diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/advisory_builder/config_EastAfrica_variety_names_tidy.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/advisory_builder/config_EastAfrica_variety_names_tidy.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8e130ee08fdf1b4cdc077803f1c56b8ba5f455..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/advisory_builder/config_EastAfrica_variety_names_tidy.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1048 +0,0 @@
-    "16THSRRSN #6126":
-    [
-        "16THSRRSN#6126"
-    ],
-    "15th stemrust": 
-    [
-        "15th stemrust"
-    ],
-    "AAAFC CANADA#162": 
-    [
-        "AAAFC CANADA#162"
-    ],
-    "Adaptation trial plot #11":
-    [
-        "Adaptation trial plot#11"
-    ],
-    "Abay":
-    [
-        "Abay"
-    ],
-    "Alidoro": 
-    [
-        "Alidoro",
-        "Alido"
-    ],
-    "Amibara 2":
-    [
-        "Amibara_2",
-        "Amibara2"
-    ],
-    "Balcha":
-    [
-        "Balcha"
-    ],
-    "Biftu":
-    [
-        "Biftu"
-    ],
-    "Boru": 
-    [
-        "Boru"
-    ],
-    "Bulala": 
-    [
-        "Bulala",
-        "Bullala"
-    ],
-    "Candidate varity VVT":
-    [
-        "Candidate varity VVT"
-    ],
-    "CD 21 #16815": 
-    [
-        "CD 21 # 16815"
-    ],
-    "CD 21 #16296": 
-    [
-        "CD 21 #16296"
-    ],
-    "CD 22 #761 - ELTSR":
-    [
-        "CD22#761 -ELTSR"
-    ],
-    "Daka": 
-    [
-        "Daka",
-        "Deka",
-        "DAKA",
-        "Daka "
-    ],
-    "Dambal": 
-    [
-        "Dambal",
-        "Dambel",
-        "Danbal"
-    ],
-    "Damphe": 
-    [
-        "Damphe",
-        "Danfe",
-        "Denfe"
-    ],
-    "Danda'a": 
-    [
-        "Danda'a",
-        "Danda'a ",
-        "Danda",
-        "danda'",
-        "danda'a",
-        "Danda,a",
-        "Dandaha",
-        "Dandea",
-        "Dend",
-        "Denda",
-        "Denda'a",
-        "denda, a",
-        "Dendaa",
-        "Dende' a",
-        "Dende'a",
-        "Dendea",
-        "Dendy",
-        "Debdea",
-        "Denidea",
-        "Danada'a",
-        "Dandaya",
-        "Dehnadea",
-        "Danadaha",
-        "Deamda",
-        "Denda'a ",
-        "Danda’",
-        "Dendáa",
-        "Dandaa",
-        "Damda'a",
-	    "Damdaha"
-    ],
-    "Db1899": 
-    [
-        "Db1899"
-    ],
-    "Deneba": 
-    [
-        "Deneba"
-    ],
-    "Dersolgn":
-    [
-        "Dersolgn"
-    ],
-    "Digalu": 
-    [
-        "Digalu",
-        "Digelu",
-	    "Degelu"
-    ],
-    "Duma":
-    [
-        "Duma",
-	    "Duma ",
-	    " Duma"
-    ],
-    "Durum CD21 ELTSR #1382": 
-    [
-        "Durum CD21 ELTSR#1382"
-    ],
-    "Dursa":
-    [
-        "Dursa",
-        "Dursaa"
-    ],
-    "Eagle 10": 
-    [
-        "Eagle 10"
-    ],
-    "Eldo Baraka": 
-    [
-        "Eldo Baraka"
-    ],
-    "ELITE BW #6":
-    [
-        "ELITE BW#6"
-    ],
-    "ELITE BW #13":
-    [
-        "ELITEBW 13",
-        "ELITEBW  13"
-    ],
-    "ELITE BW #14":
-    [
-        "ELITEBW  14",
-        "ELITEBW 14"
-    ],
-    "ELITE BW #21":
-    [
-        "ELITEBW-KENYA#21"
-    ],
-    "Enikoy":
-    [
-        "Enikoy",
-        "Enkoy"
-    ],
-    "EPCBW #122": 
-    [
-        "EPCBW#122",
-        "EPCBW #122",
-        "EPCBW  #122"
-    ],
-    "EPCBW #207": 
-    [
-        "EPCBW#207",
-        "EPCBW #207",
-        "EPCBW  #207"
-    ],
-    "EPCBW #320": 
-    [
-        "EPCBW#320",
-        "EPCBW #320",
-        "EPCBW  #320"
-    ],
-    "EPCBW #1002": 
-    [
-        "EPCBW#1002",
-        "EPCBW #1002",
-        "EPCBW  #1002"
-    ],
-    "EPCHPLUS # KEN#58": 
-    [
-        "EPCHPLUS # KEN#58"
-    ],
-    "EPCHPLUS #154": 
-    [
-        "EPCHPLUS#154"
-    ],
-    "EPCHPLUS- KEN#120": 
-    [
-        "EPCHPLUS- KEN#120"
-    ],
-    "EPCHPZN #11" :
-    [
-        "EPCHPZN#11"
-    ],
-    "Et 13": 
-    [
-        "Et 13",
-        "ET13",
-        "Et13",
-        "Ey13"
-    ],
-    "ETHIOPIA  #238": 
-    [
-        "ETHIOPIA  #238"
-    ],
-    "F2BW #14" :
-    [
-        "F2BW#14"
-    ],
-    "F2BW #57" :
-    [
-        "F2BW#57"
-    ],
-    "F2HPZN #156":
-    [
-        "F2HPZN # 156"
-    ],
-    "F2HPZN #38" :
-    [
-        "F2HPZN#38"
-    ],
-    "F2HPLUS-KEN #111": 
-    [
-        "F2HPLUS-KEN #111"
-    ],
-    "F3BW #9" :
-    [
-        "F3BW#9"
-    ],
-    "F3BW #360": 
-    [
-        "F3BW   #360"
-    ],
-    "F3HPLUS- KEN #59": 
-    [
-        "F3HPLUS- KEN #59"
-    ],
-    "F3HPZN #59" :
-    [
-        "F3HPZN#59"
-    ],
-    "F4 HPLUS KEN": 
-    [
-        "F4 HPLUS KEN"
-    ],
-    "F5RG #357" :
-    [
-        "F5RG#357"
-    ],
-    "F5 RG BW (A) #73": 
-    [
-        "F5 RG BW (A)#73"
-    ],
-    "F5RG (A) #336": 
-    [
-        "F5RG (A)#336"
-    ],
-    "F5RG (A) #757": 
-    [
-        "F5RG (A)#757"
-    ],
-    "F5RG (B) #1026": 
-    [
-        "F5RG (B) #1026"
-    ],
-    "F5RGBW #181 (A)": 
-    [
-        "F5RGBW#181 (A)"
-    ],
-    "Farasi": 
-    [
-        "Farasi",
-        "KS.  Farasi"
-    ],
-    "Farlly": 
-    [
-        "Farlly"
-    ],
-    "Fentale-2": 
-    [
-        "Fentale-2",
-        "Fentale_2"
-    ],
-    "Galane": 
-    [
-        "Galane",
-        "Gelan",
-        "Galan",
-        "Gelana"
-    ],
-    "Ganda":
-    [
-        "Ganda"
-    ],
-    "Gembo":
-    [
-        "Gembo"
-    ],
-    "Genotypes": 
-    [
-        "Genotypes"
-    ],
-    "Grace": 
-    [
-        "Grace"
-    ],
-    "Hachalu": 
-    [
-        "Hachalu"
-    ],
-    "Harato":
-    [
-        "Harato"
-    ],
-    "Hawi":
-    [
-        "Hawi"
-    ],
-    "HB13":
-    [
-        "HB13"
-    ],
-    "Hidassie": 
-    [
-        "Hidassie",
-        "Hidassie ",
-        "Hidasse",
-        "Hidase",
-        "Hidasie",
-        "hidassie",
-        "Hiddasie",
-        "Hisasie",
-        "Hisasse",
-        "Hiddase",
-        "Hidassee"
-    ],
-    "Hoggana":
-    [
-        "Hoggana"
-    ],
-    "HR1685": 
-    [
-        "HR1685"
-    ],
-    "Huluka": 
-    [
-        "Huluka",
-        "Huluqa",
-        "Hulaka",
-        "Hulka",
-        "Hululka",
-        "Buluka",
-        "Huluka "
-    ],
-    "Hydero":
-    [
-        "Hydero"
-    ],
-    "Hyrax": 
-    [
-        "Hyrax"
-    ],
-    "Improved": 
-    [
-        "Improved"
-    ],
-    "Iran#66": 
-    [
-        "Iran#66"
-    ],
-    "Israel": 
-    [
-        "Israel"
-    ],
-    "Juhudi":
-    [
-        "Juhudi"
-    ],
-    "K. Hyrax":
-    [
-        "K. Hyrax",
-        "K .Hyrax",
-        "k. Hyrax",
-        "K. hyrax",
-        "K Hyrax",
-        "k hyrax",
-        "K hyrax",
-        "k Hyrax"
-    ],
-    "K. Jacana": 
-    [
-        "Jacana",
-        "JACANA",
-        "Jalane",
-        "K jacana",
-        "K.Jacana",
-        "Kenya Jacana"
-    ],
-    "K. Kasuku": 
-    [
-        "Kenya Kasuku",
-        "Kenya Kasuku ",
-        "Kasuku",
-        "KASUKU",
-        "Kasuku",
-        " Kasuku",
-        "K.kasuku",
-        "K. kasuku",
-        "K .kasuku",
-        "K.Kasuku",
-        "K. Kasuku",
-        "K .Kasuku"
-    ],
-    "K. Korongo": 
-    [
-        "K. Korongo",
-        "K. Korongo ",
-        "Korongo",
-        "Korongo ",
-        "K . Korongo",
-        "K. KORONGO",
-        "K.Korongo",
-        "K Korongo",
-        "K Korongo ",
-        "Kenya Korongo",
-    	"Kenya Korongo ",
-        "K .Korongo",
-        "K.korongo"
-    ],
-    "KS. Chui": 
-    [
-        "Chui",
-        "KS. Chui",
-        "KS Chui",
-        "KS.CHUI",
-        "KS.Chui",
-        "KS.  Chui",
-        "Ks. Chui",
-        "Ks.Chui",
-	    "Ks.Chui ",
-        "Ks chui"
-    ],
-    "KS. Farasi":
-    [
-        "KS Farasi",
-        "KS. Farasi"
-    ],
-    "KS. Kanga":
-    [
-        "Kanga",
-        " Kanga",
-        "KS. Kanga",
-        "Ks. Kanga"
-    ],
-    "KS. Ndume":
-    [
-        "Ndume",
-        "Ks. Ndume",
-        "KS. Ndume",
-        "Ks. Ndume ",
-        "KS. Ndume ",
-        "Ks.Ndume",
-        "KS.Ndume",
-        "Ndume "
-    ],
-    "KS. Mwamba":
-    [
-        "KS Mwamba ",
-        "KS.MWAMBA",
-        "Ks.Mwamba",
-        "Mwamba"
-    ],
-    "K624A": 
-    [
-        "K624A",
-        "K62 4A"
-    ],
-    "K924A": 
-    [
-        "K924A"
-    ],
-    "Kakaba": 
-    [
-        "Kakab",
-        "Kakaba",
-        "Kakaba ",
-        "Kekeaba",
-        "Kekeb",
-        "KEKEBA",
-        "Kekeba",
-        "kekeba",
-        "kakaba",
-        "Kekebw",
-        "Kekekeba",
-        "Kebeka"
-    ],
-    "Kebaba": 
-    [
-        "Kebaba",
-        "Kebab"
-    ],
-    "Kenya Impala": 
-    [
-        "Kenya Impala"
-    ],
-    "Kenya Pweza": 
-    [
-        "Kenya Pweza"
-    ],
-    "Kenya Turaco": 
-    [
-        "Kenya Turaco",
-        "Kenya Turaco "
-    ],
-    "Kenya wren": 
-    [
-        "Kenya wren"
-    ],
-    "Kingbird": 
-    [
-        "Kingbird",
-        "King Bird",
-        "King bird",
-        "Kingbirds",
-        "Kimgbard",
-        "Kinbird",
-        "Kingbard",
-        "Kingbird ",
-        "King be",
-        "King bir",
-        "KingBird",
-        "Kigbird",
-        "Kingbord",
-        "Kinberd",
-	"Kingberd",
-        "kingbird"
-    ],
-    "Kubsa": 
-    [
-        "Kubsa",
-        "kubsa",
-        "Kubssa",
-        "Kubsa ",
-        "Kubsa (1685)",
-        "Kibsa"
-    ],
-    "Kwale": 
-    [
-        "Kwale",
-        "Kwale "
-    ],
-    "Lemu": 
-    [
-        "Lemu",
-        "Limu"
-    ],
-    "Liben": 
-    [
-        "Liben"
-    ],
-    "Local": 
-    [
-        "Local",
-        "Local ",
-        "From local market(Unknown)",
-        "Emer wheat local",
-        "local"
-    ],
-    "Mandoyu":
-    [
-        "Mandoyu",
-        "Mandoyo"
-    ],
-    "Mangudo": 
-    [
-        "Mangudo",
-        "mangudo",
-        "Mangudo "
-    ],
-    "Mekale 02":
-    [
-        "Mekale 02",
-        "Mekale 02 "
-    ],
-    "Miju":
-    [
-        "Miju"
-    ],
-    "Mixed": 
-    [
-        "Mixed",
-        "Digalu mixture with Hidasie",
-        "Kingbird (mixed)",
-        "mixed",
-        "Mixed variety",
-        "Mixed hidase and danda'a",
-        "Hidassie with danda'a",
-        "Kingbird, wane ogolchoo",
-        "israel+Et 13",
-        "Mixed (Njoro II, Uknown)",
-        "Mixed crop  (Njoro II & Korongo )",
-        "Mixed crop  (Njoro II & Korongo)",
-        "Mixed crop ( Kwale& unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (Korongo & KS. Chui)",
-        "Mixed crop (Korongo & KS.CHUI )",
-        "Mixed crop (KS.CHUI &Eagle 10)",
-        "Mixed crop (Kwale & unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (Kwale& Njoro II )",
-        "Mixed crop (Njoro II & KS.CHUI )",
-        "Mixed crop (Njoro II & unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (Njoro II& Korongo )",
-        "Mixed(Njoro II & Mwamba)",
-        "Mixed crop  (Korongo &Njoro II )",
-        "Mixed crop  (Ndume & Farasi)",
-        "Mixed crop  (Njoro II & Mwamba )",
-        "Mixed crop (Njoro II & Farasi)",
-        "Mixed: Danda'a and Kakaba",
-        "Mixed varieties",
-        "Wane mixture",
-        "Dembel and Denda",
-        "Mixed ",
-        "Mixed  (Korongo and old varieties )",
-        "Mixed (kasuku, Korongo )",
-        "Mixed (korongo, kasuku, old varieties)",
-        "Mixed crop ( Korongo & barley )",
-        "Mixed crop (Chui & Korongo )",
-        "Mixed crop (K . Korongo &Uknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (Korongo & Uknown)",
-        "Mixed crop( Njoro II,  Korongo, old varieties )",
-        "Mixed crop(KingBird,  Korongo )",
-        "Korongo & Njoro 2",
