From b3bd8564af79d0d2fe53fcdb511909af89232052 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lb584 <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:43:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] making all the tests work with Object Oriented code

 coordinator/              |   71 +-
 coordinator/            |   36 +-
 coordinator/           |  399 +++---
 coordinator/          | 1139 +++++++++--------
 coordinator/               |  594 ++++-----
 .../partial/         |    8 +-
 tests/integration/partial/    |    9 +-
 tests/integration/partial/  |    8 +-
 tests/integration/partial/    |   12 +-
 tests/integration/partial/         |    8 +-
 tests/integration/partial/      |    8 +-
 11 files changed, 1196 insertions(+), 1096 deletions(-)

diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index a526096..4d78e79 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -6,43 +6,62 @@ import logging
 # gitlab projects
 # TODO: Package these projects so they are robust for importing
 from AdvisoryBuilder import DataGatherer # created by jws52
+from Processor import Processor
 from ProcessorUtils import add_filters_to_sublogger, short_name
-logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Advisory')
-def process_in_job_advisory(jobPath,status,config,component):
-    '''Generates a word processor file containing some basic survey statistics
-    and output figures from deposition, environmental suitability, and
-    eventually also the epi model. This template advisory is intended to speed
-    up the process of writing advisories. The intended user is a local expert
-    who edits the content of the document.
-    Uses the gitlab project EWS-advisory-builder.'''
+class ProcessorAdvisory(Processor):
-    config_advisory = config[component].copy()
+    def process_pre_job(self, args):
+        return True
-    config_advisory['jobPath'] = jobPath
-    # provide top-level arguments to advisory config
-    for k,v in config.items():
-        if k not in short_name.keys():
-            config_advisory[k]=v
+    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        self.process_in_job_advisory(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    dateString = config['StartString']
-    layout = 'tight'
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        pass
-"Running for scenario {config_advisory}, {dateString}, {layout}")
-    report_names = DataGatherer.run_each_subregion(config_advisory, dateString, layout)
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Advisory')
+        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-    # pass the report filenames to upload to the remote server
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload
-    proc_out['output'] = report_names
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = None
+    def process_in_job_advisory(self, jobPath, status, config, component):
+        '''Generates a word processor file containing some basic survey statistics
+        and output figures from deposition, environmental suitability, and
+        eventually also the epi model. This template advisory is intended to speed
+        up the process of writing advisories. The intended user is a local expert
+        who edits the content of the document.
+        Uses the gitlab project EWS-advisory-builder.'''
-    return proc_out
+        config_advisory = config[component].copy()
+        config_advisory['jobPath'] = jobPath
+        # provide top-level arguments to advisory config
+        for k,v in config.items():
+            if k not in short_name.keys():
+                config_advisory[k]=v
+        dateString = config['StartString']
+        layout = 'tight'
+"Running for scenario {config_advisory}, {dateString}, {layout}")
+        report_names = DataGatherer.run_each_subregion(config_advisory, dateString, layout)
+        # pass the report filenames to upload to the remote server
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload
+        proc_out['output'] = report_names
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = None
+        return proc_out
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index bea3f11..4baf947 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ from typing import List
 # All of the process_* functions are callable from config files for the three
 # coordinator stages: pre, in (during) and plotting. 
-from ProcessorAdvisory import (
-        process_in_job_advisory
+# from ProcessorAdvisory import (
+#         process_in_job_advisory
+# )
 #from ProcessorDeposition import (
 #        process_in_job_dep,
 #        process_EWS_plotting_dep
-from ProcessorEnvironment import (
-        process_in_job_env2_0,
-        process_copy_past_job_env2_0,
-        process_EWS_plotting_env2_0
-from ProcessorEpidemiology import (
-        process_pre_job_epi,
-        process_in_job_epi,
-        process_EWS_plotting_epi,
+#from ProcessorEnvironment import (
+#        process_in_job_env2_0,
+#        process_copy_past_job_env2_0,
+#        process_EWS_plotting_env2_0
+# from ProcessorEpidemiology import (
+#         process_pre_job_epi,
+#         process_in_job_epi,
+#         process_EWS_plotting_epi,
+# )
 from ProcessorScraper import (
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ from ProcessorServer import (
-from ProcessorSurveys import (
-        process_pre_job_survey, 
-        process_in_job_survey,
-        process_EWS_plotting_survey
+# from ProcessorSurveys import (
+#         process_pre_job_survey,
+#         process_in_job_survey,
+#         process_EWS_plotting_survey
+# )
 from ProcessorUtils import (
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index f356f7b..d76205e 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -12,211 +12,228 @@ import tarfile
 import iris
 from iris.cube import CubeList
+from Processor import Processor
+from ProcessorServer import process_pre_job_server_download
 from ews_postprocessing.environmental_suitability.env_suit_post_processor import EnvSuitPostProcessor
 from ews_postprocessing.utils.disease_info import EnvSuitDiseaseInfo
 import EnvSuitPipeline as esp
 from ProcessorUtils import (
-        get_only_existing_globs,
-        subprocess_and_log,
-        add_filters_to_sublogger,
-        remove_path_from_tar_members,
-        short_name
+    get_only_existing_globs,
+    subprocess_and_log,
+    remove_path_from_tar_members,
+    short_name, add_filters_to_sublogger
-logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Environment')
-def process_in_job_env2_0(jobPath,status,config,component):
-    '''Download met data from remote, prepare data, and run :class:`EnvSuitPipeline` pipeline.'''
-'started process_in_job_env2_0()')
-'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
-    file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    #TODO: check if file exists already (may be the case for multiple configs in one)
-    # TODO: perform ssh file transfer in python instead of subprocess
-    server_name: str = config['ServerName']
-    if server_name == "":
-        cmd_scp: list = ["scp", f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-    else:
-        cmd_scp: list = ["scp", "-i", config['ServerKey'], "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
-                         f"{config['ServerName']}:{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-    description_short = 'env2 scp'
-    description_long = 'Copying file from remote server to job directory'
-    # lawrence comment in/out
-    subprocess_and_log(cmd_scp,description_short, description_long)
-'untarring the input file')
-    # untar incoming name data
-    output_directory = f"{jobPath}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf"
-    Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    tarfile_name = f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"
-    with as tar:
-        members = remove_path_from_tar_members(tar)
-        tar.extractall(output_directory, members = members)
-    # basic check that contents are as expected for 7-day forecast (57 timepoints in all files)
-    cube_wildcard = f"{output_directory}/*.nc"
-    cubes: CubeList = iris.load(cube_wildcard)
-    # land_fraction and topography will only have a single timepoint (as these dont change over time), so we can ignore
-    # these when sense-checking the expected number of timepoints
-    ignore_list = ["LAND_FRACTION", "TOPOGRAPHY"]
-    for cube in cubes:
-        var_name =
-        coord = cube.coord("time")
-        timepoint_count = coord.shape[0]
-        if timepoint_count != 57 and var_name not in ignore_list:
-            msg = f"Unexpected number of timepoints ({timepoint_count}) in cube {}"
-            logger.error(msg)
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
-    region = config['RegionName']
-"Calling environmental suitability 2.0 for {region} so wait for output to appear")
-    pipeline_config = config["Environment"]
-    try:
-        #todo lawrence comment this back to original (extracted=False)
-        esp.run_pipeline(pipeline_config, region, config["StartString"], extracted=False)
-    except:
-        logger.exception(f"Some failure when running")
-        raise
-'Finished running environmental suitability 2.0')
-    # TODO: Check that the output appears as expected
+class ProcessorEnvironment(Processor):
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload
-    proc_out['output'] = None
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = [f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"]
-    return proc_out
-def process_copy_past_job_env2_0(jobPath,status,config,component):
-    '''For when we want to skip process_in_job() to test the other components of
-    this script. Currently hard-wired.'''
-    # TODO: remove this hard-wired assumption
-    jobPath_to_copy = f"{jobPath}/../{short_name['Environment']}_{config['StartString']}_bak/"
-    assert os.path.exists(jobPath_to_copy)
-    dir_src = f"{jobPath_to_copy}/processed/"
-    dir_dst = f"{jobPath}/processed/"
-"Copying from {dir_src}")
-"to {dir_dst}")
+    def process_pre_job(self, args):
+        return process_pre_job_server_download(args)
-    copy_tree(dir_src,dir_dst)
-'Copying complete')
+    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        return self.process_in_job_env2_0(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload
-    proc_out['output'] = None
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = None
-    return proc_out
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        return self.process_EWS_plotting_env2_0(jobPath, configjson)
-'''class EWSPlottingEnvSuit(EWSPlottingEnvSuitBase):
-    def set_custom_params(self,
-                          sys_params_dict: dict,
-                          chart_params_dict: dict,
-                          run_params_dict: dict,
-                          disease_csv_template_arg: str,
-                          diseases: List[EnvSuitDiseaseInfo]):
-        # this is unique to the asia/east africa env suit, as we are not filtering within country boundaries
-        run_params_dict[RUN_PARAMS.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY_KEY] = "False"'''
-#TODO test if this works
-def process_EWS_plotting_env2_0(jobPath,config):
-    '''Configures the plotting arguments and calls EWS-plotting as a python module.
-    Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
-'started process_EWS_plotting_env2_0()')
-    main_region = config['RegionName']
-    input_dir = f"{jobPath}/processed/{main_region}"
-    subregions = config['SubRegionNames']
-    EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = []
-    # work on each region
-    for region in subregions:
-        output_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/{region.lower()}"
-        csv_template_dir = input_dir + "/{DISEASE_DIR}/RIE_value.csv"
-        Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        sys_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
-        run_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig']
-        chart_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['ChartConfig']
-        filter_for_country = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['FilterForCountry']
-        # Note that this runs all disease types available
-"Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{run_config}\n{chart_config}")
-        env_suit_processor = EnvSuitPostProcessor()
-        env_suit_processor.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg = sys_config,
-                                                  chart_params_file_arg = chart_config,
-                                                  run_params_file_arg = run_config,
-                                                  es_output_dir_arg = output_dir,
-                                                  issue_date_arg = config['StartString'],
-                                                  disease_csv_template_arg = csv_template_dir)
-        env_suit_processor.run_params.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY = (filter_for_country.upper() == "TRUE")
-        # Include further diseases in plotting. In this case the irrigated suitabilite for the rusts.
-        # TODO: move this part out into a config
-        extra_diseases = [
-            EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stem rust temp-only", "stem_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "StemRust_TempOnly", csv_template_dir),
-            EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Leaf rust temp-only", "leaf_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "LeafRust_TempOnly", csv_template_dir),
-            EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stripe rust temp-only", "stripe_temponly", config['StartString'], "StripeRust_TempOnly", csv_template_dir),
-        ]
-        env_suit_processor.add_diseases(diseases=extra_diseases)
-        env_suit_processor.process()
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Environment')
+        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
+    def process_in_job_env2_0(self, jobPath,status,config,component):
+        '''Download met data from remote, prepare data, and run :class:`EnvSuitPipeline` pipeline.'''
+'started process_in_job_env2_0()')
+'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
+        file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+        file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+        #TODO: check if file exists already (may be the case for multiple configs in one)
+        # TODO: perform ssh file transfer in python instead of subprocess
+        server_name: str = config['ServerName']
+        if server_name == "":
+            cmd_scp: list = ["scp", f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
+        else:
+            cmd_scp: list = ["scp", "-i", config['ServerKey'], "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
+                             f"{config['ServerName']}:{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
+        description_short = 'env2 scp'
+        description_long = 'Copying file from remote server to job directory'
+        # lawrence comment in/out
+        subprocess_and_log(cmd_scp,description_short, description_long)
+'untarring the input file')
+        # untar incoming name data
+        output_directory = f"{jobPath}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf"
+        Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        tarfile_name = f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"
+        with as tar:
+            members = remove_path_from_tar_members(tar)
+            tar.extractall(output_directory, members = members)
+        # basic check that contents are as expected for 7-day forecast (57 timepoints in all files)
+        cube_wildcard = f"{output_directory}/*.nc"
+        cubes: CubeList = iris.load(cube_wildcard)
+        # land_fraction and topography will only have a single timepoint (as these dont change over time), so we can ignore
+        # these when sense-checking the expected number of timepoints
+        ignore_list = ["LAND_FRACTION", "TOPOGRAPHY"]
+        for cube in cubes:
+            var_name =
+            coord = cube.coord("time")
+            timepoint_count = coord.shape[0]
+            if timepoint_count != 57 and var_name not in ignore_list:
+                msg = f"Unexpected number of timepoints ({timepoint_count}) in cube {}"
+                self.logger.error(msg)
+                raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        region = config['RegionName']
+"Calling environmental suitability 2.0 for {region} so wait for output to appear")
+        pipeline_config = config["Environment"]
+        try:
+            #todo lawrence comment this back to original (extracted=False)
+            esp.run_pipeline(pipeline_config, region, config["StartString"], extracted=False)
+        except:
+            self.logger.exception(f"Some failure when running")
+            raise
+'Finished running environmental suitability 2.0')
+        # TODO: Check that the output appears as expected
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload
+        proc_out['output'] = None
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = [f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"]
+        return proc_out
+    def process_copy_past_job_env2_0(self, jobPath,status,config,component):
+        '''For when we want to skip process_in_job() to test the other components of
+        this script. Currently hard-wired.'''
