From 9bf25b74f076fbb06b9cc6fb4fa06c379206f3b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lb584 <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 12:00:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] experimenting with making processor class-based

 coordinator/           | 1015 ++++++++++++++--------------
 coordinator/ |    8 +-
 coordinator/ |  232 ++++---
 3 files changed, 659 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)

diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index 84d3d3b..c5c2558 100755
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 '''To be used for handling any operational component of wheat rust early warning
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Example usage::
     $ ./ -p Deposition --islive --config config_Nepal_template.json --noupload -s 20200715
-from typing import List
+from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
+from typing import List, Union, Any
 print("Make sure to `conda activate py3EWSepi` environment!")
@@ -33,582 +34,618 @@ import shutil
 import sys
 # gitlab projects
-from flagdir import jobStatus # created by jws52
+from flagdir import jobStatus  # created by jws52
 # submodules of this project
 import BufferingSMTPHandler
 import ProcessorComponents
 from ProcessorUtils import (
-        append_item_to_list,
-        clear_up,
-        endScript,
-        endJob,
-        open_and_check_config,
-        PasswordODKFilter,
-        short_name
+    append_item_to_list,
+    clear_up,
+    endScript,
+    endJob,
+    open_and_check_config,
+    PasswordODKFilter,
+    short_name
-# initialise default values for configuration
-script_name = 'Processor'
+class Processor:
-timeNow =
-dateToday =
-todayString = timeNow.strftime('%Y%m%d')
-nowString = timeNow.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S')
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-# get the path to this script
-script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/'
+    logger = None
+    log_path_default = None
+    loglevels = None
+    todayString = None
-coordinator_path = script_path
-# log file for all jobs
-log_path_project = f"{coordinator_path}logs/log.txt"
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+        self.setup()
-# job-specific log file will be written here until a job directory exits, when it will be moved there
-log_path_default = f"{coordinator_path}logs/log_{nowString}.txt"
-# get the email credentials file path from the environment variables
-assert 'EMAIL_CRED' in os.environ
-email_credential_fn = os.environ['EMAIL_CRED']
-assert os.path.exists(email_credential_fn)
+    def setup(self):
+        # initialise default values for configuration
-with open(email_credential_fn,'r') as f: 
-    gmail_config = json.load(f)
+        script_name = 'Processor'
-# check contents
-required_keys = ['user','pass','host','port','toaddrs']
-for required_key in required_keys:
-    assert required_key in gmail_config
+        timeNow =
+        dateToday =
+        self.todayString = timeNow.strftime('%Y%m%d')
+        self.nowString = timeNow.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S')
-# load config from python dictionary (could be loaded from json file)
-# TODO: smtp handler can only use tls, but ssl is more secure. Look into defining/writing a suitable smtp handler
-logConfigDict = {
-        'version' : 1,
-        'disable_existing_loggers': False,
-        'formatters' : {
-                'simple' : {
-                    'format' : '%(name)s : %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
+        # get the path to this script
+        script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/'
+        coordinator_path = script_path
+        # log file for all jobs
+        log_path_project = f"{coordinator_path}logs/log.txt"
+        # job-specific log file will be written here until a job directory exits, when it will be moved there
+        self.log_path_default = f"{coordinator_path}logs/log_{self.nowString}.txt"
+        # get the email credentials file path from the environment variables
+        assert 'EMAIL_CRED' in os.environ
+        email_credential_fn = os.environ['EMAIL_CRED']
+        assert os.path.exists(email_credential_fn)
+        with open(email_credential_fn, 'r') as f:
+            gmail_config = json.load(f)
+        # check contents
+        required_keys = ['user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'toaddrs']
+        for required_key in required_keys:
+            assert required_key in gmail_config
+        # load config from python dictionary (could be loaded from json file)
+        # TODO: smtp handler can only use tls, but ssl is more secure. Look into defining/writing a suitable smtp handler
+        logConfigDict = {
+            'version':                  1,
+            'disable_existing_loggers': False,
+            'formatters':               {
+                'simple':   {
+                    'format': '%(name)s : %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
-                'detailed' : {
-                    'format' : f"""
- For command: 
- {' '.join(sys.argv)}
+                'detailed': {
+                    'format':  f"""
+         For command:
+         {' '.join(sys.argv)}
- %(levelname)s in %(name)s encountered at %(asctime)s:
+         %(levelname)s in %(name)s encountered at %(asctime)s:
- %(message)s
+         %(message)s
- Resolve this error and restart processing.
- """,
-                    'datefmt' : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
-                }
-        },        
-        'filters' : {
-            'mask_passwords' : {
-                '()' : PasswordODKFilter
-            }
-        },
-        'handlers' : {
-            # logging for project
-            'handler_rot_file' : {
-                'class' : 'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler',
-                'level' : 'INFO',
-                'formatter' : 'simple',
-                'filters' : ['mask_passwords'],
-                'filename' : log_path_project,
-                # time of day on given day
-                'when' : 'W2', # rotate file every Wednesday
-                'atTime' : datetime.time(1,0,0), # at 1am local time
-                'backupCount' : 12,
-            },
+         Resolve this error and restart processing.
-            # logging for job
-            'handler_file' : {
-                'class' : 'logging.FileHandler',
-                'level' : 'INFO',
-                'formatter' : 'simple',
-                'filters' : ['mask_passwords'],
-                'filename' : log_path_default,
-                'mode' : 'a', # 'a' for append
+         """,
+                    'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+                }
-            # to email errors to maintainers
-            'handler_buffered_email':    {
-                'class':       'BufferingSMTPHandler.BufferingSMTPHandler',
-                'level':       'ERROR',
-                'server':      (gmail_config['host'], gmail_config['port']),  # host, port. 465 fsor SSL, 587 for tls
-                'credentials': (gmail_config['user'], gmail_config['pass']),
-                'fromaddr':    gmail_config['user'],
-                'toaddrs':     gmail_config['toaddrs'],
-                'subject':     'ERROR in EWS Processor',
-                'formatter':   'detailed',
-                'filters':     ['mask_passwords'],
-                'capacity': 100
+            'filters':                  {
+                'mask_passwords': {
+                    '()': PasswordODKFilter
+                }
-        },
-        'loggers' : {
-            # this is activated when this script is imported
-            # i.e. with logging.getLogger('Process.')
