Explore projects
clean, blank latex template with inputenc, geometry, bable, hyperref, microtype, etc. (probably use always) pdf
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Verifying Strong Eventual Consistency in Distributed Systems (OOPSLA 2017)
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A Conflict-Free Replicated JSON Datatype (IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems)
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Training materials for the Research Computing Cloud Infrastructure as a Service course, for the Packer image generation section.
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Docker images for Object Oriented Programming course assessment in pottery
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The Galicaster Project is an open initiative to provide flexible, state-of-the-art solutions for recording educational multimedia contents like lectures and conferences
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GUI tool for exploring zfs-rsnap backups on workstations
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Makefile for building a deb from e.g. one of these git repos
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Syncs Chem-members lookup group with active members in Chemistry database
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Debian package of pgcmp db comparison scripts
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The Cambridge text editor
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Linter for ansible
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Clone all repos under a gitlab group (e.g. for local backup purposes)
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deb package of pip python-gitlab library (NB which is a totally different project to the Ubuntu python-gitlab package)