From ce91e2767d26a87403443f14606efbb522e1a50a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lb584 <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 15:37:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] big restructure and renaming of coordinator package file
 names use snake case consolidation of wnv suit pipeline code

 coordinator/           | 121 ------
 coordinator/                | 298 --------------
 coordinator/               |  96 -----
 coordinator/            |  48 ---
 coordinator/           | 202 ----------
 coordinator/                |  77 ----
 coordinator/logs/.gitignore                   |   4 - =>} |   7 +-
 coordinator/                 |  34 +- =>} |  22 +-
 coordinator/          | 371 ++++++++++++++++++ =>} |  19 +- =>} |   8 +- =>} |   7 - =>} |  27 +-
 coordinator/survey_servers/        |   0
 .../}                |   0
 .../}         |   6 +-
 .../}             |   6 +-
 .../}            |   8 +-
 .../}                 |   6 +-
 .../}              |   6 +-
 .../}              |   6 +-
 .../}               |   6 +-
 .../}                 |   6 +-
 coordinator/utils/                 |   0
 .../}                |   0
 .../}                       | 259 ++++--------
 tests/integration/full/  |   8 +-
 .../integration/full/  |   2 +-
 tests/integration/full/  |   2 +-
 tests/integration/full/       |   6 +-
 tests/integration/full/    |   2 +-
 tests/integration/partial/    |   2 +-
 tests/integration/partial/  |   2 +-
 tests/integration/partial/    |   2 +-
 tests/integration/partial/         |   2 +-
 tests/integration/partial/      |   2 +-
 38 files changed, 529 insertions(+), 1151 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 coordinator/
 delete mode 100644 coordinator/
 delete mode 100644 coordinator/
 delete mode 100644 coordinator/
 delete mode 100644 coordinator/
 delete mode 100644 coordinator/
 delete mode 100644 coordinator/logs/.gitignore
 rename coordinator/{ =>} (91%)
 rename coordinator/{ =>} (90%)
 create mode 100644 coordinator/
 rename coordinator/{ =>} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{extra/ =>} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ =>} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ =>} (94%)
 create mode 100644 coordinator/survey_servers/
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (100%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (99%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 rename coordinator/{ => survey_servers/} (98%)
 create mode 100644 coordinator/utils/
 rename coordinator/{ => utils/} (100%)
 rename coordinator/{ => utils/} (68%)

diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
deleted file mode 100755
index 218ee4f..0000000
--- a/coordinator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-'''Gathers RIE_value data from any parts into one file, for EPI model to run.
-This will be needed if any more parts-based calculations of environmental 
-suitability are run without the ews_plotting routine.
-Note that gather_RIE_values_v1_1() is only needed for dates missing from 
-/storage/app/EWS/Ethiopia/Plotting/output .
-gather_RIE_values_v1_3() is used in operational.
-import argparse
-from glob import glob
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-# Create the parser
-my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Different optional arguments')
-# Add the arguments
-        '-inpath','--inpath',
-        metavar = 'path',
-        type = str,
-        required = True,
-        default = '/home/jws52/projects/py-coordination/ENVIRONMENT_20200115/env_suit_wheatrust_20200115/StripeRustOutput/',
-        help = 'the directory path to all of the separate part calcs')
-        '-outpath','--outpath',
-        metavar = 'path',
-        type = str,
-        required = True,
-        default = '/home/jws52/projects/py-coordination/ENVIRONMENT_20200115/EPI/ENV',
-        help = 'the directory path to gather separate part calcs')
-        '-rusttype','--rusttype',
-        choices = ['stripe','stem','leaf'],
-        type = str,
-        required = True,
-        default = 'stripe',
-        help = 'the directory path to gather separate part calcs')
-args = my_parser.parse_args()
-print(f"input arguments are:\n{args}")
-assert os.path.exists(args.inpath)
-# make output directory
-outdir = f'{args.outpath}/{args.rusttype.title()}Rust'
-Path(outdir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-def gather_RIE_values_v1_1(envpath=args.inpath,outpath=args.outpath,rusttype=args.rusttype):
-    envparts = sorted(glob(envpath+'part_*/*/RIE_value.csv'))
-    pdparts = [pd.read_csv(fn) for fn in envparts]
-    pdall = pd.concat(
-            pdparts,
-            ignore_index=False,
-            keys=['part1','part2','part3','part4','part5','part6'])
-    pdall.rename({'Unnamed: 0':'X'},axis=1,inplace=True)
-    pdall.to_csv(f'{outpath}/{rusttype}/test_RIE_value.csv',index=False)   
-    #df2 = read_csv('test_RIE_value.csv')
-    return pdall
-def gather_RIE_values_v1_3(envpath=args.inpath,outpath=args.outpath,rusttype=args.rusttype):
-    envparts = sorted(glob(envpath+'Region*/*0000/RIE_value.csv'))
-    pdparts = [pd.read_csv(fn) for fn in envparts]
-    pdall = pd.concat(
-            pdparts,
-            ignore_index=False,
-            keys=['part1','part2','part3','part4','part5','part6'])
-    pdall.set_index('Unnamed: 0',inplace=True)
-    print(pdall)
- = None
-    pdall.to_csv(f'{outdir}/RIE_value.csv')
-    #df2 = read_csv('test_RIE_value.csv')
-    return pdall
-def test_case():
-    inpath_default = '/home/jws52/projects/py-coordination/ENVIRONMENT_20200115/env_suit_wheatrust_20200115/StripeRustOutput/'
-    outpath_default = '/home/jws52/projects/py-coordination/ENVIRONMENT_20200115/EPI/ENV'
-    rusttype_default = 'stripe'
-    df2 = gather_RIE_values(inpath_default,outpath_default,rusttype_default)
-    # example case to reproduce
-    fn1 = '/storage/app/EWS/Ethiopia/Workspace/ENVIRONMENT_20200115/EPI/ENVIRONMENT/Stripe/RIE_value.csv'
-    df1 = pd.read_csv(fn1)
-    print('testing')
-    assert np.allclose(df1,df2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    df2 = gather_RIE_values_v1_3(args.inpath,args.outpath,args.rusttype)
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb830f8..0000000
--- a/coordinator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-"""Managing the :class:`met_processing` pipeline for the environmental suitability run."""
-import datetime as dt
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-from string import Template
-import pandas as pd
-from met_processing.common.params_file_parser import ParamsFileParser
-from met_processing.runner.common import job_runner
-MAX_WORKERS: int = 10
-logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.pipeline')
-def loadConfig(configFile):
-    '''Load a json config file.'''
-"Loading config file: {configFile}")
-    try:
-        with open(configFile) as config_file:
-            config = json.load(config_file)
-    except:
-        logger.exception(f"Failure opening config file {configFile}")
-        raise
-    return config
-def getParameter(config, parameter):
-    '''Get a parameter from a config.'''
-"Getting {parameter} from the config")
-    try:
-        result = config[parameter]
-    except:
-        logger.exception(f"No {parameter} in the config file!")
-        raise
-    return result
-def generate_temporal_points(file, datestr, timeresolution, nDaysForecast):
-    '''Create the time series excluding the end time.'''
-    datenow = dt.datetime(int(datestr[:4]), int(datestr[4:6]), int(datestr[6:8]), 0, 0)
-    starttime = datenow + dt.timedelta(hours=timeresolution)
-    endtime = datenow + dt.timedelta(days=nDaysForecast) + dt.timedelta(hours=timeresolution)
-    timediff = dt.timedelta(hours=timeresolution)
-    timeseries = []
-    curr = starttime
-    outfile = open(file, "w")
-    # Generate the time series excluding the end time.
-    while curr < endtime:
-        timeseries.append(curr)
-        outDateString = "{}\n".format(curr.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"))
-        outfile.write(outDateString)
-        curr += timediff
-    outfile.close()
-    return outfile
-def clean(workPath):
-    '''Clean temporary files and folders from the working directory.'''
