From 582691077a7acff3f3fd5f79880727e5c42bed9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lb584 <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:33:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] first stab at getting south asia configs to work

 .gitignore                                    |   2 +
 .../env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json   |   2 -
 ...mplate_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json} |   6 +-
 .../fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json    |  10 +-
 .../env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json   |   1 -
 ...emplate_sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json |  14 +
 .../met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json        |  18 +-
 .../config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json  | 755 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json     |  35 +
 .../an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json | 104 +++
 ...template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json |  14 +
 .../fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json | 100 +++
 .../fc/depo_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json     |  35 +
 .../fc/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json | 104 +++
 ...template_sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json |  14 +
 .../met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv    |  18 +
 .../met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json        |  15 +
 .../template_operational_config.json          |  57 ++
 .../chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json         |  16 +
 .../chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json   |  18 +
 .../chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json       |  20 +
 .../chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json        |  20 +
 .../chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json     |  17 +
 .../plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json  |  20 +
 .../RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json           |  21 +
 .../plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json     |  18 +
 .../configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI.json  |  19 +
 .../epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI_seasonaccum.json       |  19 +
 .../epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI_weekahead.json         |  19 +
 .../NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json               |   8 +
 .../config_SouthAsia_mapspam2005.json         |  13 +
 .../config_SouthAsia_trialplots.json          |  13 +
 32 files changed, 1517 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
 rename pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/{template_sys_config_EastAfrica.json => an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json} (69%)
 create mode 100644 pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/advisory_builder/config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/template_operational_config.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI_seasonaccum.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI_weekahead.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/source_gen/config_SouthAsia_mapspam2005.json
 create mode 100755 pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/source_gen/config_SouthAsia_trialplots.json

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 50b7194..0c07a85 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -21,3 +21,5 @@ dump.csv
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
index c688587..90521c9 100644
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
+++ b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
-    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
     "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/Ethiopia/fromMO/daily_name/",
     "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_Ethiopia_${StartString}_fc",
     "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "0800",
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/template_sys_config_EastAfrica.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
similarity index 69%
rename from pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/template_sys_config_EastAfrica.json
rename to pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
index e4b28af..5d652f2 100644
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/template_sys_config_EastAfrica.json
+++ b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_an_live.json
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
     "StartString" : "?",
     "ProjectRoot" : "<path to project root>",
     "MetoFTP" : "<path to MetoFTP>",
-    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/<analysis or forecast specific sub folder>",
-    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/<analysis or forecast specific sub folder>",
+    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
+    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
     "ConfigsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs",
     "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets",
-    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/configs/coordinator/log_config.json",
+    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/Eastconfigs/coordinator/log_config.json",
     "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/east_africa_places.shp"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
index 47cc57b..6acea59 100644
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
     "ProcessEWSPlotting": "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
     "EWS-Plotting": {
         "SysConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json",
-        "NameExtractionConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
-        "RunConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
-        "RunConfigNorm": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
+        "NameExtractionConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
+        "RunConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
+        "RunConfigNorm": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
         "EastAfrica": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///chart/CHART_CONFIG_EAST_AFRICA_PINE.json",
+            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_EAST_AFRICA_PINE.json",
             "Normalize": "False"
         "Ethiopia": {
-            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_PINE.json",
+            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ETHIOPIA_PINE.json",
             "Normalize": "False"
         "Kenya": {
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
index d220bf9..86f080c 100644
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
+++ b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
     "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/Ethiopia/fromMO/daily_name/",