-        "Korongo& Eagle 10 (mixed )",
-        "Mixed (K. Korongo/barely)",
-        "Mixed (Robin, Korongo)",
-        "Mixed( Njoro 2 & Korongo)",
-        "Njoro 2 & Korongo",
-        "Korongo, Robin, Kwale",
-        "Mixed  (Njoro II, Korongo )",
-        "Mixed (Korongo, ks chui)",
-        "Mixed (Njoro II, Korongo )",
-        "Mixed (Njoro II, Korongo)",
-        "Tallo diff#44,tallo diff#24,yr diff#4",
-        "Differentials",
-        "Kubsa + daka",
-        "Mixed (Korongo&Uknown)",
-        "Mixed varieties ( Korongo and KS Chui)",
-        "King bird ,limu and sofmer",
-        "Mixed crop (K.kasuku &K.Korongo. )",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & Duma)",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & duma)",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & K. kasuku)",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & K. kasuku. )",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & Kasuku )",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & uknown variety)",
-        "Mixed crop (K.Korongo & unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (K.Korongo & unknown variety )",
-        "Mixed crop (K.korongo & unknown)",
-        "Mixed crop (K.Korongo &unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (kwale &unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (Njoro 2 & unknown )",
-        "Mixed crop (Njoroll & Korongo )",
-        "Mixed variety (K.Korongo  and Kwale)",
-        "Uknown mixed crop",
-        "Mixed crop,k.Korongo & ks chui",
-        "Mixed njoroll &k.korongo",
-        "Mixed variety ks chui & korongo",
-        "Mixed variety njoro ll & unknown",
-        "Uknown mixed varieties"
-    ],
-    "Mulifa":
-    [
-        "Mulifa"
-    ],
-    "Mwera":
-    [
-        "Mwera"
-    ],
-    "Njoro BW II": 
-    [
-        "NJORO BW II",
-        "Njoro BW II",
-        "NJORO BW II ",
-        "Njoro 2",
-        "Njoro BW Il",
-        "Njoro BWIl",
-        "NJORO BWIl ",
-        "NjoroBWII",
-        "NjoroBWII ",
-        "Njoro II",
-        "Njoro II ",
-        "Njoro Il",
-        "Njoro Il ",
-        "Njoro ll",
-        "Njoro2",
-        "Njoro  ll",
-        "Njoro ll",
-        "Njoroll",
-        "Njoro ll ",
-	"Njoroll "
-    ],
-    "Oat":
-    [
-        "Oat"
-    ],
-    "Oborra":
-    [
-        "Oborra"
-    ],
-    "Ogolcho": 
-    [
-        "Ogolcho",
-        "Ogolcho ",
-        "ogolcho",
-        "Ogolccho",
-        "Ogelcho",
-        "Oglcho",
-        "Ogocho",
-        "Ogoocho",
-        "Ogol cho",
-        "Ogolchi",
-        "OGOLCHO",
-        "Ogolicho",
-        "OGOLOCHO",
-        "Ogilcho",
-        "Ogolch",
-        "Ogolucho",
-        "Ogolcha"
-    ],
-    "One": 
-    [
-        "One"
-    ],
-    "Otuba": 
-    [
-        "Otuba",
-        "Utuba"
-    ],
-    "Paven 76": 
-    [
-        "Paven 76",
-        "Paven76",
-        "Pavo-76",
-        "Pavon",
-        "Pavan",
-        "Pavon_76",
-        "Pavon 76",
-        "Pavon-76",
-        "pavan",
-        "Pavin"
-    ],
-    "PCBW #560": 
-    [
-        "PCBW# 560"
-    ],
-    "PCBW #1387" :
-    [
-        "PCBW#1387"
-    ],
-    "PCBW #1877": 
-    [
-        "PCBW#1877"
-    ],
-    "PCBW #4175" :
-    [
-        "PCBW#4175"
-    ],
-    "PCBW #4556" :
-    [
-        "PCBW#4556"
-    ],
-    "PCBWSR #2431": 
-    [
-        "PCBWSR#2431"
-    ],
-    "PCBWSR #3421": 
-    [
-        "PCBWSR#3421"
-    ],
-    "PCBWSR #4409": 
-    [
-        "PCBWSR4409"
-    ],
-    "PCHZNSR #585" :
-    [
-        "PCHZNSR #585"
-    ],
-    "PCHPLUSSR #198": 
-    [
-        "PCHPLUSSR#198"
-    ],
-    "Robin": 
-    [
-        "Robin",
-	"Robin "
-    ],
-    "Senate": 
-    [
-        "Sanate",
-        "Senate",
-        "Sanate ",
-        "Senata "
-    ],
-    "Shaki":
-    [
-        "Shaki",
-        "shaki"
-    ],
-    "Shorima": 
-    [
-        "SHORIMA",
-        "Shorima",
-        "Shorima ",
-        "Shorimo",
-        "Shoroma",
-        "Shorina"
-    ],
-    "Sifa":
-    [
-        "Sifa"
-    ],
-    "Simba": 
-    [
-        "Simba",
-        "Sinba"
-    ],
-    "Sofumer":
-    [
-        "Sofumer"
-    ],
-    "SR DIFFERENTIAL  #27": 
-    [
-        "SR DIFFERENTIAL  # 27",
-        "Sr differentials #27"
-    ],
-    "SR DIFFERENTIAL  #51": 
-    [
-        "SR DIFFERENTIAL  # 51",
-        "SR Differential#51"
-    ],
-    "SR DIFFERENTIAL #33": 
-    [
-        "Sr differential #33"
-    ],
-    "SR DIFFERENTIAL #20": 
-    [
-        "SR Differentials#20"
-    ],
-    "Sydney Australia #83": 
-    [
-        "Sydney Australia #83"
-    ],
-    "Tate":
-    [
-        "Tate"
-    ],
-    "Triticale":
-    [
-        "Triticale",
-        "Triticale ",
-        "Tritical"
-    ],
-    "Tsehay": 
-    [
-        "Tsehay"
-    ],
-    "Unknown": 
-    [
-        "Unknown",
-        "Uknown",
-        "Uknown ",
-        "unknown",
-        "Unknown ",
-        "Unkoown",
-        "Unkown",
-        "unkown",
-        "Unkwon",
-        "Unkwown",
-        "Unkwown ",
-        "Unknown (observation nursery)",
-        "unknow",
-        "Kenya Hawk?",
-        "I known",
-        "UnKnown",
-        "unknown ",
-        "Unkwon ",
-        "Inknown",
-        "Known",
-        "Ubknown",
-        "Ujknown",
-        "Ukown",
-        "UNKNOWN",
-        "Unknown (Duma?)",
-        "Unkowb",
-        "Unlnown",
-	    "Uninown",
-        "Unko",
-        "Variety",
-        "Uknown old Kenyan variety",
-        "Uknown  variety",
-        "Uknown awnless variety",
-        "Uknown variety",
-        "Unknown variety",
-        "Unknown  variety"
-    ],
-    "USDA #105": 
-    [
-        "USDA#105"
-    ],
-    "USDA #112": 
-    [
-        "USDA#112"
-    ],
-    "USDA #547": 
-    [
-        "USDA#547"
-    ],
-    "USDA #747": 
-    [
-        "USDA#747"
-    ],
-    "USDA #823": 
-    [
-        "USDA#823"
-    ],
-    "USDA #994": 
-    [
-        "USDA#994",
-        "USDA #994"
-    ],
-    "USDA #1061": 
-    [
-        "USDA#1061",
-        "USDA #1061"
-    ],
-    "USDA #1135": 
-    [
-        "USDA#1135",
-        "USDA #1135"
-    ],
-    "USDA #1458": 
-    [
-        "USDA#1458",
-        "USDA #1458"
-    ],
-    "USDA #1588": 
-    [
-        "USDA#1588",
-        "USDA #1588"
-    ],
-    "USDA #1612": 
-    [
-        "USDA #1612"
-    ],
-    "USDA #1762": 
-    [
-        "USDA#1762"
-    ],
-    "Wane": 
-    [
-        "Wane",
-        "Wanie",
-        "wane"
-    ],
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#1",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #1",
-        "Yr Differentials  #1"
-    ],
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#4",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #4",
-        "Yr differential #4"
-    ],
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#8",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #8"
-    ],
-    "YR DIFFERENTIAL #10": 
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#10",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #10"
-    ],
-    "YR DIFFERENTIAL #15": 
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#15",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #15"
-    ],
-    "YR DIFFERENTIAL #24": 
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#24",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #24"
-    ],
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#27",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #27"
-    ],
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#38",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #38",
-        "Yr Differential 38"
-    ],
-    [
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL#40",
-        "YR DIFFERENTIAL #40",
-        "Yr DIFF 40"
-    ],
-    "YR27/6*AOC": 
-    [
-        "YR27/6*AOC"
-    ],
-    "YR8/6*AOC": 
-    [
-        "YR8/6*AOC"
-    ]
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/README.txt b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b97176485969b5bbde7d4efa7d839eddd327da15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-make a copy of the template file, You can add a files to set system-specific variables (or sensitive passwords)
-the template sys config files will be needed for both forecast and analysis runs,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cdfee13e4f8c80784c6b516e2beb2b454aeecd3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate": "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/Ethiopia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_NAME_Ethiopia_${StartString}_an",
-    "DataFileTemplate" : "deposition_srcs_allregions_${StartString}.nc",
-    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "1500",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_dep",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/an/sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json",
-        "NameExtractionConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
-        "RunConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
-        "RunConfigNorm": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
-        "EastAfrica" : {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///chart/CHART_CONFIG_EAST_AFRICA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Ethiopia" : {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Kenya" : {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_KENYA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        },
-        "Zambia": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ZAMBIA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        },
-        "Tanzania": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_TANZANIA_EPI.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a1991b53a23b407b8d6dc7db78b7f2ad97ccf63e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/Ethiopia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_Ethiopia_${StartString}_an",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
-    "CONFIGS_PATH": "${ConfigsPath}",
-    "ASSETS_PATH": "${AssetsPath}",
-    "WORK_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "INPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "OUTPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "SYS_CONFIG" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
-    "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv",
-    "RUN_TYPE" : "operational",
-    "FORECAST_DAYS": 6,
-    "STRAINS": ["LeafRust","StemRust","StripeRust","LeafRust_TempOnly","StemRust_TempOnly","StripeRust_TempOnly"],
-    "PARAMS": {
-        "LeafRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "LeafRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/an/sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json",
-        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json",
-        "EastAfrica" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_EAST_AFRICA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
-        },
-        "Ethiopia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Kenya" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_KENYA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Zambia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ZAMBIA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b23fb97cf08a9b21d62df4f7fd49d4497599667..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    "RegionName" : "EastAfrica",
-    "SubRegionNames" : ["EastAfrica","Ethiopia","Kenya","Zambia","Tanzania"],
-    "StartTime" : "?",
-    "StartString" : "?",
-    "ProjectRoot" : "<path to project root>",
-    "MetoFTP" : "<path to MetoFTP>",
-    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