+        # TODO: remove this hard-wired assumption
+        jobPath_to_copy = f"{jobPath}/../{short_name['Environment']}_{config['StartString']}_bak/"
+        assert os.path.exists(jobPath_to_copy)
+        dir_src = f"{jobPath_to_copy}/processed/"
+        dir_dst = f"{jobPath}/processed/"
+"Copying from {dir_src}")
+"to {dir_dst}")
+        copy_tree(dir_src,dir_dst)
+'Copying complete')
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload
+        proc_out['output'] = None
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = None
+        return proc_out
+    '''class EWSPlottingEnvSuit(EWSPlottingEnvSuitBase):
+        def set_custom_params(self,
+                              sys_params_dict: dict,
+                              chart_params_dict: dict,
+                              run_params_dict: dict,
+                              disease_csv_template_arg: str,
+                              diseases: List[EnvSuitDiseaseInfo]):
+            # this is unique to the asia/east africa env suit, as we are not filtering within country boundaries
+            run_params_dict[RUN_PARAMS.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY_KEY] = "False"'''
+    #TODO test if this works
+    def process_EWS_plotting_env2_0(self, jobPath,config):
+        '''Configures the plotting arguments and calls EWS-plotting as a python module.
+        Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
+'started process_EWS_plotting_env2_0()')
+        main_region = config['RegionName']
+        input_dir = f"{jobPath}/processed/{main_region}"
+        subregions = config['SubRegionNames']
+        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = []
+        # work on each region
+        for region in subregions:
+            output_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/{region.lower()}"
+            csv_template_dir = input_dir + "/{DISEASE_DIR}/RIE_value.csv"
+            Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            sys_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
+            run_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig']
+            chart_config = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['ChartConfig']
+            filter_for_country = config['Environment']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['FilterForCountry']
+            # Note that this runs all disease types available
+  "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{run_config}\n{chart_config}")
+            env_suit_processor = EnvSuitPostProcessor()
+            env_suit_processor.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg = sys_config,
+                                                      chart_params_file_arg = chart_config,
+                                                      run_params_file_arg = run_config,
+                                                      es_output_dir_arg = output_dir,
+                                                      issue_date_arg = config['StartString'],
+                                                      disease_csv_template_arg = csv_template_dir)
+            env_suit_processor.run_params.FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY = (filter_for_country.upper() == "TRUE")
+            # Include further diseases in plotting. In this case the irrigated suitabilite for the rusts.
+            # TODO: move this part out into a config
+            extra_diseases = [
+                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stem rust temp-only", "stem_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "StemRust_TempOnly", csv_template_dir),
+                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Leaf rust temp-only", "leaf_rust_temponly", config['StartString'], "LeafRust_TempOnly", csv_template_dir),
+                EnvSuitDiseaseInfo("Stripe rust temp-only", "stripe_temponly", config['StartString'], "StripeRust_TempOnly", csv_template_dir),
+            ]
+            env_suit_processor.add_diseases(diseases=extra_diseases)
+            env_suit_processor.process()
+            # check the output
+            EWSPlottingOutputDir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
+            #EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [
+            #        # daily plots
+            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Daily/suitability_{region.lower()}_*_rust_daily_20*.png",
+            #        # weekly plots
+            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Weekly/suitability_{region.lower()}_*_rust_total_20*.png"]
+            EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}*"]
         # check the output
-        EWSPlottingOutputDir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
-        #EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [
-        #        # daily plots
-        #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Daily/suitability_{region.lower()}_*_rust_daily_20*.png",
-        #        # weekly plots
-        #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Weekly/suitability_{region.lower()}_*_rust_total_20*.png"]
-        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}*"]
-    # check the output
-    EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = get_only_existing_globs(EWSPlottingOutputGlobs,inplace=False)
-    # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
-    if not EWSPlottingOutputGlobs:
-        logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
-        raise RuntimeError
-    # provide list for transfer
-    EWSPlottingOutputs = sorted([file for glob_str in EWSPlottingOutputGlobs for file in glob(glob_str)])
-    return EWSPlottingOutputs
+        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = get_only_existing_globs(EWSPlottingOutputGlobs,inplace=False)
+        # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
+        if not EWSPlottingOutputGlobs:
+            self.logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
+            raise RuntimeError
+        # provide list for transfer
+        EWSPlottingOutputs = sorted([file for glob_str in EWSPlottingOutputGlobs for file in glob(glob_str)])
+        return EWSPlottingOutputs
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index 23f193b..d80f827 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from EpiModel import ( # created by rs481
 from EpiModel.EpiPrep import lister, loader, prep, updater
+from Processor import Processor
 from ews_postprocessing.epi.epi_post_processor import EPIPostPostProcessor
 from ProcessorUtils import (
@@ -34,781 +35,799 @@ from ProcessorUtils import (
-logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Epi')
+class ProcessorEpidemiology(Processor):
+    def process_pre_job(self, args):
+        return self.process_pre_job_epi(args)
-def calc_epi_date_range(init_str,span_days=[0,6]):
-    '''Date range is  determined relative to init_date.
-    span_days is usually defined in the job config file. Day zero is current
-    day, negative values point to past (historical or analysis) days, and
-    positive values point to forecast days.
-    Returns a start_date and end_date.'''
-    init_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(init_str,'%Y%m%d')
+    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        return self.process_in_job_epi(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    # note that filename date represents preceding 3 hours, so day's data
-    #  starts at file timestamp 0300 UTC
-    threehour_shift = datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
-    # add 24hrs so that final day is fully included
-    day_shift = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        return self.process_EWS_plotting_epi(jobPath, configjson)
-    # if more than 999 days
-    if len(str(span_days[0]))>3:
-        # assume it is a date string
-        start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(span_days[0]+'0300','%Y%m%d%H%M')
-    else:
-        date_shift0 = datetime.timedelta(days=span_days[0])
-        start_date = init_date + date_shift0 + threehour_shift
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Epi')
+        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-    if len(str(span_days[1]))>3:
-        # assume it is a date string
-        end_date = datetime.strptime(span_days[1]+'0000','%Y%m%d%H%M')
-        end_date = end_date + day_shift
-    else:
-        date_shift1 = datetime.timedelta(days=span_days[1])
+    def calc_epi_date_range(self, init_str, span_days = [0, 6]):
+        '''Date range is  determined relative to init_date.
+        span_days is usually defined in the job config file. Day zero is current
+        day, negative values point to past (historical or analysis) days, and
+        positive values point to forecast days.
+        Returns a start_date and end_date.'''
-        end_date = init_date + date_shift1 +day_shift
+        init_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(init_str,'%Y%m%d')
-    return start_date, end_date
+        # note that filename date represents preceding 3 hours, so day's data
+        #  starts at file timestamp 0300 UTC
+        threehour_shift = datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
-def process_pre_job_epi(input_args: dict):
-    '''Returns a boolean as to whether the job is ready for full processing.'''
+        # add 24hrs so that final day is fully included
+        day_shift = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-'started process_pre_job_epi()')
+        # if more than 999 days
+        if len(str(span_days[0]))>3:
+            # assume it is a date string
+            start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.span_days[0]+'0300','%Y%m%d%H%M')
+        else:
+            date_shift0 = datetime.timedelta(days=span_days[0])
-    # check pre-requisite jobs are complete
-    query_past_successes(input_args)
+            start_date = init_date + date_shift0 + threehour_shift
-    config_fns: List[str] = input_args['config_paths']
+        if len(str(span_days[1]))>3:
+            # assume it is a date string
+            end_date = datetime.strptime(span_days[1]+'0000','%Y%m%d%H%M')
-    for configFile in config_fns:
+            end_date = end_date + day_shift
+        else:
+            date_shift1 = datetime.timedelta(days=span_days[1])
-        # they should be working if the script made it this far, no need to try
-        config_i = open_and_check_config(configFile)
+            end_date = init_date + date_shift1 +day_shift
-        #determine end time, from config file
-        arg_start_date: str = input_args['start_date']
-        calc_span_days = config_i['Epidemiology']['CalculationSpanDays']
-        assert len(calc_span_days) == 2
+        return start_date, end_date
-        start_time, end_time = calc_epi_date_range(arg_start_date,calc_span_days)
+    def process_pre_job_epi(self, input_args: dict):
+        '''Returns a boolean as to whether the job is ready for full processing.'''
-        # warn if it is a long timespan
-        date_diff = end_time - start_time
-        if date_diff.days > 100:
-            logger.warning("More than 100 days will be calculated over, likely longer than any single season")
+'started process_pre_job_epi()')
-    return True
+        # check pre-requisite jobs are complete
+        query_past_successes(input_args)
+        config_fns: List[str] = input_args['config_paths']
-def create_epi_config_string(config,jobPath,startString,endString):
+        for configFile in config_fns:
-    configtemplate_fn = config['ConfigFilePath']
-    configName_withoutEpi = f"{os.path.basename(configtemplate_fn).replace('.json','')}_{startString}-{endString}"
+            # they should be working if the script made it this far, no need to try
+            config_i = open_and_check_config(configFile)
-    # create a string describing every epi calc configuration
-    epiStrings = []
-    for epiconf in config['Epidemiology']['Epi']:
-        epiKwargsString = ''.join([f"{k}{v}" for k,v in epiconf['modelArguments'].items()])
+            #determine end time, from config file
+            arg_start_date: str = input_args['start_date']
+            calc_span_days = config_i['Epidemiology']['CalculationSpanDays']
+            assert len(calc_span_days) == 2
-        # drop any repetitive elements of kwarg
-        epiKwargsString = epiKwargsString.replace('infectionprevious','')
-        epiKwargsString = epiKwargsString.replace('capbeta','cb')
+            start_time, end_time = self.calc_epi_date_range(arg_start_date,calc_span_days)
-        epiCaseString = f"{epiconf['model'].lower()}{epiKwargsString}"
+            # warn if it is a long timespan
+            date_diff = end_time - start_time
+            if date_diff.days > 100:
+                self.logger.warning("More than 100 days will be calculated over, likely longer than any single season")
-        # provide to configuration for output filename
-        epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"] = f"{jobPath}/infections_{configName_withoutEpi}_{epiCaseString}"
+        return True
-        epiStrings += [epiCaseString]
-    epiString = '-'.join(epiStrings)
+    def create_epi_config_string(self, config,jobPath,startString,endString):
-    config_filename = f"{configName_withoutEpi}_{epiString}"
+        configtemplate_fn = config['ConfigFilePath']
+        configName_withoutEpi = f"{os.path.basename(configtemplate_fn).replace('.json','')}_{startString}-{endString}"
-    logger.debug(f"length of config filename is {len(config_filename)}.")
+        # create a string describing every epi calc configuration
+        epiStrings = []
+        for epiconf in config['Epidemiology']['Epi']:
+            epiKwargsString = ''.join([f"{k}{v}" for k,v in epiconf['modelArguments'].items()])
-    if len(config_filename) > 254:
-"filename length is too long, it will raise an OSError, using a short form instead")
+            # drop any repetitive elements of kwarg
+            epiKwargsString = epiKwargsString.replace('infectionprevious','')
+            epiKwargsString = epiKwargsString.replace('capbeta','cb')
-        # epi cases are not described in filename, an interested user
-        # must look in the json file for details.
-        config_filename = configName_withoutEpi
+            epiCaseString = f"{epiconf['model'].lower()}{epiKwargsString}"
-        assert len(config_filename) <= 254
+            # provide to configuration for output filename
+            epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"] = f"{jobPath}/infections_{configName_withoutEpi}_{epiCaseString}"
-    return config_filename
+            epiStrings += [epiCaseString]
-def are_indices_close(idx1: MultiIndex, idx2: MultiIndex, atol=2.51e-6) -> bool:
-    """An absolute tolerance of 2.51e-6 relates to differences between the
-    grid's of NAME vn7.2 output and met-extractor in 2022."""
+        epiString = '-'.join(epiStrings)
-    assert idx1.nlevels == idx2.nlevels
-    num_levels = idx1.nlevels
+        config_filename = f"{configName_withoutEpi}_{epiString}"
-    # a stricter check is idx_i.equals(idx_0)
+        self.logger.debug(f"length of config filename is {len(config_filename)}.")
