# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project. # Official language image. Look for the different tagged releases at: # https://hub.docker.com/r/library/python/tags/ image: lb584/ews_coordinator:latest # Change pip's cache directory to be inside the project directory since we can # only cache local items. variables: PIP_CACHE_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cache/pip" PACKAGES_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/packages/" # Pip's cache doesn't store the python packages # https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#caching # # If you want to also cache the installed packages, you have to install # them in a virtualenv and cache it as well. cache: paths: - .cache/pip - venv/ before_script: - python3 -V # Print out python version for debugging # - apt-get install --assume-yes git - echo $PACKAGES_DIR - mkdir $PACKAGES_DIR - git clone "https://nouser:$GROUP_WHEAT_ACCESS_VAR@gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/gilligan-epid/wheat-rusts/ews_environmental_suitability_v2.git" $PACKAGES_DIR/met_extractor_v2 - ls $PACKAGES_DIR - source /storage/app/miniconda3/bin/activate /storage/app/EWS_prod/envs/conda/py3EWS/ - pwd - export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:./met_data_extraction:./tests:$PACKAGES_DIR/met_extractor_v2/environmental_suitability" test: script: - echo $PYTHONPATH - python3 -m unittest tests/unit/coordinator/example_test.py