diff --git a/coordinator/ProcessorEpidemiology.py b/coordinator/ProcessorEpidemiology.py
index 7b1cb2d819ae1d74ffc8fb80d55625fbfe89d0be..23f193b8bdec60a2e096e6355425bec507cdc381 100644
--- a/coordinator/ProcessorEpidemiology.py
+++ b/coordinator/ProcessorEpidemiology.py
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import datetime
 from glob import glob
 import json
 import logging
-from pathlib import Path
 import os
+from pathlib import Path
 import shutil
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, Union
-from numpy import all, any, argmax, unique, where
-from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame, to_datetime
+from numpy import all, any, argmax, unique, allclose
+from pandas import MultiIndex, read_csv, DataFrame, to_datetime
 from rasterio import open as rio_open
 # gitlab projects
@@ -142,12 +142,24 @@ def create_epi_config_string(config,jobPath,startString,endString):
     return config_filename
+def are_indices_close(idx1: MultiIndex, idx2: MultiIndex, atol=2.51e-6) -> bool:
+    """An absolute tolerance of 2.51e-6 relates to differences between the
+    grid's of NAME vn7.2 output and met-extractor in 2022."""
+    assert idx1.nlevels == idx2.nlevels
+    num_levels = idx1.nlevels
+    # a stricter check is idx_i.equals(idx_0)
+    levels_close = []
+    for i in range(num_levels):
+        close_i = allclose(idx1.get_level_values(i),idx2.get_level_values(i),atol=atol,rtol=0)
+        levels_close += [close_i]    
+    return all(levels_close)
-def raster_to_csv(raster_fn,csv_fn):
+def raster_to_series(raster_fn):
-    # create a csv version and save in the job directory,
-    # to compare host raster with dep and env suit
-    # note this can be time-varying by providing additional rows
     with rio_open(raster_fn,'r') as host_raster:
         host_arr = host_raster.read(1)
         shape = host_raster.shape
@@ -161,16 +173,51 @@ def raster_to_csv(raster_fn,csv_fn):
     # build into a dataframe
     # (rasters start in the top left, so descending latitude coordinates)
     host_df = DataFrame(data=host_arr,index=lats[::-1],columns=lons)
+    host_df.index.name = 'latitude'
+    host_df.columns.name = 'longitude'
     # rearrange to ascending latitude corodinates
     # make spatial coordinates a multi-index, like for dep and env suit csvs
     host_series = host_df.stack()
-    # for now, provide a nominal date of validity to enable a time column
-    # so far, using mapspam which is a static map, so time is irrelevant
-    host_series.name = '201908150000'
-    host_df2 = DataFrame(host_series).T
-    host_df2.to_csv(csv_fn)
+    return host_series
+def rasters_to_csv(
+        raster_fns_dict: dict,
+        csv_fn: str,
+        ):
+    """Takes a dictionary of raster files with associated times and saves them
+    as rows of a single csv. The csv columns and index structure matches model
+    outputs as expected by the epi model. Used to prepare the host data."""
+    host_serieses = []
+    first = True
+    for date_valid_from, raster_fn in raster_fns_dict.items():
+        host_series = raster_to_series(raster_fn)
+        # for now, provide a nominal date of validity to enable a time column
+        # so far, using mapspam which is a static map, so time is irrelevant
+        host_series.name = date_valid_from
+        # conform indices (handle float differences)
+        if first: 
+            idx_0 = host_series.index
+        if not first:
+            idx_i = host_series.index
+            indices_are_close = are_indices_close(idx_0,idx_i)
+            assert indices_are_close, (f"Coordinates of host_rasters do not match.\nFailed for {raster_fn}.")
+            host_series.index = idx_0            
+        first = False
+        host_serieses += [host_series]
+    host_df = DataFrame(host_serieses)
+    host_df.to_csv(csv_fn)
@@ -182,55 +229,63 @@ def get_model_divided_by_host_fraction(
     """when model_infection pressure has units of [ha_infected/ha_cell] 
     we want [ha_infected/ha_wheat] to compare with surveys 
     (because surveys only sample the wheat covered landscape) 
-    so we must load the host raster and divide all model results by it.""" 
