b:
            latCap=0; break;
          case 0x8e: case 0x90: case 0x92: case 0x94:
          case 0x96: case 0x98: case 0x9a: case 0x9c:
            if (latCap) {
              OutWriteByte(nb2-1); latCap=0; return;
          } break; }
  switch(nb) {
  case 0xE2: /* could be opening quote */
    if(NEXTBYTE==0x80) switch(NEXTBYTE) {
      case 0x98: case 0x9c:
        OutWriteByte(' '); latSpace = 0;
  case 0xE3: /* could be Chinese stop or list-comma */
    if(NEXTBYTE==0x80) switch(NEXTBYTE) {
      case 0x81:
      OutWriteByte(','); latSpace = 1; return;
      case 0x82:
      OutWriteByte('.'); latSpace = 1;
      latCap=1; return;
    } break;
  case 0xEF: /* could be full-width ascii */
    switch(NEXTBYTE) {
    case 0xBC:
        int b=NEXTBYTE;
        if (b >= 0x81 && b <= 0xbf) {
          int punc = b-(0x81-'!');
          switch(punc) {
          case '(': OutWriteByte(' '); latSpace = 0;
          if (punc >= 0x90 && punc <= 0x99) latSpace = 0;
          else switch(punc) {
            case '!': case '.': case '?':
              latCap = 1; /* fall through */
            case ')': case ',':
            case ':': case ';':
              latSpace = 1;
    case 0xBD:
        int b=NEXTBYTE;
        if (b >= 0x80 && b <= 0x9d) {
          /* TODO: capitalise if it's a letter (but probably not needed in most annotations) */
          OutWriteByte(b-(0x80-'`')); return;
      } break;
    } break;
  have_annotModes = library # only ruby is needed by the Android code
elif windows_clipboard:
  c_preamble = br"""/*

For running on Windows desktop or WINE, compile with:

  i386-mingw32-gcc annoclip.c -o annoclip.exe

For running on Windows Mobile 2003SE, 5, 6, 6.1 or 6.5,
compile with:

  arm-cegcc-gcc annoclip.c -D_WINCE -Os -o annoclip-WM.exe

or (if you have MSVC 2008 on a Windows machine),

set PATH=%VCINSTALLDIR%\ce\bin\x86_arm;%PATH%
set lib=%VCINSTALLDIR%\ce\lib\armv4
set include=%VSINSTALLDIR%\SmartDevices\SDK\Smartphone2003\Include;%VCINSTALLDIR%\ce\include;%VCINSTALLDIR%\include
set LINK=/force:multiple /NODEFAULTLIB:oldnames.lib /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWSCE /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2\PocketPC\Lib\ARMV4I" /OUT:annoclip-WM.exe /MANIFEST:NO /STACK:65536,4096 /DYNAMICBASE:NO aygshell.lib coredll.lib corelibc.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib commctrl.lib
cl /D_WIN32_IE=0x0400 /D_WIN32_WCE=0x0400 /Os /Og annoclip.c

(you could try omitting /Os /Og for faster compilation,
but RAM is likely important on the Windows Mobile device)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define UNICODE 1 /* for TCHAR to be defined correctly */
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef near
#undef near
FILE* outFile = NULL;
unsigned char *p, *copyP, *pOrig;
#define OutWriteStr(s) fputs((s),outFile)
#define OutWriteStrN(s,n) fwrite((s),(n),1,outFile)
#define OutWriteByte(c) fputc((c),outFile)
#define NEXTBYTE (*p++)
#define NEXT_COPY_BYTE (*copyP++)
#define COPY_BYTE_SKIP copyP++
#define COPY_BYTE_SKIPN(n) copyP += (n)
#define POSTYPE unsigned char*
#define THEPOS p
#define SETPOS(sp) (p=(sp))
#define PREVBYTE p--
#define FINISHED (!*p && !p[1])
  if cfn: c_preamble=c_preamble.replace(b"annoclip.c",B(cfn))
  c_defs = br"""static int near(char* string) {
  POSTYPE o=p; if(p>pOrig+nearbytes) o-=nearbytes; else o=pOrig;
  size_t l=strlen(string);
  POSTYPE max=p+nearbytes-l;
  while (*o && o <= max) {
    if(!strncmp((char*)o,(char*)string,l)) return 1;
  return 0;
  have_annotModes = False # only ruby is needed by the windows_clipboard code
  c_preamble = br"""
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* To include this code in another program,
   define the ifndef'd macros below + define Omit_main */
  c_defs = br"""#ifndef NEXTBYTE
/* Default definition of NEXTBYTE etc is to read input
   from stdin and write output to stdout.  */
enum { Half_Bufsize = %%LONGEST_RULE_LEN%% };
static unsigned char lookahead[Half_Bufsize*2];
static size_t readPtr=0,writePtr=0,bufStart=0,bufLen=0;
static int nextByte() {
  if (readPtr-bufStart +ybytes >= bufLen && !feof(stdin)) {
    if (bufLen == Half_Bufsize * 2) {
      bufStart += Half_Bufsize; bufLen -= Half_Bufsize;
    bufLen += fread(lookahead+bufLen,1,Half_Bufsize*2-bufLen,stdin);
  if (readPtr-bufStart == bufLen) return EOF;
  return lookahead[(readPtr++)-bufStart];
static int near(char* string) {
  /* for Yarowsky-like matching */
  size_t offset = readPtr-bufStart, l=strlen(string),
         maxPos = bufLen;
  if (maxPos >= l) maxPos -= l; else return 0; // can't possibly start after maxPos-l
  if (offset+nearbytes>l) {
    if (maxPos > offset+nearbytes-l)
      maxPos = offset+nearbytes-l;
  } else maxPos = 0; // (don't let it go below 0, as size_t is usually unsigned)
  if (offset>nearbytes) offset-=nearbytes; else offset = 0;
  while (offset <= maxPos) {
    if(!strncmp((char*)lookahead+offset,string,l)) return 1;
  return 0;
#define NEXTBYTE nextByte()
#define NEXT_COPY_BYTE lookahead[(writePtr++)-bufStart]
#define COPY_BYTE_SKIP writePtr++
#define COPY_BYTE_SKIPN(n) writePtr += (n)
#define POSTYPE size_t
#define THEPOS readPtr /* or get it via a function */
#define SETPOS(p) (readPtr=(p)) /* or set via a func */
#define PREVBYTE readPtr--
#define FINISHED (feof(stdin) && readPtr-bufStart == bufLen)
#define OutWriteStr(s) fputs((s),stdout)
#define OutWriteStrN(s,n) fwrite((s),(n),1,stdout)
#define OutWriteByte(c) putchar(c)
  have_annotModes = True
if have_annotModes:
  c_defs = br"""
#ifndef Default_Annotation_Mode
#define Default_Annotation_Mode ruby_markup

enum {
  brace_notation} annotation_mode = Default_Annotation_Mode;
""" + c_defs
  c_switch1=br"""switch (annotation_mode) {
  case annotations_only: OutWriteDecompressP(annot); COPY_BYTE_SKIPN(numBytes); break;
  case ruby_markup:"""
  case brace_notation:
    OutWriteByte('|'); OutWriteDecompressP(annot);
    OutWriteByte('}'); break;
  c_switch3 = b"if (annotation_mode == ruby_markup) {"
  c_switch4 = b"} else o(numBytes,annot);"
else: c_switch1=c_switch2=c_switch3=c_switch4=b""

if data_driven or sharp_multi: c_preamble += b'#include <stdlib.h>\n' # for malloc or atoi
if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b'#include <ctype.h>\n'
if zlib: c_preamble += b'#include "zlib.h"\n'
if sharp_multi: c_preamble += b"static int numSharps=0;\n"

version_stamp = B(time.strftime("generated %Y-%m-%d by ")+__doc__[:__doc__.index("(c)")].strip())

c_start = b"/* -*- coding: "+B(outcode)+b" -*- */\n/* C code "+version_stamp+b" */\n"
c_start += c_preamble+br"""
enum { ybytes = %%YBYTES%% }; /* for Yarowsky-like matching, minimum readahead */
static int nearbytes = ybytes;
#define setnear(n) (nearbytes = (n))
""" + c_defs + br"""static int needSpace=0;
static void s() {
  if (needSpace) OutWriteByte(' ');
  else needSpace=1; /* for after the word we're about to write (if no intervening bytes cause needSpace=0) */
} static void s0() {
  if (needSpace) { OutWriteByte(' '); needSpace=0; }
}""" + decompress_func + br"""

static void c(int numBytes) {
  /* copyBytes, needSpace unchanged */
static void o(int numBytes,const char *annot) {
  s();""" + c_switch1 + br"""
    OutWriteStr("</rb><rt>"); OutWriteDecompressP(annot);
    OutWriteStr("</rt></ruby>"); """+c_switch2+br""" }
static void o2(int numBytes,const char *annot,const char *title) {"""+c_switch3+br"""
    OutWriteStr("<ruby title=\""); OutWriteDecompress(title);
    OutWriteStr("</rb><rt>"); OutWriteDecompressP(annot);
    OutWriteStr("</rt></ruby>"); """+c_switch4+b"}"

if not sharp_multi: c_start = c_start.replace(b"OutWriteDecompressP",b"OutWriteDecompress")
if not compress: c_start = c_start.replace(b"OutWriteDecompress",b"OutWriteStr") # and hence OutWriteDecompressP to OutWriteStrP

c_end = br"""
void matchAll() {"""
if zlib: c_end += b"  if(!data) init();\n"
c_end += br"""  while(!FINISHED) {
    if (oldPos==THEPOS) { needSpace=0; OutWriteByte(NEXTBYTE); COPY_BYTE_SKIP; }

# jsAddRubyCss will be in a quoted string in Java source, so all " and \ must be escaped:
# (innerHTML support should be OK at least from Chrome 4 despite MDN compatibility tables not going back that far)
annotation_font = [b"Times New Roman"] # Android has Droid Serif but it's not selected if you put "serif" or "Droid Serif", it's mapped from "Times New Roman" (tested in Android 4.4 and Android 10)
# there's a more comprehensive list in the windows_clipboard code below, but those fonts are less likely found on Android
jsAddRubyCss=b"all_frames_docs(function(d) { if(d.rubyScriptAdded==1 || !d.body) return; var e=d.createElement('span'); e.innerHTML='<style>ruby{display:inline-table !important;vertical-align:bottom !important;-webkit-border-vertical-spacing:1px !important;padding-top:0.5ex !important;margin:0px !important;}ruby *{display: inline !important;vertical-align:top !important;line-height:1.0 !important;text-indent:0 !important;text-align:center !important;white-space:nowrap !important;padding-left:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;}rb{display:table-row-group !important;font-size:100% !important;}rt{"
if android_template: jsAddRubyCss += b"user-select:'+(ssb_local_annotator.getIncludeAll()?'text':'none')+' !important;" # because some users want to copy entire phrases to other tools where inline annotation gets in the way, but other users want the annotations (and copying one word at a time via the popup box is slow).  -webkit-user-select works on older Chrome but buggy (selection is invisible but Copy still copies).  Even on Android 10 this narrows things down only if Copy is in use, not extended popup options e.g. Translate, and can in some small cases fail to work even with Copy. (Incidentally, user-select:all on rb doesn't work in Android 10 as of 2021-01, so better use 'text' or 'auto')
jsAddRubyCss += b"display:table-header-group !important;font-size:100% !important;line-height:1.1 !important;font-family: "+b", ".join(annotation_font)+b" !important;}"
jsAddRubyCss += b"rt:not(:last-of-type){font-style:italic;opacity:0.5;color:purple}" # for 3line mode (assumes rt/rb and rt/rt/rb)
jsAddRubyCss += b"rp{display:none!important}"+B(extra_css).replace(b'\\',br'\\').replace(b'"',br'\"').replace(b"'",br"\\'")+b"'"
if epub: jsAddRubyCss += b"+((location.href.slice(0,12)=='http://epub/')?'ol{list-style-type:disc!important}li{display:list-item!important}nav[*|type=\\\"page-list\\\"] ol li,nav[epub\\\\\\\\:type=\\\"page-list\\\"] ol li{display:inline!important;margin-right:1ex}':'')" # LI style needed to avoid completely blank toc.xhtml files that style-out the LI elements and expect the viewer to add them to menus etc instead (which hasn't been implemented here); OL style needed to avoid confusion with 2 sets of numbers (e.g. <ol><li>preface<li>1. Chapter One</ol> would get 1.preface 2.1.Chapter One unless turn off the OL numbers)
if android_print: jsAddRubyCss += b"+' @media print { .ssb_local_annotator_noprint, #ssb_local_annotator_bookmarks { visibility: hidden !important; } }'"
if android_template: jsAddRubyCss += b"+(ssb_local_annotator.getDevCSS()?'ruby:not([title]){border:thin blue solid} ruby[title~=\\\"||\\\"]{border:thin blue dashed}':'')" # (use *= instead of ~= if the || is not separated on both sides with space)
jsAddRubyCss += b"+'</style>'"
def sort20px(singleQuotedStr): # 20px is relative to zoom
  assert singleQuotedStr.startswith(b"'") and singleQuotedStr.endswith(b"'")
  if not android_template: return singleQuotedStr
  return singleQuotedStr.replace(b"20px",b"'+Math.round(20/Math.pow((ssb_local_annotator.canCustomZoom()?ssb_local_annotator.getRealZoomPercent():100)/100,0.6))+'px") # (do allow some scaling, but not by the whole zoom factor)
def bookmarkJS():
  "Returns inline JS expression (to be put in parens) that evaluates to HTML fragment to be added for bookmarks, and event-setup code to be added after (to work around onclick= restrictions on some sites, i.e. ones that set the HTTP header Content-Security-Policy: unsafe-inline)"
  assert not '"' in android, "bookmarkJS needs re-implementing if --android URL contains quotes: please %-escape it"
  should_show_bookmarks = B("(location.href=='"+android.replace("'",r"\\'")+"'&&!document.noBookmarks)") # noBookmarks is used for handling ACTION_SEND, since it has the same href (TODO @lower-priority: use different href instead?)
  are_there_bookmarks = b"ssb_local_annotator.getBMs().replace(/,/g,'')"
  show_bookmarks_string = br"""'<div style=\"border: green solid\">'+(function(){var c='<h3>Bookmarks you added</h3><ul>',a=ssb_local_annotator.getBMs().split(','),i;for(i=0;i<a.length;i++)if(a[i]){var s=a[i].indexOf(' ');var url=a[i].slice(0,s),title=a[i].slice(s+1).replace(/%2C/g,',');c+='<li>[<a style=\"color:red;text-decoration:none\" href=\"javascript:if(confirm(\\'Delete '+title.replace(/\\'/g,\"&apos;\").replace(/\"/g,\"&quot;\")+\"?')){ssb_local_annotator.deleteBM(ssb_local_annotator.getBMs().split(',')[\"+i+']);location.reload()}\">Delete</a>] <a style=\"color:blue;text-decoration:none\" href=\"'+url+'\">'+title+'</a>'}return c+'</ul>'})()+'</div>'""" # TODO: use of confirm() will include the line "the page at file:// says", could do without that (but reimplementing will need complex callbacks rather than a simple 'if')
  show_bookmarks_string = are_there_bookmarks+b"?("+show_bookmarks_string+b"):''"
    b"location.href.slice(0,7)=='file://'", # e.g. assets URLs
    # "location.href=='about:blank'", # for the 'loading, please wait' on at least some Android versions (-> we set noBookmarks=1 in handleIntent instead)
  if epub: should_suppress_toolset.append(b"location.href.slice(0,12)=='http://epub/'")
  should_suppress_toolset = b"("+b"||".join(should_suppress_toolset)+b")"
  toolset_openTag = sort20px(br"""'<span id=\"ssb_local_annotator_bookmarks\" style=\"display: block !important; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; margin: auto !important; position: fixed !important; z-index:2147483647; -moz-opacity: 0.8 !important; opacity: 0.8 !important; text-align: center !important\"><span style=\"display: inline-block !important; vertical-align: top !important; border: #1010AF solid !important; background: #1010AF !important; color: white !important; font-size: 20px !important; overflow: auto !important\">'""") # need to select a background that doesn't 'invert' too much by whatever algorithm forceDarkAllowed uses; 1010AF at opacity 0.8 = 4040BF on white
  toolset_closeTag = b"'</span></span>'"
  bookmarkLink0 = b"ssb_local_annotator.addBM((location.href+' '+(document.title?document.title:location.hostname?location.hostname:'untitled')).replace(/,/g,'%2C'))"
  bookmarkLink = br'\"'+b"javascript:"+bookmarkLink0+br'\"' # not ' as bookmarkLink0 contains '
  copyLink0 = b"ssb_local_annotator.copy(location.href,true)"
  copyLink = b"'javascript:"+copyLink0+b"'" # ' is OK here
  forwardLink = b"'javascript:history.go(1)'"
  closeLink = br'\"'+b"javascript:var e=document.getElementById('ssb_local_annotator_bookmarks');e.parentNode.removeChild(e)"+br'\"'
  emoji_supported = b"(function(){var c=document.createElement('canvas');if(!c.getContext)return;c=c.getContext('2d');if(!c.fillText)return;c.textBaseline='top';c.font='32px Arial';c.fillText('\ud83d\udd16',0,0);return c.getImageData(16,16,1,1).data[0]})()" # these emoji are typically supported on Android 4.4 but not on Android 4.1
  bookmarks_emoji = br"""'>\ud83d\udd16</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"'+copyLink+'\">\ud83d\udccb</a> &nbsp; """
  if android_print: bookmarks_emoji += br"""'+(ssb_local_annotator.canPrint()?('<a href=\"javascript:ssb_local_annotator.print()\">'+ssb_local_annotator.canPrint()+'</a> &nbsp; '):'')+'""" # don't need bookmarks_noEmoji equivalent, because pre-4.4 devices can't print anyway
  bookmarks_emoji += br"""<span id=annogenFwdBtn style=\"display: none\"><a href=\"'+forwardLink+'\">\u27a1\ufe0f</a> &nbsp;</span> <a href=\"'+closeLink+'\">\u274c'"""
  bookmarks_noEmoji = br"""' style=\"color: white !important\">Bookmark</a> <a href=\"'+copyLink+'\" style=\"color: white !important\">Copy</a> <a id=annogenFwdBtn style=\"display: none\" href=\"'+forwardLink+'\" style=\"color: white !important\">Fwd</a> <a href=\"'+closeLink+'\" style=\"color: white !important\">X'"""
  toolset_string = b"(function(bookmarkLink,copyLink,forwardLink,closeLink){return "+toolset_openTag+br"""+'<a href=\"'+bookmarkLink+'\"'+(ssb_local_annotator_toolE?("""+bookmarks_emoji+b"):("+bookmarks_noEmoji+br"""))+'</a>'+"""+toolset_closeTag+b"})("+bookmarkLink+b","+copyLink+b","+forwardLink+b","+closeLink+b")" # if not emoji_supported, could delete the above right: 40%, change border to border-top, and use width: 100% !important; margin: 0pt !important; padding: 0pt !important; left: 0px; text-align: justify; then add a <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"></span> so the links are evenly spaced.  BUT that increases the risk of overprinting a page's own controls that might be fixed somewhere near the bottom margin (there's currently no way to get ours back after closure, other than by navigating to another page)
  # TODO: (don't know how much more room there is on smaller devices, but) U+1F504 Reload (just do window.location.reload)
  toolset_string = should_suppress_toolset+b"?'':("+toolset_string+b")"
  unconditional_inject = b"ssb_local_annotator_toolE="+emoji_supported
  # Highlighting function, currently depending on android_print (calls canPrint, and currently no other way to save highlights, TODO: figure out how we can save the highlights in a manner that's stable against document changes and annotation changes with newer app versions)
  if android_print:
    p = br""";ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=function(colour){var r=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);var s=document.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i,d=0;for(i=0;i < s.length && !r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++);for(;i < s.length && r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++){d=1;s[i].setAttribute('style','background:'+colour+'!important');if(!window.doneWarnHighl){window.doneWarnHighl=true;ssb_local_annotator.alert('','','This app cannot yet SAVE your highlights. They may be lost when you leave.'+(ssb_local_annotator.canPrint()?' Save as PDF to keep them.':''))}}if(!d)ssb_local_annotator.alert('','','This tool can highlight only annotated words. Select at least one annotated word and try again.')};if(!document.gotSelChg){document.gotSelChg=true;document.addEventListener('selectionchange',function(){var i=document.getElementById('ssb_local_annotator_HL');if(window.getSelection().isCollapsed || document.getElementsByTagName('ruby').length < 9) i.style.display='none'; else i.style.display='block'})}function doColour(c){return '<span style=\"background:'+c+' !important\" onclick=\"ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel(&quot;'+c+'&quot;)\">'+(ssb_local_annotator_toolE?'\u270f':'M')+'</span>'}return """+sort20px(br"""'<button id=\"ssb_local_annotator_HL\" style=\"display: none; position: fixed !important; background: white !important; border: red solid !important; color: black !important; right: 0px; top: 3em; font-size: 20px !important; z-index:2147483647; -moz-opacity: 1 !important; opacity: 1 !important; overflow: auto !important;\">'""")+br"""+doColour('yellow')+doColour('cyan')+doColour('pink')+doColour('inherit')+'</button>'"""
    if android_audio:
      p=p.replace(b"ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=",br"""ssb_local_annotator_playSel=function(){var r=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);var s=document.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i,d=0;for(i=0;i < s.length && !r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++);var t=new Array();for(;i < s.length && r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++) t.push(s[i].getElementsByTagName('rb')[0].innerText); ssb_local_annotator.sendToAudio(t.join(''))};ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=""").replace(b"+'</button>'",br"""+'<span onclick=\"ssb_local_annotator_playSel()\">'+(ssb_local_annotator_toolE?'\ud83d\udd0a':'S')+'</span></button>'""")
      if android_audio_maxWords: p=p.replace(b"ssb_local_annotator.sendToAudio",b"if(t.length > %d) ssb_local_annotator.alert('','','Limit %d words!'); else ssb_local_annotator.sendToAudio" % (android_audio_maxWords,android_audio_maxWords))
    unconditional_inject += p
  unconditional_inject = b"(function(){"+unconditional_inject+b"})()"
  return unconditional_inject+b"+("+should_show_bookmarks+b"?("+show_bookmarks_string+b"):("+toolset_string+b"))", b"var a=e.getElementsByTagName('*'),i;for(i=0;i < a.length; i++){var c=a[i].getAttribute('onclick');if(c){a[i].removeAttribute('onclick');a[i].addEventListener('click',Function('ev',c+';ev.preventDefault()'))}else{c=a[i].getAttribute('href');if(c&&c.slice(0,11)=='javascript:'){a[i].addEventListener('click',Function('ev',c.slice(11)+';ev.preventDefault()'))}}}"
if bookmarks: jsAddRubyCss += b"+("+bookmarkJS()[0]+b")"
jsAddRubyCss += b";d.body.insertBefore(e,d.body.firstChild)"
if bookmarks: jsAddRubyCss += b";"+bookmarkJS()[1]
jsAddRubyCss += b";d.rubyScriptAdded=1 })" # end of all_frames_docs call for add-ruby
jsAddRubyCss += b";if(!window.doneHash){var h=window.location.hash.slice(1);if(h&&document.getElementById(h)) window.hash0=document.getElementById(h).offsetTop}" # see below
jsAddRubyCss += b"tw0()" # perform the first annotation scan after adding the ruby (calls all_frames_docs w.annotWalk)
jsAddRubyCss += b";if(!window.doneHash && window.hash0){window.hCount=10*2;window.doneHash=function(){var e=document.getElementById(window.location.hash.slice(1)); if(e.offsetTop==window.hash0 && --window.hCount) setTimeout(window.doneHash,500); e.scrollIntoView()};window.doneHash()}" # and redo jump-to-ID if necessary (e.g. Android 4.4 Chrome 33 on EPUBs), but don't redo this every time doc length changes on Android. setTimeout loop because rendering might take a while with large documents on slow devices.

def jsAnnot(for_android=True,for_async=False):
  # Android or browser JS-based DOM annotator.  Return value becomes the js_common string in the Android Java: must be escaped as if in single-quoted Java string.
  # for_android True: provides AnnotIfLenChanged, annotScan, all_frames_docs etc
  # for_android False: just provides annotWalk, assumed to be called as-needed by user JS (doesn't install timers etc) and calls JS annotator instead of Java one
  # for_async (browser_extension): provides MutationObserver (assumed capable browser if running the extension).  TODO: ask background.js if we are Off b4 doing annotWalk and observer?  (but then if turn on, will need to install mutation observer if not already installed.  so need to track it's been installed on the tab / doc / somewhere.)
  assert not (for_android and for_async), "options are mutually exclusive"
  if sharp_multi:
    if for_android: annotNo = b"ssb_local_annotator.getAnnotNo()"
    else: annotNo = b"aType" # will be in JS context
  else: annotNo = "0" # TODO: could take out relevant code altogether
  r = br"""var leaveTags=['SCRIPT','STYLE','TITLE','TEXTAREA','OPTION'], /* we won't scan inside these tags ever */
  mergeTags=['EM','I','B','STRONG']; /* we'll merge 2 of these the same if they're leaf elements */"""

  if for_android: r += br"""
  function annotPopAll(e){
    /* click handler: alert box for glosses etc. Now we have a Copy button, it's convenient to put the click handler on ALL ruby elements, not just ones with title; don't use onclick= as it's incompatible with sites that say unsafe-inline in their Content-Security-Policy headers. */
    if(e.currentTarget) e=e.currentTarget;
    function f(c){ /* scan all text under c */
      var i=0,r='',cn=c.childNodes;
      for(;i < cn.length;i++) r+=(cn[i].firstChild?f(cn[i]):(cn[i].nodeValue?cn[i].nodeValue:''));
      return r } ssb_local_annotator.alert(f(e.firstChild),' '+f(e.firstChild.nextSibling),e.title||'') };
  function all_frames_docs(c) {
    /* Call function c on all documents in the window */
    var f=function(w) {
      try{w.document}catch(E){return} /* (cross-domain issues?) */
      if(w.frames && w.frames.length) {
        var i; for(i=0; i<w.frames.length; i++)
          f(w.frames[i]) }
      c(w.document) };
    f(window) };
  function AnnotIfLenChanged() { if(window.lastScrollTime){if(new Date().getTime() < window.lastScrollTime+500) return} else { window.lastScrollTime=1; window.addEventListener('scroll',function(){window.lastScrollTime = new Date().getTime()}) } var getLen=function(w) { var r=0; try{w.document}catch(E){return r} if(w.frames && w.frames.length) { var i; for(i=0; i<w.frames.length; i++) r+=getLen(w.frames[i]) } if(w.document && w.document.body && w.document.body.innerHTML) r+=w.document.body.innerHTML.length; return r },curLen=getLen(window); if(curLen!=window.curLen) { annotScan(); window.curLen=getLen(window) } else return 'sameLen' };
  function tw0() { all_frames_docs(function(d){annotWalk(d,d,false,false)}) };
  function annotScan() {"""+B(extra_js).replace(b'\\',br'\\').replace(b'"',br'\"')+jsAddRubyCss+b"};"
  r += br"""
function annotWalk(n"""
  if not for_async: r += b",document" # multiple frames
  if for_android: r += b",inLink,inRuby"
  elif for_async and delete_existing_ruby: r += b",nfOld,nfNew" # as the callback 'need to fix [replace]' element is not necessarily at current level, see below
  r += br""") {
    /* Our main DOM-walking code */
  var c;"""
  if not for_async or delete_existing_ruby:
    if for_async: r += b"var nf=!!nfOld,nReal=n; if(!nf){"
    else: r += br"""
    var nf=false; /* "need to fix" as there was already ruby on the page */"""
    if for_android: r += b"if(!inRuby)"
    r += b""" for(c=n.firstChild; c; c=c.nextSibling) if(c.nodeType==1 && c.nodeName=='RUBY') { nf=true; break; }"""
    if for_async: r += b"if(nf) { nfOld=nReal;nfNew=n=n.cloneNode(true);" # so no effect on DOM if annotate returns no-op because it's switched off
    else: r += b"var nReal = n; if(nf) { n=n.cloneNode(true);" # if messing with existing ruby, first do it offline for speed
    if delete_existing_ruby:
      if existing_ruby_js_fixes or existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: r += b"if(!"+annotNo+b"){%s} else " % (B(existing_ruby_js_fixes).replace(b'\\',br'\\').replace(b'"',br'\"'))
      r += br"""n.innerHTML=n.innerHTML.replace(/<rt>.*?<[/]rt>/g,'').replace(/<[/]?(?:ruby|rb)[^>]*>/g,'')"""
    else: r += B(existing_ruby_js_fixes).replace(b'\\',br'\\').replace(b'"',br'\"')
    r += b"}"
    if for_async: r += b"}"
  r += br"""
    /* 1. check for WBR and mergeTags */
    function isTxt(n) { return n && n.nodeType==3 && n.nodeValue && !n.nodeValue.match(/^\\s*$/)};
    c=n.firstChild; while(c) {
      var ps = c.previousSibling, cNext = c.nextSibling;
      if (c.nodeType==1) { if((c.nodeName=='WBR' || (c.nodeName=='SPAN' && c.childNodes.length<=1 && (!c.firstChild || (c.firstChild.nodeValue && c.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/^\\s*$/))))) && isTxt(cNext) && isTxt(ps) /* e.g. <span id="page8" class="pageNum">&#160;</span> in mid-word; rm ONLY if non-whitespace text immediately before/after: beware of messing up JS applications */ ) {
        n.removeChild(cNext); cNext=ps}
      else if(cNext && cNext.nodeType==1 && mergeTags.indexOf(c.nodeName)!=-1 && c.nodeName==cNext.nodeName && c.childNodes.length==1 && cNext.childNodes.length==1 && isTxt(c.firstChild) && isTxt(cNext.firstChild)){
        n.removeChild(c)} }
    /* 2. recurse into nodes, or annotate new text */
    c=n.firstChild; """
  if not for_async: r += b"var cP=null;"
  r += br"""while(c){
      var cNext=c.nextSibling;
      switch(c.nodeType) {
        case 1:
          if(leaveTags.indexOf(c.nodeName)==-1 && c.className!='_adjust0') {"""
  if not for_async:
    r += b"if("
    if not delete_existing_ruby: r += b"!nf &&"
    elif existing_ruby_js_fixes or existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: r += b"!(nf&&!"+annotNo+") &&" # TODO: or just leave it as "!nf &&" in all 'MAY have existing ruby' cases?  check the 'fix' would still work if we go down this branch even if nf, i.e. is !nf just an optimisation?
    if for_android: r += b"!inRuby &&"
    r += br"""cP && c.previousSibling!=cP && c.previousSibling.lastChild.nodeType==1) n.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '),c); /* space between the last RUBY and the inline link or em etc (but don't do this if the span ended with unannotated punctuation like em-dash or open paren) */"""
  if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky and for_android: r += br"""
            var setR=false; if(!inRuby) {setR=(c.nodeName=='RUBY');if(setR)ssb_local_annotator.setYShortcut(true)}
    r += b"annotWalk(c"
    if not for_async: r += b",document"
    if for_android: r += b",inLink||(c.nodeName=='A'&&!!c.href),inRuby||(c.nodeName=='RUBY')"
    if for_async and delete_existing_ruby: r += b",nfOld,nfNew"
    r += b");"
  r += br"""
          } break;
        case 3: {var cnv=c.nodeValue.replace(/\u200b/g,'').replace(/\\B +\\B/g,'');"""
  if for_async:
    r += br"""
            if(!cnv.match(/^\\s*$/)) {
    if delete_existing_ruby: r += b",nfOld,nfNew"
    r += br""",c,cnv)=>{
                    var newNode=document.createElement('span');
                        if(nv && nv!=cnv) {
                            try {
                                for(const t of new DOMParser().parseFromString('<span> '+nv+' </span>','text/html').body.firstChild.childNodes) newNode.appendChild(t.cloneNode(true));
                                var a=newNode.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i; for(i=0; i < a.length; i++) if(a[i].title) ((e)=>{e.addEventListener('click',(()=>{alert(e.title)}))})(a[i])
                            } catch(err) { console.log(err.message) }
                            try{n.replaceChild(newNode, c)}catch(err){ /* already done */ }"""
    if delete_existing_ruby: r += br"""
                            if(nfOld) {try{nfOld.parentNode.replaceChild(nfNew,nfOld)}catch(err){ /* already done */ } }"""
    r += br"""
    if delete_existing_ruby: r += b",nfOld,nfNew"
    r += b",c,cnv)}"
  else: # not for_async
    if for_android: annotateFunc = b"ssb_local_annotator.annotate"
    elif not sharp_multi and not glossfile:
      annotateFunc = b"Annotator.annotate" # just takes str
      annotateFunc = b"function(s){return Annotator.annotate(s"
      if sharp_multi: annotateFunc += b",aType"
      if glossfile: annotateFunc += b",numLines"
      annotateFunc += b")}"
    r += "var nv="+annotateFunc+br"""(cnv); if(nv!=cnv) { var newNode=document.createElement('span'); newNode.className='_adjust0'; if(inLink) newNode.inLink=1; n.replaceChild(newNode, c); try { newNode.innerHTML=nv } catch(err) { alert(err.message) }"""
    if for_android: r += br"""if(!inLink){var a=newNode.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i; for(i=0; i < a.length; i++) a[i].addEventListener('click',annotPopAll)}"""
    r += "}" # if nv != cnv
  r += b"}}" # case 3, switch
  if not for_async: r += b"cP=c;"
  r += b"c=cNext;"
  if not for_async:
    r += b"if("
    if not delete_existing_ruby: r += b"!nf &&"
    elif existing_ruby_js_fixes or existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: r += b"!(nf&&!"+annotNo+b") &&" # TODO: same as above
    r += br"""!inRuby && c && c.previousSibling!=cP && c.previousSibling.previousSibling && c.previousSibling.firstChild.nodeType==1) n.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '),c.previousSibling) /* space after the inline link or em etc */"""
  r += b"}" # while c
  if not for_async:
   if delete_existing_ruby and not (existing_ruby_js_fixes or existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky): r += b"if(nf) nReal.parentNode.replaceChild(n,nReal);"
    r += br"""
    /* 3. Batch-fix any damage we did to existing ruby.
       Keep new titles; normalise the markup so our 3-line option still works.
       (TODO: this throws away hints at glossfile middle column e.g. chai1 vs cha4.  But only for the gloss line, and we do have an 'incomplete' warning.  Passing context in to every annotation call in an existing ruby could slow things down considerably.)
       Also ensure all ruby is space-separated like ours,
       so our padding CSS overrides don't give inconsistent results */
    if(nf) {"""
    if delete_existing_ruby: r += b"""
        if(!"""+annotNo+b""") {"""
    r += br"""
        nReal.innerHTML='<span class=_adjust0>'+n.innerHTML.replace(/<ruby[^>]*>((?:<[^>]*>)*?)<span class=.?_adjust0.?>((?:<span><[/]span>)?[^<]*)(<ruby[^>]*><rb>.*?)<[/]span>((?:<[^>]*>)*?)<rt>(.*?)<[/]rt><[/]ruby>/ig,function(m,open,lrm,rb,close,rt){var a=rb.match(/<ruby[^>]*/g),i;for(i=1;i < a.length;i++){var b=a[i].match(/title=[\"]([^\"]*)/i);if(b)a[i]=' || '+b[1]; else a[i]=''}var attrs=a[0].slice(5).replace(/title=[\"][^\"]*/,'$&'+a.slice(1).join('')); return lrm+'<ruby'+attrs+'><rb>'+open.replace(/<rb>/ig,'')+rb.replace(/<ruby[^>]*><rb>/g,'').replace(/<[/]rb>.*?<[/]ruby> */g,'')+close.replace(/<[/]rb>/ig,'')+'</rb><rt>'+rt+'</rt></ruby>'}).replace(/<[/]ruby>((<[^>]*>|\\u200e)*?<ruby)/ig,'</ruby> $1').replace(/<[/]ruby> ((<[/][^>]*>)+)/ig,'</ruby>$1 ')+'</span>'"""
    if for_android: r += br""";
        if(!inLink) {var a=function(n){n=n.firstChild;while(n){if(n.nodeType==1){if(n.nodeName=='RUBY')n.addEventListener('click',annotPopAll);else if(n.nodeName!='A')a(n)}n=n.nextSibling}};a(nReal)}"""
    if delete_existing_ruby: r += b"""} else nReal.parentNode.replaceChild(n,nReal)"""
    r += b"}" # if nf
  r += b"}" # function annotWalk
  if for_async: r += br"""
new window.MutationObserver(function(mut){var i,j;for(i=0;i<mut.length;i++)for(j=0;j<mut[i].addedNodes.length;j++){var n=mut[i].addedNodes[j],m=n,ok=1;while(ok&&m&&m!=document.body){ok=m.className!='_adjust0';m=m.parentNode}if(ok)annotWalk(n)}}).observe(document.body,{childList:true,subtree:true});
  if not for_async:
    r=re.sub(br"\s+",b" ",re.sub(b"/[*].*?[*]/",b"",r,flags=re.DOTALL)) # remove /*..*/ comments, collapse space
    assert not b'"' in r.replace(br'\"',b''), 'Unescaped " character in jsAnnot o/p'
  return r

if windows_clipboard: c_end += br"""
#ifdef _WINCE

static void errorExit(char* text) {
  TCHAR msg[500];
  DWORD e = GetLastError();
  wsprintf(msg,TEXT("%hs: %d"),text,e);
  MessageBox(NULL, msg, TEXT("Error"), 0);