     "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_Ethiopia_${StartString}_fc",
-    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "0800",
     "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
     "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
     "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d652f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_EastAfrica_fc_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    "RegionName" : "EastAfrica",
+    "SubRegionNames" : ["EastAfrica","Ethiopia"],
+    "StartTime" : "?",
+    "StartString" : "?",
+    "ProjectRoot" : "<path to project root>",
+    "MetoFTP" : "<path to MetoFTP>",
+    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
+    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/workspace_analysis/",
+    "ConfigsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs",
+    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets",
+    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/code/coordinator/pipeline_resources/Eastconfigs/coordinator/log_config.json",
+    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/EastAfrica/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/east_africa_places.shp"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
index 0acedd4..c559d85 100644
--- a/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
+++ b/pipeline_resources/EastAfrica/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
@@ -1,20 +1,4 @@
-  "CONDA_ACTIVATE_COMMAND": "source /home/lb584/miniconda3/bin/activate /home/lb584/conda_envs/py3EWS2",
   "PYTHON_PATH": "/home/lb584/git/era5_met_data_extraction",
-  "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH": "../data/resources/common/field_name_constants.csv",
-  "RUN_CDO_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/extraction/run_cdo_template.txt",
-  "RUN_REGRIDDING_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/extraction/run_regridding_template.txt",
-  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_template.txt",
-  "RUN_EXTRACT_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/extraction/run_extract_slurm_template.txt",
-  "RUN_CHUNK_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/chunks/run_chunk_slurm_template.txt",
-  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_slurm_template.txt",
-  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_MERGE_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_merge_template.txt",
-  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_MERGE_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_merge_slurm_template.txt",
-  "RUN_MERGE_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/chunks/run_merge_as_chunks_template.txt",
-  "RUN_ALL_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/common/run_all_slurm_template.txt",
-  "RUN_ALL_SLURM_POST_PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/common/run_all_slurm_post_processing_fragment_template.txt",
-  "ERA_DIR_PATH": "/media/scratch/lb584_scratch/era5/",
-  "NCDF_DIR_PATH": "/storage/locker/EWS/UMG_Mk10_nc/",
-  "MET_DATA_UNZIP_DIR": "/storage/locker/EWS/temp_unzip_dir/",
-  "LAND_MAP_CUBE_FILE_PATH": "/home/lb584/projects/era5_met_data_extraction/"
+  "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH": "../data/resources/common/field_name_constants.csv"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/advisory_builder/config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/advisory_builder/config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fd6f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/advisory_builder/config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+    "Achyut" :
+    [
+        "Achyut"
+    ],
+    "Aditya" : 
+    [
+        "Aditya",
+        "Aaditya"
+    ],
+    "Akbar-19" :
+    [
+        "Akbar-19",
+        "Akbar-2019",
+        "Akbar 19",
+        "Akbar19",
+        "Akbar",
+        "AKBAR 19 ",
+        "AKBAR 19",
+        "Akber",
+        "Akber 19"
+    ],
+    "Anaj-17":
+    [
+        "Anaj",
+        "Anaj 17",
+        "Anaj-17"
+    ],
+    "Annapurna-1":
+    [
+        "Annapurna",
+        "Annapurna -1",
+        "Annapurna 1",
+        "Annapurna-1"
+    ],
+    "Banganga" : 
+    [
+        "Banganga",
+        "Bandganga",
+        "Banaganga"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 17" :
+    [
+        "BARI Gom 17",
+        "Bari gom 17"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 20" :
+    [
+        "BARI Gom 20"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 21 (Shatabdi)" : 
+    [
+        "Satapdi",
+        "Shatabdi",
+        "Shotabdi",
+        "Sotabthe",
+        "Sotabthi"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 24" : 
+    [
+        "BARI Gom 24",
+        "Prodip",
+        "prodip",
+        "BARI Gm 24",
+        "Bari gom24",
+        "BARI gom 24"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 25" : 
+    [
+        "BARI Gom 25",
+        "Bari gom 25",
+        "BARI gom 25",
+        "BARI  Gom25",
+        "BARI Gom25"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 26" : 
+    [
+        "26",
+        "Bari 26",
+        "BAR Gom 26",
+        "Bari gam 26",
+        "BARI  Gom 26",
+        "BARI Gom  26",
+        "BARI GOM 26",
+        "BARI Gom 26",
+        "BARI gom 26",
+        "BARI Gom26",
+        "Bari Gom 26",
+        "Bari gom 26",
+        "BSRI Gom 26",
+        "Bari gom 36",
+        "Bari hgom 26",
+        "Bari Gom26",
+        "BARI Gpm26",
+        "BAR Gon26",
+        "BARI Gom. 26",
+        "BARI 26"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 27" : 
+    [
+        "BARI GOM 27",
+        "BARI Gom 27",
+        "Bari gom 27",
+        "BARI gom 27",
+        "BARI Gom27",
+        "27",
+        "BARI 27",
+        "BARI GOM27",
+        "BARIGOM27"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 28" : 
+    [
+        "Bari Gam 28",
+        "Bari gam 28",
+        "BARI GOM  28",
+        "BARI GOM 28",
+        "BARI Gom 28",
+        "Bari Gom 28",
+        "Bari gom 28",
+        "BARI gom 28",
+        "Bari gom  28",
+        "Barigom 28",
+        "BARI Gom28",
+        "BARI  Gom 28",
+        "Bari 28",
+        "BATI Gom 28",
+        "28",
+        "BARI Gog 28",
+        "Bari Gom28",
+        "BARI Gom. 28",
+        "BARI Gom.28",
+        "BSRI Gom28",
+        "BARI Gomo 28",
+        "BARI Gom  28",
+        "RABI Gom 28",
+        "RARI 28",
+        "BARi Gom 28",
+        "BARI Gom 28.",
+        "BARI GOM28",
+        "BARI gom28"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 29" : 
+    [
+        "BARI Gom 29",
+        "Bari Gom 29",
+        "Bari GOM 29",
+        "Bari gom 29",
+        "BARI GOM 29",
+        "BARI gom 29",
+        "RARI Gom 29"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 30" : 
+    [
+        "30",
+        "BAR Gom 30",
+        "BARI  GOM 30",
+        "BARI Gom  30",
+        "BARI  Gom 30",
+        "Bari gam 30",
+        "BARI GOM  30",
+        "BARI Gom 30",
+        "BARI gom 30",
+        "Bari Gom 30",
+        "Bari gom 30",
+        "BARI Gom30",