-            script_name : { 
-                'level' : 'INFO',
-                'handlers' : ['handler_rot_file','handler_file','handler_buffered_email'],
-                'propagate' : True,
+            'handlers':                 {
+                # logging for project
+                'handler_rot_file':       {
+                    'class':       'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler',
+                    'level':       'INFO',
+                    'formatter':   'simple',
+                    'filters':     ['mask_passwords'],
+                    'filename':    log_path_project,
+                    # time of day on given day
+                    'when':        'W2',  # rotate file every Wednesday
+                    'atTime':      datetime.time(1, 0, 0),  # at 1am local time
+                    'backupCount': 12,
+                },
+                # logging for job
+                'handler_file':           {
+                    'class':     'logging.FileHandler',
+                    'level':     'INFO',
+                    'formatter': 'simple',
+                    'filters':   ['mask_passwords'],
+                    'filename':  self.log_path_default,
+                    'mode':      'a',  # 'a' for append
+                },
+                # to email errors to maintainers
+                'handler_buffered_email': {
+                    'class':       'BufferingSMTPHandler.BufferingSMTPHandler',
+                    'level':       'ERROR',
+                    'server':      (gmail_config['host'], gmail_config['port']),
+                    # host, port. 465 fsor SSL, 587 for tls
+                    'credentials': (gmail_config['user'], gmail_config['pass']),
+                    'fromaddr':    gmail_config['user'],
+                    'toaddrs':     gmail_config['toaddrs'],
+                    'subject':     'ERROR in EWS Processor',
+                    'formatter':   'detailed',
+                    'filters':     ['mask_passwords'],
+                    'capacity':    100
+                },
-            # this is activated when this script is called on the command line
-            # or from a bash script 
-            # i.e. with logging.getLogger(__name__) when name == '__main__'
-            '__main__' : { 
-                'level' : 'INFO',
-                'handlers' : ['handler_rot_file','handler_file','handler_buffered_email'],
-                'propagate' : True,
+            'loggers':                  {
+                # this is activated when this script is imported
+                # i.e. with logging.getLogger('Process.')
+                script_name: {
+                    'level':     'INFO',
+                    'handlers':  ['handler_rot_file', 'handler_file', 'handler_buffered_email'],
+                    'propagate': True,
+                },
+                # this is activated when this script is called on the command line
+                # or from a bash script
+                # i.e. with logging.getLogger(__name__) when name == '__main__'
+                '__main__':  {
+                    'level':     'INFO',
+                    'handlers':  ['handler_rot_file', 'handler_file', 'handler_buffered_email'],
+                    'propagate': True,
+                }
-# create a logger named according to how the file is called
-#logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-logger = logging.getLogger(script_name)
-loglevels = {'debug':logging.DEBUG,
-    'info':logging.INFO,
-    'warning':logging.WARNING,
-    'error':logging.ERROR,
-    'critical':logging.CRITICAL,
-    }
-def move_default_logfile_handler(dstPathName,srcPathName=log_path_default,FileHandlerName='handler_file',):
-    '''For on-the-fly move of logging from default file to another. Copies the 
-    contents of the source log file to destination, switches file handler in 
-    logger, then removes source log file.'''
-"Moving logfile location from:\n{srcPathName}\nto:\n{dstPathName}")
-    # copy old log file to new filename
-    srcPath = Path(srcPathName)
-    dstPath = Path(dstPathName)
-    assert srcPath.exists()
-    assert dstPath.parent.is_dir()
-    oldFileHandler = [h for h in logger.handlers if][0]
-    oldFormatter = oldFileHandler.formatter
-    # define new file handler
-    newfilehandler = logging.FileHandler(dstPath,mode=oldFileHandler.mode)
-    newfilehandler.setLevel(oldFileHandler.level)
-    newfilehandler.setFormatter(oldFormatter)
-    shutil.copyfile(srcPath,dstPath)
-    # add handler for destination file
-'Adding new logging file handler to destination path')
-    logger.addHandler(newfilehandler)
-    # remove handler for source file
-'Stopping write to old file handler')
-    logger.removeHandler(oldFileHandler)
-    oldFileHandler.close()
-'Successfully stopped write to old file handler')
-    # delete old log file
-'Deleting old log file, since all content available in new log file stream')
-    os.rename(srcPathName,srcPathName+'removed')
-    return
-def parse_and_check_args(todayString) -> dict:
-    # define the command line arguments
-    my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Command-line arguments for coordinator script of env suitability model')
-    # Add the arguments
-    # positional arguments do not start with - or -- and are always required
-    # optional arguments start with - or -- and default is required = False
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '-p', '--component',
-            type = str,
-            choices = list(short_name.keys()),
-            required = True,
-            dest = 'component',
-            help = '''Name of EWS component to process, which must be present
-            in the config file.''')
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '-c', '--config',
-            metavar = 'path',
-            type = str,
-            nargs = '+', # require at least one path 
-            dest = 'config_paths',
-            required = True,
-            #default = ['config_Ethiopia_template_stripe.json'], # remove once live
-            #default = ['config_Bangladesh_template_stripe.json'], # remove once live
-            #default = ['config_Nepal_template_stripe.json'], # remove once live
-            help = '''path to a config file(s). More than one can be provided, 
-    in which case each is worked on in turn (e.g. one each for stripe, stem, leaf).
