From 062c82d603ee28b492a00769c08a3ac62b8e5e2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jws52 <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:56:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: Process surveys coming from file

This is useful for the new ODK form until the wheat rust toolbox is setup.
 coordinator/      |   4 +-
 coordinator/ | 433 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 436 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 coordinator/

diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
index 7c06856..4d5bb4b 100644
--- a/coordinator/
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from pandas import read_csv, concat
 from source_gen.clustering import run_case
 from ProcessorSurveysODK import get_ODK_form_as_csv
+from ProcessorSurveysODKv2 import get_ODKv2_form_as_csv
 from ProcessorSurveyskobotoolbox import get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv
 from ProcessorSurveysWRSIS import get_WRSIS_form_as_csv
 from ProcessorSurveysWRT import get_WRT_form_as_csv
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ GET_FORM_AS_CSV_DICT = {
     'ODK' : get_ODK_form_as_csv,
     'kobotoolbox' : get_kobotoolbox_form_as_csv,
     'WRSIS' : get_WRSIS_form_as_csv,
-    'WRT' : get_WRT_form_as_csv
+    'WRT' : get_WRT_form_as_csv,
+    'ODKv2' : get_ODKv2_form_as_csv
 def process_pre_job_survey(input_args):
diff --git a/coordinator/ b/coordinator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f4429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coordinator/
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+"""Functions for parsing wheat rust survey records from the new ODK form. This
+is present on the kobotoolbox server housed in Kenya, but the intended workflow
+is that surveys are compiled on Wheat Rust Toolbox and models access surveys
+there. Until that is in place, the EWS will use this access method, which loads
+a file of surveys provided manually by Yoseph."""
+import csv
+import datetime
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from pandas import read_csv
+from shutil import copyfile
+from ProcessorSurveyUtils import parse_columns
+from ProcessorUtils import (
+        endJob,
+        add_filters_to_sublogger,
+logger = logging.getLogger('Processor.Surveys.ODKv2')
+def get_from_file(
+        file_path: str,
+        **kwargs
+        ):
+    '''Load the first sheet of the excel file into a pandas dataframe.'''
+    df = read_csv(
+            file_path)
+'successfully opened the survey file')
+    return df
+def get_ODKv2_form_as_csv(form_credentials: dict, jobPath: str, config: dict, status):
+    '''Given a dict with a single kobotoolbox form to download from a kobotoolbox
+    server, obtains it and converts to csv.'''
+    output_dir = 'Export_ODK_v2'
+    output_path = f"{jobPath}/{output_dir}/"
+    Path(output_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    # get data from file
+    # dicts to convert ODKv2 disease prevalence categories to ODK format
+    cases_incidence = {
+            'None' : 'none', # Not validated as not yet present in available dataset
+            'Low (1-20%)' : 'low',
+            'Medium(21-40%)' : 'medium',
+            'High (>40%)' : 'high'
+            }
+    cases_severity = {
+            '0%' : 0, # Not validated as not yet present in available dataset
+            'Trace (1%)' : 1,
+            '5%' : 5,
+            '10%' : 10,
+            '15%' : 15,
+            '20%' : 20,
+            '25%' : 25,
+            '30%' : 30,
+            '35%' : 35,
+            '40%' : 40,
+            '45%' : 45,
+            '50%' : 50,
+            '55%' : 55,
+            '60%' : 60,
+            '65%' : 65,
+            '70%' : 70,
+            '75%' : 75,
+            '80%' : 80,
+            '85%' : 85,
+            '90%' : 90,
+            '95%' : 95,
+            '100%' : 100,
+            }
+    # keys are column names in the input dataframe
+    # values that are None mean they should be dropped
+    # values that are string simply rename the column
+    # values that are functions should be run with that key and returns series/dataframe
+    column_parser_dict = {
+            'start' : ('parse_date',(('name_out','start'),('fmt_in','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))),
+            'end' : ('parse_date',(('name_out','end'),('fmt_in','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))),
+            'today' : ('parse_date',(('name_out','today'),('fmt_in','%Y-%m-%d'))),
+            'deviceid' : 'deviceid',
+            'imei' : 'imei',
+            'phonenumber' : 'phonenumber',
+            'username' : 'username',
+            'Survey Region' : 'None',
+            'Country Name' : 'surveyor_infromation-country',
+            "Surveyor's Name" : 'surveyor_infromation-surveyor_name',
+            'Institution Name' : 'surveyor_infromation-institution',
+            'Region' : 'None',
+            'Zone' : 'None',
+            'Woreda' : 'None',
+            'Kebele' : 'None',
+            'Location Name' : 'survey_infromation-location_name',
+            'Gps Location (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation)' : 'None',
+            '_Gps Location (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation)_latitude' : 'survey_infromation-location-Latitude',
+            '_Gps Location (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation)_longitude' : 'survey_infromation-location-Longitude',
+            '_Gps Location (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation)_altitude' : 'survey_infromation-location-Altitude',
+            '_Gps Location (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation)_precision' : 'survey_infromation-location-Accuracy',
+            'Date of Survey' : ('parse_date',(('name_out','survey_infromation-survey_date'),('fmt_in','%Y-%m-%d'))),
