<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <packages:packages xmlns:packages="http://www.wpkg.org/packages"> <package id="fileopen" name="FileOpen plugin" revision="%version%.1" reboot="false" priority="10"> <!-- downlaod from http://plugin.fileopen.com/all.aspx --> <!-- test pdf http://plugin.fileopen.com/installcomplete/installcomplete.pdf --> <!-- This plug-in is required to open PDF files encrypted by FileOpen rights management software --> <variable name="version" value="" /> <variable name="version_end" value="993" /> <!-- the last three number of %version%, used as part of the 'check', it seems you can't add .* as part of the 'path' value --> <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="FileOpen Client (x64) B%version_end%" value="%version%" /> <install cmd='msiexec /l* %WPKGLOGDIR%\fileopen_%version%_install.log /qn /i "%WPKGSOFTWARE%\fileopen\FileOpenInstaller64.msi"' /> <upgrade include="remove" /> <upgrade include="install" /> <remove cmd='msiExec.exe /qn /X{9FA1F7CD-6A96-4FB5-99ED-618E3296DDDE}' /> </package> </packages:packages>