diff --git a/coordinator/ProcessorServer.py b/coordinator/ProcessorServer.py
index cca3e763450628dbb2b1e876bbebbf71f2896bcc..c07349d5519adbddd729bc123c68ccd375e19a8f 100644
--- a/coordinator/ProcessorServer.py
+++ b/coordinator/ProcessorServer.py
@@ -37,17 +37,28 @@ def process_pre_job_server_download(input_args: dict):
         file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
         file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-        logger.info(f"Checking for existence of {file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz")
+        file_path_full = f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz"
+        logger.info(f"Checking for existence of {file_path_full}")
         timenow = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).time()
-        cmd_ssh = ["ssh","-i",config['ServerKey'],"-o","StrictHostKeyChecking=no",config['ServerName'],f"test -f {file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz"]
+        # test whether the file exists (if not, returns error code 1)
+        # and test whether the tar file is complete (if not, error code is 2)
+        cmd_ssh = [
+                "ssh",
+                "-i",
+                config['ServerKey'],
+                "-o",
+                "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
+                config['ServerName'],
+                f"test -f {file_path_full} && tar -tzf {file_path_full} >/dev/null"]
         description_short = 'subprocess_ssh'
-        description_long = f"Checking for existence of {file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz"
+        description_long = f"Checking for existence of {file_path_full}"
         status = subprocess_and_log(cmd_ssh,description_short,description_long,check=False)
-        if status.returncode == 1:
+        if status.returncode > 0:
             # a time check in UTC. If it's late, raise warning, if very late, raise error