diff --git a/build-sync.sh b/build-sync.sh
index 1916882b8a7d5ffc20623fb9d3b531eeaa358df1..8e090a9e42cf5a9af813cc14dc47983370a6d993 100755
--- a/build-sync.sh
+++ b/build-sync.sh
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
 # sync Web Adjuster and Annotator Generator to SVN
 wget -N http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/adjuster/adjuster.py
 wget -N http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/adjuster/annogen.py
-svn commit -m "Update adjuster/annogen"
+wget -N http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/adjuster/termlayout.py
+svn commit -m "Update adjuster/annogen/termlayout"
diff --git a/termlayout.py b/termlayout.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d700507c09a6f9464fc234a2fce8a262d7f5061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/termlayout.py
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# TermLayout v0.1 (c) 2014 Silas S. Brown
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import re, unicodedata, os, sys
+class ANSIfiedText:
+    "Small piece of text with its own ANSI attributes, which is self-contained so can be moved around into other contexts as needed.  Should not change attributes mid-text though."
+    def __init__(self,txt,attrList):
+        "text, and ordered list of ANSI attribute sequences.  If any of the attribute sequences change colour, only the last colour is kept.  After this, colour is thrown away if it's black or white, since this is often used for terminal backgrounds." # TODO: customise which colours are thrown away?
+        self.txt = txt
+        self.attrList = [] ; prevColour = None
+        for a in attrList:
+            if any(a in ("\x1b[%dm"%i) for i in range(30,38)): # it's a colour change
+                if prevColour:
+                    self.attrList.remove(prevColour)
+                    prevColour = None
+                if a in ["\x1b[30m","\x1b[37m"]: continue # leave us as the terminal's 'normal' colour if we're supposed to be black or white
+                prevColour = a
+            self.attrList.append(a)
+    def __repr__(self): return 'a(%s)' % repr(self.txt) # for debugging
+    def printUsingState(self,curAttrList):
+        "Returns the string needed to change any necessary ANSI codes and print this text, updating curAttrList in-place"
+        ret = []
+        if set(curAttrList) > set(self.attrList):
+            # there's attributes out there we don't want
+            ret.append("\x1b[0m") # reset the state
+            ret += self.attrList # and print all our own
+            while curAttrList: del curAttrList[0]
+            for x in self.attrList: curAttrList.append(x)
+        else:
+            for a in self.attrList:
+                if not a in curAttrList:
+                    curAttrList.append(a)
+                    ret.append(a)
+        return "".join(ret) + self.txt
+class ANSIfiedLineDrawing(ANSIfiedText):
+    "Derivative of ANSIfiedText meant for simple ASCII art line drawing.  ANSI codes are substituted for the ASCII during draw, but internally the ASCII-only version is kept (so stripANSI below results in ASCII lines).  Use characters - | for lines, / \\ L J for corners, and T U ] [ + for intersections (U is upside-down T, and ] and [ are T's with the bargoing to left or right - sorry but it's only ASCII)."
+    def printUsingState(self,curAttrList):
+        oldTxt = self.txt
+        self.txt = '\x1b(0' + str(self.txt).translate(ansiLineTable) + '\x1b(B'
+        ret = ANSIfiedText.printUsingState(self,curAttrList)
+        self.txt = oldTxt ; return ret
+ansiLineTable = [chr(c) for c in range(256)]
+for p,q in {'-':'q', '|':'x',
+            '/':'l', '\\':'k', 'L':'m', 'J':'j',
+            'T':'w', 'U':'v', '[':'t', ']':'u', '+':'n' }.items(): ansiLineTable[ord(p)]=q
+ansiLineTable = "".join(ansiLineTable)
+class ANSIfiedNewline:
+    #"Since we don't have to care about ANSI attributes when outputting a newline, this will not try to change them"
+    #def printUsingState(self,curAttrList): return "\n"
+    "actually we'd better reset all ANSI attributes on each new line, for use with a pager like 'less'"
+    def printUsingState(self,curAttrList):
+        if curAttrList:
+            while curAttrList: del curAttrList[0]
+            return "\x1b[0m\n"
+        else: return "\n"
+class ANSIfiedSpacer:
+    "A 'spacer' object that prints spaces without attributes, but does not bother to clear attributes that wouldn't show up on spaces anyway"
+    def __init__(self,numSpaces=1): self.ns = numSpaces
+    def __repr__(self): return 's(%d)' % self.ns # for debugging
+    def printUsingState(self,curAttrList):
+        ret = ""
+        if "\x1b[4m" in curAttrList: # oops, underline is set - we don't want that for our spacer.  (TODO: check for background colours also, if adding them)
+            ret = "\x1b[0m" # reset the state
+            while curAttrList: del curAttrList[0]
+        return ret + " "*self.ns
+def ansifiedLineLen(atList):
+    s = 0
+    for a in atList:
+        if hasattr(a,'ns'): s += a.ns
+        elif hasattr(a,'txt'): s += widthOf(a.txt)
+    return s
+def mergeAnsifiedTexts(atList,stripANSI=False):
+    "Assembles a complete list of ANSIfiedText objects for final output"
+    curAttrList = [] ; ret = []
+    for a in atList:
+        if stripANSI and hasattr(a,'txt'):
+            ret.append(a.txt)
+        else: ret += a.printUsingState(curAttrList)
+    if curAttrList: ret.append("\x1b[0m") # final reset
+    return "".join(ret)
+def mergeAnsifiedLines(atListList,stripANSI=False):
+    "Assembles a complete list of lists of ANSIfiedText objects, one per line, for final output with newlines between.  Oblivious to the wrapping.  Strips trailing ANSIfiedSpacer objects at the end of each line."
