diff --git a/adjuster.py b/adjuster.py
index d2e4e6d357a43025f5b052dc82c12f95fbadca18..2aa9dced1c1fee921d373d72bc4f24f5098a17c0 100755
--- a/adjuster.py
+++ b/adjuster.py
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ define("submitPath",help="If set, accessing this path (on any domain) will give
 define("submitBookmarklet",default=True,help="If submitPath is set, and if browser Javascript support seems sufficient, then add one or more 'bookmarklets' to the 'Upload Text' page (named after htmlFilterName if provided), allowing the user to quickly upload text from other sites. This might be useful if for some reason those sites cannot be made to go through Web Adjuster directly. The bookmarklets should work on modern desktop browsers and on iOS and Android; they should cope with frames and with Javascript-driven changes to a page, and on some browsers an option is provided to additionally place the page into a frameset so that links to other pages on the same site can be followed without explicitly reactivating the bookmarklet (but this does have disadvantages - page must be reloaded + URL display gets 'stuck' - so it's left to the user to choose).") # (and if the other pages check their top.location, things could break there as well)
 define("submitBookmarkletFilterJS",default=r"!c.nodeValue.match(/^[ -~\s]*$/)",help="A Javascript expression that evaluates true if a DOM text node 'c' should be processed by the 'bookmarklet' Javascript when submitPath and submitBookmarklet are set. To process ALL text, set this option to c.nodeValue.length, but if your htmlFilter will not change certain kinds of text then you can make the Javascript run more efficiently by not processing these (quote the expression carefully). The default setting will not process text that is all ASCII.") # + whitespace.  TODO: add non-ascii 'smart punctuation'? entered as Unicode escapes, or rely on serving the script as utf-8. (Previously said "To process ALL text, simply set this option to 'true'", but that can have odd effects on some sites' empty nodes. Saying c.nodeValue.length for now; c.nodeValue.match(/[^\s]/) might be better but needs more quoting explanation. Could change bookmarkletMainScript so it alters the DOM only if replacements[i] != oldTexts[i], c.f. annogen's android code, but that would mean future passes would re-send all the unchanged nodes cluttering the XMLHttpRequests especially if they fill a chunk - annogen version has the advantage of immediate local processing)
 define("submitBookmarkletChunkSize",default=1024,help="Specifies the approximate number of characters at a time that the 'bookmarklet' Javascript will send to the server if submitPath and submitBookmarklet are set. Setting this too high could impair browser responsiveness, but too low will be inefficient with bandwidth and pages will take longer to finish.")
-define("submitBookmarkletDomain",help="If set, specifies a domain to which the 'bookmarklet' Javascript should send its XMLHttpRequests, and ensures that they are sent over HTTPS if the 'bookmarklet' is activated from an HTTPS page (this is needed by some browsers to prevent blocking the XMLHttpRequest).  submitBookmarkletDomain should be a domain for which the adjuster can receive requests on both HTTP and HTTPS, and which has a correctly-configured HTTPS front-end with valid certificate.") # e.g. example.rhcloud.com
+define("submitBookmarkletDomain",help="If set, specifies a domain to which the 'bookmarklet' Javascript should send its XMLHttpRequests, and ensures that they are sent over HTTPS if the 'bookmarklet' is activated from an HTTPS page (this is needed by some browsers to prevent blocking the XMLHttpRequest).  submitBookmarkletDomain should be a domain for which the adjuster can receive requests on both HTTP and HTTPS, and which has a correctly-configured HTTPS front-end with valid certificate.") # e.g. example.rhcloud.com (although that does introduce the disadvantage of tying bookmarklet installations to the current URLs of the OpenShift service rather than your own domain)
 heading("Server control options")
 define("background",default=False,help="If True, fork to the background as soon as the server has started (Unix only). You might want to enable this if you will be running it from crontab, to avoid long-running cron processes.")