-    levels_close = []
-    for i in range(num_levels):
-        close_i = allclose(idx1.get_level_values(i),idx2.get_level_values(i),atol=atol,rtol=0)
-        levels_close += [close_i]    
-    return all(levels_close)
+        if len(config_filename) > 254:
+  "filename length is too long, it will raise an OSError, using a short form instead")
-def raster_to_series(raster_fn):
+            # epi cases are not described in filename, an interested user
+            # must look in the json file for details.
+            config_filename = configName_withoutEpi
-    with rio_open(raster_fn,'r') as host_raster:
-        host_arr =
-        shape = host_raster.shape
+            assert len(config_filename) <= 254
-        # determine coordinates
-        coords = [host_raster.xy(i,j) for i in range(shape[0]) for j in range(shape[1])]
-        lons = unique([ci[0] for ci in coords])
-        lats = unique([ci[1] for ci in coords])
-        assert shape == (lats.size,lons.size)
+        return config_filename
-    # build into a dataframe
-    # (rasters start in the top left, so descending latitude coordinates)
-    host_df = DataFrame(data=host_arr,index=lats[::-1],columns=lons)
- = 'latitude'
- = 'longitude'
-    # rearrange to ascending latitude corodinates
-    host_df.sort_index(axis='rows',inplace=True)
-    # make spatial coordinates a multi-index, like for dep and env suit csvs
-    host_series = host_df.stack()
+    def are_indices_close(self, idx1: MultiIndex, idx2: MultiIndex, atol=2.51e-6) -> bool:
+        """An absolute tolerance of 2.51e-6 relates to differences between the
+        grid's of NAME vn7.2 output and met-extractor in 2022."""
-    return host_series
+        assert idx1.nlevels == idx2.nlevels
+        num_levels = idx1.nlevels
-def rasters_to_csv(
-        raster_fns_dict: dict,
-        csv_fn: str,
-        ):
-    """Takes a dictionary of raster files with associated times and saves them
-    as rows of a single csv. The csv columns and index structure matches model
-    outputs as expected by the epi model. Used to prepare the host data."""
-    host_serieses = []
-    first = True
-    for date_valid_from, raster_fn in raster_fns_dict.items():
-        host_series = raster_to_series(raster_fn)
+        # a stricter check is idx_i.equals(idx_0)
-        # for now, provide a nominal date of validity to enable a time column
-        # so far, using mapspam which is a static map, so time is irrelevant
- = date_valid_from
+        levels_close = []
+        for i in range(num_levels):
+            close_i = allclose(idx1.get_level_values(i),idx2.get_level_values(i),atol=atol,rtol=0)
+            levels_close += [close_i]
-        # conform indices (handle float differences)
-        if first: 
-            idx_0 = host_series.index
+        return all(levels_close)
-        if not first:
-            idx_i = host_series.index
-            indices_are_close = are_indices_close(idx_0,idx_i)
-            assert indices_are_close, (f"Coordinates of host_rasters do not match.\nFailed for {raster_fn}.")
-            host_series.index = idx_0            
-        first = False
-        host_serieses += [host_series]
-    host_df = DataFrame(host_serieses)
+    def raster_to_series(self, raster_fn):
-    host_df.to_csv(csv_fn)
+        with rio_open(raster_fn,'r') as host_raster:
+            host_arr =
+            shape = host_raster.shape
-    return
-def get_model_divided_by_host_fraction( 
-            dfm, 
-            hostCSV, 
-            model_colns=None, 
-            **kwargs): 
-    """when model_infection pressure has units of [ha_infected/ha_cell] 
-    we want [ha_infected/ha_wheat] to compare with surveys 
-    (because surveys only sample the wheat covered landscape) 
-    so we must load the host raster and divide all model results by it.
-    TODO: Instead of doing as post-processing in coordinator, best do it within 
-    the ews-epidemiology package.
-    """ 
-    print('Converting units of prediction from ha_infected/ha_cell to ha_infect/ha_wheat') 
-    # load host raster 
-    host_fn = hostCSV 
-    host_df = read_csv(host_fn,index_col=0,header=[0,1]) 
-    host_df.columns = host_df.columns.set_levels([lvl.astype('float') for lvl in host_df.columns.levels])
-    host_df.index = to_datetime(host_df.index,format='%Y%m%d%H%M')
-    host_df = host_df.T 
+            # determine coordinates
+            coords = [host_raster.xy(i,j) for i in range(shape[0]) for j in range(shape[1])]
+            lons = unique([ci[0] for ci in coords])
+            lats = unique([ci[1] for ci in coords])
+            assert shape == (lats.size,lons.size)
-    # conform the structure with infection dataframe 
+        # build into a dataframe
+        # (rasters start in the top left, so descending latitude coordinates)
+        host_df = DataFrame(data=host_arr,index=lats[::-1],columns=lons)
+ = 'latitude'
+ = 'longitude'
+        # rearrange to ascending latitude corodinates
+        host_df.sort_index(axis='rows',inplace=True)
+        # make spatial coordinates a multi-index, like for dep and env suit csvs
+        host_series = host_df.stack()
-    # conform indices (coordinates)
-    host_df.index = host_df.index.reorder_levels(['longitude','latitude']) 
-    host_df.sort_index(level=['longitude','latitude'],ascending=[True,False],inplace=True)
+        return host_series
-    indices_are_close = are_indices_close(host_df.index,dfm.index)
-    assert indices_are_close, ('Coordinates of model grid do not match host map.')
-    host_df.index = dfm.index
+    def rasters_to_csv(
+            self,
+            raster_fns_dict: dict,
+            csv_fn: str,
+            ):
+        """Takes a dictionary of raster files with associated times and saves them
+        as rows of a single csv. The csv columns and index structure matches model
+        outputs as expected by the epi model. Used to prepare the host data."""
-    # conform columns (dates)
-    column_end_dates = x: x[-12:])
-    model_dates = to_datetime(column_end_dates, format='%Y%m%d%H%M') - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    dfm2 = dfm.copy()
-    dfm2.columns = model_dates
-    # Set a host value for every model date, based forward-filling dated map to
-    # next available date
-    host_df_resampled = host_df.reindex(dfm2.columns,axis='columns',method='ffill')
-    assert not host_df_resampled.isna().any().any(), ('Dates of host rasters do not cover all model dates')
-    # new approach, take advantage of pandas broadcasting
-    print('Applying unit conversion to all columns in output') 
-    dfm3 = dfm2.divide(host_df_resampled)
-    # Handle cases of zero division
-    dfm3[host_df_resampled<=0]=0
-    # check for anomalously large values 
-    where_too_big = dfm3 > 1.00001 
-    if any(where_too_big): 
-        msg = 'ERROR: Unit conversion failed, host area seems to be smaller than predicted infection area in a cell' 
-        print(msg) 
-        raise Exception 
+        host_serieses = []
+        first = True
+        for date_valid_from, raster_fn in raster_fns_dict.items():
-    # clip any values that are above 1 
-    # (Expect this is not needed, but may help resolve float precision issues)
-    dfm3.clip(0.,1.,inplace=True) 
-    # Retain original column names
-    dfm3.columns = dfm.columns
+            host_series = self.raster_to_series(raster_fn)
-    return dfm3
+            # for now, provide a nominal date of validity to enable a time column
+            # so far, using mapspam which is a static map, so time is irrelevant
+   = date_valid_from
-def process_in_job_epi(jobPath,status,config,component):
-'started process_in_job_epi()')
+            # conform indices (handle float differences)
+            if first:
+                idx_0 = host_series.index
-    # TODO: Some of this is modifying config before epi model is run. Determine
-    # how to account for that
+            if not first:
+                idx_i = host_series.index
-    # initialise any needed variables
+                indices_are_close = self.are_indices_close(idx_0,idx_i)
+                assert indices_are_close, (f"Coordinates of host_rasters do not match.\nFailed for {raster_fn}.")
+                host_series.index = idx_0
-    reference_date_str = config['StartString']
-    reference_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(reference_date_str,'%Y%m%d')
+            first = False
-    start_date, end_date = calc_epi_date_range(reference_date_str,config['Epidemiology']['CalculationSpanDays'])
+            host_serieses += [host_series]
-    date_diff = end_date - start_date
+        host_df = DataFrame(host_serieses)
-    start_string = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
-    start_string_short = start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
-    end_string = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
+        host_df.to_csv(csv_fn)
-    # update config accordingly
-    config['ReferenceTime'] = reference_date_str
-    config['StartTime'] = start_string
-    config['StartTimeShort'] = start_string_short
-    config['EndTime'] = end_string
+        return
-    yesterday_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(reference_date_str,'%Y%m%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    yesterday_string = yesterday_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
+    def get_model_divided_by_host_fraction(
+                self,
+                dfm,
+                hostCSV,
+                model_colns=None,
+                **kwargs):
+        """when model_infection pressure has units of [ha_infected/ha_cell]
+        we want [ha_infected/ha_wheat] to compare with surveys
+        (because surveys only sample the wheat covered landscape)
+        so we must load the host raster and divide all model results by it.
-    diseases = config['Epidemiology']['DiseaseNames']
+        TODO: Instead of doing as post-processing in coordinator, best do it within
+        the ews-epidemiology package.
+        """
-    def gather_dependent_models(config_epi,config,variable_name,start_date,reference_date,end_date,jobDataPath,lastjobDataPath,status,component='Deposition'):
+        print('Converting units of prediction from ha_infected/ha_cell to ha_infect/ha_wheat')
-        # This function is only prepared for components in this list
-        assert component in ['Deposition','Environment']
+        # load host raster
+        host_fn = hostCSV
+        host_df = read_csv(host_fn,index_col=0,header=[0,1])
+        host_df.columns = host_df.columns.set_levels([lvl.astype('float') for lvl in host_df.columns.levels])
+        host_df.index = to_datetime(host_df.index,format='%Y%m%d%H%M')
+        host_df = host_df.T
-        # TODO: Simplify the set of required arguments. Check if config is necessary.
+        # conform the structure with infection dataframe
-        config_epi[component]['VariableName'] = variable_name # disease_latin_name_dict[disease]+'_DEPOSITION'
+        # conform indices (coordinates)
+        host_df.index = host_df.index.reorder_levels(['longitude','latitude'])
+        host_df.sort_index(level=['longitude','latitude'],ascending=[True,False],inplace=True)
-        config_epi[component]['FileNamePrepared'] = f"{jobDataPath}/data_input_{component.lower()}.csv"
+        indices_are_close = self.are_indices_close(host_df.index,dfm.index)
+        assert indices_are_close, ('Coordinates of model grid do not match host map.')
+        host_df.index = dfm.index
-        config_epi[component]['LastFileNamePrepared'] = f"{lastjobDataPath}/data_input_{component.lower()}.csv"
+        # conform columns (dates)
+        column_end_dates = x: x[-12:])
+        model_dates = to_datetime(column_end_dates, format='%Y%m%d%H%M') - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+        dfm2 = dfm.copy()
+        dfm2.columns = model_dates
-        # Use config-defined file lister
-        file_lister_name = config_epi[component]['FileListerFunction']
+        # Set a host value for every model date, based forward-filling dated map to
+        # next available date
+        host_df_resampled = host_df.reindex(dfm2.columns,axis='columns',method='ffill')
+        assert not host_df_resampled.isna().any().any(), ('Dates of host rasters do not cover all model dates')
-        file_lister_func = getattr(lister,file_lister_name)
+        # new approach, take advantage of pandas broadcasting
+        print('Applying unit conversion to all columns in output')
+        dfm3 = dfm2.divide(host_df_resampled)
+        # Handle cases of zero division
+        dfm3[host_df_resampled<=0]=0
-        config_for_lister = config.copy()
-        config_for_lister.update(config_epi)
+        # check for anomalously large values
+        where_too_big = dfm3 > 1.00001
+        if any(where_too_big):
+            msg = 'ERROR: Unit conversion failed, host area seems to be smaller than predicted infection area in a cell'
+            print(msg)
+            raise Exception
-        lister_kwargs = {}
-        lister_kwargs['reference_date']=config['ReferenceTime']
+        # clip any values that are above 1
+        # (Expect this is not needed, but may help resolve float precision issues)
+        dfm3.clip(0.,1.,inplace=True)
-        loader_kwargs= {}
+        # Retain original column names
+        dfm3.columns = dfm.columns
-        loader_dict = {
-            'Deposition' : loader.load_NAME_file,
-            'Environment' : loader.load_env_file,
-        }
+        return dfm3
-        loader_func = loader_dict[component]
+    def process_in_job_epi(self, jobPath,status,config,component):
+'started process_in_job_epi()')
-        # Provide component-specific variables
-        if component == 'Deposition':
+        # TODO: Some of this is modifying config before epi model is run. Determine
+        # how to account for that
-            loader_kwargs['VariableName']= config_for_lister[component].get('VariableName')
-            loader_kwargs['VariableNameAlternative']= config_for_lister[component].get('VariableNameAlternative')
+        # initialise any needed variables
-        try:
-            # Make use of data prepared yesterday
-            updater.update_input(
-                    config_for_lister,
-                    reference_date,
-                    end_date,
-                    component=component,
-                    file_lister=file_lister_func,
-                    file_loader=loader_func,
-                    lister_kwargs=lister_kwargs,
-                    update_period_days=3,
-                    **loader_kwargs)
+        reference_date_str = config['StartString']
+        reference_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(reference_date_str,'%Y%m%d')
-            assert os.path.isfile(config_epi[component]['FileNamePrepared'])
+        start_date, end_date = self.calc_epi_date_range(reference_date_str,config['Epidemiology']['CalculationSpanDays'])
-        except AssertionError:
+        date_diff = end_date - start_date
-            logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {component} data preparation (updater)")
+        start_string = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
+        start_string_short = start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
+        end_string = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
-            # Performa a fresh load of the full time series
+        # update config accordingly
+        config['ReferenceTime'] = reference_date_str
+        config['StartTime'] = start_string
+        config['StartTimeShort'] = start_string_short
+        config['EndTime'] = end_string
-            try:
+        yesterday_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(reference_date_str,'%Y%m%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+        yesterday_string = yesterday_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
+        diseases = config['Epidemiology']['DiseaseNames']
+        def gather_dependent_models(config_epi,config,variable_name,start_date,reference_date,end_date,jobDataPath,lastjobDataPath,status,component='Deposition'):
+            # This function is only prepared for components in this list
+            assert component in ['Deposition','Environment']
+            # TODO: Simplify the set of required arguments. Check if config is necessary.