+    r = [] ; anl = ANSIfiedNewline() # 1 instance
+    justHadBlankLine = False # collapse any mult. blanks
+    for atList in atListList:
+        for i in range(len(atList),-1,-1):
+          if i==0 or not (atList[i-1].__class__ == ANSIfiedSpacer or not atList[i-1].txt.strip()): break
+        if i:
+            r += atList[:i] ; justHadBlankLine = False
+        else:
+            if justHadBlankLine: continue # no anl
+            justHadBlankLine = True
+        r.append(anl)
+    return mergeAnsifiedTexts(r,stripANSI)
+class Strut:
+    def __init__(self,direction='x',length=0):
+        self.direction = direction
+        self.length = length ; self.width = 0
+    def getSize(self,direction):
+        if self.direction == direction: return self.length
+        else: return self.width
+    def padToSize(self,direction='x',desired=0,align='c',
+                       absoluteMaximum = None):
+        if self.direction == direction:
+            self.length = max(desired,self.length)
+        else: self.width = max(desired,self.width)
+    def getLine(self,N):
+        if self.direction=='x': numSpaces = self.length
+        else: numSpaces = self.width
+        if numSpaces: return [ANSIfiedSpacer(numSpaces)]
+        else: return []
+    def canSubstituteLineBreak(self): return True
+    def isHardLineBreak(self): return False
+    def __repr__(self): # for debugging
+        r = 'S'+self.direction
+        if self.length or self.width:
+            r += "%d" % self.length
+            if self.width: r += "(w%d)" % self.width
+        return r
+class StackingRectangle:
+    def __init__(self,stackingDir='y',initItems=None,name=""):
+        if not initItems: initItems = []
+        self.items = initItems
+        self.stackingDir = stackingDir
+        self.name = name # for debugging & introspection
+    def getSize(self,direction='x'):
+        if direction==self.stackingDir: func = sum
+        else:
+            if not self.items: return 0
+            func = max
+        return func(i.getSize(direction)
+                    for i in self.items)
+    def padToSize(self,direction='x',desired=0,align='c',
+                       absoluteMaximum = None):
+        if direction == self.stackingDir:
+            if desired:
+                before,after = centreCalc(
+                self.getSize(direction),desired,align)
+                if before: self.items.insert(0,Strut(direction,before))
+                if after: self.items.append(Strut(direction,after))
+            # else we can't make it any bigger than the existing size, but anyway just check everything inside's "padded out" (so we can put 'x' and 'y' stacks together in any order without worrying about strict alternation).  E.g. a collection of cols is told "make all your rows as wide as your widest", so says "I'm cols not rows, but I can ask any collections of rows inside to make sure each of THEIR rows is as wide as the collection"
+            for r in self.items:
+                r.padToSize(direction,0,align,absoluteMaximum)
+        else:
+            if not desired: # make all the size of largest
+                desired = self.getSize(direction)
+                if absoluteMaximum: # if one item exceeds absoluteMaximum, don't make the others exceed it also
+                    desired=min(desired, absoluteMaximum)
+            for r in self.items:
+                r.padToSize(direction,desired,align)
+    def tabulate(self):
+        "Pad the children of children as in a table.  Assumes each cell takes exactly 1 row or column and there are no borders except a gap between columns.  For more complex tables (borders, rowspan/colspan etc), please use an XYGrid instead, which automatically tabulates (although it's probably slower than the more simplistic approach used here)."