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, CMD_LINE_T cmdLinePSTR, int iCmdShow)
  TCHAR *className = TEXT("annogen");

  WNDCLASS wndclass;
  memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass));
  wndclass.hInstance = hInstance;
  wndclass.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc;
  wndclass.lpszClassName = className;
  if (!RegisterClass(&wndclass)) errorExit("RegisterClass");

                             WS_CAPTION        | \
                             WS_SYSMENU        | \
                             WS_THICKFRAME     | \
                             WS_MINIMIZEBOX    | \
  if (!win) errorExit("CreateWindow");
  // ShowWindow(win, SW_SHOW); // not needed
  HANDLE hClipMemory;
  if (!OpenClipboard(win)) errorExit("OpenClipboard");
  hClipMemory = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
  if(!hClipMemory) errorExit("GetClipboardData"); // empty clipboard?
  TCHAR*u16 = (TCHAR*)GlobalLock(hClipMemory);
  size_t u8bytes=0; while(u16[u8bytes++]); u8bytes*=3;
  do {
    if(!(*u16&~0x7f)) *p++=*u16;
    else {
      if(!(*u16&~0x7ff)) {
      } else {
  } while(*u16++);
  char fname[MAX_PATH];
  #ifndef _WINCE
  GetTempPathA(sizeof(fname) - 7, fname);
  strcat(fname,"c.html"); // c for clipboard
  outFile = fopen(fname,"w");
  if (!outFile) {
    if (!outFile) errorExit("Cannot write c.html");
  OutWriteStr("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body><style id=\"ruby\">ruby { display: inline-table; vertical-align: bottom; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 1px; padding-top: 0.5ex; } ruby * { display: inline; vertical-align: top; line-height:1.0; text-indent:0; text-align:center; white-space: nowrap; } rb { display: table-row-group; font-size: 100%; } rt { display: table-header-group; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.1; }</style>\n<!--[if lt IE 8]><style>ruby, ruby *, ruby rb, ruby rt { display: inline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; padding-top: 0pt !important; } ruby { border: thin grey solid; } </style><![endif]-->\n<!--[if !IE]>-->\n<style>rt { font-family: FreeSerif, Lucida Sans Unicode, Times New Roman, serif !important; }</style>\n<!--<![endif]-->\n<script><!--\nif(navigator.userAgent.match('Edge/'))document.write('<table><tr><td>')\n//--></script><h3>Clipboard</h3>");
  p=pOrig; copyP=p;
  OutWriteStr("<script><!--\nif(navigator.userAgent.match('Edge/'))document.write('</td></tr></table>')\n//--></script><script><!--\nfunction treewalk(n) { var c=n.firstChild; while(c) { if (c.nodeType==1 && c.nodeName!=\"SCRIPT\" && c.nodeName!=\"TEXTAREA\" && !(c.nodeName==\"A\" && c.href)) { treewalk(c); if(c.nodeName==\"RUBY\" && c.title && !c.onclick) c.onclick=Function(\"alert(this.title)\") } c=c.nextSibling; } } function tw() { treewalk(document.body); window.setTimeout(tw,5000); } treewalk(document.body); window.setTimeout(tw,1500);\n//--></script></body></html>");
  TCHAR fn2[sizeof(fname)]; int i;
  for(i=0; fname[i]; i++) fn2[i]=fname[i]; fn2[i]=(TCHAR)0;
  memset(&sei, 0, sizeof(sei));
  sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei);
  sei.lpVerb = TEXT("open");
  sei.lpFile = fn2;
  sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
  if (!ShellExecuteEx(&sei)) errorExit("ShellExecuteEx");

  // TODO: sleep(); remove{fname); ?
  // (although it will probably be the same on each run)

  DestroyWindow(win); // TODO: needed?
elif not library:
  c_end += br"""
#ifndef Omit_main
int main(int argc,char*argv[]) {
  int i=1;"""
  if sharp_multi: c_end += br"""
  if(i<argc && isdigit(*argv[i])) numSharps=atoi(argv[i++]);"""
  c_end += br"""
  for(; i<argc; i++) {
    if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--help")) {"""
  if sharp_multi: c_end += br"""
      puts("Parameters: [annotation number] [options]");"""
  c_end += br"""
      puts("--ruby   = output ruby markup (default)");
      puts("--raw    = output just the annotations without the base text");
      puts("--braces = output as {base-text|annotation}");
      return 0;
    } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--ruby")) {
      annotation_mode = ruby_markup;
    } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--raw")) {
      annotation_mode = annotations_only;
    } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"--braces")) {
      annotation_mode = brace_notation;
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Unknown argument '%s'\n(Text should be on standard input)\n",argv[i]); return 1;