-    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
-    "ConfigsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs",
-    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets",
-    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/Eastconfigs/coordinator/log_config.json",
-    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/east_africa_places.shp"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1adc75d5bf5650c9af5327d5b833035a29f44b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "query_past_successes",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_advisory",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "do_nothing",
-    "seasonStartString" : "20240131",
-    "SurveyPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/SURVEYDATA_${dateString}/Groups/surveys_PROD.csv",
-    "DependentComponents" : [
-       "Deposition",
-	   "Environment"
-    ],
-    "Environment" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/input_nc/",
-        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/images/Weekly/",
-        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
-            "stripe" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_stripe_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png",
-            "stem" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png",
-            "leaf" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_leaf_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png"
-        },
-        "Aggregation" : {
-            "raster_path_template" : "${envDataPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_total.nc",
-            "raster_name_template" : "RIE_${disease_name_camelcase}_%",
-            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
-            "shape_coln" : "ADM2_EN",
-            "show_columns" : ["ADM0_EN","ADM1_EN"],
-            "separate_rows_for_coln":"ADM0_EN",
-            "func" : "mean",
-            "multiply_by" : 100,
-            "float_format" : ".0f",
-            "display_format" : ".0f",
-            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
-            "max_entries" : 20
-        }
-    },
-    "Deposition" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/input_nc/",
-        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/images/Weekly/",
-        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
-            "stripe": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_stripe_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png",
-            "stem": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png",
-            "leaf": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_leaf_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png"
-        },
-        "Aggregation" : {
-            "raster_path_template" : "${depDataPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_total.nc",
-            "raster_name_template" : "spores_per_m2_per_week_${disease_name_camelcase}",
-            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
-            "shape_coln" : "ADM2_EN",
-            "show_columns" : ["ADM0_EN","ADM1_EN"],
-            "separate_rows_for_coln":"ADM0_EN",
-            "func" : "mean",
-            "multiply_by" : 1,
-            "float_format" : ".1e",
-            "display_format" : ".0f",
-            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
-            "max_entries" : 20
-        }
-    },
-    "Epidemiology" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${dateString}/plotting/input_csvs/",
-        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${dateString}/plotting/images/",
-        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
-            "stem": "${epiPlotPath}/infection_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_seasonincforecast_*0300_*0000_map.png"
-        },
-        "Aggregation" : {
-            "raster_path_template" : "${depDataPath}/${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_masked.csv",
-            "raster_name_template" : "predicted_infected_area_${disease_name_camelcase}",
-            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
-            "shape_coln" : "ADM2_EN",
-            "show_columns" : ["ADM0_EN","ADM1_EN"],
-            "separate_rows_for_coln":"ADM0_EN",
-            "func" : "mean",
-            "multiply_by" : 1,
-            "float_format" : ".1e",
-            "display_format" : ".0f",
-            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/infection_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
-            "max_entries" : 20
-        }
-    },
-    "Surveys" : {
-            "variety_names_tidy_fn" : "${ConfigsPath}/advisory_builder/config_EastAfrica_variety_names_tidy.json",
-            "CountryColumnName" : "surveyor_infromation-country",
-            "EastAfrica": {
-                "CountryList" : ["Ethiopia", "Kenya", "Tanzania", "Uganda", "Zambia"],
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/eastafrica/eth_adm1_2021_ken_adm1_2019.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/eastafrica/eth_adm2_2021_ken_adm1_2019_zmb_adm2_2020.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/eastafrica/eth_adm2_2021_ken_adm1_2019_zmb_adm2_2020.shp",
-                "Extent" : [21.5, 47, -18.5, 15],
-                "LabelZoom" : 5
-            },
-            "Ethiopia": {
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/ethiopia/eth_admbnda_adm1_csa_bofedb_2021.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/ethiopia/eth_admbnda_adm2_csa_bofedb_2021.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/ethiopia/eth_admbnda_adm2_csa_bofedb_2021.shp",
-                "Extent" : [32.8, 47, 3.2, 15],
-                "LabelZoom" : 7
-            },
-            "Kenya": {
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/kenya/ken_admbnda_adm1_iebc_20191031_adm2_named.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/kenya/ken_admbnda_adm2_iebc_20191031.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/kenya/ken_admbnda_adm1_iebc_20191031_adm2_named.shp",
-                "Extent" : [33.8, 42, -5, 5.5],
-                "LabelZoom" : 7
-            },
-            "Zambia": {
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/zambia/zmb_admbnda_adm1_dmmu_20201124.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/zambia/zmb_admbnda_adm2_dmmu_20201124.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/gis/zambia/zmb_admbnda_adm2_dmmu_20201124.shp",
-                "Extent" : [21.5, 34, -18.5, -8],
-                "LabelZoom" : 7
-            },
-            "Tanzania": {
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/plotting/gis_data/tanzania/tanzania_admin_shape/admin1/tza_admbnda_adm1_20181019.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/plotting/gis_data/tanzania/tanzania_admin_shape/admin2/tza_admbnda_adm2_20181019.shp",
-                "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/plotting/gis_data/tanzania/tanzania_admin_shape/admin2/tza_admbnda_adm2_20181019.shp",
-                "Extent" : [28.93, 41.98, -0.29, -12.37],
-                "LabelZoom" : 7
-            }
-    },
-    "logos" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/logos_EastAfrica_plotting.png"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6acea59eaf9ad21f09ec6a554b12150e40b68530..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate": "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/Ethiopia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate": "WR_NAME_Ethiopia_${StartString}_fc",
-    "DataFileTemplate": "deposition_srcs_allregions_${StartString}.nc",
-    "TimeExpectedAvailable": "1000",
-    "ProcessPreJob": "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob": "process_in_job_dep",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting": "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
-    "EWS-Plotting": {
-        "SysConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json",
-        "NameExtractionConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
-        "RunConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
-        "RunConfigNorm": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
-        "EastAfrica": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_EAST_AFRICA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        },
-        "Ethiopia": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        },
-        "Kenya": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_KENYA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        },
-        "Zambia": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ZAMBIA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        },
-        "Tanzania": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_TANZANIA_EPI.json",
-            "Normalize": "False"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2901e12bdf822e94b25692f6adb43fdb73fd2294..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/Ethiopia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_Ethiopia_${StartString}_fc",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
-    "CONFIGS_PATH": "${ConfigsPath}",
-    "ASSETS_PATH": "${AssetsPath}",
-    "WORK_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "INPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "OUTPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "SYS_CONFIG" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
-    "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv",
-    "RUN_TYPE" : "operational",
-    "FORECAST_DAYS": 6,
-    "STRAINS": ["LeafRust","StemRust","StripeRust","LeafRust_TempOnly","StemRust_TempOnly","StripeRust_TempOnly"],
-    "PARAMS": {
-        "LeafRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "LeafRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json",
-        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json",
-        "EastAfrica" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_EAST_AFRICA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
-        },
-        "Ethiopia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Kenya" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_KENYA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Zambia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ZAMBIA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Tanzania" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_TANZANIA_EPI.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/epi_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/epi_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 537285090320d9d626b880a0de5a4a2dff1087fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/epi_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-    "DiseaseNames" : ["StemRust"],
-    "CalculationSpanDays" : ["20230715",5],
-	"continue" : true,
-    "TimeStep_hours": "3",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_epi",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_epi",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_epi",
-    "Host" : {
-        "MaxFieldsPerCell" : "1",
-        "TargetRaster" : "${AssetsPath}/epimodel/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica.tif",
-    "HostRasters" : {
-            "201001010000" : "${AssetsPath}/epimodel/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica.tif",
-            "202309200000" : "${AssetsPath}/epimodel/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica_20230901.tif",
-            "202309260000" : "${AssetsPath}/epimodel/wheat_area_frac_MapSPAM2010_EastAfrica.tif"
-        },
-    "FileNamePrepared" : "?"