+        rows = [i for i in self.items if not i.__class__ == Strut]
+        numCols = max(len([c for c in r.items if not c.__class__ == Strut]) for r in rows) ; numRows = len(rows)
+        if self.stackingDir=='y': colWidthDir='x'
+        else: colWidthDir='y' # (and var names all wrong)
+        def xy(x,y):
+            its = rows[y].items ; i = 0
+            while True:
+                while i < len(its) and its[i].__class__ == Strut: i+=1
+                if i == len(its): return Strut() # size 0
+                if not x: return its[i]
+                x -= 1 ; i+=1
+        for colNo in xrange(numCols):
+            wid = max(xy(colNo,r).getSize(colWidthDir) for r in xrange(numRows))
+            if colNo < numCols-1 and colWidthDir=='x': wid += 1 # gap between cols
+            for r in xrange(numRows): xy(colNo,r).padToSize(colWidthDir,wid,'top') # TODO: currently an XYGrid is used if we have align= or valign= , but we could probably get those attributes here (but would also need to make sure that any 'docs' contained in the cell have been padded using it)
+        for rowNo in xrange(numRows):
+            hi = max(xy(c,rowNo).getSize(self.stackingDir) for c in xrange(numCols))
+            if rowNo < numRows-1 and self.stackingDir=='x': hi += 1 # gap between cols
+            for c in xrange(numCols): xy(c,rowNo).padToSize(self.stackingDir,hi,'top') # TODO: alignment as above TODO (currently handled by XYGrid)
+    def lineBreakAndPadLeading(self,maxSize,ourDirectionRunsFromEnd=False,orthogonalDirectionRunsFromEnd=False,baselineAlign='bottom'): # ( = 'right' for columns)
+        "When processing a stack of lines (or, for vertical text, a bunch of columns), interprets hard line breaks, adds soft line breaks, and ensures all lines are consistent 'height' (or width if they are columns), using baselineAlign to align any that were out of place.  Flags: False,False for a StackingRectangle('y') containing StackingRectangle('x') lines with left-to-right top-to-bottom line wrapping; True,False for a StackingRectangle('x') containing StackingRectangle('y') columns when we want to wrap in columns from right to left (and top to bottom within each column; True,True would give bottom to top), etc.  It's assumed that all relevant immediate children are other StackingRectangles; if any of these have a direction the same as ours, we'll recurse on them."
+        if ourDirectionRunsFromEnd: self.items.reverse()
+        if self.stackingDir=='y': wrappingDir = 'x'
+        else: wrappingDir = 'y'
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(self.items):
+            if not self.items[i].__class__ == StackingRectangle:
+                i += 1 ; continue
+            if self.items[i].stackingDir == self.stackingDir:
+                self.items[i].lineBreakAndPadLeading(maxSize,ourDirectionRunsFromEnd,orthogonalDirectionRunsFromEnd,baselineAlign)
+                i += 1 ; continue
+            if orthogonalDirectionRunsFromEnd:
+                self.items[i].items.reverse()
+            itemNo, breakAt, size = 0,None,0
+            for ii in self.items[i].items:
+                if ii.isHardLineBreak() or ii.canSubstituteLineBreak(): breakAt = itemNo
+                size += ii.getSize(wrappingDir)
+                if ii.isHardLineBreak() or (size > maxSize and (breakAt or itemNo)):
+                    if breakAt or ii.isHardLineBreak():
+                        self.items[i].items, newItems = self.items[i].items[:breakAt], self.items[i].items[breakAt+1:]
+                        if not breakAt: self.items[i].items=[Strut(self.stackingDir,1)] # if a hard line-break left an empty line, make sure it has some height
+                    else: self.items[i].items, newItems = self.items[i].items[:itemNo], self.items[i].items[itemNo:] # "emergency mode" for very long words - break just before the item we just looked at, even though no breakpoint
+                    nsr = StackingRectangle(wrappingDir,name='continuation')
+                    if orthogonalDirectionRunsFromEnd:
+                        newItems.reverse() # undo damage
+                    nsr.items = newItems
+                    self.items.insert(i+1,nsr)
+                    break
+                itemNo += 1
+            if orthogonalDirectionRunsFromEnd:
+              self.items[i].items.reverse() # undo damage
+            for ii in self.items[i].items[:]:
+                if not ii.getSize(wrappingDir):
+                    self.items[i].items.remove(ii) # (no point keeping 0-width spaces and things around once the line has been wrapped)
+            self.items[i].padToSize(self.stackingDir,align=baselineAlign) # (if horizontal wrap, pad-Y makes sure all cols on the items[i] row are the same height; if vertical wrap, similar for width)
+            for it in self.items[i].items: it.padToSize(wrappingDir) # (so any extra 'rows' we just added to those 'columns' are padded out as well)
+            # note however that we DON'T pad our ROWS to size in wrappingDir (that's done separately if centering etc is desired)
+            i += 1
+        if ourDirectionRunsFromEnd: self.items.reverse()
+    def getLines(self):
+        "assumes all needed padding is already done"
+        return [self.getLine(N) for N in range(self.getSize('y'))]
+    def getLine(self,N):
+        if self.stackingDir == 'x':
+            return reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,
+                       (i.getLine(N) for i in self.items))
+        if N < 0: return []
+        lNo = 0
