Explore projects
Config which is extended by the default renovatebot onboarding config
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DevOps Division Guidebook
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Information Services / DevOps / Identity and Access Management / University Card management / Card Client
MIT LicenseA client for the Card API, providing utility scripts to allow data to be exported
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Information Services / DevOps / Infrastructure / Terraform Modules / GCP Notification to GitLab Issue
MIT LicenseA Terraform module allowing the creation of GitLab issues from GCP notifications.
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Templates for GitLab CI.
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A Google Cloud Run terraform module. Used to deploy containers to GCP Cloud Run.
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Provides support for users of the Developer Hub. An umbrella project for documentation, support requests and feature discussion.
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This project is automatically generated to manage security policies for the project.
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A second generation Cloud Run Function which should be used in preference to the original first generation Cloud Function.
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Schema changes to the Chemistry admin database
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Opinionated Python library for the user notify service
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Public Docker images
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GCP Cloud Run based Terraform module to run containers/code using the ucam-faas library and docker base image