diff --git a/packages/remote_proc_expl.xml b/packages/remote_proc_expl.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62635c8846903f4b0eef4fbf897ba7fcf3452b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/remote_proc_expl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<packages:packages xmlns:packages="http://www.wpkg.org/packages">
+  <package id="remote_proc_expl" name="Remote Process Explorer" revision="%version%.1" priority="50" reboot="false">
+  <variable name="version" value="" />
+  <check type="uninstall" path="Remote Process Explorer version %version%" condition="exists" />
+  <install cmd='%WPKGSOFTWARE%\remote_process_explorer\rpexplorer_setup_%version%.exe /sp- /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /norestart' />
+  <upgrade include='remove' />
+  <upgrade include='install' />
+  <!-- There's an annoying 'why are you removing Remote Process Monitor' window when you uninstall, class #32770, seem unable to control it via a script.  It doesn't stop the uninstall working though, not an issue of WPKG runs at shutdown -->
+  <remove cmd='"%programfiles(x86)%\LizardSystems\Remote Process Explorer\unins000.exe"  /VERYSILENT /suppressmsgboxes /norestart'>
+    <exit code="-1"/>
+  </remove>
+  </package>