+        for r in self.items:
+            l0,lNo = lNo,lNo+r.getSize('y')
+            if lNo > N: return r.getLine(N-l0)
+        return []
+    def canSubstituteLineBreak(self):
+        if not self.items: return False # empty container boxes are not necessarily valid line-break points
+        return all(
+           i.canSubstituteLineBreak() for i in self.items)
+    def isHardLineBreak(self):
+        items = [i for i in self.items if not i.__class__ == Strut]
+        if not items: return False
+        return all(i.isHardLineBreak() for i in items)
+    def isConsistent(self,seenList=None): # for debugging
+        if not seenList: seenList = []
+        if self in seenList: return False
+        seenList.append(self)
+        return all(x.isConsistent(seenList) for x in self.items if x.__class__ == StackingRectangle)
+    def __repr__(self): # for debugging
+        if self.stackingDir=='x': r = 'cols'
+        else: r = 'rows'
+        if self.name: r += '('+self.name+')'
+        return "%d %s %s" % (self.getSize(self.stackingDir),r,repr(self.items))
+class XYGrid:
+    def __init__(self,drawBorder):
+        self.items = {} # (x,y) : ((colspan,rowspan),item)
+        self.drawBorder = drawBorder
+    def getNumRowsOrCols(self,axis):
+        return max(k[axis]+v[0][axis] for k,v in self.items.iteritems())
+    def getSizeOfRowOrCol(self,N,nEnd=None,direction='x'):
+        "Returns the size of a particular row or column (or range of them), not including borders (except does include internal borders when returning a range)"
+        # If there's a border of size 1, the amount of space a cell contributes to each of its columns is (cell size - (colspan-1)) / colspan, but taking care to ensure that surplus space is allocated if this does not result in an integer (TODO: this need be only the average and it doesn't have to contribute equally to all)
+        spaceForBorder = (direction=='x') # TODO: or True if we want line borders in Y direction also
+        if not nEnd: nEnd = N+1
+        def contribOf(itemSize,span,makeUp):
+            if spaceForBorder: itemSize += 1-span # subtract some which will be provided anyway by internal borders of other cells (and is added in below)
+            each = int(itemSize/span)
+            if makeUp: return itemSize-(each*(span-1))
+            else: return each
+        if direction=='x': axis = 0
+        else: axis = 1
+        if spaceForBorder: border = nEnd-N-1 # the internal borders in the range
+        else: border = 0
+        return border + sum([0]+[max([0]+[contribOf(v[1].getSize(direction),v[0][axis],n == k[axis]+v[0][axis]-1) for k,v in self.items.iteritems() if k[axis] <= n < k[axis]+v[0][axis]]) for n in xrange(N,nEnd)])
+    def getSize(self,direction='x'):
+        if direction=='x': axis = 0
+        else: axis = 1
+        return self.getSizeOfRowOrCol(0,self.getNumRowsOrCols(axis),direction) # TODO: +2 if external borders
+    def padToSize(self,direction='x',desired=0,align='c',
+                       absoluteMaximum = None):
+        "XYGrid itself doesn't pad - it expects to be placed in containers that deal with padding"
+    def getLine(self,N):
+        if N < 0: return []
+        rowsSoFar = [0] # start line of table row N
+        for row in xrange(self.getNumRowsOrCols(1)):
+            rowsSoFar.append(self.getSizeOfRowOrCol(row,direction='y')+rowsSoFar[-1]) # TODO: if drawing borders between rows, may need another +1 somewhere (and +1 on first if top border also), plus detect when we're on a border line and draw it (except where rowspan is in effect)
+            if rowsSoFar[-1] > N: # it's this row
+                cells = range(self.getNumRowsOrCols(0))
+                for k,v in self.items.iteritems():
+                    if not k[1] <= row < k[1]+v[0][1]:
+                        continue # wrong row
+                    assert cells[k[0]:k[0]+v[0][0]] == range(k[0],k[0]+v[0][0]), "overlapping cells!"
+                    if hasattr(v[1],'valign'):
+                        valign = v[1].valign
+                    else: valign='top'
+                    itsLine = N-rowsSoFar[k[1]]
+                    if not valign=='top':
+                        itsLine -= centreCalc(v[1].getSize('y'),rowsSoFar[k[1]+v[0][1]]-rowsSoFar[k[1]],valign)[0]
+                    cells[k[0]] = v[1].getLine(itsLine)
+                    for o in xrange(k[0]+1,k[0]+v[0][0]):
+                        cells[o] = None
+                    cellWid = ansifiedLineLen(cells[k[0]])
+                    needWid = self.getSizeOfRowOrCol(k[0],k[0]+v[0][0],direction='x')
+                    if needWid > cellWid:
+                        if hasattr(v[1],'align'):
+                            align = v[1].align
+                        else: align='left'
+                        before,after = centreCalc(cellWid,needWid,align)
+                        if before: cells[k[0]].insert(0,ANSIfiedSpacer(before))
+                        if after: cells[k[0]].append(ANSIfiedSpacer(after))
+                    else: assert needWid==cellWid, "getSizeOfRowOrCol(%d:%d) returned %d but actual cell width %d" % (k[0],k[0]+v[0][0],needWid,cellWid)
+                for i in xrange(len(cells)):
+                    if type(cells[i]) == int:
+                        cells[i] = [ANSIfiedSpacer(self.getSizeOfRowOrCol(i))]
+                if self.drawBorder: mid = [ANSIfiedLineDrawing('|',[])] # TODO: more complex if drawing horizontal borders also: it might need to intersect them; TODO: external borders before/after the table?