+        "BARI GOM 30",
+        "Barigom30",
+        "Barigom 30",
+        "BARO Gom 30",
+        "BARI Gom 3p",
+        "BARI GOM, 30",
+        "BARI GOM, 30",
+        "NARI Gom 30",
+        "BARI Gom   30",
+        "Bari gam30",
+        "BARI GOM30",
+        "BARI GON 30",
+        "BARI Gon 30",
+        "BARI Hom 30",
+        "BAGI Gom 30",
+        "BAIR GOM 30",
+        "BSRI Gom30",
+        "BAri Gom30",
+        "BARI gom30",
+        "BRI Gom30",
+        "VARI Gom30",
+        "BARI 30",
+        "Bari 30",
+        "BARi GOM 30",
+        "Bari gom30",
+        "BARI Mom 30",
+        "BARIGom 30",
+        "BARRI Gom 30",
+        "Brri gom 30",
+        "BARIGom30",
+        "VARI Gom 30"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 31" : 
+    [
+        "BARI Gom31",
+        "Barigom,31"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 32" : 
+    [
+        "32",
+        "Baarigom 32",
+        "BARI GOM  32",
+        "BARI GOM 32",
+        "BARI Gom 32",
+        "Bari gom 32",
+        "Barigom 32",
+        "Barigom32",
+        "BARI Tom 32",
+        "BARI gom 32",
+        "Bari Gom 32",
+        "BARI Gom32",
+        "BARI Gom. 32",
+        "BARI GOM, 32",
+        "BARI Gom  32",
+        "BARI GOM32",
+        "BARI Gom 32.",
+        "Bari gom 32.",
+        "BARI gom32",
+        "BARIG Gom 32",
+        "BARIGom 32",
+        "BARRI Gom 32"
+    ],
+    "BARI Gom 33" : 
+    [
+        "33",
+        "ba 33",
+        "Bari 33",
+        "Bar 33",
+        "BARI GoM 33",
+        "BARI  Gom 33",
+        "Bari gam 33",
+        "BARI GOM  33",
+        "BARI GOM 33",
+        "BARI Gom 33",
+        "BARI Gom  33",
+        "BARI gom 33",
+        "Bari Gom 33",
+        "Bari gom 33",
+        "BARI GOM33",
+        "BARI Gom33",
+        "BARI Gon 33",
+        "Barigom,33",
+        "Barigom 33",
+        "BARI Gom,33",
+        "BARI Gom-33",
+        "VARI Gom 33",
+        "BARI Gom  33",
+        "BARI Gom-33",
+        "VARI Gom 33",
+        "Barigom33",
+        "BARI Gom al33",
+        "Barigom \n33",
+        "BARI GoM  33",
+        "BARI  GOM 33",
+        "BARI Gog 33",
+        "BARI Gomp33",
+        "Bari Bari 33",
+        "BARI Gom. 33",
+        "BARI Gomv33",
+        "BARIVGom 33",
+        "BARi Gom 33",
+        "BBARI Gom33",
+        "BARON Gom33",
+        "Bank Gom 33",
+        "Bafj Gom 33",
+        "BARIGom 33",
+        "BARIGom33",
+        "BARIgom33",
+        "BARIHom 33",
+        "BARI 33",
+        "BARI Fom 33",
+        "BARI Gom -33",
+        "BARI Gom 33.",
+        "BaRI Gom 33.",
+        "Bari gom 33.",
+        "BARI GOM. 33",
+        "BARI GOM.33",
+        "BARI gom33",
+        "Bari Gom33",
+        "Bari gom33",
+        "BARI Gum 33",
+        "BARI Gum-33",
+        "BARRI GOM 33",
+        "BARRI Gom 33",
+        "Barri gom 33",
+        "BARRI Gum 33",
+        "BARRI gum 33",
+        "BRRI GOM 33",
+        "Brri Gom 33"
+    ],
+    "BARI GOM Sonali" : 
+    [
+        "BARI GOM Sonali",
+        "BARI Gom sonali",
+        "BARI Gom Sonali"
+    ],
+    "Bhaskar (Indian)":
+    [
+        "Bhaskar (Indian)"
+    ],
+    "Bheriganga":
+    [
+        "Bheriganga"
+    ],
+    "Bhirkuti" : 
+    [
+        "Bhirkuti",
+        "Bhrikuti"
+    ],
+    "BL 4341" : 
+    [
+        "BL 4341",
+        "BL4341!",
+        "BL4341"
+    ],
+    "BL 4669" : 
+    [
+        "BL 4669",
+        "BL 4669(pipeline variety)"
+    ],
+    "BL 4682" : 
+    [
+        "BL 4682"
+    ],
+    "Danphe" :
+    [
+        "Danphe"
+    ],
+    "Dhaulagiri":
+    [
+        "DHAULAGIRI",
+        "Dauligiri",
+        "Dhaulagiri",
+	    "Dhauligiri"
+    ],
+    "Dilkash-20":
+    [
+        "Dilkash-20",
+        "Dilkash 20",
+        "DILKASH-20",
+        "SILKASH 20"
+    ],
+    "Dilkash-21":
+    [
+        "Dilkash-21",
+        "DILKASH-21"
+    ],
+    "Faisalabad-08" :
+    [
+        "Faisalabad-08",
+        "Faisalabad-2008",
+        "Faisalabad 2008",
+        "Faisalabad2008",
+        "Fsd 08",
+        "Fsd08",
+        "Fsd_08",
+        "Fsd-08",
+        "Faisalabad 08"
+    ],
+    "Gaffar":
+    [
+        "Gaffar"
+    ],
+    "Galaxy 13":
+    [
+        "Galaxy 13",
+        "Galaxy 13 ",
+        "Galaxy-13",
+        "Galaxy-13 ",
+        "GALAXY-13",
+        "GALAXY-13 "
+    ],
+    "Gautam" : 
+    [
+        "GAUTAM",
+        "Gautam",
+        "Gautum",
+        "Gautan"
+    ],
+    "HD 2967" : 
+    [
+        "HD 2967",
+        "HD2967"
+    ],
+    "HD 3086" : 
+    [
+        "HD 3086"
+    ],
+    "Himganga":
+    [
+        "HIMGANGA"
+    ],
+    "Indian (China 3)" : 
+    [
+        "Indian ( china 3)",
+        "IIndian(china 3)",
+        "Indian( china 3)",
+        "Indian(china 3)",
+        "China 3",
+        "Indian China 3"
+    ],
+    "Indian (China 4)" : 
+    [
+        "Indian ( china 4)",
+        "Indian(china 4)",
+        "Indian (china 4)",
+        "IIndian (china 4)",
+        "Indian( china 4)",
+        "Indian (china4)",
+        "indian(china 4)"
+    ],
+    "Kanchan" : 
+    [
+        "Kanchan",
+        "Kanchon"
+    ],
+    "Kanti" :
+    [
+        "Kanti"
+    ],
+    "Khumal Shakti" : 
+    [
+        "Khumal Shakti"
+    ],
+    "Kundan":
+    [
+        "Kundan"
+    ],
+    "Lok-1" : 
+    [
+        "Lok-1"
+    ],
+    "Munal" : 
+    [
+        "Munal"
+    ],
+    "Mudule" : 
+    [
+        "Mudule",
+	    "Mudule-1"
+    ],
+    "NAL-52":
+    [
+        "NAL -52",
+        "NAL-52"
+    ],
+    "NL 1179":
+    [
+        "NL 1179",
+        "NL 1179, pipeline variety for mid hill, yellow  rust resistant,  disseminated by NWRP, Bhairahawa  from last season in Pyuthan"
+    ],
+    "NL 1616" :
+    [
+        "NL 1616"
+    ],
+    "NL 971" :
+    [
+        "NL 971",
+        "NL-971"
+    ],
+    "NL1446" :
+    [
+        "NL1446"
+    ],
+    "NL1612" :
+    [
+        "NL1612"
+    ],
+    "Nepal 297" :
+    [
+        "Nepal 297",
+        "NL297"
+    ],
+    "Pasang lhamu" :
+    [
+        "Pasang lhamu"
+    ],
+    "PBW343" :
+    [
+        "PBW343"
+    ],
+    "Punjab 11" :
+    [
+        "Punjab 11",
+        "Punjab11",
+        "Punjab11 ",
+        "PUNJAB 11"
+    ],
+    "RR 21" :
+    [
+        "RR 21",
+        "RR-21"
+    ],
+    "Saher": 
+    [
+        "Saher"
+    ],
+    "Siddhartha":
+    [
+        "Siddhartha"
+    ],
+    "Sonalika" : 
+    [
+        "Sonalika"
+    ],
+    "Sworgadwari" : 
+    [
+        "Sorgadwari",
+        "Sworgadwari",
+	    "Sworgdwari",
+        "swogadwari"
+    ],
+    "Subhani 21":
+    [
+        "Subhani 21",
+        "Subhani 21 ",
+        "Subhani-21",
+        "Subhani-21 ",
+        "SUBHANI-21",
+        "SUBHANI-21 ",
+        "Subahani21",
+        "Subahani21 ",
+        "Subhani"
+    ],
+    "Suruma" :
+    [
+        "Surma",
+        "Suruma"
+    ],
+    "SW-2" :
+    [
+        "SW-2"
+    ],
+    "Vaskar" :
+    [
+        "Vaskar"
+    ],
+    "Vijay" : 
+    [
+        "Vijay",
+        "Vijaya",
+        "VIJAYA",
+        "Bijaya",
