diff --git a/ews/coordinator/processor_base.py b/ews/coordinator/processor_base.py
index 535e4d343dac3c9d73907b7b24390e86f6292329..3f1862f67628ed90cf351f85442871f5eea7fab6 100755
--- a/ews/coordinator/processor_base.py
+++ b/ews/coordinator/processor_base.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class ProcessorBase:
     def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.config: dict = {}  # this is the config for the current job, gets set in run_process()
         time_now = datetime.datetime.today()
         self.today_string = time_now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
         self.now_string = time_now.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S')
@@ -72,12 +73,9 @@ class ProcessorBase:
                 '-c', '--config',
                 metavar = 'path',
                 type = str,
-                nargs = '+',  # require at least one path
-                dest = 'config_paths',
+                dest = 'config_path',
                 required = True,
-                help = '''path to a config file(s). More than one can be provided,
-        in which case each is worked on in turn (e.g. one each for stripe, stem, leaf).
-        Do not place other options between these.''')
+                help = '''path to a config file.''')
                 '-l', '--loglevel',
@@ -124,10 +122,6 @@ class ProcessorBase:
         print(f"Command-line options are:\n{args}")
-        if not isinstance(args.config_paths, list):
-            print('Expecting a list of config paths')
-            raise RuntimeError
         # check the startstring
         if args.start_date is not self.today_string:
@@ -213,11 +207,12 @@ class ProcessorBase:
         # across all provided configs
         sys_config_path: str = args['sys_config_path']
-        config_paths: List[str] = args['config_paths']
+        config_path: str = args['config_path']
         component: str = args['component']
         short_name: str = args['short_name']
         start_date: str = args['start_date']
         clearup: bool = args['clearup']
+        is_live: bool = args["live"]
         # load universal configuration
         sys_config = parse_json_file_with_tokens(sys_config_path)
@@ -233,7 +228,6 @@ class ProcessorBase:
         job_path: str = f'{workspace_path}{short_name}_{start_date}'
-        is_live: bool = args["live"]
         log_file_path = f"{job_path}/log.txt"
@@ -260,8 +254,8 @@ class ProcessorBase:
         ready = self.process_pre_job(args)
         # lock job directory
-        status: Jobstatus
-        with Jobstatus(job_path) as status:
+        status: Jobstatus = Jobstatus(job_path)
+        with status:
             # check for a status file in job directory
             if status.had_initial_status:
@@ -279,80 +273,87 @@ class ProcessorBase:
                 end_job(status, ignore_inprogress = True, premature = False)
-            # files and directories that will be earmarked for removal after a
-            # successful job
+            logger.info('Starting to work on each configuration')
+            logger.info(f'Working on config {config_path}')
+            try:
+                # read the run config json, and replace any tokens with values from the sys_config (such at the
+                # directory root for the installation)
+                config: dict = parse_json_file_with_tokens(config_path, sys_config)
+                # then add the sys_config keys and values to the configjson
+                for k, v in sys_config.items():
+                    if k not in config.keys():
+                        config[k] = v
+                    else:
+                        logger.warning(f"Key {k} already present in run config - not adding key with same name from "
+                                       f"the sys_config")
+                """
+                then add the args keys and values to the configjson, we will override any keys that are already 
+                in the configjson
+                """
+                for k, v in args.items():
+                    if k in config.keys():
+                        logger.warning(f"Key {k} already present in run config - overriding key with same name from "
+                                       f"the sys args")
+                    config[k] = v
+            except:
+                logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {config_path}")
+                # TODO: This case should test flagdir.jobStatus.__exit__()
+                raise  # endJob('ERROR',premature=True)
+            # provide specific case details to template config
+            # from configtemplate create configFileName to describe the specific job
+            config_file_name = f"{os.path.basename(config_path).replace('.json', '')}_{component}"
+            config['ConfigFilePath'] = config_file_name
+            # write the complete configuration file to job directory
+            with open(f"{job_path}/{config_file_name}.json", 'w') as write_file:
+                json.dump(config, write_file, indent = 4)
+            # proc_description = universal_config['ProcessInJob']
+            proc_description = 'ProcessInJob'
+            try:
+                proc_out: dict = self.process_in_job(job_path, status, config, component)
+            except:
+                logger.exception(f"Error in process_in_job")
+                status.reset('ERROR')
+                end_job(status, premature = True)
+            # Set default case
+            # This would be improved by implementing a class structure - not ethat the proc_out is not curently used
+            # as we now deal with copying outputs elsewhere. Keeping it here as a placeholder.