-    },
-    "Deposition" : {
-        "VariableNames" : ["P_GRAMINIS_DEPOSITION"],
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${DateString}/WR_NAME_Ethiopia_${DateString}_fc/",
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}DEPOSITION_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_onefile_operational",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "deposition_srcs_allregions_${DateString}.nc",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "?"
-    },
-    "Environment" : {
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/processed/${RegionName}/${DiseaseName}/",
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_onefile_operational",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "RIE_value.nc",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "?"
-    },
-"Env" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${YesterdayString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${YesterdayString}/${RegionName}/${DiseaseName}/",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "infections_config_EastAfrica_fc_live_Epidemiology_*_env_progression.csv",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_onefile_historical",
-        "FileLoaderFunction" : "load_and_restructure_epi_file",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "?"
-    },
-    "ps" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${YesterdayString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/EPI_${YesterdayString}/${RegionName}/${DiseaseName}/",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "infections_config_EastAfrica_fc_live_Epidemiology_*_psbeta0.004gamma0.00025alpha1.0_progression.csv",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_onefile_historical",
-        "FileLoaderFunction" : "load_and_restructure_epi_file",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "?"
-    },
-    "Epi" : [
-        {
-            "model" : "Env",
-            "modelArguments" : {},
-            "infectionRasterFileName" : "?",
-            "description": "env. suitability",
-            "rescale_output_by_host_raster": false,
-            "analysis" : {
-                "vmin" : 0.0e+0,
-                "vmax" : 1.5e+1,
-                "subplot_position" : [0,0],
-                "cmapString" : "CMRmap_r",
-                "bounds" : [32.5,48.0,3.3,15.0],
-                "UTMprojection" : 37
-            }
-        },{
-            "model" : "ps",
-            "modelArguments": {
-                "beta": 4.0e-3,
-                "gamma": 2.5e-4,
-                "alpha": 1.0,
-                "infection": "previous"
-            },
-            "infectionRasterFileName" : "?",
-            "description": "SE[beta*log10(alpha*D)+gamma*P]",
-    "rescale_output_by_host_raster": true,
-            "analysis" : {
-                "vmin" : 0.0e+0,
-                "vmax" : 1,
-                "subplot_position" : [0,1],
-                "cmapString" : "CMRmap_r",
-                "bounds": [32.5,48.0,3.3,15.0],
-                "UTMprojection" : 37
-            }
-        }
-    ],
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json",
-        "RunConfig_seasonsofar" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI.json",
-        "RunConfig_seasonplusforecast" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI.json",
-        "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_EPI_PINE.json",
-        "PlottingRegionName" : "Ethiopia",
-        "EpiCase" : "ps"
-    }
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index 0a91379f9621bdeb654d36c7d3fdcd5535af94a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/met_resample_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-    "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_resample/run_config_MetResample.json",
-    "Environment" : {
-            "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS"
-    },
-    "CalculationSpanDays" : [0,5]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/survey_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/survey_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
deleted file mode 100644
index aad5a586dee9a7b7dce21729dc2eae9795bb0530..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/survey_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
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@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-    "ProcessPreJob": "process_pre_job_survey",
-    "ProcessInJob": "process_in_job_survey",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting": "process_EWS_plotting_survey",
-    "AcceptableDowntimeDays": 70,
-    "SeasonStartString": "20230815",
-    "ServerCredentialsFile": "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/Cred-WRT.json",
-    "Groups": {
-        "PROD": {
-            "Origin": [
-                "CSV_01",
-                "CSV_02",
-                "ODK_01",
-                "ODK_02",
-                "CSV-CAM"
-            ]
-        },
-        "WRT-Publ": {
-            "Origin": [
-                "CSV_01",
-                "CSV_02",
-                "ODK_01",
-                "ODK_02"
-            ],
-            "PublishedLevel": [
-                "Publ"
-            ]
-        },
-        "Trial-sites": {
-            "Origin": [
-                "CSV_01",
-                "CSV_02",
-                "ODK_01",
-                "ODK_02",
-                "CSV-CAM"
-            ],
-            "site_information-survey_site": [
-                "Trial"
-            ]
-        }
-    },
-    "GroupBy": [
-        "Origin",
-        "PublishedLevel",
-        "site_information-survey_site"
-    ],
-    "GroupsToIgnore": [
-        "ODK-server",
-        "kobo-server",
-        "newODK",
-        "newODK2",
-        "CSV-CAM",
-        "CSV_01",
-        "CSV_02",
-        "ODK_01",
-        "ODK_02",
-        "Unpubl",
-        "Publ",
-        "Raw",
-        "Farmer",
-        "farmer_field",
-        "Seed_production",
-        "Weed",
-        "Road",
-        "Trial",
-        "VCU",
-        "Sentinel",
-        "Other"
-    ],
-    "ODKDatabasePathTemplate": "${WorkspacePathout}/ODK_DB/",
-    "SurveyFormat": "ODK",
-    "SurveyorNameCol": "surveyor_infromation-surveyor_name",
-    "SourcesRegionName": "EastAfrica",
-    "SourcesConfigs": {
-        "WRT-Publ": "${ConfigsPath}/source_gen/config_EastAfrica_mapspam2017.json"
-    },
-    "SourcesConfigDefault": "${ConfigsPath}/source_gen/config_EastAfrica_mapspam2017.json"
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4074af61139d4bf0107d920382d83ef2cd5f821a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    "RegionName" : "EastAfrica",
-    "SubRegionNames" : ["EastAfrica","Ethiopia","Kenya","Zambia","Tanzania"],
-    "StartTime" : "?",
-    "StartString" : "?",
-    "ProjectRoot" : "<path to project root>",
-    "MetoFTP" : "<path to MetoFTP>",
-    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
-    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
-    "ConfigsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs",
-    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets",
-    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/log_config.json",
-    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/east_africa_places.shp"
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index fb6c3a1b737294a37d789de6d142bfc599d67988..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/log_config.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-  "version": 1,
-  "disable_existing_loggers": false,
-  "formatters": {
-    "simple": {
-      "format": "%(name)s : %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
-    },
-    "detailed": {
-      "format": "For command:\n{arg_string}\n\n%(levelname)s in %(name)s encountered at %(asctime)s:\n\n%(message)s\n\nResolve this error and restart processing.",
-      "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-    }
-  },
-  "filters": {
-    "mask_passwords": {
-      "()": "NOT_SET"
-    }
-  },
-  "handlers": {
-    "handler_job": {
-      "class": "logging.FileHandler",
-      "formatter": "simple",
-      "level": "DEBUG",
-      "filters": [
-        "mask_passwords"
-      ],
-      "filename": ""
-    },
-    "handler_stderr": {
-      "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
-      "formatter": "simple",
-      "level": "DEBUG",
-      "filters": [
-        "mask_passwords"
-      ]
-    },
-    "handler_buffered_email": {
-      "class": "BufferingSMTPHandler.BufferingSMTPHandler",
-      "level": "ERROR",
-      "server": "NOT_SET",
-      "credentials": "NOT_SET",
-      "fromaddr": "NOT_SET",
-      "toaddrs": "NOT_SET",
-      "subject": "ERROR in EWS Processor",
-      "formatter": "detailed",
-      "filters": [
-        "mask_passwords"
-      ],
-      "capacity": 100
-    }
-  },
-  "loggers": {
-    "__main__": {
-      "level": "INFO",
-      "handlers": ["handler_job","handler_buffered_email","handler_stderr"],
-      "propagate": false
-    },
-    "EpiModel": {
-      "level": "INFO",
-      "handlers": ["handler_job","handler_buffered_email","handler_stderr"],
-      "propagate": false
-    },
-      "ews": {
-      "level": "INFO",
-      "handlers": ["handler_job","handler_buffered_email","handler_stderr"],
-      "propagate": false
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 576b0b073047604ff8aa69162264f5b64f4a1711..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/template_Cred-WRT.json
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@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    "forms" : [
-        {
-            "type" : "WRT",
-            "url" : "https://web15.agro.au.dk/",
-            "user" : "",
-            "pass" : "",
-            "countryID" : "ET;KE;TZ;UG;ZM",
-            "publishedLevel" : "Publ;Unpubl",
-            "form_id" : "WRT",
-            "form_name" : "WRT"
-        }
-    ]
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index 27982bad32ac58c84c50d2fc286f8c96b5ef5e2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv
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@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
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index eb8f495e964a498bf8bea315716538168dd38b87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
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@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-  "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH": "../data/resources/common/field_name_constants.csv"
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index e6f6e049f6fe9ac9a74b914f5cd0091681a7741b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/template_operational_config.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-  "DATA_TYPES": [
-    "TEMP",
-  ],
-    "PROCESSORS": [
-      {
-        "PROCESSOR_NAME": "RIE",
-        "OUT_FILE_NAME": "RIE",
-        "CLASSPATH": "ews.environmental_suitability.ewses_vectorised_timepoint_processor",
-        "CLASSNAME": "EnvSuitColTimePointProcessor",
-        "DEPENDS": [],
-        "TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH": "#",
-        "FUTURE_FIELDS": [
-          {
-            "PROCESSOR_NAME": "TEMP",
-            "DURATION": 7,
-            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
-          },
-          {
-            "DURATION": 7,
-            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
-          },
-          {
-            "DURATION": 7,
-            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
-          }
-        ],
-        "PARAMS": {
-          "suitability_modules": ["#"],
-          "thresholds": {
-            "temperature": [2,30],
-            "precipitation": 0,
-            "relative_humidity": 90
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "OUTPUT_DIR": "#",
-  "NCDF_DIR_PATH": "#",
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_resample/run_config_MetResample.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_resample/run_config_MetResample.json
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index 2810dc7c4b0d3a8ec355fb3c8815300829438e74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_resample/run_config_MetResample.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-    "Host" : {
-        "Bounds" : [21.50,-18.54,36.00,-7.81]
-    },
-    "components" : [
-        "soil_moisture",
-        "RH",
-        "precip",
-        "temperature",
-        "cloud_cover",
-        "u_wind",
-        "v_wind"
-    ],
-    "RH" : {
-        "VariableName" : "_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_(%)",
-        "is_met" : true,