@@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ document.forms[0].i.focus()
         cookie_host = self.cookie_host()
         doRedirect = ""
         for name,value in response.headers.get_all():
-          if name.lower() in ["connection","content-length","content-encoding","transfer-encoding","etag","server","alternate-protocol"]: continue # we'll do our own connection type etc (but don't include "Date" in this list: if the remote server includes a Date it would be useful to propagate that as a reference for its Age headers etc, TODO: unless remote server is broken? see also comment in fixServerHeader re having no Date by default)
+          if name.lower() in ["connection","content-length","content-encoding","transfer-encoding","etag","server","alternate-protocol","strict-transport-security"]: continue # we'll do our own connection type etc (but don't include "Date" in this list: if the remote server includes a Date it would be useful to propagate that as a reference for its Age headers etc, TODO: unless remote server is broken? see also comment in fixServerHeader re having no Date by default)
           # TODO: WebSocket (and Microsoft SM) gets the client to say 'Connection: Upgrade' with a load of Sec-WebSocket-* headers, check what Tornado does with that
           if (do_pdftotext or do_epubtotext) and name.lower() in ["content-disposition","content-type"]: continue # we're re-doing these also
           elif do_epubtozip and name.lower()=="content-disposition" and value.replace('"','').endswith(".epub"):
diff --git a/annogen.py b/annogen.py
index 1476a36c4c349cab7e3e8804c2dc2a02a9480634..3904355596aa87d78e2e9b96d40b89d793f16b71 100755
--- a/annogen.py
+++ b/annogen.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-program_name = "Annotator Generator v0.596 (c) 2012-16 Silas S. Brown"
+program_name = "Annotator Generator v0.597 (c) 2012-16 Silas S. Brown"
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ parser.add_option("-w", "--annot-whitespace",
                   help="Don't try to normalise the use of whitespace and hyphenation in the example annotations.  Normally the analyser will try to do this, to reduce the risk of missing possible rules due to minor typographical variations.") # TODO: can this be extended to the point where the words 'try to' can be deleted ?  see comments
+                  help="Comma-separated list of words (without annotation markup) for which whitespace and hyphenation should always be kept even without the --annot-whitespace option.  Use when you know the variation is legitimate. This option expects words to be encoded using the system locale (UTF-8 if it cannot be detected).")
                   help="Filename of an optional text file (or compressed .gz or .bz2 file) to read auxiliary \"gloss\" information.  Each line of this should be of the form: word (tab) annotation (tab) gloss.  When the compiled annotator generates ruby markup, it will add the gloss string as a popup title whenever that word is used with that annotation.  The annotation field may be left blank to indicate that the gloss will appear for any annotation of that word.  The entries in glossfile do NOT affect the annotation process itself, so it's not necessary to completely debug glossfile's word segmentation etc.")
@@ -308,6 +310,7 @@ except: terminal_charset = "utf-8"
 try: import urlparse
   if os.environ.get("ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS"): errExit("Need urlparse module for ANNOGEN_ANDROID_URLS") # unless we re-implement
+if keep_whitespace: keep_whitespace = set(keep_whitespace.decode(terminal_charset).split(','))
 if diagnose: diagnose=diagnose.decode(terminal_charset)
 diagnose_limit = int(diagnose_limit)
 max_words = int(max_words)
@@ -2285,7 +2288,7 @@ def normalise():
       def add(self,x,y):
         if diagnose and diagnose in x: diagnose_write("Replacer.add(%s,%s)" % (x,y))
         self.dic[x] = y
-        if len(self.dic)==1500: # limit the size of each batch - needed on some Pythons (e.g. Mac: 2000 usually works, but occasionally still throws "OverflowError: regular expression code size limit exceeded", so try 1500; TODO: catch and bisect when necessary?)
+        if len(self.dic)==1500: # limit the size of each batch - needed on some Pythons (e.g. Mac OS 10.7: 2000 usually works, but occasionally still throws "OverflowError: regular expression code size limit exceeded", so try 1500; TODO: catch and bisect when necessary?)
       def flush(self):
         if not self.dic: return
@@ -2305,7 +2308,7 @@ def normalise():
             # To simplify rules, make it always lower.
             w = wl
             if hTry: hTry.add(w.replace('-',''))
-      if annot_whitespace: return w,None
+      if annot_whitespace or (keep_whitespace and markDown(w) in keep_whitespace): return w,None
       if not re.search(wspPattern,w): return w,hTry
       nowsp = re.sub(wspPattern,"",w)
       if not capitalisation and not nowsp.lower()==nowsp and nowsp.lower() in allWords: nowsp = nowsp.lower()