From 4f9efa175a388586fd13b7c03117a4c058e01087 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Silas S. Brown" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 07:53:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update, Annotator Generator

---  |  4 ++++ | 11 +++++++++--
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index c094463..5176748 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -881,6 +881,10 @@ Options:
  : Cancels any earlier --android-print option in Makefile variables etc
+ : When generating an Android browser, include an option to convert the selection to audio using this URL as a prefix, e.g. (use for languages not likely to be supported by the device itself)
  : Whitespace-separated list of URL prefixes to offer to be a browser for, when a matching URL is opened by another Android application
diff --git a/ b/
index 94e34cd..87a54f9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python2
-program_name = "Annotator Generator v0.683 (c) 2012-19 Silas S. Brown"
+program_name = "Annotator Generator v0.6831 (c) 2012-19 Silas S. Brown"
 # See
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ parser.add_option("--android-print",
                   help="When generating an Android browser, include code to provide a Print option (usually print to PDF) and a simple highlight-selection option. The Print option will require Android 4.4, but the app should still run without it on earlier versions of Android.")
+parser.add_option("--android-audio",help="When generating an Android browser, include an option to convert the selection to audio using this URL as a prefix, e.g. (use for languages not likely to be supported by the device itself)")
                   help="Whitespace-separated list of URL prefixes to offer to be a browser for, when a matching URL is opened by another Android application")
 parser.add_option("--extra-js",help="Extra Javascript to inject into sites to fix things in the Android or iOS browser app. The snippet will be run before each scan for new text to annotate. You may also specify a file to read: --extra-js=@file.js (do not use // comments, only /* ... */ because newlines will be replaced)")
@@ -419,6 +420,9 @@ if android_template:
 if android and not java: errExit('You must set --java=/path/to/src//name/of/package when using --android')
 if bookmarks and not android: errExit("--bookmarks requires --android, e.g. --android=file:///android_asset/index.html")
 if android_print and not bookmarks: errExit("The current implementation of --android-print requires --bookmarks to be set as well")
+if android_audio:
+  if not android_print: errExit("The current implementation of --android-audio requires --android-print to be set as well") # for the highlighting (and TODO: I'm not sure about the HTML5-Audio support of Android 2.x devices etc, so should we check a minimum Android version before making the audio option available? as highlight option can be done pre-4.4 just no way to save the result)
+  if "'" in android_audio or '"' in android_audio or '\\' in android_audio: errExit("The current implementation of --android-audio requires the URL not to contain any quotes or backslashes, please percent-encode them")
 if (extra_js or extra_css or existing_ruby_js_fixes) and not (android or ios): errExit("--extra-js, --extra-css and --existing-ruby-js-fixes require either --android or --ios")
 if not extra_css: extra_css = ""
 if not extra_js: extra_js = ""
@@ -1366,7 +1370,10 @@ def bookmarkJS():
   unconditional_inject = "ssb_local_annotator_toolE="+emoji_supported
   # Highlighting function, currently depending on android_print (calls canPrint, and currently no other way to save highlights, TODO: figure out how we can save the highlights in a manner that's stable against document changes and annotation changes with newer app versions)
-  if android_print: unconditional_inject += r""";ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=function(colour){var r=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);var s=document.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i,d=0;for(i=0;i < s.length && !r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++);for(;i < s.length && r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++){d=1;s[i].setAttribute('style','background:'+colour+'!important');if(!window.doneWarnHighl){window.doneWarnHighl=true;ssb_local_annotator.alert('','This app cannot yet SAVE your highlights. They may be lost when you leave.'