-    Do not place other options between these.''')
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '-l','--loglevel',
-            action = 'store',
-            choices = list(loglevels.keys()),
-            default = 'info',
-            help = 'verbosity of log messaging (debug, info, warning, error, critical)\n default is debug',
-            dest = 'log_level', # this names the attribute that will be parsed
-            )
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '--islive',
-            action = 'store_true',
-            help = 'If live, email messages are sent to maintainers for warning and errors',
-            dest = 'live',
-            )
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '-s','--start-date','-i','--initial-date',
-            metavar = 'YYYYMMDD',
-            action = 'store',
-            default = todayString,
-            help = 'Initial day of calculation, starting at 00 UTC (Default is today)',
-            dest = 'start_date',
-            )
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '--noupload',
-            action = 'store_true',
-            help = 'whether results of script should be saved to willow public directory'
-            )
-    my_parser.add_argument(
-            '--clearup',
-            action = 'store_true',
-            help = 'whether to delete mid-process files at the end of a successful job',
-            dest = 'clearup',
-            )
-    # get an object holding all of the args
-    args = my_parser.parse_args()
-    # Check the args
-"Command-line options are:\n{args}")
-    if not isinstance(args.config_paths,list):
-        logger.error('Expecting a list of config paths')
-        raise RuntimeError
-    # check the startstring
-    if args.start_date is not todayString:
-        try:
-            # check date string is formatted correctly
-            provided_start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.start_date,'%Y%m%d')
-            today_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(todayString,'%Y%m%d')
-            # early limit is quite arbitrary, but this is earliest year of available survey data for Ethiopia
-            date_limit_early = datetime.datetime.strptime('20070101','%Y%m%d')
-            assert date_limit_early < provided_start_date
-            assert provided_start_date <= today_date
-        except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e:
-            logger.exception("Provided start date string is formatted incorrectly or out of range, or end date not also defined")
-            raise
-    dictionary: dict = vars(args)
-    return dictionary
-def set_log_level(log_level: str):
-    new_log_level = loglevels[log_level]
-    # modify log level of all loggers
-"logging level being changed to {new_log_level} because of command-line option")
-    loggers = [logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict]
-    for logger_i in loggers: logger_i.setLevel(new_log_level)
-def build_universal_config(configs: list,component: str, universal_config=None):
-    '''This config obtains aspects of each dict in configs that must be common to
-    them all. '''
-    # initialise universal config
-    if not universal_config:
-        universal_config = {
-            'WorkspacePathout' : set(),
-            'ProcessPreJob' : set(),
-            'ProcessInJob' : set(),
-            'ProcessEWSPlotting' : set(),
-            'ServerPath' : set(),
-            'ServerName' : set(),
-            'ServerKey' : set()}
-    keys = universal_config.keys()
-    # get value of each key from each config file
-    for configFile in configs:
-        try:
-            config_i = open_and_check_config(configFile)
-        except:
-            logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configFile}")
-            endScript(premature=True)
-        for key in keys:
+        logging.config.dictConfig(logConfigDict)
+        print(__name__)
+        # create a logger named according to how the file is called
+        # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger(script_name)
+        self.loglevels = {'debug':    logging.DEBUG,
+                          'info':     logging.INFO,
+                          'warning':  logging.WARNING,
+                          'error':    logging.ERROR,
+                          'critical': logging.CRITICAL,
+                          }
+    def move_default_logfile_handler(self, dstPathName, srcPathName = None, FileHandlerName = 'handler_file', ):
+        '''For on-the-fly move of logging from default file to another. Copies the
+        contents of the source log file to destination, switches file handler in
+        logger, then removes source log file.'''
+        if srcPathName is None:
+            srcPathName = self.log_path_default
+"Moving logfile location from:\n{srcPathName}\nto:\n{dstPathName}")
+        # copy old log file to new filename
+        srcPath = Path(srcPathName)
+        dstPath = Path(dstPathName)
+        assert srcPath.exists()
+        assert dstPath.parent.is_dir()
+        oldFileHandler = [h for h in self.logger.handlers if == FileHandlerName][0]
+        oldFormatter = oldFileHandler.formatter
+        # define new file handler
+        newfilehandler = logging.FileHandler(dstPath, mode = oldFileHandler.mode)
+        newfilehandler.setLevel(oldFileHandler.level)
+        newfilehandler.setFormatter(oldFormatter)
+        shutil.copyfile(srcPath, dstPath)
+        # add handler for destination file
+'Adding new logging file handler to destination path')
+        self.logger.addHandler(newfilehandler)
+        # remove handler for source file
+'Stopping write to old file handler')
+        self.logger.removeHandler(oldFileHandler)
+        oldFileHandler.close()
+'Successfully stopped write to old file handler')
+        # delete old log file
+'Deleting old log file, since all content available in new log file stream')
+        os.rename(srcPathName, srcPathName + 'removed')
+        return
+    def parse_and_check_args(self) -> dict:
+        # define the command line arguments
+        my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            description = 'Command-line arguments for coordinator script of env suitability model')
+        # Add the arguments
+        # positional arguments do not start with - or -- and are always required
+        # optional arguments start with - or -- and default is required = False
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '-p', '--component',
+                type = str,
+                choices = list(short_name.keys()),
+                required = True,
+                dest = 'component',
+                help = '''Name of EWS component to process, which must be present
+                in the config file.''')
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '-c', '--config',
+                metavar = 'path',
+                type = str,
+                nargs = '+',  # require at least one path
+                dest = 'config_paths',
+                required = True,
+                # default = ['config_Ethiopia_template_stripe.json'], # remove once live
+                # default = ['config_Bangladesh_template_stripe.json'], # remove once live
+                # default = ['config_Nepal_template_stripe.json'], # remove once live
+                help = '''path to a config file(s). More than one can be provided,
+        in which case each is worked on in turn (e.g. one each for stripe, stem, leaf).