-    try:
-"Clean temporary files and folders from {workPath}")
-        shutil.rmtree(workPath + 'extraction', ignore_errors=True)
-        shutil.rmtree(workPath + 'chunks', ignore_errors=True)
-        shutil.rmtree(workPath + 'post_processing', ignore_errors=True)
-    except:
-        logger.exception(f"Some failure when cleaning work directory", exc_info=True)
-        raise
-    return
-# def generate_all(sys_config, run_config):
-#     # Write run_config.json
-#     workPath = getParameter(run_config,'OUTPUT_DIR')
-#     run_configName = 'run_config.json'
-#     run_configFile = workPath + run_configName
-#     with open(run_configFile, 'w') as run_configJson:
-#         json.dump(run_config, run_configJson, indent=4)
-#     run_configJson.close()
-#     # Run all generate
-#     try:
-#         job_runner.generate_all_jobs(run_config, sys_config)
-#     except Exception:
-#         logger.exception(f"Some failure when running one of the generate job", exc_info=True)
-#         raise
-#     return
-def run_extraction(run_params: dict, sys_params: dict):
-    '''Run weather data extraction with the :class:`met_processing.runner.common.job_runner` package.'''
-"Running regridding in multi process mode.")
-    job_runner.run_extraction(run_params, sys_params)
-'Data extracted and chunked')
-def run_post_processing(run_params: dict, sys_params: dict, processor_name: str):
-    '''Run post processing with the :class:`met_processing.runner.common.job_runner` package.'''
-"Running post-processing.")
-    job_runner.run_post_processing(run_params, sys_params, processor_name)
-'Data post processing is completed')
-# def run_merger(run_params: dict, sys_params: dict, processor_name: str):
-#     try:
-#         job_runner.run_merge_post_processing(run_params, sys_params, processor_name)
-#     except Exception:
-#         logger.exception(f"Some failure when running merge RIE", exc_info=True)
-#         raise
-#lawrence coment back to original (prevent_overwrite=True)
-def run_pipeline(pipeline_config, region, dateString, extracted = False, prevent_overwrite = True):
-    '''
-    Run the whole :class:`met_processing` pipeline for environmental suitability.
-    '''
-    # The prevent_overwrite parameter can be set to False if you want to re-run a job in-place.
-    # Get parameters from the config
-    resourcesPath = getParameter(pipeline_config,'RESOURCES_PATH')
-    workPath = getParameter(pipeline_config,'WORK_PATH') + 'ENVIRONMENT_2.0_' + dateString + '/'
-    if not os.path.exists(workPath):
-        os.makedirs(workPath)
-    inPath = getParameter(pipeline_config,'INPUT_PATH')
-    outPath = getParameter(pipeline_config,'OUTPUT_PATH')
-    runType = getParameter(pipeline_config,'RUN_TYPE')
-    nDayExtraction = getParameter(pipeline_config,'EXTRACTION_DAYS')
-    nDayForecast = getParameter(pipeline_config,'FORECAST_DAYS')
-    sys_config_file = getParameter(pipeline_config,'SYS_CONFIG')
-    sys_config = loadConfig(sys_config_file)
-    templateName = 'template_' + runType + '_config.json'
-    template_configFile = resourcesPath + 'configs/' + templateName
-    config = loadConfig(template_configFile)
-    # Before writing any files, check the output path doesn't exist already
-    # We might expect outPath to exist already, but not the processed subfolder
-    region_outPath = os.path.join(outPath,'ENVIRONMENT_2.0_'+dateString,'processed',region)
-    if prevent_overwrite: assert not os.path.exists(region_outPath)
-    # Generate extraction (input) and output temporal points files
-    timeresolution = 3 # hours
-    extraction_temporal_points_file = workPath + 'extraction_temporal_points.csv'
-    try:
-"Generate extraction temporal points to: {extraction_temporal_points_file}")
-        if prevent_overwrite: assert not os.path.exists(extraction_temporal_points_file)
-        generate_temporal_points(extraction_temporal_points_file, dateString, timeresolution, nDayExtraction)
-    except:
-        logger.exception(f"Some failure when generate {extraction_temporal_points_file}", exc_info=True)
-    # extraction_temporal_points = pd.read_csv(extraction_temporal_points_file)
-    output_temporal_points_file = workPath + 'output_temporal_points.csv'
-    try:
-"Generate output temporal points to: {output_temporal_points_file}")
-        if prevent_overwrite: assert not os.path.exists(output_temporal_points_file)
-        generate_temporal_points(output_temporal_points_file, dateString, timeresolution, nDayForecast)
-    except:
-        logger.exception(f"Some failure when generate {output_temporal_points_file}", exc_info=True)
-    output_temporal_points = pd.read_csv(output_temporal_points_file)
-    temporal_dim = output_temporal_points.shape[0]
-    # Modify run_config
-    config[ParamsFileParser.TIMEPOINTS_FILE_KEY] = extraction_temporal_points_file
-    config[ParamsFileParser.OUTPUT_DIR_KEY] = workPath
-    # config[ParamsFileParser.SPATIAL_POINTS_FILE_KEY] = input_spatial_points_file
-    # note that this field will only get used by the ewa5_met_data_extraction code, which uses a multi-processor module
-    config[ParamsFileParser.MAX_PROCESSORS_KEY] = MAX_WORKERS
-    config['FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH'] = getParameter(pipeline_config,'FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS')
-    if (runType == 'operational'):
-        config['NCDF_DIR_PATH'] = inPath + 'ENVIRONMENT_2.0_' + dateString + '/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/'
-    else:
-        config['NCDF_DIR_PATH'] = inPath
-    ## START RUNS ####################
-    # os.chdir(workPath)
-    N_processor = range(len(config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS']))
-"Find {N_processor} processor")
-    for p in N_processor:
-        processor_name = config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['PROCESSOR_NAME']
-        if processor_name != 'RIE':
-            config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH'] = extraction_temporal_points_file
-            # Clean if extraction is not done
-            # if (extracted == False):
-            #     clean(workPath)
-            # generate_all(sys_config, config)
-            # Extract
-            # if (extracted == False):
-            #     run_extraction(config, sys_config)
-            #     extracted = True
-  "Starting {processor_name} post processor ---------------------------------")
-            run_post_processing(config, sys_config, processor_name)
-            # run_merger(config, sys_config, processor_name)
-        else:
-            strains = getParameter(pipeline_config, 'STRAINS')
-            config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH'] = output_temporal_points_file
-            for strain in strains:
-                # Modify strain specific suitability parts of the config
-                if pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['future_steps'] > 0:
-                    for i in range(len(config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'])):
-                        config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'][i]['DURATION'] = pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['future_steps']
-                else:
-                    for i in range(len(config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'])):
-                        config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'][i]['ENABLED'] = "FALSE"
-                config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['PARAMS']['suitability_modules'] = pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['suitability_modules']
-                config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['PARAMS']['thresholds'] = pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['thresholds']
-                # Clean if extraction is not done
-                # if (extracted == False):
-                #     clean(workPath)
-                # generate_all(sys_config, config)
-                # Extract
-                # if (extracted == False):
-                #     run_extraction(config, sys_config)
-                #     extracted = True
-      "Starting {strain} suitability ---------------------------------")
-                envSuitPath = workPath + 'post_processing/RIE/'
-                run_post_processing(config, sys_config, processor_name)
-                # run_merger(config, sys_config, processor_name)
-                resultFile = envSuitPath + ''
-                strain_outPath = os.path.join(region_outPath,strain)
-                strain_outFile = strain_outPath + '/'
-                # Check results dimension
-                # result = pd.read_csv(resultFile)
-                # result_dims = result.shape
-                """
-                read in the input_spatial_points.csv file and get the number of spatial points - this is used for 
-                sense-checking the dimensions of the output
-                """
-                # todo we could swap the spatial points file for a file specifying the expected dimensions - much smaller
-                region_spatial_points_file = resourcesPath + 'assets/' + 'input_spatial_points_' + region + '.csv'
-                spatial_points = pd.read_csv(region_spatial_points_file)
-                spatial_dim = spatial_points.shape[0]
-                # if ((result_dims[0] != spatial_dim) or (result_dims[1] != (temporal_dim + 4))): # + 4 required because there are extra columns in the result file
-                #     logger.error(f"Result dimension {result_dims} does not match with the expected: ({spatial_dim}, {temporal_dim + 4})")
-                #     raise IndexError
-                if not os.path.exists(strain_outPath):
-                    os.makedirs(strain_outPath)
-                shutil.copy(resultFile,strain_outFile)
-                # todo - Add a flag to this part of the code to enable/disable csv writing as an option
-                # resultCSVFile = envSuitPath + 'RIE.csv'
-                # if os.path.isfile(resultCSVFile):
-                #     strain_outFile = strain_outPath + '/RIE_value.csv'
-                #     shutil.copy(resultCSVFile,strain_outFile)
-      "{strain} result successfully created and moved to {strain_outPath}/")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb74ac6..0000000
--- a/coordinator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import cftime
-import iris.util
-from iris.cube import CubeList, Cube
-def save_cube(cube: iris.cube.Cube,
-              sanitised_field_name: str,
-              year_string: str,
-              month_string: str,
-              output_path: str):