+                else: mid = [ANSIfiedSpacer(1)]
+                return reduce(lambda a,b:a+mid+b, [x for x in cells if not x==None]) # (None = placeholder for colspans)
+        return []
+    def canSubstituteLineBreak(self): return False
+    def isHardLineBreak(self): return False
+def ANSIfiedTextToStackingRectangle(at):
+    "Make an ANSIfiedText 'know' how to run getSize etc"
+    width = widthOf(at.txt)
+    if width:
+        def getSize(direction='x'):
+            if direction=='x': return width
+            else: return 1
+        def getLine(N): return [at] # (can assume N==0 here, because the enclosing StackingRectangle('y') will handle any out-of-bounds requests)
+    else: # zero-width space or something - don't output
+        def getSize(_): return 0
+        def getLine(_): return []
+    at.getSize,at.getLine = getSize,getLine
+    at.padToSize = lambda *args: True # no need to do anything because the surrounding objects will add struts
+    if at.txt in lineBreakCharList:
+        at.canSubstituteLineBreak = lambda *args: True
+    else: at.canSubstituteLineBreak = lambda *args: False
+    if at.txt in ['\n']: # TODO: more?
+        at.isHardLineBreak = lambda *args: True
+    else: at.isHardLineBreak = lambda *args: False
+    return StackingRectangle('x',[StackingRectangle('y',[at])],name='obj')
+lineBreakCharList = [u' ',u'\u200b']
+notAllowedToBreakHanziBefore = u'.,;?!:'
+notAllowedToBreakHanziBefore = u'[\u2019\u201d\u3001\u3002' + u''.join(unichr(x) for x in range(0x3009,0x3020,2)) + notAllowedToBreakHanziBefore + u''.join(unichr(ord(c)+0xfee0) for c in notAllowedToBreakHanziBefore) +u']'
+def textIntoWordsAndSpaces(text):
+    text = re.sub(u'([\u4e00-\ua700])(?!'+notAllowedToBreakHanziBefore+u')',r'\1'+u'\u200b',text) # TODO: + kana ?
+    i = 0
+    for w in re.finditer('|'.join(re.escape(w) for w in lineBreakCharList), text):
+        if w.start() > i: yield text[i:w.start()]
+        yield w.group()
+        i = w.end()
+    if i<len(text): yield text[i:]
+def centreCalc(curSize,neededSize,alignType):
+    extra = neededSize - curSize
+    if alignType in ['top','left']: before,after = 0,extra
+    elif alignType in ['bottom','right']:
+        before,after = extra,0
+    else:
+        before = int(extra/2) ; after = extra-before
+    return before,after
+def matchToClosingTag(inStr):
+    "Takes account of nesting, but is quite tolerant.  Returns None if it can't make sense of the input starting at this point, or (tagName, position past opening tag, postition of end of closing tag, position past end of closing tag).  Imaginary closings are added for self-closing tags."
+    tagName = re.match('<([^ >]*)( [^>]*)?>',inStr)
+    if not tagName: return
+    tStart = tagName.end()
+    tagName = tagName.group(1).lower() ; numOpen = 0
+    if inStr[tStart-2]=='/' or tagName in ['br','hr']: # TODO: more self-closing tags?
+        return tagName,tStart,tStart,tStart
+    for t in re.finditer('(?i)</?'+re.escape(tagName)+'[ >]', inStr): # (ONLY the named tag, not any intervening ones.  This won't work with tags like <li>, which are implicitly closed if another one starts with no intervening <ul>/<ol>'s, or <p> which is closed if another starts on same level.  These tags are patched up by the caller.)
+        if t.group()[1]=='/': numOpen -= 1
+        else: numOpen += 1
+        if numOpen==0: return tagName, tStart, t.start(), t.end()
+    # if get here, we have an 'unclosed' tag (but maybe
+    # not really - see above).  Pretend it's closed at the
+    # end of the section of the doc we're dealing with.
+    return tagName, tStart, len(inStr), len(inStr)
+tagsToIgnore = [
+    '/li', # we ignore </li> and start new list items on <li> (see below)
+    'noscript','/noscript',
+    'span','/span', # for now (TODO: css?)
+    'nobr','/nobr', # for now (TODO: nbsp?)
+    'meta','link', # (header stuff)
+    'a','/a', # for now (TODO: do something?)
+    'blink','/blink', # please don't!
