diff --git a/common/common/lin.py~ b/common/common/lin.py~
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd910b4b85dba6e884fc51bbdd0c67b86643f41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/common/lin.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import division
-from collections import defaultdict
-from os.path import join
-import os
-import _pickle as cPickle
-from seg import *
-import analyseExprs as a
-from itertools import repeat
-import boolFs as b
-import L1L2_cells_ids as layers
-linDataLoc = "../data/tracking/"
-def getSurvivingBetween(tss, linss, t1, t2):
-    linsL = filterLinssBetween(linss, (t1, t2))
-    cids = list()
-    for c in tss[t1]:
-        if tSearchN(linsL, c.cid, len(linsL), 0):
-            cids.append(c.cid)
-    return cids
-def filterSurvivingUntil(tss, linss, t2):
-    for t, ts in tss.items():
-        cids = getSurvivingBetween(tss, linss, t, t2)
-        filterT(ts, cids)
-    return
-def fst(x): return x[0]
-def snd(x): return x[1]
-def filterT(ts, cids):
-    scids = set(cids)
-    ts.cells = dict([(c.cid, c) for c in ts if c.cid in scids])
-    neighsL1 = dict()
-    for cid, ds in ts.neighs.items():
-        if cid in scids:
-            neighsL1[cid] = dict([(n, d) for n, d in ds.items() if n in scids])
-    ts.neighs = neighsL1
-def filterL1(tss):
-    L1_cids = {10: layers.L1_10h,
-               40: layers.L1_40h,
-               96: layers.L1_96h,
-               120: layers.L1_120h,
-               132: layers.L1_132h}
-    for t, ts in tss.items():
-        filterT(ts, L1_cids[t])
-    return
-def filterL1L2(tss):
-    L1_cids = {10: layers.L1_10h,
-               40: layers.L1_40h,
-               96: layers.L1_96h,
-               120: layers.L1_120h,
-               132: layers.L1_132h}
-    L2_cids = {10: layers.L2_10h,
-               40: layers.L2_40h,
-               96: layers.L2_96h,
-               120: layers.L2_120h,
-               132: layers.L2_132h}
-    for t, ts in tss.items():
-        #scids1 = set(L1_cids[t])
-        #scids2 = set(L2_cids[t])
-        filterT(ts, L1_cids[t] + L2_cids[t])
-#        ts.cells = dict([(c.cid, c) for c in ts
-#                         if c.cid in scids1 or c.cid in scids2])
-    return
-def getTs(linFn):
-    fn, _ = os.path.splitext(linFn)
-    (_, t1, _, t2) = fn.split("_")
-    return (int(t1[:-1]), int(t2[:-1]))
-def readLin(linFn):
-    with open(linFn, 'rb') as linF:
-        lin = cPickle.load(linF, encoding='latin1')
-    return lin, getTs(linFn)
-def readLins(linDataLoc):
-    lins = [readLin(join(linDataLoc, f)) for f in os.listdir(linDataLoc)
-            if os.path.isfile(join(linDataLoc, f))]
-    return lins
-def getLinMap(lin):
-    cMap = defaultdict(list)
-    for c1, c2 in lin[0]:
-        cMap[c2].append(c1)
-    return cMap
-def mkLinsSeries(lins):
-    return [(ts, getLinMap(lin))
-            for lin, ts in sorted(lins, key=lambda lt: lt[1][0])]
-def after(t, lt):
-    ts, _ = lt
-    (t1, t2) = ts
-    return t >= t1
-def before(t, lt):
-    ts, _ = lt
-    (t1, t2) = ts
-    return t <= t2
-def between(linSeries, t1, t2):
-    afters = [i for i, lt in enumerate(linSeries) if after(t1, lt)]
-    befores = [i for i, lt in enumerate(linSeries) if before(t2, lt)]
-    s = afters[-1]
-    e = befores[0]
-    return [(ts, lin) for ts, lin in linSeries[s:(e+1)]]
-def mergeLins(lin1, lin2):
-    mLin = dict()
-    for m, ds in lin1.items():
-        mLin[m] = sum([lin2[d] for d in ds], [])
-    return mLin
-def mergeLinss1(lins, acc):
-    if not lins: return acc
-    return mergeLinss1(lins[1:], mergeLins(acc, lins[0]))
-def mergeLinss(lins):
-    if len(lins) > 2: return mergeLinss1(lins[2:], mergeLins(lins[0], lins[1]))
-    elif len(lins) == 2: return mergeLins(lins[0], lins[1])
-    elif len(lins) == 1: return lins[0]