+            'Survey Season' : 'None',
+            'Survey Site' : 'site_information-survey_site',
+            'Other Suevey site (Specify)' : 'None',
+            'Crop' : 'site_information-crop',
+            'Other Crop (Specify)' : 'other_crop',
+            'Field Area (In Ha)' : 'site_information-field_area',
+            'Variety' : 'site_information-variety',
+            'Growth Stage' : 'site_information-growth_stage',
+            'Major Observed Diseases' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Stem Rust' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Leaf Rust' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Yellow/Stripe Rust' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Fusarium Head Blight' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Septoria tritici Blotch' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Spot Blotch' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Wheat Blast (MOT)' : 'None',
+            'Major Observed Diseases/Leaf Rust.1' : 'None',
+            'Stem Rust Incidence (%)' : ('parse_cases',(('name_out','stem_rust-stemrust_incidence'),('cases', cases_incidence),('dtype', str),('fillna','None'))),
+            'Stem Rust Severity (%)' : ('parse_cases',(('name_out','stem_rust-Stemrust_severity'),('cases', cases_severity),('dtype', int),('fillna','0%'))),
+            'Host Plant Reaction To Stem Rust' : 'stem_rust-stemrust_host_plant_reaction',
+            'Stem Rust Image' : 'None',
+            'Stem Rust Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Leaf Rust Incidence' : ('parse_cases',(('name_out','leaf_rust-leafrust_incidence'),('cases', cases_incidence),('dtype', str),('fillna','None'))),
+            'Leaf Rust Severity (%)' : ('parse_cases',(('name_out','leaf_rust-leafrust_severity'),('cases', cases_severity),('dtype', int),('fillna','0%'))),
+            'Host Plant Reaction' : 'leaf_rust-leafrust_host_plant_reaction',
+            'Leaf Rust Image' : 'None',
+            'Leaf Rust Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Yellow Rust Incidence(%)' : ('parse_cases',(('name_out','yellow_rust-yellowrust_incidence'),('cases', cases_incidence),('dtype', str),('fillna','None'))),
+            'Yellow Rust Severity (%)' : ('parse_cases',(('name_out','yellow_rust-yellowrust_severity'),('cases', cases_severity),('dtype', int),('fillna','0%'))),
+            'Host Plant Reaction.1' : 'yellow_rust-yellowrust_host_plant_reaction',
+            'Yellow Rust Image' : 'None',
+            'Yellow Rust Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Observed Yellow Rust Head Infection?' : 'None',
+            'Yellow Rust Head Infection Incidence(%) (If Any)' : 'None',
+            'Yellow Head Infection Rust Severity (%)' : 'None',
+            'Yellow Rust Head Infection Image' : 'None',
+            'Yellow Rust Head Infection Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Septoria Incidence (%)' : 'septoria-septoria_incidence',
+            'Septoria Severity' : 'septoria-septoria_severity',
+            'Septoria Image' : 'None',
+            'Septoria Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Blast (Mot) Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Blast (Mot) Severity' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Blast (Mot) Image' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Blast (Mot) Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Spot Blotch Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Spot Blotch Severity' : 'None',
+            'Spot Blotch Image' : 'None',
+            'Spot Blotch Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Fusarium Head Blight Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Fusarium Head Blight Severity' : 'None',
+            'Fusarium Head Blight Image' : 'None',
+            'Fusarium Head Blight Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Alternaria Leaf Blight' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Bacterial Stripe' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Bacterial_blight' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV)' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Basal Glume Rot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Common Bunt' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Common Root Rot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Crown Rot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Eye Spot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Glume Blotch' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Loose Smut' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Pythium Root Rot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Sclerotium Wilt' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Sharp Eyespot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV)' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Take-All' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Tan Spot' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV)' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Sunpest' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Fall Armyworm' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Aphid' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Other' : 'None',
+            'Alternaria Leaf Blight Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Alternaria Leaf Blight Severity' : 'None',
+            'Alternaria Leaf Blight Image' : 'None',
+            'Alternaria Leaf Blight Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Bacterial Stripe Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Bacterial Stripe Severity' : 'None',
+            'Bacterial Stripe Image' : 'None',
+            'Bacterial Stripe Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (bydv) Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (bydv) Severity' : 'None',
+            'Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (bydv) Image' : 'None',