+    'tt','/tt','code','/code',
+    'samp','/samp','kbd','/kbd',
+    '!doctype','html','/html','body','/body',
+    'small','/small','big','/big',
+    'dl','/dl', # we just process its contents
+tagsToIgnore = re.compile('(?i)<('+'|'.join(re.escape(t) for t in tagsToIgnore)+')( [^>]*)?>')
+def parseDoc(html,width=None,attList=None,realWidth=None,
+             inPre=False,isOL=False,inCentre=False):
+    if width==None: width = screenWidth
+    if realWidth==None: realWidth = width # for lists
+    if attList==None: attList = []
+    theDoc = StackingRectangle('y',name='doc')
+    realDoc = theDoc # if we go into <li>, THAT becomes the new theDoc (this is a 'messy-HTML' parser)
+    lstrip = True ; liNum = 0
+    def makeP():
+        theP=StackingRectangle('x',name='p')
+        theDoc.items.append(theP)
+        return theP
+    def closeLI():
+        if not theDoc==realDoc:
+            theDoc.lineBreakAndPadLeading(width)
+            realDoc.items[-1].padToSize('x',align='left',absoluteMaximum=width)
+            realDoc.items[-1].padToSize('y',align='top')
+    theP = makeP()
+    attList_stack = [] ; gobbled = 0
+    while html:
+        def f(w): return ANSIfiedTextToStackingRectangle(ANSIfiedText(unicode(deAmp(w)),attList))
+        beforeTag = re.match('[^<]*',html).end()
+        if beforeTag:
+            txt = html[:beforeTag]
+            if inPre: theP.items += [f(txt)]
+            else:
+                txt = re.sub(r'\s+',' ',txt)
+                if lstrip: txt = txt.lstrip()
+                theP.items += [f(w) for w in textIntoWordsAndSpaces(txt)]
+            html = html[beforeTag:] ; gobbled += beforeTag
+            if not html: break
+        if attList_stack and attList_stack[-1][0]==gobbled+html.find('>')+1: # we're at the closing tag of that style
+            _, al2 = attList_stack.pop()
+            while attList: del attList[0]
+            attList += al2 # change in-place for caller
+            gobbled += html.find('>')+1
+            html = html[html.find('>')+1:]
+            continue # may do another, and/or more words
+        m = re.match(tagsToIgnore,html)
+        if m:
+            gobbled += m.end() ; html = html[m.end():]
+            lstrip=False ; continue
+        if re.match('(?i)</p>',html): thisTag = ('p',4,len(html),len(html)) # treat as <p> (see below)
+        else: thisTag = matchToClosingTag(html)
+        if thisTag:
+            tagName, inStart, inEnd, pastClose = thisTag
+            ansiatt=ansiAttributesForTag(html[:inStart])
+            if ansiatt:
+                attList_stack.append((gobbled+pastClose,attList[:]))
+                attList += ansiatt ; pastClose = inStart
+                lstrip = False
+            elif tagName=='ruby':
+                stack = parseRuby(html[inStart:inEnd],width,attList)
+                if stack: theP.items.append(stack)
+                else: thisTag = None # invalid
+                lstrip = False
+            elif tagName in ['ul','ol']:
+                theDoc.items.append(parseDoc(html[inStart:inEnd],max(min(10,width),width-4),attList,width,isOL=(tagName=='ol')))
+                # plus we need a new para at the end
+                theP = makeP()
+                lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['p']: # careful, this is auto-closing and matchToClosingTag doesn't "get" it, so:
+                if len(theP.items): # need blank space
+                    theDoc.items.append(Strut('y',1))
+                theP = makeP() ; pastClose = inStart
+                lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['li']: # similar
+                closeLI()
+                li = StackingRectangle('x',name='li')
+                realDoc.items.append(li) ; liNum += 1
+                if isOL:
+                    if liNum < 100: fmt = u"% 2d. "
+                    elif liNum < 1000: fmt = u"% 3d."
+                    else: fmt = u"%d" # who has that many?
+                    txt,tAttr = (fmt % liNum),ansiAttributesForTag('<b>')
+                else: txt,tAttr = u"  * ",[]
+                li.items.append(ANSIfiedTextToStackingRectangle(ANSIfiedText(txt,tAttr)))
+                theDoc = StackingRectangle('y')
+                li.items.append(theDoc)
+                theP = makeP() ; pastClose = inStart
+                lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['address','blockquote','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','dd']: # TODO: leave space above/below for some of these ?
+                if tagName.startswith('h'): al2 = attList + ansiAttributesForTag('<b>')
+                elif tagName.startswith('a'): al2 = attList + ansiAttributesForTag('<em>')
+                else: al2 = attList
+                blk = StackingRectangle('x',name='blk')
+                theDoc.items.append(blk)
+                w0 = max(min(10,width),width-8)
+                w1 = int((width-w0)/2)
+                blk.items.append(Strut('x',w1))
+                blk.items.append(parseDoc(html[inStart:inEnd],w0,al2,w0))
+                blk.items[-1].padToSize('x',align='left',absoluteMaximum=width)
+                blk.items.append(Strut('x',width-w0-w1))
+                blk.padToSize('y') # fill out the struts
+                # plus we need another new para at the end
+                theP = makeP() ; lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['div','pre','dt','center']:
+                # as above but without the extra margins
+                theDoc.items.append(parseDoc(html[inStart:inEnd],width,attList,inPre=(tagName=='pre'),inCentre=(tagName=='center')))
+                theP = makeP() ; lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['table']:
+                theDoc.items.append(parseTable(html[inStart:inEnd],width,attList,'border' in html[:inStart]))
+                theP = makeP() ; lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['hr']:
+                theP.items += [f(u'\u200b'),ANSIfiedTextToStackingRectangle(ANSIfiedLineDrawing(u'-'*width,[])),f(u'\u200b')]
+                lstrip = True
+            elif tagName in ['br']:
+                theP.items.append(f('\n'))
+                lstrip = True
+            # TODO: more tags ?