-    else: return []
-def concat(xss):
-    return sum(xss, [])
-def tSearchN(mss, r, n, c):
-    if c == n: return [r]
-    else:
-        return concat([tSearchN(mss, d, n, c+1) for d in mss[c].get(r, [])])
-def tSearch1(mss, r):
-    try:
-        return mss[0][r]
-    except KeyError:
-        return []
-def tSearch2(mss, r):
-    try:
-        return sum([mss[1][d] for d in mss[0][r]], [])
-    except KeyError:
-        print(r)
-        return []
-def cvol(c):
-    if c: return c.vol
-    else: return 0.0
-def sumVol(cs, f=cvol):
-    return sum([cvol(c) for c in cs])
-def mergeCellVolsRefN(tss, mss):
-    volss = []
-    for i, ts in enumerate(tss):
-        volss.append(dict())
-        for c in tss[0]:
-            volss[i][c.cid] = sum(cvol(ts.cells.get(ci, None)) for ci in tSearchN(mss, c.cid, i, 0))
-    return volss
-def const1(c):
-    if c: return 1
-    else: return 0
-def mergeCellNsRefN(tss, linss):
-    attrss = []
-    for i, ts in enumerate(tss):
-        attrss.append(dict())
-        for c in tss[0]:
-            attrss[i][c.cid] = sum(const1(ts.cells.get(ci, None)) for ci in tSearchN(linss, c.cid, i, 0))
-    return  attrss
-def mergeCellVolsRef3(tss, mss):
-    (ts1, ts2, ts3) = tss
-    vols1 = dict()
-    vols2 = dict()
-    vols3 = dict()
-    for c in ts1:
-        vols1[c.cid] = c.vol
-        vols2[c.cid] = sumVol([ts2.cells[i] for i in tSearch1(mss, c.cid)])
-        vols3[c.cid] = sumVol([ts3.cells[i] for i in tSearch2(mss, c.cid)])
-    return vols1, vols2, vols3
-def mergeCellVolsRef2(tss, mss):
-    (ts1, ts2) = tss
-    vols1 = dict()
-    vols2 = dict()
-    for c in ts1:
-        print(c.cid)
-        vols1[c.cid] = c.vol
-        vols2[c.cid] = sumVol([ts2.cells[i] for i in tSearch1(mss, c.cid)])
-    return vols1, vols2
-def divOr0(n1, n2):
-    if n2 == 0: return 0
-    else: return n1 / n2
-def growthRates3(volss, m12):
-    vols1, vols2, vols3 = volss
-    gr2 = dict()
-    for i, vol in vols1.items():
-        gr12 = divOr0((vols2[i] - vols1[i]), vols1[i])
-        gr23 = divOr0((vols3[i] - vols2[i]), vols2[i])
-        gr2[i] = 0.5 * (gr12 + gr23)
-    gr22 = [zip(m12.get(i, []), repeat(gr, len(m12.get(i, []))))
-            for i, gr in gr2.items()]
-    return dict(sum(gr22, []))
-def growthRatesL2(volss):
-    vols1, vols2 = volss
-    gr1 = dict()
-    for i, vol in vols1.items():
-        gr1[i] = (vols2[i] - vols1[i]) / vols1[i]
-    return gr1
-def growthRatesR2(volss, m12):
-    vols1, vols2 = volss
-    gr2 = dict()
-    for i, vol in vols1.items():
-        gr2[i] = (vols2[i] - vols1[i]) / vols1[i]
-    gr22 = [zip(m12.get(i, []), repeat(gr, len(m12.get(i, []))))
-            for i, gr in gr2.items()]
-    return dict(sum(gr22, []))
-def mkSeries():
-    d = "../data/organism"                                                                                 
-    dExprs = "../data/geneExpression/new_patterns"
-    timepoints = [10, 40, 96, 120, 132]
-    lins = mkLinsSeries(readLins(linDataLoc))
-    tss = dict()
-    linss = dict()
-    for t1, t2 in zip(timepoints, timepoints[1:]):
-        tss[t1] = a.readDataT1(d, dExprs, t1)
-        tss[t2] = a.readDataT1(d, dExprs, t2)
-        linss[(t1, t2)] = mergeLinss(list(map(lambda x: x[1], between(lins, t1, t2))))
-    return tss, linss
-def mkSeriesIm0():
-    d = "../data/yr01"
-    linDataLoc = "../data/yr01/tracking"
-    timepoints = [0, 10, 40, 96, 120, 132]
-    lins = mkLinsSeries(readLins(linDataLoc))
-    tss = dict()
-    linss = dict()
-    for t in timepoints:
-        tss[t] = a.readDataT1Im(d, t)
-    for t1, t2 in zip(timepoints, timepoints[1:]):
-        linss[(t1, t2)] = mergeLinss(map(lambda x: x[1],
-                                          between(lins, t1, t2)))
-    return tss, linss
-def mkGrowthRates():