-    os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok = True)
-    file_name = "{}-no_part-{}_{}.nc".format(sanitised_field_name, year_string, month_string)
-    nc_file_path = os.path.join(output_path, file_name)
-    print("writing {}".format(nc_file_path))
-, nc_file_path)
-    # nc_zip_file_path = "{}.zip".format(nc_file_path)
-    # print("zipping to {}".format(nc_zip_file_path))
-    # with ZipFile(nc_zip_file_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip:
-    #     zip.write(nc_file_path, basename(nc_file_path))
-    #
-    # print("deleting {}".format(nc_file_path))
-    # os.remove(nc_file_path)
-def process_met_office_NAME(name_file_wildcard: str, out_path: str):
-    cube_list = iris.load_raw(name_file_wildcard)
-    # get all the field names from the cubes as a unique set
-    field_names: set = set()
-    for cube in cube_list:
-        field_names.add(
-    # write a cube for each calendar month for each field type
-    for field_name in field_names:
-        field_name: str = field_name
-        print(field_name)
-        cube: Cube = cube_list.extract(iris.Constraint(name = field_name))
-        for month in range(1, 13):
-            month_constraint = iris.Constraint(time = lambda cell: cell.point.month == month)
-            cubes_for_month: CubeList = cube.extract(month_constraint)
-            if len(cubes_for_month) != 0:
-                cube_for_month: Cube = cubes_for_month.merge_cube()
-                # hack, the 'cell_methods' field is NonType and this gets the save method of iris upset,
-                # so setting to an empty Tuple
-                cube_for_month.cell_methods = ()
-                time_coord = cube_for_month.coord('time')
-                sample_date = time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points[0])
-                year_string = cftime.datetime.strftime(sample_date, "%Y")
-                month_string = cftime.datetime.strftime(sample_date, "%m")
-                # year_string = cftime.real_datetime.strftime(sample_date, "%Y")
-                # month_string = cftime.real_datetime.strftime(sample_date, "%m")
-                # get rid of funny characters, for filename
-                sanitised_field_name = field_name.replace("(", "")
-                sanitised_field_name = sanitised_field_name.replace(")", "")
-                sanitised_field_name = sanitised_field_name.replace("/", "_")
-                save_cube(cube_for_month,
-                          sanitised_field_name,
-                          year_string,
-                          month_string,
-                          out_path)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    """
-    example usage:
-    /media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews/input/eth/MET_20200707/WR_EnvSuit_Met_Ethiopia_20200707/*.nc
-    /media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews/output/name_processing/another_dir
-    """
-    _name_file_wildcard = sys.argv[1]
-    _out_path = sys.argv[2]
-    process_met_office_NAME(_name_file_wildcard, _out_path)
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 268a6bd..0000000
--- a/coordinator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-'''Contains imports of all the specific functions to process survey data,
-environmental suitability, spore deposition and epidemiology. These functions
-are handled by .'''
-import logging
-import os
-from typing import List
-# submodules of this project
-# All of the process_* functions are callable from config files for the three
-# coordinator stages: pre, in (during) and plotting. 
-#from ProcessorServer import (
-        # process_pre_job_server_download,
-        #upload
-from ProcessorUtils import (
-        add_filters_to_sublogger,
-        # query_past_successes
-# TODO: Replace subprocess scp and ssh commands with paramiko.SSHClient() instance
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# get path to this script
-script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/'
-coordinator_path = script_path
-def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs) -> List:
-    '''Dummy function'''
-'Called do_nothing(). Nothing to do here')
-    pass
-    return []
-def do_nothing_return_true(*args, **kwargs) -> bool:
-    '''Dummy function'''
-'Called do_nothing_return_true(). Nothing to do here')
-    pass
-    return True
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0a26b95..0000000
--- a/coordinator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-'''Functions to process the environment component.'''
-import logging
-import os
-from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
-from glob import glob
-from pathlib import Path
-from coordinator import EnvSuitPipeline
-from coordinator.ProcessorServer import (
-    get_data_from_server,
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import add_filters_to_sublogger, short_name, get_only_existing_globs
-from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
-from ews_postprocessing.environmental_suitability.env_suit_post_processor import EnvSuitPostProcessor
-from ews_postprocessing.utils.disease_info import EnvSuitDiseaseInfo
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ProcessorEnvironment(ProcessorBase):
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Environment')
-        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-    def process_pre_job(self, args):
-        # return process_pre_job_server_download(args)
-        return True
-    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
-        return self.process_in_job_env2_0(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson) -> [str]:
-        return self.process_EWS_plotting_env2_0(jobPath, configjson)
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-    def process_in_job_env2_0(self, jobPath,status,config,component) -> dict:
-        '''Download met data from remote, prepare data, and run :class:`EnvSuitPipeline` pipeline.'''
-'started process_in_job_env2_0()')
-        # Initialise output variable
-        proc_out = {}
-        # Output files available for upload    
-        proc_out['output'] = None
-        # Processing files available for clearing
-        proc_out['clearup'] = []
-'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
-        data_result = get_data_from_server(jobPath,config,component)
-        if data_result['output'] is not None:
-            proc_out['output'] = data_result['output']
-        proc_out['clearup'] += data_result['clearup']
-        region = config['RegionName']
-"Calling environmental suitability 2.0 for {region} so wait for output to appear")
-        pipeline_config = config["Environment"]
-        try:
-            #todo lawrence comment this back to original (extracted=False)
-            EnvSuitPipeline.run_pipeline(pipeline_config, region, config["StartString"], extracted=False)
-        except:
-            logger.exception(f"Some failure when running")
-            raise
-'Finished running environmental suitability 2.0')
-        # TODO: Check that the output appears as expected
-        return proc_out
-    def process_copy_past_job_env2_0(self, jobPath,status,config,component):
-        '''For when we want to skip process_in_job() to test the other components of
-        this script. Currently hard-wired.'''
-        # TODO: remove this hard-wired assumption
-        jobPath_to_copy = f"{jobPath}/../{short_name['Environment']}_{config['StartString']}_bak/"
-        assert os.path.exists(jobPath_to_copy)
-        dir_src = f"{jobPath_to_copy}/processed/"
-        dir_dst = f"{jobPath}/processed/"
-"Copying from {dir_src}")
-"to {dir_dst}")
-        copy_tree(dir_src,dir_dst)
-'Copying complete')
-        proc_out = {}
-        # Output files available for upload
-        proc_out['output'] = None
-        # Processing files available for clearing
-        proc_out['clearup'] = None
-        return proc_out
-    '''class EWSPlottingEnvSuit(EWSPlottingEnvSuitBase):
-        def set_custom_params(self,
-                              sys_params_dict: dict,
-                              chart_params_dict: dict,
-                              run_params_dict: dict,
-                              disease_csv_template_arg: str,
-                              diseases: List[EnvSuitDiseaseInfo]):
-            # this is unique to the asia/east africa env suit, as we are not filtering within country boundaries
-            run_params_dict[RUN_PARAMS.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY_KEY] = "False"'''
-    #TODO test if this works
-    def process_EWS_plotting_env2_0(self, jobPath,config) -> [str]:
-        '''Configures the plotting arguments and calls EWS-plotting as a python module.
-        Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
-'started process_EWS_plotting_env2_0()')
-        main_region = config['RegionName']
-        input_dir = f"{jobPath}/processed/{main_region}"
-        subregions = config['SubRegionNames']
-        ews_plotting_output_globs = []
-        # work on each region
-        for region in subregions:
-            output_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/{region.lower()}"
-            rie_template_dir = input_dir + "/{DISEASE_DIR}/"
-            Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-            sys_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
-            run_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig']
-            chart_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['ChartConfig']
-            filter_for_country = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['FilterForCountry']
-            # Note that this runs all disease types available
-  "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{run_config}\n{chart_config}")
-            env_suit_processor = EnvSuitPostProcessor()
-            env_suit_processor.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg = sys_config,
-                                                      chart_params_file_arg = chart_config,
-                                                      run_params_file_arg = run_config,
-                                                      es_output_dir_arg = output_dir,
-                                                      issue_date_arg = config['StartString'],
-                                                      disease_nc_template_arg = rie_template_dir)
-            env_suit_processor.run_params.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY = (filter_for_country.upper() == "TRUE")
-            # Include further diseases in plotting. In this case the irrigated suitabilite for the rusts.