# ANDROID: setDefaultTextEncodingName("utf-8") is included as it might be needed if you include file:///android_asset/ URLs in your app (files put into assets/) as well as remote URLs.  (If including ONLY file URLs then you don't need to set the INTERNET permission in Manifest, but then you might as well pre-annotate the files and use a straightforward static HTML app like http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/gradint/html2apk.html )
# Also we get shouldOverrideUrlLoading to return true for URLs that end with .apk .pdf .epub .mp3 etc so the phone's normal browser can handle those (search code below for ".apk" for the list) (TODO: API 1's shouldOverrideUrlLoading was deprecated in API 24; if they remove it, we may have to provide both to remain compatible?)
android_upload = all(x in os.environ for x in ["KEYSTORE_FILE","KEYSTORE_USER","KEYSTORE_PASS","SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY"]) and not os.environ.get("ANDROID_NO_UPLOAD","")
android_manifest = br"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="%%JPACKAGE%%" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" android:sharedUserId="" android:installLocation="preferExternal" >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />"""
# The versionCode, versionName and sharedUserId attributes in the above are also picked up on in the code below
if epub: android_manifest += br"""<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />"""
# On API 19 (Android 4.4), the external storage permission is:
# (1) needed for opening epubs from a file manager,
# (2) automatically propagated throughout sharedUserId (if one of your apps has it then they will all get it),
# (3) persists until the next reboot if you reinstall your apps without it.
# Points 2 and 3 can make developers think it's not really needed :-(
# API 23+ Android 6+ needs extra code to activate this permission, but I don't
# yet know if it's still needed for opening epub from a file manager on 6+.
# On an API 27 (Android 8) emulator, a content:// URI was sent instead of file://
# so I would imagine the permission doesn't need activating on Android 8, but
# for completeness we need to test Android 6 and Android 7 somehow (TODO)
if pleco_hanping: android_manifest += br"""
<package android:name="com.pleco.chinesesystem" />
<package android:name="com.embermitre.hanping.cantodict.app.pro" />
<package android:name="com.embermitre.hanping.app.pro" />
<package android:name="com.embermitre.hanping.app.lite" />
</queries>""" # likely needed to make those packages visible to getPackageInfo on targetSdkVersion=30
android_manifest += br"""
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="1" android:targetSdkVersion="30" />
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:xlargeScreens="true" />
<application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/AppTheme" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" >
<service android:name=".BringToFront" android:exported="false"/>
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" android:name="%%JPACKAGE%%.MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTask" >
<intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /></intent-filter>
<intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><data android:mimeType="text/plain" /></intent-filter>"""
if epub: android_manifest += br"""
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="file"/> <data android:scheme="content"/> <data android:host="*" /> <data android:pathPattern="/.*\\.epub"/> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:scheme="file"/> <data android:scheme="content"/> <data android:mimeType="application/epub+zip"/> </intent-filter>"""
android_layout = br"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical">
  <WebView android:id="@+id/browser" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent" />
if android_template == "blank": android_template = B(r"""<html><head><meta name="mobileoptimized" content="0"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body><h3>"""+app_name+r"</h3>URL_BOX_GOES_HERE</body></html>")
elif android_template:
  android_template = open(android_template,'rb').read()
  if not b"</body" in android_template: warn("--android-template has no \"</body\" so won't have a version stamp")
android_url_box = br"""
<div style="border: thin dotted grey">"""
if epub: android_url_box += br"""
<a style="float: left; border: thin grey dotted; padding: 0px 0.4em 0px 0.4em" href="javascript:ssb_local_annotator.getEPUB()">Offline EPUB file</a>
<a style="float: right; padding: 0px 0.4em 0px 0.4em; border: thin grey dotted" href="clipboard.html">Clipboard</a>
else: android_url_box += br"""
<a href="clipboard.html">Offline&nbsp;clipboard</a>
# In the URL-box below: as we're using forceDarkAllowed to allow 'force dark mode' on Android 10, we MUST specify background and color.  Left unspecified results in input elements that always have white backgrounds even in dark mode, in which case you get white on white = invisible text.  "inherit" works; background #ededed looks more shaded and does get inverted; background-image linear-gradient does NOT get inverted (so don't use it).
android_url_box += br"""
<form style="clear:both;margin:0em;padding-top:0.5ex" onSubmit="var v=this.url.value;if(typeof annotUrlTrans!='undefined'){var u=annotUrlTrans(v);if(typeof u!='undefined')v=u}if(v.slice(0,4)!='http')v='http://'+v;if(v.indexOf('.')==-1)ssb_local_annotator.alert('','','The text you entered is not a Web address. Please enter a Web address like www.example.org');else{this.t.parentNode.style.width='50%';this.t.value='LOADING: PLEASE WAIT';window.location.href=v}return false"><table style="width: 100%"><tr><td style="width:1em;margin:0em;padding:0em;display:none" id=displayMe align=left><button style="width:100%;background:#ededed;color:inherit" onclick="document.forms[document.forms.length-1].url.value='';document.getElementById('displayMe').style.display='none';return false">X</button></td><td style="margin: 0em; padding: 0em"><input type=text style="width:100%;background:inherit;color:inherit" placeholder="http://"; name=url></td><td style="width:1em;margin:0em;padding:0em" align=right><input type=submit name=t value=Go style="width:100%;background:#ededed;color:inherit"></td></tr></table></form>
function viewZoomCtrls() {
   var t=document.getElementById("zI");
   var r=t.getBoundingClientRect();
   if (r.bottom > window.innerHeight) t.scrollIntoView(false); else if (r.top < 0) t.scrollIntoView();
function zoomOut() {
   var l=ssb_local_annotator.getZoomLevel();
   if (l > 0) { ssb_local_annotator.setZoomLevel(--l); document.getElementById("zL").innerHTML=""+ssb_local_annotator.getZoomPercent()+"%" }
   if (!l) document.getElementById("zO").disabled=true;
   else document.getElementById("zI").disabled=false;
function zoomIn() {
   var l=ssb_local_annotator.getZoomLevel(),m=ssb_local_annotator.getMaxZoomLevel();
   if (l < m) { ssb_local_annotator.setZoomLevel(++l); document.getElementById("zL").innerHTML=""+ssb_local_annotator.getZoomPercent()+"%" }
   if (l==m) document.getElementById("zI").disabled=true;
   else document.getElementById("zO").disabled=false;
if(ssb_local_annotator.canCustomZoom()) document.write('<div style="float:left">Text size: <button id=zO onclick="zoomOut()" style="background:#ededed;color:inherit">-</button> <span id=zL>'+ssb_local_annotator.getZoomPercent()+'%</span> <button id=zI onclick="zoomIn()" style="background:#ededed;color:inherit">+</button></div>');"""
if sharp_multi and annotation_names: android_url_box += br"""
modeNames=["""+b",".join((b'"'+B(x)+b'"') for x in annotation_names.split(','))+br"""];document.write('<div style="float:right; text-align: right">Mode: ');var c=ssb_local_annotator.getAnnotNo();for(var i=0;i < modeNames.length;i++)if(i==c)document.write('<button disabled style="background:#ededed;color:inherit"><input type=radio checked> '+modeNames[i]+'</button>');else document.write('<button style="background:#ededed;color:inherit" onclick="ssb_local_annotator.setAnnotNo('+i+');location.reload();return false"><input type=radio> '+modeNames[i]+'</button>');document.write('</div>');"""
android_url_box += br"""
if(typeof desktopURL!='undefined') document.write('<a id="desktopVersion" style="float: right; margin-top: 0.5ex; padding: 0px 0.4em 0px 0.4em; border: thin grey dotted; text-align: center" href="'+desktopURL+'">Desktop<br>version</a>');
else desktopURL=0;
var m=navigator.userAgent.match(/Android ([0-9]+)\./); if(m && m[1]<5) document.write("<div id=insecure style=\"clear: both; background-color: pink; color: black\"><b>In-app browsers receive no security updates on Android&nbsp;4.4 and below, so be careful where you go.</b> It might be safer to copy/paste or Share text to it when working with an untrusted web server. <button onclick=\"document.getElementById('insecure').style.display='none'\">OK</button></div>");
else { m=navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/([0-9]+)/); if(m && Number(m[1]) >= 54) { document.write('<button id="include" style="float:left;background:#ededed;color:inherit;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0.2ex" onclick="ssb_local_annotator.setIncludeAll(!ssb_local_annotator.getIncludeAll());location.reload();return false"><input type=checkbox'+(ssb_local_annotator.getIncludeAll()?' checked':'')+'>Include """
if annotation_names:
  if sharp_multi: android_url_box += br"'+modeNames[ssb_local_annotator.getAnnotNo()].replace(/^.*? ([^ ]+)( [(].*)?$/g,'$1')+'" # so e.g. "Cantonese Sidney Lau (with numbers)" -> "Lau" (as we want this shorter than the buttons)
  else: android_url_box += B(annotation_names) # assume it's just one name
else: android_url_box += br"annotation"
android_url_box += br""" with Copy</button>');
if(desktopURL) { fixInclude=function(){setTimeout(function(){var ow=document.getElementById('desktopVersion').offsetWidth;document.getElementById('include').style.maxWidth='calc(99% - '+(ow*2>visualViewport.width?0:ow)+'px)'},300)}; oldVZC=viewZoomCtrls; viewZoomCtrls=function(){ fixInclude(); oldVZC(); }; fixInclude() }
 } }
var c=ssb_local_annotator.getClip(); if(c && c.match(/^https?:\/\/[-!#%&+,.0-9:;=?@A-Z\/_|~]+$/i)){document.forms[document.forms.length-1].url.value=c;document.getElementById("displayMe").style.display="table-cell"}</script>"""
# API 19 (4.4) and below has no browser updates.  API 17 (4.2) and below has known shell exploits for CVE-2012-6636 which requires only that a site (or network access point) can inject arbitrary Javascript into the HTTP stream.  Not sure what context the resulting shell runs in, but there are probably escalation attacks available.  TODO: insist on working offline-only on old versions?
android_url_box += b'<div style="clear:both"></div></div>' # make sure to clear the floats before ending the div if div#insecure is not displayed
if android_template: android_template = android_template.replace(b"URL_BOX_GOES_HERE",android_url_box)
android_version_stamp = br"""<script>document.write('<address '+(ssb_local_annotator.isDevMode()?'onclick="if(((typeof ssb_local_annotator_dblTap==\'undefined\')?null:ssb_local_annotator_dblTap)==null) window.ssb_local_annotator_dblTap=setTimeout(function(){window.ssb_local_annotator_dblTap=null},500); else { clearTimeout(ssb_local_annotator_dblTap);window.ssb_local_annotator_dblTap=null;ssb_local_annotator.setDevCSS();ssb_local_annotator.alert(\'\',\'\',\'Developer mode: words without glosses will be boxed in blue. Compile time %%TIME%%\')}" ':'')+'>%%DATE%% version</address>')</script>""" # ensure date itself is on LHS as zoom control (on API levels 3 through 13) can overprint RHS. This date should help with "can I check your app is up-to-date" encounters + ensures there's an extra line on the document in case zoom control overprints last line.  Time available in developer mode as might have more than one alpha release per day and want to check got latest.
android_src = br"""package %%JPACKAGE%%;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface;
import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;"""
if epub: android_src += br"""
import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;"""
if android_print: android_src += br"""
import android.os.CancellationSignal;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import android.print.PageRange;
import android.print.PrintAttributes;
import android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter;
import android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter.LayoutResultCallback;
import android.print.PrintManager;"""
android_src += br"""
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import android.widget.Toast;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    %%JPACKAGE%%.Annotator annotator;
    @TargetApi(19) // 19 for setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled; 7 for setAppCachePath; 3 for setBuiltInZoomControls (but only API 1 is required)
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // for conditional SDK below
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Delete the following line if you DON'T want full screen:
        requestWindowFeature(android.view.Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow().addFlags(android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
        // ---------------------------------------------
        try {
        } catch (android.view.InflateException e) {
            // this can occur if "Android System Webview" on Android 5 happens to be in the process of updating, see Chromium bug 506369
            android.app.AlertDialog.Builder d = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(this); d.setTitle("Cannot start WebView"); d.setMessage("Your device may be updating WebView. Close this app and try again in a few minutes."); d.setPositiveButton("Bother",null);
            try { d.create().show(); }
            catch(Exception e0) {
                Toast.makeText(this, "Cannot start WebView. Close and try when system update finished.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            return; // TODO: close app after dialog dismissed? (setNegativeButton?) currently needs Back pressed
        browser = (WebView)findViewById(R.id.browser);
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Delete the following line if you DON'T want to be able to use chrome://inspect in desktop Chromium when connected via USB to Android 4.4+
        if(AndroidSDK >= 19) WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true);
        // ---------------------------------------------"""
if pleco_hanping: android_src += br"""
        try { getApplicationContext().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("com.pleco.chinesesystem", 0); gotPleco = true; dictionaries++; } catch (android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {}
        if(AndroidSDK >= 11) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) try { hanpingVersion[i]=getApplicationContext().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(hanpingPackage[i],0).versionCode; if(hanpingVersion[i]!=0) { dictionaries++; if(i==1) break /* don't also check Lite if got Pro*/; } } catch (android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {}
        // ---------------------------------------------"""
android_src += br"""
        if(AndroidSDK >= 7) { browser.getSettings().setAppCachePath(getApplicationContext().getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath()); browser.getSettings().setAppCacheEnabled(true); } // not to be confused with the normal browser cache
        if(AndroidSDK<=19 && savedInstanceState==null) browser.clearCache(true); // (Android 4.4 has Chrome 33 which has Issue 333804 XMLHttpRequest not revalidating, which breaks some sites, so clear cache when we 'cold start' on 4.4 or below.  We're now clearing cache anyway in onDestroy on Android 5 or below due to Chromium bug 245549, but do it here as well in case onDestroy wasn't called last time e.g. swipe-closed in Activity Manager)
        browser.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());"""
if android_template: android_src += br"""
        float fs = getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale; // from device accessibility settings
        if (fs < 1.0f) fs = 1.0f; // bug in at least some versions of Android 8 returns 0 for fontScale
        final float fontScale=fs*fs; // for backward compatibility with older annogen (and pre-Android 4 version that still sets setDefaultFontSize) : unconfirmed reports say the OS scales the size units anyway, so we've been squaring fontScale all along, which is probably just as well because old Android versions don't offer much range in their settings"""
android_src += br"""
        class A {
            public A(MainActivity act) {
                this.act = act;"""
if sharp_multi: android_src += br"""
                annotNo = Integer.valueOf(getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).getString("annotNo", "0")); setPattern();"""
if android_template: android_src += br"""
                if(canCustomZoom()) setZoomLevel(Integer.valueOf(getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).getString("zoom", "4")));
                setIncludeAll(getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).getString("includeAll", "f").equals("t"));"""
android_src += br"""
            MainActivity act; String copiedText="";"""
if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public void setYShortcut(boolean v) { if(annotator!=null) annotator.shortcut_nearTest=v; }"""
if sharp_multi: android_src += br""" int annotNo;
            @JavascriptInterface public void setAnnotNo(int no) { annotNo = no;
                android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor e;
                do {
                e = getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).edit();
                } while(!e.commit()); setPattern();
            void setPattern() {
                smPat=java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("<rt>"+new String(new char[annotNo]).replace("\0","[^#]*#")+"([^#]*?)(#.*?)?</rt>");
            java.util.regex.Pattern smPat=java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("<rt>([^#]*?)(#.*?)?</rt>");
            @JavascriptInterface public int getAnnotNo() { return annotNo; }"""
if android_template: android_src += br"""
            int zoomLevel; boolean includeAllSetting;
            @JavascriptInterface public int getZoomLevel() { return zoomLevel; }
            final int[] zoomPercents = new int[] {"""+B(','.join(str(x) for x in (list(reversed([int((0.9**x)*100) for x in range(5)][1:]))+[int((1.1**x)*100) for x in range(15)])))+br"""};
            @JavascriptInterface public int getZoomPercent() { return zoomPercents[zoomLevel]; }
            @JavascriptInterface public int getRealZoomPercent() { return Math.round(zoomPercents[zoomLevel]*fontScale); }
            @JavascriptInterface public int getMaxZoomLevel() { return zoomPercents.length-1; }
            @JavascriptInterface @TargetApi(14) public void setZoomLevel(final int level) {
                act.runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
                    @Override public void run() {
                android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor e;
                do { e = getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).edit();
                } while(!e.commit());
                zoomLevel = level;
            @JavascriptInterface public boolean getIncludeAll() { return includeAllSetting; }
            @JavascriptInterface public void setIncludeAll(boolean i) {
                android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor e;
                do { e = getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).edit();
                } while(!e.commit());
                includeAllSetting = i;
android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public String annotate(String t) """
if data_driven: android_src += b"throws java.util.zip.DataFormatException "
android_src += b'{ if(annotator==null) return t; String r=annotator.annotate(t);'
if sharp_multi: android_src += br"""
                java.util.regex.Matcher m = smPat.matcher(r);
                StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
                while(m.find()) m.appendReplacement(sb, "<rt>"+m.group(1)+"</rt>");
                m.appendTail(sb); r=sb.toString();"""
if epub: android_src += br"""if(loadingEpub && r.contains("<ruby")) r=(r.startsWith("<ruby")?"<span></span>":"")+"\u200e"+r;""" # &lrm; needed due to &rlm; in the back-navigation links of some footnotes etc; empty span is to help annotWalk space-repair.  Fix in v0.6899: use Unicode rather than &lrm; as the latter is not recognised as "valid XML" by Android 10, leading to innerHTML assignment throwing an exception, which in previous versions went uncaught and led to unexplained disappearance of text instead of annotation, usually at 1 chunk per second due to runTimerLoop.  (This issue was not manifest on Android 9 and below.)
android_src += br"""return r; }
            @JavascriptInterface public void alert(String text,String annot,String gloss) {
                class DialogTask implements Runnable {
                    String tt,aa,gg;
                    DialogTask(String t,String a,String g) { tt=t; aa=a; gg=g; }
                    @Override public void run() {
                        android.app.AlertDialog.Builder d = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(act);
                        if(tt.length()>0) d.setTitle(tt+aa);"""
if pleco_hanping:
  if android_audio: maxDicts,xtraItems=0,2
  else: maxDicts,xtraItems=1,1
  android_src += br"""
                        if(tt.length()>0 && dictionaries>%d) {
                            int nItems=dictionaries+%d; if(gg.length()==0) --nItems;
                            String[] items=new String[nItems]; int i=0;
                            if(gg.length()>0) items[i++]=gg;
                            if(hanpingVersion[0]!=0) items[i++]="\u25b6CantoDict";
                            if(hanpingVersion[1]!=0) items[i++]="\u25b6Hanping Pro";
                            if(hanpingVersion[2]!=0) items[i++]="\u25b6Hanping Lite";
                            if(gotPleco) items[i++]="\u25b6Pleco";""" % (maxDicts,xtraItems)
  if android_audio: android_src += br"""
  android_src += br"""
                            // TODO: (if gloss exists) to prevent popup disappearing if items[0] is tapped, use d.setAdapter instead of d.setItems?  items must then implement android.widget.ListAdapter with: boolean isEnabled(int position) { return position!=0; } boolean areAllItemsEnabled() { return false; } int getCount(); Object getItem(int position); long getItemId(int position) { return position; } int getItemViewType(int position) { return -1; } boolean hasStableIds() { return true; } boolean isEmpty() { return false; } void registerDataSetObserver(android.database.DataSetObserver observer) {} void unregisterDataSetObserver(android.database.DataSetObserver observer) {}  but still need to implement android.view.View getView(int position, android.view.View convertView, android.view.ViewGroup parent) (init convertView or get a new one) and int getViewTypeCount()
                            d.setItems(items,new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                @TargetApi(11) public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) {
                                    int test=0,i;
                                    if(gg.length()==0) --test;
                                    for(i=0; i<3; i++) if(hanpingVersion[i]!=0 && ++test==id) { Intent h = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); h.setData(new android.net.Uri.Builder().scheme(hanpingVersion[i]<906030000?"dictroid":"hanping").appendEncodedPath((hanpingPackage[i].indexOf("canto")!=-1)?"yue":"cmn").appendEncodedPath("word").appendPath(tt).build()); h.setPackage(hanpingPackage[i]); h.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try { startActivity(h); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(act, "Failed. Hanping uninstalled?",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }
                                    if(gotPleco && ++test==id) { Intent p = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); p.setComponent(new android.content.ComponentName("com.pleco.chinesesystem","com.pleco.chinesesystem.PlecoDroidMainActivity")); p.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); p.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); p.putExtra("launch_section", "dictSearch"); p.putExtra("replacesearchtext", tt+aa); try { startActivity(p); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(act, "Failed. Pleco uninstalled?",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }"""
  if android_audio: android_src += br"""
                                    if(++test==id) { sendToAudio(tt); act.runOnUiThread(new DialogTask(tt,aa,gg)); }"""
  android_src += br"""
                        } });
                        } else"""
android_src += br"""
                        if(gg.length()>0) d.setMessage(gg);
                        d.setNegativeButton("Copy",new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) { copy(tt+aa+" "+gg,false); }
if pleco_hanping:
  if android_audio: android_src += br"""
                        if(dictionaries==0 && tt.length()>0) d.setNeutralButton("Audio", new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) {sendToAudio(tt); act.runOnUiThread(new DialogTask(tt,aa,gg));}});"""
  else: android_src += br"""
                        if(dictionaries==1) { /* for consistency with old versions, have a 'middle button' if there's only one recognised dictionary app installed */
                        if(tt.length()==0) { /* Pleco or Hanping button not added if empty title i.e. error/info box */ }
                        else if(gotPleco) d.setNeutralButton("Pleco", new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) {
                                Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
                                i.setComponent(new android.content.ComponentName("com.pleco.chinesesystem","com.pleco.chinesesystem.PlecoDroidMainActivity"));
                                i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP);
                                i.putExtra("launch_section", "dictSearch");
                                i.putExtra("replacesearchtext", tt+aa);
                                try { startActivity(i); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(act, "Failed. Pleco uninstalled?",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }
                        }); else d.setNeutralButton("Hanping", new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) {
                                int v; for(v=0; hanpingVersion[v]==0; v++);
                                Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
                                i.setData(new android.net.Uri.Builder().scheme(hanpingVersion[v]<906030000?"dictroid":"hanping").appendEncodedPath((hanpingPackage[v].indexOf("canto")!=-1)?"yue":"cmn").appendEncodedPath("word").appendPath(tt).build());
                                i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
                                try { startActivity(i); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(act, "Failed. Hanping uninstalled?",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }
                        }); }"""
if glossfile: android_src += br"""
                        if (tt.length()>0) {
                        // TODO: 3-line persist to pop-ups (re-scan the DOM)?
                        // TODO: 3-line persist to other pages? (might be counterproductive to encouraging people not to rely on it)
                        // TODO: if already pressed, call it 2-line and reverse the substitution? (or just reload the page), AFTER scanning the DOM for popups (as currently pressing a second time is the only way to get 3line in popups)
                        d.setPositiveButton("3 line", new android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                public void onClick(android.content.DialogInterface dialog,int id) {
class InjectorTask implements Runnable { InjectorTask() {} @Override public void run() { browser.loadUrl(
"javascript:var ad0=document.getElementsByClassName('_adjust0');for(i=0;i<ad0.length;i++){ad0[i].innerHTML=ad0[i].innerHTML.replace(/<ruby[^>]*title=\"([^\"]*)\"><rb>(.*?)<[/]rb><rt>(.*?)<[/]rt><[/]ruby>/g,function(m,title,rb,rt){return '<ruby title=\"'+title+'\"><rp>'+rb+'</rp><rp>'+rt+'</rp><rt>'+title.split(' || ').map(function(m){return m.replace(/^([(]?[^/(;]*).*/,'$1')}).join(' ')+'</rt><rt>'+rt+'</rt><rb>'+rb+'</rb></ruby>'});if(!ad0[i].inLink){var a=ad0[i].getElementsByTagName('ruby'),j;for(j=0;j < a.length; j++)a[j].addEventListener('click',annotPopAll)}} ad0=document.body.innerHTML;ssb_local_annotator.alert('','','3-line definitions tend to be incomplete!')"
/* Above rp elements are to make firstChild etc work in
   dialogue.  Don't do whole document.body.innerHTML, or
   scripts like document.write may execute a second time,
   but DO read innerHTML afterwards to work around bug in
   Chrome 33, otherwise whole document replaced by last
   ad0 found.  Also need the alert box, or document.write
   scripts in the page run twice.  (This 'tend to be
   incomplete' message seems as good as any.  NB the
   glosses are being trimmed.)  onclick= is removed in the
   postprocessing loop due to sites that put unsafe-inline
   in their Content-Security-Policy headers. */
); } } act.runOnUiThread(new InjectorTask()); }});
                        } else """
android_src += br"""
                        d.setPositiveButton("OK", null); // or can just click outside the dialog to clear. (TODO: would be nice if it could pop up somewhere near the word that was touched)
                        try { d.create().show(); }
                        catch(Exception e) {
                            Toast.makeText(act, "Unable to create popup box",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // some reports of WindowManager$BadTokenException crash, maybe users are popping up too many boxes at a time?? catching like this for now
                act.runOnUiThread(new DialogTask(text,annot,gloss));
            @JavascriptInterface public String getClip() {
                String r=readClipboard(); if(r.equals(copiedText)) return ""; else return r;
            @JavascriptInterface public boolean isFocused() {
                return _isFocused;
if android_template: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public boolean canCustomZoom() {
                return AndroidSDK >= 14;
if android_print: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public String canPrint() {
                if(AndroidSDK >= 24) return "\ud83d\udda8";
                else if(AndroidSDK >= 19) return "<span style=color:black;background:white;padding:0.3ex>P</span>";
                else return "";
            boolean printing_in_progress = false;
            @JavascriptInterface public void print() {
                act.runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
                    @Override public void run() {
                        if(printing_in_progress) return;
                        printing_in_progress = true;
                        try {
                            ((PrintManager) act.getSystemService(android.content.Context.PRINT_SERVICE)).print("annotated",new PrintDocumentAdapter(){
                                PrintDocumentAdapter delegate=(AndroidSDK >= 21) ? (PrintDocumentAdapter)(WebView.class.getMethod("createPrintDocumentAdapter",new Class[] { String.class }).invoke(browser,"Annotated document")) : browser.createPrintDocumentAdapter(); // (createPrintDocumentAdapter w/out string deprecated in API 21; using introspection so this still compiles with API 19 SDKs e.g. old Eclipse)
                                @Override @SuppressLint("WrongCall") public void onLayout(PrintAttributes a, PrintAttributes b, CancellationSignal c, LayoutResultCallback d, Bundle e) { delegate.onLayout(a, b, c, d, e); }
                                @Override public void onWrite(PageRange[] a, ParcelFileDescriptor b, CancellationSignal c, WriteResultCallback d) { try { delegate.onWrite(a,b,c,d); } catch(IllegalStateException e){Toast.makeText(act, "Print glitch. Press Back and try again.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();} }
                                @Override public void onStart() { browser.setVisibility(android.view.View.INVISIBLE); delegate.onStart(); }
                                @Override public void onFinish() { delegate.onFinish(); browser.setVisibility(android.view.View.VISIBLE); printing_in_progress=false; }
                            },new PrintAttributes.Builder().build());
                        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {}
if android_template: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public boolean isDevMode() {
                return ((AndroidSDK==16)?android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(),android.provider.Settings.Secure.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED,0):((AndroidSDK>=17)?android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(),android.provider.Settings.Global.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED,0):0)) != 0;
            boolean devCSS = false;
            @JavascriptInterface public void setDevCSS() {
                devCSS = true;
            @JavascriptInterface public boolean getDevCSS() {
                return devCSS;
android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public void bringToFront() {
                if(AndroidSDK >= 3) {
                    startService(new Intent(MainActivity.this, BringToFront.class));
                    nextBackHides = true;
            @JavascriptInterface public boolean canGoForward() { return browser.canGoForward(); }
            @JavascriptInterface public String getSentText() { return sentText; }
            @JavascriptInterface public String getLanguage() { return java.util.Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); } /* ssb_local_annotator.getLanguage() returns "en", "fr", "de", "es", "it", "ja", "ko" etc */"""
if android_upload: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public void openPlayStore() {
                /* ssb_local_annotator.openPlayStore() opens the Google "Play Store" page
                   for the app (if you've deployed it there), for use in encouraging
                   users to update to a more recent annotator etc (please don't use it
                   to ask for ratings: that is very annoying).  Limited to only the
                   current app just in case a site being browsed tries to hijack it. */
                String id=getApplicationContext().getPackageName();
                Intent i=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,android.net.Uri.parse("market://details?id="+id));
                for(android.content.pm.ResolveInfo playApp: getApplicationContext().getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(i,0)) {
                    if (playApp.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName.equals("com.android.vending")) {
                        i.setComponent(new android.content.ComponentName(playApp.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,playApp.activityInfo.name));
                getApplicationContext().startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,android.net.Uri.parse("https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id="+id))); // fallback
android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface @TargetApi(11) public void copy(String copiedText,boolean toast) {
                this.copiedText = copiedText;
                if(AndroidSDK < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB)
                else ((android.content.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).setPrimaryClip(android.content.ClipData.newPlainText(copiedText,copiedText));
                if(toast) Toast.makeText(act, "Copied \""+copiedText+"\"",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
if android_audio: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public void sendToAudio(final String s) {
                class InjectorTask implements Runnable { InjectorTask() {} @Override public void run() { try { browser.loadUrl("javascript:var src='"""+android_audio+br""""+java.net.URLEncoder.encode(s,"utf-8")+"';if(!window.audioElement || window.audioElement.getAttribute('src')!=src){window.audioElement=document.createElement('audio');window.audioElement.setAttribute('src',src)}window.audioElement.play()"); } catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {} Toast.makeText(act, "Sent \""+s+"\" to audio server",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } };
                act.runOnUiThread(new InjectorTask());
if epub: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public void getEPUB() { Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); i.setType("*/*"); /* application/epub+zip leaves all files unselectable on Android 4.4 */ try { startActivityForResult(i, 8778); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(act,"Please install a file manager",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }"""
if bookmarks: android_src += br"""
            @JavascriptInterface public void addBM(String p) {
                android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor e;
                do {
                   android.content.SharedPreferences sp=getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0);
                   String s=sp.getString("prefs", ",");
                   if((","+s).contains(","+p+",")) { // we have to give it a number
                       int count=1; String p2; while(true) {
                           p2=String.format("%s (%d)", p, ++count);
                           if(!(","+s).contains(","+p2+",")) break;
                       } p=p2;
                   s += p+",";
                e = sp.edit();
                } while(!e.commit());
                Toast.makeText(act, "Added bookmark", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            @JavascriptInterface public void deleteBM(String p) {
                android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor e; boolean done=false; String s,p2;"""+B("".join(r"""
                try {
                    do {
                        android.content.SharedPreferences sp=createPackageContext("%s", 0).getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0);
                        p2=","+sp.getString("prefs", ",");
                        s=p2.replaceFirst(java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(","+p+","), ",");
                        if(s.equals(p2)) break;
                        e = sp.edit(); done=true;
                     } while(!e.commit());
                } catch(Exception x) {} if(done) return;""" % p for p in bookmarks.split(",") if not p==jPackage))+br"""
                do {
                   android.content.SharedPreferences sp=getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0);
                   p2=","+sp.getString("prefs", ",");
                   s=p2.replaceFirst(java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(","+p+","), ",");
                   if(s.equals(p2)) break;
                e = sp.edit();
                } while(!e.commit());
            @JavascriptInterface public String getBMs() {
                String s="";"""+B("".join(r"""
                try { s = createPackageContext("%s", 0).getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).getString("prefs", "")+","+s; } catch(Exception e) {}""" % p for p in bookmarks.split(",") if not p==jPackage))+br"""
                return s+getSharedPreferences("ssb_local_annotator",0).getString("prefs", "");
            }""" # and even if not bookmarks:
android_src += b"\n}\n"
if data_driven: android_src += b"try { annotator=new %%JPACKAGE%%.Annotator(getApplicationContext()); } catch(Exception e) { Toast.makeText(this,\"Cannot load annotator data!\",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); String m=e.getMessage(); if(m!=null) Toast.makeText(this,m,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }" # TODO: should we keep a static synchronized annotator instance, in case some version of Android gives us multiple Activity instances and we start taking up more RAM than necessary?
else: android_src += b"annotator=new %%JPACKAGE%%.Annotator();"
android_src += br"""
        browser.addJavascriptInterface(new A(this),"ssb_local_annotator"); // hope no conflict with web JS
        final MainActivity act = this;
        browser.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
                @TargetApi(8) @Override public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, android.webkit.SslErrorHandler handler, android.net.http.SslError error) { Toast.makeText(act,"Cannot check encryption! (phone too old?)",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if(AndroidSDK<0) handler.cancel(); else handler.proceed(); } // must include both cancel() and proceed() for Play Store, although Toast warning should be enough in our context
                @TargetApi(4) public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view,String url) {
                    if(url.endsWith(".apk") || url.endsWith(".pdf") || url.endsWith(".epub") || url.endsWith(".mp3") || url.endsWith(".zip")) {
                        // Let the default browser download this file, but prefer not to let EPUB-reader apps intercept the URL: we want it _downloaded_ so we can annotate it, but some users might get confused, so give preference to Chrome or Kindle Silk, starting the Chooser only if neither is installed
                        Intent i=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,android.net.Uri.parse(url));
                        if(AndroidSDK < 4) startActivity(i); // no way to specify package preference
                        else { i.setPackage("com.android.chrome"); try { startActivity(i); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e1) { i.setPackage("com.amazon.cloud9"); try { startActivity(i); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e2) { i.setPackage(null); startActivity(i); } } }
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        needJsCommon=3; return false;
if epub: android_src += br"""
                @TargetApi(11) public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest (WebView view, String url) {
                    String epubPrefix = "http://epub/"; // also in handleIntent, and in annogen.py should_suppress_toolset
                    loadingEpub = url.startsWith(epubPrefix); // TODO: what if an epub includes off-site prerequisites? (should we be blocking that?) : setting loadingEpub false would suppress the lrm marks (could make them unconditional but more overhead; could make loadingEpub 'stay on' for rest of session)
                    if (!loadingEpub) return null;
                    android.content.SharedPreferences sp=getPreferences(0);
                    String epubUrl=sp.getString("epub","");
                    if(epubUrl.length()==0) return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("epubUrl setting not found").getBytes()));
                    Uri epubUri=Uri.parse(epubUrl);
                    String part=null; // for directory listing
                    boolean getNextPage = false;
                    if(url.contains("#")) url=url.substring(0,url.indexOf("#"));
                    if(url.length() > epubPrefix.length()) {
                        if(part.startsWith("N=")) {
                            getNextPage = true;
                    ZipInputStream zin = null;
                    try {
                        zin = new ZipInputStream(getContentResolver().openInputStream(epubUri));
                    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                        return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("Unable to open "+epubUrl+"<p>"+e.toString()+"<p>Could this be a permissions problem?").getBytes()));
                    } catch (SecurityException e) {
                        return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("Insufficient permissions to open "+epubUrl+"<p>"+e.toString()).getBytes()));
                    java.util.zip.ZipEntry ze;
                    try {
                        ByteArrayOutputStream f=null;
                        if(part==null) {
                            f=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            String fName=epubUrl;
                            int slash=fName.lastIndexOf("/"),slash2=fName.lastIndexOf("%2F"); if(slash2>slash) slash=slash2+2; if(slash>-1) fName=fName.substring(slash+1);
                            f.write(("<h2>"+fName+"</h2>Until I write a <em>real</em> table-of-contents handler, you have to make do with <em>this</em>:").getBytes());
                        boolean foundHTML = false; // doubles as 'foundPart' if getNextPage
                        while ((ze = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) {
                            if (part==null) {
                                if(ze.getName().contains("toc.xhtml")) return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("Loading... <script>window.location='"+epubPrefix+ze.getName()+"'</script>").getBytes())); // TODO: we should really be getting this via content.opf which is ref'd in META-INF/container.xml <rootfile full-path= (but most epub files call it toc.xhtml and we do have a 'list all' fallback)
                                if(ze.getName().contains("htm")) { foundHTML = true; f.write(("<p><a href=\""+epubPrefix+ze.getName()+"\">"+ze.getName()+"</a>").getBytes()); }
                            } else if (ze.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(part)) {
                                if(getNextPage) {
                                    foundHTML = true;
                                } else {
                                    int bufSize=2048;
                                    if(ze.getSize()==-1) {
                                        f=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                    } else {
                                        f=new ByteArrayOutputStream(bufSize);
                                    byte[] buf=new byte[bufSize];
                                    int r; while ((r=zin.read(buf))!=-1) f.write(buf,0,r);
                                    String mimeType=android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(ze.getName()));
                                    if(mimeType==null || mimeType.equals("application/xhtml+xml")) mimeType="text/html"; // needed for annogen style modifications
                                    if(mimeType.equals("text/html")) {
                                        // TODO: if ((epubUrl.startsWith("file:") || epubUrl.contains("com.android.externalstorage")) && part!="toc.xhtml") then getSharedPreferences putString("eR"+epubUrl,part) ?  To avoid unbounded buildup, need to store only the most recent few (use one pref with separators?  or other mechanism e.g. 0=url 1=url ... nxtWrite=2 w. wraparound?)  Then add "jump to last seen page" link from both directory and toc.xhtml (latter will need manipulation as below)
                                        return new WebResourceResponse(mimeType,"utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(f.toString().replaceFirst("</[bB][oO][dD][yY]>","<p><script>document.write("""+sort20px(br"""'<a class=ssb_local_annotator_noprint style=\"border: #1010AF solid !important; background: #1010AF !important; color: white !important; display: block !important; position: fixed !important; font-size: 20px !important; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;z-index:2147483647; -moz-opacity: 0.8 !important; opacity: 0.8 !important;\" href=\""+epubPrefix+"N="+part+"\">'""")+br""")</script>Next</a></body>").getBytes())); // TODO: will f.toString() work if f is utf-16 ?
                                    } else return new WebResourceResponse(mimeType,"utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(f.toByteArray()));
                            } else if(foundHTML && ze.getName().contains("htm")) return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("Loading... <script>window.location='"+epubPrefix+ze.getName()+"'</script>").getBytes()));
                        if(part==null) { if(!foundHTML) f.write(("<p>Error: No HTML files were found in this EPUB").getBytes()); return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(f.toByteArray())); }
                        else if(foundHTML) return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("No more pages").getBytes()));
                        else return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream(("No zip entry for "+part+" in "+epubUrl).getBytes()));
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        return new WebResourceResponse("text/html","utf-8",new ByteArrayInputStream("IOException".getBytes()));
                    } finally { try { zin.close(); } catch(IOException e) {} }
if android_print: android_print_script = br"""if(ssb_local_annotator.canPrint())document.write("""+sort20px(br"""'<a class=ssb_local_annotator_noprint style=\"border: #1010AF solid !important; background: #1010AF !important; display: block !important; position: fixed !important; font-size: 20px !important; left: 0px; bottom: 0px;z-index:2147483647; -moz-opacity: 0.8 !important; opacity: 0.8 !important;\" href=\"javascript:ssb_local_annotator.print()\">'""")+br"""+ssb_local_annotator.canPrint().replace('0.3ex','0.3ex;display:inline-block')+'</a>')"""
else: android_print_script = b""
if epub and android_print: android_src = android_src.replace(b"Next</a>",b"Next</a><script>"+android_print_script+b"</script>")
if not android_template: android_src += br"""
                float scale = 0; boolean scaling = false;
                public void onScaleChanged(final WebView view,float from,final float to) {
                    if (AndroidSDK < 19 || !view.isShown() || scaling || Math.abs(scale-to)<0.01) return;
                    scaling=view.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() {
                        view.evaluateJavascript("document.body.style.width=((window.visualViewport!=undefined?window.visualViewport.width:window.innerWidth)-getComputedStyle(document.body).marginLeft.replace(/px/,'')*1-getComputedStyle(document.body).marginRight.replace(/px/,'')*1)+'px';window.setTimeout(function(){document.body.scrollLeft=0},400)",null); // window.outerWidth will still be excessive on 4.4; not sure there's much we can do about that
                        scale=to; scaling=false;
                    } }, 100);
android_src += br"""
                public void onPageFinished(WebView view,String url) {
                    if(AndroidSDK < 19) // Pre-Android 4.4, so below runTimer() alternative won't work.  This version has to wait for the page to load entirely (including all images) before annotating.  Also handles displaying the forward button when needed (4.4+ uses different logic for this in onKeyDown, because API19+ reduces frequency of scans when same length, due to it being only a backup to MutationObserver)
                    browser.loadUrl("javascript:"+js_common+"function AnnotMonitor() { AnnotIfLenChanged();if(!document.doneFwd && ssb_local_annotator.canGoForward()){var e=document.getElementById('annogenFwdBtn');if(e){e.style.display='inline';document.doneFwd=1}}window.setTimeout(AnnotMonitor,1000)} AnnotMonitor()");
                    else browser.evaluateJavascript(js_common+"AnnotIfLenChanged(); var m=window.MutationObserver;if(m)new m(function(mut){var i,j;for(i=0;i<mut.length;i++)for(j=0;j<mut[i].addedNodes.length;j++){var n=mut[i].addedNodes[j],inLink=0,m=n,ok=1;while(ok&&m&&m!=document.body){inLink=inLink||(m.nodeName=='A'&&!!m.href);ok=m.className!='_adjust0';m=m.parentNode}if(ok)annotWalk(n,document,inLink,false)}}).observe(document.body,{childList:true,subtree:true})",null);
                } });"""
if android_template: android_src += br"""
        if(AndroidSDK >= 3 && AndroidSDK < 14) { /* (we have our own zoom functionality on API 14+ which works better on 19+) */
        } if (AndroidSDK < 14) {
            final int size=Math.round(16*fs);
else: android_src += br"""
        if(AndroidSDK >= 3) browser.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true);
        float fs = getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale; // from device accessibility settings
        if (fs < 1.0f) fs = 1.0f; // bug in at least some versions of Android 8 returns 0 for fontScale
        final int size=Math.round(16*fs); // from device accessibility settings (might be squared if OS does it too, but that's OK because the settings don't give enough of a range)
android_src += br"""
        if (savedInstanceState!=null) browser.restoreState(savedInstanceState); else
        if (!handleIntent(getIntent())) browser.loadUrl("%%ANDROID-URL%%");
    public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
        super.onNewIntent(intent); handleIntent(intent);
    boolean handleIntent(Intent intent) {
        if(browser==null) return false;
        if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(intent.getAction()) && "text/plain".equals(intent.getType())) {
            sentText = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
            if (sentText == null) return false;
            browser.loadUrl("javascript:document.close();document.noBookmarks=1;document.rubyScriptAdded=0;document.write('<html><head><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body>'+ssb_local_annotator.getSentText().replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/(https?:\\/\\/[-!#%&+,.0-9:;=?@A-Z\\/_|~]+)/gi,function r(m,p1) { return '<a href=\"'+p1.replace('&amp;','&')+'\">'+p1+'</a>'}).replace('\\n','<br>'));"""+android_print_script+br"""");
        else if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) {
            String url=intent.getData().toString();"""
if epub: android_src += br"""
            if (((url.startsWith("file:") || url.startsWith("content:")) && url.endsWith(".epub")) || "application/epub+zip".equals(intent.getType())) openEpub(url); else"""
android_src += br""" loadingWait(url);
        else return false; return true;
    void loadingWait(String url) {
        browser.loadUrl("javascript:document.close();document.noBookmarks=1;document.write('<html><head><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body>Loading, please wait...</body>')");
    String sentText = null;"""
if epub: android_src += br"""
    void openEpub(String url) {
        if(AndroidSDK<11 && url.endsWith(".epub")) { browser.loadUrl("javascript:document.close();document.noBookmarks=1;document.rubyScriptAdded=0;document.write('<html><head><meta name=\"mobileoptimized\" content=\"0\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"></head><body>This app'+\"'s EPUB handling requires Android 3 or above :-(</body>\")"); return; } // (Support for Android 2 would require using data URIs for images etc, and using shouldOverrideUrlLoading on all links)
        // Android 5+ content:// URIs expire when the receiving Activity finishes, so we won't be able to add them to bookmarks (unless copy the entire epub, which is not good on a space-limited device)
        android.content.SharedPreferences sp=getPreferences(0);
        android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor e; do { e=sp.edit(); e.putString("epub",url); } while(!e.commit());
        loadingWait("http://epub/"); // links will be absolute; browser doesn't have to change
    @Override protected void onActivityResult(int request, int result, Intent intent) { if(request!=8778 || intent==null || result!=-1) return; boolean isEpub=false; try{byte[] buf=new byte[58]; getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.parse(intent.getData().toString())).read(buf,0,58); isEpub=buf[0]=='P' && buf[1]=='K' && buf[2]==3 && buf[3]==4 && new String(buf,30,28).equals("mimetypeapplication/epub+zip"); }catch(Exception e){} if(isEpub) openEpub(intent.getData().toString()); else {Toast.makeText(this, "That wasn't an EPUB file :-(",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();} }"""
if pleco_hanping: android_src += br"""
    int dictionaries = 0;
    boolean gotPleco = false;
    String[] hanpingPackage = new String[]{"com.embermitre.hanping.cantodict.app.pro","com.embermitre.hanping.app.pro","com.embermitre.hanping.app.lite"};
    int[] hanpingVersion = new int[]{0,0,0};"""
android_src += br"""
    static final String js_common="""+b'"'+jsAnnot()+br"""";
    void runTimerLoop() {
        if(AndroidSDK >= 19) { // on Android 4.4+ we can do evaluateJavascript while page is still loading (useful for slow-network days) - but setTimeout won't usually work so we need an Android OS timer
            final Handler theTimer = new Handler();
            theTimer.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                @Override public void run() {
                    final Runnable r = this;
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {
                      browser.evaluateJavascript(((needJsCommon>0)?js_common:"")+"AnnotIfLenChanged()",new android.webkit.ValueCallback<String>() {
                        public void onReceiveValue(String s) {
                            theTimer.postDelayed(r,(s!=null && s.contains("sameLen"))?5000:1000); // s.equals("\"sameLen\"", is this true in all versions of the API?)
                      if(needJsCommon>0) --needJsCommon;
                    } });
    boolean nextBackHides = false, _isFocused = true;
    int needJsCommon=3;
    @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); nextBackHides = _isFocused = false; } // but may still be visible on Android 7+, so don't pause the browser yet
    @Override public void onResume() { _isFocused = true; super.onResume(); }
    @TargetApi(11) @Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); if(browser!=null && AndroidSDK >= 11) browser.onPause(); } // NOW pause the browser (screen off or app not visible)
    @TargetApi(11) @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); if(browser!=null && AndroidSDK >= 11) browser.onResume(); }
    @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
            if (nextBackHides) {
                nextBackHides = false;
                if(moveTaskToBack(true)) return true;
            if (browser!=null && browser.canGoBack()) {
                final String fwdUrl=browser.getUrl();
                if(AndroidSDK<19) return true; // before Android 4.4 we can't evaluateJavascript, and unclear if we can loadUrl javascript: when we don't have onPageFinished on back, but AnnotMonitor runs at a higher frequency so we let that do it instead of this
                final Handler theTimer=new Handler();
                theTimer.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                  int tried=0;
                  @Override public void run() {
                    if(++tried==9) return;
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    @Override public void run() {
                        if(browser.getUrl().equals(fwdUrl)) {
                            // not yet finished going back
                        } else browser.evaluateJavascript("function annogenMakeFwd(){var e=document.getElementById('annogenFwdBtn'); if(e) e.style.display='inline'; else window.setTimeout(annogenMakeFwd,1000)}annogenMakeFwd()",null);
                return true;
        } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // using getText so works on API 1 (TODO consider adding a version check and the more-modern alternative android.content.ClipData c=((android.content.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).getPrimaryClip(); if (c != null && c.getItemCount()>0) return c.getItemAt(0).coerceToText(this).toString(); return ""; )
    public String readClipboard() {
        if(AndroidSDK < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) // SDK_INT requires API 4 but this works on API 1
            return ((android.text.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).getText().toString();
        android.content.ClipData c=((android.content.ClipboardManager)getSystemService(android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).getPrimaryClip();
        if (c != null && c.getItemCount()>0) {
            return c.getItemAt(0).coerceToText(this).toString();
        return "";
    @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if(browser!=null) browser.saveState(outState); }
    @Override protected void onDestroy() { if(isFinishing() && AndroidSDK<23 && browser!=null) browser.clearCache(true); super.onDestroy(); } // (Chromium bug 245549 needed this workaround to stop taking up too much 'data' (not counted as cache) on old phones; it MIGHT be OK in API 22, or even API 20 with updates, but let's set the threshold at 23 just to be sure.  This works only if the user exits via Back button, not via swipe in Activity Manager: no way to catch that.)
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // we use Build.VERSION.SDK only if we're on an Android so old that SDK_INT is not available:
    int AndroidSDK = (android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE.startsWith("1.") ? Integer.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK) : Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
    WebView browser;"""
if epub: android_src += b" boolean loadingEpub = false;"
android_src += b"}\n"
android_bringToFront=br"""package %%JPACKAGE%%;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
public class BringToFront extends android.app.IntentService {
    public BringToFront() { super(""); }
    public BringToFront(String name) { super(name); }
    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent workIntent) {
        Intent i = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(getApplicationContext().getPackageName());
android_clipboard = br"""<html><head><meta name="mobileoptimized" content="0"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>
<script>window.onerror=function(msg,url,line){ssb_local_annotator.alert('','',''+msg+' line '+line); return true}</script>
    <h3 class="ssb_local_annotator_noprint">Clipboard</h3>
    <div id="clip">waiting for clipboard contents</div>
var curClip="",isFocused=true,lastTime=new Date();
function update() {
var newClip = ssb_local_annotator.getClip();
var isF2 = ssb_local_annotator.isFocused();
var thisTime = new Date();
if (newClip && newClip != curClip) {
  if(curClip && isFocused && isF2 && thisTime-lastTime < 2000) {
    // looks like they copied from clipboard view itself
    // - no need to replace the whole thing with this part
  } else {
  document.getElementById('clip').innerHTML = newClip.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/(https?:\/\/[-!#%&+,.0-9:;=?@A-Z\/_|~]+)/gi,function r(m,p1) { return '<a href="'+p1.replace('&amp;','&')+'">'+p1+'</a>' });
  if(typeof annotScan!='undefined') annotScan();
  curClip = newClip; if(ssb_local_annotator.annotate(newClip)!=newClip) ssb_local_annotator.bringToFront(); // should work on Android 9 or below; Android Q (API 29) takes away background clipboard access and we'll just get newClip="" until we're brought to foreground manually
} isFocused = isF2; lastTime = thisTime;
window.setTimeout(update,1000) } update()"""
if android_print: android_clipboard += b';'+android_print_script.replace(br'\"',b'"')
android_clipboard += br"""</script>
java_src = br"""package %%JPACKAGE%%;
public class Annotator {
public Annotator() { %%JDATA%%
    addrLen = data[0] & 0xFF;"""
if post_normalise: java_src += b"""
    dPtr = 1; char[] compressedFreqs;
    try {
        compressedFreqs = new String(java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data,readAddr(),data.length), "UTF-16LE").toCharArray();
    } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // should never happen with UTF-16LE
    normalisationTable = new char[65536];
    int maxRLE = compressedFreqs[0]; char w=0; // Java char is unsigned short
    for(int cF=0; cF < compressedFreqs.length; cF++) {
        if(compressedFreqs[cF] <= maxRLE) for(int j=0; j<compressedFreqs[cF]; j++) { normalisationTable[w]=w; w++; }
        else normalisationTable[w++] = compressedFreqs[cF];
    } while(w!=0) { normalisationTable[w]=w; w++; /* overflows to 0 */ }
char[] normalisationTable; byte[] origInBytes;"""
else: java_src += b"}"
java_src += br"""
int nearbytes;
byte[] inBytes;
public int inPtr,writePtr; boolean needSpace;
java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream outBuf;
public void sn(int n) { nearbytes = n; }
static final byte EOF = (byte)0; // TODO: a bit hacky
public byte nB() {
  if (inPtr==inBytes.length) return EOF;
  return inBytes[inPtr++];
public boolean n(String s) {
  // for Yarowsky-like matching (use Strings rather than byte arrays or Java compiler can get overloaded)
  return n(s2b(s));
public boolean n(byte[] bytes) {
  int offset=inPtr, maxPos=inPtr+nearbytes;
  if (maxPos > inBytes.length) maxPos = inBytes.length;
  maxPos -= bytes.length;
  if(offset>nearbytes) offset-=nearbytes; else offset = 0;
  while(offset <= maxPos) {
    boolean ok=true;
    for(int i=0; i<bytes.length; i++) {
      if(bytes[i]!=inBytes[offset+i]) { ok=false; break; }
    if(ok) return true;
  return false;
public void o(byte c) { outBuf.write(c); }
public void o(byte[] a) { outBuf.write(a,0,a.length); }
public void o(String s) { o(s2b(s)); }
public void s() {
  if (needSpace) o((byte)' ');
  else needSpace=true;
public void s0() {
  if (needSpace) { o((byte)' '); needSpace=false; }
public void c(int numBytes) { /* copyBytes */
    o(inBytes[writePtr++]); /* needSpace unchanged */
public void o(int numBytes,String annot) {
  o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
public void o2(int numBytes,String annot,String title) {
  o("<ruby title=\""); o(title);
  o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
byte[] s2b(String s) {
  // Convert string to bytes - version that works before Android API level 9 i.e. in Java 5 not 6.  (Some versions of Android Lint sometimes miss the fact that s.getBytes(UTF8) where UTF8==java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("UTF-8") won't always work.)  We could do an API9+ version and use @android.annotation.TargetApi(9) around the class, but anyway we'd rather not have to generate a special Android-specific version of Annotator as well as putting Android stuff in a separate class.)
  try { return s.getBytes("UTF-8"); }
  catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    // should never happen for UTF-8
    return null;
if data_driven:
  if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: java_src += b"\npublic boolean shortcut_nearTest=false;"
  java_src += br"""
    byte[] data; int addrLen, dPtr;
    int readAddr() {
        int i,addr=0;
        for (i=addrLen; i!=0; i--) addr=(addr << 8) | (int)(data[dPtr++]&0xFF); // &0xFF converts to unsigned
        return addr;
    byte[] readRefStr() {
        int a = readAddr(); int l = data[a] & 0xFF;
        if (l != 0) return java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data, a+1, a+l+1);
        else {
            int m = a+1; while(data[m]!=0) m++;
            return java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(data,a+1,m);
    int switchByte_inner(int nBytes) {
        if (inPtr < inBytes.length) {
            byte b=nB();
            int dP=dPtr, end = dPtr+nBytes;
            while(dP < end) {
                if(b==data[dP]) return dP-dPtr;
        return nBytes;
    void readData() throws java.util.zip.DataFormatException{
        java.util.LinkedList<Integer> sPos=new java.util.LinkedList<Integer>();
        int c;
        while(true) {
            c = data[dPtr++] & 0xFF;
            if ((c & 0x80)!=0) dPtr += (c&0x7F);
            else if (c < 20) {
                int i = switchByte_inner(++c);
                if(i!=0) dPtr += (int)(data[dPtr+c+i-1]&0xFF);
                dPtr += c+c;
            } else switch(c) {
                case 50: dPtr = readAddr(); break;
                case 51: {
                    int f = readAddr(), dO=dPtr;
                    dPtr = f; readData() ; dPtr = dO;
                    break; }
                case 52: return;
                case 60: {
                    int nBytes = (int)(data[dPtr++]&0xFF) + 1;
                    int i = switchByte_inner(nBytes);
                    dPtr += (nBytes + i * addrLen);
                    dPtr = readAddr(); break; }
                case 70: s0(); break;
                case 71: case 74: {
                    int numBytes = data[dPtr++] & 0xFF;
                    while((numBytes--)!=0) o(inBytes[writePtr++]);
                    if(c==74) return; else break; }
                case 72: case 75: {
                    int numBytes = data[dPtr++] & 0xFF;
                    byte[] annot = readRefStr();
                    while((numBytes--)!=0) o(inBytes[writePtr++]);
                    o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
                    if(c==75) return; else break; }
                case 73: case 76: {
                    int numBytes = data[dPtr++] & 0xFF;
                    byte[] annot = readRefStr();
                    byte[] title = readRefStr();
                    o("<ruby title=\""); o(title);
                    while((numBytes--)!=0) o(inBytes[writePtr++]);
                    o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
                    if(c==76) return; else break; }
                case 80: sPos.addFirst(inPtr); break;
                case 81: inPtr=sPos.removeFirst(); break;
                case 90: {
                    int tPtr = readAddr();
                    int fPtr = readAddr();"""
  if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: java_src += br"""
                    if (shortcut_nearTest) {
                        dPtr = (tPtr<fPtr) ? tPtr : fPtr; // relying on BytecodeAssembler addActionDictSwitch behaviour: the higher pointer will be the one that skips past the 'if', so we want the lower one if we want to always take it
  java_src += br"""
                    sn(data[dPtr++] & 0xFF);
                    boolean found = false;
                    while (dPtr < tPtr && dPtr < fPtr) if (n(readRefStr())) { found = true; break; }
                    dPtr = found ? tPtr : fPtr; break; }
                default: throw new java.util.zip.DataFormatException("corrupt data table");
java_src += br"""
public String annotate(String txt) {"""
if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: java_src += br"""
  boolean old_snt = shortcut_nearTest;
  if(txt.length() < 2) shortcut_nearTest=false;
if post_normalise: java_src += br"""
  origInBytes=s2b(txt); char[] tmp=txt.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<tmp.length; i++) tmp[i]=normalisationTable[tmp[i]]; txt=new String(tmp);
java_src += br"""
  nearbytes=%%YBYTES%%;inBytes=s2b(txt);writePtr=0;needSpace=false;outBuf=new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();inPtr=0;
  while(inPtr < inBytes.length) {
    int oldPos=inPtr; """
if data_driven:
  java_src = java_src.replace(b"annotate(String txt)",b"annotate(String txt) throws java.util.zip.DataFormatException")
  if post_normalise: java_src += b"dPtr=1+addrLen;" # after byte nBytes, we'll have address of normalisation table, and then the bytecode itself
  else: java_src += b"dPtr=1;" # just byte nBytes needs to be skipped
  java_src += b"readData();"
else: java_src += b"%%JPACKAGE%%.topLevelMatch.f(this);"
java_src += br"""
    if (oldPos==inPtr) { needSpace=false; o(nB()); writePtr++; }
  String ret=null; try { ret=new String(outBuf.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); } catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {}"""
if post_normalise: java_src = java_src.replace(b"inBytes[writePtr",b"origInBytes[writePtr").replace(b"o(nB()); writePtr++;",b"inPtr++; o(origInBytes[writePtr++]);")
if existing_ruby_shortcut_yarowsky: java_src += b"shortcut_nearTest=old_snt;"
java_src += br"""
  inBytes=null; outBuf=null; return ret;
android_loadData = br"""try { data=new byte[%%DLEN%%]; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { throw new java.io.IOException("Out of memory! Can't load annotator!"); }
if zlib: android_loadData += br"""
java.util.zip.Inflater i=new java.util.zip.Inflater();
byte[] decompressed; try { decompressed=new byte[%%ULEN%%]; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { throw new java.io.IOException("Out of memory! Can't unpack annotator!"); }
i.inflate(decompressed); i.end(); data = decompressed;

if os.environ.get("ANNOGEN_CSHARP_NO_MAIN",""):
  cSharp_mainNote = b""
else: cSharp_mainNote = br"""
// or just use the Main() at end (compile with csc, and
// see --help for usage)
//   (to omit this Main() from the generated file, set
//    the environment variable ANNOGEN_CSHARP_NO_MAIN before
//    running Annotator Generator)"""

cSharp_start = b"// C# code "+version_stamp+br"""
// use: new Annotator(txt).result()
// (can also set annotation_mode on the Annotator)"""+cSharp_mainNote+br"""

enum Annotation_Mode { ruby_markup, annotations_only, brace_notation };

class Annotator {
public const string version="""+b'"'+version_stamp+br"""";
public Annotator(string txt) { nearbytes=%%YBYTES%%; inBytes=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txt); inPtr=0; writePtr=0; needSpace=false; outBuf=new System.IO.MemoryStream(); annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup; }
int nearbytes;
public Annotation_Mode annotation_mode;
byte[] inBytes;
int inPtr,writePtr; bool needSpace;
System.IO.MemoryStream outBuf;
const byte EOF = (byte)0; // TODO: a bit hacky
byte nB() {
  if (inPtr==inBytes.Length) return EOF;
  return inBytes[inPtr++];
bool near(string s) {
  byte[] bytes=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
  int offset=inPtr, maxPos=inPtr+nearbytes;
  if (maxPos > inBytes.Length) maxPos = inBytes.Length;
  maxPos -= bytes.Length;
  if(offset>nearbytes) offset-=nearbytes; else offset = 0;
  while(offset <= maxPos) {
    bool ok=true;
    for(int i=0; i<bytes.Length; i++) {
      if(bytes[i]!=inBytes[offset+i]) { ok=false; break; }
    if(ok) return true;
  return false;
void o(byte c) { outBuf.WriteByte(c); }
void o(string s) { byte[] b=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s); outBuf.Write(b,0,b.Length); }
void s() {
  if (needSpace) o((byte)' ');
  else needSpace=true;
void s0() {
  if (needSpace) { o((byte)' '); needSpace=false; }
void c(int numBytes) {
  writePtr += numBytes;
void o(int numBytes,string annot) {
  switch (annotation_mode) {
  case Annotation_Mode.annotations_only:
    o(annot); break;
  case Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup:
    o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
    o("</rt></ruby>"); break;
  case Annotation_Mode.brace_notation:
    o("|"); o(annot);
    o("}"); break;
  writePtr += numBytes;
void o2(int numBytes,string annot,string title) {
  if (annotation_mode == Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup) {
    o("<ruby title=\""); o(title);
    writePtr += numBytes;
    o("</rb><rt>"); o(annot);
  } else o(numBytes,annot);
public string result() {
  while(inPtr < inBytes.Length) {
    int oldPos=inPtr;
    if (oldPos==inPtr) { needSpace=false; o(nB()); writePtr++; }
  return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outBuf.ToArray());
cSharp_end = b"}\n"
if cSharp_mainNote: cSharp_end += br"""
class Test {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
    Annotation_Mode annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup;
    for(int i=0; i<args.Length; i++) {
      if (args[i]=="--help") {
        System.Console.WriteLine("Use --ruby to output ruby markup (default)");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Use --raw to output just the annotations without the base text");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Use --braces to output as {base-text|annotation}");
      } else if(args[i]=="--ruby") {
        annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.ruby_markup;
      } else if(args[i]=="--raw") {
        annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.annotations_only;
      } else if(args[i]=="--braces") {
        annotation_mode = Annotation_Mode.brace_notation;
    Annotator a=new Annotator(System.Console.In.ReadToEnd());
    a.annotation_mode = annotation_mode;

golang_start = b'/* "Go" code '+version_stamp+br"""