-    tss, linss = mkSeries()
-    grs = dict()
-    grs[10] = growthRatesL2(mergeCellVolsRef2((tss[10], tss[40]),
-                                              [linss[(10, 40)]]))
-    grs[40] = growthRates3(mergeCellVolsRef3((tss[10], tss[40], tss[96]),
-                                             [linss[(10, 40)], linss[(40, 96)]]),
-                           linss[(10, 40)])
-    grs[96] = growthRates3(mergeCellVolsRef3((tss[40], tss[96], tss[120]),
-                                             [linss[(40, 96)], linss[(96, 120)]]),
-                           linss[(40, 96)])
-    grs[120] = growthRates3(mergeCellVolsRef3((tss[96], tss[120], tss[132]),
-                                              [linss[(96, 120)], linss[(120, 132)]]),
-                            linss[(96, 120)])
-    grs[132] = growthRatesR2(mergeCellVolsRef2((tss[120], tss[132]),
-                                               [linss[(120, 132)]]),
-                             linss[(120, 132)])
-    return grs
-def readGeomImT(fid, t):
-    ressFn = "../data/yr" + fid + "/resolutions.txt"
-    segFn = ("../data/yr" +
-             fid +
-             "/segmentations/YR_" +
-             fid + "_" + str(t) +
-             "h_segmented.tif")
-    ress = readRess(ressFn)
-    img = readImage(segFn)
-    res = ress[t]
-    ts = Tissue.fromImage(data=img, res=res)
-    for c in ts:
-        c.swapZX()
-    return ts
-def mkSeriesGeomIm(fid):
-    ressFn = "../data/yr" + fid + "/resolutions.txt"
-    linDataLoc = "../data/yr" + fid + "/trackingFiles/"
-    ress = readRess(ressFn)
-    tpoints = sorted(ress.keys())
-    lins = mkLinsSeries(readLins(linDataLoc))
-    tss = dict()
-    linss = dict()
-    for t in tpoints:
-        tss[t] = readGeomImT(fid, t)
-    for t1, t2 in zip(tpoints, tpoints[1:]):
-        linss[(t1, t2)] = mergeLinss(map(lambda x:
-                                         x[1], between(lins, t1, t2)))
-    return tss, linss
-def invertMap(ln):
-    iLin = [list(zip(ds, repeat(m, len(ds)))) for m, ds in ln.items()]
-    return dict(sum(iLin, []))
-def updateCells(ts, ts1, iLn):
-    for c1 in ts1:
-        try:
-            c = ts.cells[iLn[c1.cid]]
-        except KeyError:
-            print(c1.cid)
-            c = Cell(0, Vec3(0, 0, 0), 0, dict([(g, False) for g in geneNms]))
-        c1.exprs = dict([(g, c.exprs[g]) for g, v in c1.exprs.items()])
-    return
-def prev(t):
-    if t == 40: return 10
-    elif t == 96: return 40
-    elif t == 120: return 96
-    elif t == 132: return 120
-    else: return None
-def succ(t):
-    if t==10: return 40
-    elif t==40: return 96
-    elif t==96: return 120
-    elif t==120: return 132
-    else: return None
-def updateTs(tss, linss, tpoints):
-    #evolve patterns based on lineage
-    tssLin = {}
-    for t in tpoints[1:]:
-        tssLin[(prev(t), t)] = tss[t].updateExprsTs(tss[prev(t)],
-                                                    invertMap(linss[(prev(t), t)]))
-    return tssLin
-def updateTsBF(tss, fs):
-    return dict((t, tss[t].updateExprsBF(fs[t])) for t in tss.keys())
-def toNewmanFn(fn):
-    (fn, ext) = os.path.splitext(fn)
-    return fn + "000" + ".tif"
-def plotNewman1(tss, i, geneNm, outDir="."):
-    from subprocess import call
-    import os
-    confFile = "newman.conf"
-    visCmd = "/home2/Organism/tools/plot/bin/newman"
-    mergeCmd = "convert"
-    b.cellsToDat("ts1.dat", list(tss))
-    call([visCmd,
-          "-shape", "sphereVolume",
-          "-d", "3",
-          "ts1.dat",
-          "-column", str(i+1),
-          "-output", "tiff",
-          geneNm,
-          "-camera", confFile,
-          "-min", str(0),
-          "-max", str(1)])
-    os.remove("ts1.dat")
-    return
-def plotNewman2(tss, tss1, i, geneNm, outDir="."):
-    from os.path import join
-    from subprocess import call