+        "Bijay"
+    ],
+    "Vinayak":
+    [
+        "Vinayak"
+    ],
+    "Wattan" :
+    [
+        "Wattan",
+        "Wattan  (unapproved)",
+        "Wattan (Unapproved)",
+        "Wattan (unapproved)",
+        "Wattan,"
+    ],
+    "WK 1204" : 
+    [
+        "WK 1204",
+        "WK1204",
+        "Wk1204",
+        "WK 1204 ",
+        "Wk 1204",
+        "we 1204"
+    ],
+    "WK 1481" : 
+    [
+        "WK1481"
+    ],
+    "WK 2748 (Bheri-Ganga)" : 
+    [
+        "Bheri-Ganga (WK 2748)"
+    ],
+    "WK 3413" : 
+    [
+        "WK3413",
+        "WK 3413"
+    ],
+    "WK 3639" : 
+    [
+        "WK3639",
+        "WK 3639"
+    ],
+    "WK 2891" : 
+    [
+        "WK2891",
+        "WK 2891"
+    ],
+    "WMRI Gom 1" : 
+    [
+        "BWMRI 1",
+        "BWMRI Gom 1",
+        "WMRI Gom 1",
+        "WMRI Gom -1",
+        "WMRI 1",
+        "WMRI,Gom 1",
+        "BWMRI GOM 1",
+        "BWMRI Gom1",
+        "BWMRI-1",
+        "wmri 1",
+        "WMRI Gom 1"
+    ],
+    "WMRI Gom 2" : 
+    [
+        "WMRI Gom 2",
+        "BWMRI Gom 2",
+        "BWMRI Gom2",
+        "BWMRI Gom-2",
+        "BWMRI 2",
+        "WMRI Gom 2"
+    ],
+    "WMRI Gom 3" : 
+    [
+        "BWMRI Gom 3",
+        "BARI BWMRI 3",
+        "BMRI 3",
+        "BWMRI3",
+        "WMRI Gom 3",
+        "WMRI-3"
+    ],
+    "ZINC Gahun 1" : 
+    [
+        "ZINC 1",
+        "ZINC Gagun 1",
+        "Zinc Gahun 1"
+    ],
+    "ZINC Gahun 2" : 
+    [
+        "Zinc Gahun 2"
+    ],
+    "Local" : 
+    [
+        "local",
+        "LOCAL",
+        "RR-21 and Mix",
+        "Local",
+        "Local awnless",
+        "Local landraces",
+        "Local landraces(awnless)",
+        "Local mudule",
+        "Loc al"
+    ],
+    "Mixed" : 
+    [
+        "HD2967 and HD3086",
+        "Mixed",
+        "mixed",
+	    "Mix",
+        "Mixture",
+        "N/A (Mix)",
+        "Agralocal+Morocco",
+        "Different",
+        "Different test entries",
+        "Lerma Rojo (mixed)",
+        "AARI 11,fsd _08",
+        "Akbar 19, Fakhar e Bakkhar, Faisalabad 08, Anaj 17",
+        "Akbar19, Anaj 17",
+        "Akbar19, Fakhar e Bakkhar",
+        "Akbar19, Fakhar e Bakkhar, Faisalabad 08",
+        "Anaj and Akbar--19",
+        "Anaj and Akbar-21",
+        "Anaj and fsd",
+        "Dilkash,akbar_19",
+        "Fakhar e Bakkhar, Faisalabad 08",
+        "Fakhr-e-Bhakkar",
+        "Fsd and anaj 17",
+        "Fsd-08 and akbar-19",
+        "Fsd-08,Dilkash",
+        "Fsd08, Anaj,Akbar",
+        "Fsd08, galaxy 13",
+        "Punjab 11 and galaxy_13",
+        "Seher, Fsd 08",
+        "Unknown (Mixture)",
+        "MIX",
+        "Akbar 19, Dilkash",
+        "Akbar 19, Dilkash 20, Anaj17",
+        "Akbar 19, Dilkash 21, Fakhare Bhakar",
+        "Akbar 19, Fsd 08",
+        "Different Fsd 08, Akbar19, Dilkash21",
+        "Dilkash, Arooj, Akbar",
+        "Dilkash, Arooj, Nishan",
+        "Dilkash, Faisalabad-2008",
+        "Wl-711, Shafaq-06, Morocco"
+    ],
+    "Unknown" : 
+    [
+        "Unknown",
+        "Unknown (Mix)",
+        "UNKNOWN",
+        "unknown",
+        "UNKNOWN (Old variety)",
+        "Unknown (Local)",
+        "Unknown mixture",
+        "Unkown",
+        "unkwown",
+	    "Unkwon",
+        "Un know",
+        "Unkbown",
+        "Barigom",
+        "Bari gom",
+        "BARI Gom",
+        "BARI gom",
+        "Barigom ",
+        "BARRI Gom",
+        "BARI GOM",
+        "Bari gam 2",
+        "BARI Gom 3",
+        "BARI Gom 34",
+        "Bari gom 34",
+        "BARI Gom34",
+        "Barigom 34",
+        "BARI GOM 134",
+        "BARI Gom 35",
+        "BARI Gom 3e",
+        "Bari gom 36",
+        "Bari gam 39",
+        "BARI GOM 39",
+        "BARI GOM 39",
+        "BARI Gom 39",
+        "BARI Gom 60",
+        "BARI Gom50",
+        "Fsd",
+        "c",
+        "e",
+        "f",
+        "g",
+        "Y",
+        "G",
+        "r",
+        "v",
+        "2430",
+        "66",
+        "35",
+        "Advance material",
+	    "Different genotypes",
+	    "Na",
+	    "NS",
+        "??",
+        "???? ??",
+        "Annon",
+        "Dilkash",
+        "local mulure",
+        "local murule",
+        "na",
+        "own less local",
+        "WMRI Gom 29"
+    ]
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b98e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/depo_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
+    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_NAME_SouthAsia_${StartString}_an",
+    "DataFileTemplate" : "deposition_srcs_allregions_${StartString}.nc",
+    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "1500",
+    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
+    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_dep",
+    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
+    "EWS-Plotting" : {
+        "SysConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/an/sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json",
+        "NameExtractionConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
+        "RunConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
+        "RunConfigNorm": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
+        "EastAfrica" : {
+            "ChartConfig": "${ConfigsPath}/plotting///chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bangladesh" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Nepal" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Pakistan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bhutan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/configs/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a8985a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
+    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_SouthAsia_${StartString}_an",
+    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "1400",
+    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
+    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
+    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
+    "RESOURCES_PATH": "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/met_extractor/",
+    "WORK_PATH" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
+    "INPUT_PATH" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
+    "OUTPUT_PATH" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
+    "SYS_CONFIG" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/met_extractor/configs/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
+    "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/met_extractor/configs/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv",
+    "RUN_TYPE" : "operational",
+    "FORECAST_DAYS": 6,
+    "STRAINS": ["LeafRust","StemRust","StripeRust","LeafRust_TempOnly","StemRust_TempOnly","StripeRust_TempOnly"],
+    "PARAMS": {
+        "LeafRust": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
+                "precipitation": 0,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StemRust": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