+            if proc_out is None:
+                proc_out = {
+                    'output':  None,
+                    'clearup': None}
             paths_to_clear = []
+            if 'clearup' in proc_out.keys():
+                append_item_to_list(
+                        proc_out['clearup'],
+                        paths_to_clear,
+                        proc_description,
+                        status)
-            logger.info('Starting to work on each configuration')
+            # Run EWS-plotting command
+            proc_description = 'ProcessEWSPlotting'
+            try:
+                self.process_post_job(job_path, config)
+            except:
+                logger.exception(f"Error in {proc_description}()")
+                status.reset('ERROR')
+                end_job(status, premature = True)
+            logger.info('Finished with EWS-Plotting, appending images to list for transfer')
-            for configIndex, configtemplate in enumerate(config_paths):
-                config_paths_length: int = len(config_paths)
-                logger.info(f'Working on config {configIndex + 1} of {config_paths_length}')
-                try:
-                    config: dict = parse_json_file_with_tokens(configtemplate, sys_config)
-                    # then add the sys_config keys and values to the configjson
-                    for k, v in sys_config.items():
-                        if k not in config.keys():
-                            config[k] = v
-                        else:
-                            logger.warning(f"Key {k} already present in run config - not adding key with same name from "
-                                           f"the sys_config")
-                except:
-                    logger.exception(f"Failure in opening or checking config {configtemplate}")
-                    # TODO: This case should test flagdir.jobStatus.__exit__()
-                    raise  # endJob('ERROR',premature=True)
-                # provide specific case details to template config
-                # from configtemplate create configFileName to describe the specific job
-                config_file_name = f"{os.path.basename(configtemplate).replace('.json', '')}_{component}"
-                config['ConfigFilePath'] = config_file_name
-                # write the complete configuration file to job directory
-                with open(f"{job_path}/{config_file_name}.json", 'w') as write_file:
-                    json.dump(config, write_file, indent = 4)
-                # proc_description = universal_config['ProcessInJob']
-                proc_description = 'ProcessInJob'
-                try:
-                    proc_out: dict = self.process_in_job(job_path, status, config, component)
-                except:
-                    logger.exception(f"Error in process_in_job")
-                    status.reset('ERROR')
-                    end_job(status, premature = True)
-                # Set default case
-                # This would be improved by implementing a class structure - not ethat the proc_out is not curently used
-                # as we now deal with copying outputs elsewhere. Keeping it here as a placeholder.
-                if proc_out is None:
-                    proc_out = {
-                        'output':  None,
-                        'clearup': None}
-                if 'clearup' in proc_out.keys():
-                    append_item_to_list(
-                            proc_out['clearup'],
-                            paths_to_clear,
-                            proc_description,
-                            status)
-                # Run EWS-plotting command
-                proc_description = 'ProcessEWSPlotting'
-                try:
-                    self.process_post_job(job_path, config)
-                except:
-                    logger.exception(f"Error in {proc_description}()")
-                    status.reset('ERROR')
-                    end_job(status, premature = True)
-                logger.info('Finished with EWS-Plotting, appending images to list for transfer')
-                logger.info(f'Finished with config {configIndex + 1} of {config_paths_length}')
+            logger.info(f'Finished with config {config_path}')
diff --git a/ews/coordinator/processor_epidemiology.py b/ews/coordinator/processor_epidemiology.py
index 723bc3df240801dd598c5aacf65ad7231468a752..0a2aa23572611304dab5082164d59652a0fead11 100644
--- a/ews/coordinator/processor_epidemiology.py
+++ b/ews/coordinator/processor_epidemiology.py
@@ -52,29 +52,29 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
         logger.info('started process_pre_job_epi()')
-        # check pre-requisite jobs are complete
-        # query_past_successes(input_args, 'Deposition')
-        #
-        # query_past_successes(input_args, 'Environment')
+        config_file: str = input_args['config_path']
-        config_fns: List[str] = input_args['config_paths']
+        # they should be working if the script made it this far, no need to try
+        config: dict = parse_json_file_with_tokens(config_file)
-        for configFile in config_fns:
+        #  determine end time, from config file or the input args
+        arg_start_date: str = input_args['start_date']
+        if 'CalculationSpanDays' in config:
+            calc_span_days = config['CalculationSpanDays']
+        elif 'CalculationSpanDays' in input_args:
+            calc_span_days = input_args['CalculationSpanDays']
+        else:
+            logger.error('CalculationSpanDays not defined in config or input_args')
+            return False
-            # they should be working if the script made it this far, no need to try
-            config_i = parse_json_file_with_tokens(configFile)
+        assert len(calc_span_days) == 2
-            #determine end time, from config file
-            arg_start_date: str = input_args['start_date']
-            calc_span_days = config_i['CalculationSpanDays']
-            assert len(calc_span_days) == 2
+        start_time, end_time = calc_epi_date_range(arg_start_date,calc_span_days)
-            start_time, end_time = calc_epi_date_range(arg_start_date,calc_span_days)
-            # warn if it is a long timespan
-            date_diff = end_time - start_time
-            if date_diff.days > 100:
-                logger.warning("More than 100 days will be calculated over, likely longer than any single season")
+        # warn if it is a long timespan
+        date_diff = end_time - start_time
+        if date_diff.days > 100:
+            logger.warning("More than 100 days will be calculated over, likely longer than any single season")