+    so we must load the host raster and divide all model results by it.
+    TODO: Instead of doing as post-processing in coordinator, best do it within 
+    the ews-epidemiology package.
+    """ 
     print('Converting units of prediction from ha_infected/ha_cell to ha_infect/ha_wheat') 
     # load host raster 
     host_fn = hostCSV 
     host_df = read_csv(host_fn,index_col=0,header=[0,1]) 
-    num_host_dates = len(host_df.index) 
-    if num_host_dates == 1: 
-        # parse static host map 
-        index_name = host_df.index[0] 
-        host_df.rename(index={index_name:'host_frac'},inplace=True) 
-    else: 
-        # TODO: parse dynamic host map 
-        raise Exception 
-    # conform the structure with infection dataframe 
+    host_df.columns = host_df.columns.set_levels([lvl.astype('float') for lvl in host_df.columns.levels])
+    host_df.index = to_datetime(host_df.index,format='%Y%m%d%H%M')
     host_df = host_df.T 
-    host_df['latitude'] = host_df.index.get_level_values(0).astype('float') 
-    host_df['longitude'] = host_df.index.get_level_values(1).astype('float') 
-    host_df = host_df.sort_values(by=['longitude','latitude'],ascending=[True,False],axis='rows') 
-    dfm2 = dfm.merge(host_df,how='left',on=['longitude','latitude']) 
-    if model_colns is None: 
-        model_colns = [coln for coln in dfm2 if ('model_' in coln) & (coln not in ['model_date','model_date_offset'])] 
-    print('Applying unit conversion to the following columns:\n'+'\n'.join(model_colns)) 
-    # loop over each column that needs converting 
-    for coln in model_colns: 
-        # ensure prediction is zero wherever there is no host
-        #assert all(dfm2[dfm2['host_frac']==0][coln]==0.)
-        # divide model results by host raster in-place
-        # use np where to handle cases where denominator is zero
-        dfm2[coln] = where(dfm2['host_frac']==0,dfm2['host_frac'],dfm2[coln] / dfm2['host_frac'])
-        # check for anomalously large values 
-        where_too_big = dfm2[coln] > 1.00001 
-        if any(where_too_big): 
-            msg = 'ERROR: Unit conversion failed, host area seems to be smaller than predicted infection area in a cell' 
-            print(msg) 
-            raise Exception 
-        # clip any values that are above 1 
-        dfm2[coln].clip(0.,1.,inplace=True) 
+    # conform the structure with infection dataframe 
+    # conform indices (coordinates)
+    host_df.index = host_df.index.reorder_levels(['longitude','latitude']) 
+    host_df.sort_index(level=['longitude','latitude'],ascending=[True,False],inplace=True)
+    indices_are_close = are_indices_close(host_df.index,dfm.index)
+    assert indices_are_close, ('Coordinates of model grid do not match host map.')
+    host_df.index = dfm.index
+    # conform columns (dates)
+    column_end_dates = dfm.columns.map(lambda x: x[-12:])
+    model_dates = to_datetime(column_end_dates, format='%Y%m%d%H%M') - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    dfm2 = dfm.copy()
+    dfm2.columns = model_dates
+    # Set a host value for every model date, based forward-filling dated map to
+    # next available date
+    host_df_resampled = host_df.reindex(dfm2.columns,axis='columns',method='ffill')
+    assert not host_df_resampled.isna().any().any(), ('Dates of host rasters do not cover all model dates')
+    # new approach, take advantage of pandas broadcasting
+    print('Applying unit conversion to all columns in output') 
+    dfm3 = dfm2.divide(host_df_resampled)
+    # Handle cases of zero division
+    dfm3[host_df_resampled<=0]=0
+    # check for anomalously large values 
+    where_too_big = dfm3 > 1.00001 
+    if any(where_too_big): 
+        msg = 'ERROR: Unit conversion failed, host area seems to be smaller than predicted infection area in a cell' 
+        print(msg) 
+        raise Exception 
+    # clip any values that are above 1 
+    # (Expect this is not needed, but may help resolve float precision issues)
+    dfm3.clip(0.,1.,inplace=True) 
-    return dfm2 
+    # Retain original column names
+    dfm3.columns = dfm.columns
+    return dfm3
 def process_in_job_epi(jobPath,status,config,component):
     logger.info('started process_in_job_epi()')
@@ -425,22 +480,49 @@ def process_in_job_epi(jobPath,status,config,component):
         # prepare a copy of the host data
         logger.info('Preparing a copy of the host raster data')
+        # TargetRaster defines the grid that the epi model works on.