+                "precipitation": 0,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StripeRust": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 7,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
+                "precipitation": 0,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "LeafRust_TempOnly": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
+                "precipitation": -1,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StemRust_TempOnly": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
+                "precipitation": -1,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StripeRust_TempOnly": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 7,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
+                "precipitation": -1,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    "EWS-Plotting" : {
+        "SysConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/sys/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
+        "RunConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json",
+        "SouthAsia" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bangladesh" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
+        },
+        "Nepal" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
+        },
+        "Pakistan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bhutan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/configs/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..edffee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/an/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_an_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    "RegionName" : "SouthAsia",
+    "SubRegionNames" : ["SouthAsia","Nepal","Bangladesh","Pakistan","Bhutan"],
+    "StartTime" : "?",
+    "StartString" : "?",
+    "ProjectRoot" : "/media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews_local_prod/",
+    "MetoFTP" : "/media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews_local_prod/sftp/",
+    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
+    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace_analysis/",
+    "ConfigsPath" : "/home/lb584/git/ews-coordinator/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs",
+    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets",
+    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/log_config.json",
+    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/south_asia_places.shp"
diff --git a/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..807ca74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/advisory_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+    "ProcessPreJob" : "query_past_successes",
+    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_advisory",
+    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "do_nothing",
+    "seasonStartString" : "20231201",
+    "SurveyPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/SURVEYDATA_${dateString}/Groups/surveys_PROD.csv",
+    "DependentComponents" : [
+        "Deposition",
+        "Environment"
+    ],
+    "Environment" : {
+        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
+        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/input_nc/",
+        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/ENVIRONMENT_2.0_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/images/Weekly/",
+        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
+            "stripe" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_stripe_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png",
+            "stem" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png",
+            "leaf" : "${envPlotPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_leaf_rust_total_${dateString}0000_${EnvEndString}0000_map.png"
+        },
+        "Aggregation" : {
+            "raster_path_template" : "${envDataPath}/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}",
+            "raster_name_template" : "RIE_${disease_name_camelcase}_%",
+            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
+            "shape_coln" : "admin2Name",
+            "show_columns" : ["admin0Name","admin1Name"],
+            "separate_rows_for_coln":"admin0Name",
+            "func" : "mean",
+            "multiply_by" : 100,
+            "float_format" : ".0f",
+            "display_format" : ".0f",
+            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/suitability_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
+            "max_entries" : 20
+        }
+    },
+    "Deposition" : {
+        "SuccessFileTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${StartString}/STATUS_SUCCESS",
+        "DataPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/input_nc/",
+        "PlotPathTemplate" : "${WorkspacePath}/DEPOSITION_${dateString}/plotting/${SubRegionNameLower}/images/Weekly/",
+        "PlotFilenameTemplates" : {
+            "stripe": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_stripe_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png",
+            "stem": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_stem_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png",
+            "leaf": "${depPlotPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_leaf_rust_total_${dateString}0300_${weekAheadString}0000_map.png"
+        },
+        "Aggregation" : {
+            "raster_path_template" : "${depDataPath}/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}",
+            "raster_name_template" : "spores_per_m2_per_week_${disease_name_camelcase}",
+            "shape_fn_entry" : "ShapeFilenameToAggregate",
+            "shape_coln" : "admin2Name",
+            "show_columns" : ["admin0Name","admin1Name"],
+            "separate_rows_for_coln":"admin0Name",
+            "func" : "mean",
+            "multiply_by" : 1,
+            "float_format" : ".1e",
+            "display_format" : ".0f",
+            "save_path_template" : "${jobPath}/images/deposition_${SubRegionNameLower}_${disease_name_snakecase}_mean_per_zone",
+            "max_entries" : 20
+        }
+    },
+    "Surveys" : {
+        "variety_names_tidy_fn" : "${ConfigsPath}/advisory_builder/configs/config_SouthAsia_variety_names_tidy.json",
+        "CountryColumnName" : "surveyor_infromation-country",
+        "SouthAsia" : {
+            "CountryList" : ["Afghanistan", "Bangladesh", "Bhutan", "India", "Nepal", "Pakistan"],
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin0" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/BanNepBhu_nogaps_admin0.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_Bhutan_India_Nepal_Pakistan_admin2_tidynames.shp",
+            "Extent" : [60, 93, 10, 37],
+            "LabelZoom" : 5
+        },
+        "Nepal" : {
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Nepal_admin1_withwheat_2017-19.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Nepal_admin2.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Nepal_admin2.shp",
+            "Extent" : [80, 88.2, 26, 30.5],
+            "LabelZoom" : 7
+        },