-        "resampling" : "interpolate",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_files_historical_daily",
-        "FileLoaderFunction" : "load_NAME_met_file",
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/../workspace_analysis/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "PathTemplateAlternative" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_(%)_${DateString}.nc",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "${jobPath}/data_resampled/data_input_RH_%.csv"
-    },
-    "precip" : {
-        "VariableName" : "_PRECIPITATION_RATE_(MM/HR)",
-        "is_met" : true,
-        "resampling" : "backfill",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_files_historical_daily",
-        "FileLoaderFunction" : "load_NAME_met_file",
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/../workspace_analysis/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "PathTemplateAlternative" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "_PRECIPITATION_RATE_(MM_HR)_${DateString}.nc",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "${jobPath}/data_resampled/data_input_precip_mmhr.csv"
-    },
-    "temperature" : {
-        "VariableName" : "_TEMPERATURE_(C)",
-        "is_met" : true,
-        "resampling" : "interpolate",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_files_historical_daily",
-        "FileLoaderFunction" : "load_NAME_met_file",
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/../workspace_analysis/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "PathTemplateAlternative" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "_TEMPERATURE_(C)_${DateString}.nc",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "${jobPath}/data_resampled/data_input_temperature_C.csv"
-    },
-    "cloud_cover" : {
-        "VariableName" : "_CLOUD_AMOUNT_(OKTAS)",
-        "is_met" : true,
-        "resampling" : "backfill",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_files_historical_daily",
-        "FileLoaderFunction" : "load_NAME_met_file",
-        "PathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/../workspace_analysis/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "PathTemplateAlternative" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${DateString}/NAME_Met_as_netcdf/",
-        "FileNameTemplate" : "_CLOUD_AMOUNT_(OKTAS)_${DateString}.nc",
-        "FileNamePrepared" : "${jobPath}/data_resampled/data_input_cloud_cover_oktas.csv"
-    },
-    "u_wind" : {
-        "VariableName" : "_MEAN_FLOW_U",
-        "is_met" : true,
-        "resampling" : "interpolate",
-        "FileListerFunction" : "list_files_historical_daily",
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-        "Barigom17",
-        "Bari gom17"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 20" :
-    [
-        "BARI Gom 20"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 21 (Shatabdi)" : 
-    [
-        "Satapdi",
-        "Shatabdi",
-        "Shotabdi",
-        "Sotabthe",
-        "Sotabthi"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 24" : 
-    [
-        "BARI Gom 24",
-        "Prodip",
-        "prodip",
-        "BARI Gm 24",
-        "Bari gom24",
-        "BARI gom 24"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 25" : 
-    [
-        "BARI Gom 25",
-        "Bari gom 25",
-        "BARI gom 25",
-        "BARI  Gom25",
-        "BARI Gom25"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 26" : 
-    [
-        "26",
-        "Bari 26",
-        "BAR Gom 26",
-        "Bari gam 26",
-        "BARI  Gom 26",
-        "BARI Gom  26",
-        "BARI GOM 26",
-        "BARI Gom 26",
-        "BARI gom 26",
-        "BARI Gom26",
-        "Bari Gom 26",
-        "Bari gom 26",
-        "BSRI Gom 26",
-        "Bari gom 36",
-        "Bari hgom 26",
-        "Bari Gom26",
-        "BARI Gpm26",
-        "BAR Gon26",
-        "BARI Gom. 26",
-        "BARI 26",
-        "Bari Gam 26",
-        "Bari gom26",
-        "Bhari Gam 26",
-        "বারি ২৬"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 27" : 
-    [
-        "BARI GOM 27",
-        "BARI Gom 27",
-        "Bari gom 27",
-        "BARI gom 27",
-        "BARI Gom27",
-        "27",
-        "BARI 27",
-        "BARI GOM27",
-        "BARIGOM27"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 28" : 
-    [
-        "Bari Gam 28",
-        "Bari gam 28",
-        "BARI GOM  28",
-        "BARI GOM 28",
-        "BARI Gom 28",
-        "Bari Gom 28",
-        "Bari gom 28",
-        "BARI gom 28",
-        "Bari gom  28",
-        "Barigom 28",
-        "BARI Gom28",
-        "BARI  Gom 28",
-        "Bari 28",
-        "BATI Gom 28",
-        "28",
-        "BARI Gog 28",
-        "Bari Gom28",
-        "BARI Gom. 28",
-        "BARI Gom.28",
-        "BSRI Gom28",
-        "BARI Gomo 28",
-        "BARI Gom  28",
-        "RABI Gom 28",
-        "RARI 28",
-        "BARi Gom 28",
-        "BARI Gom 28.",
-        "BARI GOM28",
-        "BARI gom28",
-        "BARIGom 28",
-        "Barigom28"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 29" : 
-    [
-        "BARI Gom 29",
-        "Bari Gom 29",
-        "Bari GOM 29",
-        "Bari gom 29",
-        "BARI GOM 29",
-        "BARI gom 29",
-        "RARI Gom 29"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 30" : 
-    [
-        "30",
-        "BAR Gom 30",
-        "BARI  GOM 30",
-        "BARI Gom  30",
-        "BARI  Gom 30",
-        "Bari gam 30",
-        "BARI GOM  30",
-        "BARI Gom 30",
-        "BARI gom 30",
-        "Bari Gom 30",
-        "Bari gom 30",
-        "BARI Gom30",
-        "BARI GOM 30",
-        "Barigom30",
-        "Barigom 30",
-        "BARO Gom 30",
-        "BARI Gom 3p",
-        "BARI GOM, 30",
-        "BARI GOM, 30",
-        "NARI Gom 30",
-        "BARI Gom   30",
-        "Bari gam30",
-        "BARI GOM30",
-        "BARI GON 30",
-        "BARI Gon 30",
-        "BARI Hom 30",
-        "BAGI Gom 30",
-        "BAIR GOM 30",
-        "BSRI Gom30",
-        "BAri Gom30",
-        "BARI gom30",
-        "BRI Gom30",
-        "VARI Gom30",
-        "BARI 30",
-        "Bari 30",
-        "BARi GOM 30",
-        "Bari gom30",
-        "BARI Mom 30",
-        "BARIGom 30",
-        "BARRI Gom 30",
-        "Brri gom 30",
-        "BARIGom30",
-        "VARI Gom 30",
-        "Bari Gam 30",
-        "Bari GOM 30",
-        "BARIG 30",
-        "BARIGOM 30",
-        "BARRI Gum30",
-        "Bari Gom30",
-        "Bhari Gam 30",
-        "BAARIGom 30",
-        "BARRI Ggom 30",
-        "BRRI Gom 30"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 31" : 
-    [
-        "BARI Gom31",
-        "Barigom,31",
-        "Barigom31"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 32" : 
-    [
-        "32",
-        "Baarigom 32",
-        "BARI GOM  32",
-        "BARI GOM 32",
-        "BARI Gom 32",
-        "Bari gom 32",
-        "Barigom 32",
-        "Barigom32",
-        "BARI Tom 32",
-        "BARI gom 32",
-        "Bari Gom 32",
-        "BARI Gom32",
-        "BARI Gom. 32",
-        "BARI GOM, 32",
-        "BARI Gom  32",
-        "BARI GOM32",
-        "BARI Gom 32.",
-        "Bari gom 32.",
-        "BARI gom32",
-        "BARIG Gom 32",
-        "BARIGom 32",
-        "BARRI Gom 32",
-        "BARI  Gom -32",
-        "BARI Gam 32",
-        "BARI Gom -32",
-        "BARI Gom- 32",
-        "Bari Gom32",
-        "BARRI Gum 32",
-        "BARRI Gum32",
-        "BARIGom32",
-        "বারি গম ৩২",
-        "৩২",
-        "BRRI Gom 32",
-        "BRRRI gom 32",
-        "BRRRI Gom32"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 33" : 
-    [
-        "33",
-        "ba 33",
-        "Bari 33",
-        "Bar 33",
-        "BARI GoM 33",
-        "BARI  Gom 33",
-        "Bari gam 33",
-        "BARI GOM  33",
-        "BARI GOM 33",
-        "BARI Gom 33",
-        "BARI Gom  33",
-        "BARI gom 33",
-        "Bari Gom 33",
-        "Bari gom 33",
-        "BARI GOM33",
-        "BARI Gom33",
-        "BARI Gon 33",
-        "Barigom,33",
-        "Barigom 33",
-        "BARI Gom,33",
-        "BARI Gom-33",
-        "VARI Gom 33",
-        "BARI Gom  33",
-        "BARI Gom-33",
-        "VARI Gom 33",
-        "Barigom33",
-        "BARI Gom al33",
-        "Barigom \n33",
-        "BARI GoM  33",
-        "BARI  GOM 33",
-        "BARI Gog 33",
-        "BARI Gomp33",
-        "Bari Bari 33",
-        "BARI Gom. 33",
-        "BARI Gomv33",
-        "BARIVGom 33",
-        "BARi Gom 33",
-        "BBARI Gom33",
-        "BARON Gom33",
-        "Bank Gom 33",
-        "Bafj Gom 33",
-        "BARIGom 33",
-        "BARIGom33",
-        "BARIgom33",
-        "BARIHom 33",
-        "BARI 33",
-        "BARI Fom 33",
-        "BARI Gom -33",
-        "BARI Gom 33.",
-        "BaRI Gom 33.",
-        "Bari gom 33.",
-        "BARI GOM. 33",
-        "BARI GOM.33",
-        "BARI gom33",
-        "Bari Gom33",
-        "Bari gom33",
-        "BARI Gum 33",
-        "BARI Gum-33",
-        "BARRI GOM 33",
-        "BARRI Gom 33",
-        "Barri gom 33",
-        "BARRI Gum 33",
-        "BARRI gum 33",
-        "BRRI GOM 33",
-        "Brri Gom 33",
-        "BARRI Gum33",
-        "BARU Gom 33",
-        "BATIGom 33",
-        "BARI Gam 33",
-        "BARIGOM 33",
-        "Bari Gom-33",
-        "BARI GOm33",
-        "BARI33",
-        "BRRI Gom 33",
-        "BRRI Gon 33",
-        "Bsri gom 33",
-        "বারি গম ৩৩",
-        "BARl Gom 33",
-        "BSRIGom 33"
-    ],
-    "BARI Gom 34":
-    [
-        "BARI Gom 34",
-        "BARI GOM 34"
-    ],
-    "BARI GOM Sonali" : 
-    [
-        "BARI GOM Sonali",
-        "BARI Gom sonali",
-        "BARI Gom Sonali"
-    ],
-    "Bhakhar star":
-    [
-        "Bhakhar star",
-        "Bhakkar star",
-        "Bhkar Star"
-    ],
-    "Bhaskar (Indian)":
-    [
-        "Bhaskar (Indian)"
-    ],
-    "Bheriganga":
-    [
-        "Bheriganga"
-    ],
-    "Bhirkuti" : 
-    [
-        "Bhirkuti",
-        "Bhrikuti"
-    ],
-    "BL 4341" : 
-    [
-        "BL 4341",
-        "BL4341!",
-        "BL4341"
-    ],
-    "BL 4669" : 
-    [
-        "BL 4669",
-        "BL 4669(pipeline variety)"
-    ],
-    "BL 4682" : 
-    [
-        "BL 4682"
-    ],
-    "Bumthang Ka Drukchu":
-    [
-        "Bumthang ka Drukchu",
-        "Bumthang ka drukchu",
-        "Bumthangka drukchu",
-        "Bumthang Ka Drukchu"
-    ],
-    "BWMRI Gom 1" : 
-    [
-        "BWMRI 1",
-        "BWMRI Gom 1",
-        "WMRI Gom 1",
-        "WMRI Gom -1",
-        "WMRI 1",
-        "WMRI,Gom 1",
-        "BWMRI GOM 1",
-        "BWMRI Gom1",
-        "BWMRI-1",
-        "wmri 1",
-        "WMRI Gom 1",
-        "WMRIGom 1"
-    ],
-    "BWMRI Gom 2" : 
-    [
-        "WMRI Gom 2",
-        "BWMRI Gom 2",
-        "BWMRI Gom2",
-        "BWMRI Gom-2",
-        "BWMRI 2",
-        "WMRI Gom 2",
-        "BWMRI GOM 2",
-        "WMRIGom 2"
-    ],
-    "BWMRI Gom 3" : 
-    [
-        "BWMRI Gom 3",
-        "BARI BWMRI 3",
-        "BMRI 3",
-        "BWMRI3",
-        "WMRI Gom 3",
-        "WMRI-3",
-        "BWMRI 3",
-        "WMRI 3"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 1":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 1",
-        "CIMMYT Line 1",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 1"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 2":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 2",
-        "CIMMYT Line 2",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 2"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 3":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 3",
-        "CIMMYT Line 3",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 3"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 4":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 4",
-        "CIMMYT Line 4",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 4"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 5":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 5",
-        "CIMMYT Line 5",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 5"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 6":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 6",
-        "CIMMYT Line 6",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 6"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 7":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 7",
-        "CIMMYT Line 7",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 7"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 8":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 8",
-        "CIMMYT Line 8",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 8"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 9":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 9",