-            # TODO: move this part out into a config
-            extra_diseases = [
-                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stem rust temp-only", "stem_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "StemRust_TempOnly", rie_template_dir),
-                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Leaf rust temp-only", "leaf_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "LeafRust_TempOnly", rie_template_dir),
-                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stripe rust temp-only", "stripe_temponly", config['StartString'], "StripeRust_TempOnly", rie_template_dir),
-            ]
-            env_suit_processor.add_diseases(diseases=extra_diseases)
-            env_suit_processor.process()
-            # check the output
-            ews_plotting_output_dir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
-            #EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [
-            #        # daily plots
-            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Daily/suitability_{region.lower()}_*_rust_daily_20*.png",
-            #        # weekly plots
-            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Weekly/suitability_{region.lower()}_*_rust_total_20*.png"]
-            ews_plotting_output_globs = [f"{ews_plotting_output_dir}*"]
-        # check the output
-        ews_plotting_output_globs = get_only_existing_globs(ews_plotting_output_globs,inplace=False)
-        # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
-        if not ews_plotting_output_globs:
-            logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
-            raise RuntimeError
-        # provide list for transfer
-        ews_plotting_outputs: [str] = sorted([file for glob_str in ews_plotting_output_globs for file in glob(glob_str)])
-        return ews_plotting_outputs
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    processor = ProcessorEnvironment()
-    processor.run_processor("Environment")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
deleted file mode 100644
index a59fc1e..0000000
--- a/coordinator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-'''Functions to communicate with server sites for download and upload.'''
-import logging
-import tarfile
-from pathlib import Path
-from string import Template
-from iris import load
-from iris.cube import CubeList
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import subprocess_and_log, remove_path_from_tar_members
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def get_data_from_server(jobPath,config,component):
-'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
-    # Initialise output variable
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload    
-    proc_out['output'] = None
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = []
-    file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    #TODO: check if file exists already (may be the case for multiple configs in one)
-    # TODO: perform ssh file transfer in python instead of subprocess
-    server_name: str = config['ServerName']
-    if server_name == "":
-        cmd_scp: list = ["scp", f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-    else:
-        cmd_scp: list = ["scp", "-i", config['ServerKey'], "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
-                            f"{server_name}:{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-    description_short = 'env2 scp'
-    description_long = 'Copying file from remote server to job directory'
-    # lawrence comment in/out
-    subprocess_and_log(cmd_scp,description_short, description_long)
-'untarring the input file')
-    # untar incoming name data
-    output_directory = f"{jobPath}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf"
-    Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    tarfile_name = f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"
-    with as tar:
-        members = remove_path_from_tar_members(tar)
-        tar.extractall(output_directory, members = members)
-    # basic check that contents are as expected for 7-day forecast (57 timepoints in all files)
-    cube_wildcard = f"{output_directory}/*.nc"
-    cubes: CubeList = load(cube_wildcard)
-    # land_fraction and topography will only have a single timepoint (as these dont change over time), so we can ignore
-    # these when sense-checking the expected number of timepoints
-    ignore_list = ["LAND_FRACTION", "TOPOGRAPHY"]
-    for cube in cubes:
-        var_name =
-        coord = cube.coord("time")
-        timepoint_count = coord.shape[0]
-        if timepoint_count != 57 and var_name not in ignore_list:
-            msg = f"Unexpected number of timepoints ({timepoint_count}) in cube {}"
-            logger.error(msg)
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
-    # tar file can be removed if required
-    proc_out['clearup'] += [f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz",]
-    return proc_out
diff --git a/coordinator/logs/.gitignore b/coordinator/logs/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 28db78b..0000000
--- a/coordinator/logs/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Ignore everything in this directory
-# Except this file
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
similarity index 91%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/
index 5ec7c1b..816cca2 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -6,17 +6,12 @@ import logging
 # gitlab projects
 # TODO: Package these projects so they are robust for importing
 from AdvisoryBuilder import DataGatherer  # created by jws52
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import add_filters_to_sublogger, short_name
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import short_name
 from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
 class ProcessorAdvisory(ProcessorBase):
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Advisory')
-        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
     def process_pre_job(self, args) -> bool:
         # return self.process_pre_job_advisory(args)
         return True
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index 345c07d..f099b95 100755
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ or::
     $ ./ -p Deposition --islive --config config_Nepal_template.json --noupload -s 20200715
 from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
-from typing import List, Union, Any, Dict
+from typing import List
-from coordinator import ProcessorUtils
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import short_name, open_and_check_config, endScript, endJob, append_item_to_list, \
+from coordinator.utils import processor_utils
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import short_name, open_and_check_config, end_script, end_job, append_item_to_list, \
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
                 logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configFile}")
-                endScript(premature = True)
+                end_script(premature = True)
             for key in keys:
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
             if len(universal_config[key]) > 1:
                 logger.error(f"Config files point to multiple {key} but this script can only handle one.")
-                endScript(premature = True)
+                end_script(premature = True)
             universal_config[key] = universal_config[key].pop()
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
         Now we have the job_dir defined, we can set up the logging
-        ProcessorUtils.setup_logging(log_file_path, is_live, args['log_level'])
+        processor_utils.setup_logging(log_file_path, is_live, args['log_level'])
 "==========")"Logging started at {'%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S')}")
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
             if status.had_initial_status:
       "Job path already exists and has status {status.status}")
-                endScript(premature = status.status not in ['SUCCESS', 'INPROGRESS'])
+                end_script(premature = status.status not in ['SUCCESS', 'INPROGRESS'])
   "Current status of job directory is {status.status}")
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
                     f"Process_pre_job raised an error so making a record in the job file. For details, see earlier warnings log")
-                endJob(status, ignore_inprogress = True, premature = False)
+                end_job(status, ignore_inprogress = True, premature = False)
             # files and directories that will be earmarked for removal after a
             # successful job
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
       'Working on config {configIndex + 1} of {config_paths_length}')
-                    configjson = open_and_check_config(configtemplate)
+                    configjson: dict = open_and_check_config(configtemplate)
                     logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configtemplate}")
                     # TODO: This case should test flagdir.jobStatus.__exit__()
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
                     logger.exception(f"Error in process_in_job")
-                    endJob(status, premature = True)
+                    end_job(status, premature = True)
                 # Set default case
                 # This would be improved by implementing a class structure
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
                     logger.exception(f"Error in {proc_description}()")
-                    endJob(status, premature = True)
+                    end_job(status, premature = True)
       'Finished with EWS-Plotting, appending images to list for transfer')
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
             clear_up(paths_to_clear, clearup_dest = clearup_dest_dir)
-        endScript(premature = False)
+        end_script(premature = False)
     def process_pre_job(self, args) -> bool:
@@ -373,15 +373,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson) -> [str]:
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @abstractmethod
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        """
-        overridden in sub classes to set component-specific loggers
-        :return:
-        """
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def run_processor(self, component: str):
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
similarity index 90%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/
index cd0bb8d..e042c8d 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ from string import Template
 import iris
 from iris.cube import CubeList
-from coordinator import ProcessorUtils
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import subprocess_and_log, get_only_existing_globs
+from coordinator.utils import processor_utils
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import subprocess_and_log, get_only_existing_globs
 from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
 from ews_postprocessing.deposition.deposition_post_processor import DepositionPostProcessor
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class ProcessorDeposition(ProcessorBase):
         return self.process_in_job_dep(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson) -> [str]:
-        return self.process_EWS_plotting_dep(jobPath, configjson)
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        self.process_EWS_plotting_dep(jobPath, configjson)
     def __init__(self) -> None:
@@ -42,12 +42,6 @@ class ProcessorDeposition(ProcessorBase):
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        # logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Deposition')
-        # add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-        pass
     def process_in_job_dep(self, jobPath, status, config, component):'started process_in_job_dep()')
@@ -166,12 +160,6 @@ class ProcessorDeposition(ProcessorBase):
             # check the output
             ews_plotting_output_dir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
-            #EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [
-            #        # daily plots
-            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Daily/deposition_{region.lower()}_*_daily_20*.png",
-            #        # weekly plots
-            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Weekly/deposition_{region.lower()}_*_total_20*.png"]
             ews_plotting_output_globs += [f"{ews_plotting_output_dir}*"]
         ews_plotting_output_globs = get_only_existing_globs(ews_plotting_output_globs, inplace = False)
@@ -189,7 +177,7 @@ class ProcessorDeposition(ProcessorBase):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    print(ProcessorUtils.__name__)
+    print(processor_utils.__name__)
     processor = ProcessorDeposition()
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb842bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+'''Functions to process the environment component.'''