-    import os
-    confFile = "newman.conf"
-    visCmd = "/home2/Organism/tools/plot/bin/newman"
-    mergeCmd = "convert"
-    b.cellsToDat("ts1.dat", list(tss))
-    b.cellsToDat("ts2.dat", list(tss1))
-    call([visCmd,
-          "-shape", "sphereVolume",
-          "-d", "3",
-          "ts1.dat",
-          "-column", str(i+1),
-          "-output", "tiff",
-          "ts1",
-          "-camera", confFile,
-          "-min", str(0),
-          "-max", str(1)])
-    call([visCmd,
-          "-shape", "sphereVolume",
-          "-d", "3",
-          "ts2.dat",
-          "-column", str(i+1),
-          "-output", "tiff",
-          "ts2",
-          "-camera", confFile,
-          "-min", str(0),
-          "-max", str(1)])
-    call([mergeCmd,
-          toNewmanFn("ts1.tif"),
-          toNewmanFn("ts2.tif"),
-          "+append",
-          "-pointsize", "20",
-          "-fill", "white",
-          "-annotate", "+10+40", geneNm,
-          join(outDir, geneNm+".tif")])
-    os.remove("ts1.dat")
-    os.remove("ts2.dat")
-    os.remove(toNewmanFn("ts1.tif"))
-    os.remove(toNewmanFn("ts2.tif"))
-def tFn(t, ref=""):
-    return "ts_t" + str(t) + ref + ".txt"
-def toOrgs(tss, ref="", outDir="."):
-    for t, ts in tss.items():
-        b.cellsToOrg(join(outDir, tFn(t, ref)), list(ts))
-    return
-def snd(x):
-    return x[1]
-def betweenTs(t, bounds):
-    ts, te = bounds
-    return t >= ts and t <= te
-def filterLinssBetween(linss, bounds):
-    t1, t2 = bounds
-    linssL = sorted([(ts, ln) for ts, ln in linss.items() 
-                     if betweenTs(ts[0], (t1, t2)) and betweenTs(ts[1], (t1, t2))], key=lambda p: p[0][0])
-    return list(map(snd, linssL))
-def filterTssBetween(tss, tbounds):
-    t1, t2 = tbounds
-    tssL = sorted([(t, ts) for t, ts in tss.items() if betweenTs(t, (t1, t2))], key=fst)
-    return list(map(snd, tssL))
diff --git a/common/common/seg.py~ b/common/common/seg.py~
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe48542254b939da38243fc05e7587c0dc0170e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/common/seg.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-import numpy as np
-import ast
-from tifffile import TiffFile
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import boolFs as b
-from copy import deepcopy
-from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
-geneNms = ['AG',
-           'AHP6',
-           'ANT',
-           'AP1',
-           'AP2',
-           'AP3',
-           'AS1',
-           'ATML1',
-           'CLV3',
-           'CUC1_2_3',
-           'ETTIN',
-           'FIL',
-           'LFY',
-           'MP',
-           'PHB_PHV',
-           'PI',
-           'PUCHI',
-           'REV',
-           'SEP1',
-           'SEP2',
-           'SEP3',
-           'STM',
-           'SUP',
-           'SVP',
-           'WUS']
-class Vec3(object):
-    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
-        self.x = x
-        self.y = y
-        self.z = z
-    def dist(self, v1):
-        return np.sqrt((self.x - v1.x)**2 +
-                       (self.y - v1.y)**2 +
-                       (self.z - v1.z)**2)
-    def toOrganism(self, sep=' '):
-        return sep.join([str(self.x), str(self.y), str(self.z)])
-    def swapZX(self):
-        xt = self.x
-        self.x = self.z
-        self.z = xt
-    def toArray(self):
-        return np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z])
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.toOrganism()
-class Cell(object):
-    def __init__(self, cid, pos, vol, exprs=None):
-        self.cid = cid        #Int
-        self.pos = pos        #Vec3
-        self.vol = vol        #Real
-        self.exprs = exprs    #Map String Bool
-    def dist(self, c1):
-        return self.pos.dist(c1.pos)