+(ssb_local_annotator.canPrint()?' Save as PDF to keep them.':''))}}if(!d)ssb_local_annotator.alert('','This tool can highlight only annotated words. Select at least one annotated word and try again.')};if(!document.gotSelChg){document.gotSelChg=true;document.addEventListener('selectionchange',function(){var i=document.getElementById('ssb_local_annotator_HL');if(window.getSelection().isCollapsed || document.getElementsByTagName('ruby').length < 9)'none'; else'block'})}function doColour(c){return '<span style=\"background:'+c+' !important\" onclick=\"ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel(&quot;'+c+'&quot;)\">'+(ssb_local_annotator_toolE?'\u270f':'M')+'</span>'}return """+sort20px(r"""'<button id=\"ssb_local_annotator_HL\" style=\"display: none; position: fixed !important; background: white !important; border: red solid !important; color: black !important; right: 0px; top: 3em; position: fixed !important; font-size: 20px !important; z-index:2147483647; -moz-opacity: 1 !important; filter: none !important; opacity: 1 !important; overflow: auto !important;\">'""")+r"""+doColour('yellow')+doColour('cyan')+doColour('pink')+doColour('inherit')+'</button>'"""
+  if android_print:
+    p = r""";ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=function(colour){var r=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);var s=document.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i,d=0;for(i=0;i < s.length && !r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++);for(;i < s.length && r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++){d=1;s[i].setAttribute('style','background:'+colour+'!important');if(!window.doneWarnHighl){window.doneWarnHighl=true;ssb_local_annotator.alert('','This app cannot yet SAVE your highlights. They may be lost when you leave.'+(ssb_local_annotator.canPrint()?' Save as PDF to keep them.':''))}}if(!d)ssb_local_annotator.alert('','This tool can highlight only annotated words. Select at least one annotated word and try again.')};if(!document.gotSelChg){document.gotSelChg=true;document.addEventListener('selectionchange',function(){var i=document.getElementById('ssb_local_annotator_HL');if(window.getSelection().isCollapsed || document.getElementsByTagName('ruby').length < 9)'none'; else'block'})}function doColour(c){return '<span style=\"background:'+c+' !important\" onclick=\"ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel(&quot;'+c+'&quot;)\">'+(ssb_local_annotator_toolE?'\u270f':'M')+'</span>'}return """+sort20px(r"""'<button id=\"ssb_local_annotator_HL\" style=\"display: none; position: fixed !important; background: white !important; border: red solid !important; color: black !important; right: 0px; top: 3em; position: fixed !important; font-size: 20px !important; z-index:2147483647; -moz-opacity: 1 !important; filter: none !important; opacity: 1 !important; overflow: auto !important;\">'""")+r"""+doColour('yellow')+doColour('cyan')+doColour('pink')+doColour('inherit')+'</button>'"""
+    if android_audio: p=p.replace("ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=",r"""ssb_local_annotator_playSel=function(){if(!window.doneWarnAudio && !confirm('Send selected words to third-party server for audio?')) return;window.doneWarnAudio=true;var r=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);var s=document.getElementsByTagName('ruby'),i,d=0;for(i=0;i < s.length && !r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++);var t=new Array();for(;i < s.length && r.intersectsNode(s[i]); i++) t.push(s[i].getElementsByTagName('rb')[0].innerText); var ae=document.createElement('audio');ae.setAttribute('src','"""+android_audio+r"""'+t.join(''));;};ssb_local_annotator_highlightSel=""").replace("+'</button>'",r"""+'<span onclick=\"ssb_local_annotator_playSel()\">'+(ssb_local_annotator_toolE?'\ud83d\udd0a':'S')+'</span></button>'""") # TODO: this 'confirm' will say "The page at (URL) says" which is inaccurate; need our own dialog w. some kind of exec-JS callback
+    unconditional_inject += p
   unconditional_inject = "(function(){"+unconditional_inject+"})()"
   return unconditional_inject+"+("+should_show_bookmarks+"?("+show_bookmarks_string+"):("+toolset_string+"))", "var a=e.getElementsByTagName('*'),i;for(i=0;i < a.length; i++){var c=a[i].getAttribute('onclick');if(c){a[i].removeAttribute('onclick');a[i].addEventListener('click',Function('ev',c+';ev.preventDefault()'))}else{c=a[i].getAttribute('href');if(c&&c.slice(0,11)=='javascript:'){a[i].addEventListener('click',Function('ev',c.slice(11)+';ev.preventDefault()'))}}}"
 if bookmarks: jsAddRubyCss += "+("+bookmarkJS()[0]+")"