+        Do not place other options between these.''')
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '-l', '--loglevel',
+                action = 'store',
+                choices = list(self.loglevels.keys()),
+                default = 'info',
+                help = 'verbosity of log messaging (debug, info, warning, error, critical)\n default is debug',
+                dest = 'log_level',  # this names the attribute that will be parsed
+        )
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '--islive',
+                action = 'store_true',
+                help = 'If live, email messages are sent to maintainers for warning and errors',
+                dest = 'live',
+        )
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '-s', '--start-date', '-i', '--initial-date',
+                metavar = 'YYYYMMDD',
+                action = 'store',
+                default = self.todayString,
+                help = 'Initial day of calculation, starting at 00 UTC (Default is today)',
+                dest = 'start_date',
+        )
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '--noupload',
+                action = 'store_true',
+                help = 'whether results of script should be saved to willow public directory'
+        )
+        my_parser.add_argument(
+                '--clearup',
+                action = 'store_true',
+                help = 'whether to delete mid-process files at the end of a successful job',
+                dest = 'clearup',
+        )
+        # get an object holding all of the args
+        args = my_parser.parse_args()
+        # Check the args
+"Command-line options are:\n{args}")
+        if not isinstance(args.config_paths, list):
+            self.logger.error('Expecting a list of config paths')
+            raise RuntimeError
+        # check the startstring
+        if args.start_date is not self.todayString:
-                universal_config[key].add(config_i[key])
-            except KeyError:
+                # check date string is formatted correctly
+                provided_start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.start_date, '%Y%m%d')
+                today_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.todayString, '%Y%m%d')
-                # key must be in component sub-dict
-                universal_config[key].add(config_i[component][key])
+                # early limit is quite arbitrary, but this is earliest year of available survey data for Ethiopia
+                date_limit_early = datetime.datetime.strptime('20070101', '%Y%m%d')
+                assert date_limit_early < provided_start_date
+                assert provided_start_date <= today_date
-    # Check for and keep only one value per key
-    for key in keys:
+            except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e:
+                self.logger.exception(
+                    "Provided start date string is formatted incorrectly or out of range, or end date not also defined")
+                raise
-        if len(universal_config[key]) > 1:
+        dictionary: dict = vars(args)
+        return dictionary
-            logger.error(f"Config files point to multiple {key} but this script can only handle one.")
-            endScript(premature=True)
-        universal_config[key] = universal_config[key].pop()
+    def set_log_level(self, log_level: str):
+        new_log_level = self.loglevels[log_level]
-    return universal_config
+        # modify log level of all self.loggers
+"logging level being changed to {new_log_level} because of command-line option")
+        loggers = [logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict]
+        for logger_i in loggers: logger_i.setLevel(new_log_level)
-def run_Process(args: dict):
-    # check initial state of each config file, and gather terms that must apply
-    # across all provided configs
+    def build_universal_config(self, configs: list, component: str, universal_config = None):
+        '''This config obtains aspects of each dict in configs that must be common to
+        them all. '''
-    if not args["live"]:
-        # remove the log handler that would send emails
-        logger.handlers = [h for h in logger.handlers if not isinstance(h, BufferingSMTPHandler.BufferingSMTPHandler)]
+        # initialise universal config
+        if not universal_config:
+            universal_config = {
+                'WorkspacePathout':   set(),
+                'ProcessPreJob':      set(),
+                'ProcessInJob':       set(),
+                'ProcessEWSPlotting': set(),
+                'ServerPath':         set(),
+                'ServerName':         set(),
+                'ServerKey':          set()}
-    config_paths: List[str] = args['config_paths']
-    component: str = args['component']
-    start_date: str = args['start_date']
-    noupload: bool = args['noupload']
-    clearup: bool = args['clearup']
+        keys = universal_config.keys()
-    universal_config = build_universal_config(config_paths, component)
-    universal_config['StartString'] = start_date
+        # get value of each key from each config file
+        for configFile in configs:
-"Universal config is\n{json.dumps(universal_config,indent=2)}")
+            try:
+                config_i = open_and_check_config(configFile)
+            except:
+                self.logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configFile}")
+                endScript(premature = True)
-    workspacePath = universal_config['WorkspacePathout']
+            for key in keys:
-    process_pre_job = getattr(ProcessorComponents, universal_config['ProcessPreJob'])
+                try:
+                    universal_config[key].add(config_i[key])
+                except KeyError:
+                    # key must be in component sub-dict
+                    universal_config[key].add(config_i[component][key])
+        # Check for and keep only one value per key
+        for key in keys:
-    process_in_job = getattr(ProcessorComponents, universal_config['ProcessInJob'])
+            if len(universal_config[key]) > 1:
+                self.logger.error(f"Config files point to multiple {key} but this script can only handle one.")