+            config_epi[component]['VariableName'] = variable_name # disease_latin_name_dict[disease]+'_DEPOSITION'
+            config_epi[component]['FileNamePrepared'] = f"{jobDataPath}/data_input_{component.lower()}.csv"
+            config_epi[component]['LastFileNamePrepared'] = f"{lastjobDataPath}/data_input_{component.lower()}.csv"
+            # Use config-defined file lister
+            file_lister_name = config_epi[component]['FileListerFunction']
+            file_lister_func = getattr(lister,file_lister_name)
-                prep.prep_input(
+            config_for_lister = config.copy()
+            config_for_lister.update(config_epi)
+            lister_kwargs = {}
+            lister_kwargs['reference_date']=config['ReferenceTime']
+            loader_kwargs= {}
+            loader_dict = {
+                'Deposition' : loader.load_NAME_file,
+                'Environment' : loader.load_env_file,
+            }
+            loader_func = loader_dict[component]
+            # Provide component-specific variables
+            if component == 'Deposition':
+                loader_kwargs['VariableName']= config_for_lister[component].get('VariableName')
+                loader_kwargs['VariableNameAlternative']= config_for_lister[component].get('VariableNameAlternative')
+            try:
+                # Make use of data prepared yesterday
+                updater.update_input(
-                        start_date,
+                        reference_date,
+                        update_period_days=3,
                 assert os.path.isfile(config_epi[component]['FileNamePrepared'])
-            except:
+            except AssertionError:
-                logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {component} data preparation (full load)")
-                status.reset('ERROR')
-                endJob(status,premature=True)
+                self.logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {component} data preparation (updater)")
-        return
+                # Performa a fresh load of the full time series
+                try:
+                    prep.prep_input(
+                            config_for_lister,
+                            start_date,
+                            end_date,
+                            component=component,
+                            file_lister=file_lister_func,
+                            file_loader=loader_func,
+                            lister_kwargs=lister_kwargs,
+                            **loader_kwargs)
+                    assert os.path.isfile(config_epi[component]['FileNamePrepared'])
-    # get list of variable names to be loaded from deposition input
-    depo_variable_names =  config['Epidemiology']['Deposition']['VariableNames']
-    assert len(depo_variable_names) == len(diseases)
+                except:
-    # loop over each sub region
+                    self.logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in {component} data preparation (full load)")
+                    status.reset('ERROR')
+                    endJob(status,premature=True)
-    region = config['RegionName']
-    #for region in config['SubRegionNames']:
+            return
-    for disease in diseases:
+        # get list of variable names to be loaded from deposition input
+        depo_variable_names =  config['Epidemiology']['Deposition']['VariableNames']
+        assert len(depo_variable_names) == len(diseases)
-        assert disease in disease_latin_name_dict.keys()
+        # loop over each sub region
-        config['SubRegionName'] = region
-        config['DiseaseName'] = disease
+        region = config['RegionName']
+        #for region in config['SubRegionNames']:
-        config_epi = config['Epidemiology'].copy()
+        for disease in diseases:
-        # TODO: CAUTION: Any iterations (e.g. disease or sub-region) are hidden
-        # in jobPath, and not retained in the config file. This is a provlem for
-        # process_EWS_plotting_epi which receives a single config file and must
-        # try a fudge to retrieve details for each iteration.
-        # This should be improved, either by making the one config file
-        # aware of all of the iterations, or looping over iterations in
-        # with one iteration-specific config.
-        case_specific_path = f"{jobPath}/{region}/{disease}/"
-        Path(case_specific_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            assert disease in disease_latin_name_dict.keys()
-"Preparing for epidemiology calc of {disease} in {region}")
+            config['SubRegionName'] = region
+            config['DiseaseName'] = disease
-        # create config_filename to describe job configuration
-        config_filename = create_epi_config_string(config,case_specific_path,start_string,end_string)
+            config_epi = config['Epidemiology'].copy()
-        # prepare a directory for input data
-        jobDataPath = f"{case_specific_path}/input_data/"
-        Path(jobDataPath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            # TODO: CAUTION: Any iterations (e.g. disease or sub-region) are hidden
+            # in jobPath, and not retained in the config file. This is a provlem for
+            # process_EWS_plotting_epi which receives a single config file and must
+            # try a fudge to retrieve details for each iteration.
+            # This should be improved, either by making the one config file
+            # aware of all of the iterations, or looping over iterations in
+            # with one iteration-specific config.
+            case_specific_path = f"{jobPath}/{region}/{disease}/"
+            Path(case_specific_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        lastjobDataPath = jobDataPath.replace(f"EPI_{reference_date_str}",f"EPI_{yesterday_string}")
+  "Preparing for epidemiology calc of {disease} in {region}")
-        # configure filename of prepared deposition data
+            # create config_filename to describe job configuration
+            config_filename = self.create_epi_config_string(config,case_specific_path,start_string,end_string)
-        if 'Deposition' in config_epi:
+            # prepare a directory for input data
+            jobDataPath = f"{case_specific_path}/input_data/"
+            Path(jobDataPath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-            # determine which variable name to load for this disease
-            disease_idx = [i for i,j in enumerate(diseases) if j==disease][0]
+            lastjobDataPath = jobDataPath.replace(f"EPI_{reference_date_str}",f"EPI_{yesterday_string}")
-            variable_name = depo_variable_names[disease_idx]
+            # configure filename of prepared deposition data
-            gather_dependent_models(
-                    config_epi,
-                    config,
-                    variable_name,
-                    start_date,
-                    reference_date,
-                    end_date,
-                    jobDataPath,
-                    lastjobDataPath,
-                    status,
-                    component='Deposition')
-        # configure filename of prepared deposition data
+            if 'Deposition' in config_epi:
-        if 'Environment' in config_epi:
+                # determine which variable name to load for this disease
+                disease_idx = [i for i,j in enumerate(diseases) if j==disease][0]
-  'Preparing environmental suitability data')
+                variable_name = depo_variable_names[disease_idx]
-            gather_dependent_models(
-                    config_epi,
-                    config,
-                    variable_name,
-                    start_date,
-                    reference_date,
-                    end_date,
-                    jobDataPath,
-                    lastjobDataPath,
-                    status,
-                    component='Environment')
-        # prepare a copy of the host data
+                gather_dependent_models(
+                        config_epi,
+                        config,
+                        variable_name,
+                        start_date,
+                        reference_date,
+                        end_date,
+                        jobDataPath,
+                        lastjobDataPath,
+                        status,
+                        component='Deposition')
-'Preparing a copy of the host raster data')
-        # TargetRaster defines the grid that the epi model works on.
-        assert 'TargetRaster' in config_epi['Host']
+            # configure filename of prepared deposition data
-        # It should have been generated in advance by the user, by reprojecting
-        # the available host map (e.g. MapSPAM) to the NAME output grid.
-        # is available to support this.
+            if 'Environment' in config_epi:
-        if 'HostRasters' in config_epi['Host']:
-            # HostRasters is a dictionary with date: filename entries describing
-            # different host rasters valid at different times i.e. a simple
-            # representation of dynamic host, so prepare a host file as is done
-            # for the Deposition and Environment components.
+      'Preparing environmental suitability data')
-            # All host maps should have the same spatial grid as the TargetRaster
+                gather_dependent_models(
+                        config_epi,
+                        config,
+                        variable_name,
+                        start_date,
+                        reference_date,
+                        end_date,
+                        jobDataPath,
+                        lastjobDataPath,
+                        status,
+                        component='Environment')
-            rasters_dict = config_epi['Host']['HostRasters']
+            # prepare a copy of the host data
-            dst_host_csv = f"{jobDataPath}/data_input_host.csv"
+  'Preparing a copy of the host raster data')
-            rasters_to_csv(rasters_dict,dst_host_csv)
+            # TargetRaster defines the grid that the epi model works on.
+            assert 'TargetRaster' in config_epi['Host']
-        else:
-            # There is a host raster applicable to all times, i.e. static host
+            # It should have been generated in advance by the user, by reprojecting
+            # the available host map (e.g. MapSPAM) to the NAME output grid.
+            # is available to support this.
-            src_host = config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster']
-            fn_host = os.path.basename(src_host)
-            dst_host = f"{jobDataPath}/{fn_host}"
+            if 'HostRasters' in config_epi['Host']:
+                # HostRasters is a dictionary with date: filename entries describing
+                # different host rasters valid at different times i.e. a simple
+                # representation of dynamic host, so prepare a host file as is done
+                # for the Deposition and Environment components.
-            # copy the tif to the job directory and refer to that instead
-            shutil.copyfile(src_host,dst_host)
-            config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster'] = dst_host
+                # All host maps should have the same spatial grid as the TargetRaster
-  'Preparing a copy of the host data as csv')
+                rasters_dict = config_epi['Host']['HostRasters']
-            dst_host_csv = dst_host.replace('.tif','.csv')
+                dst_host_csv = f"{jobDataPath}/data_input_host.csv"
-            rasters_to_csv(
-                    {'201001010000': dst_host},
-                    dst_host_csv)
+                self.rasters_to_csv(rasters_dict,dst_host_csv)
-        config_epi['Host']['HostCSV'] = dst_host_csv
-        config_epi['Host']['FileNamePrepared'] = dst_host_csv
+            else:
+                # There is a host raster applicable to all times, i.e. static host
-        # provide fundamental config elements to config_epi
-        for k,v in config.items():
-            if k not in short_name.keys():
-                config_epi[k]=v
+                src_host = config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster']
+                fn_host = os.path.basename(src_host)
+                dst_host = f"{jobDataPath}/{fn_host}"
-        logger.debug('Incremental configuration looks like:')
-        def print_item(item):
-            logger.debug(f"Item {item}")
-            logger.debug(json.dumps(item,indent=2))
-        def iterate(items):
-            for item in items.items():
-                if hasattr(item,'items'):
-                    # iterate
-                    iterate(item)
-                else:
-                    print_item(item)
-        iterate(config_epi)
+                # copy the tif to the job directory and refer to that instead
+                shutil.copyfile(src_host,dst_host)
+                config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster'] = dst_host
-        logger.debug('Complete configuration looks like:')
-        logger.debug(json.dumps(config_epi,indent=2))
+      'Preparing a copy of the host data as csv')
-        # write the complete configuration file to job directory
-        with open(f"{case_specific_path}/{config_filename}.json",'w') as write_file:
-            json.dump(config_epi,write_file,indent=4)
+                dst_host_csv = dst_host.replace('.tif','.csv')
-        # run epi model
+                self.rasters_to_csv(
+                        {'201001010000': dst_host},
+                        dst_host_csv)
-        try:
-            EpiModel.run_epi_model(f"{case_specific_path}/{config_filename}.json")
-        except:
-            logger.exception('Unexpected error in EpiModel')
-            raise
+            config_epi['Host']['HostCSV'] = dst_host_csv
+            config_epi['Host']['FileNamePrepared'] = dst_host_csv
-        # perform calc on output
+            # provide fundamental config elements to config_epi
+            for k,v in config.items():
+                if k not in short_name.keys():
+                    config_epi[k]=v
-        def calc_total(arr):
-            return 'total', arr.sum()
+            self.logger.debug('Incremental configuration looks like:')
+            def print_item(item):
+                self.logger.debug(f"Item {item}")
+                self.logger.debug(json.dumps(item,indent=2))
+            def iterate(items):
+                for item in items.items():
+                    if hasattr(item,'items'):
+                        # iterate
+                        iterate(item)
+                    else:
+                        print_item(item)
+            iterate(config_epi)
-        def calc_max(arr):
-            return 'maximum', arr.max()
+            self.logger.debug('Complete configuration looks like:')
+            self.logger.debug(json.dumps(config_epi,indent=2))
-        def calc_mean(arr):
-            return 'mean', arr.mean()
+            # write the complete configuration file to job directory
+            with open(f"{case_specific_path}/{config_filename}.json",'w') as write_file:
+                json.dump(config_epi,write_file,indent=4)
-        for epiconf in config['Epidemiology']['Epi']:
+            # run epi model
+            try:
+                EpiModel.run_epi_model(f"{case_specific_path}/{config_filename}.json")
+            except:
+                self.logger.exception('Unexpected error in EpiModel')
+                raise
-            outfile = epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"]
+            # perform calc on output
-            with rio_open(outfile+'.tif','r') as infectionRaster:
-                infection =
+            def calc_total(arr):
+                return 'total', arr.sum()
-                # define function to quantify overall result, for easy check
-                # TODO: Create a more meaningful result?