+        assert 'TargetRaster' in config_epi['Host']
+        # It should have been generated in advance by the user, by reprojecting
+        # the available host map (e.g. MapSPAM) to the NAME output grid.
+        # wheat_raster_reprojection.py is available to support this.
-        src_host = config_epi['Host']['HostRaster']
-        fn_host = os.path.basename(src_host)
-        dst_host = f"{jobDataPath}/{fn_host}"
+        if 'HostRasters' in config_epi['Host']:
+            # HostRasters is a dictionary with date: filename entries describing
+            # different host rasters valid at different times i.e. a simple
+            # representation of dynamic host, so prepare a host file as is done
+            # for the Deposition and Environment components.
-        # copy the tif to the job directory and refer to that instead
-        shutil.copyfile(src_host,dst_host)
-        config_epi['Host']['HostRaster'] = dst_host
+            # All host maps should have the same spatial grid as the TargetRaster
-        logger.info('Preparing a copy of the host data as csv')
+            rasters_dict = config_epi['Host']['HostRasters']
-        dst_host_csv = dst_host.replace('.tif','.csv')
+            dst_host_csv = f"{jobDataPath}/data_input_host.csv"
+            rasters_to_csv(rasters_dict,dst_host_csv)
+        else:
+            # There is a host raster applicable to all times, i.e. static host
-        raster_to_csv(dst_host,dst_host_csv)
+            src_host = config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster']
+            fn_host = os.path.basename(src_host)
+            dst_host = f"{jobDataPath}/{fn_host}"
+            # copy the tif to the job directory and refer to that instead
+            shutil.copyfile(src_host,dst_host)
+            config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster'] = dst_host
+            logger.info('Preparing a copy of the host data as csv')
+            dst_host_csv = dst_host.replace('.tif','.csv')
+            rasters_to_csv(
+                    {'201001010000': dst_host},
+                    dst_host_csv)
         config_epi['Host']['HostCSV'] = dst_host_csv
+        config_epi['Host']['FileNamePrepared'] = dst_host_csv
         # provide fundamental config elements to config_epi
         for k,v in config.items():
@@ -553,10 +635,6 @@ def process_in_job_epi(jobPath,status,config,component):
                         model_colns = model_colns)
-                # reshape structure for consistency with original infectionRaster
-                df_full.set_index(['longitude','latitude'],inplace=True)
-                df_full.drop('host_frac',axis='columns',inplace=True)
                 # save to csv
                 outfile_hawheat = f"{epiconf['infectionRasterFileName']}{unit_description}_progression.csv"
diff --git a/tests/test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/tests/test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
index 219438084bf03216f519df2fb6a20b45d0529d53..2842f2df9207dc2e6f7ecad76f0156957807587c 100644
--- a/tests/test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ b/tests/test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/coordinator/configs/config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
@@ -165,7 +165,10 @@
         "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_epi",
         "Host" : {
             "MaxFieldsPerCell" : "1",
-            "HostRaster" : "../../test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/epimodel/assets/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica_clipped.tif"
+            "TargetRaster" : "../../test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/epimodel/assets/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica_clipped.tif",
+            "HostRasters" : {
+                "201001010000" : "../../test_data/test_deployment/regions/EastAfrica/resources/epimodel/assets/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica_clipped.tif"
+            }
         "Deposition" : {
             "VariableNames" : ["P_GRAMINIS_DEPOSITION"],