%% Resetting the console clear close all clc %% Setup % Adding script path addpath("scripts/"); % Computing width of morphological mask delta_L = [.44, .44, .47]; spatial_res = 0.0703; % mm/px w = [.5, 1.5, 1.5].*delta_L./spatial_res; %% Reading and plotting data figure(); t = tiledlayout(3,3); t.Padding = 'tight'; for case_id = 1:3 for img_id = 1:3 % Image path path = "images/Chaib2023/Case"+case_id+"/img"+img_id+".im7"; % Reading .im7 image v = loadvec(char(path)); I_raw = rot90(v.w); I_raw = I_raw-min(I_raw(:)); I_cropped = I_raw(250:699,150:599); I_cropped = uint8(rescale(I_cropped).*255); % Detecting flame front F = fdetect(I_cropped, w(case_id)); % Plotting nexttile(); BG = I_cropped; imshow(BG,'InitialMagnification','fit'); hold on; [Y,X] = find(F); plot(X,Y,'.r','MarkerSize',10); set(gca,'YDir','reverse','TickLabelInterpreter','latex','FontSize',30); axis on; caxis([min(BG(:)) max(BG(:))]); xlabel('x [px]',"Interpreter","latex","FontSize",30); ylabel('y [px]',"Interpreter","latex","FontSize",30); box on; ax = gca; axis on; ax.LineWidth = 4; end end set(gcf,'OuterPosition',[500 500 1000 1000]);