-                # TODO: make this configurable
-                analysis_func = calc_mean
+            def calc_max(arr):
+                return 'maximum', arr.max()
-                analysis_desc, analysis_value = analysis_func(infection)
+            def calc_mean(arr):
+                return 'mean', arr.mean()
-      "For case {outfile}")
-      'Infection {:s} is {:.2e}'.format( analysis_desc, analysis_value))
+            for epiconf in config['Epidemiology']['Epi']:
-                # to save tif as png for easy viewing
-                logger.debug('Saving tif output as png for easier viewing')
-                plotRaster.save_raster_as_png(outfile)
+                outfile = epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"]
-        # comparison figure
+                with rio_open(outfile+'.tif','r') as infectionRaster:
+                    infection =
-        # TODO: make this plot configurable? with function or args?
-'Plotting epi output alongside contributing components')
-        # figure_func = getattr(EpiAnalysis,'plot_compare_host_env_dep_infection')
-'Plotting composite image of epi formulations')
-        figure_func = getattr(EpiAnalysis,'plot_compare_epi_cases')
+                    # define function to quantify overall result, for easy check
+                    # TODO: Create a more meaningful result?
+                    # TODO: make this configurable
+                    analysis_func = calc_mean
-        # isolate the config for this function, in case of modifications
-        config_epi_for_comparison = config_epi.copy()
+                    analysis_desc, analysis_value = analysis_func(infection)
-        fig,axes,cases = figure_func(
-                config_epi_for_comparison,
-                start_str = start_string,
-                end_str = end_string)
+          "For case {outfile}")
+          'Infection {:s} is {:.2e}'.format( analysis_desc, analysis_value))
-        SaveFileName = f"{case_specific_path}/EPI_{config_filename}_comparison"
+                    # to save tif as png for easy viewing
+                    self.logger.debug('Saving tif output as png for easier viewing')
+                    plotRaster.save_raster_as_png(outfile)
-        fig.savefig(SaveFileName+'.png',dpi=300)
+            # comparison figure
-        # slice the epi results into before forecast and in forecast
+            # TODO: make this plot configurable? with function or args?
+  'Plotting epi output alongside contributing components')
+            # figure_func = getattr(EpiAnalysis,'plot_compare_host_env_dep_infection')
+  'Plotting composite image of epi formulations')
+            figure_func = getattr(EpiAnalysis,'plot_compare_epi_cases')
-        for epiconf in config['Epidemiology']['Epi']:
+            # isolate the config for this function, in case of modifications
+            config_epi_for_comparison = config_epi.copy()
-            outfile = epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"]+'_progression.csv'
+            fig,axes,cases = figure_func(
+                    config_epi_for_comparison,
+                    start_str = start_string,
+                    end_str = end_string)
-            # load the full epi results
-            df_full = read_csv(outfile,header=[0],index_col=[0,1])
-            column_date_fmt = f"X{config['StartTimeShort']}_X%Y%m%d%H%M"
-            df_full_dates = to_datetime(df_full.columns.astype('str'),format=column_date_fmt)
+            SaveFileName = f"{case_specific_path}/EPI_{config_filename}_comparison"
-            unit_description = ''
+            fig.savefig(SaveFileName+'.png',dpi=300)
-            if epiconf['rescale_output_by_host_raster'] is True:
+            # slice the epi results into before forecast and in forecast
-                unit_description = '_per_ha_wheat'
+            for epiconf in config['Epidemiology']['Epi']:
-                model_colns = df_full.columns
+                outfile = epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"]+'_progression.csv'
-                # convert units from ha_infected/ha_cell to ha_infected/ha_wheat
-                df_full = get_model_divided_by_host_fraction(
-                        df_full,
-                        config_epi['Host']['HostCSV'],
-                        model_colns = model_colns)
+                # load the full epi results
+                df_full = read_csv(outfile,header=[0],index_col=[0,1])
+                column_date_fmt = f"X{config['StartTimeShort']}_X%Y%m%d%H%M"
+                df_full_dates = to_datetime(df_full.columns.astype('str'),format=column_date_fmt)
-                # save to csv
-                outfile_hawheat = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_progression.csv"
-                df_full.to_csv(outfile_hawheat,header=True,index=True)
+                unit_description = ''
+                if epiconf['rescale_output_by_host_raster'] is True:
+                    unit_description = '_per_ha_wheat'
+                    model_colns = df_full.columns
-                outfile_hawheat_final = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}.csv"
-                df_full.iloc[:,-1].to_csv(outfile_hawheat_final,header=True,index=True)
+                    # convert units from ha_infected/ha_cell to ha_infected/ha_wheat
-            # determine date to cut with
-            # plus 1 minute so midnight is associated with preceding day
-            date_to_cut = datetime.datetime.strptime(config['StartString']+'0001','%Y%m%d%H%M')
-            dates_after_cut = df_full_dates >= date_to_cut
-            idx = argmax(dates_after_cut)-1
+                    df_full = self.get_model_divided_by_host_fraction(
+                            df_full,
+                            config_epi['Host']['HostCSV'],
+                            model_colns = model_colns)
-            if idx == -1:
-                # only working on forecast dates so no season so far, skip
-                continue
+                    # save to csv
+                    outfile_hawheat = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_progression.csv"
+                    df_full.to_csv(outfile_hawheat,header=True,index=True)
-            # build seasonsofar dataframe (only need the last date)
-            df_seasonsofar = df_full.iloc[:,idx]
+                    outfile_hawheat_final = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}.csv"
+                    df_full.iloc[:,-1].to_csv(outfile_hawheat_final,header=True,index=True)
-            # check column name is defined as expected
-            # from epi start time to forecast start time
-            column_name = f"X{config['StartTimeShort']}_X{config['StartString']}0000"
-            assert == column_name
+                # determine date to cut with
+                # plus 1 minute so midnight is associated with preceding day
+                date_to_cut = datetime.datetime.strptime(config['StartString']+'0001','%Y%m%d%H%M')
+                dates_after_cut = df_full_dates >= date_to_cut
+                idx = argmax(dates_after_cut)-1
-            #  save to csv
-            fn_seasonsofar = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_seasonsofar.csv"
-            df_seasonsofar.to_csv(fn_seasonsofar,header=True,index=True)
+                if idx == -1:
+                    # only working on forecast dates so no season so far, skip
+                    continue
-            # build weekahead dataframe and save to csv
-            df_fc_start = df_full.iloc[:,idx]
-            df_fc_start_name ='_')[-1]
+                # build seasonsofar dataframe (only need the last date)
+                df_seasonsofar = df_full.iloc[:,idx]
-            df_fc_end = df_full.iloc[:,-1]
-            df_fc_end_name ='_')[-1]
+                # check column name is defined as expected
+                # from epi start time to forecast start time
+                column_name = f"X{config['StartTimeShort']}_X{config['StartString']}0000"
+                assert == column_name
-            df_weekahead = df_fc_end - df_fc_start
+                #  save to csv
+                fn_seasonsofar = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_seasonsofar.csv"
+                df_seasonsofar.to_csv(fn_seasonsofar,header=True,index=True)
-            # defined column name
-            fn_weekahead = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_weekahead.csv"
-   = '_'.join([df_fc_start_name,df_fc_end_name])
+                # build weekahead dataframe and save to csv
+                df_fc_start = df_full.iloc[:,idx]
+                df_fc_start_name ='_')[-1]
-            # save to csv
-            df_weekahead.to_csv(fn_weekahead,header=True,index=True)
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload
-    proc_out['output'] = None
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = None
+                df_fc_end = df_full.iloc[:,-1]
+                df_fc_end_name ='_')[-1]
-    return proc_out
+                df_weekahead = df_fc_end - df_fc_start
-def process_EWS_plotting_epi(jobPath,config):
-    '''Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
+                # defined column name
+                fn_weekahead = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_weekahead.csv"
+       = '_'.join([df_fc_start_name,df_fc_end_name])
-'started process_EWS_plotting_epi()')
+                # save to csv
+                df_weekahead.to_csv(fn_weekahead,header=True,index=True)
-    # initalise necessary variables from config
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload
+        proc_out['output'] = None
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = None
-    start_date, end_date = calc_epi_date_range(config['StartString'],config['Epidemiology']['CalculationSpanDays'])
+        return proc_out
-    start_string = start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
-    end_string = end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
+    def process_EWS_plotting_epi(self, jobPath,config):
+        '''Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
-    epi_case_operational = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['EpiCase']
+'started process_EWS_plotting_epi()')
-    if epi_case_operational == 'none':
-'Config specifies not to call to EWS-Plotting')
-        return []
+        # initalise necessary variables from config
-    diseases = config['Epidemiology']['DiseaseNames']
+        start_date, end_date = self.calc_epi_date_range(config['StartString'],config['Epidemiology']['CalculationSpanDays'])
-    # initialise environment
-    sys_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
+        start_string = start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
+        end_string = end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')
-    chart_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['ChartConfig']
+        epi_case_operational = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['EpiCase']
-    # use the first matching epi formulation
-    # TODO: Is there a more efficient way to select?
-    epi_filename = [ce['infectionRasterFileName'] for ce in config['Epidemiology']['Epi'] if ce['model']==epi_case_operational][0]
+        if epi_case_operational == 'none':
+  'Config specifies not to call to EWS-Plotting')
+            return []
-    dep_regionnames = ['SouthAsia','Ethiopia']
+        diseases = config['Epidemiology']['DiseaseNames']
-    # TODO get deposition_dir from config['Epidemiology']['Deposition']['PathTemplate']
-    dep_regionname = 'Ethiopia' #SouthAsia
+        # initialise environment
+        sys_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
-    deposition_dir = f"{config['WorkspacePath']}DEPOSITION_{start_string}/WR_NAME_{dep_regionname}_{start_string}/"
+        chart_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['ChartConfig']
-    # TODO: handle multiple diseases and regions in Processor as a loop, or in the config
-    deposition_disease_name = [disease_latin_name_dict[disease]+'_DEPOSITION' for disease in diseases][0]
+        # use the first matching epi formulation
+        # TODO: Is there a more efficient way to select?