+                endScript(premature = True)
-    process_EWS_plotting = getattr(ProcessorComponents, universal_config['ProcessEWSPlotting'])
+            universal_config[key] = universal_config[key].pop()
-    # determine job directory
-    jobPath = f'{workspacePath}{short_name[component]}_{start_date}'
-"Job path will be {jobPath}")
+        return universal_config
-    # note that file date represents preceding 3 hours, so day's data starts at file timestamp 0300 UTC
-    startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date+'03','%Y%m%d%H')
-    # run any checks before creating a job directory
-    # if this fails, then make a note once there is a job directory
-    ready = process_pre_job(args)
-    if not ready:
-"Process_pre_job raised an error, continuing to create job directory to make a record of it")
+    def run_Process(self, args: dict):
+        # check initial state of each config file, and gather terms that must apply
+        # across all provided configs
-    # create job directory
-    Path(jobPath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        if not args["live"]:
+            # remove the log handler that would send emails
+            self.logger.handlers = [h for h in self.logger.handlers if
+                                    not isinstance(h, BufferingSMTPHandler.BufferingSMTPHandler)]
-    # lock job directory
-    with jobStatus(jobPath) as status:
+        config_paths: List[str] = args['config_paths']
+        component: str = args['component']
+        start_date: str = args['start_date']
+        noupload: bool = args['noupload']
+        clearup: bool = args['clearup']
-        #lawrence comment in/out
-        # check for a status file in job directory
-        if status.had_initial_status:
-  "Job path already exists and has status {status.status}")
+        universal_config = self.build_universal_config(config_paths, component)
-            endScript(premature = status.status not in ['SUCCESS','INPROGRESS'])
+        universal_config['StartString'] = start_date
-"Current status of job directory is {status.status}")
+"Universal config is\n{json.dumps(universal_config, indent = 2)}")
-        # now that we have a useable job directory, move the log file there
-        logPathJob = f"{jobPath}/log.txt"
+        workspacePath = universal_config['WorkspacePathout']
+        # process_pre_job = getattr(ProcessorComponents, universal_config['ProcessPreJob'])
+        #
+        # process_in_job = getattr(ProcessorComponents, universal_config['ProcessInJob'])
+        #
+        # process_EWS_plotting = getattr(ProcessorComponents, universal_config['ProcessEWSPlotting'])
+        # determine job directory
+        jobPath: str = f'{workspacePath}{short_name[component]}_{start_date}'
+"Job path will be {jobPath}")
+        # note that file date represents preceding 3 hours, so day's data starts at file timestamp 0300 UTC
+        startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date + '03', '%Y%m%d%H')
+        # run any checks before creating a job directory
+        # if this fails, then make a note once there is a job directory
+        ready = self.process_pre_job(args)
-        move_default_logfile_handler(dstPathName=logPathJob)
-        # make a record if process_pre_job failed
         if not ready:
-            logger.error(f"Process_pre_job raised an error so making a record in the job file. For details, see earlier warnings log")
-            status.reset('ERROR')
-            endJob(status,ignore_inprogress=True,premature=False)
-        # files and directories that will be uploaded to public server
-        FilesToSend = []
+  "Process_pre_job raised an error, continuing to create job directory to make a record of it")
-        # files and directories that will be earmarked for removal after a
-        # successful job
-        paths_to_clear = []
+        # create job directory
+        Path(jobPath).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
-'Starting to work on each configuration')
+        # lock job directory
+        status: jobStatus
+        with jobStatus(jobPath) as status:
-        for configIndex, configtemplate in enumerate(config_paths):
+            # lawrence comment in/out
+            # check for a status file in job directory
+            if status.had_initial_status:
+      "Job path already exists and has status {status.status}")
-            config_paths_length: int = len(config_paths)
-  'Working on config {configIndex+1} of {config_paths_length}')
-            try:
-                configjson = open_and_check_config(configtemplate)
-            except:
-                logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configtemplate}")
-                # TODO: This case should test flagdir.jobStatus.__exit__() 
-                raise # endJob('ERROR',premature=True)
-            # provide specific case details to template config
-            configjson['StartTime'] = startTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
-            configjson['StartString'] = start_date
-            # from configtemplate create configFileName to describe the specific job
-            component: str = component
-            configFileName = f"{os.path.basename(configtemplate).replace('.json','')}_{component}"
-            configjson['ConfigFilePath'] = configFileName
-            # write the complete configuration file to job directory
-            with open(f"{jobPath}/{configFileName}.json",'w') as write_file: 
-                json.dump(configjson,write_file,indent=4)
-            proc_description = universal_config['ProcessInJob']
-            try:
-                proc_out = process_in_job(jobPath,status,configjson,component)
-            except:
-                logger.exception(f"Some error in {proc_description}()")
-                status.reset('ERROR')
-                endJob(status,premature=True)
-            # Set default case
-            # This would be improved by implementing a class structure
-            if proc_out is None:
-                proc_out = {
-                    'output' : None,
-                    'clearup' : None}
-            if 'output' in proc_out.keys():
-                append_item_to_list(
-                        proc_out['output'],
-                        FilesToSend,
-                        proc_description,
-                        status)
-            if 'clearup' in proc_out.keys():
-                append_item_to_list(
-                        proc_out['clearup'],
-                        paths_to_clear,
-                        proc_description,
-                        status)
-            # Run EWS-plotting command
-            proc_description = universal_config['ProcessEWSPlotting']
-            try:
-                EWSPlottingOutputs = process_EWS_plotting(jobPath,configjson)
-            except:
-                logger.exception(f"Error in {proc_description}()")
+                endScript(premature = status.status not in ['SUCCESS', 'INPROGRESS'])
+  "Current status of job directory is {status.status}")
+            # now that we have a useable job directory, move the log file there
+            logPathJob = f"{jobPath}/log.txt"
+            self.move_default_logfile_handler(dstPathName = logPathJob)
+            # make a record if process_pre_job failed
+            if not ready:
+                self.logger.error(
+                    f"Process_pre_job raised an error so making a record in the job file. For details, see earlier warnings log")
-                endJob(status,premature=True)
-  'Finished with EWS-Plotting, appending images to list for transfer')
-            if EWSPlottingOutputs:
+                endJob(status, ignore_inprogress = True, premature = False)
-                append_item_to_list(
-                        EWSPlottingOutputs,
-                        FilesToSend,
-                        proc_description,
-                        status)
+            # files and directories that will be uploaded to public server
+            FilesToSend = []
-  'Finished with config {configIndex+1} of {config_paths_length}')
+            # files and directories that will be earmarked for removal after a
+            # successful job
+            paths_to_clear = []
-        # send results to remote server
+  'Starting to work on each configuration')
-        if not noupload:
-            try:
-                ProcessorComponents.upload(universal_config, FilesToSend, component)
-            except IndexError:
-                status.reset('WARNING')
+            for configIndex, configtemplate in enumerate(config_paths):
-            except:
-                logger.exception('Failed to upload files to remote server')
-                status.reset('ERROR')
-                endJob(status,premature=True)
-            # check if there is a second location on willow to provide results
-            if 'ServerPathExtra' in configjson[component]:
+                config_paths_length: int = len(config_paths)
+      'Working on config {configIndex + 1} of {config_paths_length}')
+                try:
+                    configjson = open_and_check_config(configtemplate)
+                except:
+                    self.logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configtemplate}")
+                    # TODO: This case should test flagdir.jobStatus.__exit__()
+                    raise  # endJob('ERROR',premature=True)
+                # provide specific case details to template config
+                configjson['StartTime'] = startTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
+                configjson['StartString'] = start_date
+                # from configtemplate create configFileName to describe the specific job
+                component: str = component
+                configFileName = f"{os.path.basename(configtemplate).replace('.json', '')}_{component}"
+                configjson['ConfigFilePath'] = configFileName
+                # write the complete configuration file to job directory
+                with open(f"{jobPath}/{configFileName}.json", 'w') as write_file:
+                    json.dump(configjson, write_file, indent = 4)
+                proc_description = universal_config['ProcessInJob']
+                try:
+                    proc_out = self.process_in_job(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
+                except:
+                    self.logger.exception(f"Some error in {proc_description}()")
+                    status.reset('ERROR')
+                    endJob(status, premature = True)
+                # Set default case
+                # This would be improved by implementing a class structure
+                if proc_out is None:
+                    proc_out = {
+                        'output':  None,
+                        'clearup': None}
+                if 'output' in proc_out.keys():
+                    append_item_to_list(
+                            proc_out['output'],
+                            FilesToSend,
+                            proc_description,
+                            status)
+                if 'clearup' in proc_out.keys():
+                    append_item_to_list(
+                            proc_out['clearup'],
+                            paths_to_clear,
+                            proc_description,
+                            status)
+                # Run EWS-plotting command
+                proc_description = universal_config['ProcessEWSPlotting']
+                try:
+                    EWSPlottingOutputs = self.process_post_job(jobPath, configjson)
+                except:
+                    self.logger.exception(f"Error in {proc_description}()")
+                    status.reset('ERROR')
+                    endJob(status, premature = True)
+      'Finished with EWS-Plotting, appending images to list for transfer')
-      'There is an extra path to send results to:')
-                extra_path = configjson[component]['ServerPathExtra']
+                if EWSPlottingOutputs:
+                    append_item_to_list(
+                            EWSPlottingOutputs,
+                            FilesToSend,
+                            proc_description,
+                            status)
+      'Finished with config {configIndex + 1} of {config_paths_length}')
-                universal_config_extra = universal_config.copy()
-                universal_config_extra['ServerPath'] = extra_path
+            # send results to remote server
+            if not noupload:
-                    ProcessorComponents.upload(universal_config_extra, FilesToSend, component)
+                    ProcessorComponents.upload(universal_config, FilesToSend, component)
                 except IndexError:
-                    logger.exception('Failed to upload files to extra directory on remote server')
+                    self.logger.exception('Failed to upload files to remote server')
-                    endJob(status,premature=True)
-        else:
-  'Because noupload argument was present, not sending results to remote server')
+                    endJob(status, premature = True)
+                # check if there is a second location on willow to provide results
+                if 'ServerPathExtra' in configjson[component]:
+          'There is an extra path to send results to:')
+                    extra_path = configjson[component]['ServerPathExtra']
-        status.reset('SUCCESS')
-    if status.is_success() & (clearup is True):
-'Clearing up')
+                    universal_config_extra = universal_config.copy()
+                    universal_config_extra['ServerPath'] = extra_path
-        clearup_dest_dir = f"{workspacePath}/clearup/{short_name[component]}_{start_date}/"
-        Path(clearup_dest_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+                    try:
+                        ProcessorComponents.upload(universal_config_extra, FilesToSend, component)
+                    except IndexError:
+                        status.reset('WARNING')
-"While developing, moving directories to this directory : {clearup_dest_dir}")
+                    except:
+                        self.logger.exception('Failed to upload files to extra directory on remote server')
+                        status.reset('ERROR')
+                        endJob(status, premature = True)
-        clear_up( paths_to_clear, clearup_dest = clearup_dest_dir)
+            else:
+      'Because noupload argument was present, not sending results to remote server')
-    endScript(premature=False)
+            status.reset('SUCCESS')
+        if status.is_success() & (clearup is True):
+  'Clearing up')
+            clearup_dest_dir = f"{workspacePath}/clearup/{short_name[component]}_{start_date}/"
+            Path(clearup_dest_dir).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
+  "While developing, moving directories to this directory : {clearup_dest_dir}")
+            clear_up(paths_to_clear, clearup_dest = clearup_dest_dir)
+        endScript(premature = False)
+    @abstractmethod
+    def process_pre_job(self, args):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        raise NotImplementedError
 if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print("Make sure to `conda activate py3EWSepi` environment!")