To set up a Web service on old AppEngine (Go 1.11 or below),
put this file in a subdirectory of your project, and create a
top-level .go file with something like:

package server
import (
func init() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", %%PKG%%_handler)
    // add other handlers as appropriate
func %%PKG%%_handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

Then in app.yaml:
application: whatever
version: 1
runtime: go
api_version: go1
- url: /.*
  script: _go_app

Then test with: goapp serve
(and POST to localhost:8080, e.g. via Web Adjuster --htmlFilter="http://localhost:8080")

(To deploy with Web Adjuster also on old AppEngine, you'll need two instances, because
although you could add Web Adjuster on the SAME one - put adjuster's app.yaml into a
python-api.yaml with "module: pythonapi" - there will be the issue of how to set the
URL handlers while making sure that Golang's has priority if it's an exception to .*)


package %%PKG%%

import (
// We have a Mutex for thread safety.  TODO: option to put
// the global variables into a per-instance struct instead
var mutex sync.Mutex

var inBytes []byte = nil
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
var inPtr int
var writePtr int
var needSpace bool
var nearbytes int = 15

func nB() byte {
   if (inPtr == len(inBytes)) {
      return 0
   tmp := inBytes[inPtr]
   return tmp

func near(s0 string) bool {
   s := make([]byte, len(s0))
   copy (s,s0)
   offset := inPtr
   maxPos := inPtr + nearbytes
   if maxPos > len(inBytes) {
      maxPos = len(inBytes)
   maxPos -= len(s)
   if (offset > nearbytes) {
      offset -= nearbytes
   } else {
      offset = 0
   for(offset <= maxPos) {
      ok := true ; i := 0
      for (i < len(s)) {
         if s[i] != inBytes[offset+i] {
            ok = false ; break
      if (ok) {
         return true
   return false

func oB(c byte) {
func oS(s string) {
func s() {
   if(needSpace) {
      oB(' ')
   } else {
      needSpace = true
func s0() {
   if(needSpace) {
      oB(' ')
      needSpace = false
func c(numBytes int) {
  for (numBytes > 0) {
    // TODO: does Go have a way to do this in 1 operation?
func o(numBytes int,annot string) {
  for (numBytes > 0) {
    // TODO: does Go have a way to do this in 1 operation?
func o2(numBytes int,annot string,title string) {
  oS("<ruby title=\"")
  for (numBytes > 0) {
    // TODO: as above
func Annotate(src io.Reader, dest io.Writer) {
   inBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
   io.Copy(inBuf, src)
   inBytes = inBuf.Bytes()
   inBuf.Reset() ; outBuf.Reset()
   needSpace = false
   inPtr = 0 ; writePtr = 0
   for(inPtr < len(inBytes)) {
      oldPos := inPtr
      if oldPos==inPtr {
         needSpace = false
   // outBuf.WriteTo(dest) // may hold up if still locked, try this instead:
   outBytes := outBuf.Bytes()

if js_6bit: js_6bit_offset = 35 # any offset between 32 and 63 makes all printable, but 35+ avoids escaping of " at 34 (can't avoid escaping of \ though, unless have a more complex decoder), and low offsets increase the range of compact-switchbyte addressing also.
else: js_6bit_offset = 0

class BytecodeAssembler:
  # Bytecode for a virtual machine run by the Javascript version etc
  opcodes = {
    # 0-19    RESERVED for short switchbyte (C,Java,Py)
    'jump': 50, # '2' params: address
    'call': 51, # '3' params: function address
    'return': 52, # '4' (or 'end program' if top level)
    'switchbyte': 60, # '<' switch(NEXTBYTE) (params: numBytes-1, bytes (sorted, TODO take advantage of this), addresses, default address)
    's0':70, # 'F'
    'copyBytes':71,'o':72,'o2':73, # 'G','H','I' (don't change these numbers, they're hard-coded below)
    # 74-76 ('J','K','L') reserved for 'above + return'
    'savepos':80, # 'P', local to the function
    'restorepos':81, # 'Q'
    'neartest':90, # 'Z' params: true-label, false-label, byte nbytes, addresses of conds strings until first of the 2 labels is reached (normally true-label, unless the whole neartest is negated)
    # 91-107 RESERVED for short switchbyte (JS, UTF-8 printability optimisation for 6bit)
    # 108-127 RESERVED for short switchbyte (JS,Dart, more in the printable range to reduce escaping a bit)
    # 128-255 RESERVED for short jumps
  def __init__(self):
    self.l = [] # code list
    self.d2l = {} # definition to label
    self.lastLabelNo = 0
    self.addingPosStack = []
  def addOpcode(self,opcode): self.l.append((opcode,))
  def addBytes(self,bStr):
      if type(bStr)==int: self.l.append(B(chr(bStr)))
      elif type(bStr)==bytes: self.l.append(bStr)
      else: raise Exception("unspported bytes type")
  def startAddingFunction(self):
      self.lastLabelNo = 0
  def finishFunctionAndAddCall(self):
      # make sure to add a return instruction before this!
      fPtr, self.lastLabelNo = self.addingPosStack[-1]
      del self.addingPosStack[-1]
      fBody = tuple(self.l[fPtr:]) ; self.l=self.l[:fPtr]
      if not fBody in self.d2l: # not a duplicate
          self.d2l[fBody] = (-len(self.d2l)-1,)
  def addByteswitch(self,byteArray,labelArray):
      assert len(byteArray) + 1 == len(labelArray)
      # labelArray has the default case added also (TODO: could re-organize code so the bytes immediately after the switch are either the default or one of the items, saving 1 address)
      if not len(byteArray): return # empty switch = no-op
      self.addBytes(len(byteArray)-1) # num of bytes in list - 1 (so all 256 values can be accounted for if needed)
      for i in labelArray: self.addRef(i)
  def addActions(self,actionList):
    # assert type(actionList) in [list,tuple], repr(actionList)
    for a in actionList:
      if a==b's0':
        self.addOpcode('s0') ; continue
      assert 1 <= len(a) <= 3 and type(a[0])==int and all(type(b)==bytes for b in a[1:]), repr(a)
      assert 1 <= a[0] <= 255, "bytecode currently supports markup or copy between 1 and 255 bytes only, not %d (but 0 is reserved for expansion)" % a[0]
      self.addBytes(70+len(a)) # 71=copyBytes 72=o() 73=o2
      if js_6bit:
      else: self.addBytes(a[0]) # num i/p bytes to copy
      for i in a[1:]: self.addRefToString(i)
  def addActionDictSwitch(self,byteSeq_to_action_dict,isFunc=True,labelToJump=None):
    # a modified stringSwitch for the bytecode
    # Actions aren't strings: they list tuples of either
    # 1, 2 or 3 items for copyBytes, o(), o2()
    # labelToJump is a jump to insert afterwards if not isFunc and if we don't emit an unconditional 'return'.  Otherwise, will ALWAYS end up with a 'return' (even if not isFunc i.e. the main program)
    allBytes = set(b[:1] for b in iterkeys(byteSeq_to_action_dict) if b)
    if isFunc:
        savePos = len(self.l)
    elif (b"" in byteSeq_to_action_dict and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict) > 1) or not labelToJump: # ('not labelToJump' and 'not isFunc' == main program)
        savePos = len(self.l)
    else: savePos = None
    if b"" in byteSeq_to_action_dict and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict) > 1 and len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""])==1 and not byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][1] and all((len(a)==1 and a[0][0][:len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][0])]==byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][0] and not a[0][1]) for a in itervalues(byteSeq_to_action_dict)):
        l = len(byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""][0][0])
        byteSeq_to_action_dict = dict((x,[(y[l:],z)]) for x,[(y,z)] in iteritems(byteSeq_to_action_dict))
        del self.l[savePos] ; savePos = None
        del byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""]
        self.addActionDictSwitch(byteSeq_to_action_dict) # as a subfunction (ends up adding the call to it, which should be replaced by a jump during compaction; TODO: auto-inline if it turns out there's only this one call to it?  other calls might happen if it's merged with an identical one)
        byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""] = [(b"",[])] # for the end of this func
    elif allBytes:
      allBytes = sorted(list(allBytes))
      labels = [self.makeLabel() for b in allBytes+[0]]
      for case in allBytes:
        self.addLabelHere(labels[0]) ; del labels[0]
        self.addActionDictSwitch(dict([(k[1:],v) for k,v in iteritems(byteSeq_to_action_dict) if k[:1]==case]),False,labels[-1])
    if not savePos==None: self.addOpcode('restorepos')
    if isFunc:
        if self.l[-1]==self.l[-2]: del self.l[-1] # double return
        return self.finishFunctionAndAddCall()
    elif b"" in byteSeq_to_action_dict:
        default_action = b""
        for action,conds in byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""]:
            if conds:
                if type(conds)==tuple: negate,conds,nbytes = conds
                else: negate,nbytes = False,ybytes_max
                assert 1 <= nbytes <= 255, "bytecode supports only single-byte nbytes (but nbytes=0 is reserved for expansion)"
                trueLabel,falseLabel = self.makeLabel(),self.makeLabel()
                assert type(nbytes)==int
                for c in conds: self.addRefToString(c.encode(outcode)) # TODO: how much bytecode could we save by globally merging equivalent lists of string-list references ?  (zlib helps anyway but...)
                if negate: trueLabel,falseLabel = falseLabel,trueLabel
            else: default_action = action
        if default_action or not byteSeq_to_action_dict[b""]:
            self.addOpcode('return') ; return
    if labelToJump:
    else: self.addOpcode('return')
  def makeLabel(self):
      self.lastLabelNo += 1
      return self.lastLabelNo
  def addLabelHere(self,labelNo):
      assert type(labelNo)==int
      assert labelNo, "label 0 not allowed"
  def addRef(self,labelNo):
      assert type(labelNo)==int
  def addRefToString(self,string):
    assert type(string)==bytes, repr(string)
    l = len(string)
    if python or java or javascript or dart:
      # prepends with a length hint if possible (or if not
      # prepends with 0 and null-terminates it)
      if js_utf8:
        string = unicodedata.normalize("NFC",string.decode('utf-8')) # NFC very important for browser_extension: some browsers seem to do it anyway, throwing off data addresses if we haven't accounted for that
        l = len(string) # we count in UCS-2 characters
        assert all((ord(c) <= 0xFFFF) for c in string), "js_utf8 addressing will be confused by non UCS-2: "+repr(string) # TODO: put surrogate pairs? (and increase l by num pairs; ensure Python will emit separate UTF-8 sequences for each part of the surrogate, if needed by JS; might need to escape the pairs after all addresses computed) + what if we're in dart ?
        # Have checked browsers + Node count combining characters separately, so len(string) should be correct (e.g. u'Moc\u0306nik')
        if 1 <= l < 0x02B0: # can use length-first unichr (avoid combining and modifier marks just in case; also avoid 0xD800+ surrogates)
          string = unichr(l) + string
        else: string = unichr(0)+string+unichr(0)
      elif js_6bit:
        string = re.sub(b"%(?=[0-9A-Fa-f])|[\x7f-\xff]",lambda m:urllib.quote(m.group()),string) # for JS 'unescape' in readRefStr, which is applied (without encodeURIComponent) if js_6bit and not js_utf8 so we can use %-encoding
        l = len(string) # length is needed BEFORE %-decode
        if 1 <= l <= 91: # use 32-122 inclusive
          string = B(chr(l+31))+string
        else: # try to avoid using \x00 for termination
          for termChar in '{|}~\x00': # 123-126 + nul
            if not termChar in string:
              string = termChar + string + termChar
      elif 1 <= l < 256: # length byte + string
        string = B(chr(l))+string
      else: string = B(chr(0))+string+B(chr(0))
    else: string += b'\x00' # just null-termination for C
    if not string in self.d2l:
      self.d2l[string] = (-len(self.d2l)-1,)
  def link(self): # returns resulting bytes
    # (add an 'end program' instruction before calling)
    def f(*args): raise Exception("Must call link() only once")
    self.link = f
    sys.stderr.write("Linking... ") ; sys.stderr.flush()
    for dat,ref in sorted(iteritems(self.d2l)): # the functions and data to add to the end of self.l, sorted so we can optimise for overlaps
        assert type(ref)==tuple and type(ref[0])==int
        self.l.append((-ref[0],)) # the label
        if type(dat) in [bytes,unicode]:
            if type(self.l[-2])==type(dat) and self.l[-2][-1]==dat[0]: # overlap of termination-byte indicators (TODO: look for longer overlaps? unlikely to occur)
              self.l[-2] = self.l[-2][:-1]
            self.l.append(dat) ; continue
        # otherwise it's a function, and non-reserved labels are local, so we need to rename them
        l2l = {}
        for i in dat:
            if type(i)==int:
                if i>0: j=i
                else: j=-i
                if not j in l2l:
                    l2l[j] = self.makeLabel()
                if i>0: self.addLabelHere(l2l[j])
                else: self.addRef(l2l[j])
            else: self.l.append(i) # str or tuple just cp
    del self.d2l
    if post_normalise: # must be AFTER d2l, as EOF is used to end it
      normLabel = self.makeLabel()
      bmp = [(k,v) for k,v in sorted(post_normalise.items())]
      maxRLE = min(bmp[0][0],min(v for k,v in bmp))-1
      assert maxRLE >= 0, "can't have a mapping to 0"
      curPtr = 0
      def lsbmsb(i): return B(chr(i&0xFF)+chr(i>>8))
      for i in xrange(len(bmp)):
        delta = bmp[i][0]-curPtr
        while delta:
          skip = min(delta,maxRLE)
          delta -= skip ; curPtr += skip
        curPtr += 1
    # elements of self.l are now:
    # - (byte) strings (just copied in)
    # - positive integers (labels for code)
    # - negative integers (references to labels)
    # - +ve or -ve integers in tuples (labels for functions and text strings: different 'namespace')
    # strings in tuples: opcodes
    # 1st byte of o/p is num bytes needed per address
    class TooNarrow(Exception): pass
    if js_6bit: aBits,aMask = 6,0x3F
    else: aBits,aMask = 8,0xFF
    for addrSize in xrange(1,256):
        sys.stderr.write("(%d-bit) " % (aBits*addrSize))
        src = self.l[:] # must start with fresh copy, because compaction modifies src and we don't want a false start with wrong addrSize to affect us
          compacted = 0 ; compaction_types = set()
          if compact_opcodes:
            # The compact opcodes all rely on relative addressing (relative to AFTER the compact instruction) that goes only forward.  Easiest way to deal with that is to work backwards from the end, inlining the compactions, before running a conventional 2-pass assembly.
            # TODO: Could move the below loop into this one in its entirety, and just assemble backwards.  Most within-function label references point forwards anyway.  (Would still need some backward refs for functions though)
            bytesFromEnd = 0
            lDic = {} # labelNo -> bytesFromEnd
            def LGet(lRef,origOperandsLen):
              # return the number of bytes between the end of the new instruction and the label.  Since bytesFromEnd includes origOperandsLen, we need to subtract that out, which would then leave bytes from end of code to end of new instruction (no matter what the length of the new instruction will be)
              if not -lRef in lDic: return -1
              return bytesFromEnd-origOperandsLen-lDic[-lRef]
            counts_to_del = set()
            for count in xrange(len(src)-1,-1,-1):
                i = src[count]
                if type(i) in [bytes,unicode] and len(i)==1 and 71<=ord(i)<=73 and src[count+ord(i)-70+1]==('return',):
                  # (74 to 76 = 71 to 73 + return)
                  src[count] = B(chr(ord(i)+3))
                  compacted += 1 ; bytesFromEnd -= 1
                elif type(i)==tuple and type(i[0])==str:
                    opcode = i[0]
                    i = "-" # for len() at end of block
                    if opcode=='call' and src[count+2]==('return',):
                      src[count] = ('jump',)
                      compacted += 1 ; bytesFromEnd -= 1
                      # can't fall through by setting opcode='jump', as the address will be in the function namespace (integer in tuple, LGet would need adjusting) and is highly unlikely to be within range (TODO: unless we try to arrange the functions to make it so for some cross-calls)
                    if opcode=='jump' and 0 <= LGet(src[count+1],addrSize) < 0x80: # we can use a 1-byte relative forward jump (up to 128 bytes), useful for 'break;' in a small switch
                      offset = LGet(src[count+1],addrSize)
                      if offset == 0:
                        # can remove this jump completely
                        i = "" # for len() at end of block
                        compacted += 1
                        counts_to_del.add(count) # zap jmp
                      else: src[count] = i = B(chr(0x80 | offset)) # new instr: 0x80|offset
                      counts_to_del.add(count+1) # zap the label
                      compacted += addrSize # as we're having a single byte instead of byte + address
                      bytesFromEnd -= addrSize
                    elif opcode=='switchbyte':
                      numItems = len(src[count+2]) # = ord(src[count+1]) + 1
                      if 1 <= numItems <= 20:
                       numLabels = numItems+1 # there's an extra default label at the end
                       origOperandsLen = 1+numItems+numLabels*addrSize # number + N bytes + the labels
                       if LGet(src[count+3],origOperandsLen)==0 and all(0 <= LGet(src[count+N],origOperandsLen) <= 0xFF-js_6bit_offset for N in xrange(4,3+numLabels)): # 1st label is immediately after the switchbyte, and all others are in range
                        if javascript or dart: # use printable range
                          if js_6bit and numItems<=17 and all(0x80<=ord(x)<=0xBF or 0xD4<=ord(x)<=0xEF for x in S(src[count+2])): # if bytes being switched on are all from UTF-8 representations of U+0500 through U+FFFF, move to printable range (in one test this saved 780k for the continuation bytes and another 200k for the rest)
                            def mv(x):
                              if x>=0xD4: x -= 20 # or, equivalently, if (x-93)>118, which is done to the input byte in JS before searching on these
                              return B(chr(x-93))
                            src[count+2]=b''.join(mv(ord(x)) for x in S(src[count+2]))
                            i = B(chr(ord(src[count+1])+91)) # and a printable opcode
                          else: i = B(chr(ord(src[count+1])+108)) # can't make the match bytes printable, but at least we can have a printable opcode 108-127 for short switchbyte in Javascript or Dart
                        else: i = B(src[count+1]) # 0-19 for short switchbyte in C,Java,Python
                        src[count] = i = i+src[count+2]+b''.join(B(chr(LGet(src[count+N],origOperandsLen)+js_6bit_offset)) for N in xrange(4,3+numLabels)) # opcode_including_nItems, string of bytes, offsets (assume 1st offset at count+3 is 0 so not listed)
                        for ctd in xrange(count+1,count+3+numLabels): counts_to_del.add(ctd)
                        newOperandsLen = numItems*2 # for each byte, the byte itself and an offset, + 1 more offset as default, - 1 because first is not given
                        compacted += origOperandsLen-newOperandsLen
                        bytesFromEnd -= origOperandsLen # will add new opCode + operands below
                elif type(i) in [int,tuple]: # labels
                    if type(i)==int: i2 = i
                    else: i2 = i[0]
                    assert type(i2)==int
                    if i2 > 0:
                        lDic[i] = bytesFromEnd ; i = ""
                        if bytesFromEnd >> (aBits*addrSize+1): raise TooNarrow() # fair assumption (but do this every label, not every instruction)
                    else: i = "-"*addrSize # a reference
                bytesFromEnd += len(i)
            src=[s for s,i in zip(src,xrange(len(src))) if not i in counts_to_del] # batched up because del is O(n)
          # End of compact_opcodes
          lDic = {} # label dictionary: labelNo -> address
          for P in [1,2]:
            r = [B(chr(addrSize))] # List to hold the output bytecode, initialised with a byte indicating how long our addresses will be.
            ll = 1 # cumulative length of output list, normally in bytes, but if js_utf8 then we count in Javascript (UCS-2) characters
            count = 0 # reading through src opcodes etc
            while count < len(src):
                i = src[count] ; count += 1
                if type(i)==tuple and type(i[0])==str: i = B(chr(BytecodeAssembler.opcodes[i[0]]))
                elif type(i) in [int,tuple]: # labels
                    if type(i)==int: i2,iKey = i,-i # +ve integers are labels, -ve integers are references to them
                    else: i2,iKey = i[0],(-i[0],) # reserved labels (a different counter)
                    assert type(i2)==int
                    # At this point, if i2<0 then iKey will be the lDic key for looking up the label.
                    if i2 > 0: # label going in here: set lDic etc (without outputting any bytes of course)
                        if (ll >> (aBits*addrSize)): raise TooNarrow() # on the assumption that somebody will reference this label, figure out early that we need more bits
                        if i in lDic:
                          assert lDic[i] == ll, "%s moved %d->%d" % (repr(i),lDic[i],ll)
                        lDic[i] = ll ; i = ""
                    elif iKey in lDic: # known label
                        i = lDic[iKey] # the address to convert to MSB-LSB bytes and output:
                        shift = aBits*addrSize
                        if (i >> shift): raise TooNarrow()
                        j = []
                        for b in xrange(addrSize):
                            # MSB-LSB (easier to do in JS)
                            shift -= aBits
                        i = b"".join(j)
                        assert len(i)==addrSize
                    else: # ref to as-yet unknown label
                        assert P==1, "undefined label %d" % -i
                        i = B("-"*addrSize) # placeholder (well we could just advance ll, but setting this makes things easier if you ever want to inspect partial results)
                if len(i): # bytes or Unicode
                  r.append(i) ; ll += len(i)
            sys.stderr.write(".") ; sys.stderr.flush()
          if js_utf8: # normalise all before join
            for i in xrange(len(r)):
              if type(r[i])==bytes:
            r = u"".join(r)
          else: r = b"".join(r)
          if zlib:
            self.origLen = ll # needed for efficient malloc in the C code later
            oR,r = r,zlib.compress(r,9)
            if compact_opcodes: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes (%s compressed from %d after opcode compaction saved %d on %s)\n" % (len(r),zlib_name,ll,compacted,','.join(sorted(list(compaction_types)))))
            else: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes (%s compressed from %d)\n" % (len(r),zlib_name,ll))
          elif compact_opcodes: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes (opcode compaction saved %d on %s)\n" % (ll,compacted,','.join(sorted(list(compaction_types)))))
          else: sys.stderr.write("%d bytes\n" % ll)
          return r
        except TooNarrow: pass
    assert 0, "can't even assemble it with 255-byte addressing !?!"

if not browser_extension:
  js_start = b'/* Javascript '+version_stamp+br"""


 - You could just include this code and then call the
   annotate() function i.e. var result = annotate(input"""
  if sharp_multi: js_start += b", annotation_type_number"
  if glossfile: js_start += b", lines=2"
  js_start += ")"
  if not os.environ.get("JS_OMIT_DOM",""):
    js_start += br"""

   or, if you're in a browser and have loaded a page,
    if sharp_multi:
      js_start += b"annotation_type_number"
      if glossfile: js_start += b","
    if glossfile: js_start += b"lines=2"
    js_start += br""")
   (run annogen with JS_OMIT_DOM environment variable set
   if you want to omit the annotate_page code)"""
  js_start += br"""

 - Or you could use (and perhaps extend) the Annotator
   object, and call its annotate() method.  If you have
   Backbone.JS, Annotator will instead be a generator
   (extending Backbone.Model) which you will have to
   instantiate yourself (possibly after extending it).
   The Annotator object/class is also what will be
   exported by this module if you're using Common.JS.

 - On Unix systems with Node.JS, you can run this file in
   "node" to annotate standard input as a simple test.
  if zlib:
    js_start += br"""
   zlib'd version uses Uint8Array so has minimum browser requirements
   (Chrome 7, Ffx 4, IE10, Op11.6, Safari5.1, 4.2 on iOS)
   - generate without --zlib to support older browsers.
  else: js_start += b"*/"
  js_start += b"\n\n"
else: js_start = b"" # browser_extension
js_start += b"var Annotator={\n"
if not browser_extension:
  js_start += b" version: '"+version_stamp+b"',\n"
  if glossfile: js_start += b"numLines: 2 /* override to 1 or 3 if you must, but not recommended for learning */,\n"
if sharp_multi: js_start += b"annotate: function(input,aType) { if(aType==undefined) aType=0;"
else: js_start += b"annotate: function(input) {"
if removeSpace: js_start += br" input=input.replace(/\B +\B/g,'');" # TODO: document that we do this (currently only in JS annotator here, and Android app via jsAnnot, although Web Adjuster does it separately in Python before calling the filter).  It deals with software that adds ASCII spaces between Chinese characters of the same word, without deleting spaces between embedded English words (TODO: this 'JS + app' version may still delete spaces between punctuation characters, which may be an issue for consecutive quoted words e.g. 'so-called "word1" "word2"').  If doing it at the nextbyte level, we'd have to update prevbyte; if this or doing it at switchbyte level (e.g. recurse) we'd have to do something about the copy pointer (skip the spaces?) and the near-call distance (and associated buffer sizes in C) so they're best pre-removed, but only from between characters we annotate.
js_start += br"""
input = unescape(encodeURIComponent(input)); // to UTF-8
var data = this.data""" # TODO: if input is a whole html doc, insert css in head (e.g. from annoclip and/or adjuster), and hope there's no stuff that's not to be annotated (form fields etc).  But really want them to be using browser_extension or annotate_page if doing this (TODO add css to annotate_page, already there in browser_extension)
if glossfile: js_start += b", numLines = this.numLines"
js_start += br""";
var addrLen = data.charCodeAt(0);
var dPtr, inputLength = input.length;
var p = 0; // read-ahead pointer
var copyP = 0; // copy pointer
var output = new Array(), needSpace = 0;

function readAddr() {
  var i,addr=0;
  for (i=addrLen; i; i--) addr=(addr << """
if js_6bit: js_start += b"6) | (data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)-"+B(str(js_6bit_offset))+b");"
else: js_start += b"8) | data.charCodeAt(dPtr++);"
js_start += br"""
  return addr;

function readRefStr() {
  var a = readAddr(); var l=data.charCodeAt(a);"""
if js_6bit and not js_utf8:
  js_start += br"""
  if(l && l<123) a = data.slice(a+1,a+l-30);
  else a = data.slice(a+1,data.indexOf(data.charAt(a),a+1));"""
elif zlib: js_start += br"""
  if (l != 0) a = data.slice(a+1,a+l+1);
  else a = data.slice(a+1,data.indexOf(0,a+1));"""
else: js_start += br"""
  if (l != 0) a = data.slice(a+1,a+l+1);
  else a = data.slice(a+1,data.indexOf('\x00',a+1));"""
if zlib: js_start += b"return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,a)" # gets UTF-8 from Uint8array
elif js_utf8: js_start += b"return unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))" # Unicode to UTF-8 (TODO: or keep as Unicode? but copyP things will be in UTF-8, as will the near tests)
elif js_6bit: js_start += b"return unescape(a)" # %-encoding
else: js_start += b"return a"
js_start += br"""}
function s() {
  if (needSpace) output.push(" ");
  else needSpace=1; // for after the word we're about to write (if no intervening bytes cause needSpace=0)

function readData() {
    var sPos = new Array(), c;
    while(1) {
        c = data.charCodeAt(dPtr++);
        if (c & 0x80) dPtr += (c&0x7F);"""
if js_6bit: js_start += br"""
        else if (c > 90) { c-=90; 
            var i=-1;if(p<input.length){var cc=input.charCodeAt(p++)-93; if(cc>118)cc-=20; i=data.slice(dPtr,dPtr+c).indexOf(String.fromCharCode(cc))}
            if (i==-1) i = c;
            if(i) dPtr += data.charCodeAt(dPtr+c+i-1)-"""+str(js_6bit_offset)+br""";
            dPtr += c+c }"""
else: js_start += br"""
        else if (c > 107) { c-=107;
            var i = ((p>=input.length)?-1:data.slice(dPtr,dPtr+c).indexOf(input.charAt(p++)));
            if (i==-1) i = c;
            if(i) dPtr += data.charCodeAt(dPtr+c+i-1);
            dPtr += c+c;
js_start += br""" else switch(c) {
            case 50: dPtr = readAddr(); break;
            case 51: {
              var f = readAddr(); var dO=dPtr;
              dPtr = f; readData() ; dPtr = dO;
              break; }
            case 52: return;
            case 60: {
              var nBytes = data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)+1;
              var i = ((p>=input.length)?-1:data.slice(dPtr,dPtr+nBytes).indexOf(input.charAt(p++)));
              if (i==-1) i = nBytes;
              dPtr += (nBytes + i * addrLen);
              dPtr = readAddr(); break; }
            case 70: if(needSpace) { output.push(' '); needSpace=0; } break;
            case 71: case 74: {
              var numBytes = (data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)-34)&0xFF;
              var base = input.slice(copyP, copyP + numBytes);
              copyP += numBytes;
              if(c==74) return; break; }
            case 72: case 75: {
              var numBytes = (data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)-34)&0xFF;
              var annot = readRefStr();
              var base = input.slice(copyP, copyP + numBytes); copyP += numBytes;
if glossfile: js_start += br"""
              switch (numLines) {
                case 1:
                case 3:
                  output.push(annot); output.push("</rb><rb>");
js_start += br"""
if glossfile: js_start += b"}"
else: js_start += b";"
js_start += br"""
              if(c==75) return; break; }"""
if glossfile: js_start += br"""
            case 73: case 76: {
              var numBytes = (data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)-34)&0xFF;
              var annot = readRefStr();
              var title = readRefStr();
              var base = input.slice(copyP, copyP + numBytes); copyP += numBytes;
              switch (numLines) {
                case 1:
                  output.push("<ruby title=\"");
                case 3:
                  output.push("<ruby title=\"");
                  output.push("<ruby title=\"");
                  output.push("</rt></ruby>") }
              if(c==76) return; break; }"""
if not js_6bit: js_start = js_start.replace(b"(data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)-34)&0xFF",b"data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)")
js_start += br"""
            case 80: sPos.push(p); break;
            case 81: p=sPos.pop(); break;
            case 90: {
                var tPtr = readAddr();
                var fPtr = readAddr();
                var nearbytes = data.charCodeAt(dPtr++);
  var o=p;
  if (o > nearbytes) o -= nearbytes; else o = 0;
  var max = p + nearbytes;
  if (max > inputLength) max = inputLength;
  var tStr = input.slice(o,max);
                var found = 0;
                while (dPtr < tPtr && dPtr < fPtr) if (tStr.indexOf(readRefStr()) != -1) { found = 1; break; }
                dPtr = found ? tPtr : fPtr; break;
        default: throw("corrupt data table at "+(dPtr-1)+"/"+data.length+" ("+c+")");

