import argparse import datetime import glob import json import os from importlib import reload from typing import List from unittest import TestSuite, TestLoader, TestCase, TestResult from zipfile import ZipFile from HtmlTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner class IntegrationTestUtils: EMAIL_CRED_PATH: str = "../../test_data/test_deployment/envs/Cred_gmail.json" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH: str = "../../test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json" TEST_WORKSPACE_PATH: str = "../../test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/workspace/" TEMP_CONFIG_FILE_NAME: str = None TEST_ASSETS_PATH: str = "../../test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/assets/" EXAMPLE_SURVEY_FILE_PATH: str = TEST_ASSETS_PATH + "" EXAMPLE_DEPO_FILE_PATH: str = TEST_ASSETS_PATH + "" EXAMPLE_ENV_SUIT_FILE_PATH: str = TEST_ASSETS_PATH + "" TEST_OUT_PATH: str = None TEST_START_DATE: str = None TEST_JOB_DIR: str = None @staticmethod def check_resources_exist(): """ do a single check for the email cred file, which will raise an error suggesting that the user may not have set their pythonpath correctly """ emailcred_exists = os.path.exists(IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH) if not emailcred_exists: raise FileNotFoundError(f"email cred file {IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH} not found - have you set " f"the working directory to the same directory as the tests you are running?" f" (tests use a path relative to the test directory)") @staticmethod def build_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', required = True) parser.add_argument('--outdir', required = True) parser.add_argument('--email_cred', required = True) parser.add_argument('--test_report_dir', required = False) parser.add_argument('--run_date_type', required = False) parser.add_argument('--custom_run_date', required = False) parser.add_argument('unittest_args', nargs='*') return parser @staticmethod def run_full_integration_test_pipeline(test_case: [TestCase], test_prefix: str, processor_dir: str) -> bool: _parser = IntegrationTestUtils.build_arg_parser() _args = _parser.parse_args() _config_file: str = _args.config _outdir: str = _args.outdir _email_cred_path: str = _args.email_cred _test_report_dir: str = _args.test_report_dir _run_date_type: str = _args.run_date_type _custom_run_date: str = _args.custom_run_date IntegrationTestUtils.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = _config_file nowstring: str = IntegrationTestUtils.get_now_string() prefix: str = f"temp_{test_prefix}_" + nowstring # prefix: str = f"temp_{test_prefix}" IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_OUT_PATH = _outdir + prefix + os.sep IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH = _email_cred_path IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE = IntegrationTestUtils.generate_run_date(_run_date_type, _custom_run_date) IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_JOB_DIR = os.path.join(IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_OUT_PATH, f"{processor_dir}_" + IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE) # Now set the sys.argv to the unittest_args (leaving sys.argv[0] alone) # sys.argv[1:] = _args.unittest_args tests: TestSuite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case) if _test_report_dir is None: _test_report_dir = IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_JOB_DIR runner = HTMLTestRunner(output = _test_report_dir, combine_reports = True) result: TestResult = return True @staticmethod def load_json_file(file: str) -> dict: with open(file) as config_file: config: dict = json.load(config_file) return config @staticmethod def write_json_file(values: dict, file: str): with open(file, 'w') as file: json.dump(values, file, indent = 4) @staticmethod def get_now_string() -> str: nowstring: str ='%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') return nowstring @staticmethod def unpack_zip(zip_to_unpack: str, out_file: str): with ZipFile(zip_to_unpack) as zf: # open the zip file for target_file in zf.namelist(): # check if the file exists in the archive zf.extract(target_file, out_file) @staticmethod def count_files_in_wildcard(wildcard: str) -> int: results = glob.glob(wildcard) return len(results) @staticmethod def check_file_not_empty(file_path: str) -> bool: return os.stat(file_path).st_size != 0 @staticmethod def check_file_exists(file_path: str) -> bool: return os.path.isfile(file_path) @staticmethod def check_wildcard_exists_and_not_empty(wildcard: str) -> bool: """ requires at least one file matching the wildcard to exist and not be empty """ result = False files: List[str] = glob.glob(wildcard) for file in files: result = IntegrationTestUtils.check_file_not_empty(file) if result is False: break return result @staticmethod def check_file_exists_and_not_empty(file_path: str) -> bool: file_exists = IntegrationTestUtils.check_file_exists(file_path) file_not_empty = IntegrationTestUtils.check_file_not_empty(file_path) return file_exists and file_not_empty @staticmethod def run_unittest_pipeline(component: str, start_date: str, **kwargs): print("running unittest pipeline1") # need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we import Processor os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH print("running unittest pipeline2") import Processor reload(Processor) from Processor import run_Process, set_log_level print("running unittest pipeline3") args_dict: dict = {} # note, possible to override these values in the kwargs loop below args_dict['live'] = False args_dict['noupload'] = True args_dict['start_date'] = start_date args_dict['component'] = component args_dict['config_paths'] = [IntegrationTestUtils.TEMP_CONFIG_FILE_NAME] args_dict['log_level'] = 'info' args_dict['clearup'] = True for key, value in kwargs.items(): args_dict[key] = value log_level = args_dict['log_level'] set_log_level(log_level) try: print("running process") # run_Processsdsdsd(args_dict) except SystemExit: # we will eventually want to throw these to the calling class to be dealt with pass @staticmethod def run_external_pipeline(component: str, start_date: str, email_cred_path: str, **kwargs): # need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we import Processor os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = email_cred_path import Processor reload(Processor) # reload the class to reset all variables from Processor import run_Process, set_log_level args_dict: dict = {} # note, possible to override these values in the kwargs loop below args_dict['live'] = False args_dict['noupload'] = True args_dict['start_date'] = start_date args_dict['component'] = component args_dict['config_paths'] = [IntegrationTestUtils.TEMP_CONFIG_FILE_NAME] args_dict['log_level'] = 'info' args_dict['clearup'] = True for key, value in kwargs.items(): args_dict[key] = value log_level = args_dict['log_level'] set_log_level(log_level) try: run_Process(args_dict) except SystemExit: # we will eventually want to throw these to the calling class to be dealt with pass @staticmethod def get_day_before_as_string(input_date_string: str) -> str: date_format = "%Y%m%d" input_date: datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(input_date_string, date_format) yesterday_date = input_date - datetime.timedelta(days = 1) yesterday_string = yesterday_date.strftime(date_format) return yesterday_string @staticmethod def generate_run_date(run_date_type: str, custom_run_date: str) -> str: if run_date_type == "today": print("today") today = today_string = today.strftime("%Y%m%d") result = today_string elif run_date_type == "yesterday": print("yesterday") today = yesterday: datetime = today - datetime.timedelta(days = 1) yesterday_string = yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d") result = yesterday_string elif run_date_type == "custom": result = custom_run_date else: print("default") result = "20230126" return result