         return True
@@ -286,14 +286,14 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
         #   to end date, so choose an apporporiate lister, e.g.
         #   list_onefile_operational
-        is_continue = config.get('continue',False)
+        is_continue = config.get('continue', False)
         # initialise any needed variables
         reference_date_str = config['StartString']
         reference_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(reference_date_str,'%Y%m%d')
-        start_date, end_date = calc_epi_date_range(reference_date_str,config['CalculationSpanDays'])
+        start_date, end_date = calc_epi_date_range(reference_date_str, config['CalculationSpanDays'])
         start_string = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
         start_string_short = start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             config['SubRegionName'] = region
             config['DiseaseName'] = disease
-            config_epi = config.copy()
+            # config_epi = config.copy()
             # TODO: CAUTION: Any iterations (e.g. disease or sub-region) are hidden
             # in jobPath, and not retained in the config file. This is a provlem for
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             logger.info(f"Preparing for epidemiology calc of {disease} in {region}")
             # create config_filename to describe job configuration
-            config_filename = self.create_epi_config_string(config,case_specific_path,start_string,end_string)
+            config_filename = self.create_epi_config_string(config, case_specific_path, start_string, end_string)
             # prepare a directory for input data
             jobDataPath = f"{case_specific_path}/input_data/"
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             # configure filename of prepared deposition data
-            if 'Deposition' in config_epi:
+            if 'Deposition' in config:
                 # determine which variable name to load for this disease
                 disease_idx = [i for i,j in enumerate(diseases) if j==disease][0]
@@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
-                            config_epi,
@@ -378,13 +377,12 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             # configure filename of prepared environment data
-            if 'Environment' in config_epi:
+            if 'Environment' in config:
                 logger.info('Preparing environmental suitability data')
-                            config_epi,
@@ -406,13 +404,13 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             logger.info('Preparing a copy of the host raster data')
             # TargetRaster defines the grid that the epi model works on.
-            assert 'TargetRaster' in config_epi['Host']
+            assert 'TargetRaster' in config['Host']
             # It should have been generated in advance by the user, by reprojecting
             # the available host map (e.g. MapSPAM) to the NAME output grid.
             # wheat_raster_reprojection.py is available to support this.
-            if 'HostRasters' in config_epi['Host']:
+            if 'HostRasters' in config['Host']:
                 # HostRasters is a dictionary with date: filename entries describing
                 # different host rasters valid at different times i.e. a simple
                 # representation of dynamic host, so prepare a host file as is done
@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                 # All host maps should have the same spatial grid as the TargetRaster
-                rasters_dict = config_epi['Host']['HostRasters']
+                rasters_dict = config['Host']['HostRasters']
                 dst_host_csv = f"{jobDataPath}/data_input_host.csv"
@@ -429,13 +427,13 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                 # There is a host raster applicable to all times, i.e. static host
-                src_host = config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster']
+                src_host = config['Host']['TargetRaster']
                 fn_host = os.path.basename(src_host)
                 dst_host = f"{jobDataPath}/{fn_host}"
                 # copy the tif to the job directory and refer to that instead
-                config_epi['Host']['TargetRaster'] = dst_host
+                config['Host']['TargetRaster'] = dst_host
                 logger.info('Preparing a copy of the host data as csv')
@@ -445,15 +443,15 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                         {'201001010000': dst_host},
-            config_epi['Host']['HostCSV'] = dst_host_csv
-            config_epi['Host']['FileNamePrepared'] = dst_host_csv
+            config['Host']['HostCSV'] = dst_host_csv
+            config['Host']['FileNamePrepared'] = dst_host_csv
             # Preparing any continue-run files
             if is_continue is True:
                 logger.debug('This is a continue run.')
