Shared WPKGs in use by both Chemistry and Maths Environment variables ===================== We expect that you will have set the following environment variables: 1. WPKGJS Full UNC path to 32-bit wpkg.js 1. WPKGJS64 Full UNC path to 64-bit wpkg64.js 1. WPKGINSTITUTION Agreed-upon code your institution (see below) 1. WPKGSOFTWARE Full UNC path to the central software repository. 1. WPKGLOGDIR Directory in which software installer logs are to be kept The included wpkg wrapper script will look in HKLM\SOFWARE\WPKG\vars and set environment variables for all keys of type REG_SZ, so you could e.g. reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\WPKG\vars /v WPKGINSTITUTION /t REG_SZ /d chemistry Note: in general, the expectation is that environment variables with names starting "WPKG" are somehow used in this repository, e.g. in package definitions, helper scripts, etc. Institute codes ============== 1. chemistry Department of Chemistry 2. maths Faculty of Mathematics Repository layout ================ \packages - directory with multiple xml files, each of corresponds to an individual WPKG package definition \scripts - example scripts, e.g. wrappers around wpkg.js which map drives and set environment variables