-        "CIMMYT Line 9",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 9"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 10":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 10",
-        "CIMMYT Line 10",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 10"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 11":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 11",
-        "CIMMYT Line 11",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 11"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 12":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 12",
-        "CIMMYT Line 12",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 12"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 13":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 13",
-        "CIMMYT Line 13",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 13"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 14":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 14",
-        "CIMMYT Line 14",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 14"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 15":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 15",
-        "CIMMYT Line 15",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 15"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 16":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 16",
-        "CIMMYT Line 16",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 16"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 17":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 17",
-        "CIMMYT Line 17",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 17"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 18":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 18",
-        "CIMMYT Line 18",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 18"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 19":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 19",
-        "CIMMYT Line 19",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 19"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 20":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 20",
-        "CIMMYT Line 20",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 20"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 21":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 21",
-        "CIMMYT Line 21",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 21"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 22":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 22",
-        "CIMMYT Line 22",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 22"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 23":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 23",
-        "CIMMYT Line 23",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 23"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 24":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 24",
-        "CIMMYT Line 24",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 24"
-    ],
-    "CIMMYT line 25":
-    [
-        "CIMMYT line 25",
-        "CIMMYT Line 25",
-        "CIMMYT LINE 25"
-    ],
-    "Danphe" :
-    [
-        "Danphe"
-    ],
-    "Dhaulagiri":
-    [
-        "DHAULAGIRI",
-        "Dauligiri",
-        "Dhaulagiri",
-	    "Dhauligiri"
-    ],
-    "Dilkash-20":
-    [
-        "Dilkash-20",
-        "Dilkash 20",
-        "DILKASH-20",
-        "SILKASH 20",
-        "Dilkash20",
-        "Dilkkash 20"
-    ],
-    "Dilkash-21":
-    [
-        "Dilkash-21",
-        "DILKASH-21",
-        "DILKASH 21",
-        "Dilkash 21"
-    ],
-    "Durum wheat":
-    [
-        "Dura. Wheat",
-        "Duram",
-        "Durum",
-        "Durum wheat line imported from Indian market"
-    ],
-    "Faisalabad-08" :
-    [
-        "Faisalabad-08",
-        "Faisalabad-2008",
-        "Faisalabad 2008",
-        "Faisalabad2008",
-        "Fsd 08",
-        "Fsd08",
-        "Fsd_08",
-        "Fsd-08",
-        "Faisalabad 08",
-        "Faisalabad _08",
-        "Faisalabad_08"
-    ],
-    "Fakhar e Bhakar":
-    [
-        "Fakhar e Bhakar",
-        "Fakhar e Bhakkar",
-        "Fakhra bkhar",
-        "Fakhrabkhar",
-        "Falhrabhakhar",
-        "Fakhar Bakhar"
-    ],
-    "Gaffar":
-    [
-        "Gaffar"
-    ],
-    "Galaxy 13":
-    [
-        "Galaxy 13",
-        "Galaxy 13 ",
-        "Galaxy-13",
-        "Galaxy-13 ",
-        "GALAXY-13",
-        "GALAXY-13 ",
-        "Galaxy",
-        "Galaxy_13"
-    ],
-    "Gautam" : 
-    [
-        "GAUTAM",
-        "Gautam",
-        "Gautum",
-        "Gautan",
-        "Guatam"
-    ],
-    "Gulzar":
-    [
-        "Gulzar"
-    ],
-    "Guma Sokha":
-    [
-        "Guma Sokha",
-        "Guma sokha (check)",
-        "Guma sokha ka",
-        "Guma sokha- kaap",
-        "Guma sokha-kaa",
-        "Gumasokha",
-        "Gumasokha kaa"
-    ],
-    "HD 2204":
-    [
-        "HD 2204"
-    ],
-    "HD 2967" : 
-    [
-        "HD 2967",
-        "HD2967"
-    ],
-    "HD 3086" : 
-    [
-        "HD 3086"
-    ],
-    "Himganga":
-    [
-        "HIMGANGA"
-    ],
-    "Imdad-05":
-    [
-        "Imdad_05"
-    ],
-    "Indian (China 3)" : 
-    [
-        "Indian ( china 3)",
-        "IIndian(china 3)",
-        "Indian( china 3)",
-        "Indian(china 3)",
-        "Indian (china 3)",
-        "China 3",
-        "Indian China 3"
-    ],
-    "Indian (China 4)" : 
-    [
-        "Indian ( china 4)",
-        "Indian(china 4)",
-        "Indian (china 4)",
-        "IIndian (china 4)",
-        "Indian( china 4)",
-        "Indian (china4)",
-        "indian(china 4)",
-        "Chaina 4",
-        "Indian  ( china 4)"
-    ],
-    "Jaga kaa":
-    [
-        "Jaga kaa"
-    ],
-    "Kanchan" : 
-    [
-        "Kanchan",
-        "Kanchon",
-        "KANCHAN",
-        "KANCHON",
-        "kanchon"
-    ],
-    "Kanti" :
-    [
-        "Kanti"
-    ],
-    "Khumal Shakti" : 
-    [
-        "Khumal Shakti"
-    ],
-    "Kundan":
-    [
-        "Kundan"
-    ],
-    "Lok-1" : 
-    [
-        "Lok-1"
-    ],
-    "Munal" : 
-    [
-        "Munal"
-    ],
-    "Mudule" : 
-    [
-        "Mudule",
-	    "Mudule-1"
-    ],
-    "NAL-52":
-    [
-        "NAL -52",
-        "NAL-52",
-        "NAL52"
-    ],
-    "Nawab-21":
-    [
-        "Nawab 21",
-        "Nawab8_21"
-    ],
-    "NL 1179":
-    [
-        "NL 1179",
-        "NL 1179, pipeline variety for mid hill, yellow  rust resistant,  disseminated by NWRP, Bhairahawa  from last season in Pyuthan"
-    ],
-    "NL 1446" :
-    [
-        "NL1446",
-        "NL 1446"
-    ],
-    "NL 1488":
-    [
-        "NL 1488"
-    ],
-    "NL 1612" :
-    [
-        "NL1612"
-    ],
-    "NL 1616" :
-    [
-        "NL 1616"
-    ],
-    "NL 1716":
-    [
-        "NL 1716",
-        "NL1716"
-    ],
-    "NL 1835":
-    [
-        "NL 1835",
-        "NL1835"
-    ],
-    "NL 971" :
-    [
-        "NL 971",
-        "NL-971",
-        "NL971"
-    ],
-    "Nepal 297" :
-    [
-        "Nepal 297",
-        "NL297",
-        "NL 297"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 03":
-    [
-        "NWDSN 03"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 148":
-    [
-        "NWDSN 148"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 21":
-    [
-        "NWDSN 21"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 79":
-    [
-        "NWDSN 79"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 806":
-    [
-        "NWDSN 806"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 172":
-    [
-        "NWDSN172"
-    ],
-    "NWDSN 588":
-    [
-        "NWDSN588"
-    ],
-    "Pasang lhamu" :
-    [
-        "Pasang lhamu"
-    ],
-    "PBW343" :
-    [
-        "PBW343"
-    ],
-    "Punjab 11" :
-    [
-        "Punjab 11",
-        "Punjab11",
-        "Punjab11 ",
-        "PUNJAB 11"
-    ],
-    "RR 21" :
-    [
-        "RR 21",
-        "RR-21",
-        "RR21"
-    ],
-    "Sadiq-21":
-    [
-        "Sadiq 21",
-        "Sadiq21"
-    ],
-    "Saher-06": 
-    [
-        "Saher",
-        "Seher 06"
-    ],
-    "Sehet-06":
-    [
-        "Sehet06"
-    ],
-    "Siddhartha":
-    [
-        "Siddhartha"
-    ],
-    "Sonalika" : 
-    [
-        "Sonalika"
-    ],
-    "Subhani-21":
-    [
-        "Subhani 21",
-        "Subhani 21 ",
-        "Subhani-21",
-        "Subhani-21 ",
-        "SUBHANI-21",
-        "SUBHANI-21 ",
-        "Subahani21",
-        "Subahani21 ",
-        "Subhani"
-    ],
-    "Suruma" :
-    [
-        "Surma",
-        "Suruma"
-    ],
-    "Sworgadwari" : 
-    [
-        "Sorgadwari",
-        "Sworgadwari",
-	    "Sworgdwari",
-        "swogadwari",
-        "Sorghadwari",
-        "Swargadwari"
-    ],
-    "SW-2" :
-    [
-        "SW-2"
-    ],
-    "Ujalla-16":
-    [
-        "Ujala",
-        "Ujalla 16",
-        "Ujjala 16"
-    ],
-    "Vaskar" :
-    [
-        "Vaskar"
-    ],
-    "Vijay" : 
-    [
-        "Vijay",
-        "Vijaya",
-        "VIJAYA",
-        "Bijaya",
-        "Bijay"
-    ],
-    "Vinayak":
-    [
-        "Vinayak"
-    ],
-    "Wattan" :
-    [
-        "Wattan",
-        "Wattan  (unapproved)",
-        "Wattan (Unapproved)",
-        "Wattan (unapproved)",
-        "Wattan",
-        "Watan"
-    ],
-    "WK 1204" : 
-    [
-        "WK 1204",
-        "WK1204",
-        "Wk1204",
-        "WK 1204 ",
-        "Wk 1204",
-        "we 1204"
-    ],
-    "WK 1481" : 
-    [
-        "WK1481"
-    ],
-    "WK 2748 (Bheri-Ganga)" : 
-    [
-        "Bheri-Ganga (WK 2748)"
-    ],
-    "WK 2891" : 
-    [
-        "WK2891",
-        "WK 2891"
-    ],
-    "WK 3152":
-    [
-        "WK3152"
-    ],
-    "WK 3413" : 
-    [
-        "WK3413",
-        "WK 3413"
-    ],
-    "WK 3639" : 
-    [
-        "WK3639",
-        "WK 3639"
-    ],
-    "WK 3927":
-    [
-        "WK3927"
-    ],
-    "ZINC Gahun 1" : 
-    [
-        "ZINC 1",
-        "ZINC Gagun 1",
-        "Zinc Gahun 1",
-        "Zinc gahu 1"
-    ],
-    "ZINC Gahun 2" : 
-    [
-        "Zinc Gahun 2"
-    ],
-    "Zincole-16":
-    [
-        "Zincol 16",
-        "Zincole 16"
-    ],
-    "Local" : 
-    [
-        "local",
-        "LOCAL",
-        "RR-21 and Mix",
-        "Local",
-        "Local awnless",
-        "Local landraces",
-        "Local landraces(awnless)",
-        "Local mudule",
-        "Loc al",
-        "Agra local",
-        "Annapurna (Local)",
-        "Local variety",
-        "local mulure",
-        "local murule",
-        "own less local",
-        "Loca",
-        "Local bread wheat",
-        "Local(janath)"
-    ],
-    "Mixed" : 
-    [
-        "HD2967 and HD3086",
-        "Mixed",
-        "mixed",
-	    "Mix",
-        "Mixture",
-        "N/A (Mix)",
-        "Agralocal+Morocco",
-        "Different",
-        "Different test entries",
-        "Lerma Rojo (mixed)",
-        "AARI 11,fsd _08",
-        "Akbar 19, Fakhar e Bakkhar, Faisalabad 08, Anaj 17",
-        "Akbar19, Anaj 17",
-        "Akbar19, Fakhar e Bakkhar",
-        "Akbar19, Fakhar e Bakkhar, Faisalabad 08",
-        "Anaj and Akbar--19",
-        "Anaj and Akbar-21",
-        "Anaj and fsd",
-        "Dilkash,akbar_19",
-        "Fakhar e Bakkhar, Faisalabad 08",
-        "Fakhr-e-Bhakkar",
-        "Fsd and anaj 17",
-        "Fsd-08 and akbar-19",
-        "Fsd-08,Dilkash",
-        "Fsd08, Anaj,Akbar",
-        "Fsd08, galaxy 13",
-        "Punjab 11 and galaxy_13",
-        "Seher, Fsd 08",
-        "Unknown (Mixture)",
-        "MIX",
-        "Akbar 19, Dilkash",
-        "Akbar 19, Dilkash 20, Anaj17",
-        "Akbar 19, Dilkash 21, Fakhare Bhakar",
-        "Akbar 19, Fsd 08",
-        "Different Fsd 08, Akbar19, Dilkash21",
-        "Dilkash, Arooj, Akbar",
-        "Dilkash, Arooj, Nishan",
-        "Dilkash, Faisalabad-2008",
-        "Wl-711, Shafaq-06, Morocco",
-        "531, NRN 67",
-        "600, WVD16",
-        "Abdul Sat tar+ TD_1",
-        "Akbar 19, Bhakar star",
-        "Akbar 19, Dilkas20, Anaj 17",
-        "Akbar 19, Dilkash 20, Bhakar star",
-        "Akbar 19, Faisalabad 08",
-        "Akbar 19, Nawab 21",
-        "Akbar with",
-        "Akbar, Arooj",
-        "Akber-19, Fakhre Bhakker, Dilkash and Mixtureof dofferent varities",
-        "Akber_19+Abdul Sattar_02",
-        "Anaj17, Akbar 19",
-        "Arooj, Akbar, Dilkash",
-        "BARI Gom 33 and",
-        "Anaj' Akbar",
-        "As_02+Akbet_19",
-        "Bhakar e Bhakar, Bhakar star, Akbar 19",
-        "Bhakhar star + Abdul sattar",
-        "Borlauge 16+ Markez+ NARC Supet",