-    def addExprs(self, exprs, geneNms):
-        for gn in geneNms:
-            if not gn in exprs.keys():
-                exprs[gn] = False
-        self.exprs = exprs
-        self.geneNms = geneNms
-        return
-    def updateExprs(self, gfs):
-        gexprsUpd = dict()
-        for g, _ in self.exprs.items():
-            if g in gfs:
-                gf = gfs[g]
-                (acts, reprs, out, fsAct, fsRepr) = gf
-                inputs = acts + reprs
-                vals = [self.exprs[i] for i in inputs]
-                gexprsUpd[g] = b.evalI((acts, reprs, out), vals, fsAct, fsRepr)
-            else:
-                gexprsUpd[g] = self.exprs[g]
-        ncell = Cell(self.cid, self.pos, self.vol)
-        ncell.addExprs(gexprsUpd, deepcopy(self.geneNms))
-        return ncell
-    def updateExprsC(self, c):
-        exprsUpd = dict([(g, c.exprs[g]) for g, v in self.exprs.items()])
-        nc = Cell(self.cid, self.pos, self.vol, exprsUpd)
-        nc.geneNms = self.geneNms
-        return nc
-    def _boolToInt(self, b):
-        if b: return 1
-        return 0
-    def _exprsToOrg(self, sep=' '):
-        exprs = [str(self._boolToInt(self.exprs[gn])) for gn in self.geneNms]
-        return sep.join(exprs)
-    def swapZX(self):
-        self.pos.swapZX()
-    @classmethod
-    def fromTV(cls, nelems):
-        def parsePos(spos):
-            pos = list(np.fromstring(spos.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''),
-                                     sep=' '))
-            return pos
-        cid = int(nelems['cid'])
-        vol = float(nelems['volume'])
-        [xc, yc, zc] = parsePos(nelems['center'])
-        pos = Vec3(xc, yc, zc)
-        return cls(cid, pos, vol)
-    @classmethod
-    def fromImage(cls, cd, res):
-        volVoxel = np.prod(res)
-        xc, yc, zc = cd.centroid
-        nVoxels = cd.area
-        xc, yc, zc = np.multiply(np.array([xc, yc, zc]), res)
-        vol = nVoxels * volVoxel
-        pos = Vec3(xc, yc, zc)
-        cid = cd.label
-        return cls(cid, pos, vol)
-    def toOrganism(self):
-        if self.exprs:
-            return (' '.join([self.pos.toOrganism(), str(self.vol),
-                          str(self.cid), self._exprsToOrg()]))
-        else:
-            return (' '.join([self.pos.toOrganism(), str(self.vol),
-                              str(self.cid)]))
-    def toText(self, sep=" "):
-        if self.exprs:
-            return (sep.join([str(self.cid),
-                              self.pos.toOrganism(sep=sep),
-                              str(self.vol),
-                              self._exprsToOrg(sep=sep)]))
-        else:
-            return sep.join([str(self.cid), self.pos.toOrganism(sep=sep)])
-    def centreToArray(self):
-        return self.pos.toArray()
-    def getOnGenes(self):
-        return frozenset([g for g, st in self.exprs.items() if st]) - frozenset(['WUS'])
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.toOrganism()
-class Tissue(object):
-    def __init__(self, cells, neighs, ecellIds = None):
-        self.cells = cells            #Map Int Cell
-        self.neighs = neighs          #Map Int (Map Int Dist)
-        self.L1_cells = ecellIds      #Set Int
-    def __iter__(self):
-        #iterate over a list instead of map
-        return iter([v for _, v  in self.cells.items()])
-    @classmethod
-    def _extractCells(cls, data, res):
-        from skimage.measure import regionprops
-        cellsSeg = regionprops(data)
-        cells = dict()
-        for cd in cellsSeg:
-            cells[int(cd.label)] = Cell.fromImage(cd, res)
-        return cells
-    @classmethod
-    def _getConn(cls, cells, data):
-        from skimage.future.graph import RAG
-        connG = RAG(data)
-        neigh = dict()