while(p < inputLength) {
var oldPos=p;
if (oldPos==p) { needSpace=0; output.push(input.charAt(p++)); copyP++; }
return decodeURIComponent(escape(output.join("")))"""
if js_6bit: js_start = js_start.replace(b"var numBytes = data.charCodeAt(dPtr++);",b"var numBytes = (data.charCodeAt(dPtr++)-"+B(str(js_6bit_offset-1))+b")&0xFF;")
if sharp_multi: js_start += br""".replace(new RegExp("(</r[bt]><r[bt]>)"+"[^#]*#".repeat(aType)+"(.*?)(#.*?)?</r","g"),"$1$2</r")""" # normally <rt>, but this regexp will also work if someone changes the generated code to put annotation into second <rb> and title into <rt> as long as annotation is not given first.  Cannot put [^#<] as there might be <sup> etc in the annotation, and .*?# still matches across ...</rb><rt>... :-(
js_start += br"""; // from UTF-8 back to Unicode
if not browser_extension: b", // end of annotate method\n" # data: ... \n goes here
js_end = br"""};
function annotate(input"""
if sharp_multi: js_end += b",aType"
if glossfile: js_end += b",numLines"
js_end += b") { "
if glossfile: js_end += b"if(numLines==undefined) numLines=2; Annotator.numLines=numLines; "
js_end += b"return Annotator.annotate(input"
if sharp_multi: js_end += b",aType"
js_end += b")}"
if browser_extension:
  js_end += b"""
if(localStorage.aType===undefined) localStorage.aType=0;
if(localStorage.numLines===undefined) localStorage.numLines=2;
var aType=localStorage.aType,numLines=localStorage.numLines;
function handleMessage(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if(typeof request=='number') {
    if(request<0) localStorage.numLines=numLines=-request; else {localStorage.aType=aType=request;if(numLines==1)localStorage.numLines=numLines=2}
    (chrome.tabs && chrome.tabs.query?chrome.tabs.query:browser.tabs.query)({},(T)=>{for (let t of T)(chrome.tabs && chrome.tabs.executeScript?chrome.tabs.executeScript:browser.tabs.executeScript)(t.id,{allFrames: true, code: 'for(let c of Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName("_adjust0")))if(c.oldTxt)c.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(c.oldTxt),c); annotWalk(document,document)'})})
  } else if(typeof request=='boolean') sendResponse(request?(numLines==1?-1:aType):numLines); // popup status query
  else { if(request==null) request=getClip();
  sendResponse(numLines>1?annotate(request""" # (we DO need the extra call to annotWalk above: the MutationObserver will NOT pick up on changes we made from here)
  if sharp_multi: js_end += b",aType"
  if glossfile: js_end += b",numLines"
  js_end += br"""):request)} }
function getClip(){var area=document.createElement("textarea"); document.body.appendChild(area); area.focus();area.value='';document.execCommand("Paste");var txt=area.value; document.body.removeChild(area); return txt?txt:"Failed to read clipboard"}
fetch(chrome.extension.getURL("annotate-dat.txt")).then((r)=>{r.text().then((r)=>{Annotator.data=r;chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(handleMessage)})})""" # if not js_utf8, having to encode latin1 as utf8 adds about 25% to the file size, but text() supports only utf8; could use arrayBuffer() instead, but inefficient to read w. DataView(buf,offset,1), or could reinstate zlib (probably using base64 read in from file: would probably need to include a versioned unzip library instead of inline-minified subset)
elif not os.environ.get("JS_OMIT_DOM",""):
  js_end += br"""
function annotate_page("""
  if sharp_multi:
    js_end += b"aType"
    if glossfile: js_end += b","
  if glossfile: js_end += b"numLines"
  js_end += b") { "
  if glossfile: js_end += b"if(numLines==undefined) numLines=2; Annotator.numLines=numLines; "
  js_end += jsAnnot(False) + br"""return annotWalk(document,document)
if not browser_extension:
  js_end += br"""

if (typeof Backbone != "undefined" && Backbone.Model) {
  Annotator = Backbone.Model.extend(Annotator);"""
  if sharp_multi: js_end += br"""
  annotate=function(input,aType) { return new Annotator().annotate(input,aType) }"""
  else: js_end += br"""
  annotate=function(input) { return new Annotator().annotate(input) }"""
  js_end += br"""
if (typeof require != "undefined" && typeof module != "undefined" && require.main === module) {
  // Node.js command-line test
} else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) { // Common.js
  module.exports = Annotator;

if browser_extension:
  # we can assume window.atob
  js_inflate = br"""((dat,expandLen)=>{var buf=new Uint8Array(expandLen);dat=((r)=>{for(var e=new Uint8Array(r.length),t=0,n=e.length;t<n;t++)e[t]=r.charCodeAt(t);return e})(atob(dat));"""
else: js_inflate = br"""(function(dat,expandLen){
  var buf=new Uint8Array(expandLen); dat=
  "undefined"!=typeof window && window.atob ?
    function(r){for(var e=new Uint8Array(r.length),t=0,n=e.length;t<n;t++)e[t]=r.charCodeAt(t);return e}(atob(dat))
  :"undefined"!=typeof Buffer ? new Buffer(dat,"base64")
  :function(r){var e,t,n={},f=65,a=0,o=0,i=new Uint8Array(r.length),d=0,l=String.fromCharCode,v=r.length;for(e="";f<91;)e+=l(f++);for(e+=e.toLowerCase()+"0123456789+/",f=0;f<64;f++)n[e.charAt(f)]=f;for(e=0;e<v;e++)for(a=(a<<6)+(f=n[r.charAt(e)]),o+=6;8<=o;)((t=a>>>(o-=8)&255)||e<v-2)&&(i[d++]=t);return i}(dat);"""
js_inflate += br"""
/* Inflate code taken from UZip.js (c) 2019 "Photopea" (MIT-licensed), cut down and JSCompress'd: */
function inflate(e,r){var t,n,E={iR:function(e,r){return E.F.inflate(e,r)},inflate:function(e,r){e[0],e[1];return E.iR(new Uint8Array(e.buffer,e.byteOffset+2,e.length-6),r)}};return E.F={},E.F.inflate=function(e,r){var t=Uint8Array;if(3==e[0]&&0==e[1])return r||new t(0);var n=E.F,f=n._F,i=n._E,o=n.dT,a=n.mC,u=n.cm,l=n.g7,d=n.U;for(var s,h,v,F,_,w,p=0,g=0,b=0,U=0,m=0;0==p;)if(p=f(e,m,1),s=f(e,m+1,2),m+=3,0!=s){if(1==s&&(_=d.flm,w=d.fm,g=511,b=31),2==s){h=i(e,m,5)+257,v=i(e,m+5,5)+1,F=i(e,m+10,4)+4;m+=14;for(var y=0;y<38;y+=2)d.it[y]=0,d.it[y+1]=0;for(var C=1,y=0;y<F;y++){var A=i(e,m+3*y,3);C<(d.it[1+(d.ordr[y]<<1)]=A)&&(C=A)}m+=3*F,a(d.it,C),u(d.it,C,d.im),_=d.lm,w=d.dm,m=o(d.im,(1<<C)-1,h+v,e,m,d.tt);var x=n.cO(d.tt,0,h,d.lt),g=(1<<x)-1,T=n.cO(d.tt,h,v,d.dt),b=(1<<T)-1;a(d.lt,x),u(d.lt,x,_),a(d.dt,T),u(d.dt,T,w)}for(;;){var k=_[l(e,m)&g];m+=15&k;k=k>>>4;if(k>>>8==0)r[U++]=k;else{if(256==k)break;var z=U+k-254;264<k&&(z=U+((M=d.ldef[k-257])>>>3)+i(e,m,7&M),m+=7&M);var M=w[l(e,m)&b];m+=15&M;var M=M>>>4,M=d.ddef[M],S=(M>>>4)+f(e,m,15&M);for(m+=15&M;U<z;)r[U]=r[U++-S],r[U]=r[U++-S],r[U]=r[U++-S],r[U]=r[U++-S];U=z}}}else{0!=(7&m)&&(m+=8-(7&m));x=4+(m>>>3),T=e[x-4]|e[x-3]<<8;r.set(new t(e.buffer,e.byteOffset+x,T),U),m=x+T<<3,U+=T}return r.length==U?r:r.slice(0,U)},E.F.dT=function(e,r,t,n,f,i){for(var o=E.F._E,a=E.F.g7,u=0;u<t;){var l=e[a(n,f)&r];f+=15&l;var d=l>>>4;if(d<=15)i[u]=d,u++;else{var c=0,l=0;16==d?(l=3+o(n,f,2),f+=2,c=i[u-1]):17==d?(l=3+o(n,f,3),f+=3):18==d&&(l=11+o(n,f,7),f+=7);for(var s=u+l;u<s;)i[u]=c,u++}}return f},E.F.cO=function(e,r,t,n){for(var f=0,i=0,o=n.length>>>1;i<t;){var a=e[i+r];n[i<<1]=0,f<(n[1+(i<<1)]=a)&&(f=a),i++}for(;i<o;)n[i<<1]=0,n[1+(i<<1)]=0,i++;return f},E.F.mC=function(e,r){for(var t,n,f,i=E.F.U,o=e.length,a=i.bl_count,u=0;u<=r;u++)a[u]=0;for(u=1;u<o;u+=2)a[e[u]]++;var l=i.next_code,d=0;for(a[0]=0,t=1;t<=r;t++)d=d+a[t-1]<<1,l[t]=d;for(n=0;n<o;n+=2)0!=(f=e[n+1])&&(e[n]=l[f],l[f]++)},E.F.cm=function(e,r,t){for(var n=e.length,f=E.F.U.r5,i=0;i<n;i+=2)if(0!=e[i+1])for(var o=i>>1,a=e[i+1],u=o<<4|a,a=r-a,l=e[i]<<a,d=l+(1<<a);l!=d;)t[f[l]>>>15-r]=u,l++},E.F.rC=function(e,r){for(var t=E.F.U.r5,n=15-r,f=0;f<e.length;f+=2){var i=e[f]<<r-e[f+1];e[f]=t[i]>>>n}},E.F._E=function(e,r,t){return(e[r>>>3]|e[1+(r>>>3)]<<8)>>>(7&r)&(1<<t)-1},E.F._F=function(e,r,t){return(e[r>>>3]|e[1+(r>>>3)]<<8|e[2+(r>>>3)]<<16)>>>(7&r)&(1<<t)-1},E.F.g7=function(e,r){return(e[r>>>3]|e[1+(r>>>3)]<<8|e[2+(r>>>3)]<<16)>>>(7&r)},E.F.U=(t=Uint16Array,n=Uint32Array,{next_code:new t(16),bl_count:new t(16),ordr:[16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15],of0:[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,999,999,999],exb:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0,0,0,0],ldef:new t(32),df0:[1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577,65535,65535],dxb:[0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,0,0],ddef:new n(32),flm:new t(512),flt:[],fm:new t(32),fdt:[],lm:new t(32768),lt:[],tt:[],dm:new t(32768),dt:[],im:new t(512),it:[],r5:new t(32768),lhst:new n(286),dhst:new n(30),ihst:new n(19),lits:new n(15e3),strt:new t(65536),prev:new t(32768)}),function(){for(var e=E.F.U,r=0;r<32768;r++){var t=r;t=(4278255360&(t=(4042322160&(t=(3435973836&(t=(2863311530&t)>>>1|(1431655765&t)<<1))>>>2|(858993459&t)<<2))>>>4|(252645135&t)<<4))>>>8|(16711935&t)<<8,e.r5[r]=(t>>>16|t<<16)>>>17}function n(e,r,t){for(;0!=r--;)e.push(0,t)}for(r=0;r<32;r++)e.ldef[r]=e.of0[r]<<3|e.exb[r],e.ddef[r]=e.df0[r]<<4|e.dxb[r];n(e.flt,144,8),n(e.flt,112,9),n(e.flt,24,7),n(e.flt,8,8),E.F.mC(e.flt,9),E.F.cm(e.flt,9,e.flm),E.F.rC(e.flt,9),n(e.fdt,32,5),E.F.mC(e.fdt,5),E.F.cm(e.fdt,5,e.fm),E.F.rC(e.fdt,5),n(e.it,19,0),n(e.lt,286,0),n(e.dt,30,0),n(e.tt,320,0)}(),E.inflate(e,r)}
return inflate(dat,buf) })

extension_rubycss = b"span._adjust0 ruby{display:inline-table !important;vertical-align:bottom !important;-webkit-border-vertical-spacing:1px !important;padding-top:0.5ex !important;margin:0px !important;} span._adjust0 ruby *{display: inline !important;vertical-align:top !important;line-height:1.0 !important;text-indent:0 !important;text-align:center !important;white-space:nowrap !important;padding-left:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;} span._adjust0 rb{display:table-row-group !important;font-size:100% !important; opacity: 1.0 !important;} span._adjust0 rt{display:table-header-group !important;font-size:100% !important;line-height:1.1 !important; opacity: 1.0 !important;font-family: FreeSerif, Lucida Sans Unicode, Times New Roman, serif !important;}"
extension_config=br"""<html><head><meta charset="utf-8">
<style>#cr{width:100%;border:thin dotted grey;max-width:15em;max-height:10em;overflow:auto} #cr:empty{padding:0.5ex}
"""+extension_rubycss.replace(b"span._adjust0 ",b"")+br"""</style>
<nobr><button id="-1">Off</button> <button id="-2">2-line</button>"""
# -ve = num lines (if glossfile), +ve = annotNo (if sharp-multi)
if glossfile:
  extension_config += b' <button id="-3">3-line</button>'
  rangeStart = -3
  rangeStart = -2
extension_config += b'</nobr>'
if sharp_multi and annotation_names and ',' in annotation_names:
  extension_config += b"".join((b'<br><button id="%d">%s</button>' % (num,B(name))) for num,name in enumerate(annotation_names.split(',')))
  rangeEnd = len(annotation_names.split(','))
else: rangeEnd = 0
extension_config += b'<div id="cr"></div><button id="c">Clipboard</button><script src="config.js"></script></body></html>'
# Don't want Clipboard button to auto-refresh (and hide the button) in the desktop extension version, since would need to stop the refresh when view is no longer visible + is it really a good idea to timer-paste the clipboard on a desktop when conversion to text could be costly etc + many desktops would dismiss the extension box before letting you switch to another window to change the clipboard (unless it's in a VM)
extension_confjs = br"""function updateClip() {
        var v=document.getElementById("cr");
        v.textContent = ''; // clear
        if(cr) {
            try {
                for(const t of new DOMParser().parseFromString('<span> '+cr+' </span>','text/html').body.firstChild.childNodes) v.appendChild(t.cloneNode(true));
                var a=v.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i; for(i=0; i < a.length; i++) if(a[i].title) ((e)=>{e.addEventListener('click',(()=>{alert(e.title)}))})(a[i])
            } catch(err) { console.log(err.message) }
function update() {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(false,function(r) {var i;for(i=%d;i;i++){var e=document.getElementById(""+i);if(i==-r)e.setAttribute('disabled','disabled');else e.removeAttribute('disabled')}})"""  % rangeStart
if rangeEnd: extension_confjs += br""";
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(true,function(r) {for(var i=0;i<%d;i++){var e=document.getElementById(""+i);if(i==r)e.setAttribute('disabled','disabled');else e.removeAttribute('disabled')}})"""  % rangeEnd
extension_confjs += b';\nif(document.getElementById("cr").firstChild) updateClip()\n'
extension_confjs += b"} update();\n"
extension_confjs += b';'.join((b'document.getElementById("%d").addEventListener("click",function(){chrome.runtime.sendMessage(%d,update)})' % (n,n)) for n in xrange(rangeStart,rangeEnd))
extension_confjs += b';document.getElementById("c").addEventListener("click",updateClip)'

dart_src = br"""

/* Usage
   If this file is saved as annotator.dart,
   you can import 'annotator.dart';
   and then call the annotate() function."""
if dart_datafile: dart_src += br"""
   E.g. String result = await annotate(...);
   (make your function async.)  Will read """+B(dart_datafile)
dart_src += br"""

import 'dart:convert';"""
if zlib: dart_src += b"import 'dart:io';"
dart_src += br"""
class _Annotator {
  static const version="""+b'"'+version_stamp+br"""";
  int numLines = 2;  // override to 1 or 3 if you must, but not recommended for learning"""
if dart_datafile: dart_src+=b"\n  static String data=null;"
else: dart_src+=b"\n  static final String data=%%DATA_INIT%%;"
dart_src += br"""
  int addrLen=data.codeUnitAt(0),dPtr;
  bool needSpace; StringBuffer output;
  int p, copyP; List<int> inBytes; int inputLength;
  String annotate(String input"""
if sharp_multi: dart_src += br""",[int aType=0]"""
dart_src += br""") {
    inBytes=utf8.encode(input); dPtr=0;
    p=0; copyP=0;
    output = StringBuffer(); needSpace = false;
    while(p < inputLength) {
      int oldPos=p;
      if (oldPos==p) { needSpace=false; output.write(String.fromCharCode(inBytes[p++])); copyP++; }
    return Utf8Decoder().convert(output.toString().codeUnits)"""
if sharp_multi: dart_src += br""".replaceAllMapped(new RegExp("(</r[bt]><r[bt]>)"+"[^#]*#"*aType+"(.*?)(#.*?)?</r"),(Match m)=>"${m[1]}${m[2]}</r")"""
dart_src += br""";
  int _readAddr() { int addr=0; for (int i=addrLen; i>0; i--) addr=(addr << 8) | data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++); return addr; }
  String _readRefStr() {
    int a=_readAddr();
    int l=data.codeUnitAt(a);
    String r;
    if (l != 0) r=data.substring(a+1,a+l+1);
    else r=data.substring(a+1,data.indexOf("\u0000",a+1));"""
if js_utf8: dart_src += br"""
    return String.fromCharCodes(Utf8Encoder().convert(r));"""
else: dart_src += b"return r;"
dart_src += br"""
  void _s() {
    if(needSpace) output.write(" ");
    else needSpace=true; // for after the word we're about to write (if no intervening bytes cause needSpace=false)
  void _readData() {
    List<int> sPos=List<int>();
    while(true) {
      int c=data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++);
      if ((c & 0x80)!=0) dPtr += (c&0x7F); // short jump
      else if (c > 107) { // short switchbyte
        var i = ((p>=inputLength)?-1:data.substring(dPtr,dPtr+c).indexOf(String.fromCharCode(inBytes[p++])));
        if (i==-1) i = c;
        if(i>0) dPtr += data.codeUnitAt(dPtr+c+i-1);
        dPtr += c+c;
      } else switch(c) {
        case 50: dPtr = _readAddr(); break;
        case 51: {
          int f = _readAddr(); int dO=dPtr;
          dPtr = f; _readData() ; dPtr = dO;
          break; }
        case 52: return;
        case 60: {
          int nBytes = data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++)+1;
          int i = ((p>=inputLength)?-1:data.substring(dPtr,dPtr+nBytes).indexOf(String.fromCharCode(inBytes[p++])));
          if (i==-1) i = nBytes;
          dPtr += (nBytes + i * addrLen);
          dPtr = _readAddr(); break; }
        case 70: if(needSpace) { output.write(" "); needSpace=false; } break;
        case 71: case 74: {
          int numBytes = data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++);
  copyP += numBytes; if(c==74) return; break; }
        case 72: case 75: {
          int numBytes = data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++);
          String annot = _readRefStr();
          String base = String.fromCharCodes(inBytes.sublist(copyP,copyP+numBytes)); copyP += numBytes;
          switch (numLines) {
            case 1:
            case 3:
            } if(c==75) return; break; }
        case 73: case 76: {
          int numBytes = data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++);
          String annot = _readRefStr();
          String title = _readRefStr();
          String base = String.fromCharCodes(inBytes.sublist(copyP,copyP+numBytes)); copyP += numBytes;
          switch (numLines) {
            case 1:
              output.write("<ruby title=\"");
            case 3:
              output.write("<ruby title=\"");
              output.write("<ruby title=\"");
          } if(c==76) return; break; }
        case 80: sPos.add(p); break;
        case 81: p=sPos.removeLast(); break;
        case 90: {
          int tPtr = _readAddr();
          int fPtr = _readAddr();
          int nearbytes = data.codeUnitAt(dPtr++);
  int o=p;
  if (o > nearbytes) o -= nearbytes; else o = 0;
  var max = p + nearbytes;
  if (max > inputLength) max = inputLength;
  String tStr = String.fromCharCodes(inBytes.sublist(o,max));
                bool found = false;
                while (dPtr < tPtr && dPtr < fPtr) if (tStr.indexOf(_readRefStr()) != -1) { found = true; break; }
                dPtr = found ? tPtr : fPtr; break;
        default: throw("corrupt data table at ${dPtr-1}/${data.length} (${c})");

if dart_datafile: dart_src += b"Future<String> annotate(String s,["
else: dart_src += b"String annotate(String s,["
if sharp_multi: dart_src += b"int aType=0,"
dart_src += b"int numLines=2]) "
if dart_datafile: dart_src += b"async "
dart_src += b"{ "
if dart_datafile: dart_src += b"if(_Annotator.data==null) _Annotator.data=await %%DATA_INIT%%;"
dart_src += b"var a=_Annotator(); a.numLines=numLines; return a.annotate(s"
if sharp_multi: dart_src += b",aType"
dart_src += b"); }\n"
if zlib: dart_src = dart_src.replace(b"%%DATA_INIT%%",b"String.fromCharCodes(zlib.decoder.convert(%%DATA_INIT%%))")

py_start = b'# Python '+version_stamp+br"""

# You can import this module and call annotate(utf8 bytes)
# (from multiple threads if desired),
# or you can run from the command line on standard input.

# annotate has an optional second argument, which can be
# 'ruby' (default), 'raw' (annotation only) or 'braces'.

# This module is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.

py_end = br"""
class Annotator:
 def __call__(self,inStr,aFormat):
  if aFormat=="ruby": self.startA,self.midA,self.endA = b"<ruby><rb>",b"</rb><rt>",b"</rt></ruby>"
  elif aFormat=="raw": self.startA=self.midA=self.endA = b""
  elif aFormat=="braces": self.startA,self.midA,self.endA = b"{",b"|",b"}"
  else: raise Exception("Unrecognised annotation format "+repr(aFormat))
  assert type(inStr)==bytes
  self.inStr = inStr
  self.addrLen = ord(data[:1])
  self.inputLength = len(inStr)
  self.p = 0 # read-ahead pointer
  self.copyP = 0 # copy pointer
  self.output = []
  self.needSpace = 0
  while self.p < self.inputLength:
    oldPos = self.p
    self.dPtr = 1 ; self.readData()
    if oldPos == self.p:
      self.p += 1 ; self.copyP += 1
  return b"".join(self.output)
 def readAddr(self):
  addr = 0
  for i in range(self.addrLen):
    addr=(addr << 8) | ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1])
    self.dPtr += 1
  return addr
 def readRefStr(self):
  a = self.readAddr(); l=ord(data[a:a+1])
  if l: return data[a+1:a+l+1]
  else: return data[a+1:data.index(b'\x00',a+1)]
 def s(self):
  if self.needSpace: self.output.append(b" ")
  else: self.needSpace=1
 def readData(self):
  sPos = [] ; out = self.output
  while True:
    d = ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1]) ; self.dPtr += 1
    if d==50: self.dPtr = self.readAddr()
    elif d==51:
      func = self.readAddr() ; dO = self.dPtr
      self.dPtr = func ; self.readData() ; self.dPtr = dO
    elif d==52: return
    elif d==60 or d<20:
      if d<20: nBytes=d+1
        nBytes = ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1])+1
        self.dPtr += 1
      if self.p>=len(self.inStr): i = -1
      else: i = data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+nBytes].find(self.inStr[self.p:self.p+1]) ; self.p += 1
      if i==-1: i = nBytes
      if d<20:
        if i>0: self.dPtr += ord(data[self.dPtr+nBytes+i-1:self.dPtr+nBytes+i])
        self.dPtr += nBytes * 2
        self.dPtr += (nBytes + i * self.addrLen)
        self.dPtr = self.readAddr()
    elif d==70:
      if self.needSpace:
        out.append(b' ') ; self.needSpace=0
    elif d==71 or d==74:
      numBytes = ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1])
      self.dPtr += 1
      self.copyP += numBytes
      if d==74: return
    elif d==72 or d==75:
      numBytes = ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1])
      self.dPtr += 1
      annot = self.readRefStr()
      if self.startA:
      self.copyP += numBytes
      out.append(self.midA) ; out.append(annot)
      if d==75: return
    elif d==73 or d==76:
      numBytes = ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1])
      self.dPtr += 1
      annot = self.readRefStr()
      title = self.readRefStr()
      if self.startA==b"{": # omit title in braces mode
      elif self.startA:
        out.append(b"<ruby title=\"");out.append(title)
      self.copyP += numBytes
      out.append(self.midA) ; out.append(annot)
      if d==76: return
    elif d==80: sPos.append(self.p)
    elif d==81: self.p = sPos.pop()
    elif d==90:
      tPtr = self.readAddr()
      fPtr = self.readAddr()
      nearbytes = ord(data[self.dPtr:self.dPtr+1])
      self.dPtr += 1
      o = max(self.p-nearbytes,0)
      maxx = min(self.p+nearbytes,self.inputLength)
      tStr = self.inStr[o:maxx]
      found = False
      while self.dPtr < tPtr and self.dPtr < fPtr:
        if self.readRefStr() in tStr:
          found = True ; break
      if found: self.dPtr = tPtr
      else: self.dPtr = fPtr
    elif d>0x80: self.dPtr += d-0x80
    else: raise Exception("corrupt data table at "+str(self.dPtr-1)+" ("+str(ord(data[self.dPtr-1:self.dPtr]))+")")

def annotate(inStr,p="ruby"): return Annotator()(inStr,p)
def main():
  import sys ; aFormat = 'ruby'
  for a in sys.argv[1:]:
    if a.startswith("--"): aFormat=a[2:]
  if type("")==type(u""): sys.stdout.buffer.write(annotate(sys.stdin.buffer.read(),aFormat)) # Python 3
  else: sys.stdout.write(annotate(sys.stdin.read(),aFormat)) # Python 2
if __name__=="__main__": main()
""" # TODO: annotation-type option from command line in py

c_zlib = br"""static unsigned char *data=NULL;
static void init() {
  z_stream s; memset(&s,0,sizeof(s));
  s.next_in=origData; s.avail_in=%%ZLIBLEN%%;
  data=malloc(%%ORIGLEN%%); // TODO: check non-NULL
  s.next_out=data; s.avail_out=%%ORIGLEN%%;
  inflateInit(&s); inflate(&s, Z_NO_FLUSH); // TODO: check for memory and data-corruption errors
c_datadrive = br"""
static unsigned char *dPtr; static int addrLen;

#include <stdlib.h>

static unsigned char * readAddr() {
  size_t i,addr=0;
  for (i=addrLen; i; i--) addr=(addr << 8) | *dPtr++;
  return data + addr;
static void readData() {
  POSTYPE *savedPositions = NULL;
  size_t numSavedPositions = 0;
  while(1) {
    unsigned char c = *dPtr++;
    if (c & 0x80) dPtr += (c&0x7F); // short relative forward jump (up to 128 bytes from addr after instruction)
    else if(c < 20) { // switchbyte with short jumps
      c++; // now c == nBytes
      unsigned char byte=(unsigned char)NEXTBYTE;
      int i;
      for (i=0; i<c; i++) if(byte==dPtr[i]) break;
      if(i) dPtr += dPtr[c+i-1]; dPtr += c+c; // relative from end of switch (after all bytes, 1-byte addresses (except 1st) and the 1-byte default address)
    } else switch(c) {
    case 50: /* jump */ dPtr = readAddr(); break;
    case 51: /* call */ {
      unsigned char *funcToCall=readAddr();
      unsigned char *retAddr = dPtr;
      dPtr = funcToCall; readData(); dPtr = retAddr;
      break; }
    case 52: /* return */
      if (savedPositions) free(savedPositions);
    case 60: /* switchbyte */ {
      int nBytes=(*dPtr++)+1, i;
      unsigned char byte=(unsigned char)NEXTBYTE;
      for (i=0; i<nBytes; i++) if(byte==dPtr[i]) break;
      dPtr += (nBytes + i * addrLen);
      dPtr = readAddr(); break; }
    case 70: s0(); break;
    case 71: case 74: /* copyBytes */ {
      int numBytes=*dPtr++;
      if(c==74) return; else break; }
    case 72: case 75: /* o */ {
      int numBytes=*dPtr++;
      char *annot = (char*)readAddr();
      o(numBytes,annot); if(c==75) return; else break; }
    case 73: case 76: /* o2 */ {
      int numBytes=*dPtr++;
      char *annot = (char*)readAddr();
      char *title = (char*)readAddr();
      if(c==76) return; else break; }
    case 80: /* savepos */
      savedPositions=realloc(savedPositions,++numSavedPositions*sizeof(POSTYPE)); // TODO: check non-NULL?
    case 81: /* restorepos */
    case 90: /* neartest */ {
      unsigned char *truePtr = readAddr();
      unsigned char *falsePtr = readAddr();
      setnear(*dPtr++); int found=0;
      while(dPtr < truePtr && dPtr < falsePtr) if(near((char*)readAddr())) { found = 1; break; }
      dPtr = found ? truePtr : falsePtr; break; }
      // default: TODO: error about corrupt data?
static void topLevelMatch() {
  addrLen = data[0];
  dPtr=data+1; readData();

def splitWords(text,phrases=False):
    # split text into words, ignoring anything between markupStart and markupEnd
    # if phrases = True, instead of words, split on any non-whitespace char outside markupStart..markupEnd
    warnPhrases = phrases
    if phrases: it=re.finditer(phrasePattern,text)
    else: it=re.finditer(wordPattern,text)
    for i in it:
      y = i.group()
      if len(y) > 1000000 and warnPhrases:
        sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Your corpus needs more phrase delimiters!\nVery long phrases can take a LONG time to process.\n")
        warnPhrases = False
      yield y

markupPattern = re.compile(re.escape(markupStart)+"(.*?)"+re.escape(markupMid)+"(.*?)"+re.escape(markupEnd),flags=re.DOTALL)
wordPattern = re.escape(markupStart)+'.*?'+re.escape(markupEnd)
phrasePattern = re.compile(wordPattern+r'(\s*'+wordPattern+r')*',flags=re.DOTALL+re.UNICODE)
wordPattern = re.compile(wordPattern,flags=re.DOTALL)
wspPattern = re.compile(r"\s+",flags=re.UNICODE)

def annotationOnly(text):
    ret = []
    for w in re.finditer(markupPattern,text):
        if mreverse: ret.append(w.group(1))
        else: ret.append(w.group(2))
    return ' '.join(ret)

def markDown(text):
    # Return just the original text, without markup
    if mreverse: group=r"\2"
    else: group=r"\1"
    return re.sub(markupPattern,group,text)

def markUp(text,annotation):
  if mreverse: text,annotation = annotation,text
  return markupStart + text + markupMid + annotation + markupEnd
def checkpoint_exit(doIt=1):
  if not checkpoint: return
  try: open(checkpoint+os.sep+"ExitASAP")
  except: return
  if doIt:
    assert main, "Only annogen's main module should call checkpoint_exit with doIt=1"
    sys.stderr.write("\nExitASAP found: exit\n")
    raise SystemExit
  else: return True
try: import cPickle as pickle
  try: import pickle
  except: pickle = None
def read_checkpoint():
  t = pickle.Unpickler(open(checkpoint+os.sep+'checkpoint','rb')).load()
  sys.stderr.write("Checkpoint loaded from %d phrases\n" % t[0])
  return t
def write_checkpoint(t):
  pickle.Pickler(open(checkpoint+os.sep+'checkpoint-NEW','wb'),-1).dump(t) # better write to checkpoint-NEW, in case we reboot or have an OS-level "Out of memory" condition *while* checkpointing
  try: os.rename(checkpoint+os.sep+'checkpoint-NEW',checkpoint+os.sep+'checkpoint')
  except OSError: # OS can't do it atomically?
    try: os.rename(checkpoint+os.sep+'checkpoint-NEW',checkpoint+os.sep+'checkpoint')
    except OSError: pass

def status_update(phraseNo,numPhrases,wordsThisPhrase,nRules,phraseLastUpdate,lastUpdate,phraseLastCheckpoint,lastCheckpoint,coverP,nRej,startTime):
  phraseSec = (phraseNo-phraseLastUpdate)*1.0/(time.time()-lastUpdate)
  if phraseSec < 100:
    phraseSecS = "%.1f" % phraseSec
  else: phraseSecS = "%d" % int(phraseSec)
  progress = status_prefix + "%s phrase/sec (%d%%/#w=%d) rules=%d cover=%d%%" % (phraseSecS,int(100.0*phraseNo/numPhrases),wordsThisPhrase,nRules,coverP)
  if warn_yarowsky: progress += (" rej=%d" % nRej)
  if time_estimate:
    if phraseNo-phraseLastCheckpoint < 10: phraseMin = phraseSec*60 # current 'instantaneous' speed
    else: phraseMin = (phraseNo-phraseLastCheckpoint)*60/(time.time()-lastCheckpoint) # longer-term average
    minsLeft = (numPhrases-phraseNo)/phraseMin
    if minsLeft>60*24: progress += " %dd+" % int(minsLeft/60/24)
    elif minsLeft>60: progress += " %dh+" % int(minsLeft/60)
    elif minsLeft: progress += " %dmin+" % minsLeft
    # (including the + because this is liable to be an underestimate; see comment after the --time-estimate option)
    if len(progress) + 14 < screenWidth:
     progress += " (at %02d:%02d:%02d" % time.localtime()[3:6] # clock time: might be useful for checking if it seems stuck
     if len(progress) + 20 < screenWidth and not clear_eol == "  \r": # (being able to fit this in can be intermittent)
      elapsed = time.time() - startTime
      progress += ", analyse=%d:%02d:%02d" % (elapsed/3600,(elapsed%3600)/60,elapsed%60)
     progress += ")"