+        "Bangladesh" : {
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_admin1.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_admin2.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Bangladesh_admin2.shp",
+            "Extent" : [88, 93, 20.5, 27],
+            "LabelZoom" : 7
+        },
+        "Pakistan" : {
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin0" : "",
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "",
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "",
+            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/Pakistan_admin2_renamed.shp",
+            "Extent" : [60.5, 78, 23.5, 37],
+            "LabelZoom" : 7
+        },
+        "Bhutan" : {
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin1" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/btn_admbnda_adm1_bnlc_20201026.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameAdmin2" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/btn_admbnda_adm2_bnlc_20201026_renamed.shp",
+            "ShapeFilenameToAggregate" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/btn_admbnda_adm2_bnlc_20201026_renamed.shp",
+            "Extent" : [88.5, 92.5, 26.5, 28.5],
+            "LabelZoom" : 7
+        }
+    },
+    "logos" : "${AssetsPath}/advisory_builder/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68480d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/depo_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
+    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_NAME_SouthAsia_${StartString}_fc",
+    "DataFileTemplate" : "deposition_srcs_allregions_${StartString}.nc",
+    "TimeExpectedAvailable" : "1000",
+    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
+    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_dep",
+    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_dep",
+    "EWS-Plotting" : {
+        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json",
+        "NameExtractionConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json",
+        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json",
+        "RunConfigNorm" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json",
+        "SouthAsia" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bangladesh" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Nepal" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Pakistan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bhutan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
+            "Normalize" : "False"
+        }
+    }
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index 0000000..52e5077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/env_suit_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+    "ServerPathTemplate" : "${MetoFTP}/metofficeupload/upload/SouthAsia/fromMO/daily_name/",
+    "InputFileTemplate" : "WR_EnvSuit_Met_SouthAsia_${StartString}_fc",
+    "ProcessPreJob" : "process_pre_job_server_download",
+    "ProcessInJob" : "process_in_job_env2_0",
+    "ProcessEWSPlotting" : "process_EWS_plotting_env2_0",
+    "CONFIGS_PATH": "${ConfigsPath}",
+    "ASSETS_PATH": "${AssetsPath}",
+    "WORK_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
+    "INPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
+    "OUTPUT_PATH" : "${WorkspacePath}",
+    "SYS_CONFIG" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json",
+    "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS" : "${ConfigsPath}/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv",
+    "RUN_TYPE" : "operational",
+    "FORECAST_DAYS": 6,
+    "STRAINS": ["LeafRust","StemRust","StripeRust","LeafRust_TempOnly","StemRust_TempOnly","StripeRust_TempOnly"],
+    "PARAMS": {
+        "LeafRust": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
+                "precipitation": 0,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StemRust": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
+                "precipitation": 0,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StripeRust": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 7,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
+                "precipitation": 0,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "LeafRust_TempOnly": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,20,30],
+                "precipitation": -1,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StemRust_TempOnly": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["semibool_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 2,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2,15,24,30],
+                "precipitation": -1,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        },
+        "StripeRust_TempOnly": {
+            "suitability_modules": ["v1_dewperiod"],
+            "past_steps": 0,
+            "future_steps": 7,
+            "thresholds": {
+                "temperature": [2.37,19.8],
+                "precipitation": -1,
+                "relative_humidity": 90
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    "EWS-Plotting" : {
+        "SysConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/fc/sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json",
+        "RunConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json",
+        "SouthAsia" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bangladesh" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BANGLADESH_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
+        },
+        "Nepal" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_NEPAL_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
+        },
+        "Pakistan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_PAKISTAN_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "False"
+        },
+        "Bhutan" : {
+            "ChartConfig" : "${ConfigsPath}/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_BHUTAN_PINE.json",
+            "FilterForCountry" : "True"
+        }
+    }
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10327cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/coordinator/fc/template_sys_config_SouthAsia_fc_live.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    "RegionName" : "SouthAsia",
+    "SubRegionNames" : ["SouthAsia","Nepal","Bangladesh","Pakistan","Bhutan"],
+    "StartTime" : "?",
+    "StartString" : "?",
+    "ProjectRoot" : "/media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews_local_prod/",
+    "MetoFTP" : "/media/scratch/lb584_scratch/projects/ews_local_prod/sftp/",
+    "WorkspacePathout" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace/",
+    "WorkspacePath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/workspace/",
+    "ConfigsPath" : "/home/lb584/git/ews-coordinator/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs",
+    "AssetsPath" : "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets",
+    "LoggingConfigPath" : "${ConfigsPath}/coordinator/log_config.json",
+    "PLACES_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/common/places_shape/south_asia_places.shp"
+ }