+import datetime as dt
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+from glob import glob
+from pathlib import Path
+import pandas as pd
+# from coordinator.env_suit import env_suit_pipeline
+from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import get_only_existing_globs, get_input_data
+from ews_postprocessing.environmental_suitability.env_suit_post_processor import EnvSuitPostProcessor
+from ews_postprocessing.utils.disease_info import EnvSuitDiseaseInfo
+from met_processing.common.params_file_parser import ParamsFileParser
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ProcessorEnvironment(ProcessorBase):
+    def process_pre_job(self, args) -> bool:
+        return True
+    def process_in_job(self, job_path, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        return self.process_in_job_env2_0(job_path, status, configjson, component)
+    def process_post_job(self, job_path, configjson):
+        self.process_ews_plotting(job_path, configjson)
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+    def process_in_job_env2_0(self, jobPath,status,config,component) -> dict:
+        '''Download met data from remote, prepare data, and run :class:`EnvSuitPipeline` pipeline.'''
+'started process_in_job_env2_0()')
+        # Initialise output variable
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload    
+        proc_out['output'] = None
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = []
+'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
+        data_result = get_input_data(jobPath, config, component)
+        if data_result['output'] is not None:
+            proc_out['output'] = data_result['output']
+        proc_out['clearup'] += data_result['clearup']
+        region = config['RegionName']
+"Calling environmental suitability 2.0 for {region} so wait for output to appear")
+        pipeline_config = config["Environment"]
+        try:
+            #todo lawrence comment this back to original (extracted=False)
+            self.run_pipeline(pipeline_config, region, config["StartString"])
+        except:
+            logger.exception(f"Some failure when running")
+            raise
+'Finished running environmental suitability 2.0')
+        # TODO: Check that the output appears as expected
+        return proc_out
+    @staticmethod
+    def loadConfig(configFile):
+        '''Load a json config file.'''
+"Loading config file: {configFile}")
+        try:
+            with open(configFile) as config_file:
+                config = json.load(config_file)
+        except:
+            logger.exception(f"Failure opening config file {configFile}")
+            raise
+        return config
+    @staticmethod
+    def getParameter(config, parameter):
+        '''Get a parameter from a config.'''
+"Getting {parameter} from the config")
+        try:
+            result = config[parameter]
+        except:
+            logger.exception(f"No {parameter} in the config file!")
+            raise
+        return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def generate_temporal_points(file, datestr, timeresolution, nDaysForecast):
+        '''Create the time series excluding the end time.'''
+        datenow = dt.datetime(int(datestr[:4]), int(datestr[4:6]), int(datestr[6:8]), 0, 0)
+        starttime = datenow + dt.timedelta(hours = timeresolution)
+        endtime = datenow + dt.timedelta(days = nDaysForecast) + dt.timedelta(hours = timeresolution)
+        timediff = dt.timedelta(hours = timeresolution)
+        timeseries = []
+        curr = starttime
+        outfile = open(file, "w")
+        # Generate the time series excluding the end time.
+        while curr < endtime:
+            timeseries.append(curr)
+            outDateString = "{}\n".format(curr.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"))
+            outfile.write(outDateString)
+            curr += timediff
+        outfile.close()
+        return outfile
+    @staticmethod
+    def clean(workPath):
+        '''Clean temporary files and folders from the working directory.'''
+        try:
+  "Clean temporary files and folders from {workPath}")
+            shutil.rmtree(workPath + 'extraction', ignore_errors = True)
+            shutil.rmtree(workPath + 'chunks', ignore_errors = True)
+            shutil.rmtree(workPath + 'post_processing', ignore_errors = True)
+        except:
+            logger.exception(f"Some failure when cleaning work directory", exc_info = True)
+            raise
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def run_post_processing(run_params: dict, sys_params: dict, processor_name: str):
+        '''Run post processing with the :class:`met_processing.runner.common.job_runner` package.'''
+"Running post-processing.")
+        from met_processing.runner.common import job_runner
+        job_runner.run_post_processing(run_params, sys_params, processor_name)
+'Data post processing is completed')
+    @staticmethod
+    def run_pipeline(pipeline_config, region, dateString, prevent_overwrite = True):
+        '''
+        Run the whole :class:`met_processing` pipeline for environmental suitability.
+        '''
+        # The prevent_overwrite parameter can be set to False if you want to re-run a job in-place.
+        # Get parameters from the config
+        resourcesPath = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'RESOURCES_PATH')
+        workPath = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'WORK_PATH') + 'ENVIRONMENT_2.0_' + dateString + '/'
+        if not os.path.exists(workPath):
+            os.makedirs(workPath)
+        inPath = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'INPUT_PATH')
+        outPath = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'OUTPUT_PATH')
+        runType = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'RUN_TYPE')
+        nDayExtraction = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'EXTRACTION_DAYS')
+        nDayForecast = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'FORECAST_DAYS')
+        sys_config_file = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'SYS_CONFIG')
+        sys_config = ProcessorEnvironment.loadConfig(sys_config_file)
+        templateName = 'template_' + runType + '_config.json'
+        template_configFile = resourcesPath + 'configs/' + templateName
+        config = ProcessorEnvironment.loadConfig(template_configFile)
+        # Before writing any files, check the output path doesn't exist already
+        # We might expect outPath to exist already, but not the processed subfolder
+        region_outPath = os.path.join(outPath, 'ENVIRONMENT_2.0_' + dateString, 'processed', region)
+        if prevent_overwrite: assert not os.path.exists(region_outPath)
+        # Generate extraction (input) and output temporal points files
+        timeresolution = 3  # hours
+        extraction_temporal_points_file = workPath + 'extraction_temporal_points.csv'
+        try:
+  "Generate extraction temporal points to: {extraction_temporal_points_file}")
+            if prevent_overwrite: assert not os.path.exists(extraction_temporal_points_file)
+            ProcessorEnvironment.generate_temporal_points(extraction_temporal_points_file, dateString, timeresolution, nDayExtraction)
+        except:
+            logger.exception(f"Some failure when generate {extraction_temporal_points_file}", exc_info = True)
+        # extraction_temporal_points = pd.read_csv(extraction_temporal_points_file)
+        output_temporal_points_file = workPath + 'output_temporal_points.csv'
+        try:
+  "Generate output temporal points to: {output_temporal_points_file}")
+            if prevent_overwrite: assert not os.path.exists(output_temporal_points_file)
+            ProcessorEnvironment.generate_temporal_points(output_temporal_points_file, dateString, timeresolution, nDayForecast)
+        except:
+            logger.exception(f"Some failure when generate {output_temporal_points_file}", exc_info = True)
+        output_temporal_points = pd.read_csv(output_temporal_points_file)
+        temporal_dim = output_temporal_points.shape[0]
+        # Modify run_config
+        config[ParamsFileParser.TIMEPOINTS_FILE_KEY] = extraction_temporal_points_file
+        config[ParamsFileParser.OUTPUT_DIR_KEY] = workPath
+        # config[ParamsFileParser.SPATIAL_POINTS_FILE_KEY] = input_spatial_points_file
+        config['FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH'] = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS')
+        if (runType == 'operational'):
+            config['NCDF_DIR_PATH'] = inPath + 'ENVIRONMENT_2.0_' + dateString + '/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/'
+        else:
+            config['NCDF_DIR_PATH'] = inPath
+        ## START RUNS ####################
+        N_processor = range(len(config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS']))
+"Find {N_processor} processor")
+        for p in N_processor:
+            processor_name = config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['PROCESSOR_NAME']
+            if processor_name != 'RIE':
+                config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH'] = extraction_temporal_points_file
+      "Starting {processor_name} post processor ---------------------------------")
+                ProcessorEnvironment.run_post_processing(config, sys_config, processor_name)
+                # run_merger(config, sys_config, processor_name)
+            else:
+                strains = ProcessorEnvironment.getParameter(pipeline_config, 'STRAINS')
+                config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH'] = output_temporal_points_file
+                for strain in strains:
+                    # Modify strain specific suitability parts of the config
+                    if pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['future_steps'] > 0:
+                        for i in range(len(config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'])):
+                            config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'][i]['DURATION'] = \
+                            pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['future_steps']
+                    else:
+                        for i in range(len(config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'])):
+                            config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['FUTURE_FIELDS'][i]['ENABLED'] = "FALSE"
+                    config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['PARAMS']['suitability_modules'] = \
+                    pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['suitability_modules']
+                    config['POST_PROCESSING']['PROCESSORS'][p]['PARAMS']['thresholds'] = \
+                    pipeline_config['PARAMS'][strain]['thresholds']
+          "Starting {strain} suitability ---------------------------------")
+                    envSuitPath = workPath + 'post_processing/RIE/'
+                    ProcessorEnvironment.run_post_processing(config, sys_config, processor_name)
+                    # run_merger(config, sys_config, processor_name)
+                    resultFile = envSuitPath + ''
+                    strain_outPath = os.path.join(region_outPath, strain)
+                    strain_outFile = strain_outPath + '/'
+                    """
+                    read in the input_spatial_points.csv file and get the number of spatial points - this is used for 
+                    sense-checking the dimensions of the output
+                    """
+                    # todo we could swap the spatial points file for a file specifying the expected dimensions - much smaller
+                    region_spatial_points_file = resourcesPath + 'assets/' + 'input_spatial_points_' + region + '.csv'
+                    spatial_points = pd.read_csv(region_spatial_points_file)
+                    spatial_dim = spatial_points.shape[0]
+                    if not os.path.exists(strain_outPath):
+                        os.makedirs(strain_outPath)
+                    shutil.copy(resultFile, strain_outFile)
+                    # todo - Add a flag to this part of the code to enable/disable csv writing as an option
+                    # resultCSVFile = envSuitPath + 'RIE.csv'
+                    # if os.path.isfile(resultCSVFile):
+                    #     strain_outFile = strain_outPath + '/RIE_value.csv'
+                    #     shutil.copy(resultCSVFile,strain_outFile)
+          "{strain} result successfully created and moved to {strain_outPath}/")
+    @staticmethod
+    def process_ews_plotting(jobPath, config) -> [str]:
+        '''Configures the plotting arguments and calls EWS-plotting as a python module.