def normalise():
    if normalised_file == infile: return
    global capitalisation # might want to temp change it
    if (capitalisation or priority_list) and annot_whitespace: return
    global corpus_unistr
    if checkpoint:
        corpus_unistr = f.read().decode('utf-8')
        sys.stderr.write("Normalised copy loaded\n")
        return True # loaded from checkpoint
      except: # if re-generating 'normalised', will also need to regenerate 'map' and 'checkpoint' if present
        assert main, "normalise checkpoint not readable in non-main module"
        rm_f(checkpoint+os.sep+'map.bz2') ; rm_f(checkpoint+os.sep+'map')
    else: assert main, "normalise called in non-main module and checkpoint isn't even set"
    old_caps = capitalisation
    if priority_list: capitalisation = True # no point keeping it at False
    allWords = getAllWords()
    if removeSpace:
     corpus_unistr = re.sub(re.escape(markupEnd)+r'\s+'+re.escape(markupStart),(markupEnd+markupStart).replace('\\',r'\\'),corpus_unistr,flags=re.UNICODE) # so getOkStarts works consistently if corpus has some space-separated and some not
     corpus_unistr = re.sub(re.escape(markupStart)+'\s+',markupStart.replace('\\',r'\\'),re.sub(r'\s+'+re.escape(markupMid),markupMid.replace('\\',r'\\'),re.sub(re.escape(markupMid)+'\s+',markupMid.replace('\\',r'\\'),re.sub(r'\s+'+re.escape(markupEnd),markupEnd.replace('\\',r'\\'),corpus_unistr,flags=re.UNICODE),flags=re.UNICODE),flags=re.UNICODE),flags=re.UNICODE) # so we're tolerant of spurious whitespace between delimeters and markup (TODO: do this even if not removeSpace?)
     if not annot_whitespace:
      # normalise trailing hyphens e.g. from OCR'd scans:
      cu0 = corpus_unistr ; ff = 0
      for hTry in [1,2]:
        for w in allWords.keys():
          if '-'+aoEnd in w:
            idx = w.index('-'+aoEnd)
            if w[:idx].endswith(aoStart) or w[:idx].endswith("-"): continue # ignore this one (a mess of some kind)
            if hTry==2: # ouch, this doesn't look good
              getBuf(sys.stderr).write((u" (can't normalise hyphens due to '%s') " % w).encode(terminal_charset,'replace')) ; sys.stderr.flush()
              corpus_unistr = cu0 ; break
            if mreverse: grp,mdG=r"-\1",r"\2"
            else: grp,mdG=r"-\2",r"\1"
            # TODO: batch up the following replacements by using something similar to Replacer but with a common destination regexp that takes groups from the 'w' entries as well.  (Low priority because don't typically get TOO many of these dangling hyphens in most corpuses.)
            corpus_unistr = re.sub(re.escape(w)+r"\s*"+re.escape(markupStart)+"(.*?)"+re.escape(markupMid)+"(.*?)"+re.escape(markupEnd),w.replace('\\',r'\\').replace('-'+aoEnd.replace('\\',r'\\'),grp+aoEnd.replace('\\',r'\\')).replace(mdEnd.replace('\\',r'\\'),mdG+mdEnd.replace('\\',r'\\')),corpus_unistr,flags=re.DOTALL+re.UNICODE)
            ff = 1
        if ff: allWords = getAllWords() # re-generate
      del cu0
    sys.stderr.write(":") ; sys.stderr.flush()
    KeywordProcessor = None
    # try: from flashtext.keyword import KeywordProcessor # pip install flashtext
    # except: pass
    # # commenting out the above because the fallback code below was ~20% faster than flashtext in my test (perhaps their benchmark figures rely on a non-empty non_word_boundaries set)
    if not KeywordProcessor:
     class KeywordProcessor:
      def __init__(self,*a,**k): self.dic = {}
      def __len__(self): return len(self.dic)
      def add_keyword(self,x,y):
        if diagnose and diagnose in x: diagnose_write("Replacer.add(%s,%s)" % (x,y))
        self.dic[x] = y
        if not (len(self.dic)%1500):
          sys.stderr.write('.') ; sys.stderr.flush()
      def replace_keywords(self,unistr):
        if not self.dic: return
        for exp in orRegexes(re.escape(k) for k in iterkeys(self.dic)):
          sys.stderr.write(';') ; sys.stderr.flush()
          unistr = re.sub(exp,lambda k:self.dic[k.group(0)],unistr)
        return unistr
    rpl = KeywordProcessor(case_sensitive=True)
    rpl.non_word_boundaries = set()
    cu_nosp = [None]
    def normWord(w):
      if '-' in w: hTry=set([w.replace('-','')]) # if not annot_whitespace, we'll replace any non-hyphenated 'run together' version by the version with the hyphen; that's often the sensible thing to do with pinyin etc (TODO more customisation??)
      else: hTry=None
      if not capitalisation:
        wl = w.lower() # (as long as it's all Unicode strings, .lower() and .upper() work with accents etc)
        if not w==wl and wl in allWords:
            # This word is NOT always capitalised.
            # Could be 'caps if at start of sentence'
            # (or title-case etc), but might also be
            # a corpus error, so check numbers.
            if allWords[wl]*5 < allWords[w] and allWords[wl] <= normalise_debug: # not really "Yarowsky" here in the normaliser, but similar principle
              typo_report("normalise-debug.txt","allow-caps-exceptions.txt",wl,(u"%s (%d instances) overrides %s (%d instances)" % (wl,allWords[wl],w,allWords[w])))
            # To simplify rules, make it always lower.
            w = wl
            if hTry: hTry.add(w.replace('-',''))
      if annot_whitespace or (keep_whitespace and markDown(w) in keep_whitespace): return w,None
      if not re.search(wspPattern,w): return w,hTry
      nowsp = re.sub(wspPattern,"",w)
      if not capitalisation and not nowsp.lower()==nowsp and nowsp.lower() in allWords: nowsp = nowsp.lower()
      if nowsp in allWords: return nowsp,hTry # varying whitespace in the annotation of a SINGLE word: probably simplest if we say the version without whitespace, if it exists, is 'canonical' (there might be more than one with-whitespace variant), at least until we can set the relative authority of the reference (TODO)
      ao,md = annotationOnly(w),markDown(w)
      aoS = ao.split()
      if len(md.split())==1 and len(md) <= 5 and len(aoS) <= len(md): # TODO: 5 configurable?  don't want different_ways_of_splitting to take too long
        # if not too many chars, try different ways of
        # assigning each word to chars, and see if any
        # of these exist in the corpus; if any does,
        # assume we have "ABC|a bc" <= "A|a BC|bc" type
        # situations - the latter shouldn't necessarily be
        # converted into the former, but the former might
        # be convertible into the latter to simplify rules
        if cu_nosp[0] == None:
          cu_nosp[0] = re.sub(wspPattern,"",corpus_unistr)
          if not capitalisation: cu_nosp[0] = cu_nosp[0].lower() # ignore capitalisation when searching for this
        if capitalisation: aoS2 = aoS
        else: aoS2 = [w0.lower() for w0 in aoS]
        for charBunches in different_ways_of_splitting(md,len(aoS)):
            mw = [markUp(c,w0) for c,w0 in zip(charBunches,aoS2)]
            multiword = "".join(mw)
            if multiword in cu_nosp[0]:
              # we're about to return a split version of the words, but we now have to pretend it went through the initial capitalisation logic that way (otherwise could get unnecessarily large collocation checks)
              if not capitalisation:
                mw = [markUp(c,w0) for c,w0 in zip(charBunches,aoS)] # the original capitalisation. for selective .lower()
                for i in range(len(mw)):
                  w0 = mw[i]
                  wl = w0.lower()
                  if not w0==wl and wl in allWords:
                    mw[i] = wl
              return "".join(mw),hTry
          # TODO: is there ANY time where we want multiword to take priority over the nowsp (no-whitespace) version above?  or even REPLACE multiword occurrences in the corpus with the 1-word nowsp version?? (must be VERY CAREFUL doing that)
      # TODO: anything else?
      return w,hTry
    for w in allWords.keys():
      w2,hTry = normWord(w)
      if hTry:
        hTry.add(w2.replace('-','')) # in case not already there
        for h in hTry:
          if h in allWords: rpl.add_keyword(h,w2)
      if not w==w2: rpl.add_keyword(w,w2)
    if len(rpl):
      corpus_unistr = rpl.replace_keywords(corpus_unistr)
    del rpl
    sys.stderr.write(" done\n")
    if normalised_file: openfile(normalised_file,'w').write(corpus_unistr.encode(incode))
    if checkpoint and capitalisation==old_caps: open_try_bz2(checkpoint+os.sep+'normalised','w').write(corpus_unistr.encode('utf-8'))
    capitalisation = old_caps
def getAllWords():
  allWords = {}
  for phrase in splitWords(corpus_unistr,phrases=True):
    for w in splitWords(phrase): allWords[w]=allWords.setdefault(w,0)+1
  return allWords # do NOT cache (is called either side of the normaliser)
def orRegexes(escaped_keys):
  escaped_keys = list(escaped_keys) # don't just iterate
  try: yield re.compile('|'.join(escaped_keys))
  except OverflowError: # regex too big (e.g. default Python on Mac OS 10.7 i.e. Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jul 31 2011, 19:30:53); probably some Windows versions also; does not affect Mac HomeBrew's Python 2.7.12)
    ek = escaped_keys[:int(len(escaped_keys)/2)]
    for r in orRegexes(ek): yield r
    ek = escaped_keys[len(ek):]
    for r in orRegexes(ek): yield r

def PairPriorities(markedDown_Phrases,existingFreqs={}):
    markedDown_Phrases = list(markedDown_Phrases)
    assert all(type(p)==list for p in markedDown_Phrases)
    mdwSet = set(existingFreqs.keys())
    for p in markedDown_Phrases: mdwSet.update(p)
    assert all(type(w)==unicode for w in mdwSet)
    votes = {} ; lastT = time.time()
    for pi in xrange(len(markedDown_Phrases)):
      if time.time() > lastT+2:
        sys.stderr.write("PairPriorities: %d%%%s" % (pi*100/len(markedDown_Phrases),clear_eol)) ; sys.stderr.flush()
        lastT = time.time()
      for x in xrange(len(p)-1):
        a,b = p[x:x+2]
        combined = a+b
        for i in xrange(1,len(combined)):
            if i==len(a): continue
            elif i<len(a): prefer,over = a,combined[i:]
            else: prefer,over = b,combined[:i]
            if not (prefer in mdwSet and over in mdwSet and not prefer==over): continue
            k = tuple(sorted([prefer,over]))
            if k[0]==prefer: direction = 1
            else: direction = -1
            if diagnose in k: diagnose_write("Prefer %s over %s: %d vote from %s | %s" % (k+(direction,a,b)))
    sys.stderr.write("PairPriorities: done\n")
    del markedDown_Phrases
    global closure,gtThan,lessThan
    closure,gtThan, lessThan = set(),{},{}
    def addToClosure(a,b):
        # If a>b, then a>c for any b>c (c<b)
        # (actually b>=c but we don't have equality),
        # and c>b for any c>a.
        candidate = set([(a,b)]+[(a,c) for c in lessThan.get(b,[])]+[(c,b) for c in gtThan.get(a,[])])
        if closure==None: # no longer tracking closure
          if any(y in gtThan.get(x,{}) for (x,y) in candidate): return # contradiction
          if any((y,x) in closure for (x,y) in candidate):
            return # contradiction, use higher abs votes
        for x,y in candidate:
            # x>y y<x, so y should be in lessThan[x]
        return True
    for _,v,a,b in reversed(sorted([(abs(v),v,a,b) for (a,b),v in votes.items()])):
        if v < 0: a,b = b,a
        if diagnose in (a,b):
          if r==None: r = False
          diagnose_write("addToClosure(%s,%s) [v=%d] returned %s" % (a,b,abs(v),repr(r)))
    trueClosure,closure = closure,None
    lastW,lastF,lastPriorW = set(),None,set()
    for _,w in reversed(sorted((f,w) for w,f in existingFreqs.items())): # highest frequency first
      if lastW and existingFreqs[w] < lastF:
        lastPriorW,lastW = lastW,set()
        lastF = existingFreqs[w]
      for W in lastPriorW: addToClosure(W,w)
    sys.stderr.write("%d words\n" % len(mdwSet))
    # Kahn 1962 - topological sort:
    no_incoming = set(w for w in mdwSet if not w in lessThan)
    del mdwSet ; mdwList = []
    while no_incoming:
      n = no_incoming.pop()
      if not n in gtThan: continue
      for m in gtThan[n]:
        if not lessThan[m]:
          del lessThan[m] ; no_incoming.add(m)
      del gtThan[n]
    assert not lessThan and not gtThan, "graph has cycle(s), (%d,%d) edges remain" % (len(lessThan),len(gtThan))
    tcA = set(w for w,_ in trueClosure)
    if diagnose: diagnose_write("%s in tcA %s" % (diagnose,diagnose in tcA))
    r = [] ; _cmpT,_cmpW=time.time(),False
    for w in mdwList: # lower priorities first
        if time.time() > _cmpT + 2:
          sys.stderr.write("Finalising: %d/%d%s" % (len(r),len(mdwList),clear_eol)) ; sys.stderr.flush()
        if w in tcA:
          if w==diagnose:
            f0 = existingFreqs.get(w,0)
            found = False
            for i in xrange(len(r)):
              W,f = r[i]
              if (w,W) in trueClosure:
                found = True
                if 1+f > f0:
                  diagnose_write("Increasing f(%s) from %d to %d to outweigh %s (f=%d)" % (w,f0,1+f,W,f))
                  f0 = 1+f
                else: diagnose_write("f(%s)=%d already outweighs %d for %s" % (w,f0,f,W))
              elif (W,w) in trueClosure:
                found = True
                diagnose_write("Problem? %s (f=%d) before %s (f=%d)" % (W,f,w,f0))
            if not found: diagnose_write("No interactions with %s found among %d lower-priority words" % (w,len(r)))
            l = [f0-1]
          else: l = [r[i][1] for i in xrange(len(r)) if (w,r[i][0]) in trueClosure]
        else: l = []
    if _cmpW: sys.stderr.write("Finalising: done%s\n" % clear_eol)
    return sorted(r)

def skipToNext(thing): return "(?:(?!"+re.escape(thing)+").)*"+re.escape(thing) # not ".*?"+re.escape(thing) as it may absorb one 'thing' to match the rest of the regex later
if mreverse: mdStart,mdEnd,mdSplitR,aoStart,aoEnd = markupMid,markupEnd,re.escape(markupEnd)+r'\s*'+re.escape(markupStart)+skipToNext(markupMid),markupStart,markupMid
else: mdStart,mdEnd,mdSplitR,aoStart,aoEnd = markupStart,markupMid,re.escape(markupMid)+skipToNext(markupEnd)+r'\s*'+re.escape(markupStart),markupMid,markupEnd
mdSplitR="(?:"+mdSplitR+")?" # so can use it in .join(chars) to say "maybe word-break between these chars"

def different_ways_of_splitting(chars,numWords):
  if numWords > len(chars): return
  elif numWords == len(chars):
    yield list(chars) ; return
  elif numWords == 1:
    yield [chars] ; return
  spAt_try1 = int(len(chars) / numWords) + 1
  for spAt in list(range(spAt_try1,0,-1)) + list(range(spAt_try1+1, len(chars)-numWords+1)):
    for r in different_ways_of_splitting(chars[spAt:],numWords-1): yield [chars[:spAt]]+r

if type(u"")==type(""): # Python 3
  getNext = lambda gen: gen.__next__()
  iterkeys = lambda d: d.keys()
  itervalues = lambda d: d.values()
  iteritems = lambda d: d.items()
else: # Python 2
  getNext = lambda gen: gen.next()
  iterkeys = lambda d: d.iterkeys()
  itervalues = lambda d: d.itervalues()
  iteritems = lambda d: d.iteritems()

def yarowsky_indicators(withAnnot_unistr,canBackground):
    # yields True if rule always works (or in majority of cases with ymajority), or lists enough indicators to cover example instances and yields (negate, list, nbytes), or just list if empty.
    # (If too few indicators can be found, will list the ones it can, or empty if no clearly-distinguishable indicators can be found within ybytes of end of match.)
    # yield "backgrounded" = task has been backgrounded; getNext collects result
    def unconditional_looks_ok(explain):
        # could we have this as an unconditional rule, with the other cases as exceptions that will be found first?  (NB this is not the same thing as a 'default-yes rule with exceptions', this is a rule with NO qualifying indicators either way)
        if len(nonAnnot)==1:
          if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("%s is default by %s len=1 rule after removing irrelevant badStarts" % (withAnnot_unistr,explain))
          return True # should be safe, and should cover most "common short Chinese word with thousands of contexts" cases
        # If len 2 or more, it's risky because the correct solution could be to process just a fraction of the word now and the rest will become the start of a longer word, so we probably don't want it matching the whole lot by default: we'll want positive or negative indicators instead.
        # e.g. looking at rule AB, text ABC and correct segmentation is A BC, don't want it to 'greedily' match AB by default without positive indicators it should do so
        # Check for no "A BC" situations, i.e. can't find any possible SEQUENCE of rules that STARTS with ALL the characters in nonAnnot and that involves having them SPLIT across multiple words:
        # (The below might under-match if there's the appearance of a split rule but it actually has extra non-marked-up text in between, but it shouldn't over-match.)
        # TODO: if we can find the actual "A BC" sequences (instead of simply checking for their possibility as here), and if we can guarantee to make 'phrase'-length rules for all of them, then AB can still be the default.  This might be useful if okStarts is very much greater than badStarts.
        # (TODO: until the above is implemented, consider recommending --ymax-threshold=0, because, now that Yarowsky-like collocations can be negative, the 'following word' could just go in as a collocation with low ybytes)
        # TODO: also, if the exceptions to rule AB are always of the form "Z A B", and we can guarantee to generate a phrase rule for "Z A B", then AB can still be default.  (We should already catch this when the exceptions are "ZA B", but not when they are "Z A B", and --ymax-threshold=0 probably won't always help here, especially if Z==B; Mandarin "mei2you3" / "you3 mei2 you3" comes to mind)
        llen = len(mdStart)+len(nonAnnot)
        regex=re.compile(re.escape(mdStart) + mdSplitR.join(re.escape(c) for c in list(nonAnnot)))
        if all(x.end()-x.start()==llen for x in re.finditer(regex,corpus_unistr)):
          if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("%s is default by %s rule after checking for dangerous overlaps etc" % (withAnnot_unistr,explain))
          return True
        if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("%s cannot be default by %s due to %s" % (withAnnot_unistr,explain,', '.join(list(set(["'"+x.group()+"'" for x in re.finditer(regex,corpus_unistr) if not x.end()-x.start()==llen]))[:5])))
    if nonAnnot in yPriorityDic: # TODO: enforce len==1 ?
        if yPriorityDic[nonAnnot] == withAnnot_unistr:
            # we want this case to be the default
            if len(withAnnot_unistr)==1:
                if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("ref-pri forces %s" % (withAnnot_unistr,))
                yield True ; return
                if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("ref-pri wants %s by default: finding negative indicators only" % (withAnnot_unistr,))
                can_be_default = "must"
                # might not even need to get okStarts, etc
                if unconditional_looks_ok("ref-pri"):
                  yield True ; return
          if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("ref-pri forbids default %s" % (withAnnot_unistr,))
          can_be_default = False # another is default, don't make this one default even if it occurs more
    else: can_be_default = True
    # First, find positions in corpus_markedDown which match withAnnot_unistr in corpus_unistr
    okStarts = getOkStarts(withAnnot_unistr)
    # now check for corpus_markedDown matches that *don't* have withAnnot_unistr
    badStarts = getBadStarts(nonAnnot,okStarts)
    if not badStarts:
      if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("%s has no badStarts" % (withAnnot_unistr,))
      yield True ; return # rule always works, no Yarowsky-like indicators needed
    if can_be_default and len(okStarts) > len(badStarts) and len(nonAnnot)==1:
      if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("%s is default by majority-case len=1 rule" % (withAnnot_unistr,))
      yield True ; return # duplicate of code below (can test for this case early before reducing-down badStarts)
    badStarts = getReallyBadStarts(badStarts,nonAnnot) # see its comments (ignore some badStarts)
    if not badStarts:
      if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("%s has only probably-irrelevant badStarts" % (withAnnot_unistr,))
      yield True ; return
    # Now, if it's right more often than not:
    if can_be_default==True and len(okStarts) > len(badStarts) and unconditional_looks_ok("majority-case"): # (if can_be_default=="must", we have already checked for unconditional_looks_ok() above before computing okStarts and badStarts)
        yield True ; return
    run_in_background = canBackground and len(okStarts) > 500 and executor # In a test with 300, 500, 700 and 900, the 500 threshold was fastest on concurrent.futures, but by just a few seconds.  TODO: does mpi4py.futures have a different 'sweet spot' here? (low priority unless we can get MPI to outdo concurrent.futures in this application)
    may_take_time = canBackground and len(okStarts) > 1000
    if may_take_time:
      getBuf(sys.stderr).write((u"\nLarge collocation check (%s has %d matches + %s), %s....  \n" % (withAnnot_unistr,len(okStarts),badInfo(badStarts,nonAnnot),cond(run_in_background,"backgrounding","could take some time"))).encode(terminal_charset,'replace'))
      if len(badStarts) <= yarowsky_debug: typo_report("yarowsky-debug.txt","allow-exceptions.txt",withAnnot_unistr,(u"%s has %d matches + %s" % (withAnnot_unistr,len(okStarts),badInfo(badStarts,nonAnnot,False))))
    if run_in_background:
      job = executor.submit(yarowsky_indicators_wrapped,withAnnot_unistr) # recalculate the above on the other CPU in preference to passing, as memory might not be shared
      yield "backgrounded" ; yield job.result() ; return
    if ybytes_max > ybytes and (not ymax_threshold or len(nonAnnot) <= ymax_threshold):
      retList = [] ; append=retList.append
      for nbytes in range(ybytes,ybytes_max+1,ybytes_step):
        negate,ret,covered,toCover = tryNBytes(nbytes,nonAnnot,badStarts,okStarts,withAnnot_unistr,can_be_default=="must",nbytes==ybytes_max)
        if covered==toCover and len(ret)==1:
          if may_take_time: sys.stderr.write(" - using 1 indicator, negate=%s\n" % repr(negate))
          yield (negate,ret,nbytes) ; return # a single indicator that covers everything will be better than anything else we'll find
        append((-int(covered*100/toCover),len(ret),nbytes,negate,toCover,ret)) # (1st 4 of these are the sort keys: maximum coverage to nearest 1%, THEN minimum num indicators for the same coverage, THEN minimum nbytes (TODO: problems of very large nbytes might outweigh having more indicators; break if found 100% coverage by N?), THEN avoid negate)
        # TODO: try finding an OR-combination of indicators at *different* proximity lengths ?
      if nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_write("Best coverage is %d%% of %d" % (-retList[0][0],retList[0][-2]))
      negate,ret = retList[0][-3],retList[0][-1]
      distance = retList[0][2]
      negate,ret = tryNBytes(ybytes_max,nonAnnot,badStarts,okStarts,withAnnot_unistr,can_be_default=="must")[:2]
      if ybytes < ybytes_max: distance = ybytes_max
      else: distance = None # all the same anyway
    if not ret and warn_yarowsky: getBuf(sys.stderr).write((u"Couldn't find ANY Yarowsky-like indicators for %s   \n" % withAnnot_unistr).encode(terminal_charset,'replace')) # (if nonAnnot==diagnose, this'll be reported by tryNBytes below)
    # TODO: if partially but not completely covered, shouldn't entirely count the word as 'covered' in analyse()
    elif ret and may_take_time: sys.stderr.write(" - using %d indicators, negate=%s\n" % (len(ret),repr(negate)))
    if not ret or (not distance and not negate):
      yield ret
      if not distance: distance = ybytes_max
      yield negate,ret,distance
typo_data = {}
def typo_report(debugFile,exceptionFile,withAnnot_unistr,msg_unistr):
  if not exceptionFile in typo_data:
    try: typo_data[exceptionFile]=set(splitWords(openfile(exceptionFile).read().decode(terminal_charset)))
    except IOError: typo_data[exceptionFile]=set()
  if withAnnot_unistr not in typo_data[exceptionFile]:
    if not debugFile in typo_data:
      typo_data[debugFile] = openfile(debugFile,'w')
      getBuf(sys.stderr).write(bold_on+"Writing to "+debugFile+bold_off+"\n")
      typo_data[debugFile].write("Put any of the following first-of-line words into allow-exceptions.txt to avoid being alerted here next time.\n\n")
    typo_data[debugFile].flush() # in case interrupted
def yarowsky_indicators_wrapped(withAnnot_unistr):
    return getNext(yarowsky_indicators(withAnnot_unistr,False))
def getOkStarts(withAnnot_unistr):
    if withAnnot_unistr in precalc_sets: return precalc_sets[withAnnot_unistr]
    walen = len(withAnnot_unistr)
    return set(x for x in precalc_sets[getNext(splitWords(withAnnot_unistr))] if corpus_unistr[m2c_map[x]:m2c_map[x]+walen]==withAnnot_unistr)
def getBadStarts(nonAnnot,okStarts):
  r = [] ; append=r.append
  k = nonAnnot[:2]
  if k in bigramCache:
    for i in bigramCache[k]:
      if not i in okStarts and corpus_markedDown[i:i+l]==nonAnnot: append(i)
    return r
  find = corpus_markedDown.find
  i = find(nonAnnot)
  while i != -1:
    if not i in okStarts: append(i)
    i = find(nonAnnot,i+l)
  return r
def getReallyBadStarts(badStarts,nonAnnot):
    # Some of the badStarts can be ignored on the grounds that they should be picked up by other rules first: any where the nonAnnot match does not start at the start of a word (the rule matching the word starting earlier should get there first), and any where it starts at the start of a word that is longer than its own first word (the longest-first ordering should take care of this).  So keep only the ones where it starts at the start of a word and that word is no longer than len(nonAnnot).
    reallyBadStarts = [] ; append=reallyBadStarts.append
    nonAnnotLen = len(mdStart+nonAnnot+mdEnd)
    theRe = re.compile(re.escape(mdStart+nonAnnot[0])+".*?"+re.escape(mdEnd),flags=re.DOTALL)
    for b in badStarts:
      try: s = m2c_map[b]
      except KeyError: continue # it wasn't the start of a word (only start positions are in that map)
      m=theRe.search(corpus_unistr, s) # will either start at s, or after it if mreverse
      assert m, "m2c_map error? "+repr(nonAnnot[0])+" "+repr(b)+"->"+repr(s)+" not found ( "+repr(corpus_markedDown[b:b+25])+"... -> "+repr(corpus_unistr[s:s+50])+"...)"
      s,e = m.start(),m.end()
      if e-s > nonAnnotLen: continue # this word is too long, should be matched by a longer rule 1st
      append(b) # to reallyBadStarts
    return reallyBadStarts
def tryNBytes(nbytes,nonAnnot,badStarts,okStarts,withAnnot_unistr,force_negate,try_harder=True):
    # try to find either positive or negative Yarowsky-like indicators, whichever gives a smaller set (or only negative ones if force_negate, used by ref_pri).  Negative indicators might be useful if there are many matches and only a few special exceptions.  (If not force_negate, then negative indicators are used only if they cover 100% of the exceptions; see below re negate==None)
    def bytesAround(start): return within_Nbytes(start+len(nonAnnot),nbytes)
    okStrs=list(set(bytesAround(s) for s in okStarts))
    badStrs=list(set(bytesAround(s) for s in badStarts))
    pOmit = unichr(1).join(badStrs) # omit anything that occurs in this string from +ve indicators
    nOmit = unichr(1).join(okStrs) # ditto for -ve indicators
    pRet = [] ; pAppend=pRet.append
    nRet = [] ; nAppend=nRet.append
    n2Ret = [] ; nAppend2 = n2Ret.append
    negate = None # not yet set
    stuffToCheck = [] ; stuffChecked = []
    if not force_negate:
      l = []
      stuffToCheck.append((l,okStrs,pAppend,pCovered,unique_substrings(okStrs,markedUp_unichars,lambda txt:txt in pOmit,lambda txt:sum(1 for s in okStrs if txt in s)))) # a generator and associated parameters for positive indicators
    diagnose_extra = []
    if force_negate or 5*len(okStrs) > len(badStrs) or not okStrs: # and for negative indicators, if appropriate: (changed in v0.6892: still check for negative indicators if len(okStrs) is similar to len(badStrs) even if not strictly greater, but don't bother if len(okStrs) is MUCH less)
      l = []
      stuffToCheck.append((l,badStrs,nAppend,nCovered,unique_substrings(badStrs,markedUp_unichars,lambda txt:txt in nOmit,lambda txt:sum(1 for s in badStrs if txt in s))))
      if try_harder and okStrs and not force_negate:
        l = [] ; stuffChecked.append((l,"overmatch-negative",n2Ret,n2Covered))
        stuffToCheck.append((l,badStrs,nAppend2,n2Covered,unique_substrings(badStrs,markedUp_unichars,lambda txt:False,lambda txt:(sum(1 for s in badStrs if txt in s),-sum(1 for s in okStrs if txt in s))))) # a harder try to find negative indicators (added in v0.6896): allow over-matching (equivalent to under-matching positive indicators) if it's the only way to get all badStrs covered; may be useful if the word can occur in isolation
    elif nonAnnot==diagnose: diagnose_extra.append("Not checking for negative indicators as 5*%d>%d=%s." % (len(okStrs),len(badStrs),repr(5*len(okStrs)>len(badStrs))))
    while stuffToCheck and negate==None:
      for i in range(len(stuffToCheck)):
        l,strs,append,covered,generator = stuffToCheck[i]
        try: indicator = getNext(generator)
        except StopIteration:
          del stuffToCheck[i] ; break
        found = True ; cChanged = False
        for j in xrange(len(strs)):
          if not covered[j] and indicator in strs[j]:
        if cChanged:
         if not l: l.append(True)
         if all(covered):
          if append==pAppend: negate=False
          elif append==nAppend: negate=True # negate with no overmatch allowed found all the exceptions, so use it (don't use it if it doesn't find ALL the exceptions, since we don't ever want an as-if 'overmatch positive' i.e. misidentifying a word/phrase in a place where the corpus explicitly DOESN'T have it, unless force_negate see comment below)
          else: # append==nAppend2 (negate with overmatch allowed): we managed to get all exceptions with overmatch-negative, but how much damage did our overmatching do to the NON-exceptions?
            fxCover = [True]*len(okStrs)
            for indicator in n2Ret:
              for i in xrange(len(okStrs)):
                if fxCover[i] and indicator in okStrs[i]:
                  # a negative indicator 'misfires' here, resulting in this okStr NOT being identified as 'ok'
                  fxCover[i] = False
            if sum(1 for x in fxCover if x) >= sum(1 for x in pCovered if x): negate="harder"
            else: diagnose_extra.append("Overmatch-negate got worse actual coverage than partial-positive.") # so don't set negate="harder", but we might still force_negate to set negate=True below
    # and if negate==None AFTER this loop, didn't get all(pCovered) OR all(nCovered), in which case we fall back to negate=False (unless force_negate).  In other words, negative indicators normally have to cover ALL non-occurrences to be passed, whereas positive indicators just have to cover SOME.  This is in keeping with the idea of 'under-match is better than over-match' (because an under-matching negative indicator is like an over-matching positive one)
    if force_negate: negate = True
    if negate==True: ret,covered = nRet,nCovered
    elif negate=="harder": ret,covered = n2Ret,n2Covered
    else: ret,covered = pRet,pCovered
    if nonAnnot==diagnose:
      def report(actuallyChecked,negate,ret,covered):
        if not actuallyChecked: return ""
        if negate: indicators = negate+" indicators "
        else: indicators = "indicators "
        if ret:
          if len(ret) > 30: indicators=str(len(ret))+" "+indicators # +'/'.join(ret[:30]+['...'])
          else: indicators += '/'.join(ret)
        else: indicators = "no "+indicators
        if all(covered): notCovered = ""
          if negate: strs = badStrs
          else: strs = okStrs
          notCovered = [strs[i] for i in xrange(len(covered)) if not covered[i]]
          if len(notCovered) > 10: notCovered = notCovered[:10]+["..."]
          notCovered = ", not "+'/'.join(notCovered).replace('\n',"\\n")
        if negate=="overmatch-negative":
          overmatch=[s for s in okStrs if any(i in s for i in n2Ret)]
          if len(overmatch) > 10: overmatch = overmatch[:10]+["..."]
          if overmatch: notCovered += ", overmatch "+"/".join(overmatch).replace('\n',"\\n")
        return "%s (cover=%d/%d%s)" % (indicators,sum(1 for x in covered if x),len(covered),notCovered)
      if len(pOmit) > 200: pOmit = pOmit[:200]+"..."
      diagnose_extra = " ".join(diagnose_extra)
      if diagnose_extra: diagnose_extra=" "+diagnose_extra
      rr = ", ".join(r for r in [report(*i) for i in stuffChecked] if r)
      if not rr: rr = "nothing"
      diagnose_write("tryNBytes(%d) on %s (avoiding '%s') found %s%s" % (nbytes,withAnnot_unistr,pOmit.replace(unichr(1),'/').replace('\n',"\\n"),rr,diagnose_extra))
    return negate,ret,sum(1 for x in covered if x),len(covered)

def cond(a,b,c):
  if a: return b
  else: return c

def badInfo(badStarts,nonAnnot,for_tty=True):
  ret = u"%d false positive" % len(badStarts)
  if not len(badStarts)==1: ret += "s"
  if len(badStarts) > yarowsky_debug: return ret
  for wordStart in badStarts:
   wordEnd = wordStart + len(nonAnnot)
   toRead = corpus_markedDown
   # but can we report it from the original corpus_unistr?
   if wordStart in m2c_map and wordEnd in m2c_map:
    toRead = corpus_unistr
    wordStart,wordEnd = m2c_map[wordStart],m2c_map[wordEnd]
    newCStart,newCEnd = contextStart,contextEnd
    while newCStart not in m2c_map and newCStart >= contextStart-5: newCStart-=1
    while newCEnd not in m2c_map and newCEnd<contextEnd+5: newCEnd+=1
    if newCStart in m2c_map: contextStart = m2c_map[newCStart]
    else: contextStart = max(0,wordStart - 15) # This might cut across markup, but better that than failing to report the original corpus and making it look like the words might not have "lined up" when actually they did.  Might also just cut into surrounding non-markup text (if the above loop simply couldn't find anything near enough because such text was in the way).
    if newCEnd in m2c_map: contextEnd = m2c_map[newCEnd]
    else: contextEnd = wordEnd + 15 # ditto
   if for_tty: ret += (u" (%s%s%s%s%s)" % (toRead[contextStart:wordStart],reverse_on,toRead[wordStart:wordEnd],reverse_off,toRead[wordEnd:contextEnd])).replace("\n","\\n").replace("\r","\\r")
   else: ret += (u" (%s <<%s>> %s)" % (toRead[contextStart:wordStart],toRead[wordStart:wordEnd],toRead[wordEnd:contextEnd])).replace("\n","\\n").replace("\r","\\r")
  return ret