+    print("Make sure that flagdir package is available (on PYTHONPATH)")
+    processor = Processor()
-"Logging started at {'%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S')}")
+"Logging started at {'%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S')}")
         # load configurations
-        args_dict: dict = parse_and_check_args(todayString)
-        set_log_level(args_dict['log_level'])
-        run_Process(args_dict)
+        args_dict: dict = processor.parse_and_check_args()
+        processor.set_log_level(args_dict['log_level'])
+        processor.run_Process(args_dict)
     except SystemExit as e:
         print("caught with code " + str(e.code))
-'run_process() exited')
+'run_process() exited')
-        logger.exception('Uncaught exception in run_Process:')
+        processor.logger.exception('Uncaught exception in run_Process:')
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index f14d498..bea3f11 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ from ProcessorAdvisory import (
-from ProcessorDeposition import (
-        process_in_job_dep, 
-        process_EWS_plotting_dep
+#from ProcessorDeposition import (
+#        process_in_job_dep,
+#        process_EWS_plotting_dep
 from ProcessorEnvironment import (
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index 5ecac01..1adfa69 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ from string import Template
 import iris
 from iris.cube import CubeList
+from Processor import Processor
+from ProcessorServer import process_pre_job_server_download
 from ProcessorUtils import (
@@ -18,142 +20,166 @@ from ProcessorUtils import (
 from ews_postprocessing.deposition.deposition_post_processor import DepositionPostProcessor
-logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Deposition')
+class ProcessorDeposition(Processor):
-def process_in_job_dep(jobPath,status,config,component):
-'started process_in_job_dep()')
+    def process_pre_job(self, args):
+        return process_pre_job_server_download(args)
-    file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-"Expecting to work with {file_name}")
+    def process_in_job(self, jobPath, status, configjson, component) -> object:
+        return self.process_in_job_dep(jobPath, status, configjson, component)
-    if os.path.exists(f"{jobPath}/{file_name}"):
-'Directory already exists in job directory, so nothing to do here')
-        return
-'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
+    def process_post_job(self, jobPath, configjson):
+        return self.process_EWS_plotting_dep(jobPath, configjson)
-    # TODO: perform ssh file transfer in python instead of subprocess
-    server_name: str = config['ServerName']
-    if server_name == "":
-        cmd_scp = ["scp", f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-    else:
-        cmd_scp = ["scp", "-i", config['ServerKey'], "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
-                   f"{server_name}:{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-    description_short = 'dep scp'
-    description_long = 'scp from server to job directory'
-    subprocess_and_log(cmd_scp, description_short, description_long)
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__()
+        logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Deposition')
+        add_filters_to_sublogger(logger)
-'untarring the input file')
-    # TODO: untar file in python (with tarfile module) instead of subprocess
-    cmd_tar = ["tar","-xzf",f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz","-C",jobPath]
-    description_short = 'dep tars'
-    description_long = 'untar the downloaded file'
-    subprocess_and_log(cmd_tar, description_short, description_long)
+    def process_in_job_dep(self, jobPath, status, config, component):
+'started process_in_job_dep()')
-    # basic check that contents are as expected
-    # 132 files of NAME .txt timesteps and one summary png file
-    # if len(glob(f"{jobPath}/{file_name}/deposition_srcs_allregions_C1_T*.txt")) != 56:
-    #     msg = f"Unexpect number of deposition .txt files in input tar file. Expected 56."
-    #     logger.error(msg)
-    #     raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        file_path = Template(config[component]['ServerPathTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+        file_name = Template(config[component]['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    # basic check that contents are as expected (56 timepoints in the file)
-    cube_wildcard = f"{jobPath}/{file_name}/deposition_srcs_allregions*.nc"
-    cubes: CubeList = iris.load(cube_wildcard)
-    for cube in cubes:
-        coord = cube.coord("time")
-        timepoint_count = coord.shape[0]
-        if timepoint_count != 56:
-            msg = f"Unexpected number of timepoints ({timepoint_count}) in cube {}"
-            logger.error(msg)
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+"Expecting to work with {file_name}")
-    proc_out = {}
-    # Output files available for upload
-    proc_out['output'] = None
-    # Processing files available for clearing
-    proc_out['clearup'] = [f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"]
+        if os.path.exists(f"{jobPath}/{file_name}"):
+  'Directory already exists in job directory, so nothing to do here')
+            return
-    return proc_out
+'Copying file from remote server to job directory')
-def process_EWS_plotting_dep(jobPath,config):
-    '''Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
+        # TODO: perform ssh file transfer in python instead of subprocess
+        server_name: str = config['ServerName']
+        if server_name == "":
+            cmd_scp = ["scp", f"{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
+        else:
+            cmd_scp = ["scp", "-i", config['ServerKey'], "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
+                       f"{server_name}:{file_path}/{file_name}.tar.gz", jobPath]
-'started process_EWS_plotting_dep()')
+        description_short = 'dep scp'
+        description_long = 'scp from server to job directory'
+        subprocess_and_log(cmd_scp, description_short, description_long)
-    # initialise environment
-    regions = config['SubRegionNames']
+'untarring the input file')
-    deposition_file_name = Template(config['Deposition']['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+        # TODO: untar file in python (with tarfile module) instead of subprocess
+        cmd_tar = ["tar","-xzf",f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz","-C",jobPath]
+        description_short = 'dep tars'
+        description_long = 'untar the downloaded file'
+        subprocess_and_log(cmd_tar, description_short, description_long)
-    deposition_path = f"{jobPath}/{deposition_file_name}"
+        # basic check that contents are as expected
+        # 132 files of NAME .txt timesteps and one summary png file
+        # if len(glob(f"{jobPath}/{file_name}/deposition_srcs_allregions_C1_T*.txt")) != 56:
+        #     msg = f"Unexpect number of deposition .txt files in input tar file. Expected 56."