-        for n in connG.nodes:
-            nbrs = connG.adj[n].keys()
-            ds = [cells[n].dist(cells[nb]) for nb in nbrs]
-            neigh[n] = dict(zip(nbrs, ds))
-        return neigh
-    @classmethod
-    def fromTV(cls, fnGeom, fnNeigh):
-        def parseLn(ln):
-            ln = str.strip(ln)
-            nelems = dict()
-            elems = str.split(ln, ',')
-            for elm in elems:
-                [name, val] = str.split(elm, ':')
-                name = str.strip(name)
-                val = str.strip(val)
-                nelems[name] = val
-            return nelems
-        cells = dict() 
-        neighs = dict()
-        ecellIds = []
-        with open(fnGeom, 'r') as f:
-            for ln in f:
-                nelems = parseLn(ln)
-                c = Cell.fromTV(nelems)
-                cells[c.cid] = c
-        with open(fnNeigh, 'r') as f:
-            for ln in f:
-                nelems = ast.literal_eval(ln)
-                cid = nelems['cid']
-                ns = nelems['neighbors ids']
-                if 1 in ns:
-                    ecellIds.append(cid)
-                    ns.remove(1)
-                neighs[cid] = dict((n, cells[cid].dist(cells[n])) for n in ns)
-        return cls(cells, neighs, set(ecellIds))
-    @classmethod
-    def fromImage(cls, data, res):
-        cells = cls._extractCells(data, res)
-        conn = cls._getConn(cells, data)
-        return cls(cells, conn)
-    def adjView(self):
-        return dict([(cid, ds.keys()) for cid, ds in self.neighs.items()])
-    def relabelFromMap(self, relabelM):
-        neighsR = []
-        for c in self:
-            c.cid = relabelM[c.cid]
-        for c, dists in self.neighs.items():
-            reNs = dict([(relabelM[n], d) for n, d in dists.items()])
-            neighsR.append((relabelM[c], reNs))
-        self.neighs = dict(neighsR)
-        return
-    def relabel(self):
-        relabelM = dict([(c.cid, i) for i, c in enumerate(self)])
-        self.relabelFromMap(relabelM)
-        return
-    def filterL1(self):
-        if not self.neighs:
-            return
-        L1_cell_ids = self.neighs[1]
-        L1_cells = dict([(c.cid, c) for c in self if c.cid in L1_cell_ids])
-        L1_neighs = dict([(cid, nbrs) for cid, nbrs in deepcopy(self.neighs.items())
-                           if cid in L1_cells_ids])
-        return Tissue(L1_cells, L1_neighs)
-    def toNeigh(self):
-        def cellToNeigh(cid, nbs):
-            nbsIds = nbs.keys()
-            nNbs = len(nbsIds)
-            nbsDists = [nbs[nid] for nid in nbsIds]
-            return " ".join([str(cid), str(nNbs)]
-                           + map(str, nbsIds)
-                           + map(str, nbsDists))
-        ncells = sum(1 for _ in self)
-        header = str(ncells) + " " + "1"
-        cellReprs = ([cellToNeigh(cid, nbs)
-                      for cid, nbs in self.neighs.items()])
-        return "\n".join([header] + cellReprs)
-    def toOrganism(self):
-        headerComment = "#x y z vol id"
-        ns = str(len(self.cells)) + " 5"
-        content = '\n'.join([cell.toOrganism() for cell in self])
-        return "\n".join([headerComment, ns, content])
-    def centresToArray(self):
-        return np.array([c.centreToArray() for c in self])
-class STissue(Tissue):
-    def __init__(self, cells, neighs, gexprs=None, geneNms=None):
-        super(STissue, self).__init__(cells, neighs)
-        if gexprs and geneNms:
-            self.addExprs(gexprs, geneNms)
-    def _defGeneExprs(self):
-        return dict([(gn, False) for gn in self.geneNms])
-    def addExprs(self, gexprs, geneNms):
-        self.geneNms = geneNms
-        for cell in self:
-            try:
-                cell.addExprs(gexprs[cell.cid], geneNms)
-            except KeyError:
-                cell.addExprs(self._defGeneExprs(), geneNms)
-        return
-    def relabel(self):
-        super(STissue, self).relabel()
-    @classmethod
-    def fromImage(cls, data, res, gexprs, geneNms):
-        ts = Tissue.fromImage(data, res)
-        return cls(ts.cells, ts.neighs, gexprs, geneNms)
-    @classmethod
-    def fromTV(cls, fnGeom, fnNeigh, gexprs, geneNms):
-        ts = Tissue.fromTV(fnGeom, fnNeigh)
-        return cls(ts.cells, ts.neighs, gexprs, geneNms)
-    def toOrganism(self):
-        headerComment = "#x y z vol id " + ' '.join(self.geneNms)
-        ns = str(len(self.cells)) + " " + str(len(self.geneNms)+5)
-        content = '\n'.join([cell.toOrganism() for cell in self])
-        return "\n".join([headerComment, ns, content])
-    def updateExprsBF(self, gfs):
-        ncells = dict([(c.cid, c.updateExprs(gfs)) for c in self])
-        return STissue(ncells, deepcopy(self.neighs))
-    def updateExprsTs(self, ts, iLn):
-        ncells = {}
-        for c1 in self:
-            try:
-                c = ts.cells[iLn[c1.cid]]
-            except KeyError:
-                c = Cell(0, Vec3(0, 0, 0), 0, dict([(g, False) for g in geneNms]))
-            ncells[c1.cid] = c1.updateExprsC(c)
-        return STissue(ncells, deepcopy(self.neighs))
-    def toDict(self):
-        tsDict = {}
-        for c in self:
-            tsDict[c.cid] = dict(((g, b.boolToInt(v)) for g, v in c.exprs))
-        return tsDict
-    def toCSV(self):
-        headerComment = "id,x,y,z,vol," + ','.join(self.geneNms)
-        content = '\n'.join([cell.toText(sep=",") for cell in self])
-        return "\n".join([headerComment, content])
-class IndexTracker(object):
-    def __init__(self, ax, X):
-        self.ax = ax
-        ax.set_title('use scroll wheel to navigate images')
-        self.X = X
-        self.slices, rows, cols = X.shape
-        self.ind = self.slices//2
-        self.im = ax.imshow(self.X[self.ind, :, :])
-        self.update()
-    def onscroll(self, event):
-        if event.button == 'up':
-            self.ind = (self.ind + 1) % self.slices
-        else:
-            self.ind = (self.ind - 1) % self.slices
-        self.update()
-    def update(self):
-        self.im.set_data(self.X[self.ind, :, :])
-        self.ax.set_ylabel('slice %s' % self.ind)
-        self.im.axes.figure.canvas.draw()
-def plot3d(data):
-    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
-    tracker = IndexTracker(ax, data)
-    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', tracker.onscroll)
-    plt.show()    
-############### reading
-def getResolution(f):
-    try:
-        x1, x2 = f.pages.pages[0].tags['XResolution']
-        y1, y2 = f.pages.pages[0].tags['YResolution']
-        xres = x2 / x1
-        yres = y2 / y1
-        zres = 1.0
-    except:
-        xres = 1.0
-        yres = 1.0
-        zres = 1.0
-    return np.array([xres, yres, zres])
-def readImage(fseg):
-    f = TiffFile(fseg)
-    seg = f.asarray().astype(int)
-    return seg
-def readImageRegionPoints(fseg, res=[1, 1, 1], d=2):
-    from skimage.measure import regionprops
-    cell_regions = dict()
-    seg = readImage(fseg)
-    cellsSeg = regionprops(seg)
-    for cregion in cellsSeg:
-        cell_regions[cregion.label] = np.multiply(cregion.coords[:, :d], res[:d])
-    return cell_regions
-def readRegionVolume(fseg, res=[1, 1, 1]):
-    from skimage.measure import regionprops
-    cell_regions = dict()
-    seg = readImage(fseg)
-    cellsSeg = regionprops(seg)
-    for cregion in cellsSeg:
-        cell_regions[cregion.label] = cregion.area*np.product(res)
-    return cell_regions
-def mergePoints(cell_regions, cids):
-    return np.vstack(tuple([cell_regions[cid] for cid in cids]))
-def getCellRegions(fid="01", d=2):