+        Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
+'started process_EWS_plotting_env2_0()')
+        main_region = config['RegionName']
+        input_dir = f"{jobPath}/processed/{main_region}"
+        subregions = config['SubRegionNames']
+        ews_plotting_output_globs = []
+        # work on each region
+        for region in subregions:
+            output_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/{region.lower()}"
+            rie_template_dir = input_dir + "/{DISEASE_DIR}/"
+            Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            sys_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
+            run_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig']
+            chart_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['ChartConfig']
+            filter_for_country = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['FilterForCountry']
+            # Note that this runs all disease types available
+  "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{run_config}\n{chart_config}")
+            env_suit_processor = EnvSuitPostProcessor()
+            env_suit_processor.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg = sys_config,
+                                                      chart_params_file_arg = chart_config,
+                                                      run_params_file_arg = run_config,
+                                                      es_output_dir_arg = output_dir,
+                                                      issue_date_arg = config['StartString'],
+                                                      disease_nc_template_arg = rie_template_dir)
+            env_suit_processor.run_params.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY = (filter_for_country.upper() == "TRUE")
+            # Include further diseases in plotting. In this case the irrigated suitabilite for the rusts.
+            # TODO: move this part out into a config
+            extra_diseases = [
+                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stem rust temp-only", "stem_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "StemRust_TempOnly", rie_template_dir),
+                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Leaf rust temp-only", "leaf_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "LeafRust_TempOnly", rie_template_dir),
+                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stripe rust temp-only", "stripe_temponly", config['StartString'], "StripeRust_TempOnly", rie_template_dir),
+            ]
+            env_suit_processor.add_diseases(diseases=extra_diseases)
+            env_suit_processor.process()
+            # check the output
+            ews_plotting_output_dir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
+            ews_plotting_output_globs = [f"{ews_plotting_output_dir}*"]
+        # check the output
+        ews_plotting_output_globs = get_only_existing_globs(ews_plotting_output_globs,inplace=False)
+        # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
+        if not ews_plotting_output_globs:
+            logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
+            raise RuntimeError
+        # provide list for transfer
+        ews_plotting_outputs: [str] = sorted([file for glob_str in ews_plotting_output_globs for file in glob(glob_str)])
+        return ews_plotting_outputs
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    processor = ProcessorEnvironment()
+    processor.run_processor("Environment")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/
index 2333de8..69038c1 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -25,12 +25,11 @@ from EpiModel.EpiPrep import prep
 from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
 from ews_postprocessing.epi.epi_post_processor import EPIPostPostProcessor
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import (
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import (
-    endJob,
-    add_filters_to_sublogger,
+    end_job,
@@ -38,10 +37,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Epi')
-        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
     def process_pre_job(self, args) -> bool:
         return self.process_pre_job_epi(args)
@@ -50,8 +45,8 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
         return self.process_in_job_epi(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson) -> [str]:
-        return self.process_EWS_plotting_epi(jobPath, configjson)
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        self.process_EWS_plotting_epi(jobPath, configjson)
     def __init__(self) -> None:
@@ -384,7 +379,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                     logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {component} data preparation")
-                    endJob(status,premature=True)
+                    end_job(status, premature=True)
             # configure filename of prepared environment data
@@ -408,7 +403,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                     logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {component} data preparation")
-                    endJob(status,premature=True)
+                    end_job(status, premature=True)
             # prepare a copy of the host data
@@ -486,7 +481,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                         logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {model_name} data preparation")
-                        endJob(status,premature=True)
+                        end_job(status, premature=True)
             # provide fundamental config elements to config_epi
diff --git a/coordinator/extra/ b/coordinator/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/extra/
rename to coordinator/
index fb7d748..81e8f4f 100644
--- a/coordinator/extra/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ from EpiModel.EpiPrep import lister, loader, prep
 from EpiModel.EpiUtils import (
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import add_filters_to_sublogger, calc_epi_date_range, short_name, open_and_check_config
 from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import calc_epi_date_range, short_name, open_and_check_config
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -46,11 +47,6 @@ class ProcessorMetResample(ProcessorBase):
     def __init__(self) -> None:
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Extra.MetResample')
-        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
     def gather_data(
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/
index 5e89c07..23ab96b 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Asif Al Faisal (CIMMYT-Bangladesh).'''
 import datetime
 import json
-import logging
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
 import requests
@@ -27,18 +26,12 @@ from processor_base import ProcessorBase
 # TODO: Package these projects so they are robust for importing
 from flagdir import jobStatus # created by jws52
-from ProcessorUtils import add_filters_to_sublogger
 class ProcessorScraper(ProcessorBase):
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Scraper')
-        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
     def process_pre_job(self, args):
         return True
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
similarity index 94%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/
index 6d81774..ce0d53f 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ from numpy import all as np_all
 from numpy import any as np_any
 from pandas import read_csv, concat
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysODK import get_ODK_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysODKSA import get_ODK_SA_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysODKv2 import get_ODKv2_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysWRSIS import get_WRSIS_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysWRT import get_WRT_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyskobotoolbox import get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysnewODK import get_newODK_form_as_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysnewODK2 import get_newODK2_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_odk import get_ODK_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_odk_sa import get_ODK_SA_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_odk_v2 import get_ODKv2_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_wrsis import get_WRSIS_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_wrt import get_WRT_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_kobotoolbox import get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_new_odk import get_newODK_form_as_csv
+from coordinator.survey_servers.processor_surveys_new_odk2 import get_newODK2_form_as_csv
 from coordinator.processor_base import ProcessorBase
 from source_gen.clustering import run_case
@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class ProcessorSurveys(ProcessorBase):
-    def set_component_logger(self):
-        # logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Surveys')
-        # add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-        pass
     def process_pre_job(self, args):
         # return self.process_pre_job_survey(args)
         return True
@@ -82,12 +77,6 @@ class ProcessorSurveys(ProcessorBase):
             'newODK2' :    get_newODK2_form_as_csv,
-    # def process_pre_job_survey(self, input_args):
-    #     '''Returns a boolean as to whether the job is ready for full processing.'''