+            'Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (bydv) Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Common Bunt Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Common Bunt Severity' : 'None',
+            'Common Bunt Severity Image' : 'None',
+            'Common Bunt Severity Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Basal Glume Rot Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Basal Glume Rot Severity' : 'None',
+            'Basal Glume Rot Image' : 'None',
+            'Basal Glume Rot Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Crown Rot Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Crown Rot Severity' : 'None',
+            'Crown Rot Image' : 'None',
+            'Crown Rot Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Eye Spot Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Eye Spot Severity' : 'None',
+            'Eye Spot Image' : 'None',
+            'Eye Spot Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Glume Blotch Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Glume Blotch Severity' : 'None',
+            'Glume Blotch Image' : 'None',
+            'Glume Blotch Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Loose Smut Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Loose Smut Severity' : 'None',
+            'Loose Smut Image' : 'None',
+            'Loose Smut Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Pythium Root Rot Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Pythium Root Rot Severity' : 'None',
+            'Pythium Root Rot Image' : 'None',
+            'Pythium Root Rot Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Sclerotium Wilt Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Sclerotium Wilt Severity' : 'None',
+            'Sclerotium Wilt Image' : 'None',
+            'Sclerotium Wilt Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Sharp Eyespot Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Sharp Eyespot Severity' : 'None',
+            'Sharp Eyespot Image' : 'None',
+            'Sharp Eyespot Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (Sbwmv) Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (Sbwmv) Severity' : 'None',
+            'Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (Sbwmv) Image' : 'None',
+            'Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (Sbwmv) Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Take-All Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Take-All Severity' : 'None',
+            'Take-All Image' : 'None',
+            'Take-All Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Tan Spot Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Tan Spot Severity' : 'None',
+            'Tan Spot Image' : 'None',
+            'Tan Spot Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (Wsmv) Incidence (%)' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (Wsmv) Severity' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (Wsmv) Image' : 'None',
+            'Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (Wsmv) Image_URL' : 'None',
+            'List Other Diseases and Pests' : 'None',
+            'Rate of Damage by Insects' : 'None',
+            'Fungicide Applied?' : 'None',
+            'Fungicide Names' : 'None',
+            'Number of Fungicide Application' : 'None',
+            'Samples Collected? (Y/N)' : 'samples_collected',
+            'Type of Samples Collected' : 'samples_type',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Stem rust Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Stem rust dead DNA Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Yellow rust Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Yellow rust dead DNA Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Leaf rust Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Fusarium Head Blight Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Septoria Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Wheat Blast (MOT) Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Type of Samples Collected/Spot Blotch Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Number of Stem Rust Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Number of Stem Rust Dead Dna Samples' : 'None',
+            'Number of Yellow Rust Live Samples' : 'None',
+            'Number of Yellow Rust Dead Samples' : 'None',
+            'Number of Leaf Rust Live Samples' : 'None',
+            'Number of Fusarium Head Blight Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Number of Septoria Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Number of Spot Blotch Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Number of Wheat Blast (Mot) Live Sample' : 'None',
+            'Additional Comments/ Observations' : 'comment',
+            'Survey Season.1' : 'None',
+            'Survey Season.2' : 'None',
+            'Specify Other' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional).1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Alternaria Leaf Blight.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Bacterial Stripe.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Bacterial_blight.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV).1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Basal Glume Rot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Common Bunt.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Common Root Rot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Crown Rot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Eye Spot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Glume Blotch.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Loose Smut.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Pythium Root Rot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Sclerotium Wilt.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Sharp Eyespot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Soilborne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV).1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Take-All.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Tan Spot.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV).1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Sunpest.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Fall Armyworm.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Aphid.1' : 'None',