-    segFn = "../data/yr{fid}/segmentations/YR_{fid}_{t}h_segmented.tif"
-    ressFn = "../data/yr" + fid + "/resolutions.txt"
-    ress = readRess(ressFn)
-    tpoints = sorted(ress.keys())
-    fsegs = dict([(t, segFn.format(fid=fid, t=str(t))) for t in tpoints])
-    return dict([(t, readImageRegionPoints(fn, res=ress[t], d=d))
-                   for t, fn in fsegs.items()])
-def getCellRegionVolumes(fid="01"):
-    fsegs = {10: "../data/yr01/segmentations/YR_01_10h_segmented.tif",
-             40: "../data/yr01/segmentations/YR_01_40h_segmented.tif",
-             96: "../data/yr01/segmentations/YR_01_96h_segmented.tif",
-             120: "../data/yr01/segmentations/YR_01_120h_segmented.tif",
-             132: "../data/yr01/segmentations/YR_01_132h_segmented.tif"}
-    return dict([(t, readRegionVolume(fn, res=ress[t]))
-                   for t, fn in fsegs.items()])
-def readExprs(fn):
-    #returns: Map Int (Map String Bool)  Cid -> (GeneName -> {On/Off})
-    gexprs = dict() 
-    with open(fn) as f:
-        geneNms = f.readline().rstrip().split(' ')[1:]
-        for line in f:
-            els = line.rstrip().split(' ')
-            cid = els[0]
-            exprs = els[1:]
-            gexprs[int(cid)] = dict(zip(geneNms, [bool(int(exp))
-                                                  for exp in exprs]))
-    return gexprs
-def writeOrg(fnGeom, fnNeigh, ts):
-    with open(fnGeom, 'w+') as f:
-        f.write(ts.toOrganism())
-    with open(fnNeigh, 'w+') as f:
-        f.write(ts.toNeigh())
-    return
-def readRess(fn):
-    import ast
-    with open(fn, 'r') as f:
-        sress = ("{" + f.read().replace("=", ":").replace("h", "").
-                 replace("\n", "").replace("t", "") + "}")
-        ress = ast.literal_eval(sress)
-    return ress
-#functions for common tasks
-def mkOrgs(d, dExprs, dOut):
-    from os.path import join
-    timepoints = [10, 40, 96, 120, 132]
-    geomF = "_segmented_tvformat_0_volume_position.txt"
-    neighF = "_segmented_tvformat_0_neighbors_py.txt"
-    exprF = "h.txt"
-    initF = ".init"
-    orgNeighF = ".neigh"
-    for t in timepoints:
-        print(t)
-        fnGeom = join(d, "t" + str(t) + geomF)
-        fnNeigh = join(d, "t" + str(t) + neighF)
-        fnExpr = join(dExprs, "t_" + str(t) + exprF)
-        fnGeomOut = join(dOut, "t" + str(t) + initF)
-        fnNeighOut = join(dOut, "t" + str(t) + orgNeighF)
-        gexprs = readExprs(fnExpr)
-        ts = STissue.fromTV(fnGeom, fnNeigh, gexprs, geneNms)
-        writeOrg(fnGeomOut, fnNeighOut, ts)
-    return
-def mkOrgGeomState(fim, fseg, fexpr, fout):
-    (data, res) = readImage(fim, fseg)
-    gexprs = readExprs(fexpr)
-    ts = STissue.fromImage(data, res, gexprs, geneNms)
-    writeOrg(fout, ts)
-def mkOrgGeom(fim, fseg, fout):
-    (data, res) = readImage(fim, fseg)
-    ts = Tissue.fromImage(data, res)
-    writeOrg(fout, ts)
-def plotTissue(ts, hl):
-    xs = [c.pos.x for c in ts]
-    ys = [c.pos.y for c in ts]
-    zs = [c.pos.z for c in ts]
-    cs = ['red' if c.cid in hl else 'blue' for c in ts]
-    fig = plt.figure()                                          
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(211, projection='3d')
-    ax.view_init(elev=95, azim=270)
-    ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=cs, alpha=0.9, s=200,
-               edgecolors='black', linewidths=0.5)
-    plt.show()
-def filterL1(ts):
-    if not ts.neighs:
-        return
-    L1_cell_ids = ts.neighs[1]
-    L1_cells = dict([(c.cid, c) for c in ts if c.cid in L1_cell_ids])
-    L1_neighs = dict([(cid, nbrs) for cid, nbrs in deepcopy(list(ts.neighs.items()))
-                       if cid in L1_cell_ids])
-    return Tissue(L1_cells, L1_neighs)
diff --git a/common/setup.py~ b/common/setup.py~
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