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Silas S. Brown / lexconvert
Apache License 2.0Convert phoneme codes and lexicon formats for English speech synths, see http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/gradint/lexconvert.html
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A simple deb package providing Net::Pcap::Easy.pm from
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Syncs Chem-members lookup group with active members in Chemistry database
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Makefile for building a deb from e.g. one of these git repos
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S. Parisotto / Manuscripts-restoration
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis is the companion software for the paper "Unveiling the invisible - mathematical methods for restoring and interpreting illuminated manuscripts".
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Silas S. Brown / midi-beeper
Apache License 2.0MIDI Beeper from http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/mwrhome/midi-beeper.html
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Silas S. Brown / mwr2ly
Apache License 2.0Manuscript Writer to Lilypond converter + MIDI add-depth
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Python module to parse network device configuration scripts, using contextual blocks, and calculate differences, then generate a configuration script to change one into another.
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Python module to build network device configurations from templates and inventory.
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Library for reading and processing network configuration inventory.
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Silas S. Brown / old-web-access-gateway
Apache License 2.0Old Web Access Gateway from http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/access
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Docker images for Object Oriented Programming course assessment in pottery
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Project to build a k3os Openstack image using Hashicorp packer
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Openstack image for Prometheus
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Training materials for the Research Computing Cloud Infrastructure as a Service course, for the Packer image generation section.