-    #'started process_pre_job_survey(), nothing to do')
-    #
-    #     return True
     def process_in_job_survey(self, jobPath,status,config,component):
 'started process_in_job_survey()')
diff --git a/coordinator/survey_servers/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 100%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index 2b39a9b..131b873 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import requests
 from shutil import copyfile
 from pandas import DataFrame
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import endJob
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: di
         if not copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index 040b46b..8374bc7 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import requests
 from shutil import copyfile
 from pandas import DataFrame
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import endJob
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ def get_newODK_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, s
         if not copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index c29b0c8..af46f68 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ from shutil import copyfile
 import requests
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveysnewODK import (
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_surveys_new_odk import (
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import endJob
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def get_newODK2_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict,
         if not copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index 74dec59..34780f6 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from shutil import copyfile
 from string import Template
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import (
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import (
-    endJob,
+    end_job,
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def get_ODK_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, stat
         if not ODK_copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using ODK download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index e79b525..8038c68 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ from string import Template
 from pandas import read_csv
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import subprocess_and_log, endJob
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import subprocess_and_log, end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ def get_ODK_SA_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, s
         if not ODK_copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using ODK download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 99%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index bb1c677..a6cd2e9 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from pandas import read_csv
 from shutil import copyfile
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import endJob
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ def get_ODKv2_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, st
         if not copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index 2266757..fd60063 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import requests
 from shutil import copyfile
 from pandas import json_normalize
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import endJob
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ def get_WRSIS_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, st
         if not copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
similarity index 98%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/survey_servers/
index 984de3b..dd45eb2 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/survey_servers/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import requests
 from shutil import copyfile
 from pandas import json_normalize
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
-from coordinator.ProcessorUtils import endJob
+from coordinator.surveys.processor_survey_utils import parse_columns
+from coordinator.utils.processor_utils import end_job
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ def get_WRT_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, stat
         if not copy_success:
             logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            end_job(status, premature=True)
         logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
diff --git a/coordinator/utils/ b/coordinator/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/utils/
similarity index 100%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/utils/
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/utils/
similarity index 68%
rename from coordinator/
rename to coordinator/utils/
index da7e13a..202570f 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/utils/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import netCDF4 as nc
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 import cf_units
+from iris import load
+from iris.cube import CubeList
 from flagdir import jobStatus # created by jws52
@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ def add_filters_to_sublogger(logger_case):
-def open_and_check_config(configFile):
+def open_and_check_config(configFile) -> dict:"Loading config")
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ def append_item_to_list(
         logger.error(f"Misunderstood output of {description}()")
-        endJob(status,premature=True)
+        end_job(status, premature=True)
@@ -214,9 +216,7 @@ def clear_up(
-def endScript(
-        premature: bool = True,
-        ):
+def end_script(premature: bool = True):
     if not premature:
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def endScript('--------')
-def endJob(status,ignore_inprogress=False,**kwargs):
+def end_job(status, ignore_inprogress=False, **kwargs):
     # get status file fresh, and ensure one exists
     status.status = status.get()
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def endJob(status,ignore_inprogress=False,**kwargs):
-    endScript(**kwargs)
+    end_script(**kwargs)
 def calc_epi_date_range(init_str, span_days = [0, 6]):
     '''Date range is  determined relative to init_date.
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ def query_proceed(necessary_file,description):
 "Failed to find:\n{necessary_file}\nso {description} job has not yet succeeded for this date, so cannot run this job.")
-        endScript(premature=True)
+        end_script(premature=True)
         return False
@@ -321,179 +321,13 @@ def query_component_success(config_i,job_run: str, job_to_check: str):
         if 'AlternativeSuccessFileTemplate' not in config_i[job_run][job_to_check]:
             logger.warning(f"No AlternativeSuccessFileTemplate to check for")
-            endScript(premature=True)
+            end_script(premature=True)
         status_file_alt = Template(config_i[job_run][job_to_check]['AlternativeSuccessFileTemplate']).substitute(**config_i)
     return True
-def dataframe_to_series(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
-    """Reformate a pandas Dataframe into a pandas Series.
-    The dataframe should have the following structure:
-    - first two columns: longitude and latitude
-    - following columns: timestamps in YYYYMMDDhhmm format (e.g. 202311211500)
-    The resulting Series will have the following structure:
-    - indexes: time, longitude, latitude."""
-    # longitude and latitude as index
-    df=df.set_index(["longitude","latitude"])
-    # convert dataframe to Series by stacking
-    s=df.stack()
-    # rename indexes
-    s.index.names=["longitude","latitude","time"]
-    # reorder index
-    s=s.reorder_levels(["time","latitude","longitude"])
-    # sort by timestamps
-    s=s.sort_index(level=0)
-"Dataframe reformated to Series")
-    return s
-def create_bounds(coord):
-    """Create bounds for a coordinate based on the difference between two adjacent values.
-    Works for non equidistant coordinates as well."""
-    # calculate the difference between two adjacent values and divide by 2
-    diff = np.diff(coord)/2
-    # insert the first and last value at the beginning and end of the array
-    diff_lower = np.insert(diff, 0, diff[0])
-    diff_upper = np.append(diff, diff[-1])
-    # bounds are the coordinate values minus/plus the difference
-    bounds = np.zeros((len(coord), 2))
-    bounds[:, 0] = coord - diff_lower
-    bounds[:, 1] = coord + diff_upper
-    return bounds
-def check_cf(units: str) -> str:
-    """Check if units are CF convention compliant."""
-    try: cf_units.Unit(units)
-    except: raise ValueError(f"Units \"{units}\" not CF convention compliant!")
-    return units
-def create_nc_file(s: pd.Series, filename: str, data_attr: dict, compression_type="zlib", complevel=9, least_significant_digit=None):
-    """Create a netcdf file from a pandas Series.
-    The Series should have the following indexes:
-    - time: str
-    - latitude: float
-    - longitude: float
-    Path to the netcdf file should be filename: str
-    Dictionary data_attr should have the following structure:
-    { "short_name": str,
-      "long_name": str
-      "units": str,
-      "description": str}
-    Optional arguments:
-    - compression_type: str, default="zlib"
-    - least_significant_digit: int, default=5
-    """
-    ## Get coordinates #########################
-    times=s.index.levels[0].values
-    # convert times to hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
-    times=pd.to_datetime(times).astype(np.int64)//((10**9)*60*60)
-    latitudes=s.index.levels[1].unique().values
-    longitudes=s.index.levels[2].unique().values
-    ## Create bounds ###########################
-    lat_bnds=create_bounds(latitudes)
-    lon_bnds=create_bounds(longitudes)
-    ## Create netcdf file ######################
-"Creating netcdf file")
-    # just to be safe, make sure dataset is not already open.
-    try: nc.Dataset(filename,"w",format="NETCDF4").close()  
-    except: pass
-    ncFile=nc.Dataset(filename,"w",format="NETCDF4")
-    # create dimensions
-    ncFile.createDimension("time", None)
-    ncFile.createDimension("bnds",2)
-    ncFile.createDimension("latitude",len(latitudes))
-    ncFile.createDimension("longitude",len(longitudes))
-    # create global attributes
-    ncFile.description=data_attr["description"]
-    ncFile.convension="CF-1.10"
-    # create variables
-    time=ncFile.createVariable("time",np.int32,("time",))
-    time.axis="T"
-    time.units="hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"
-    time.long_name="time"
-    time.calendar="gregorian"
-    latitude_bnds=ncFile.createVariable("latitude_bnds",np.float32,("latitude","bnds",))
-    latitude_bnds.long_name="latitude boundaries"
-    latitude_bnds.units="degrees_north"
-    latitude=ncFile.createVariable("latitude",np.float32,("latitude",))
-    latitude.axis="Y"
-    latitude.bounds="latitude_bnds"
-    latitude.units="degrees_north"
-    latitude.long_name="latitude"
-    latitude.standard_name="grid_latitude"
-    latitude.valid_min=latitudes.min().astype(np.float32)
-    latitude.valid_max=latitudes.max().astype(np.float32)
-    longitude_bnds=ncFile.createVariable("longitude_bnds",np.float32,("longitude","bnds",))
-    longitude_bnds.long_name="longitude boundaries"
-    longitude_bnds.units="degrees_east"
-    longitude=ncFile.createVariable("longitude",np.float32,("longitude",))
-    longitude.axis="X"
-    longitude.bounds="longitude_bnds"
-    longitude.units="degrees_east"
-    longitude.long_name="longitude"
-    longitude.standard_name="grid_longitude"
-    longitude.valid_min=longitudes.min().astype(np.float32)
-    longitude.valid_max=longitudes.max().astype(np.float32)
-    latitude_longitude=ncFile.createVariable("latitude_longitude",np.int32)
-    latitude_longitude.grid_mapping_name="latitude_longitude"
-    latitude_longitude.longitude_of_prime_meridian=0.0
-    latitude_longitude.earth_radius=6371229.0
-    # create DATA variables
-"Creating data variable")
-    DATA=ncFile.createVariable(data_attr["short_name"],np.float32,("time","latitude","longitude",), compression=compression_type, complevel=complevel, least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit)
-    DATA.short_name=data_attr["short_name"]
-    DATA.long_name=data_attr["long_name"]
-    DATA.units=check_cf(data_attr["units"])
-    DATA.description=data_attr["description"]
-    DATA.grid_mapping="latitude_longitude"
-    DATA.coordinates="time latitude longitude"
-    # write data to variables
-    time[:]=times
-    latitude_bnds[:]=lat_bnds
-    latitude[:]=latitudes
-    longitude_bnds[:]=lon_bnds
-    longitude[:]=longitudes
-    # map data to DATA variable
-    DATA[:]=s.values.reshape(len(times),len(latitudes),len(longitudes))
-    ncFile.close()
-"{filename} netCDF4 file created.")