+            else: thisTag = None # unrecognised
+        if thisTag: html,gobbled = html[pastClose:],gobbled+pastClose
+        else: # it's a tag we didn't recognise, or something that's malformed
+            theP.items.append(f('<'))
+            gobbled += 1 ; html = html[1:] ; lstrip=False
+    closeLI()
+    if realDoc==theDoc:
+        realDoc.lineBreakAndPadLeading(realWidth)
+        if inCentre: realDoc.padToSize(desired=realWidth) # TODO: unless we're inside a table or something, in which case leave desired=0
+    return realDoc
+def parseTable(html,width,attList,hasBorder):
+    rows = StackingRectangle('y',name='table')
+    while html:
+        thisTag = matchToClosingTag(html)
+        if not thisTag:
+            # TODO: this is a bit of duplicate code
+            html = html[html.find('<',1):]
+            if len(html)==1: break
+            else: continue
+        tagName, inStart, inEnd, pastClose = thisTag
+        if tagName=='tr': rows.items.append(parseRow(html[inStart:inEnd],width,attList[:]))
+        html = html[pastClose:]
+    if hasBorder or any(any(hasattr(c,'rowspan') or hasattr(c,'colspan') or hasattr(c,'align') or hasattr(c,'valign') for c in r.items) for r in rows.items):
+        # it's complex - we'd better use an XYGrid (TODO: don't really need XYGrid for just align attrs if we implement align in StackingRectangle's tabulate; see the TODOs there)
+        grid = XYGrid(hasBorder)
+        y = 0 ; curRowspans = [] # (start,nLeft)
+        for row in rows.items:
+            x = 0
+            for cell in row.items:
+                while any(i[0]==x for i in curRowspans):
+                    x += 1 # skip that col
+                if hasattr(cell,'rowspan'):
+                    rowspan = cell.rowspan
+                else: rowspan = 1
+                if hasattr(cell,'colspan'):
+                    colspan = cell.colspan
+                else: colspan = 1
+                grid.items[(x,y)]=((colspan,rowspan),cell)
+                if rowspan > 1:
+                    for c in range(x,x+colspan):
+                        curRowspans.append((c,rowspan-1))
+                x += colspan
+            i = 0 # update curRowspans:
+            while i < len(curRowspans):
+                if not curRowspans[i][1]:
+                    del curRowspans[i] # it's finished
+                else:
+                    curRowspans[i] = (curRowspans[i][0], curRowspans[i][1]-1) ; i += 1
+            y += 1
+        rows.items = [StackingRectangle('x',[grid])] # in case it needs any outside padding
+    else: rows.tabulate() # for simpler tables
+    return rows
+def parseRow(html,width,attList):
+    cols = StackingRectangle('x',name='tr')
+    while html:
+        thisTag = matchToClosingTag(html)
+        if not thisTag:
+            html = html[html.find('<',1):]
+            if len(html)==1: break
+            else: continue
+        tagName, inStart, inEnd, pastClose = thisTag
+        if tagName=='td':
+            cols.items.append(parseDoc(html[inStart:inEnd],width,attList[:])) # TODO: reduce width?  (but only up to a limit)  might need 2+ passes to get it optimal
+            rowspan=attrValue(html[:inStart],'rowspan',1)
+            colspan=attrValue(html[:inStart],'colspan',1)
+            if rowspan>1 or colspan>1:
+                cols.items[-1].rowspan = int(rowspan)
+                cols.items[-1].colspan = int(colspan)
+            align = attrValue(html[:inStart],'align','left')
+            valign = attrValue(html[:inStart],'valign','top')
+            if not align=='left':
+                cols.items[-1].align = align
+            if not valign=='top':
+                cols.items[-1].valign = valign
+        html = html[pastClose:]
+    return cols
+def attrValue(tagStr,attrName,default=None):
+    for m in re.finditer('(?i) '+re.escape(attrName)+' *=([^ />]*|("[^"]*"))',tagStr):
+        m = m.group(1)
+        if m.startswith('"'): return m[1:-1]
+        else: return m
+    return default
+def parseRuby(html,width,attList):
+    out = StackingRectangle('y',name='ruby')
+    while html:
+        thisTag = matchToClosingTag(html)
+        if not thisTag:
+            html = html[html.find('<',1):]
+            if len(html)==1: break
+            else: continue
+        tagName, inStart, inEnd, pastClose = thisTag
+        line = parseDoc(html[inStart:inEnd],width,attList[:])
+        if tagName=='rb': out.items.append(line)
+        elif tagName=='rt': out.items.insert(0,line)
+        html = html[pastClose:]
+    if not out.items: return None # malformed ruby
+    out.padToSize(absoluteMaximum = screenWidth)
+    return out
+def ansiAttributesForTag(tag):
+    "Translates a non-closing tag (including < and >) to ANSI-sequence list, if appropriate.  Return value should be added after any existing list." # (for now, the list will always have 0 or 1 items, but in future we might support more complex style tags) (TODO: if adding background colour, see the TODO in ANSIfiedSpacer)
+    tagl = tag.lower() ; ttype=tagl[1:-1].split()[0]
+    def f(n): return ["\x1b[%dm" % n]
+    if ttype in ['b','strong']: return f(1)
+    elif ttype in ['i','em']: return f(3)
+    elif ttype in ['u']: return f(4)
+    elif ttype in ['s','strike','del']: return f(9) # not always poss
+    elif ttype=='font':
+        clr = attrValue(tagl,'color')
+        priSecList = ['black','red','green','yellow','blue','magenta','cyan','white'] # r*1+g*2+b*4
+        if clr.startswith('#'):
+            try: r,g,b = int(clr[-6:-4],16),int(clr[-4:-2],16),int(clr[-2:],16)
+            except: return []
+            threshold = max([r,g,b])/4
+            def contrib(v):
+                if v > threshold: return 1
+                else: return 0
+            r,g,b = [contrib(n) for n in [r,g,b]]
+            clr = priSecList[r*1+g*2+b*4]
+        if clr in priSecList: return f(30+priSecList.index(clr)) # TODO: check aliases like "purple" ??