-                for ci in config_epi['Epi']:
+                for ci in config['Epi']:
                     model_name = ci['model']
@@ -463,7 +461,6 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
-                                config_epi,
@@ -482,12 +479,12 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             # provide fundamental config elements to config_epi
             for k,v in config.items():
                 if k not in short_name.keys():
-                    config_epi[k]=v
+                    config[k]=v
             if is_continue is True:
                 # This will be used in the epi model and not the data preparation
                 continue_start_date = reference_date+datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
-                config_epi['ContinueStartTime'] = continue_start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
+                config['ContinueStartTime'] = continue_start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M')
             def print_item(item):
                 logger.debug(f"Item {item}")
@@ -503,16 +500,16 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             logger.debug('Incremental configuration looks like:')
-            iterate(config_epi)
+            iterate(config)
             logger.debug('Complete configuration looks like:')
-            logger.debug(json.dumps(config_epi,indent=2))
+            logger.debug(json.dumps(config, indent=2))
             # write the complete configuration file to job directory
             run_config_fn = f"{case_specific_path}/{config_filename}.json"
             with open(run_config_fn,'w') as write_file:
-                json.dump(config_epi,write_file,indent=4)
+                json.dump(config, write_file, indent=4)
             # run epi model
@@ -535,7 +532,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             def calc_mean(arr):
                 return 'mean', arr.mean()
-            for epiconf in config_epi['Epi']:
+            for epiconf in config['Epi']:
                 outfile = epiconf["infectionRasterFileName"]
@@ -565,7 +562,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             figure_func = getattr(EpiAnalysis, 'plot_compare_epi_cases')
             # isolate the config for this function, in case of modifications
-            config_epi_for_comparison = config_epi.copy()
+            config_epi_for_comparison = config.copy()
             fig,axes,cases = figure_func(
@@ -578,7 +575,7 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
             # slice the epi results into before forecast and in forecast
-            for epiconf in config_epi['Epi']:
+            for epiconf in config['Epi']:
                 unit_description = ''
                 if epiconf.get('rescale_output_by_host_raster',False) is True:
@@ -587,12 +584,12 @@ class ProcessorEpidemiology(ProcessorBase):
                 # load the full epi results
                 df_full = read_csv(outfile,header=[0],index_col=[0,1])
-                column_date_fmt = f"{config_epi['StartTimeShort']}_%Y%m%d%H%M"
+                column_date_fmt = f"{config['StartTimeShort']}_%Y%m%d%H%M"
                 df_full_dates = to_datetime(df_full.columns.astype('str'),format=column_date_fmt)
                 # determine date to cut with
                 # plus 1 minute so midnight is associated with preceding day
-                date_to_cut = datetime.datetime.strptime(config_epi['StartString']+'0001','%Y%m%d%H%M')
+                date_to_cut = datetime.datetime.strptime(config['StartString'] + '0001', '%Y%m%d%H%M')
                 dates_after_cut = df_full_dates >= date_to_cut
                 idx = argmax(dates_after_cut)-1
diff --git a/tests/integration/partial/integration_test_utils.py b/tests/integration/partial/integration_test_utils.py
index 54e48dde6ba9d1537c471be4da184902ad888057..5b4b000c3e3258143f270d753fa2f97e3d9ea315 100644
--- a/tests/integration/partial/integration_test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/integration/partial/integration_test_utils.py
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class IntegrationTestUtils:
         args_dict: dict = {}
         sys_config_path = IntegrationTestUtils.RUN_SYS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
-        config_paths = [IntegrationTestUtils.RUN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH]
+        config_path = IntegrationTestUtils.RUN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
         # note, possible to override these values in the kwargs loop below
         args_dict['live'] = False
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class IntegrationTestUtils:
         args_dict['component'] = component
         args_dict['short_name'] = shortname
         args_dict['sys_config_path'] = sys_config_path
-        args_dict['config_paths'] = config_paths
+        args_dict['config_path'] = config_path
         args_dict['log_level'] = 'info'
         args_dict['clearup'] = True
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class IntegrationTestUtils:
         args_dict['component'] = component
         args_dict['short_name'] = short_name
         args_dict['sys_config_path'] = IntegrationTestUtils.RUN_SYS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
-        args_dict['config_paths'] = [IntegrationTestUtils.RUN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH]
+        args_dict['config_path'] = IntegrationTestUtils.RUN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
         args_dict['log_level'] = 'info'
         args_dict['clearup'] = True