+            'Other Diseases and Pests (Optional)/Other.1' : 'None',
+            'Insects Observed (%)' : 'None',
+            'Insects Observed (%)/Fall Armyworm' : 'None',
+            'Insects Observed (%)/Aphid' : 'None',
+            'Insects Observed (%)/Other' : 'None',
+            '_id' : 'None',
+            '_uuid' : 'KEY',
+            '_submission_time' : ('parse_date',(('name_out','SubmissionDate'),('fmt_in','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))),
+            '_validation_status' : 'None',
+            '_notes' : 'None',
+            '_status' : 'None',
+            '_submitted_by' : 'None',
+            '__version__' : 'None',
+            '_tags' : 'None',
+            '_index' : 'None',
+            # multiline key
+            "Image capture Instruction:\n"
+            "While scoring diseases you will be asked to capture an image of "
+            "the disease. Please follow the following instruction when you "
+            "are taking pictures.\nTake ONE leaf per image.\nThere must only "
+            "be one focal leaf in each image. Its ok to have leaves in the "
+            "background,\nsometimes it may be impossible to avoid having "
+            "other leaves in the image. However, the main leaf should be in "
+            "the foreground with no other leaves in front of it\n\nCenter the "
+            "focal leaf in the image\n\nThe focal leaf must be in focus (and "
+            "background is not more focused than leaf)\n\nThe focal leaf must "
+            "be fully in the image. You should be able to see all edges of "
+            "the leaf.\n\nHands, feet and other body parts/objects in images "
+            "are OK.\nThe focal leaf must have a mono-infection. Do not take "
+            "images of leaves that are co-infected unless instructed to do "
+            "so." : 'None'
+            # value for multiline key is just above
+    }
+    logger.debug('Performing download')
+    # perform a pull from the server, and if it fails write a warning message
+    download_success = True
+    skip_download: bool = config['Survey'].get('SkipServerDownload', False)
+    if not skip_download:
+        try:
+            file_path = form_credentials['file_path']
+            assert os.path.isfile(file_path)
+            request = get_from_file(file_path)
+        except (AssertionError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
+            logger.warning(f"Failed to access '{file_path}'")
+            status.reset('WARNING')
+            download_success = False
+    # define filenames
+    csv_filename = f"SurveyData_{form_credentials['form_id']}.csv"
+    csv_processed_filename = f"SurveyDataProcessed.csv"
+    csv_processed_path = f"{output_path}/{csv_processed_filename}"
+    if download_success and not skip_download:
+        # parse dataframe
+        dataframe_raw = request
+        logger.debug('Saving raw csv file')
+        df_raw_filename = f"{output_path}/{csv_filename}.csv"
+        dataframe_raw.to_csv(df_raw_filename,index=False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+        # process to match ODK format
+        dataframe_processed = parse_columns(dataframe_raw,column_parser_dict)
+        logger.debug('Saving processed csv file')
+        dataframe_processed.to_csv(csv_processed_path,index=False,quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
+    if not download_success or skip_download:
+"Because server download failed somewhere (or we are skipping downloads), trying to recover by copying recent download")
+        copy_success = False
+        days_back = 1
+        acceptable_days_back = int(config['Survey']['AcceptableDowntimeDays'])
+        logger.debug(f"Acceptable server downtime is set to {acceptable_days_back} days")
+        while ((not copy_success) and (days_back <= acceptable_days_back)):
+            current_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(config['StartString'],'%Y%m%d')
+            past_date = current_date - datetime.timedelta(days=days_back)
+            #past_jobPath = f"{config['WorkspacePathout']}{short_name[component]}_{past_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}"
+            past_jobPath = f"{config['WorkspacePath']}/SURVEYDATA_{past_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}"
+            past_output_path = f"{past_jobPath}/{output_dir}/"
+            try:
+                # check that python or perl coordinator script succeeded for that date
+                success_py = os.path.isfile(f"{past_jobPath}/STATUS_SUCCESS")
+                success_perl = os.path.isfile(f"{past_jobPath}/SURVEYDATA_SUCCESS.txt")
+                assert success_py or success_perl
+                past_csv_filename = csv_processed_filename
+      "Looking for {past_output_path+past_csv_filename}")
+                copyfile(past_output_path+past_csv_filename,csv_processed_path)
+                assert os.path.isfile(csv_processed_path)
+                copy_success = True
+            except:
+      "Not found a past copy of ODKv2 in {past_output_path}")
+            days_back += 1
+        if not copy_success:
+            logger.error(f"Failed get a suitable copy of survey data.")
+            status.reset('ERROR')
+            endJob(status,premature=True)
+        logger.warning(f"Using download from {past_jobPath}.")
+    return csv_processed_path