+        epi_filename = [ce['infectionRasterFileName'] for ce in config['Epidemiology']['Epi'] if ce['model']==epi_case_operational][0]
-    ews_plot_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/"
+        dep_regionnames = ['SouthAsia','Ethiopia']
-    Path(ews_plot_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        # TODO get deposition_dir from config['Epidemiology']['Deposition']['PathTemplate']
+        dep_regionname = 'Ethiopia' #SouthAsia
-    # loop over diseases
-    EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = []
-    for disease in diseases:
-        disease_short = disease.lower().replace('rust','')
+        deposition_dir = f"{config['WorkspacePath']}DEPOSITION_{start_string}/WR_NAME_{dep_regionname}_{start_string}/"
-        # a fudge, guess disease type
-        # because config['Epidemiology']['ProcessInJob'] handles disease loop internally
-        # assumes disease name is the last directory before the filename
         # TODO: handle multiple diseases and regions in Processor as a loop, or in the config
-        disease_to_drop = os.path.dirname(epi_filename).split('/')[-1].replace('Rust','')
-        disease_to_add = disease.replace('Rust','')
-        epi_filename = epi_filename.replace(disease_to_drop,disease_to_add)
+        deposition_disease_name = [disease_latin_name_dict[disease]+'_DEPOSITION' for disease in diseases][0]
-        map_title = "Integrated prediction of Wheat $\\bf{" + disease_to_add + "}$ Rust infection"
-        if 'PlottingRegionName' not in config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']:
-            plotting_region_name_lower = config['RegionName'].lower()
-        else:
-            plotting_region_name_lower = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['PlottingRegionName'].lower()
+        ews_plot_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/"
+        Path(ews_plot_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        # loop over diseases
+        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = []
+        for disease in diseases:
+            disease_short = disease.lower().replace('rust','')
+            # a fudge, guess disease type
+            # because config['Epidemiology']['ProcessInJob'] handles disease loop internally
+            # assumes disease name is the last directory before the filename
+            # TODO: handle multiple diseases and regions in Processor as a loop, or in the config
+            disease_to_drop = os.path.dirname(epi_filename).split('/')[-1].replace('Rust','')
+            disease_to_add = disease.replace('Rust','')
+            epi_filename = epi_filename.replace(disease_to_drop,disease_to_add)
+            map_title = "Integrated prediction of Wheat $\\bf{" + disease_to_add + "}$ Rust infection"
+            if 'PlottingRegionName' not in config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']:
+                plotting_region_name_lower = config['RegionName'].lower()
+            else:
+                plotting_region_name_lower = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['PlottingRegionName'].lower()
+            epi_seasonsofar_fn = epi_filename+'_per_ha_wheat_seasonsofar.csv'
-        epi_seasonsofar_fn = epi_filename+'_per_ha_wheat_seasonsofar.csv'
+            epi_seasonincforecast_fn = epi_filename+'_per_ha_wheat.csv'
-        epi_seasonincforecast_fn = epi_filename+'_per_ha_wheat.csv'
+            seasonsofar_run_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting'].get('RunConfig_seasonsofar',None)
-        seasonsofar_run_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting'].get('RunConfig_seasonsofar',None)
+            # only run season so far (i.e. historic dates) if they exist
+            if (seasonsofar_run_config is not None) & os.path.exists(epi_seasonsofar_fn):
-        # only run season so far (i.e. historic dates) if they exist
-        if (seasonsofar_run_config is not None) & os.path.exists(epi_seasonsofar_fn):
+      "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{seasonsofar_run_config}\n{chart_config}")
-  "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{seasonsofar_run_config}\n{chart_config}")
+                epi_processor_1 = EPIPostPostProcessor()
+                epi_processor_1.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg=sys_config,
+                                                chart_params_file_arg=chart_config,
+                                                run_params_file_arg=seasonsofar_run_config,
+                                                epi_input_csv_arg=epi_seasonsofar_fn,
+                                                disease_type_arg=disease_short+'_seasontodate',
+                                                issue_date_arg=start_string,
+                                                output_dir_arg=ews_plot_dir,
+                                                wheat_sources_dir_arg=deposition_dir,
+                                                wheat_source_disease_name_arg=deposition_disease_name,
+                                                map_title_arg=map_title,
+                                                chart_area_prefix=plotting_region_name_lower)
+                epi_processor_1.process()
-            epi_processor_1 = EPIPostPostProcessor()
-            epi_processor_1.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg=sys_config,
+            # prepare command for seasonplusforecast
+            run_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig_seasonplusforecast']
+  "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{run_config}\n{chart_config}")
+            epi_processor_2 = EPIPostPostProcessor()
+            epi_processor_2.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg=sys_config,
-                                            run_params_file_arg=seasonsofar_run_config,
-                                            epi_input_csv_arg=epi_seasonsofar_fn,
-                                            disease_type_arg=disease_short+'_seasontodate',
+                                            run_params_file_arg=run_config,
+                                            epi_input_csv_arg=epi_seasonincforecast_fn, # for seasonplusforecast
+                                            #epi_input_csv_arg=epi_filename+'_weekahead.csv', # for weekahead
+                                            disease_type_arg=disease_short+'_seasonincforecast',
-            epi_processor_1.process()
-        # prepare command for seasonplusforecast
-        run_config = config['Epidemiology']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig_seasonplusforecast']
-"Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{run_config}\n{chart_config}")
-        epi_processor_2 = EPIPostPostProcessor()
-        epi_processor_2.set_param_config_files(sys_params_file_arg=sys_config,
-                                        chart_params_file_arg=chart_config,
-                                        run_params_file_arg=run_config,
-                                        epi_input_csv_arg=epi_seasonincforecast_fn, # for seasonplusforecast
-                                        #epi_input_csv_arg=epi_filename+'_weekahead.csv', # for weekahead
-                                        disease_type_arg=disease_short+'_seasonincforecast',
-                                        issue_date_arg=start_string,
-                                        output_dir_arg=ews_plot_dir,
-                                        wheat_sources_dir_arg=deposition_dir,
-                                        wheat_source_disease_name_arg=deposition_disease_name,
-                                        map_title_arg=map_title,
-                                        chart_area_prefix=plotting_region_name_lower)
-        epi_processor_2.process()
+            epi_processor_2.process()
-        # check the output
-        EWSPlottingOutputDir = f"{ews_plot_dir}/images/"
-        # TODO: Make this smarter, connected to the results of EWSPlottingEPIBase.plot_epi()
-        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}infection_{plotting_region_name_lower}_*{disease_short}*.png"]
+            # check the output
+            EWSPlottingOutputDir = f"{ews_plot_dir}/images/"
+            # TODO: Make this smarter, connected to the results of EWSPlottingEPIBase.plot_epi()
+            EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}infection_{plotting_region_name_lower}_*{disease_short}*.png"]
-        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = get_only_existing_globs(EWSPlottingOutputGlobs,inplace=False)
+            EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = get_only_existing_globs(EWSPlottingOutputGlobs,inplace=False)
-        # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
-        if not EWSPlottingOutputGlobs:
-            logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
-            raise RuntimeError
+            # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
+            if not EWSPlottingOutputGlobs:
+                self.logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
+                raise RuntimeError
-    # provide to list for transfer
-    EWSPlottingOutputs = [item for EWSPlottingOutput in EWSPlottingOutputGlobs for item in glob(EWSPlottingOutput)]
+        # provide to list for transfer
+        EWSPlottingOutputs = [item for EWSPlottingOutput in EWSPlottingOutputGlobs for item in glob(EWSPlottingOutput)]
-    return EWSPlottingOutputs
+        return EWSPlottingOutputs
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index 2f2e997..41777d0 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from numpy import any as np_any
 from shutil import copyfile
 from pandas import read_csv, concat
+from Processor import Processor
 from source_gen.clustering import run_case
 from ProcessorSurveysODK import get_ODK_form_as_csv
@@ -43,401 +44,418 @@ from ProcessorUtils import (
-logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Surveys')
-    'ODK' : get_ODK_form_as_csv,
-    'kobotoolbox' : get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv,
-    'WRSIS' : get_WRSIS_form_as_csv,
-    'WRT' : get_WRT_form_as_csv,
-    'ODKv2' : get_ODKv2_form_as_csv,
-    'newODK' : get_newODK_form_as_csv,
+class ProcessorSurveys(Processor):
-def process_pre_job_survey(input_args):
-    '''Returns a boolean as to whether the job is ready for full processing.'''
-'started process_pre_job_survey(), nothing to do')
+    def process_pre_job(self, args):
+        return self.process_pre_job_survey(args)
-    return True
-def process_in_job_survey(jobPath,status,config,component):
-'started process_in_job_survey()')
+    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        return self.process_in_job_survey(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    logger.debug('Performing download(s) from ODK server')
-    credentials_filename = config['Survey']['ServerCredentialsFile']
-    with open(credentials_filename) as credentials_file:
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        return self.process_EWS_plotting_survey(jobPath, configjson)
-        cred: dict = json.load(credentials_file)
-        assert 'forms' in cred.keys()
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Surveys')
+        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-    csv_filenames = {}
-    for form in cred['forms']:
+        self.GET_FORM_AS_CSV_DICT = {
+            'ODK':         get_ODK_form_as_csv,
+            'kobotoolbox': get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv,
+            'WRSIS':       get_WRSIS_form_as_csv,
+            'WRT':         get_WRT_form_as_csv,
+            'ODKv2':       get_ODKv2_form_as_csv,
+            'newODK':      get_newODK_form_as_csv,
+        }
-        logger.debug(f"Starting to download {form['form_id']}")
+    def process_pre_job_survey(self, input_args):
+        '''Returns a boolean as to whether the job is ready for full processing.'''
+'started process_pre_job_survey(), nothing to do')
-        assert form['type'] in GET_FORM_AS_CSV_DICT
+        return True
-        func_get_form_as_csv = GET_FORM_AS_CSV_DICT[form['type']]
+    def process_in_job_survey(self, jobPath,status,config,component):
+'started process_in_job_survey()')
-        csv_filename = func_get_form_as_csv(form, jobPath, config, status)
+        self.logger.debug('Performing download(s) from ODK server')
-        csv_filenames[form['form_id']] = csv_filename
+        credentials_filename = config['Survey']['ServerCredentialsFile']
+        with open(credentials_filename) as credentials_file:
-    # load each file of surveys as a dataframe
-    forms = {}
-    for form_name,form_fn in csv_filenames.items():
+            cred: dict = json.load(credentials_file)
-        # some define column types, hardwired for now
-        col_types = {'comment':'str','KEY':'str'}
+            assert 'forms' in cred.keys()
-        form_df = read_csv(form_fn,dtype=col_types)
+        csv_filenames = {}
+        for form in cred['forms']:
-        forms[form_name] = form_df
+            self.logger.debug(f"Starting to download {form['form_id']}")
-    # create some standard dataframe modification functions
-    def add_column(df,coln,value):
-        df[coln]=value
-        return
+            assert form['type'] in self.GET_FORM_AS_CSV_DICT
-    def remove_column(df,coln,value):
-        del df[coln]
-        return
+            func_get_form_as_csv = self.GET_FORM_AS_CSV_DICT[form['type']]
-    def replace_column(df,coln,value):
-        df[coln]=value
-        return
+            csv_filename = func_get_form_as_csv(form, jobPath, config, status)
-    def filter_by_column(df,coln,value):
-        # CAUTION: This requires surveyor to provide the correct country
-        df.drop(df.loc[df[coln]!=value].index,inplace=True)
-        #TODO : for Kenya data, provide a coordinate-based filter
-        return
+            csv_filenames[form['form_id']] = csv_filename
-    def filter_by_list(df,coln,values):
-        # CAUTION: This requires surveyor to provide the correct list of countries
-        df.drop(df.loc[~df[coln].isin(values)].index,inplace=True)
-        return
+        # load each file of surveys as a dataframe
+        forms = {}
+        for form_name,form_fn in csv_filenames.items():
-    func_types = {
-        'add': add_column,
-        'remove' : remove_column,
-        'replace' : replace_column,
-        'filter' : filter_by_column,
-        'filter_by_list' : filter_by_list
-    }
+            # some define column types, hardwired for now
+            col_types = {'comment':'str','KEY':'str'}
-    # simple format alignment using edits on config
-    # (should this need to be much more sophisticated, reconsider the workflow)
-    if 'FormEdits' in config['Survey']:
+            form_df = read_csv(form_fn,dtype=col_types)
-        form_edits = config['Survey']['FormEdits']
+            forms[form_name] = form_df
-        # loop over each form
-        for form_name, edits in form_edits.items():
+        # create some standard dataframe modification functions
+        def add_column(df,coln,value):
+            df[coln]=value
+            return
-            form_df = forms[form_name]
+        def remove_column(df,coln,value):
+            del df[coln]
+            return
-            # loop over each type of edit
-            for func_type, columns in edits.items():
+        def replace_column(df,coln,value):
+            df[coln]=value
+            return
-                # check the function is available
-                assert func_type in func_types
+        def filter_by_column(df,coln,value):
+            # CAUTION: This requires surveyor to provide the correct country
+            df.drop(df.loc[df[coln]!=value].index,inplace=True)
+            #TODO : for Kenya data, provide a coordinate-based filter
+            return
-                # loop over each column to modify
-                for coln,val in columns.items():
+        def filter_by_list(df,coln,values):