+        #     self.logger.error(msg)
+        #     raise RuntimeError(msg)
-    # get the file name from the config
-    # this file name can be a glob, as long as matches can all be loaded by iris
-    deposition_data_file_name = Template(config['Deposition']['DataFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-    name_file_wildcard = f"{deposition_path}/{deposition_data_file_name}"
+        # basic check that contents are as expected (56 timepoints in the file)
+        cube_wildcard = f"{jobPath}/{file_name}/deposition_srcs_allregions*.nc"
+        cubes: CubeList = iris.load(cube_wildcard)
+        for cube in cubes:
+            coord = cube.coord("time")
+            timepoint_count = coord.shape[0]
+            if timepoint_count != 56:
+                msg = f"Unexpected number of timepoints ({timepoint_count}) in cube {}"
+                self.logger.error(msg)
+                raise RuntimeError(msg)
-    EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = []
+        proc_out = {}
+        # Output files available for upload
+        proc_out['output'] = None
+        # Processing files available for clearing
+        proc_out['clearup'] = [f"{jobPath}/{file_name}.tar.gz"]
-    for region in regions:
+        return proc_out
-        output_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/{region.lower()}"
-        Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    def process_EWS_plotting_dep(self, jobPath, config):
+        '''Returns a list of output files for transfer.'''
-        sys_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
-        name_extraction_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['NameExtractionConfig']
-        run_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig']
-        run_config_norm = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfigNorm']
-        chart_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['ChartConfig']
-        normalize = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['Normalize']
-        extraction_file_prefix = 'deposition_' + region.lower()
+'started process_EWS_plotting_dep()')
-        # Note that this runs all disease types available
+        # initialise environment
+        regions = config['SubRegionNames']
-"Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{name_extraction_config}\n{run_config}\n{run_config_norm}\n{chart_config}")
+        deposition_file_name = Template(config['Deposition']['InputFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
-        depo_processor = DepositionPostProcessor()
-        depo_processor.set_param_config_files(sys_config_file_arg = sys_config,
-                                              depo_name_extraction_config_file_arg = name_extraction_config,
-                                              chart_config_file_arg = chart_config,
-                                              depo_plotting_run_config_file_arg = run_config,
-                                              depo_plotting_normalized_run_config_file_arg = run_config_norm,
-                                              name_file_wildcard_arg = name_file_wildcard,
-                                              wheat_sources_dir_arg = deposition_path,
-                                              output_dir_arg = output_dir,
-                                              issue_date_arg = config['StartString'],
-                                              extraction_file_prefix_arg = extraction_file_prefix)
+        deposition_path = f"{jobPath}/{deposition_file_name}"
+        # get the file name from the config
+        # this file name can be a glob, as long as matches can all be loaded by iris
+        deposition_data_file_name = Template(config['Deposition']['DataFileTemplate']).substitute(**config)
+        name_file_wildcard = f"{deposition_path}/{deposition_data_file_name}"
-        # asia/east africa env suit should not perform normalization, false gets passed here for these areas
-        depo_processor.name_extract_params.NORMALIZE = (normalize.upper() == "TRUE")
+        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = []
-        depo_processor.process()
+        for region in regions:
-        # check the output
-        EWSPlottingOutputDir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
-        #EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [
-        #        # daily plots
-        #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Daily/deposition_{region.lower()}_*_daily_20*.png",
-        #        # weekly plots
-        #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Weekly/deposition_{region.lower()}_*_total_20*.png"]
+            output_dir = f"{jobPath}/plotting/{region.lower()}"
-        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}*"]
+            Path(output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = get_only_existing_globs(EWSPlottingOutputGlobs,inplace=False)
+            sys_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['SysConfig']
+            name_extraction_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['NameExtractionConfig']
+            run_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfig']
+            run_config_norm = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting']['RunConfigNorm']
+            chart_config = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['ChartConfig']
+            normalize = config['Deposition']['EWS-Plotting'][region]['Normalize']
+            extraction_file_prefix = 'deposition_' + region.lower()
-    # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
-    if not EWSPlottingOutputGlobs:
-        logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
-        raise RuntimeError
+            # Note that this runs all disease types available
-    # provide list for transfer
-    EWSPlottingOutputs = sorted([file for glob_str in EWSPlottingOutputGlobs for file in glob(glob_str)])
+  "Running EWS-Plotting with the following configs:\n{sys_config}\n{name_extraction_config}\n{run_config}\n{run_config_norm}\n{chart_config}")
-    return EWSPlottingOutputs
+            depo_processor = DepositionPostProcessor()
+            depo_processor.set_param_config_files(sys_config_file_arg = sys_config,
+                                                  depo_name_extraction_config_file_arg = name_extraction_config,
+                                                  chart_config_file_arg = chart_config,
+                                                  depo_plotting_run_config_file_arg = run_config,
+                                                  depo_plotting_normalized_run_config_file_arg = run_config_norm,
+                                                  name_file_wildcard_arg = name_file_wildcard,
+                                                  wheat_sources_dir_arg = deposition_path,
+                                                  output_dir_arg = output_dir,
+                                                  issue_date_arg = config['StartString'],
+                                                  extraction_file_prefix_arg = extraction_file_prefix)
+            # asia/east africa env suit should not perform normalization, false gets passed here for these areas
+            depo_processor.name_extract_params.NORMALIZE = (normalize.upper() == "TRUE")
+            depo_processor.process()
+            # check the output
+            EWSPlottingOutputDir = f"{output_dir}/images/"
+            #EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [
+            #        # daily plots
+            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Daily/deposition_{region.lower()}_*_daily_20*.png",
+            #        # weekly plots
+            #        f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}Weekly/deposition_{region.lower()}_*_total_20*.png"]
+            EWSPlottingOutputGlobs += [f"{EWSPlottingOutputDir}*"]
+        EWSPlottingOutputGlobs = get_only_existing_globs(EWSPlottingOutputGlobs,inplace=False)
+        # check there is some output from EWS-plotting
+        if not EWSPlottingOutputGlobs:
+            self.logger.error('EWS-Plotting did not produce any output')
+            raise RuntimeError
+        # provide list for transfer
+        EWSPlottingOutputs = sorted([file for glob_str in EWSPlottingOutputGlobs for file in glob(glob_str)])
+        return EWSPlottingOutputs
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    processor = ProcessorDeposition()
+    args_dict: dict = processor.parse_and_check_args()
+    processor.run_Process(args_dict)