+    return []
+def widthOf(unistr):
+    "Returns the width of unistr in terminal narrow-spaces, assuming all combining characters and ANSI attributes will be honoured (and also zero-width space), and assuming all non-fullwidth/wide chars are narrow"
+    wid = 0
+    for c in re.sub(u'[\u0300-\u036f\u200b]+','',re.sub("\x1b\\[[0-9]*m","",unistr)):
+        if unicodedata.east_asian_width(c) in ['F','W']:
+            wid += 2
+        else: wid += 1
+    return wid
+def screenDim(d):
+  c = int(os.environ.get(d,0))
+  if c: return c
+  import struct, fcntl, termios
+  if d=='COLUMNS': offset = 1
+  else: offset = 0
+  for N in [sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.stdin]:
+    if N.isatty(): return struct.unpack('hh',fcntl.ioctl(N,termios.TIOCGWINSZ,'xxxx'))[offset]
+  assert 0, "Could not determine dimensions: of terminal, please set "+d
+  return 60 # (last resort in case asserts are off)
+screenWidth = screenDim('COLUMNS')
+def htmlPreprocess(h):
+    hl = h.lower()
+    for tag1,tag2 in [('<!--','-->'),('<script','</script>'),('<style','</style>')]:
+        s = 0
+        while True:
+            s = hl.find(tag1,s)
+            if s<0: break
+            e = hl.find(tag2,s+len(tag1))
+            if e<0: break
+            e += len(tag2)
+            h = h[:s]+h[e:]
+            hl = hl[:s]+hl[e:]
+    return decode_entities(h)
+import htmlentitydefs
+def decode_entities(unistr): return re.sub('&([^&;]+);',matchEntity,unistr)
+def matchEntity(m):
+  mid=m.group(1)
+  if mid.startswith('#'):
+    mid=mid[1:]
+    if mid.startswith('x'): base,mid=16,mid[1:]
+    else: base=10
+    try: return unichr(int(mid,base))
+    except: pass
+  elif mid in htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint and not mid in ['lt','quot','amp']: # better cope with these later as these can affect the parsing
+    return unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[mid])
+  return m.group()
+def deAmp(h): return h.replace('&lt;','<').replace('&quot;','"').replace('&amp;','&')
+  import locale
+  terminal_charset = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
+except: terminal_charset = "utf-8"
+term = os.environ.get("TERM","")
+supports_ansi = ("xterm" in term or term in ["screen","linux"]) # TODO: others?
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ansiLines = parseDoc(htmlPreprocess(sys.stdin.read().decode(terminal_charset))).getLines()
+    # TODO: although we definitely .encode(terminal_charset) below, the .decode above might have to be something else if there's a META specifying it
+    toOut = mergeAnsifiedLines(ansiLines,not supports_ansi).encode(terminal_charset)
+    if sys.stdout.isatty() and len(ansiLines) > screenDim('ROWS')-2 and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/less'):
+        if '\x1b(0' in toOut: raw = '-r' # because we used ANSI line drawing (not just colours).  Customising less's -R option with the LESSANSIMIDCHARS and LESSANSIENDCHARS environment variables won't help us here, because '0' is an "end" character on one control sequence but a "mid" on the other, so we have no choice but to ask for ALL codes to go through raw, which in theory means less loses track of the real line lengths, although it seems to work well enough for the ANSI codes we generate
+        else: raw = '-R' # just the ANSI colours
+        os.popen('/usr/bin/less '+raw,'w').write(toOut)
+    else: sys.stdout.write(toOut)