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index 0000000..27982ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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index 0000000..56ec315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/SYS_CONFIG_PINE.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  "PYTHON_PATH": "/storage/app/EWS_prod/code/met_extractor",
+  "FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_PATH": "../data/resources/common/field_name_constants.csv",
+  "RUN_CDO_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/extraction/run_cdo_template.txt",
+  "RUN_REGRIDDING_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/extraction/run_regridding_template.txt",
+  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_template.txt",
+  "RUN_EXTRACT_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/extraction/run_extract_slurm_template.txt",
+  "RUN_CHUNK_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/chunks/run_chunk_slurm_template.txt",
+  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_slurm_template.txt",
+  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_MERGE_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_merge_template.txt",
+  "RUN_POST_PROCESSING_MERGE_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/post_processing/run_post_processing_merge_slurm_template.txt",
+  "RUN_MERGE_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/chunks/run_merge_as_chunks_template.txt",
+  "RUN_ALL_SLURM_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/common/run_all_slurm_template.txt",
+  "RUN_ALL_SLURM_POST_PROCESSING_TEMPLATE_PATH": "../data/resources/common/run_all_slurm_post_processing_fragment_template.txt",
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index 0000000..bceeab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/met_extractor/template_operational_config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  "DATA_TYPES": [
+    "TEMP",
+  ],
+    "METO_PARTS": [
+      "no_part"
+    ]
+  },
+    "PROCESSORS": [
+      {
+        "PROCESSOR_NAME": "RIE",
+        "OUT_FILE_NAME": "RIE",
+        "CLASSPATH": "ews.environmental_suitability.ewses_vectorised_timepoint_processor",
+        "CLASSNAME": "EnvSuitColTimePointProcessor",
+        "DEPENDS": [],
+        "TIMEPOINTS_FILE_PATH": "#",
+        "FUTURE_FIELDS": [
+          {
+            "PROCESSOR_NAME": "TEMP",
+            "DURATION": 7,
+            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
+          },
+          {
+            "DURATION": 7,
+            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
+          },
+          {
+            "DURATION": 7,
+            "ENABLED": "TRUE"
+          }
+        ],
+        "PARAMS": {
+          "suitability_modules": ["#"],
+          "thresholds": {
+            "temperature": [2,30],
+            "precipitation": 0,
+            "relative_humidity": 90
+          } 
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "OUTPUT_DIR": "#",
+  "NCDF_DIR_PATH": "#",
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index 0000000..42dd0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/chart/CHART_CONFIG_ASIA_PINE.json
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1285,
+  "COUNTRY_EXTENTS": [55,110,7.07,37],
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+  "SCALEBAR_LAT": "2",
+  "SCALEBAR_TEXT": "200km",
+  "LEGEND_ALPHA": 0.4,
+  "COUNTRY_LANDPOINTS_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/gis_data/asia/asia_points.csv",
+  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/assets/plotting/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
+  "COUNTRY_STRING": "southasia",
+  "PLACES_TO_EXCLUDE": ["Peshawar", "Delhi", "Amritsar"],
+  "PLACES_TO_RIGHT_ALIGN": ["Bangalore", "Karachi","Kozhikode", "Jamshedpur"]
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index 0000000..626d8a4
--- /dev/null
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1275,
+  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_2_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_admin_shape/bgd_level2/Bangladesh_admin2.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_1_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_admin_shape/bgd_level1/bgd_admbnda_adm1_bbs_20180410.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_shape/Bangladesh_admin0.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_EXTENTS": [84.15,96.04,20.42,27.00],
+  "MAP_TILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bangladesh/bangladesh_map_tile.tif",
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+  "LEGEND_ALPHA": 0.4,
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+  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
+  "COUNTRY_STRING": "bangladesh",
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+  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_2_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_admin_shape/bhutan_level2/btn_admbnda_adm2_bnlc_20201026.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_1_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_admin_shape/bhutan_level1/btn_admbnda_adm1_bnlc_20201026.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_admin_shape/bhutan_level0/btn_admbnda_adm0_bnlc_20201026.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_EXTENTS": [88.50,93.00,26.30,28.40],
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+  "SCALEBAR_LAT": "1",
+  "SCALEBAR_TEXT": "100km",
+  "LEGEND_ALPHA": 0.4,
+  "COUNTRY_LANDPOINTS_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/bhutan/bhutan_points.csv",
+  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
+  "COUNTRY_STRING": "bhutan",
+  "PLACES_TO_EXCLUDE": ["Lalitpur"],
+  "PLACES_X_LIMIT": 0.98
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index 0000000..0cf7e50
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1075,
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+  "COUNTRY_ADMIN_1_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/nepal/nepal_admin_shape/nepal_level1/npl_admbnda_adm1_nd_20190430.shp",
+  "COUNTRY_SHAPE_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/gis_data/nepal/nepal_shape/Nepal_admin0.shp",
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+  "LEGEND_ALPHA": 0.4,
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+  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
+  "COUNTRY_STRING": "nepal",
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+  "PLACES_X_LIMIT": 0.98
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index 0000000..b628659
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+  "LEGEND_ALPHA": 0.4,
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+  "COUNTRY_LOGO_FILE": "${ProjectRoot}/regions/SouthAsia/resources/plotting/assets/images/logos_SouthAsia_plotting.png",
+  "COUNTRY_STRING": "pakistan",
+  "PLACES_TO_EXCLUDE": ["Lalitpur"],
+  "PLACES_X_LIMIT": 0.98
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index 0000000..b21391d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO.json
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1075,