+            # CAUTION: This requires surveyor to provide the correct list of countries
+            df.drop(df.loc[~df[coln].isin(values)].index,inplace=True)
+            return
-                    # apply the edit
-                    func_types[func_type](form_df,coln,val)
+        func_types = {
+            'add': add_column,
+            'remove' : remove_column,
+            'replace' : replace_column,
+            'filter' : filter_by_column,
+            'filter_by_list' : filter_by_list
+        }
-    # Merge additional SurveyData files and rearrange columns to be consistent
-    # Assumes that the same columns are present in all forms
-    # and that the first form is the standard
+        # simple format alignment using edits on config
+        # (should this need to be much more sophisticated, reconsider the workflow)
+        if 'FormEdits' in config['Survey']:
-    first=True
-    for dfi in forms.values():
+            form_edits = config['Survey']['FormEdits']
-        if first:
-            standard_columns = dfi.columns.tolist()
-            dfm = dfi
+            # loop over each form
+            for form_name, edits in form_edits.items():
-            logger.debug(f"First processed form contains {dfm.shape[0]} records")
+                form_df = forms[form_name]
-            first=False
-            continue
+                # loop over each type of edit
+                for func_type, columns in edits.items():
-        # re-order columns to match first case (presumed standard format)
-        # and fill missing columns with empty strings
-        dfi = dfi.reindex(standard_columns,fill_value='',axis='columns')
+                    # check the function is available
+                    assert func_type in func_types
-        logger.debug(f"Next processed form contains {dfi.shape[0]} records")
+                    # loop over each column to modify
+                    for coln,val in columns.items():
-        dfm = concat([dfm,dfi],axis='rows')
+                        # apply the edit
+                        func_types[func_type](form_df,coln,val)
-    # save the result
-    Export_csv_path = f"{jobPath}/ExportCSV/"
-    Path(Export_csv_path).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
-    forms_fn = f"{Export_csv_path}/Merged_SurveyData.csv"
-    dfm.to_csv(forms_fn,index=False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+        # Merge additional SurveyData files and rearrange columns to be consistent
+        # Assumes that the same columns are present in all forms
+        # and that the first form is the standard
-    logger.debug(f"Preparing to apply removals and additions to survey data")
+        first=True
+        for dfi in forms.values():
-    processed_surveys_filepath = f"{Export_csv_path}/Processed_SurveyData.csv"
+            if first:
+                standard_columns = dfi.columns.tolist()
+                dfm = dfi
-    survey_errors_to_remove_filepath = f"{config['ResourcesPath']}/coordinator/assets/SURVEYDATA_MANUAL/SurveyDataErrorsToRemove.csv"
-    survey_additions_filepath = f"{config['ResourcesPath']}/coordinator/assets/SURVEYDATA_MANUAL/LIVE_SURVEYDATA_TOUSE.csv"
-    # perform here in python, using the 'KEY' column
-    # check the key column is unique, if not raise a warning and remove duplicates
-    if dfm['KEY'].unique().size != dfm['KEY'].size:
-        status.reset('WARNING')
-        logger.warning(f"KEY column is not unique, removing duplicates")
-        # count the number of duplicates
-        n_duplicates = dfm.shape[0] - dfm['KEY'].unique().size
-        # drop the duplicates
-        dfm = dfm.drop_duplicates(keep='first')
-        logger.warning(f"Removed {n_duplicates} duplicates")
+                self.logger.debug(f"First processed form contains {dfm.shape[0]} records")
-    df_rm = read_csv(survey_errors_to_remove_filepath,dtype='str')
-    keys_to_rm = df_rm['KEY']
+                first=False
+                continue
-    # check that all of the keys to remove exist in the original data
-    rm_keys_found = df_rm['KEY'].isin(dfm['KEY'])
-    n_rm_keys_found = rm_keys_found.sum()
-    n_rm_keys = rm_keys_found.size
-    if not np_all(rm_keys_found):
-        # this might happen if the run date is in the past
-        logger.warning(f"Only found {n_rm_keys_found} of {n_rm_keys} survey errors to remove")
+            # re-order columns to match first case (presumed standard format)
+            # and fill missing columns with empty strings
+            dfi = dfi.reindex(standard_columns,fill_value='',axis='columns')
-        rm_keys_not_found = df_rm[~rm_keys_found]
-        logger.debug(f"Erroneous entries not found are:\n{rm_keys_not_found}")
+            self.logger.debug(f"Next processed form contains {dfi.shape[0]} records")
-        logger.debug(f"Type of keys that can be found include:\n{dfm['KEY'].dtype}")
+            dfm = concat([dfm,dfi],axis='rows')
-        dfm_short_keys = [val for val in dfm['KEY'].values if len(str(val)) <10]
-        logger.debug(f"Keys that can be found include:\n{dfm_short_keys}")
+        # save the result
+        Export_csv_path = f"{jobPath}/ExportCSV/"
+        Path(Export_csv_path).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
+        forms_fn = f"{Export_csv_path}/Merged_SurveyData.csv"
+        dfm.to_csv(forms_fn,index=False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
-    # identify which surveys to remove
-    idx_to_rm = dfm['KEY'].apply(lambda cell: cell in keys_to_rm.values)
+        self.logger.debug(f"Preparing to apply removals and additions to survey data")
-    #drop them in-place
-    dfm = dfm[~idx_to_rm]
-"Removed {n_rm_keys_found} erroneous surveys")
+        processed_surveys_filepath = f"{Export_csv_path}/Processed_SurveyData.csv"
-    # add the extra entries
-    df_add = read_csv(survey_additions_filepath,dtype='str')
-    n_add_keys = df_add.shape[0]
-    df_join = concat([dfm,df_add])
-    assert dfm.shape[0]+df_add.shape[0] == df_join.shape[0], 'Unexpected result of including additional surveys'
+        survey_errors_to_remove_filepath = f"{config['ResourcesPath']}/coordinator/assets/SURVEYDATA_MANUAL/SurveyDataErrorsToRemove.csv"
+        survey_additions_filepath = f"{config['ResourcesPath']}/coordinator/assets/SURVEYDATA_MANUAL/LIVE_SURVEYDATA_TOUSE.csv"
-"Added {n_add_keys} additional surveys")
+        # perform here in python, using the 'KEY' column
+        # check the key column is unique, if not raise a warning and remove duplicates
-    # save as processed
-    df_join.to_csv(processed_surveys_filepath,index=False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+        if dfm['KEY'].unique().size != dfm['KEY'].size:
+            status.reset('WARNING')
+            self.logger.warning(f"KEY column is not unique, removing duplicates")
+            # count the number of duplicates
+            n_duplicates = dfm.shape[0] - dfm['KEY'].unique().size
+            # drop the duplicates
+            dfm = dfm.drop_duplicates(keep='first')
+            self.logger.warning(f"Removed {n_duplicates} duplicates")
-    logger.debug('Preparing clustering calculation')
+        df_rm = read_csv(survey_errors_to_remove_filepath,dtype='str')
+        keys_to_rm = df_rm['KEY']
-    date =
+        # check that all of the keys to remove exist in the original data
+        rm_keys_found = df_rm['KEY'].isin(dfm['KEY'])
+        n_rm_keys_found = rm_keys_found.sum()
+        n_rm_keys = rm_keys_found.size
+        if not np_all(rm_keys_found):
+            # this might happen if the run date is in the past
+            self.logger.warning(f"Only found {n_rm_keys_found} of {n_rm_keys} survey errors to remove")
-    # prepare environment for clustering calc
-    call_R = False
+            rm_keys_not_found = df_rm[~rm_keys_found]
+            self.logger.debug(f"Erroneous entries not found are:\n{rm_keys_not_found}")
-    upload_directory = f"{jobPath}/upload"
-    Path(upload_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            self.logger.debug(f"Type of keys that can be found include:\n{dfm['KEY'].dtype}")
-    if call_R:
+            dfm_short_keys = [val for val in dfm['KEY'].values if len(str(val)) <10]
+            self.logger.debug(f"Keys that can be found include:\n{dfm_short_keys}")
-        cluster_calc_path = "/storage/app/EWS_prod/code/wheat_source_generation/"
+        # identify which surveys to remove
+        idx_to_rm = dfm['KEY'].apply(lambda cell: cell in keys_to_rm.values)
-        # clear old output
-        old_clustering_output_glob = f"{cluster_calc_path}/output/sources_*"
-        old_clustering_outputs = glob(old_clustering_output_glob)
+        #drop them in-place
+        dfm = dfm[~idx_to_rm]
+"Removed {n_rm_keys_found} erroneous surveys")
-'About to unlink old output from clustering calculation')
-        for path in old_clustering_outputs:
-  "unlinking {path}")
-            Path(path).unlink()
+        # add the extra entries
+        df_add = read_csv(survey_additions_filepath,dtype='str')
+        n_add_keys = df_add.shape[0]
+        df_join = concat([dfm,df_add])
+        assert dfm.shape[0]+df_add.shape[0] == df_join.shape[0], 'Unexpected result of including additional surveys'
+"Added {n_add_keys} additional surveys")
-        RPath = '/usr/local/R/bin/Rscript'
+        # save as processed
+        df_join.to_csv(processed_surveys_filepath,index=False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
-        clustering_script = f"{cluster_calc_path}/code/R/clustering.R"
+        self.logger.debug('Preparing clustering calculation')
-        clustering_env = {
-                **os.environ,
-                'R_LIBS':'/home/ewsmanager/R-packages-EWS-clustering/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5',
-                'PROJ_LIB' : '/usr/share/proj/', # conda env breaks the automatic assignment of PROJ_LIB
-                }
+        date =
-        clustering_config = config['Survey']['SourcesConfigFilename']
-        assert os.path.isfile(clustering_config)
+        # prepare environment for clustering calc
+        call_R = False
-        clustering_calc = [RPath,
-                '--no-init-file',
-                clustering_script,
-                processed_surveys_filepath,
-                config['StartString'],
-                '-2',
-                '7',
-                config['Survey']['SourcesConfigFilename']]
+        upload_directory = f"{jobPath}/upload"
+        Path(upload_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        logger.debug('Performing clustering calculation')
+        if call_R:
-        description_short = 'wheat-source-generation'
-        description_long = 'source calculation on processed surveys'
+            cluster_calc_path = "/storage/app/EWS_prod/code/wheat_source_generation/"
-        try:
-            subprocess_and_log(clustering_calc, description_short, description_long, env=clustering_env)
-        except:
-            status.reset('ERROR')
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            # clear old output
+            old_clustering_output_glob = f"{cluster_calc_path}/output/sources_*"
+            old_clustering_outputs = glob(old_clustering_output_glob)
-        logger.debug('Checking output of clustering calculation')
+  'About to unlink old output from clustering calculation')
+            for path in old_clustering_outputs:
+      "unlinking {path}")
+                Path(path).unlink()
-        try:
-            logger.debug('Trying to copy the dataset processed for clustering')
-            clustering_proc_path_glob = f"{cluster_calc_path}/output/survey_data_processed_{config['Survey']['SourcesRegionName']}_{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_*.csv"
-            clustering_proc_path_list = glob(clustering_proc_path_glob)
-            if len(clustering_proc_path_list) == 0:
-                logger.debug(f"No processed files produced from clustering in {clustering_proc_path_glob}")
-                raise Exception
+            RPath = '/usr/local/R/bin/Rscript'
-            elif len(clustering_proc_path_list) > 1:
-                logger.debug(f"Multiple processed files produced from clustering in {clustering_proc_path_glob}")
-                raise Exception
+            clustering_script = f"{cluster_calc_path}/code/R/clustering.R"
-            else:
-                logger.debug('Found 1 processed file, placing copy of result in job directory')
+            clustering_env = {
+                    **os.environ,
+                    'R_LIBS':'/home/ewsmanager/R-packages-EWS-clustering/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5',
+                    'PROJ_LIB' : '/usr/share/proj/', # conda env breaks the automatic assignment of PROJ_LIB
+                    }
-                proc_filename = f"survey_data_processed_{config['StartString']}.csv"
-                proc_path = f"{output_directory}/{proc_filename}"
+            clustering_config = config['Survey']['SourcesConfigFilename']
+            assert os.path.isfile(clustering_config)
-                logger.debug(f"as {proc_path}")
+            clustering_calc = [RPath,
+                    '--no-init-file',
+                    clustering_script,
+                    processed_surveys_filepath,
+                    config['StartString'],
+                    '-2',
+                    '7',
+                    config['Survey']['SourcesConfigFilename']]
-                copyfile(clustering_proc_path_list[0], proc_path)
+            self.logger.debug('Performing clustering calculation')
-        except:
-            logger.debug('Failed to get a copy of the dataset processed for clustering')
+            description_short = 'wheat-source-generation'
+            description_long = 'source calculation on processed surveys'
-        clustering_output_path_glob = f"{cluster_calc_path}/output/sources_{config['Survey']['SourcesRegionName']}_{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_*.csv"
-        clustering_output_path_list = glob(clustering_output_path_glob)
-        if len(clustering_output_path_list) == 0:
-            logger.error(f"No output produced from clustering in {clustering_output_path_glob}")
-            status.reset('ERROR')
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
-        if len(clustering_output_path_list) > 1:
-            logger.error(f"Multiple outputs produced from clustering in {clustering_output_path_glob}")
-            status.reset('ERROR')
-            endJob(status,premature=True)
+            try:
+                subprocess_and_log(clustering_calc, description_short, description_long, env=clustering_env)
+            except:
+                status.reset('ERROR')
+                endJob(status,premature=True)
-        sources_path = clustering_output_path_list[0]
+            self.logger.debug('Checking output of clustering calculation')
-    elif 'Groups' in config['Survey']:
-        # if 'Groups' is defined in the config, create grouped survey files and run python version
-        logger.debug('Preparing grouped survey files')
-        group_directory = f"{jobPath}/Groups"
-        Path(group_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            try:
+                self.logger.debug('Trying to copy the dataset processed for clustering')
-        origins_list = df_join["Origin"].unique()
-        groups = {i:[i] for i in origins_list}
+                clustering_proc_path_glob = f"{cluster_calc_path}/output/survey_data_processed_{config['Survey']['SourcesRegionName']}_{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_*.csv"
+                clustering_proc_path_list = glob(clustering_proc_path_glob)
+                if len(clustering_proc_path_list) == 0:
+                    self.logger.debug(f"No processed files produced from clustering in {clustering_proc_path_glob}")
+                    raise Exception
-        assert not np_any([k in origins_list for k in config['Survey']['Groups'].keys()])
+                elif len(clustering_proc_path_list) > 1:
+                    self.logger.debug(f"Multiple processed files produced from clustering in {clustering_proc_path_glob}")
+                    raise Exception
-        groups.update(config['Survey']['Groups'])
-        # remove groups that are listed in GroupsToIgnore
-        if 'GroupsToIgnore' in config['Survey']:
-            for group_name in config['Survey']['GroupsToIgnore']:
-                if group_name in groups:
-          "Removing group {group_name} from list of groups")
-                    del groups[group_name]
-        for group_name,group_content in groups.items():
+                else:
+                    self.logger.debug('Found 1 processed file, placing copy of result in job directory')
-  "Creating survey group {group_name} which includes {group_content}")
-            df_group = df_join.loc[df_join["Origin"].isin(group_content)]
-            group_surveys_filename = f"surveys_{group_name}.csv"
-            group_surveys_filepath = f"{group_directory}/{group_surveys_filename}"
-            df_group.to_csv(group_surveys_filepath, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
-            output_directory = f"{jobPath}/source_gen/{group_name}"
+                    proc_filename = f"survey_data_processed_{config['StartString']}.csv"
+                    proc_path = f"{output_directory}/{proc_filename}"
+                    self.logger.debug(f"as {proc_path}")
+                    copyfile(clustering_proc_path_list[0], proc_path)
+            except:
+                self.logger.debug('Failed to get a copy of the dataset processed for clustering')
+            clustering_output_path_glob = f"{cluster_calc_path}/output/sources_{config['Survey']['SourcesRegionName']}_{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_*.csv"
+            clustering_output_path_list = glob(clustering_output_path_glob)
+            if len(clustering_output_path_list) == 0:
+                self.logger.error(f"No output produced from clustering in {clustering_output_path_glob}")
+                status.reset('ERROR')
+                endJob(status,premature=True)
+            if len(clustering_output_path_list) > 1:
+                self.logger.error(f"Multiple outputs produced from clustering in {clustering_output_path_glob}")
+                status.reset('ERROR')
+                endJob(status,premature=True)
+            sources_path = clustering_output_path_list[0]
+        elif 'Groups' in config['Survey']:
+            # if 'Groups' is defined in the config, create grouped survey files and run python version
+            self.logger.debug('Preparing grouped survey files')
+            group_directory = f"{jobPath}/Groups"
+            Path(group_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            origins_list = df_join["Origin"].unique()
+            groups = {i:[i] for i in origins_list}
+            assert not np_any([k in origins_list for k in config['Survey']['Groups'].keys()])
+            groups.update(config['Survey']['Groups'])
+            # remove groups that are listed in GroupsToIgnore
+            if 'GroupsToIgnore' in config['Survey']:
+                for group_name in config['Survey']['GroupsToIgnore']:
+                    if group_name in groups:
+              "Removing group {group_name} from list of groups")
+                        del groups[group_name]
+            for group_name,group_content in groups.items():
+      "Creating survey group {group_name} which includes {group_content}")
+                df_group = df_join.loc[df_join["Origin"].isin(group_content)]
+                group_surveys_filename = f"surveys_{group_name}.csv"
+                group_surveys_filepath = f"{group_directory}/{group_surveys_filename}"
+                df_group.to_csv(group_surveys_filepath, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+                output_directory = f"{jobPath}/source_gen/{group_name}"
+                Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+                sources_path = run_case(
+                        config_path = config['Survey']['pySourcesConfigFilename'],
+                        survey_path = group_surveys_filepath,
+                        reference_date = config['StartString'],
+                        # Day 0 (current day) is always included
+                        # Days -2,-1 and 0 are needed to initialise spores in NAME
+                        # days 1-7 are forecast days
+                        # days 8 and 9 are buffers in case NAME needs to run with the
+                        # previous day's source job
+                        day_offsets = [-2,9],
+                        output_dir = output_directory)
+                self.logger.debug('Placing copy of result in job directory with conventional name')
+                output_filename = f"sources_{group_name}_{config['StartString']}.csv"
+                output_path = f"{jobPath}/upload/{output_filename}"
+                self.logger.debug(f"as {output_path}")
+                copyfile(sources_path, output_path)
+        else:
+            # run python version without grouping surveys
+            output_directory = f"{jobPath}/source_gen"
             Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
             sources_path = run_case(
                     config_path = config['Survey']['pySourcesConfigFilename'],
-                    survey_path = group_surveys_filepath,
+                    survey_path = processed_surveys_filepath,
                     reference_date = config['StartString'],
                     # Day 0 (current day) is always included
                     # Days -2,-1 and 0 are needed to initialise spores in NAME
                     # days 1-7 are forecast days
-                    # days 8 and 9 are buffers in case NAME needs to run with the 
+                    # days 8 and 9 are buffers in case NAME needs to run with the
                     # previous day's source job
                     day_offsets = [-2,9],
                     output_dir = output_directory)
-            logger.debug('Placing copy of result in job directory with conventional name')
-            output_filename = f"sources_{group_name}_{config['StartString']}.csv"
-            output_path = f"{jobPath}/upload/{output_filename}"
-            logger.debug(f"as {output_path}")
+            self.logger.debug('Placing copy of result in job directory with conventional name')
-            copyfile(sources_path, output_path)
-    else:
-        # run python version without grouping surveys
-        output_directory = f"{jobPath}/source_gen"
-        Path(output_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        sources_path = run_case(
-                config_path = config['Survey']['pySourcesConfigFilename'],
-                survey_path = processed_surveys_filepath,
-                reference_date = config['StartString'],
-                # Day 0 (current day) is always included
-                # Days -2,-1 and 0 are needed to initialise spores in NAME
-                # days 1-7 are forecast days
-                # days 8 and 9 are buffers in case NAME needs to run with the 
-                # previous day's source job
-                day_offsets = [-2,9],
-                output_dir = output_directory)
-        logger.debug('Placing copy of result in job directory with conventional name')
-        output_filename = f"sources_{config['StartString']}.csv"
-        output_path = f"{jobPath}/upload/{output_filename}"
+            output_filename = f"sources_{config['StartString']}.csv"
+            output_path = f"{jobPath}/upload/{output_filename}"
-        logger.debug(f"as {output_path}")
+            self.logger.debug(f"as {output_path}")
-        copyfile(sources_path, output_path)
+            copyfile(sources_path, output_path)
-    upload_filenames = f"sources_*{config['StartString']}.csv"
-    upload_path = f"{jobPath}/upload/{upload_filenames}"
+        upload_filenames = f"sources_*{config['StartString']}.csv"
+        upload_path = f"{jobPath}/upload/{upload_filenames}"
-    # glob list of output files
-    upload_path_list = glob(upload_path)
+        # glob list of output files
+        upload_path_list = glob(upload_path)
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload
-    proc_out['output'] = upload_path_list
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = None
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload
+        proc_out['output'] = upload_path_list
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = None
-    return proc_out
+        return proc_out
-def process_EWS_plotting_survey(jobPath,config):
-    '''Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
+    #TODO
+    def process_EWS_plotting_survey(self, jobPath,config):
+        '''Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
-'started process_EWS_plotting_survey(), nothing to do')
+'started process_EWS_plotting_survey(), nothing to do')
-    pass
-    return []
+        pass
+        return []
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index 14c5e7e..c52d32f 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import glob
 import json
 import os
 from importlib import reload
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, Type
 from unittest import TestSuite, TestLoader, TestCase, TestResult
 from zipfile import ZipFile
@@ -169,22 +169,20 @@ class IntegrationTestUtils:
     def run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component: str,
                                               start_date: str,
+                                              processor: Processor,
         Runs the "run_Process" function in with the given arguments for the partial integration tests.
         The full integration pipeline is run in the "run_full_integration_test_pipeline" function.
+        :param processor:
         :param component:
         :param start_date:
         :param kwargs:
-        #  need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we import Processor
-        os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH
-        processor = ProcessorDeposition()
         args_dict: dict = {}
         # note, possible to override these values in the kwargs loop below
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index c38bd37..d8558cd 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
+from ProcessorAdvisory import ProcessorAdvisory
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.advisory_test_suite import BaseAdvisoryTestSuite
@@ -68,8 +69,12 @@ class TestAdvisory(BaseAdvisoryTestSuite.AdvisoryTestSuite):
     def run_advisory_pipeline():
         component = 'Advisory'
-        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component, IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE)
+        #  need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we create a Processor
+        os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH
+        advisory_processor = ProcessorAdvisory()
+        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component,
+                                                                   IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE,
+                                                                   advisory_processor)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index ace5711..96268cb 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
+from ProcessorDeposition import ProcessorDeposition
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.depo_test_suite import BaseDepoTestSuite
@@ -63,7 +64,12 @@ class TestDeposition(BaseDepoTestSuite.DepoTestSuite):
     def run_depo_pipeline():
         component = 'Deposition'
-        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component, IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE)
+        #  need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we create a Processor
+        os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH
+        deposition_processor = ProcessorDeposition()
+        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component,
+                                                                   IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE,
+                                                                   deposition_processor)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index 4e41acc..11169a6 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
+from ProcessorEnvironment import ProcessorEnvironment
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.env_suit_test_suite import BaseEnvSuitTestSuite
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ class TestEnvSuit(BaseEnvSuitTestSuite.EnvSuitTestSuite):
     def write_temp_run_config_file():
         nowstring: str = IntegrationTestUtils.get_now_string()
-        # prefix: str = "temp_env_" + nowstring
-        prefix: str = "temp_env"
+        prefix: str = "temp_env_" + nowstring
+        #prefix: str = "temp_env"
         default_config = IntegrationTestUtils.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
         default_config_dict: dict = IntegrationTestUtils.load_json_file(default_config)
@@ -66,7 +67,12 @@ class TestEnvSuit(BaseEnvSuitTestSuite.EnvSuitTestSuite):
     def run_env_pipeline():
         component = 'Environment'
-        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component, IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE)
+        #  need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we create a Processor
+        os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH
+        environment_processor = ProcessorEnvironment()
+        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component,
+                                                                   IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE,
+                                                                   environment_processor)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index 6f1d85e..af7fb9e 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
+from ProcessorEpidemiology import ProcessorEpidemiology
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.epi_test_suite import BaseEpiTestSuite
@@ -67,7 +68,12 @@ class TestEpi(BaseEpiTestSuite.EpiTestSuite):
     def run_epi_pipeline():
         component = 'Epidemiology'
-        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component, IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE)
+        #  need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we create a Processor
+        os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH
+        epi_processor = ProcessorEpidemiology()
+        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component,
+                                                                   IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE,
+                                                                   epi_processor)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/ b/tests/integration/partial/
index a770fed..0026f52 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 import unittest
+from ProcessorSurveys import ProcessorSurveys
 from integration.partial.integration_test_utils import IntegrationTestUtils
 from integration.test_suites.survey_test_suite import BaseSurveyTestSuite
@@ -64,7 +65,12 @@ class TestSurvey(BaseSurveyTestSuite.SurveyTestSuite):
     def run_survey_pipeline():
         component = 'Survey'
-        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component, IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE)
+        #  need EMAIL_CRED in the environment before we create a Processor
+        os.environ["EMAIL_CRED"] = IntegrationTestUtils.EMAIL_CRED_PATH
+        survey_processor = ProcessorSurveys()
+        IntegrationTestUtils.run_partial_integration_test_pipeline(component,
+                                                                   IntegrationTestUtils.TEST_START_DATE,
+                                                                   survey_processor)
 if __name__ == '__main__':