-    return True
 def setup_logging(job_file_path: str, is_live: bool, log_level: str):
@@ -522,7 +356,8 @@ def setup_logging(job_file_path: str, is_live: bool, log_level: str):
     # if there is no value set for the LOGGING_CONFIG file, set a default path.
     if not 'LOGGING_CONFIG' in os.environ:
-        log_config_path_project = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../configs", "logger", "template_log_config.json")
+        log_config_path_project = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                               "../../../../../../media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews_local_prod/regions/EastAfrica/resources", "configs", "logger", "template_log_config.json")
         print(f"ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE 'LOGGING_CONFIG' IS NOT SET, UISING DEFAULT FILE - {log_config_path_project}")
         log_config_path_project = os.environ['LOGGING_CONFIG']
@@ -544,7 +379,8 @@ def setup_logging(job_file_path: str, is_live: bool, log_level: str):
     # if there is no value set for the central project logger in the json file, set a default path.
     if not log_config_dict['handlers']['handler_project']['filename']:
         # todo how does this work when there are several processors running at once, i.o. errors?
-        log_path_project = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs", "log.txt")
+        log_path_project = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                        "../../../../../../media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews_local_prod/regions/EastAfrica/resources", "configs", "logger", "log.txt")
         print(f"'HANDLER_PROJECT' HAS NO 'FILENAME' SET TO SETTING TO {log_path_project}")
         log_config_dict['handlers']['handler_project']['filename'] = log_path_project
@@ -569,3 +405,72 @@ def setup_logging(job_file_path: str, is_live: bool, log_level: str):
     logging.config.dictConfig(log_config_dict)"Logging setup complete")
+def get_input_data(job_path, config, component):
+    """
+    copies input files to job dir, using file name templates defined in the config file
+    :param job_path:
+    :param config:
+    :param component:
+    :return:
+    """
+'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
+    # Initialise output variable
+    proc_out = {}
+    # Output files available for upload
+    proc_out['output'] = None
+    # Processing files available for clearing
+    proc_out['clearup'] = []
+    file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+    file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+    #TODO: check if file exists already (may be the case for multiple configs in one)
+    # TODO: perform ssh file transfer in python instead of subprocess
+    server_name: str = config['ServerName']
+    if server_name == "":
+        cmd_scp: list = ["scp", f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", job_path]
+    else:
+        cmd_scp: list = ["scp", "-i", config['ServerKey'], "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
+                            f"{server_name}:{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", job_path]
+    description_short = 'env2 scp'
+    description_long = 'Copying file from remote server to job directory'
+    subprocess_and_log(cmd_scp,description_short, description_long)
+'untarring the input file')
+    # untar incoming name data
+    output_directory = f"{job_path}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf"
+    Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    tarfile_name = f"{job_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz"
+    with as tar:
+        members = remove_path_from_tar_members(tar)
+        tar.extractall(output_directory, members = members)
+    # basic check that contents are as expected for 7-day forecast (57 timepoints in all files)
+    cube_wildcard = f"{output_directory}/*.nc"
+    cubes: CubeList = load(cube_wildcard)
+    # land_fraction and topography will only have a single timepoint (as these dont change over time), so we can ignore
+    # these when sense-checking the expected number of timepoints
+    ignore_list = ["LAND_FRACTION", "TOPOGRAPHY"]
+    for cube in cubes:
+        var_name =
+        coord = cube.coord("time")
+        timepoint_count = coord.shape[0]
+        if timepoint_count != 57 and var_name not in ignore_list:
+            msg = f"Unexpected number of timepoints ({timepoint_count}) in cube {}"
+            logger.error(msg)
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+    # tar file can be removed if required
+    proc_out['clearup'] += [f"{job_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", ]
+    return proc_out
diff --git a/tests/integration/full/ b/tests/integration/full/
index c7809d8..2337747 100644
--- a/tests/integration/full/
+++ b/tests/integration/full/
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import copy
 import os
 import sys
-from coordinator.ProcessorAdvisory import ProcessorAdvisory
-from coordinator.ProcessorDeposition import ProcessorDeposition
-from coordinator.ProcessorEnvironment import ProcessorEnvironment
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveys import ProcessorSurveys
+from coordinator.processor_advisory import ProcessorAdvisory
+from coordinator.processor_deposition import ProcessorDeposition
+from coordinator.processor_environment import ProcessorEnvironment
+from coordinator.processor_surveys import ProcessorSurveys
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.advisory_test_suite import BaseAdvisoryTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/full/ b/tests/integration/full/
index 0bb5a31..c07e3af 100644
--- a/tests/integration/full/
+++ b/tests/integration/full/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import sys
-from coordinator.ProcessorDeposition import ProcessorDeposition
+from coordinator.processor_deposition import ProcessorDeposition
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.depo_test_suite import BaseDepoTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/full/ b/tests/integration/full/
index 229168f..8d1989f 100644
--- a/tests/integration/full/
+++ b/tests/integration/full/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import sys
-from coordinator.ProcessorEnvironment import ProcessorEnvironment
+from coordinator.processor_environment import ProcessorEnvironment
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.env_suit_test_suite import BaseEnvSuitTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/full/ b/tests/integration/full/
index 17569d1..8027cde 100644
--- a/tests/integration/full/
+++ b/tests/integration/full/
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import copy
 import os
 import sys
-from coordinator.ProcessorDeposition import ProcessorDeposition
-from coordinator.ProcessorEnvironment import ProcessorEnvironment
-from coordinator.ProcessorEpidemiology import ProcessorEpidemiology
+from coordinator.processor_deposition import ProcessorDeposition
+from coordinator.processor_environment import ProcessorEnvironment
+from coordinator.processor_epidemiology import ProcessorEpidemiology
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.epi_test_suite import BaseEpiTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/full/ b/tests/integration/full/
index 2c1b3cc..cff7c65 100644
--- a/tests/integration/full/
+++ b/tests/integration/full/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import sys
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveys import ProcessorSurveys
+from coordinator.processor_surveys import ProcessorSurveys
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.survey_test_suite import BaseSurveyTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index a5df57a..d0b01ce 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
-from coordinator.ProcessorAdvisory import ProcessorAdvisory
+from coordinator.processor_advisory import ProcessorAdvisory
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.advisory_test_suite import BaseAdvisoryTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index 66a6bda..28cd5d4 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
-from coordinator.ProcessorDeposition import ProcessorDeposition
+from coordinator.processor_deposition import ProcessorDeposition
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.depo_test_suite import BaseDepoTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index 3bb44c6..3ba4286 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
-from coordinator.ProcessorEnvironment import ProcessorEnvironment
+from coordinator.processor_environment import ProcessorEnvironment
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.env_suit_test_suite import BaseEnvSuitTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index 8f46c15..d2ec40a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
-from coordinator.ProcessorEpidemiology import ProcessorEpidemiology
+from coordinator.processor_epidemiology import ProcessorEpidemiology
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.epi_test_suite import BaseEpiTestSuite
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index ab45b08..2a48e16 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
-from coordinator.ProcessorSurveys import ProcessorSurveys
+from coordinator.processor_surveys import ProcessorSurveys
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.survey_test_suite import BaseSurveyTestSuite