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Information Asset Register combined front- and backend django application
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GCP Cloud Run based Terraform module to deploy the ucam-observe remote server to a GCP project.
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The backend component of ucam-observe-remote
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The frontend component of ucam-observe-remote
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Tooling and documentation to provide a paved path for front-end/remote analytics. Currently utilising Google Analytics.
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Electronic registration of starters in Chemistry
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Tools for using the Charmed redcap database in the department of neuroscience at the University of Cambridge
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Information Services / DevOps / Tools / Logan
MIT LicenseTool that wraps "docker run" so that secrets, etc are auto-mounted
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Application for GKE to allow load balancer to see pod readiness over multiple containers.
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Simple config-free retrieval of resources by URL.
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Information Services / DevOps / Infrastructure / Terraform Modules / GCP Scheduled Script
MIT LicenseRun a Python script regularly using a cronjob-style schedule
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Mirror a container image to GCP.
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A Google Cloud Run terraform module. Used to deploy containers to GCP Cloud Run.
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Public Docker images
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Information Services / DevOps / Google WorkSpace (aka G-Suite) / Directory Synchronisation Tool
MIT LicenseTool used to synchronise Lookup with Google GSuite
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DevOps Division Guidebook
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Python Flask app/module for delegated admitto account renewal