+  "CBAR_VALUES": [0, 1, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000],
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+  "CBAR_COLORS": ["darkgrey", "#e6e680","#e6bf19","#e68000","#993380","#4c26bf"],
+  "LEGEND_TITLE": "Fraction of\ndeposited spores",
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+  "PLOT_TIFS": "true",
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+  "PLOT_DAILY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "PLOT_HOURLY_IMAGES": "false",
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..291692b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/deposition/RUN_CONFIG_DEPO_NORMALIZED.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1075,
+  "CBAR_VALUES": [0, 0.95, 0.99, 1, 1.1],
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+  "CBAR_COLORS": ["darkgrey", "#993380","#e68000","#e6bf19"],
+  "LEGEND_TITLE": "Fraction of\ndeposited spores",
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+  "PLOT_TIFS": "true",
+  "PLOT_IMAGES": "true",
+  "PLOT_DAILY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "PLOT_HOURLY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "OVERWRITE_MODE": "false"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa164e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/env_suit/RUN_CONFIG_ENV.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+  "CBAR_LABELS": ["0", "1", "20", "40", "60", "80", "99","100"],
+  "CBAR_COLORS": ["#818181", "#FFFFCC", "#7FCDBB", "#2C7FB8", "#253494", "#4B0082", "#000000"],
+  "LEGEND_TITLE": "relative infection\nefficiency %",
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+  "PLOT_TIFSS": "true",
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+  "PLOT_DAILY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "PLOT_HOURLY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY": "true",
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbaaebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1075,
+  "CBAR_VALUES": [0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.6,0.9,1.0,1e+20],
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+  "CBAR_COLORS": ["darkgrey", "#e6e680","#e6bf19","#e68000","#993380","#4c26bf","#000000"],
+  "LEGEND_TITLE": "Infectious\nspore index",
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+  "PLOT_HOURLY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY": "true",
+  "OVERWRITE_MODE": "true"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d93646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI_seasonaccum.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1075,
+  "CBAR_VALUES": [0,0.001,0.005,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5,1e+20],
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+  "CBAR_COLORS": ["darkgrey", "#e6e680","#e6bf19","#e68000","#993380","#4c26bf","#000000"],
+  "LEGEND_TITLE": "Increase in\ninfected fraction",
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+  "PLOT_HOURLY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY": "true",
+  "OVERWRITE_MODE": "true"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d93646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/epi/RUN_CONFIG_EPI_weekahead.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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+  "IMAGE_HEIGHT": 1075,
+  "CBAR_VALUES": [0,0.001,0.005,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5,1e+20],
+  "CBAR_LABELS": ["0","0.001","0.005","0.01","0.05","0.1","0.5",""],
+  "CBAR_COLORS": ["darkgrey", "#e6e680","#e6bf19","#e68000","#993380","#4c26bf","#000000"],
+  "LEGEND_TITLE": "Increase in\ninfected fraction",
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+  "PLOT_HOURLY_IMAGES": "false",
+  "FILTER_FOR_COUNTRY": "true",
+  "OVERWRITE_MODE": "true"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..646807c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/plotting/name_extraction/NAME_EXTRACTION_CONFIG.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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+  "OVERWRITE_MODE": "false"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07ac2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/source_gen/config_SouthAsia_mapspam2005.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    "config_name" : "SouthAsia",
+    "wheat_source_name" : "MAPSPAM2005",
+    "wheat_file" : "NA",
+    "wheat_rasters_bydate" : {
+        "20050101" : "${AssetsPath}/source_gen/SPAM2005V3r2_global_A_TA_WHEA_A_clipSouthAsia.tif"
+    },
+    "cluster_poly_file" : "${AssetsPath}/source_gen/boundaries/SouthAsia_clusters_nogaps.shp",
+    "id_col" : "cluster_id",
+    "region_file" : "${AssetsPath}/source_gen/boundaries/SouthAsia_regions_nogaps.shp",
+    "region_id_col" : "REGION_ID",
+    "wheat_stages_file" : "${AssetsPath}/source_gen/approx_growth_timing_cleaned.csv"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79da17e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline_resources/SouthAsia/configs/source_gen/config_SouthAsia_trialplots.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+    "wheat_source_name" : "trialplots_fix5m2",                                                                                                                                                            
+    "wheat_file" : "NA",                                                                                                                                                                                  
+    "wheat_rasters_bydate" : {},                                                                                                                                                                          
+    "field_area_na_replacement" : 0.0005,                                                                                                                                                                 
+    "survey_area_overwrite" : true,                                                                                                                                                                       
+    "cluster_poly_file" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/source_gen/assets/UMG_Mk11_grid_SouthAsia_withregions.shp",                                                                  
+    "id_col" : "cluster_id",                                                                                                                                                                              
+    "region_file" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/source_gen/assets/UMG_Mk11_grid_SouthAsia_withregions.shp",                                                                        
+    "region_id_col" : "REGION_ID",                                                                                                                                                                        
+    "wheat_stages_file" : "/storage/app/EWS_prod/regions/SouthAsia/resources/source_gen/assets/approx_growth_timing_cleaned.csv"                                                                          