def unique_substrings(texts,allowedChars,omitFunc,valueFunc):
    # yield unique substrings of texts, in increasing length, with equal lengths sorted by highest score returned by valueFunc, and omitting any where omitFunc is true, or that uses any character not in allowedChars (allowedChars==None means all allowed)
    if allowedChars:
        # remove non-allowedChars from texts, splitting into smaller strings as necessary
        texts2 = [] ; append=texts2.append
        for text in texts:
            start = 0
            for i in xrange(len(text)):
                if not text[i] in allowedChars:
                    if i>start: append(text[start:i])
            if start<len(text): append(text[start:])
    if not texts: return
    length=1 ; maxlen = max(len(t) for t in texts)
    while length <= maxlen:
        # sys.stderr.write("Finding (l=%d)... " % len(texts))
        for text in texts: ret.update(text[s:s+length] for s in xrange(len(text)-length+1))
        l=[(valueFunc(k),k) for k in ret if not omitFunc(k)]
        # if length == ybytes_max and not l: sys.stderr.write("Debugger: omitFunc was true for all %s\n" % repr(ret))
        l.sort() ; l.reverse()
        # sys.stderr.write("%d of length %d\n" % (len(l),length))
        for v,k in l: yield k
        length += 1

def within_Nbytes(matchEndPos,nbytes):
    # return the Unicode characters within nbytes of matchEndPos, assuming the encoding will be outcode.  Used for the Yarowsky-like functions.
    # Assumes multibyte codes are self-synchronizing, i.e. if you start in the middle of a multibyte sequence, the first valid character will be the start of the next sequence, ok for utf-8 but TODO might not be the case for some codes
    return corpus_markedDown[max(0,matchEndPos-nbytes):matchEndPos].encode(outcode)[-nbytes:].decode(outcode,'ignore')+corpus_markedDown[matchEndPos:matchEndPos+nbytes].encode(outcode)[:nbytes].decode(outcode,'ignore')

def test_rule(withAnnot_unistr,yBytesRet,canBackground=None):
    # Tests to see if the rule withAnnot_unistr is
    # ALWAYS right in the examples, i.e.
    # the number of occurrences of its marked-down text
    # in the continuous marked-down string should be
    # EXACTLY equal to the number of occurrences of the
    # marked-up version.
    # (If we deal only in rules that ALWAYS work, we can
    # build them up incrementally without "cross-talk")
    # yield "backgrounded" = task has been backgrounded; getNext collects result (nb we default to NOT canBackground, as test_rule is called from several places of which ONE can handle backgrounding)
    if primitive: yield True
    elif ybytes:
        # Doesn't have to be always right, but put the indicators in yBytesRet
        ybrG = yarowsky_indicators(withAnnot_unistr,canBackground)
        ybr = getNext(ybrG)
        if ybr == "backgrounded":
          yield ybr ; ybr = getNext(ybrG)
        if ybr==True or not ybr:
          yield ybr ; return
        yBytesRet.append(ybr) # (negate, list of indicators, nbytes)
        yield True
    else: # non-ybytes version: accept rule only if it exactly matches the corpus
      phrase = markDown(withAnnot_unistr)
      ret = corpus_markedDown.count(phrase) == len(getOkStarts(withAnnot_unistr))
      if diagnose and diagnose==phrase:
        diagnose_write("occurrences(%s)==occurrences(%s) = %s" % (phrase,withAnnot_unistr,ret))
      yield ret

def all_possible_rules(words,covered):
    # Iterate over ALL possible rules derived from the
    # word sequence (don't just "find the shortest context
    # that predicts each word" because that can have
    # trouble with overlaps; need to check them all and
    # stop when we've got enough to reproduce the example)
    # As optimisation, avoids returning rules for which
    # all(covered) over that rule's range
    if max_words: maxRuleLen = min(len(words),max_words)
    else: maxRuleLen = len(words)
    for ruleLen in range(1,maxRuleLen+1): # (sort by len)
        for wStart in range(len(words)-ruleLen+1):
          if not all(covered[wStart:wStart+ruleLen]):
            yield words[wStart:wStart+ruleLen]
            # caller join()s before adding to rules dict

def checkCoverage(ruleAsWordlist,words,coveredFlags):
    # Updates coveredFlags and returns True if any changes
    # (if False, the new rule is redundant).
    # Don't worry about ybytes - assume the Yarowsky-like
    # indicators have been calculated correctly across the
    # whole text so we don't need to re-check them now.
    assert type(ruleAsWordlist)==type(words)==list
    try: start = words.index(ruleAsWordlist[0])
    except ValueError: return False
    ln = len(ruleAsWordlist)
    changedFlags = False
    while start <= len(words)-ln:
        if words[start:start+ln] == ruleAsWordlist:
            if not all(coveredFlags[start:start+ln]):
                changedFlags = True
            start += ln
            try: start = words.index(ruleAsWordlist[0],start+1)
            except ValueError: break
    return changedFlags

def wspJoin(l):
  if removeSpace: return "".join(l)
  else: return " ".join(l)

def potentially_bad_overlap(rulesAsWordlists,newRuleAsWords):
    # Allow overlaps only if rule(s) being overlapped are
    # entirely included within newRule.  Otherwise could
    # get problems generating closures of overlaps.
    # (If newRule not allowed, caller to try a longer one)
    # Additionally, if allow_overlaps, allow ANY overlap as
    # long as it's not found in the marked-down text.
    if len(newRuleAsWords)==1 or primitive or ybytes: return False
    for ruleAsWordlist in rulesAsWordlists:
        if len(ruleAsWordlist)==1: continue
        if not len(ruleAsWordlist)==len(newRuleAsWords) and longerStartsOrEndsWithTheShorter(ruleAsWordlist,newRuleAsWords): continue
        for overlapSize in range(1,min(len(x) for x in [newRuleAsWords,ruleAsWordlist])):
            if not (ruleAsWordlist[-overlapSize:] == newRuleAsWords[:overlapSize] or newRuleAsWords[-overlapSize:] == ruleAsWordlist[:overlapSize]): continue
            if not allow_overlaps: return True
            # Test to see if the examples "allow" this potentially-bad overlap
            def overlapOK(rAW): return not markDown(wspJoin(rAW)) in corpus_markedDown
            if (ruleAsWordlist[-overlapSize:] == newRuleAsWords[:overlapSize] and not overlapOK(ruleAsWordlist[:-overlapSize]+newRuleAsWords)) or (newRuleAsWords[-overlapSize:] == ruleAsWordlist[:overlapSize] and not overlapOK(newRuleAsWords[:-overlapSize]+ruleAsWordlist)): return True

def longerStartsOrEndsWithTheShorter(l1,l2):
    if len(l1) > len(l2): l1,l2 = l2,l1
    return l2[:len(l1)]==l1 or l2[-len(l1):]==l1

class RulesAccumulator:
  def __init__(self):
    self.rules = {}
    self.rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord = {} # starting word -> list of possible rules (as wordlists) that might apply
    self.rulesAsWordlists = list() # all rules as words (list of lists) (used if not ybytes, TODO: integrate with rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord?)
    self.rejectedRules = set()
    self.seenPhrases = set() # de-duplicate, might speed up
    self.amend_rules = False
    if rulesFile: self.load()
  def save(self):
    sys.stderr.write("\nPickling rules to %s... " % rulesFile) ; sys.stderr.flush()
    f = openfile(rulesFile,'w')
    # (don't save self.rejectedRules, there might be better clues next time)
    f.close() ; sys.stderr.write("done")
  def load(self):
    if not os.path.isfile(rulesFile):
      sys.stderr.write("%s does not exist, starting with blank rules\n" % rulesFile)
    sys.stderr.write("Unpickling rules from %s... " % rulesFile) ; sys.stderr.flush()
    f = openfile(rulesFile)
    self.rules,self.rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord,self.rulesAsWordlists,self.seenPhrases = pickle.Unpickler(f).load()
    self.amend_rules = True
    self.newRules = set()
  def remove_old_rules(self,words): # for incremental runs - removes previously-discovered rules that would have been suggested by this new phrase but that no longer 'work' with the rest of the corpus due to alterations elsewhere.  DOES NOT remove old rules that are not suggested by any phrase in the corpus because the phrases that suggested them have been removed or changed (TODO: might want an option for that, although fundamentally you shouldn't be relying on incremental runs if you're making a lot of changes to the corpus)
    for w in set(words):
      rulesAsWordlists = self.rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord.get(w,[])
      while i<len(rulesAsWordlists):
        if max_words and len(rulesAsWordlists[i])>max_words:
          i += 1 ; continue # better leave that one alone if we're not reconsidering rules that long (e.g. running again with single_words when previous run wasn't)
        rule = wspJoin(rulesAsWordlists[i])
        if rule not in self.newRules and checkCoverage(rulesAsWordlists[i],words,[False]*len(words)): # rule would apply to the new phrase
          yBytesRet = []
          if not getNext(test_rule(rule,yBytesRet)) or potentially_bad_overlap(self.rulesAsWordlists,rulesAsWordlists[i]): # re-test fails.  In versions v0.543 and below, we just removed ALL rules that would apply to the new phrase, to see if they would be re-generated.  But that caused problems because addRulesForPhrase can return early if all(covered) due to other (longer) rules and we might be removing a perfectly good short rule that's needed elsewhere.  So we now re-test before removal.
            if not ybytes: self.rulesAsWordlists.discard(rulesAsWordlists[i])
            del rulesAsWordlists[i] ; del self.rules[rule]
          self.newRules.add(rule) # still current - add to newRules now to save calling test_rule again
          if len(yBytesRet): self.rules[rule] = yBytesRet[0] # overriding what it was before (since we've re-done test_rule for it, which might have returned a new set of Yarowsky-like indicators for the new version of the corpus)
        i += 1
  def addRulesForPhrase(self,phrase,canBackground=False):
    if phrase in self.seenPhrases or (diagnose_quick and diagnose):
      # if diagnose and (diagnose_quick or self.amend_rules) and mdStart+diagnose+mdEnd in phrase: pass # look at it again for diagnostics.  But do we accept a diagnose that spans multiple words?  should be pointed out by --diagnose-quick below if uncommented
      if diagnose and (diagnose_quick or self.amend_rules) and diagnose in markDown(phrase): pass # this version accepts diagnose of multiple words (and might also let some phrases through where it matches on an overlap)
        yield 0,0 ; return # TODO: document that this means the total 'covered' figure in the progress status is AFTER phrase de-duplication (otherwise we'd have to look up what the previous values were last time we saw it - no point doing that just for a quick statistic)
    words = list(filter(lambda x:markDown(x).strip(),splitWords(phrase))) # filter out any that don't have base text (these will be input glitches, TODO: verify the annotation text is also just whitespace, warn if not)
    if not words:
      yield 0,0 ; return
    covered = [False]*len(words)
    # first see how much is covered by existing rules
    # (don't have to worry about the order, as we've been
    # careful about overlaps)
    if self.amend_rules: self.remove_old_rules(words) # NB if yignore this might not remove all, but still removes all that affect checkCoverage below
    for w in set(words):
      for ruleAsWordlist in self.rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord.get(w,[]):
        if checkCoverage(ruleAsWordlist,words,covered) and all(covered):
          yield len(covered),len(covered) ; return # no new rules needed
    for ruleAsWordlist in all_possible_rules(words,covered):
        rule = wspJoin(ruleAsWordlist) ; yBytesRet = []
        if rule in self.rejectedRules: continue
        if rule in self.rules: continue # this can still happen even now all_possible_rules takes 'covered' into account, because the above checkCoverage assumes the rule won't be applied in a self-overlapping fashion, whereas all_possible_rules makes no such assumption (TODO: fix this inconsistency?)
        rGen = test_rule(rule,yBytesRet,canBackground)
        r = getNext(rGen)
        if r=="backgrounded":
          yield r ; r = getNext(rGen)
        del rGen
        if not r or potentially_bad_overlap(self.rulesAsWordlists,ruleAsWordlist):
            self.rejectedRules.add(rule) # so we don't waste time evaluating it again (TODO: make sure rejectedRules doesn't get too big?)
        cc = checkCoverage(ruleAsWordlist,words,covered) # changes 'covered'
        assert cc, "this call to checkCoverage should never return False now that all_possible_rules takes 'covered' into account" # and it's a generator which is always working from the CURRENT copy of 'covered'
        if len(yBytesRet): self.rules[rule] = yBytesRet[0]
        else: self.rules[rule] = [] # unconditional
        if not ybytes: self.rulesAsWordlists.append(ruleAsWordlist)
        if not ruleAsWordlist[0] in self.rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord: self.rulesAsWordlists_By1stWord[ruleAsWordlist[0]] = []
        if self.amend_rules: self.newRules.add(rule)
        if all(covered):
          yield len(covered),len(covered) ; return
    # If get here, failed to completely cover the phrase.
    # ruleAsWordlist should be set to the whole-phrase rule.
    yield sum(1 for x in covered if x),len(covered)
  def rulesAndConds(self):
    if self.amend_rules: return [(k,v) for k,v in self.rules.items() if not k in self.newRules] + [(k,v) for k,v in self.rules.items() if k in self.newRules] # new rules must come last for incremental runs, so they will override existing actions in byteSeq_to_action_dict when small changes have been made to the annotation of the same word (e.g. capitalisation-normalisation has been changed by the presence of new material)
    else: return self.rules.items()

def handle_diagnose_limit(rule):
  global diagnose,diagnose_limit
  if diagnose and diagnose_limit and diagnose==markDown(rule):
    diagnose_limit -= 1
    if not diagnose_limit:
      diagnose = False
      diagnose_write("limit reached, suppressing further diagnostics")

def generate_map():
    global m2c_map, precalc_sets, yPriorityDic
    if checkpoint:
        m2c_map,precalc_sets,yPriorityDic = pickle.Unpickler(f).load()
        return sys.stderr.write("Corpus map loaded\n")
      except: pass
    assert main, "Only main should generate corpus map"
    sys.stderr.write("Generating corpus map... ")
    m2c_map = {} ; precalc_sets = {}
    muStart = downLenSoFar = 0
    for s in re.finditer(re.escape(markupStart), corpus_unistr):
      md = markDown(corpus_unistr[muStart:s])
      if markupStart in md: errExit("examples have nested markup! "+repr(md))
      downLenSoFar += len(md)
      muStart = s
      m2c_map[downLenSoFar] = s
      # Added optimisation: do precalc_sets as well
      # (at least catch the 1-word cases)
      # -> this is now needed even if not ybytes
      if e>-1:
        e += len(markupEnd)
        k = corpus_unistr[s:e]
        if k not in precalc_sets: precalc_sets[k]=set()
    yPriorityDic = {}
    if ref_pri and ybytes:
      sys.stderr.write("yPriorityDic ... ")
      for s in re.finditer(re.escape(reference_sep+ref_pri+ref_name_end), corpus_unistr):
        s = s.start()+len(reference_sep+ref_pri+ref_name_end)
        e = corpus_unistr.find(reference_sep,s)
        if e==-1: e=len(corpus_unistr)
        for w in splitWords(corpus_unistr[s:e]):
          wd = markDown(w)
          if wd in yPriorityDic: continue
          if diagnose==wd: diagnose_write("yPriorityDic[%s] = %s" % (wd,w))
          yPriorityDic[wd] = w
    if checkpoint: pickle.Pickler(open_try_bz2(checkpoint+os.sep+'map','w'),-1).dump((m2c_map,precalc_sets,yPriorityDic))

def setup_parallelism():
    if single_core or not checkpoint: return # parallelise only if checkpoint (otherwise could have trouble sharing the normalised corpus and map etc)
    args = getoutput("ps -p " + str(os.getpid()) + " -o args")
      args.index("-m mpi4py.futures") # ValueError if not found
      import mpi4py.futures # mpi4py v2.1+
      import mpi4py.MPI, mpi4py ; assert mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1, "mpi4py says world size is 1: likely a symptom of incorrectly-configured MPI.  Did you compile mpi4py using the same setup (e.g. MPICH or OpenMPI) as you are running?  mpi4py's config is: "+repr(mpi4py.get_config())
      return mpi4py.futures.MPIPoolExecutor()
    except ValueError: pass # but raise all other exceptions: if we're being run within mpi4py.futures then we want to know about MPI problems
      args.index("-m scoop") # ValueError if not found
      import scoop.futures
      return scoop.futures # submit() is at module level
    except ValueError: pass
      import concurrent.futures # sudo pip install futures (2.7 backport of 3.2 standard library)
      import multiprocessing
      num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
      if num_cpus > 1: return concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(num_cpus-1) # leave one for the CPU-heavy control task
    except: pass

def get_phrases():
    # Returns a list of phrases in processing order, with length-numbers inserted in the list.  Caches its result.
    global _gp_cache
    try: return _gp_cache
    except: pass
    # Due to the way we handle overlaps, it's better to process the shortest phrases first, as the longer phrases will yield more rule options and therefore more likely to be able to work around any "no-overlap" constraints imposed by already-processed examples.  Something like:
    p2 = []
    for p in splitWords(corpus_unistr,phrases=True):
      p2.append((min([len(p.split(markupStart)),len(p.split(markupMid)),len(p.split(markupEnd))]),len(p2),p)) # no need for splitWords(phrase) just to get len, but we do need the min-of-3 for robustness against the occasional markup error
    p2.sort() # by length, then by original position (note: if removing this sort, remove wordsThisPhrase from status_update)
    phrases = [] ; wordLen = None
    for p in p2:
      if not wordLen == p[0]:
        wordLen = p[0]
        phrases.append(wordLen-1) # because it's a .split length (really want an actual count, but it only has to be roughly right in this instance and splitLen-1 will do for speed)
    _gp_cache = phrases ; return phrases

def setup_other_globals():
    global corpus_markedDown, bigramCache
    corpus_markedDown = markDown(corpus_unistr)
    if not ybytes: return
    bigramCache=dict((i,[]) for i in set(corpus_markedDown[i:i+2] for i in xrange(len(corpus_markedDown)-1)))
    for i in xrange(len(corpus_markedDown)-1):
      if k in bigramCache:
        if len(bigramCache[k]) > 100: del bigramCache[k]
    global markedUp_unichars
    if yarowsky_all: markedUp_unichars = None
    else: markedUp_unichars = set(list(u"".join(markDown(p) for p in get_phrases() if not type(p)==int)))
def check_globals_are_set_up(): # for use during parallelism
  global corpus_unistr
  try: corpus_unistr # if we fork()d, we may already have it
  except NameError:
    normalise() # should get corpus_unistr from checkpoint,
    try: corpus_unistr # unless we're NOT normalising,
    except: corpus_unistr = openfile(infile).read().decode(incode) # in which case we have to load the corpus from scratch (it won't be stdin)
    generate_map() # similarly this should just be a read
    setup_other_globals() # might do a bit more work, but probably faster than copying if we're not on the same machine

def analyse():
    accum = RulesAccumulator()
    covered = 0 # number of phrases we managed to 'cover' with our rules
    toCover = 0 # number of phrases we TRIED to cover (==covered if 100%)
    phraseNo = 0 ; wordLen = None
    if checkpoint:
      try: phraseNo,wordLen,covered,toCover,accum.__dict__ = read_checkpoint()
      except: pass
    phraseLastUpdate = phraseLastCheckpoint = phraseNo
    lastUpdate = lastCheckpoint = startTime = time.time()
    backgrounded = [] ; phrases = get_phrases()
    while phraseNo < len(phrases):
        if type(phrases[phraseNo])==int:
          wordLen = phrases[phraseNo]
          for b in backgrounded: # flush (TODO: duplicate code)
            coveredA,toCoverA = getNext(b)
            covered += coveredA ; toCover += toCoverA
          backgrounded = []
          phraseNo += 1 ; continue
        if toCover:
          if checkpoint and (checkpoint_exit(0) or (checkpoint_period and time.time() >= lastCheckpoint + checkpoint_period)):
            for b in backgrounded: # flush (TODO: duplicate code)
              coveredA,toCoverA = getNext(b)
              covered += coveredA ; toCover += toCoverA
            backgrounded = []
            lastCheckpoint = time.time() ; phraseLastCheckpoint = phraseNo
        if time.time() >= lastUpdate + 2:
          if toCover: cov=int(100.0*covered/toCover)
          else: cov = 0
          lastUpdate = time.time() ; phraseLastUpdate = phraseNo
        aRules = accum.addRulesForPhrase(phrases[phraseNo],wordLen==1) # TODO: we're saying canBackground only if wordLen==1 because longer phrases can be backgrounded only if they're guaranteed not to have mutual effects; do we want to look into when we can do that?  (and update the help text for --single-core if changing)
        arr = getNext(aRules)
        if arr=="backgrounded": backgrounded.append(aRules)
          coveredA,toCoverA = arr
          covered += coveredA ; toCover += toCoverA
        phraseNo += 1
    if backgrounded:
      sys.stderr.write("Collecting backgrounded results... "+clear_eol) ; sys.stderr.flush()
      for b in backgrounded: getNext(b)
      del backgrounded
    if rulesFile: accum.save()
    if diagnose_manual: test_manual_rules()
    return sorted(accum.rulesAndConds()) # sorting it makes the order stable across Python implementations and insertion histories: useful for diff when using concurrency etc (can affect order of otherwise-equal Yarowsky-like comparisons in the generated code)

def read_manual_rules():
  if not manualrules: return
  for l in openfile(manualrules):
    if not l.strip(): continue
    l=l.decode(incode).strip() # TODO: manualrulescode ?
    if removeSpace: l=re.sub(re.escape(markupEnd)+r'\s+'+re.escape(markupStart),(markupEnd+markupStart).replace('\\',r'\\'),l,flags=re.UNICODE)
    yield l

def test_manual_rules():
    for l in read_manual_rules():
      words = list(splitWords(l))
      # Prevent KeyError in getOkStarts:
      for w in words:
        if w not in precalc_sets: precalc_sets[w]=set()
      # Call test_rule:
      yb = []
      if not getNext(test_rule(l,yb)) or len(yb):
        getBuf(sys.stderr).write(("\nWARNING: Manual rule '%s' may contradict the examples. " % l).encode(terminal_charset))
        if len(words)==1:
          global diagnose,diagnose_limit,ybytes
          od,odl,oy,diagnose,diagnose_limit,ybytes = diagnose,diagnose_limit,ybytes,markDown(l),0,ybytes_max
          diagnose,diagnose_limit,ybytes = od,odl,oy

def java_escape(unistr):
  ret = []
  for c in unistr:
    if c=='"': ret.append(br'\"')
    elif c=='\\': ret.append(br'\\')
    elif ord(' ') <= ord(c) <= 127: ret.append(B(c))
    elif c=='\n': ret.append(br'\n')
    else: ret.append(br'\u%04x' % ord(c))
  return b''.join(ret)

def golang_escape(unistr):
  return unistr.replace('\\','\\\\').replace('"','\\"').replace('\n',r'\n').encode(outcode)

def c_escape(unistr):
    # returns unistr encoded as outcode and escaped so can be put in C in "..."s
    return zapTrigraphs(unistr.encode(outcode).replace(b'\\',b'\\\\').replace(b'"',b'\\"').replace(b'\n',b'\\n').replace(b'\r',b'\\r')) # TODO: \r shouldn't occur, error if it does?
def zapTrigraphs(x): return re.sub(br"\?\?([=/'()<>!-])",br'?""?\1',x) # to get rid of trigraph warnings, TODO might get a marginal efficiency increase if do it to the entire C file at once instead)

def c_escapeRawBytes(s): # as it won't be valid outcode; don't want to crash any editors/viewers of the C file
  if s.endswith(b'\x00'): s=s[:-1] # as the C compiler will add a terminating 0 anyway
  return re.sub(br"(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*\\x..)([0-9a-fA-F])",br'\1""\2',zapTrigraphs(s.replace(b'\\',b'\\\\').decode('unicode_escape').encode('unicode_escape').replace(b'"',b'\\"')))

def js_escapeRawBytes(s):
  assert not zlib # js_utf8 etc not relevant if base64
  if js_utf8: # type(s)==type(u"")
    s = s.replace("\\",r"\\").replace('"',r'\"').replace(chr(8),r"\b").replace(chr(9),r"\t").replace(chr(10),r"\n").replace(chr(12),r"\f").replace(chr(13),r"\r")
    if ignore_ie8: s = s.replace(chr(11),r"\v")
    if js_octal: s = re.sub("[\x00-\x1f](?![0-9])",lambda m:r"\%o"%ord(m.group()),s)
    else: s = re.sub(chr(0)+r"(?![0-9])",r"\\0",s) # \0 is allowed even if not js_octal (and we need \\ because we're in a regexp replacement)
    return re.sub(b"[\x00-\x1f\x7f]",lambda m:br"\x%02x"%ord(m.group()),s.encode('utf-8'))
  # otherwise typeof(s)==typeof(b"")
  s = s.replace(b"\\",br"\\").replace(b'"',br'\"').replace(B(chr(8)),br"\b").replace(B(chr(9)),br"\t").replace(B(chr(10)),br"\n").replace(B(chr(12)),br"\f").replace(B(chr(13)),br"\r")
  if ignore_ie8: s = s.replace(B(chr(11)),br"\v")
  if js_octal: s = re.sub(b"[\x00-\x1f](?![0-9])",lambda m:br"\%o"%ord(m.group()),s)
  else: s = re.sub(b'\x00'+br"(?![0-9])",br"\\0",s) # \0 is allowed even if not js_octal (and we need \\ because we're in a regexp replacement)
  return re.sub(b"[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]",lambda m:br"\x%02x"%ord(m.group()),s)

def txt_escapeRawBytes(s): # for browser_extension
  if js_utf8: return s.encode('utf-8')
  else: return s.decode('latin1').encode('utf-8')

def dart_escapeRawBytes(s):
  if js_utf8: return re.sub(b"[\x00-\x1f\"\\\\$\x7f]",lambda m:br"\u{%x}"%ord(m.group()),s.encode('utf-8'))
  else: return re.sub(b"[\x00-\x1f\"\\\\$\x7f-\xff]",lambda m:br"\u{%x}"%ord(m.group()),s)

def c_length(unistr): return len(unistr.encode(outcode))

if java or c_sharp or golang:
  if golang: outLang_escape = golang_escape
  else: outLang_escape = java_escape
  if java: outLang_bool = b"boolean"
  else: outLang_bool = b"bool"
  outLang_true = b"true"
  outLang_false = b"false"
  outLang_escape = c_escape
  outLang_bool = b"int"
  outLang_true = b"1"
  outLang_false = b"0"

def allVars(u):
  global cjk_cLookup
  try: cjk_cLookup
  except NameError:
    sys.stderr.write("(checking CJK closures for missing glosses)\n")
    global stderr_newline ; stderr_newline = True
    from cjklib.characterlookup import CharacterLookup
    cjk_cLookup = CharacterLookup("C") # param doesn't matter for getCharacterVariants, so just put "C" for now
    cjk_cLookup.varCache = {} # because getCharacterVariants can be slow if it uses SQL queries
  def lookupVar(u,t):
    if (u,t) not in cjk_cLookup.varCache: cjk_cLookup.varCache[(u,t)] = cjk_cLookup.getCharacterVariants(u,t)
    return cjk_cLookup.varCache[(u,t)]
  done = set([u])
  for t in "STCMZ":
    for var in lookupVar(u,t):
      if not var in done: yield var
      # In at least some versions of the data, U+63B3 needs to go via T (U+64C4) and M (U+865C) and S to get to U+864F (instead of having a direct M variant to 864F), so we need to take (S/T)/M/(S/T) variants also:
      if t in "ST":
        for var in lookupVar(var,'M'):
          if var in done: continue
          yield var ; done.add(var)
          for t2 in "ST":
            for var in lookupVar(var,t2):
              if var in done: continue
              yield var ; done.add(var)

def allVarsW(unistr):
  vRest = []
  for i in xrange(len(unistr)):
    got_vRest = False
    for v in allVars(unistr[i]):
      yield unistr[:i]+v+unistr[i+1:]
      if got_vRest:
        for vr in vRest: yield unistr[:i]+v+vr
        vRest = [] ; got_vRest = True
        for vr in allVarsW(unistr[i+1:]):
          yield unistr[:i]+v+vr ; vRest.append(vr)

def matchingAction(rule,glossDic,glossMiss,glosslist,omitlist):
  # called by addRule in outputParser, returns (actionList, did-we-actually-annotate).  Also applies reannotator and compression (both of which will require 2 passes if present)
  action = []
  gotAnnot = False
  for w in splitWords(rule):
    wStart = w.index(markupStart)+len(markupStart)
    wEnd = w.index(markupMid,wStart)
    text_unistr = w[wStart:wEnd]
    mStart = wEnd+len(markupMid)
    annotation_unistr = w[mStart:w.index(markupEnd,mStart)]
    if mreverse: text_unistr,annotation_unistr = annotation_unistr,text_unistr
    if glosslist and not text_unistr in glosslist:
      return text_unistr+" not glosslisted",None
    elif text_unistr in omitlist:
      return text_unistr+" omitlisted",None
    gloss = glossDic.get((text_unistr,annotation_unistr),glossDic.get(text_unistr,None))
    if gloss_closure and not gloss and not w in glossMiss:
      for t2 in allVarsW(text_unistr):
        gloss = glossDic.get((t2,annotation_unistr),glossDic.get(t2,None))
        if gloss:
          glossDic[text_unistr] = gloss ; break
    if gloss: gloss = gloss.replace('&','&amp;').replace('"','&quot;').replace('\n','&#10;') # because it'll be in a title= attribute
    if reannotator:
      if reannotator.startswith('##'): toAdd = text_unistr + '#' + annotation_unistr
      elif reannotator[0]=='#': toAdd=annotation_unistr
      else: toAdd = text_unistr
      if toAdd in reannotateDict:
        au = reannotateDict[toAdd]
        if au and reannotate_caps and annotation_unistr and not annotation_unistr[0]==annotation_unistr[0].lower():
          if sharp_multi: au='#'.join((w[0].upper()+w[1:]) for w in au.split('#'))
          else: au=au[0].upper()+au[1:]
        annotation_unistr = au
      else: toReannotateSet.add(toAdd)
    if compress:
      annotation_bytes = squash(annotation_bytes0)
      if gloss:
        gloss_bytes0 = gloss.encode(outcode)
        gloss_bytes = squash(gloss_bytes0)
      else: gloss_bytes0 = gloss_bytes = None
      if not data_driven:
        if annotation_bytes == annotation_bytes0: annotation_bytes = outLang_escape(annotation_unistr) # (if compress didn't do anything, might as well write a readable string to the C)
        else: annotation_bytes = c_escapeRawBytes(annotation_bytes)
        if gloss and gloss_bytes == gloss_bytes0: gloss_bytes = outLang_escape(gloss)
        elif gloss_bytes: gloss_bytes = c_escapeRawBytes(gloss_bytes)
    elif data_driven: # data-driven w. no compression:
      annotation_bytes = annotation_unistr.encode(outcode)
      if gloss: gloss_bytes = gloss.encode(outcode)
      else: gloss_bytes = None
    else: # non data-driven, no compression:
      annotation_bytes = outLang_escape(annotation_unistr)
      if gloss: gloss_bytes = outLang_escape(gloss)
      else: gloss_bytes = None
    if java: adot = b"a." # not used if data_driven
    else: adot = b""
    bytesToCopy = c_length(text_unistr)
    if gloss:
        if data_driven: action.append((bytesToCopy,annotation_bytes,gloss_bytes))
        else: action.append(adot+b'o2(%d,"%s","%s");' % (bytesToCopy,annotation_bytes,gloss_bytes))
        if data_driven: action.append((bytesToCopy,annotation_bytes))
        else: action.append(adot+b'o(%d,"%s");' % (bytesToCopy,annotation_bytes))
    if annotation_unistr or gloss: gotAnnot = True
  return action,gotAnnot

def readGlossfile():
    glossDic = {} ; glossMiss = set() ; glosslist = set()
    if glossfile:
        for l in openfile(glossfile):
            if not l.strip(): continue
            l=l.decode(incode,errors='replace') # TODO: glosscode ? (errors=replace because we said it's not necessary to completely debug glossfile; we don't want this to be brought down by one bad UTF8 sequence or whatever)
            try: word,annot,gloss = l.split("\t",2)
            except: # not enough tabs
              word = l.split("\t",1)[0] ; annot = gloss = ""
              if glossmiss_omit: pass # they can list words without glosses; no error if missing \t
              else: getBuf(sys.stderr).write(("Gloss: Ignoring incorrectly-formatted line "+l.strip()+"\n").encode(terminal_charset))
            word,annot,gloss = word.strip(),annot.strip(),gloss.strip().replace("\t","\n")
            if glossmiss_omit and word: glosslist.add(word)
            if not word or not gloss: continue
            if annot: glossDic[(word,annot)] = gloss
            else: glossDic[word] = gloss
    return glossDic,glossMiss,glosslist

def copyBytes(n,checkNeedspace=False): # needSpace unchanged for ignoreNewlines etc; checkNeedspace for open quotes
    if checkNeedspace:
      if data_driven: return [b's0',(n,)] # copyBytes(n)
      elif java: return br"a.s0(); a.c(%d);" % n
      else: return br"s0(); c(%d);" % n
    if data_driven: return [(n,)] # copyBytes(n)
    elif java: return br"a.c(%d);" % n
    else: return br"c(%d);" % n