-        "Different advance and candidate lines",
-        "Different but samples were collected from MOROCCO",
-        "Different enteries under disease sceerning Nurseries (Akbar19)",
-        "Dilkas 20 Akbar 19",
-        "Dilkash 20, Akbar 19",
-        "Dilkash 20, Nawab 21, Bhakar star",
-        "Dilkash and Arooj",
-        "Dilkash and Fakhr e Bhajker",
-        "Dilkash, Arooj and Akber19",
-        "Dilksh21, Akbar 19, Faisalabad 08,",
-        "Faisalabad 08 and unknown variety",
-        "Fakhar e Bhakkar, Akbar, Unknown",
-        "Fakhr e Bhakkar' Akbar, Ujala",
-        "Galaxy 13, Akbar 19, Dilkash20",
-        "Galaxy 13,_Akbar 19",
-        "Galaxy' Faisalabad' Akbar",
-        "Nawab 21, Akbar 19, Dilkash 20,",
-        "Nawab 21, Akbar 19, Fakhar e Bhakar",
-        "Seher 06, Faisalabad 08",
-        "TF_1+Abdul Sattar_02",
-        "Trap nurseries and historical lines",
-        "Trial+ Susceptible check",
-        "Unknown, Mixture",
-        "Mixed",
-        "Mixture. Unknown",
-        "Mixtutr",
-        "Morrocco + others",
-        "Trap nirseries",
-        "Trap nurseries",
-        "Trials",
-        "Different genotypes",
-        "Ujala, Akbar",
-        "Akber-19, Arooj, Dilkash, Subhani, Nishan, Fakhr e Bhakkar, Ghazi 19. Wafaq22. and  Shahenshah",
-        "Akber19 and Dilkash",
-        "Akber19, As-2002, Dilkash and Nawab-21",
-        "Akber19. Dilkash. Subhani. Arooj . Fakhr e Bhakkar and Nawab 21",
-        "Akber_19+ Imdad_05+benazir_13",
-        "Akber_19. Dikash . Bakhar star",
-        "Arooj-21 and advance line",
-        "Bhakker Star. Nawab. Dilkash",
-        "Bhakhar and mixture",
-        "Dilkash. Akber 19. Nawab and Arooj",
-        "Faisalabad 08 and mixtures of different varities",
-        "Faisalabad 2008, Fakhre Bhakkar and Dilkash",
-        "mixture",
-        "Mixturr",
-        "Shahenshah, Akber,19, and  Nawab21"
-    ],
-    "Unknown" : 
-    [
-        "Unknown",
-        "Unknown (Mix)",
-        "UNKNOWN",
-        "unknown",
-        "UNKNOWN (Old variety)",
-        "Unknown (Local)",
-        "Unknown mixture",
-        "Unkown",
-        "unkwown",
-	    "Unkwon",
-        "Un know",
-        "Unkbown",
-        "Barigom",
-        "Bari gom",
-        "BARI Gom",
-        "BARI gom",
-        "Barigom ",
-        "BARRI Gom",
-        "BARI GOM",
-        "Bari gam 2",
-        "BARI Gom 3",
-        "BARI Gom 34",
-        "Bari gom 34",
-        "BARI Gom34",
-        "Barigom 34",
-        "BARI GOM 134",
-        "BARI Gom 35",
-        "BARI Gom 3e",
-        "Bari gom 36",
-        "Bari gam 39",
-        "BARI GOM 39",
-        "BARI GOM 39",
-        "BARI Gom 39",
-        "BARI Gom 60",
-        "BARI Gom50",
-        "Fsd",
-        "c",
-        "e",
-        "f",
-        "g",
-        "Y",
-        "G",
-        "r",
-        "v",
-        "2430",
-        "66",
-        "35",
-        "40",
-        "50",
-        "Advance material",
-	    "Na",
-	    "NS",
-        "??",
-        "???? ??",
-        "Annon",
-        "Dilkash",
-        "na",
-        "WMRI Gom 29",
-        "Bari Gom",
-        "BARI GOM E",
-        "Bb",
-        "BWAVTH19",
-        "Dilash",
-        "Dilkas",
-        "Un known",
-        "Un non",
-        "un non",
-        "Unknown",
-        "Unkonwn",
-        "UNKWON",
-        "Unnon",
-        "Dilkush",
-        "Dilkusj",
-        "Dilquash",
-        "H",
-        "TD_1",
-        "???? ?? ??",
-        "Unknown (Local awnless)"
-    ]
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/README.txt b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b97176485969b5bbde7d4efa7d839eddd327da15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-make a copy of the template file, You can add a files to set system-specific variables (or sensitive passwords)
-the template sys config files will be needed for both forecast and analysis runs,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
deleted file mode 100755
index 21362d0190c0f4861e7b35e8782e00005d4dba4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_NAME_SouthAsia_${StartString}_an",
-    "DataFileTemplate" : "deposition_srcs_allregions_${StartString}.nc",
-    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "1500",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_dep",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/an/sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json",
-        "NameExtractionConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
-        "RunConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
-        "RunConfigNorm": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
-        "SouthAsia" : {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bangladesh" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Nepal" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Pakistan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bhutan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
deleted file mode 100755
index 5783cce5c609010ed182040c5e17bfc4a3af1a76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_SouthAsia_${StartString}_an",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
-    "CONFIGS_PATH": "${ConfigsPath}",
-    "ASSETS_PATH": "${AssetsPath}",
-    "WORK_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "INPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "OUTPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "SYS_CONFIG" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
-    "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv",
-    "RUN_TYPE" : "operational",
-    "FORECAST_DAYS": 6,
-    "STRAINS": ["LeafRust","StemRust","StripeRust","LeafRust_TempOnly","StemRust_TempOnly","StripeRust_TempOnly"],
-    "PARAMS": {
-        "LeafRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "LeafRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/an/sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json",
-        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json",
-        "SouthAsia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bangladesh" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Nepal" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Pakistan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bhutan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
deleted file mode 100755
index e145c4c60651faf4d729f0d9c44e94b5bd468879..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    "RegionName" : "SouthAsia",
-    "SubRegionNames" : ["SouthAsia","Nepal","Bangladesh","Pakistan","Bhutan"],
-    "StartTime" : "?",
-    "StartString" : "?",
-    "ProjectRoot" : "<path to project root>",
-    "MetoFTP" : "<path to MetoFTP>",
-    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
-    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
-    "ConfigsPath" : "/home/lb584/git/ews-coordinator/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs",
-    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets",
-    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/log_config.json",
-    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/asia_places.shp"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
deleted file mode 100755
index a6d39c4fee282ba9018a0a1b028e99ce9430e24a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "query_past_successes",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_advisory",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "do_nothing",
-    "seasonStartString" : "20231201",
-    "SurveyPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/SURVEYDATA_${dateString}/Groups/surveys_PROD.csv",
-    "DependentComponents" : [
-        "Deposition",
-        "Environment"
-    ],
-    "Environment" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/input_nc/",
-        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/images/Weekly/",
-        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
-            "stripe" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_stripe_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png",
-            "stem" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png",
-            "leaf" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_leaf_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png"
-        },
-        "Aggregation" : {
-            "raster_path_template" : "${envDataPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_total.nc",
-            "raster_name_template" : "RIE_${disease_name_camelcase}_%",
-            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
-            "shape_coln" : "admin2Name",
-            "show_columns" : ["admin0Name","admin1Name"],
-            "separate_rows_for_coln":"admin0Name",
-            "func" : "mean",
-            "multiply_by" : 100,
-            "float_format" : ".0f",
-            "display_format" : ".0f",
-            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
-            "max_entries" : 20
-        }
-    },
-    "Deposition" : {
-        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
-        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/input_nc/",
-        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/images/Weekly/",
-        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
-            "stripe": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_stripe_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png",
-            "stem": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png",
-            "leaf": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_leaf_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png"
-        },
-        "Aggregation" : {
-            "raster_path_template" : "${depDataPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_total.nc",
-            "raster_name_template" : "spores_per_m2_per_week_${disease_name_camelcase}",
-            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
-            "shape_coln" : "admin2Name",
-            "show_columns" : ["admin0Name","admin1Name"],
-            "separate_rows_for_coln":"admin0Name",
-            "func" : "mean",
-            "multiply_by" : 1,
-            "float_format" : ".1e",
-            "display_format" : ".0f",
-            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
-            "max_entries" : 20
-        }
-    },
-    "Surveys" : {
-        "variety_names_tidy_fn" : "${ConfigsPath}/advisory_builder/config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json",
-        "CountryColumnName" : "surveyor_infromation-country",
-        "SouthAsia" : {
-            "CountryList" : ["Afghanistan", "Bangladesh", "Bhutan", "India", "Nepal", "Pakistan"],
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin0" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/BanNepBhu_nogaps_admin0.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_Bhutan_India_Nepal_Pakistan_admin2_tidynames.shp",
-            "Extent" : [60, 93, 10, 37],
-            "LabelZoom" : 5
-        },
-        "Nepal" : {
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Nepal_admin1_withwheat_2017-19.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Nepal_admin2.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Nepal_admin2.shp",
-            "Extent" : [80, 88.2, 26, 30.5],
-            "LabelZoom" : 7
-        },
-        "Bangladesh" : {
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_admin1.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_admin2.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_admin2.shp",
-            "Extent" : [88, 93, 20.5, 27],
-            "LabelZoom" : 7
-        },
-        "Pakistan" : {
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin0" : "",
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "",
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "",
-            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Pakistan_admin2_renamed.shp",
-            "Extent" : [60.5, 78, 23.5, 37],
-            "LabelZoom" : 7
-        },
-        "Bhutan" : {
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/btn_admbnda_adm1_bnlc_20201026.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/btn_admbnda_adm2_bnlc_20201026_renamed.shp",
-            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/btn_admbnda_adm2_bnlc_20201026_renamed.shp",
-            "Extent" : [88.5, 92.5, 26.5, 28.5],
-            "LabelZoom" : 7
-        }
-    },
-    "logos" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png"
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index 68480d1bbb59dc1c54bfa715a939e950803f20b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_NAME_SouthAsia_${StartString}_fc",