def outputParser(rulesAndConds):
    glossDic, glossMiss, glosslist = readGlossfile()
    if words_omit:
      omitlist=set(w.strip() for w in openfile(words_omit).read().decode(incode).split('\n')) # TODO: glosscode?
      if diagnose and diagnose in omitlist: diagnose_write(diagnose+" is in words_omit file")
    else: omitlist = []
    sys.stderr.write("Generating byte cases...\n")
    byteSeq_to_action_dict = {}
    if ignoreNewlines: # \n shouldn't affect needSpace
      byteSeq_to_action_dict[b'\n'] = [(copyBytes(1),[])]
    for closeQuote in u'\u2019\u201d\u300b\u300d)\u3015\uff09\u3017\u3011]\uff3d':
      # close quotes should not affect needSpace
      try: closeQuote = closeQuote.encode(outcode)
      except: continue # can't do this one
      byteSeq_to_action_dict[closeQuote] = [(copyBytes(len(closeQuote)),[])]
    for openQuote in u'\u2018\u201c\u300a\u300c(\u3014\uff08\u3016\u3010[\uff3b':
      # open quotes should activate needSpace first
      try: openQuote = openQuote.encode(outcode)
      except: continue # can't do this one
      byteSeq_to_action_dict[openQuote] = [(copyBytes(len(openQuote),checkNeedspace=True),[])]
    def addRule(rule,conds,byteSeq_to_action_dict,manualOverride=False):
      md = md2 = markDown(rule)
      if post_normalise:
        md2 = post_normalise_translate(md)
        byteSeq = md2.encode(outcode)
        if type(conds)==tuple: conds=(conds[0],map(post_normalise_translate,conds[1]),conds[2])
        else: conds=map(post_normalise_translate,conds)
      else: byteSeq = md.encode(outcode)
      action,gotAnnot = matchingAction(rule,glossDic,glossMiss,glosslist,omitlist)
      if not gotAnnot: return # not glosslisted, or some spurious o("{","") rule that got in due to markup corruption
      if manualOverride or not byteSeq in byteSeq_to_action_dict:
        byteSeq_to_action_dict[byteSeq] = []
      elif post_normalise:
        if (action,conds) in byteSeq_to_action_dict[byteSeq]: return # exact duplicate after post-normalisation
        elif any((x[0]==action or x[1]==conds) for x in byteSeq_to_action_dict[byteSeq]): # near-duplicate: same conds, different action (will definitely need to prioritise one, can't do both), or same action, different conds (will probably need to prioritise one, especially if one of the conds of the non-normalised action is IN the normalised action, which could short-circuit the conds)
          if md==md2: # this is the rule that DIDN'T have to be post-normalised, so its action should take priority
            byteSeq_to_action_dict[byteSeq] = [x for x in byteSeq_to_action_dict[byteSeq] if not x[1]==conds]
          else: return # other one probably has priority
      if not data_driven: action = b' '.join(action)
    def dryRun(clearReannotator=True): # to prime the reannotator or compressor
      global toReannotateSet, reannotateDict
      toReannotateSet = set()
      if clearReannotator: reannotateDict = {} # (not if we've run the reannotator and are just doing it for the compressor)
      dummyDict = {}
      for rule,conds in rulesAndConds: addRule(rule,conds,dummyDict)
      for l in read_manual_rules(): addRule(l,[],dummyDict)
    if reannotator:
      global stderr_newline ; stderr_newline = False
      sys.stderr.write("Reannotating... ")
      # Setting buffer size is not enough on all systems.
      # To ensure the pipe does not fill its output while
      # we are still writing its input, we use threads and
      # don't start writing its input until we've already
      # started reading from its output.
      global toReannotateSet, reannotateDict
      l = [ll for ll in toReannotateSet if ll and not "\n" in ll] # TODO: handle the case where "\n" is in ll?  (shouldn't happen in 'sensible' annotators)
      def reader_thread(comms):
        comms[0] = True
        comms[1] = cout.read().decode(outcode).splitlines() # TODO: reannotatorCode instead of outcode?
      if reannotator.startswith('##'): cmd=reannotator[2:]
      elif reannotator[0]=='#': cmd=reannotator[1:]
      else: cmd = reannotator
      import thread ; sys.setcheckinterval(100)
      global cout ; cin,cout = sp.stdin,sp.stdout
      comms = [False,False]
      while comms[0] == False: time.sleep(0.1)
      # NOW ready to start writing:
      cin.write("\n".join(l).encode(outcode)+b"\n") ; cin.close() # TODO: reannotatorCode instead of outcode?
      while comms[1] == False: time.sleep(1)
      l2 = comms[1]
      del cin,cout,cmd,comms,sp
      while len(l2)>len(l) and not l2[-1]: del l2[-1] # don't mind extra blank line(s) at end of output
      if not len(l)==len(l2):
        errExit("Reannotator command didn't output the same number of lines as we gave it (gave %d, got %d).  Input and output have been written to reannotator-debug-in.txt and reannotator-debug-out.txt for inspection.  Bailing out." % (len(l),len(l2)))
      if stderr_newline: sys.stderr.write("Reannotated %d items\n" % len(l))
      else: sys.stderr.write("(%d items)\n" % len(l))
      toReannotateSet = set() ; reannotateDict = dict(zip(l,l2)) ; del l,l2
    if compress:
      global squashStrings ; squashStrings = set() # discard any that were made in any reannotator dry-run
      dryRun(False) # redo with the new annotation strings (or do for the first time if no reannotator)
      pairs = squashFinish()
    else: pairs = b""
    for rule,conds in rulesAndConds: addRule(rule,conds,byteSeq_to_action_dict)
    for l in read_manual_rules(): addRule(l,[],byteSeq_to_action_dict,True)
    longest_rule_len = max(len(b) for b in iterkeys(byteSeq_to_action_dict))
    longest_rule_len += ybytes_max # because buffer len is 2*longest_rule_len, we shift half of it when (readPtr-bufStart +ybytes >= bufLen) and we don't want this shift to happen when writePtr-bufStart = Half_Bufsize-1 and readPtr = writePtr + Half_Bufsize-1 (TODO: could we get away with max(0,ybytes_max-1) instead? but check how this interacts with the line below; things should be safe as they are now).  This line's correction was missing in Annogen v0.599 and below, which could therefore occasionally emit code that, when running from stdin, occasionally replaced one of the document's bytes with an undefined byte (usually 0) while emitting correct annotation for the original byte.  (This could result in bad UTF-8 that crashed the bookmarklet feature of Web Adjuster v0.21 and below.)
    longest_rule_len = max(ybytes_max*2, longest_rule_len) # make sure the half-bufsize is at least ybytes_max*2, so that a read-ahead when pos is ybytes_max from the end, resulting in a shift back to the 1st half of the buffer, will still leave ybytes_max from the beginning, so yar() can look ybytes_max-wide in both directions
    if data_driven:
      b = BytecodeAssembler()
      ddrivn = b.link()
      if zlib: origLen = b.origLen
      del b
    else: ddrivn = None
    if javascript:
      if zlib:
        import base64
        return outfile.write(re.sub(br"data\.charCodeAt\(([^)]*)\)",br"data[\1]",js_start).replace(b"indexOf(input.charAt",b"indexOf(input.charCodeAt")+b"data: "+js_inflate+b"(\""+base64.b64encode(ddrivn)+b"\","+B(str(origLen))+b")\n"+js_end+b"\n")
      elif browser_extension: return outfile.write(txt_escapeRawBytes(ddrivn))
      else: return outfile.write(js_start+b"data: \""+js_escapeRawBytes(ddrivn)+b"\",\n"+js_end+b"\n") # not Uint8Array (even if browser compatibility is known): besides taking more source space, it's typically ~25% slower to load than string, even from RAM
    elif dart:
      if dart_datafile:
        if os.sep in c_filename: d=c_filename[:c_filename.rindex(os.sep)]+os.sep
        else: d = ""
        if os.sep in dart_datafile: d += dart_datafile[dart_datafile.rindex(os.sep)+1:]
        else: d += dart_datafile
        sys.stderr.write("Wrote "+d+" (ensure this ships as "+dart_datafile+")\n")
      if dart_datafile and zlib: return outfile.write(dart_src.replace(b"%%DATA_INIT%%",b"await(File('"+B(dart_datafile)+b"').readAsBytes())"))
      elif zlib: return outfile.write(dart_src.replace(b"%%DATA_INIT%%",b"\""+dart_escapeRawBytes(ddrivn)+b"\".codeUnits"))
      elif dart_datafile: return outfile.write(dart_src.replace(b"%%DATA_INIT%%",b"String.fromCharCodes(await(File('"+B(dart_datafile)+b"').readAsBytes()))"))
      else: return outfile.write(dart_src.replace(b"%%DATA_INIT%%",b"\""+B(dart_escapeRawBytes(ddrivn))+b"\""))
    elif python:
      dd2 = repr(ddrivn)
      if not dd2.startswith('b'): dd2='b'+dd2 # (if we're generating in Python 2, we still want 2+3 compatibility)
      if zlib: outfile.write(b"import zlib; data=zlib.decompress(data)\n")
      return outfile.write(py_end+b"\n")
    elif java:
      start = java_src.replace(b"%%JPACKAGE%%",B(jPackage))
      if data_driven:
        a = android_loadData.replace(b"%%DLEN%%",B(str(len(ddrivn))))
        if zlib: a = a.replace(b"%%ULEN%%",B(str(origLen)))
        start = start.replace(b"() { %%JDATA%%",b"(android.content.Context context) throws java.io.IOException { "+a) # Annotator c'tor needs a context argument if it's data-driven, to load annotate.dat
        if zlib: start = start.replace(b"context) throws java.io.IOException {",b"context) throws java.io.IOException,java.util.zip.DataFormatException {")
      else: start = start.replace(b"%%JDATA%%",b"")
    elif c_sharp: start = cSharp_start
    elif golang: start = golang_start
    else: start = c_start
    if data_driven:
      if zlib: dataName = "origData"
      else: dataName = "data"
      if java: open(jSrc+"/../assets/annotate.dat","wb").write(ddrivn)
        outfile.write(b"static unsigned char "+dataName+b"[]=\""+c_escapeRawBytes(ddrivn)+b'\";\n')
        if zlib: outfile.write(c_zlib.replace(b'%%ORIGLEN%%',B(str(origLen))).replace(b'%%ZLIBLEN%%',B(str(len(ddrivn))))+b"\n") # rather than using sizeof() because we might or might not want to include the compiler's terminating nul byte
      del ddrivn
    else: # not data_driven
      subFuncL = []
      ret = stringSwitch(byteSeq_to_action_dict,subFuncL)
      if java:
        for f in subFuncL: open(java+os.sep+S(f[f.index(b"class ")+6:].split(None,1)[0])+".java","wb").write(f)
      elif golang: outfile.write(b"\n".join(subFuncL + ret).replace(b';\n',b'\n')+b"\n") # (this 'elif' line is not really necessary but it might save someone getting worried about too many semicolons)
      else: outfile.write(b"\n".join(subFuncL+ret)+b"\n")
      del subFuncL,ret
    if android:
      if android_template:
        aStamp = android_version_stamp
        try: versionName = re.findall(B(re.escape("versionName")+r'\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"'),open(jSrc+"/../AndroidManifest.xml",'rb').read())[0]
        except: versionName = None
        if versionName: aStamp = aStamp.replace(b"%%DATE%% version",b"%%DATE%% version "+versionName)
        aTemp = android_template.replace(b"</body",aStamp.replace(b"%%DATE%%",b"%d-%02d-%02d" % time.localtime()[:3]).replace(b"%%TIME%%",b"%d:%02d" % time.localtime()[3:5])+b"</body")
      open(jSrc+"/../res/menu/main.xml","wb").write(b'<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" ></menu>\n') # TODO: is this file even needed at all?
      open(jSrc+"/../res/values/dimens.xml","wb").write(b'<resources><dimen name="activity_horizontal_margin">16dp</dimen><dimen name="activity_vertical_margin">16dp</dimen></resources>\n')
      open(jSrc+"/../res/values/styles.xml","wb").write(b'<resources><style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light"></style><style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme"><item name="android:forceDarkAllowed">true</item></style></resources>\n')
      open(jSrc+"/../res/values/strings.xml","wb").write(B('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<resources><string name="app_name">'+app_name.replace('&','&amp;').replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;')+'</string></resources>\n'))
      open(jSrc+"/../res/xml/network_security_config.xml","wb").write(b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<network-security-config><base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" /></network-security-config>\n')
    elif c_sharp: outfile.write(cSharp_end)
    elif golang: outfile.write(golang_end)
    elif not java: outfile.write(c_end)
    del byteSeq_to_action_dict
    if no_summary or not rulesAndConds: return
    if reannotator:
        outfile.write(b"\n/* Tab-delimited rules summary not yet implemented with reannotator option */\n")
    outfile.write(b"\n/* Tab-delimited summary of the rules: (total %d)\n" % len(rulesAndConds))

def update_android_manifest():
  try: manifest = old_manifest = open(jSrc+"/../AndroidManifest.xml",'rb').read()
  except IOError: manifest,old_manifest = android_manifest,None
  def readAttr(aName):
    allVals = re.findall(B(re.escape(aName)+r'\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"'),manifest)
    assert len(allVals)==1, "AndroidManifest.xml has %d instances of %s, should be 1" % (len(allVals),aName)
    return allVals[0]
  versionCode,versionName = readAttr("android:versionCode"),readAttr("android:versionName")
  if b"android:sharedUserId" in manifest: sharedUID = readAttr("android:sharedUserId")
  else: sharedUID = b""
  if android_upload:
    sys.stderr.write("AndroidManifest.xml: bumping versionCode for upload\n (assuming you've taken care of versionName separately, if needed)\n") # (might not be needed if the previous upload wasn't actually released for example)
    versionCode = B(str(int(versionCode)+1))
  def pathQ(x):
    x = urlparse.urlparse(x)
    if x.query: x=x.path+"?"+x.query
    else: x=x.path
    if ".*" in x: return B('android:pathPattern="%s"' % (x,))
    else: return B('android:pathPrefix="%s"' % (x,))
  manifest = android_manifest.replace(b'%%JPACKAGE%%',B(jPackage)).replace(b'android:versionCode="1"',b'android:versionCode="'+versionCode+b'"').replace(b'android:versionName="1.0"',b'android:versionName="'+versionName+b'"').replace(b'android:sharedUserId=""',b'android:sharedUserId="'+sharedUID+b'"').replace(b'android:sharedUserId="" ',b'') + b''.join((b'\n<intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /><data android:scheme="%s" android:host="%s" %s /></intent-filter>'%(B(urlparse.urlparse(x).scheme),B(urlparse.urlparse(x).netloc),B(pathQ(x)))) for x in android_urls.split()) + b"\n</activity></application></manifest>\n"
  if not manifest==old_manifest:
  else: assert not android_upload, "Couldn't bump version code in "+repr(manifest)

def setup_browser_extension():
  dirToUse = browser_extension.replace(' ','')
  sys.stderr.write("Writing to "+dirToUse+"\n")
  try: os.mkdir(dirToUse)
  except: pass
  def icons(key,sizes):
    if any(os.path.isfile(dirToUse+os.sep+s+".png") for s in sizes):
      return b',"'+B(key)+'":{'+b",".join(('"%s":"%s.png"' % (s,s)) for s in sizes if os.path.isfile(dirToUse+os.sep+s+".png"))+b"}"
    else: return b""
  try: # increment existing version if present
    versionName = re.search(b'"version": *"([^"]*)"',open(dirToUse+"/manifest.json","rb").read()).group(1)
    versionName = versionName.split(b'.')
    versionName[-1] = B(str(int(versionName[-1])+1))
    versionName = b'.'.join(versionName)
  except: versionName = b"0.1"
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "%s",
  "version": "%s",
  "background": { "scripts": ["background.js"] },
  "content_scripts": [{"matches": ["<all_urls>"], "js": ["content.js"], "css": ["ruby.css"]}],
  "browser_action":{"default_title":"Annotate","default_popup":"config.html","browser_style": true%s},
  "permissions": ["<all_urls>","clipboardRead"]%s}""" % (B(browser_extension),versionName,icons("default_icon",["16","32"]),icons("icons",["16","32","48","96"])))
  global c_filename
  c_filename = dirToUse+"/annotate-dat.txt"

def write_glossMiss(glossMiss):
  if not glossmiss: return
  sys.stderr.write("Writing glossmiss (norefs=%s) to %s...\n" % (repr(norefs),glossmiss))
  gm = openfile(glossmiss,'w')
  count = 1 ; t = time.time() ; prndProg=False
  for w in sorted(list(glossMiss)):
    try: num = str(len(getOkStarts(w)))+'\t'
    except: num = '?\t' # num occurrences in e.g.s
    a,b,r = markDown(w),annotationOnly(w),refs(w,True)
    if a and b and not r=="\t": gm.write((num+a+"\t"+b+r+os.linesep).encode(incode)) # TODO: glosscode ? glossMissCode ??
    if time.time() >= t + 2:
      sys.stderr.write(("(%d of %d)" % (count,len(glossMiss)))+clear_eol) ; sys.stderr.flush()
      t = time.time() ; prndProg = True
    count += 1
  if prndProg: sys.stderr.write("done"+clear_eol+"\n")

if norefs:
  def refs(*args): return ""
  def refs(rule,omit=False):
    try: okStarts = getOkStarts(rule)
    except: return "" # KeyError can happen in some incremental-run glossMiss situations: just omit that reference in the debug file
    return starts2refs(okStarts,omit)

def starts2refs(startSet,omit=False):
    # assumes generate_map() has been called
    global refMap
    try: refMap
      refMap = [(m.end(),m.group(1)) for m in re.finditer(re.escape(reference_sep)+"(.*?)"+re.escape(ref_name_end), corpus_unistr, flags=re.DOTALL)]
      i = 0
      while True:
        if i+1 >= len(refMap): break
        if refMap[i][1] == refMap[i+1][1]: del refMap[i+1]
        else: i += 1
    rmPos = 0 ; ret = []
    while len(ret) < maxrefs and rmPos < len(refMap):
      s = refMap[rmPos][0] ; i = -1
      while i < s and startSet:
        i = min(startSet) ; startSet.remove(i)
        i = m2c_map[i]
      if i < s: break
      rmE = len(refMap)-1
      while refMap[rmE][0] > i:
        mid = int((rmPos+rmE)/2)
        if mid==rmPos or refMap[mid][0] > i: rmE = mid
        else: rmPos = mid
      rmPos = rmE
      if not app in ret: ret.append(app)
      rmPos += 1
    if not ret: return ""
    elif not omit: return "\t"+"; ".join(ret)
    else: return "\t"+"; ".join(r for r in ret if not r in glossmiss_hide and (not glossmiss_match or re.match(glossmiss_match,r))) # (if all in omit, still return the \t to indicate we did find some)

def outputRulesSummary(rulesAndConds):
    # (called "summary" because we don't here specify which part
    # of the annotation goes with which part of the text, plus
    # we remove /* and */ so it can be placed into a C comment)
    sys.stderr.write("Writing rules summary...\n")
    if summary_omit: omit=set(openfile(summary_omit).read().splitlines())
    else: omit=[]
    count = 1 ; t = time.time()
    # If incremental or manualrules, some rules might now have been overridden by newer ones.  Rules listed later take priority in byteSeq_to_action_dict.  This should remove earlier duplicate (markedDown,conds) combinations from the summary:
    d = {}
    for r,c in rulesAndConds:
      d[(markDown(r),repr(c))] = (r,c)
    # Now sort so diff is possible between 2 summaries
    # (case-insensitive because capitalisation may change)
    d = sorted(((annotationOnly(r),markDown(r),r,c) for r,c in d.values()),key=lambda x:(x[0].lower(),)+x[1:])
    # Can now do the summary:
    for annot,orig,rule,conditions in d:
        if time.time() >= t + 2:
          sys.stderr.write(("(%d of %d)" % (count,len(rulesAndConds)))+clear_eol) ; sys.stderr.flush()
          t = time.time()
        count += 1
        def code(x):
          if not x.strip(): return repr(x)
          else: return x.encode(outcode).replace(b'\n',br'\n').replace(b'\t',br'\t')
        toPrn = code(orig)+b"\t"+code(annot)
        if ybytes:
            toPrn += b"\t"
            if conditions:
                if type(conditions)==tuple:
                  negate,conds,nbytes = conditions[:3]
                  if negate: negate=b" not"
                  else: negate=b""
                  toPrn += b"if"+negate+b" within "+B(str(nbytes))+b" bytes of "+b" or ".join(code(c) for c in conds)
                else: toPrn += b"if near "+b" or ".join(code(c) for c in conditions)
        if not toPrn in omit: outfile.write((toPrn+refs(rule).encode(outcode)).replace(b'/*',b'').replace(b'*/',b'')+b"\n")
    if ybytes: extraTab='\t'
    else: extraTab = ''
    for l in read_manual_rules(): outfile.write((markDown(l)+'\t'+annotationOnly(l)+extraTab+'\t--manualrules '+manualrules).encode(outcode)+b"\n")

if isatty(sys.stdout):
    if summary_only:
        warn("Rules summary will be written to STANDARD OUTPUT\nYou might want to redirect it to a file or a pager such as 'less'")
        c_filename = None
    elif not java and main and not priority_list and not normalise_only and not browser_extension: sys.stderr.write("Will write to "+c_filename+"\n") # will open it later (avoid having a 0-length file sitting around during the analyse() run so you don't rm it by mistake)

def openfile(fname,mode='r'):
    lzma = bz2 = None
    mode += 'b' # Python 2+3 compatibility: always binary
    if fname.endswith(".xz"): import lzma # 'pip install lzma' or 'apt-get install python2.7-lzma' may be required for .xz files
    elif fname.endswith(".bz2"): import bz2
    if re.match("https?://",fname) or fname.startswith("ftp://"):
        assert mode=='rb', "cannot write to "+fname
        try: from urllib2 import urlopen # Python 2
        except: from urllib.request import urlopen # Py3
        sys.stderr.write("Fetching "+fname+"\n")
        fileobj = urlopen(fname)
        # If it's bz2 or xz, we'd better decompress in one operation.  (gz library can stream)
        if fname.endswith(".bz2"):
            from cStringIO import StringIO
            return StringIO(bz2.decompress(fileobj.read()))
        elif fname.endswith(".xz"):
            from cStringIO import StringIO
            return StringIO(lzma.decompress(fileobj.read()))
    elif fname.endswith(".bz2"):
        return bz2.BZ2File(fname,mode)
    elif fname.endswith(".xz"):
        return lzma.LZMAFile(fname,mode)
    else: fileobj = open(fname,mode)
    # if get this far, we can use fileobj
    if fname.endswith(".gz"):
        import gzip ; return gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileobj,mode=mode)
    else: return fileobj
def open_try_bz2(fname,mode='r'): # use .bz2 iff available (for checkpoints)
  try: return openfile(fname+".bz2",mode)
  except: return openfile(fname,mode)
def rm_f(fname):
  try: os.remove(fname)
  except OSError: pass

import atexit
def set_title(t):
  if not isatty(sys.stderr): return
  if t: atexit.register(set_title,"")
  is_screen = (term=="screen" and os.environ.get("STY",""))
  is_tmux = (term=="screen" and os.environ.get("TMUX",""))
  if is_xterm or is_tmux: sys.stderr.write("\033]0;%s\007" % (t,)) # ("0;" sets both title and minimised title, "1;" sets minimised title, "2;" sets title.  Tmux takes its pane title from title (but doesn't display it in the titlebar))
  elif is_screen: os.system("screen -X title \"%s\"" % (t,))
def diagnose_write(s): getBuf(sys.stderr).write(bold_on+"Diagnose: "+bold_off+s.encode(terminal_charset,'replace')+clear_eol+'\n')
try: screenWidth = int(os.environ['COLUMNS'])
  import struct, fcntl, termios
  try: screenWidth = struct.unpack('hh',fcntl.ioctl(sys.stderr,termios.TIOCGWINSZ,'xxxx'))[1]
  except: screenWidth = 45 # conservative

if main and not compile_only:
 if checkpoint:
  try: os.mkdir(checkpoint)
  except: pass
 if no_input:
   rulesAndConds = RulesAccumulator().rulesAndConds() # should load rulesFile
 if read_input:
  if infile: infile=openfile(infile)
    infile = sys.stdin
    if isatty(infile): sys.stderr.write("Reading from standard input\n(If that's not what you wanted, press Ctrl-C and run again with --help)\n")
  corpus_unistr = getBuf(infile).read().decode(incode)
  if diagnose and not diagnose in corpus_unistr:
    diagnose_write(diagnose+" is not present in the corpus, even before normalisation")
    suppress = True
  else: suppress = False
  loaded_from_checkpoint = normalise()
  if diagnose and not suppress and not diagnose in corpus_unistr:
    diagnose_write(diagnose+" was in the corpus before normalisation, but not after")
    if loaded_from_checkpoint: diagnose_write("You might want to remove "+checkpoint+os.sep+'normalised* and redo the diagnose')
  if normalise_only: sys.exit()
  if priority_list:
    if os.path.exists(priority_list):
      sys.stderr.write("Reading "+priority_list+"\n")
      def getFreq(line):
        word,freq = line.decode(outcode).rstrip().rsplit(None,1)
        try: return word,int(freq)
        except: return word,float(freq)
      existingFreqs=dict(getFreq(l) for l in openfile(priority_list) if len(l.strip().split())>=2)
    else: existingFreqs = {}
    sys.stderr.write("Parsing...") ; sys.stderr.flush()
    i=[[markDown(w) for w in splitWords(phrase)] for phrase in splitWords(corpus_unistr,phrases=True)]
    del corpus_unistr
    sys.stderr.write(" calling PairPriorities...\n")
    out="".join(w+"\t"+str(f)+os.linesep for w,f in PairPriorities(i,existingFreqs) if f).encode(outcode)
    # (don't open the output before here, in case exception)
    if existingFreqs: sys.stderr.write("Updating "+priority_list+"...")
    else: sys.stderr.write("Writing "+priority_list+"...")
    sys.stderr.write(" done\n")
  generate_map() ; setup_other_globals()
  if not no_input:
    executor = setup_parallelism()
    if executor and capitalisation and annot_whitespace and infile==sys.stdin: open_try_bz2(checkpoint+os.sep+'normalised','w').write(corpus_unistr.encode('utf-8')) # normalise won't have done it and the other nodes will need it (TODO: unless we're doing concurrent.futures with fork)
    try: rulesAndConds = analyse()
    finally: sys.stderr.write("\n") # so status line is not overwritten by 1st part of traceback on interrupt etc
  del _gp_cache

def cmd_or_exit(cmd):
  r = os.system(cmd)
  if not r: return
  if r&0xFF == 0: r >>= 8 # POSIX

if main and not compile_only:
 if browser_extension: setup_browser_extension()
 if c_filename: outfile = openfile(c_filename,'w')
 else: outfile = getBuf(sys.stdout)
 if summary_only: outputRulesSummary(rulesAndConds)
 else: outputParser(rulesAndConds)
 del rulesAndConds
 outfile.close() ; sys.stderr.write("Output complete\n")
if main:
 if android:
   can_compile_android = all(x in os.environ for x in ["SDK","PLATFORM","BUILD_TOOLS"])
   can_track_android = (can_compile_android and android_upload) or ("GOOGLE_PLAY_TRACK" in os.environ and "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY" in os.environ)
   if can_compile_android and compile_only and android_upload: update_android_manifest() # AndroidManifest.xml will not have been updated, so we'd better do it now
   if can_compile_android or can_track_android:
     dirName0 = S(getoutput("pwd|sed -e s,.*./,,"))
     dirName = shell_escape(dirName0)
   if can_compile_android: # TODO: use aapt2 and figure out how to make a 'bundle' with it so Play Store can accept new apps after August 2021 ?  (which requires giving them your signing keys, and I don't see the point in enforcing the 'bundle' format for a less than 1k saving due to not having to package multiple launcher icons on each device, and you'd probably have to compile non-Store apks separately.)  Don't know if/when updates to pre-Aug2021 apps will be required to be in Bundle format.
     cmd_or_exit("$BUILD_TOOLS/aapt package -0 '' -v -f -I $PLATFORM/android.jar -M AndroidManifest.xml -A assets -S res -m -J gen -F bin/resources.ap_") # (the -0 '' (no compression) is required if targetSdkVersion=30 or above, and shouldn't make much size difference on earlier versions as annotate.dat is itself compressed)
     cmd_or_exit("find src/"+jRest+" -type f -name '*.java' > argfile && javac -Xlint:deprecation -classpath $PLATFORM/android.jar -sourcepath 'src;gen' -d bin gen/"+jRest+"/R.java @argfile && rm argfile") # as *.java likely too long (-type f needed though, in case any *.java files are locked for editing in emacs)
     a = " -JXmx4g --force-jumbo" # -J option must go first
     if "min-sdk-version" in getoutput("$BUILD_TOOLS/dx --help"):
       a += " --min-sdk-version=1" # older versions of dx don't have that flag, but will be min-sdk=1 anyway
     cmd_or_exit("$BUILD_TOOLS/dx"+a+" --dex --output=bin/classes.dex bin/")
     cmd_or_exit("cp bin/resources.ap_ bin/"+dirName+".ap_")
     cmd_or_exit("cd bin && $BUILD_TOOLS/aapt add -0 '' "+dirName+".ap_ classes.dex")
     rm_f("bin/"+dirName0+".apk") ; cmd_or_exit("$BUILD_TOOLS/zipalign 4 bin/"+dirName+".ap_ bin/"+dirName+".apk")
     if all(x in os.environ for x in ["KEYSTORE_FILE","KEYSTORE_USER","KEYSTORE_PASS"]): cmd_or_exit("$BUILD_TOOLS/apksigner sign --ks \"$KEYSTORE_FILE\" --v1-signer-name \"$KEYSTORE_USER\" --ks-pass env:KEYSTORE_PASS --key-pass env:KEYSTORE_PASS --out ../"+dirName+".apk bin/"+dirName+".apk")
     else: cmd_or_exit("$BUILD_TOOLS/apksigner sign --ks \"$HOME\"/.android/debug.keystore --v1-signer-name androiddebugkey --ks-pass pass:android --key-pass pass:android --out ../"+dirName+".apk bin/"+dirName+".apk") # if KEYSTORE_FILE not provided, try to use debug.keystore generated by Eclipse/Studio (TODO: file may not be present if you haven't created/tried any projects yet)
     if not can_track_android: cmd_or_exit("du -h ../"+dirName+".apk")
   if can_track_android:
     import httplib2,googleapiclient.discovery,oauth2client.service_account # pip install google-api-python-client (or pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client if yours is too old).  Might need pip install oauth2client also.
     trackToUse = os.environ.get("GOOGLE_PLAY_TRACK","").strip()
     if not trackToUse: trackToUse='beta'
     sys.stderr.write("Logging in... ")
     service = googleapiclient.discovery.build('androidpublisher', 'v3', http=oauth2client.service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(os.environ['SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY'],'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher').authorize(httplib2.Http()))
     eId = service.edits().insert(body={},packageName=jPackage).execute()['id']
     if android_upload:
       sys.stderr.write("uploading... ")
       v = service.edits().apks().upload(editId=eId,packageName=jPackage,media_body="../"+dirName+".apk").execute()['versionCode'] ; sys.stderr.write("\rUploaded "+dirName+".apk (version code "+str(v)+")\n")
     else: v = int(open(jSrc+"/../.last-versionCode").read().strip()) # if this fails, you probably didn't run annogen v0.691+ to compile the APK before trying to change track (see instructions printed when GOOGLE_PLAY_TRACK environment variable is not set)
     if os.environ.get("GOOGLE_PLAY_CHANGELOG",""): service.edits().tracks().update(editId=eId,track=trackToUse,packageName=jPackage,body={u'releases':[{u'versionCodes':[v],u"releaseNotes":[{u"language":u"en-US",u"text":T(os.environ["GOOGLE_PLAY_CHANGELOG"])}],u'status':u'completed'}],u'track':trackToUse}).execute() # needs to be "en-US" as just "en" is dropped by the Store, although it does say you can "add as supported language in your app's Store Listing"
       if not android_upload: sys.stderr.write("Warning: GOOGLE_PLAY_CHANGELOG not set, any release notes will be deleted\n")
     sys.stderr.write("Committing... ")
     sys.stderr.write("\rCommitted edit %s: %s.apk v%s to %s\n" % (service.edits().commit(editId=eId,packageName=jPackage).execute()['id'],dirName,v,trackToUse))
   if not can_compile_android and not can_track_android: sys.stderr.write("Android source has been written to "+jSrc[:-3]+"""
To have Annogen build it for you, set these environment variables
before the Annogen run (change the examples obviously) :
   export SDK=/home/example/Android/Sdk
   export PLATFORM=$SDK/platforms/android-19
   export BUILD_TOOLS=$SDK/build-tools/21.0.2
   # To get a release build, additionally set:
   export KEYSTORE_FILE=/path/to/keystore
   export KEYSTORE_USER='your user name'
   export KEYSTORE_PASS='your password'
   # You can upload this to Google Play before August 2021
   # (or after that for updates to older apps).  In August
   # Google Play will enforce a different 'bundle' format
   # for new apps, which I don't yet know how to make.  It
   # should be possible to update existing apps in the old
   # format for some time after though.
   # To upload the release to Google Play, additionally set:
   export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY=/path/to/api-*.json
   # and optionally:
   export GOOGLE_PLAY_CHANGELOG="Updated annotator"
   export GOOGLE_PLAY_TRACK=alpha # default beta (please don't put production); however sending yourself the APK file is usually faster than using the alpha track if it's just to test on your own devices
   # If the above variables including SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY are set (and you haven't set ANDROID_NO_UPLOAD, below), then you'll also get an openPlayStore() function added to the Javascript interface for use in 'check for updates' links.
   # After testing, you can change the track of an existing APK by setting ANDROID_NO_UPLOAD=1 but still setting SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY and GOOGLE_PLAY_TRACK, and run with --compile-only.  You will need to set GOOGLE_PLAY_CHANGELOG again when doing this, as the Google API now discards changelogs on track-changes unless they are re-specified.

You may also wish to create some icons in res/drawable*
   (using Android Studio or the earlier ADT tools).

On Google Play you may wish to set Release management
   - Pre-launch report - Settings - Enable pre-launch
   reports to OFF, or it'll report issues on the websites
   you link to (and maybe crashes due to Firebase issues),
   which (if you don't want them) is wasting resources.
""") # TODO: try if("true".equals(android.provider.Settings.System.getString(getContentResolver(),"firebase.test.lab"))) browser.loadUrl("about:blank"); (but turning off unwanted reports is better)
 elif c_filename and c_compiler:
    cmd = c_compiler # should include any -o option
    if zlib: cmd += " -lz" # TODO: is this always correct on all platforms? (although user can always simply redirect the C to a file and compile separately)
    cmd_or_exit(cmd + " " + shell_escape(c_filename))
 elif compile_only: errExit("Don't know what compiler to run for this set of options")