-    "DataFileTemplate" : "deposition_srcs_allregions_${StartString}.nc",
-    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "1000",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_dep",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json",
-        "NameExtractionConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
-        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
-        "RunConfigNorm" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
-        "SouthAsia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bangladesh" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Nepal" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Pakistan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bhutan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
-            "Normalize" : "False"
-        }
-    }
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deleted file mode 100755
index 52e507770dd97153934c1b42b6f5e404035caeea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
-    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_SouthAsia_${StartString}_fc",
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
-    "CONFIGS_PATH": "${ConfigsPath}",
-    "ASSETS_PATH": "${AssetsPath}",
-    "WORK_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "INPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "OUTPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
-    "SYS_CONFIG" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
-    "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv",
-    "RUN_TYPE" : "operational",
-    "FORECAST_DAYS": 6,
-    "STRAINS": ["LeafRust","StemRust","StripeRust","LeafRust_TempOnly","StemRust_TempOnly","StripeRust_TempOnly"],
-    "PARAMS": {
-        "LeafRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": 0,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "LeafRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StemRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 2,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        },
-        "StripeRust_TempOnly": {
-            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
-            "past_steps": 0,
-            "future_steps": 7,
-            "thresholds": {
-                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
-                "precipitation": -1,
-                "relative_humidity": 90
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    "EWS-Plotting" : {
-        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json",
-        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json",
-        "SouthAsia" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bangladesh" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Nepal" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        },
-        "Pakistan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
-        },
-        "Bhutan" : {
-            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
-            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
-        }
-    }
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deleted file mode 100755
index 8f79ce077e3730e7e5df7bfecd1eefabc933b416..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/survey_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_survey",
-    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_survey",
-    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_survey",
-    "AcceptableDowntimeDays" : 21,
-    "SeasonStartString" : "20231101",
-    "ServerCredentialsFile" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/Cred-WRT.json",
-    "Groups" : {
-        "PROD" : {
-                "Origin" : ["CSV_01", "CSV_02", "ODK_01", "ODK_02", "CSV-CAM"],
-                "site_information-survey_site" : ["Farmer", "farmer_field", "Seed_production", "Weed", "Road", "VCU", "Sentinel", "Other"]
-        },
-        "WRT-Publ" : {
-            "Origin" : ["CSV_01", "CSV_02", "ODK_01", "ODK_02"],
-                "PublishedLevel" : ["Publ"],
-                "site_information-survey_site" : ["Farmer", "farmer_field", "Seed_production", "Weed", "Road", "VCU", "Sentinel", "Other"]
-        },
-        "Trial-sites" : {
-            "Origin" : ["CSV_01", "CSV_02", "ODK_01", "ODK_02", "CSV-CAM"],
-            "site_information-survey_site" : ["Trial"]
-        }
-    },
-    "GroupBy" : ["Origin", "PublishedLevel", "site_information-survey_site"],
-    "GroupsToIgnore" : ["ODK-server", "kobo-server", "newODK", "newODK2",
-                        "CSV-CAM", "CSV_01", "CSV_02", "ODK_01", "ODK_02",
-                        "Unpubl", "Publ", "Raw",
-                        "Farmer", "farmer_field", "Seed_production", "Weed", "Road", "Trial", "VCU", "Sentinel", "Other"],
-    "ODKDatabasePathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePathout}/ODK_DB/",
-    "SurveyFormat" : "ODK",
-    "SurveyorNameCol" : "surveyor_infromation-surveyor_name",
-    "SourcesRegionName" : "SouthAsia",
-    "SourcesConfigs" : {
-        "Trial-sites" : "${ConfigsPath}/source_gen/config_SouthAsia_trialplots.json"
-    },
-    "SourcesConfigDefault" : "${ConfigsPath}/source_gen/config_SouthAsia_mapspam2005.json"
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index ea331962bceae1cda876f9894d92acd18770d852..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    "RegionName" : "SouthAsia",
-    "SubRegionNames" : ["SouthAsia","Nepal","Bangladesh","Pakistan","Bhutan"],
-    "StartTime" : "?",
-    "StartString" : "?",
-    "ProjectRoot" : "<path to project root>",
-    "MetoFTP" : "<path to MetoFTP>",
-    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace/",
-    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace/",
-    "ConfigsPath" : "/home/lb584/git/ews-coordinator/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs",
-    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets",
-    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/log_config.json",
-    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/asia_places.shp"
- }
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index fb6c3a1b737294a37d789de6d142bfc599d67988..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/log_config.json
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@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
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-  "disable_existing_loggers": false,
-  "formatters": {
-    "simple": {
-      "format": "%(name)s : %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
-    },
-    "detailed": {
-      "format": "For command:\n{arg_string}\n\n%(levelname)s in %(name)s encountered at %(asctime)s:\n\n%(message)s\n\nResolve this error and restart processing.",
-      "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-    }
-  },
-  "filters": {
-    "mask_passwords": {
-      "()": "NOT_SET"
-    }
-  },
-  "handlers": {
-    "handler_job": {
-      "class": "logging.FileHandler",
-      "formatter": "simple",
-      "level": "DEBUG",
-      "filters": [
-        "mask_passwords"
-      ],
-      "filename": ""
-    },
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-      ]
-    },
-    "handler_buffered_email": {
-      "class": "BufferingSMTPHandler.BufferingSMTPHandler",
-      "level": "ERROR",
-      "server": "NOT_SET",
-      "credentials": "NOT_SET",
-      "fromaddr": "NOT_SET",
-      "toaddrs": "NOT_SET",
-      "subject": "ERROR in EWS Processor",
-      "formatter": "detailed",
-      "filters": [
-        "mask_passwords"
-      ],
-      "capacity": 100
-    }
-  },
-  "loggers": {
-    "__main__": {
-      "level": "INFO",
-      "handlers": ["handler_job","handler_buffered_email","handler_stderr"],
-      "propagate": false
-    },
-    "EpiModel": {
-      "level": "INFO",
-      "handlers": ["handler_job","handler_buffered_email","handler_stderr"],
-      "propagate": false
-    },
-      "ews": {
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-      "handlers": ["handler_job","handler_buffered_email","handler_stderr"],
-      "propagate": false
-    }
-  }
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index d188d9e9cd8a364bb5be1cce3e1f58e31f4175bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/template_Cred-WRT.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    "forms" : [
-        {
-            "type" : "WRT",
-            "url" : "https://web15.agro.au.dk/",
-            "user" : "",
-            "pass" : "",
-            "countryID" : "BD;BT;NP;PK",
-            "publishedLevel" : "Publ;Unpubl",
-            "form_id" : "WRT",
-            "form_name" : "WRT"
-        }
-    ]
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--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv
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index eb8f495e964a498bf8bea315716538168dd38b87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
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-  "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH": "../data/resources/common/field_name_constants.csv"
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index bceeab7ad9cc062707bcd91ad6a25d4259e58f17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/template_operational_config.json
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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
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-    "TEMP",
-  ],
-    "METO_PARTS": [
-      "no_part"
-    ]
-  },
-    "PROCESSORS": [
-      {
-        "PROCESSOR_NAME": "RIE",
-        "OUT_FILE_NAME": "RIE",
-        "CLASSPATH": "ews.environmental_suitability.ewses_vectorised_timepoint_processor",
-        "CLASSNAME": "EnvSuitColTimePointProcessor",
-        "DEPENDS": [],
-        "TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH": "#",
-        "FUTURE_FIELDS": [
-          {
-            "PROCESSOR_NAME": "TEMP",
-            "DURATION": 7,
-            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
-          },
-          {
-            "DURATION": 7,
-            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
-          },
-          {
-            "DURATION": 7,
-            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
-          }
-        ],
-        "PARAMS": {
-          "suitability_modules": ["#"],
-          "thresholds": {
-            "temperature": [2,30],
-            "precipitation": 0,
-            "relative_humidity": 90
-          } 
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "OUTPUT_DIR": "#",
-  "NCDF_DIR_PATH": "#",
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--- a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json
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-  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1285,
-  "COUNTRY_EXTENTS": [55,110,7.07,37],
-  "MAP_TILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/asia/asia_map_tile_water_7.tif",
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-  "SCALEBAR_TEXT": "200km",
-  "LEGEND_ALPHA": 0.4,
-  "COUNTRY_LANDPOINTS_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/asia/asia_points.csv",
-  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
-  "COUNTRY_STRING": "southasia",
-  "PLACES_TO_EXCLUDE": ["Peshawar", "Delhi", "Amritsar"],
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-  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_1_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_admin_shape/bgd_level1/bgd_admbnda_adm1_bbs_20180410.shp",
-  "COUNTRY_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_shape/Bangladesh_admin0.shp",
-  "COUNTRY_EXTENTS": [84.15,96.04,20.42,27.00],
-  "MAP_TILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_map_tile.tif",
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-  "COUNTRY_LANDPOINTS_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bangladesh/bang_points.csv",
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-  "PLACES_X_LIMIT": 0.98
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-  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1050,
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-  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_1_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_admin_shape/bhutan_level1/btn_admbnda_adm1_bnlc_20201026.shp",
-  "COUNTRY_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_admin_shape/bhutan_level0/btn_admbnda_adm0_bnlc_20201026.shp",
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-  "COUNTRY_LANDPOINTS_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_points.csv",
-  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
-  "COUNTRY_STRING": "bhutan",
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